CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 6 2009, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And some people never accept it or they just keep bouncing back between acceptance and bargaining.

My mom keeps offering me jobs to move back to Canada, they are literally trying to create a really good paying job for me. That's great for me but what about my husband he is doing so well here.

Oh this isn't a vent but my husband is about to be promoted to associate partner at his design firm. biggrin.gif

So proud of him!

That's awesome Sprailenes! Good for him biggrin.gif good.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-05-06 09:40:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
QUOTE (beans @ May 3 2009, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 3 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (beans @ May 3 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And now we have 2 out of 4 servers crying due to said mob...that makes me mad. I wish the restaurant was my department, I'd handle it wink.gif

Haha oh how I remember those days. Sometimes we'd get an entire bus tour at the hotel I worked at in Canada with NO warning at all! And they always ONLY spoke German. It was the worst!!!

They never tipped either because in Europe tipping isn't common. So whenever they'd come in I'd add the tip to the bills automatically for the servers. That was always an added bonus.

No offense to the German's out there but...THEY ARE THE WORST! Every year our hotel hosts the German's in for Folkorama and wow. They're rude, pushy, and don't understand the concept of licenced areas.

Wow, now I had the opposite situation when I worked at Tim's in Miramichi - HUGE german tourist pop int he summer, and they were so nice to us, though it was hard to communicate sometimes.

Now some of the Western Acadians (not all of course)....they could be very mean sometimes. Miramichi is close to a lot of french communities, but not everyone speaks french and we're not a 'bilingual' city really. I could talk a bit of french, but a lot of my friends couldn't and even though the customers COULD talk english, they would just get huffy and keep trying to order in french sad.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-05-03 13:41:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
QUOTE (JillA @ May 1 2009, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is it safe here yet.... tiptoeing around.... OK so last night, I just broke down in tears. This wave of homesickness hit me, like a ton of bricks. Out of NOWHERE. All of sudden I just wanted to hug my Mom, I miss her so much, more than anyone or anything. We are so close and it's so hard, it's been almost 6 months since we've been apart. I just want to go over for a cuppa tea or Sunday dinner, just sit down and talk like we used to. Sometimes I look around like what the hell am I doing here? I gave up my home, great job, closeness to fam, good friends, and I'm now here! Not that I'm complaining because I truly can say I am happy here and I made the sacrifice for love.... but what a sacrifice that is. The good news is, I'm going back home the first weekend in June so I can't wait to see my Mom then. So last night when I burst into tears, Glen was so supportive and kind. He made me tea, listened to my rambling, rubbed my back and just made it better. I am lucky he's so wonderful in so many ways and understands.

I haven't been here as long as you have yet Jill, but I know what you mean. I had a week of homesickness a little after the wedding. I missed everyone, missed the ocean, missed knowing i could do simple things. I missed my Dad a lot the other night. His bad jokes and nerdiness smile.gif It must be super exciting that you are going home in a month though smile.gif

My mini vent to add to this - I feel so useless here sometimes...I can't work yet, EI was denied - I have nothing to contribute to the house and I feel like ####### about it. Bo is so good and thanks me for even the littlest things, but it's hard. I have been working since I was 14 and supporting myself since I was 18 (my poor family has had the worst money luck ever) And now I can't do squat. On top of it, I have a student loan and two credit card debts that I brought with me. I have enough money saved to pay them fr the next couple months, but before I got here Bo had amazing credit and basically no debt. Again, feel like as #### for bringing it with me sad.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-05-01 09:57:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
So I posted in the EI thread, but I'll post here too because I'm pissed more than anything...

I followed the advise of fellow K-1ers and applied for my EI the day after I got down here. I have been recieving and sending back the paper report cards since the beginning of February.
USPS lost my original ROE from my job, so there was a delay in getting a second one printed off, but I called and had talked to Donna at the beginning of March, and she said the case would remain open until they recieved it, so not to worry...

So I call last Friday because I still haven't seen any money or heard anything from them. A lady calls me back this morning and I ask what is going on, when will I be able to start recieving the money etc...

SHe tells me "umm, you won't - we need proof you can work, and you can't so you won't get any money."


I tell her that I know many other Canadians that have been on K-1s and have been able to receive their benefits with their valid I-94 - she says "they're wrong".

