CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I have the original and a copy that I am bringing incase they want to see the real thing and compare it to the copy they have from my original I129F file smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-09 22:45:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
hehe I'm getting so EXCITED!! For all the early-week interviews, make sure you send us later-week interviews good vibes smile.gif

I'll br driving up on Wednesday morning, interview on Thursday, and leave Friday...I figure I'll take the time to wander around the city after my interview smile.gif *weather permitting of course*

Everyone keep the snow away too smile.gif Snow scheduled here for Sunday, but the rest of the week is looking lovely smile.gif

Good luck to everyone!!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-09 16:01:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I"m the 15th smile.gif I know Ryan and Chantel are on the 13th...most of us are that week

Driving up from NB next wednesday...lets hope the weather cooperates!!!

Good luck on your interviews everyone!!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-06 15:37:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I know my letter says "CASH ONLY" in very bold letters, so I would stick to that...

that's just me though biggrin.gif

Oh and your interview is on my birthday biggrin.gif YAY!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-05 00:58:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (CherylandRichard @ Dec 18 2008, 12:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Dec 17 2008, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CherylandRichard @ Dec 17 2008, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Dec 17 2008, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CherylandRichard @ Dec 17 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmmm so we have to take that ds whatever it is with us? i thought that was the one we sent in already? confused a little bit, guess ill have to email montreal and find out if they have that already or if i have to bring it with me now, got my interview date the other day, jan 27th is the lucky date, anyone else going that day? tongue.gif

The DS160 is a link that you go to online and fill out the online form. The DS156K is a form you just write/type out and then send back to them. Sounds like you'll probably get a letter to fill out the DS160 too.

hmm pretty sure i went to that link filled it out online and sent it in, ill have to go through my paper work and see if i still have a barcode or what, i thought it said in the instructions to send in the entire thing including the barcode

You're probably good to go then. You could probably email them to be safe, but I bet they'll have your confirmation when you get there if you sent it in.

ya i think im ok cause when i emailed to see if they had received my packet 3 yet they emailed to say this
Please advise you have submitted your forms DS230 & DS160s.

Thank you

IV Unit

Yeah, looks like you got your P3 after they did the change, whereas some of us got ours inSeptember, which was about a month before they changed forms. You're good to go, I need to fill me in a new form:)
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-18 01:15:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (CherylandRichard @ Dec 17 2008, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmmm so we have to take that ds whatever it is with us? i thought that was the one we sent in already? confused a little bit, guess ill have to email montreal and find out if they have that already or if i have to bring it with me now, got my interview date the other day, jan 27th is the lucky date, anyone else going that day? tongue.gif

We have to do the 160 in place of the 156 we sent already with the packet three. It was changed in October as Trailmix pointed out. It is done and sent in electronically and we take the confirmation code and bar code with us to the interview I'm pretty sure. Congrats on your interview date! good.gif

francie Posted Today, 09:09 PM
question: how should we pay the 131usd payment? do u pay it there same day as ur interview? cash? bank draft?? help..

It is paid at the interview yes. From the reviews I've read they take the money along with the paperwork you need to pass into them. Most people have taken cash, but someone said it can be done with a credit card too. I personally will be taking cash with me smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-17 22:25:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Dec 17 2008, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Dec 17 2008, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 17 2008, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Important notice

Beginning October 22, 2008, all applicants applying for nonimmigrant visas in Montreal and Vancouver must use the new DS-160 application form, which is accessible on

After completing the new DS-160, the applicant will electronically submit the application and will be provided with a confirmation page that includes only limited biographical information and a bar code. Applicants must bring this confirmation page with them to their interview. Please note: if the online application has not been completed fully and properly the applicant’s case cannot be processed and a new interview appointment will be required.

This first pilot version of the DS-160 will only be available in English. Future versions will allow the user to see translations of the site in other languages, including French link

Thank you for that Trailmix smile.gif I haven't had time to go look at the form itself because of work, but it's good to know what is to be done smile.gif

Give yourself a good hour to complete it and have a scanned copy of your passport photo to upload. Also have the exact dates of your last 6 visits. Use the save button often. I timed out 3 times before I was finally able to submit the info!

Gah seriously? lol alright, well I'll try and get it done in the next couple days so I wont have to worry about it anymore lol. I already have my file folder all arranged, labelled and copies of everything for the interview...I just know how much I have left to do over the next couple weeks and if I get it outta the way now, all I have to figure out is travel arrangements *they have changed since my post the other day - AGAIN*
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-17 18:31:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 17 2008, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Important notice

Beginning October 22, 2008, all applicants applying for nonimmigrant visas in Montreal and Vancouver must use the new DS-160 application form, which is accessible on

After completing the new DS-160, the applicant will electronically submit the application and will be provided with a confirmation page that includes only limited biographical information and a bar code. Applicants must bring this confirmation page with them to their interview. Please note: if the online application has not been completed fully and properly the applicant’s case cannot be processed and a new interview appointment will be required.