Then I get a letter today from Service Canada saying that because I am a Non-Immigrant, and do not have permission to work yet, they will suspend my case until I can provide them with proof of authorization to work (EAD). This is a final decision, and if I think they're wrong I have to appeal it.

What is this? Why do some people get it, and I didnt? and more importantly, why the HELL did it take them 3 MONTHS to tell me this?! They have been leading me on for 3 months, and if I had known the first week I wasn't going to be able to get the money, I would be much less pissed.

I don't get it, I hope they take a long walk off a short pier.... mad.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-04-27 23:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 interview
Hey guys;

Just to quick update to let you all know that my co-worker has received his letter with his date for his swearing-in ceremony. Lot of prayers and good wishes from all concerned were very much appreciated. He wanted me to let you guys know that all is well. Thank you all for all youe good advice. yes.gif yes.gif good.gif good.gif
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-02-07 22:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 interview
QUOTE (JackRussell @ Feb 4 2008, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The same exact thing happened to me. I went for an interview in 2003. A very young female officer gave me an interview. She told me I passed the written and oral exam but she can't give me an approval yet. The department of homeland security will have to check on my background again. I must wait 2-3 months to hear something from them. I was so disappointed but there is nothing I can do about it beside went home and wait. The letter of approval finally came 2 months later. I was glad that the whole process was done and over with. I'm not complaining but just don't understand why they had to check my background (or any applicants' background) again since the already had the FBI checked on my fingerprints......

Claire...good luck to your friend. I think thing will be fine for him too at the end. He just have to be patient....and pray a lot....that's all

Thanks JackRussell, I will pass along your good wishes. God Bless. good.gif good.gif
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-02-05 14:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 interview
Hey guys;

Just got in from work and wanted to report an update on this issue. I saw my co-worker today and he showed the document he received and the section that was checked off says, "USCIS will sent you a written decision about your application"

He told me he contacted a lawyer and was told that because he was arrested for domestic violence, it is grounds for deportation even though he was never convicted and the charges were dismissed.

I think he is up the river without a paddle. He claims he is gonna take a chance and go home in April anyway.

I wouldn't if I were him.
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-01-25 21:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 interview
QUOTE (Lexa @ Jan 23 2008, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (clairern @ Jan 23 2008, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys;

helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif A co-worker of mine went for his citizenship interview in Charlotte this am and although the interviewer told him he passed the interview, he was given a letter to wait 6 months to a year for them to make a final decision about his citizenship. He had his biometrics done in April of 2007 and they went ahead and scheduled the interview. If there was something wrong, wouldn't it have been know from the biometrics?

When he asked for the reason, she told him she she could not discuss that with him. It is his case, why not? mad.gif mad.gif

They also told him he would be able to travel to the Phillilines on his current LPR status. Is this advisable? huh.gif huh.gif

Does anyone know what this could possible mean?

Did he get a paper like this?


If yes, then no worries....they give this paper away to everyone who don't have oath ceremony right after their interview....
I just had my interview on Jan 10th., passed it and got ther same paper. I will have my oath ceremony ina bout 2-3 months. Some Distric Offices have ceremonies same day, some 2 or 3 times a year.

About traveling on LPR....he is not official US Citizen before he gets paper after oath ceremony. So he can travel using his green card which he got with LPR status.

Hey Lexa;

I did not see the actual paper he received, because he was still in Charlotte when he called me at work. I work days and he works nights. I am gonna try to hook up with him one day when we switch shifts and get a clearer understanding of what he was given. I will also show he your scanned copy and find out what the real deal is. I think he might have a problem, because one of my co-workers who he spoke with before me (they are both Filipinos) kinda let me in on an issue that he had a domestic violence charge against him and he even was locked up, but the charges were dismissed. I do not know if this will or is affecting the outcome of his naturalization.

I will keep you guys up to date on the progress of this case good.gif good.gif
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-01-24 13:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 interview
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Jan 23 2008, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Claire dat strange ..don't they have to let u know what's going ...and mi wouldn't travel if mi was him...

Ah same ting me say to. Wait and see wha hapen before you mek travel plans. Me did tink say dem would a tell you why yuh haf to wait. we will see and I will update you on his case.

Me always a brag bout VJ and how oonu knowlegable, so him always a aske me questions like me a immigration expert. laughing.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif

(translation) I am always bragging about VJ and all the knolegeable people on hers, that hs is always asking me immigration questions, as if I am an expert. good.gif good.gif
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-01-24 13:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 interview
Hey guys;

helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif A co-worker of mine went for his citizenship interview in Charlotte this am and although the interviewer told him he passed the interview, he was given a letter to wait 6 months to a year for them to make a final decision about his citizenship. He had his biometrics done in April of 2007 and they went ahead and scheduled the interview. If there was something wrong, wouldn't it have been know from the biometrics?

When he asked for the reason, she told him she she could not discuss that with him. It is his case, why not? mad.gif mad.gif

They also told him he would be able to travel to the Phillilines on his current LPR status. Is this advisable? huh.gif huh.gif

Does anyone know what this could possible mean?
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-01-23 15:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUPDATE FILERS FEB TO MARCH
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-02-18 06:26:00
CanadaIt's in!!!!!!!!!!
clairernFemaleJamaica2007-10-26 22:07:00
CanadaLiz's Day in Montreal
clairernFemaleJamaica2007-11-03 10:28:00
CanadaVianca & Dale Approved
Congrats to you both!!!
clairernFemaleJamaica2007-11-07 18:34:00
CanadaApproved and review!
Congrats. good.gif good.gif
clairernFemaleJamaica2007-11-10 10:02:00
CanadaHoly Snow!
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Dec 16 2007, 03:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wanted to share some pics of the snow we are's still snowing!!!

So my cat Sam saw this when I opened the door, looked up at me and turned around. No thanks!! LOL

Here are my two cats Cleo and Sam who are stuck in the house...oh to be a cat in a good home, what a life!

I love winter!!!

WOW!!! Is this inn Jersey?
clairernFemaleJamaica2007-12-16 15:40:00
Congrats and good luck!! and yeah HAPPY BIRTHDAY
clairernFemaleJamaica2007-12-21 02:05:00
CanadaI need answers PLEASE
QUOTE (Missingmyman @ Feb 4 2008, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone. I am hoping to find the answers we need. My fiance was here in Canada for 3yrs and with the advice of a lawyer he was advised it was better for him to go back home (Jamaica). We were planning on getting married and now I am going there in a few months to do just that. He can come back on his own after 1 yr (his visa expired) but the lawyer said its better for us to marry there. Is that true? And when I file how long is the process? I have no idea what to do when I come back here to Canada or what is needed. Can anyone give me some help. Thank You.

Not much help to give, but in order for your question to be answered, there is more info that needs to be provided.

1. Are you Canadian or a USC?

2. What process are you referring to? Is it he K-1/K-3/CR-1/IR-1 process? This whole process emcompasses a USC petitioning for their SO from another country to join them in th US. Is that what you are referring to?

Please expalin more so VJers can understand and be better able to answer your questions. good.gif good.gif

Edited by clairern, 04 February 2008 - 10:17 PM.

clairernFemaleJamaica2008-02-04 22:16:00
CanadaInterview date!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!
Congrats on your interview date!!
clairernFemaleJamaica2008-03-15 11:56:00
CanadaPOE crossing
Good luck Laura!

I'm going down to NC on Saturday (19th) too, but unlike you, I have to come back :S

Safe travels for you, and keep your fingers crossed I get a decent CO in Halifax!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-07-12 20:39:00
CanadaI hang my head in Shame!!
Not all of them. Isn't it just the mall and gas station ones which don't have the fryers? There are still lots of stores that make their own. My cousin owns six of them.

I worked in 4 large stores, in two provinces, and they had all been switched over...As of like, two years ago, it was mandatory as far as I know. They were wasting too much by making them themselves, and with the rise in food cost, they decided this would be the better way to do it. When they made them themselves, they had to make a days worth of donuts in the morning and that was it. If you didnt sell them all, they got thrown out, if you sold them all, you didn't' have a way to make more. This way, as junky as they taste now, you can cook off a dozen donuts in 2 mins if you have to, but you can also bake as few as 4 at a time...helped when we worked night shift when somene really wanted a donut we didnt have, we could make a couple, sell them and not have to worry about throwing out the rest at the end of the night. We always used to cook off fresh cinnamon buns for the police officers that came on their night shifts (I worked the back bake shift 11pm-7am). They appreciated that biggrin.gif

If your cousin found a way to keep the fryers, I wish i was there...but I've been all the way to Ont, and south to Maine, and they've all been the quick-bake donuts. I wish they would bring the fryers back though...:S The old apple fritters were FANTASTIC!