This first pilot version of the DS-160 will only be available in English. Future versions will allow the user to see translations of the site in other languages, including French link

Thank you for that Trailmix smile.gif I haven't had time to go look at the form itself because of work, but it's good to know what is to be done smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-17 15:58:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Got my letter from the Consulate yesterday. I guess all that time I took filling out the 156 to send back to them was useless because now they need the 1-160 brought to the interview, as they are no longer using the i-156 forms tongue.gif They seem to change things often.

I have a question though, Bo sent me up a letter of intent, but it's dated Nov 20. Should I get him to send a new one up dates closer to my interview date?
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-17 10:56:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Hehe Bumping this smile.gif Wanted to see how everyone is doing smile.gif

So Bo can't come up for the interview. Dec/Jan are blackout months for taking time off where he works, but it's alright. We can save the money on his plane ticket for other things. A good friend of mine/co-worker, has offered to take her car and drive to MTL from here. She has a civic, so it's fantastic on gas, will give me some company and we can go and come home as we please, not so much reliant on the weather.
10 hour drive isnt too bad. I've done the drive to T.O and back in a weekend, this will be cake lol.

I'm getting exciting now...been packing, writing letters to people, getting 'change of address' forms ready. My last day of work will be the 25th, and I think I'm going to fly down on the 29th. Give me a chance to havea couple days in Halifax where a lot of friends and the rest of my family is. Does that sound like a reasonable amount of time? it's 8 business days, and they say it shouldbe no more than 5-7 ( I gave an extra day or so due to the Canada Post strike.)

Bo's family is really excited too. I've already had emails from his mom, sister and grandfather. It's nice to know that they approve of me, although i think me talking about Canada all the time may throw them off a bit smile.gif

Hope everyone is well!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-14 20:41:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (movieclockstar @ Dec 10 2008, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Add us to the growing list of people with recent interview schedulings. January 12th is the big day. Great to see MTL isn't completely inactive through the winter, and such a relief for all who have been waiting.

Congrats guys smile.gif Looks like that will be a busy week for a lot of us. 4 so far between the 12-15th smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-10 18:55:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I"m sorry SK&SP sad.gif heart.gif I would definitely call back. Bo is calling back today as well - just to be sure (the agent was very nice, but she had a strong accent, so I want to check).
There also may, for some reason or another, been more AP checks done on your file as well, and that's why there is a later date. You never know with these people, as we've all found out through this process.

Also, I'm not sure if he'll remember to pop in and post, but in the May filers topic, Ryan and Chantel got their interview date yesterday too - Jan 13th. Same day as Chris. I told them I will probably try to fly into Montreal on the 13th, so if we are all in the city, we should do supper! You guys can let me know what to expect at my interview on the 15th? biggrin.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-10 12:09:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Yay! I'm so glad you got it Jenni!

Thanks hun smile.gif I honestly wasn't expecting a january one...I wonder how on EARTH they gave out these interview dates?!

I'm not complaining by any means though! LOL
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-09 20:17:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
So after reading that you guys got your dates, I had 20 mins before DoS closed, and I called. Wasn't expecting anything...

Now before anything, I would like to apologize for being so damn depressing and horribad and responding to people lately. I over dramatize sometimes, and I am sorry for it...It was childish, and I know there are more people waiting than just me


I got my interview date today smile.gif January 15th, at 9 am in Montreal.

Funny though, as I told you guys about the trip my family had planned for me...was going to be the 5th to the 20th tongue.gif
So that ticket will have the date changed to be my ticket for my US entry now smile.gif

I'm so glad we've all heard something, everyone else that is waiting should give a call this week just in case.
SK&SP, I'm sorry your date is so much later than others. Hopefully the time will go quickly for all of us smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-09 19:25:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Yeah, I have to get Bo to call now. I get so depressed when I hear the DoS agent say "no interview has been set up yet".

We're probably not even going to call until next Friday. I doubt they're going to work any faster, so I have just given up getting hopes up.

I'm going to visit my friend who just had her first baby yesterday. The little bundle of joy should cheer me up a little bit more smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-03 18:13:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Well I have good news, but nothing about my interview date tongue.gif

I have successfully driven my family crazy with my slight downward-spiraling mood.