I did, though, try a Krispie Kream donut when I was down in the states awhile ago..they are very good, but i could see how GINORMOUS I would get eating them all the time biggrin.gif good thing it's on the other side of town from our apartment LOL

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-07-13 17:43:00
CanadaI hang my head in Shame!!
what its true.. I heard they ship them in frozen....

they used to be so good...

As a former worker, I can tell you this is true..they're 1/2 baked and flash frozen, shipped to the stores where they bake them in a little oven that bakes them in about 2 mins per 12 donuts...I don't find they are as good as they used to be either. When I first started working there *7 or 8 years ago*, we were a 'bake' store...we made the donuts for all the stores in the area. The homemade ones were SO much better...but...fattier and physically harder to make. One of our bakers had to have back surgery :S

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-07-13 02:34:00
CanadaI hang my head in Shame!!
OMG...I'm sitting here, freaking out to Bo on the phone that I need to find a decent cup of coffee in Raleigh, and you threw out the Tims..*passes out*

When I drove to Maine to get Bo back in March, I stopped at the US Tims...I swear, everything is bigger..their lg is our extra large, and their donuts tasted better!
I wonder if I could make the money back opening one up in NC? lol

I worked there for 4 years...woo don't miss that, but I just couldnt give up the coffee..

Bo thinks I overreact when i talk about Tims and how much I'm gonna miss it, now I can show him just how many people agree with me!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-07-12 20:49:00
CanadaNEW No need of a passport for Canadians to USA until 2009
You still NEED a passport to travel by air, the 2009 passport date is for traveling by land or water (ie The Cat Ferry etc)

If you want to get on a plane to the US, you need to have one smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-07-12 09:46:00
CanadaWhat NOT to say to a USA border Agent!
Oh I'm so glad I found this thread! lol

My first trip down to see Bo, the CO (Montreal) asked me what the purpose of my trip was, I said vacation. He asked me what state I was going to, I said "North Carolina". He looked at me for a good 15 seconds, blinked and said "you're going on VACATION in NC? Have you seen the place before?" I laughed and said I had someone I was staying with...he said "thank god you have someone to entertain you at least". LOL smile.gif

2nd trip through pre-clearance in Halifax, I had THE NICEST CO...asked me about my work, and was so interested in it, we talked for like...5 mins.

3rd trip...(May)...J-A-C-K-A-S-S! Asked me:
Where are you from? NB
Where are you going? NC
How long? a week - I work next weekend
Why? see my fiance
When are you getting married? not sure..we've applied for a K-1 - just recieved our first notice..
ARE YOU COMING BACK?....?!!?!? uh yeah, I have to WORK NEXT WEEKEND *show letter* and I have bills and a huge student loan *shows papers*
*stare, stare, stare* "you know, if you don't come back, you're gonna REALLY screw things up for yourself

So, I'm going back down on the 19th (next Sat), and again going through Hali. I figure, if for SOME reason they won't let me in the country, I'd rather be safe in my own than stuck at some POE far from home. I really hope I get that lad from my 2nd trip smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-07-12 00:25:00
Good luck sweetie smile.gif Hopefully more of us Canucks will be joining you south of the border soon!

Safe and happy POE and move smile.gif Can't wait to hear about it!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-07-17 18:30:00
CanadaCalgary Medical Exam ~ Review ~ Dr. Viljoen
Hmm..I'll have to haul ### to Halifax when my time comes, as there is only one assigned doctor for all of the Maritimes :S I love how the government really cherishes us East Coasters sometimes blink.gif I'm lucky in the fact that I have family and friends down there, but I feel bad for others that do not have that luxury!

Has anyone had/heard of experiences with the Halifax Doctor?

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-08-02 05:45:00
CanadaU.S. employment wages

Well I want to go into Policing when I get to NC, and I have already looked into wages and know they make about 15K less than an RCMP officer :S That makes me a bit sad (and they wonder why they have a high turnover rate in Raleigh tongue.gif) This thread makes me worried, but my SO has a decent job and we knew if he came here, he would not have been able to get a job that makes what he has now (poor ol' east coast and it's job situation).