Bo and I were talking last night about possibly me going to visit in January, as work is basically non-existant and I won't get down for another couple months. I said that I would do up a budget today and we'd talk about it more today.
So I get home from my night shift and mention it to my parents, but only that it's a possibility because of money issues. My mother rolls her eyes and says " you're going..."


Turns out my family has been plotting behind my back and my Christmas present was a plane ticket down to Raleigh in January. I kinda blew the surprise early and have to sill act surprise when my grandparents tell me about it at Christmas. I thought it was very thoughtful of everyone though.

So I feel a bit better. It will be over 4 months since we've seen each other byt he time I go down, but at least it will make the wait for the ever-elusive interview a little bit more tolerable.

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-03 15:57:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (angie007 @ Dec 1 2008, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Dec 1 2008, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving (those of us in the states anyway). I'm surprised that no one has any news to report, I was hoping that you all who are waiting would have heard something by now.

As much as I was hoping that perhaps they were mistaken about the Feb fiance got his packet 4 a few days ago, and yes the date in Feb is confirmed. *sigh*

But, it's nice to see it in black and white, and have a date to look forward to. Good luck everyone, I really hope you all hear something soon!

you know what I just wish I have something to fiance called the DOS today and still nothing yet....we don't have a clue what's going on in Montreal Consulate....i've been emotional this past week..this is definitely holding our lives....sigh...

I havent called in over a week, and I think I'm just going to stop for awhile. If you havent heard anything Angie, then I won't either * week and a half after you*

I'm pretty much useless these days...I don't know what they're doing in Montreal, but they're obviously not being overly productive.

I also got my schedule for January today for work...cut back to 72 hours for the whole month - boss wants to gove hours to those that are 'staying'. I have no idea what I'm going to do...
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-02 00:11:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Nov 20 2008, 01:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ugh....looks like Christmas here at home is not going to happen =( Still no interview date here. Gonna call tomorrow and Friday and if still nothing, I'm gonna go back to once a week. Calling everyday and hearing no is making me depressed =*(

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and good luck to all us MTL waitees.

Yeah, we're going to try again on Friday, but things are not looking good. I'm starting to really notice the effect on me lately - work is getting harder to concentrate on. I just wish they could give us an idea....

Happy Thanksgiving next week to all you USers. Maybe I'll cook a turkey just to feel more like I'm there smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-20 05:14:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Bo called DOS today - no interview date set yet, no idea of a timeline, but check back next week. I'm sure it's the same speel others have been getting for awhile smile.gif ( this was our first time calling).

Am I able to call DoS as the beneficiary, or does it have to be the petitioner?

What a shite weekend...trying to save money for the enevidible (sp?) trip to MTL, so I couldn't travel to Halifax for a friend's B.Rette party :S Booo...

Oh, and it rained for 4 days straight...

Ok, I'm done grumbling for the day smile.gif How is everyone else farring anyway?

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-10 11:13:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I was also under the impression that there was no one to call. The letter says that the only way to reach them is by email...

A number would be lovely *hint hint*....

Gah, I had another 'moment' last night...I think my cats think I have completely lost it...
I have to forgo a trip to Halifax for my friend's bachelorette party because I'm slightly broke, and I need to save money for when I have to travel to Montreal...and since I have NO IDEA when that's going to be, I can't spend money on anything! I'm nervous that if I get a December interview, the price of Everything will be sky-high (ie :hotel, train trip up, etc) headbonk.gif

No presents for people this year it's looking like *sigh*

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-05 15:20:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I share your pain my friend...

Although I sent mine 2 weeks after you, it's still horrid to not have a clue when our interview will be. Maybe if we vent every so often, it won't be as bad.

I warn everyone though...

...I have the emotional state of a pregnant lady lately (well, as compared to my pregnant, over-emotional friend blush.gif) ...I swear I can cry over the smallest things!

I would love to get a date before Christmas...I won't travel until after the holidays anyway, but it would be lovely to have that as a Christmas present smile.gif Both of our birthdays are in January too. It would be nice to be together...Ahhh well

reaaallly trying not to get my hopes up. It makes me that much more anxious blink.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-03 22:55:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Some of you may want to shoot me after I say this, so I apologize in advance...

it was 73 and sunny here today biggrin.gif

It will be back down to the high 40's by tomorrow, but I wasn't expecting the loveliness of the day. My brother messaged me on FB and basically said "eff you and your weather" LOL - they're calling for yet another storm out east. Miramichi is supposed to get 20-30cms and high winds...I do feel bad for them though...told him we always have a couch available if he ever wants to get away <3
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-12-10 00:12:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Jan 28 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, well this moring at about 5 a.m., someone decides to get onto the freeway..... going the wrong way. It was aparently a gruesome accident, and closed one of the biggest freeway interchanges in california if not the whole west coast. Traffic was diverted and the interchange was closed. So a 40 minute commute turned into an 100 minute commute. Still aren't many details about the person who got onto the freeway going the wrong way. They are almost always either drunk, or running from the police.