I think I have him convinced to come back to Canada at some point though...It's been my dream to be a Mountie since I was little blush.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-08-12 21:32:00
CanadaVisiting USA
I actually flew into the states today from Halifax and had no problems with Customs. We recieved out K-1 NOA2 last Monday.
The CO asked:
Purpose of my trip
How many days
Proof of return to Canada (showed my booked e-ticket itinerary and letter from my employer)
What I did for employment

Each CO is different and any one of them can deny a person if they feel it necessary, but the best thing to do it just as Aravis said above - be completely truthful and bring ties from Canada smile.gif

I hope the person has a safe trip!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-09-08 18:48:00
CanadaCanadian Tattoos?
Getting my somehow-symbolic-of-Canada tattoo is on my to-do list once I get down there..I also want something to represent Nova Scotia and New Brunswick...both my homes. I was thinking the two provincial flowers with their stems intertwined...

I will be getting a Canadian tattoo as well though. He keeps calling me an American already, but I told him I will always be a displaced Canadian smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-08-24 17:21:00
CanadaPacket 3
I'm of two minds about it at this point...

I LOVE being here...I like the state, the city, LOVE him....and my town at home is not 'home' anymore. I'm not happy with my work and most of my close friends are not there anymore *with the price of gas, visiting sucks too). So that part of me wants the interview ASAP and maybe here before Xmas (it's a longshot, but I saw someone get their interview within 2 weeks of sending their P3 back)

But then..

the other part of me loves the maritimes so much..I'm going to miss being right on the water...I have a friend who's baby is due in December and another is getting married on New Years...I dont know if I want to miss those things...

It's like an internal arm wrestle, but I'll just go with however the cards are dealt to me I guess smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-09-24 09:03:00
CanadaPacket 3
Hi guys smile.gif

So I've been visiting Bo in the US for the last 3 weeks, and wasn't expecting my packet 3 until after I got home, but my parents called Saturday to say it had arrived (I slapped myself for not having things done).
So very excited obviously, and I would like to get it sent ASAP, so my question is, what all needs to go back to Montreal when I send it? Is there anything that I DONT need to wait on, or do they need copies of everything right away? IE: medical, police cert, Bo's financial info.

I don't think it will take long to get everything anyway....Police checks are quick, as I've needed them for my jobs in the past, and I guess the Doctor is Halifax is fairly quick to get into...I just don't want to wait on something I don't need smile.gif

Any info would be very appreciated.

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-09-24 08:52:00
yay!! congrats!!

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-01 19:36:00
CanadaHi from North Carolina!
QUOTE (Reba @ Oct 1 2008, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Oct 1 2008, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love the state's so pretty....and the lack of snow is encouraging biggrin.gif

Yeah, but they can get half an inch and the entire place will shut down for a day or two. Shelves will be bare because everyone has to stock up on bread, milk, eggs and beer enough for 3 and a half weeks. Lines at Blockbuster will be out the freakin door, and cars will be spinning out and into the ditch and other cars because they don't know how to drive on wet roads. Schools will close if someone sees even one flake fall from the sky.

Raleigh actually gets more snow that we do here in Morganton in the foothills. It snowed once here last winter, we got about an inch, and a "snow day" off of work. Which means a day off with no pay tongue.gif would be nice if they at least gave us a choice. but nooooooooooo, they're all too afraid of being sued blink.gif

LOL that's what I've been told by my future in-laws. They said they will get a kick out of my reaction to everyone's frenzied shopping habits. I told them I'm gonna run around in a tshirt LOL smile.gif We had SUCH a shite winter here last year, that I just can't wait to not see 10 ft of it in my yard for 6 months of the year....

Oh, and I had a self-happy moment the other day when it dawned on me I won't have to start my car in -35 weather....It was like a choir broke out.
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-02 10:56:00
CanadaHi from North Carolina!
Hehe, I'll be moving to Raleigh - also very college town smile.gif

I love the state's so pretty....and the lack of snow is encouraging biggrin.gif
Enjoy your vacation!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-01 13:25:00
Happy Thanksgiving everyone smile.gif

I had a turkey dinner with my clients last night, which turned out pretty freakin good - Turkey dinner with my family tonight. Bo even remembered to wish me a happy thanksgiving last night when he called, even though he doesn't get why we have to have a different one that the US....