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-28 13:19:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jan 19 2009, 05:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Jan 19 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bo messaged me from work around lunch time saying schools had been canceled for the rest of the day around Raleigh due to the threat of "1-2 inches of snow"


My husband's from NC. Pvssies.

And..... what the heck? It's only a "threat"..... not the real thing is it?

Well I guess it was a bonafide threat - they got 4 inches last night...Bo's snowed in rofl...the main road and the parking lot haven't been plowed yet!
Work called and asked 'if he was being safe with the snow down" - he said "yup, I cancelled my jobs and am staying home "

They replied "oh, well that's pretty safe then!"

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-20 11:06:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Finally came out of our cold snap yesterday...had been between -28 and -44 for the last week. School was canceled all over the province on Thursday, and I nearly got frostbite on 'me #######' waiting outside the consulate Thursday!
So out of the cold snap, but of course...snow...35ish cms overnight and this morning.

Bo messaged me from work around lunch time saying schools had been canceled for the rest of the day around Raleigh due to the threat of "1-2 inches of snow"

I laughed blush.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-19 15:50:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Ah, Northern New Brunswick winters...

Well the maritimes are about to be hit with that icky mess over Ont and Que tonight...flurries now, about -10 or so..Weather warning for 15-25cm of snow overnight, changing over at times to freezing rain, flurries in the morning...


I'm ready for North, yesterday...this cold is makin me ache tongue.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-07 17:40:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
QUOTE (BermyCat @ Sep 17 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My 25 man raid just collapsed and I can't find another on the my server. It seems like they are all falling apart these days except for the ones that raid way too late for me.
Anybody have any good suggestions for a new server that has semi-casual (i.e. not more than three nights a week" raids on the Horde side? I'd prefer one in the eastern or central time zones.

~ Catherine

You can come over to Scilla with Bo and I biggrin.gif We play with a group of RL friends, and some people we met years ago when we first started playing. We are just building up to 25 content again (player-wise), though we've both run 25 content often. our 1st 10 ToC group has it on farm and we're working on 10 heroic now. We were able to get 2/3 Northrend beasts down last night. Scilla itself is a fairly active server. There are successful pugs even lol.
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-09-17 11:44:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
So hubby and I gave in and paid the 40$ to get the streaming BlizzCon coverage...

OMGWTF changes!! Especially since I am a long-time hunter ------->EEEHHHH NO MORE MAAANNNNNAAAA!!! *does her happy dance*

Also with Cataclysm comes :
No more consumable bullets
No more defense
no more MP5
no more Attack Power
no more Spell power (will be integrated into Int and such)

I won't give anymore spoilers unless you guys wanna ask smile.gif

Oh and on a slight random side note - the murloc pet you get with ordering streaming blizzcon? not gonna get it for 6-8 WEEKS?! dumb tongue.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-08-21 20:30:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Aug 21 2009, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Aug 21 2009, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From the Opening ceremony at Blizzcon - my husband is watching the Live feed:

The new expansion is called Cataclysm. The new playable races are Goblins for the Horde and Worgen for the Alliance.

Flying in Azeroth and yes, the old kingdoms will be ripped apart and transformed.

Level cap is 85

Guild achievements


Yeah, sounds interesting!

Here is the official page if anyone wants to have a look:

Hubby and I just watched the trailer for it...

looks pretty freaking awesome smile.gif I want to do archeology for a profession smile.gif

Oh, and new class/race combos - the trailer shows a Tauren Pally - pretty sweet tongue.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-08-21 15:27:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

so our server is up and I was able to fight the lag just enough to change my color for my druid before everything just went to hell in Dal lol. There are no portals, half the NPC's arent flight master and people saying that their mail got deleted :S

Oh, and I couldn't log out...or exit the game...I had to Ctl-alt-del tongue.gif Dontcha looove patch days!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-08-04 17:13:00
CanadaWorking and expenses in the U.S.
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 9 2009, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Feb 9 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I"m gonna have to go the other way on apartments here...we are getting a NICE one bedroom right on the city line between Raleigh and Cary - pool, gym, walking trails, fireplace and new appliances in the apartment and hookups for washer/dryer - 624/mth! Yes, we have to pay our utilities, but when I was in Halifax going to University, you couldnt get a place like this for under 900$. Hell, my two bedroom I had 4th year which is the same size as this new one was 1100/mth, only hot water inc...