Because we can sweetie biggrin.gif

Besides, we will be celebrating both when I move down there anyway...There is no way I would ever pass up a chance to have a turkey dinner smile.gif

Have a good day everyone!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-13 07:54:00
For some reason my wife can never pronounce poutine right. She always says [thick accent] pou-TAAAANE.

rofl.gif rofl.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-09-29 18:26:00
CanadaMedical in Halifax, NS 10/16/08
QUOTE (Danielle-Justin @ Oct 20 2008, 01:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like Danielle's experience was similar as well. Glad to see he's a good doctor and hear pleasant reviews of the process. In a way, I feel
sort of helpless that the spouse has to go through all these hoops while I, the US citizen, just sort of sits here and waits patiently. I wish I had to
go through a medical or something, so that not all the burden is on her.

Bo said the same thing, especially after we figured out the time and travelling that would go into the whole process. I told him not to worry though, and I'm sure Danielle feels the same way - it's all worth it, no matter how much travelling, poking and prodding we have to endure smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-20 05:10:00
CanadaMedical in Halifax, NS 10/16/08
So i'll paraphrase for those who are curious, although my experience seemed the norm from other reviews I have read smile.gif

Doctor Doane on Quinpool Rd in Halifax, Nova Scotia

-Got to the Doctor's office 20 mins early on Thursday. He did height/weight, checked my eyes.
-Asked for my pictures which he attached to the diffrent forms I would need to take to the hospital.
-Went down a list of questions (all which I answered no to - he seemed pretty impressed for some reason LOL).
-Looked at my immunization records ( only had my one from NB, but he didn't care)Told me the only shot I need is my Gardisil! WOOT! I thought I would need about 4 tongue.gif (I'll get my garidisil shot this week and my family Doctor will fax him proof that it had been given.)
- Looked at my ears, nose and throat. Checked my heart beat, pulse and breathing
-Told me to undress (receptionist came in the room) and stand up to check for flat footedness, hernias, external deformities. Then did the 'lower checks'.
-Told me to dress again. Gave me my paperwork and instructions for the hospital.
-Asked for his 210.00$ blink.gif 190.00$ for the exam, 20.00$ for the courier cost.

-Went to the hospital (Victoria General - Centennial Building) and to the office. Paid 82.00$ for the xray and blood work I needed done. They gave me a reciept and told me not to lose it - all the nurses in the various areas would need to see it.
-Went up to X-ray (3rd floor Dickson Building) - waited an hour and a half *gag* just to get registered in. Had a very nice nurse. Went into X-ray where I waited another 30 mins. Got changed, and was called about10 mins after I changed. Two views of the chest are done. One straight on, the other on the side with arms above your head. I waited 10 mins after that to get the burnt CD results from the nurse.
-Went down to blood collection services (1st floor Dickson Building). Waited about 20 minutes with another woman who was getting bloodwork for her Canadian papers smile.gif Nurse was uber quick - one vial of blood for HIV test and another one (not sure what it was for). Since I had had chicken pox twice as a kid, I didn't need that test done (although I had had it done at home for be sure). If you haven't had it, or just had it once, the doctor will probably run that test as well.

So, 4 1/2 hours and 300.00$ later, I was done. A lot of very friendly people through the day. Dr. Doane is very nice and quite professional. Staff at the VG were great smile.gif Now all I have left is the wait to the interview smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-19 22:16:00
CanadaCanada Border Patrol
I will be going through Halifax for my POE (when the time arrives) as well. I've flown out of Halifax for all my trips down though, and I can honestly say I've only ever had one lad that was iffy with my responses. I gave him a few more details about my visit and he was satisfied. They are all very good there, I hope you get the older gentleman I had twice - Nicest man you will ever meet smile.gif Asked me about my fiance and what my favorite things to do when we were together. He said he can just imagine how lovely a wedding we will have once we get our paperwork <3

I don't think you have any reason to be worried. Give them your answer and look them in the eyes, and they generally are quite happy to stamp you and send you along smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-19 16:10:00