But I got cranky as hell yesterday...looking for wedding photographers...lowest I've seen is 875/4 hrs *gag*

it was 300/5 hrs in Miramichi *cry*No professional photographer for this new couple tongue.gif

My cousin is getting married and you know what he did? He went to a college and found a student. You can find some who are cheap and super talented.

Always worth a try right?

Wow, that is a fantastic idea Sprailenes biggrin.gif I'm in the middle of a sea of schools, so I will look into it!

Ohhh we had pondered moving to Cary originally, then decided on Florida!

I love it here smile.gif Cary is a bit more on the expensive side b/c so much of it is brand new - Raleigh reminds me of a bigger version of Halifax though <3
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-09 16:27:00
CanadaWorking and expenses in the U.S.
I"m gonna have to go the other way on apartments here...we are getting a NICE one bedroom right on the city line between Raleigh and Cary - pool, gym, walking trails, fireplace and new appliances in the apartment and hookups for washer/dryer - 624/mth! Yes, we have to pay our utilities, but when I was in Halifax going to University, you couldnt get a place like this for under 900$. Hell, my two bedroom I had 4th year which is the same size as this new one was 1100/mth, only hot water inc...

But I got cranky as hell yesterday...looking for wedding photographers...lowest I've seen is 875/4 hrs *gag*

it was 300/5 hrs in Miramichi *cry*No professional photographer for this new couple tongue.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-09 14:27:00
CanadaCharlotte NC expat group
QUOTE (CanAmCharlotte @ Feb 24 2009, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know of any ex-pat groups in Raleigh but I wouldn't be surprised. In the meantime I can suggest a few things:

(1) the Charlotte group sometimes goes to Hurricanes games as a group so you could join (no cost) and attend those functions

(2) I would strongly advise you or any other Canadians out there to sign up on You will get an online weekly newsletter on important stuff happening back home, communiques from our Canadian ambassador to the US located in Atlanta, and opportunities to connect with other Canadians in your area

(3) post a notice in Craig's List (no fee) under 'Groups' asking for people to contact you if they are interested in forming a social group of Canadians.

Good luck!

QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Feb 24 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aww I'm in Raleigh! Any idea if there are some this side of the state?

Thank you very much for the information. I will be sure to sign up for the website, and see if I can find others on Craigslist - It would be lovely to have a few canucks to get together with.
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-24 16:10:00
CanadaCharlotte NC expat group
Aww I'm in Raleigh! Any idea if there are some this side of the state?
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-24 13:25:00
CanadaSSN number
Well I went to apply for my SSN today..she was very nice, but she said my information isn't in the Immigration database yet, so it will be 4-6 weeks before I get my card...

.....I've been here a month already, where is my information!? I hate that I have to wait at least another month before I can get my license or get onto Bo's bank account...hell I can't even get a library card tongue.gif

Lame :S
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-27 20:18:00
CanadaSSN number
Well I spoke to the lady at the County deeds office about the situation and she said I would need the actual SSN card in my hand to apply for the license - which is doubtful as the wedding is in 3 weeks. SHe said I can fill out the affidavit and it won't have any affect on me getting an SSN after the wedding.

I guess I will have to take my chances with filing after we're married - though it's a big city and I'm hoping that they are familiar with the process and I won't have fight with them too much :S

THank you for your advice guys biggrin.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-12 17:37:00
CanadaSSN number
Thanks for everyone's here's the thing

I Should have looked at the county requirements for the marriage license first wacko.gif They need me to have an SSN or sign an affidavit saying that I am unable to obtain an SSN (which is not true). So I have 2ish weeks, hopefully this is enough time to apply and recieve a number.

Here is my next questions - I am looking at the application and it says:

Citizenship (check one):
U.S. Citizen
Legal Alien Allowed To Work
Legal Alien Not Allowed To Work (See Instructions On Page 2)
Other (See Instructions On Page 2)

Which should I check? If I check 3 or 4, then I have to provide documentation of why I need the SSN number...but I CAN work eventually. Can anyone who applied on a K-1 let me know how they answered??

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-11 17:29:00
CanadaSSN number
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 8 2009, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd wait a few years just for kicks and then apply.

Don't listen to me.


Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-08 15:52:00
CanadaSSN number
We're getting married in like...3 weeks - March 6th..

Should I just wait to apply for it in my married name? Or just suck it up and do it next week?
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-08 13:10:00
CanadaIts roll up the rimmmmmmmm to win!
Aww I miss Timmy's coffee....

Mom and dad leave friday, they're bringing a Tin down with them...wonder if they can bring me a cup or two biggrin.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-25 11:13:00