If you get an RFE for the I-693 (which is the Vacc suppliment), and you've had your medical within the last year, you DO NOT need to get the whole exam done again. July mentioned having surgeons not willing to do just the vaccination suppliment, but that's just because they want the money. Unless you are told by USCIS to get the whole thing done again, don't pay extra for it.

Rob & Mel, either way, it does have to be done by a USCIS certified civil surgeon (you can find the list on the USCIS website). It seems as though people that are transfered have a better chance of getting by with just their vacc sheet from there interview in Montreal or Van, but if you get an AOS interview, you will need the 1-693 transcribed. I learned the hard way and had to wait an extra 30 days (I received the RFE at the interview, not by mail).
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-09-15 11:30:00
Hey July smile.gif

The interview really isn't that bad, make sure you have copies of things you can leave with them. I know we all make copies anyway, but I didn't realize that they would want a copy of my: lease agreement, car insurance card, bank statesments and powerbill. Funny enough though, i took about 80 pics and he glanced at 6 maybe? He was much more interested in anything with my name on it.

Are you sure there are no civil surgeons in the area? I guess I was just lucky - there are literally 20 of them within a 35 min drive. I shouldn't be surprised though...we are really close to medical Universities.

I had about the same wait time, and it goes quickly smile.gif You will do great!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-09-14 23:04:00
I just wanted to post and tell you guys that I got approved for my GreenCard on Tuesday after passing my RFE'd vacc sheet in at the field office. We got an email the next day that the card production was ordered, and the woman said I should get it in about 2 weeks smile.gif Finally I can change all my ####### to my married name and no more dealing with USCIS for awhile smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-09-11 20:40:00
The interview wasn't really that bad...the only thing that sucks is you need to have the I-693 if you get an interview...

it was only 3 months from the day they recieved it to our interview date (a month longer now b/c of the RFE), but it's not so bad smile.gif Don't get too worried if you're not transfered - they seem to be going and a decent pace. I think one of the things that may decide if you are transfered or not is how busy your local office is (not positive, but I could see it).
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-08-19 22:35:00
So I just got back from my interview...only took about 15 mins and the guy was really cool. Seemed like a bit of a gamer like us (hubby is behind me saying "not a gamer, more of a snowboarding Bro"), though we were the first couple he's interviewed that met on WoW. Oddness..

Anyway, easy questions, we had more than enough evidence and he was satisfied with that. Then he asked if I had the I693 (vaccination supp)...I said no, I hadn't been RFE'd for it and I sent in the one from my medical which was less than a year old.

He leaves the room for a couple mins..

Comes back and tells me that they have to have that sheet, and they will give me the RFE to come back with it on the 9th or Sept. He says we are lucky because they have DENIED people AOS for not having that sheet lately O.o He buttered up his superior and was able to just issue the RFE though. So now I have to go get the last of my effing gardisil shots (my 2nd one bruised me internally so bad I felt it 3 weeks later) and get my form filled out by a civil surgeon.

So I'm envious of all you that got transfered to CSC..I don't know why I didn't but now everything else is pushed back (ie getting my damn license, getting my SSN changed)

anyway, thats my vent...I should be happy it's over with, but I'm left feeling a bit down.
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-08-07 08:39:00
eek, trying to make sure I have everything together for my interview friday morning :S It's montreal nerves all over again!

and we are going to have to leave so early. My interview is at 8:45 in Durham, which is about 1/2 hour away. But we will have to try and get through rush hour and I need time to get through security there. I have a feeling I won't be sleeping too much Thursday night. Luckily hubby has Fridays and Saturdays off, so it didn't disrupt work for him.

I am getting kinda low about finding a job though. I've had my EAD for a little over a month and I've put out at least 50 resumes and nothing sad.gif What's worse is that I have a degree in Criminology which should be great...except most of it was Canadian law sad.gif I have to learn federal and state law before I can do much in my field *sigh* Oh well, just hope for the best I guess smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-08-04 11:56:00
well I'm 2/3 the way can see my siggy for the timeline. Green Card interview is August 7th in Durham, and we're getting everything together next week for it (then spending the weekend in Willmington Beach to destress hehe).

I had a pretty painless AOS process so far, and I hope you do too PopRocks!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-07-26 17:59:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (JillA @ Apr 20 2009, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (poprocks @ Apr 20 2009, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I posted my Interview Review... and I see that July09Bride did too... just an FYI to those who are looking for recent feedback...

mind you, now that I look back, I was so nervous, I think I forgot half of what was said while in the interview lol!

Good review Poprocks! I have one question though, the interviewer told you that you had to have a witness since you're marrying on the beach.... Is that because you're marrying in NJ and you require a witness in NJ? I got married in PA and this state does not require any witnesses and we didn't have one.... so just curious why she said you have to have one....

Congrats everyone btw! biggrin.gif

We had to have witnesses here in NC, so it must vary by state smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-04-20 10:46:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

I cannot even begin to understand what you must be going through right now, but you are in our thoughts and prayers and I'm so deeply sorry for the loss of you love.

<3 Jen & Bo
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-04-10 00:04:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
If you're looking at the front of the building, the consulate door is on the LEFT side- There is a big US Seal over the door...You'll see it, I promise smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-04-09 11:31:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (carrieandadrian11 @ Mar 31 2009, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Mar 31 2009, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (carrieandadrian11 @ Mar 31 2009, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Stupid Q:

My interview letter says it is at 9:00 am. They put that for everyone I am assuming right? But it is first come first serve?? I read everyone on here gets there at 6:30 - 7 am, do some have earlier appt.'s

Thanks smile.gif

OH, and I emailed Montreal and asked them about the I-134 having to be notarized and they said YES it DOES.

I am so confused. I may email them back and ask if the NEW one has to be. UGH.

They always put a time on your letter - I was there at 6:50 and was the 2nd person in line. You are given a number as you go in, and they do the interviews in the order of the numbers smile.gif

What time were you out the door? I'm hoping to get out as early as possible to do some site-seeing biggrin.gif HOw long did it take you to get your visa in the mail?

I was back at the hotel at 9:40am I do believe, but that was after talking to a few people for about 20 mins smile.gif

My interview was on Thursday and I got the Visa on Tuesday- my birthday biggrin.gif I would have gotten it the Monday, but we had a huugggee snowstorm in NB that day lol. Some people have had to wait longer though, so be wary about booking a flight if you're flying smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-03-31 19:13:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (carrieandadrian11 @ Mar 31 2009, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Stupid Q:

My interview letter says it is at 9:00 am. They put that for everyone I am assuming right? But it is first come first serve?? I read everyone on here gets there at 6:30 - 7 am, do some have earlier appt.'s

Thanks smile.gif

OH, and I emailed Montreal and asked them about the I-134 having to be notarized and they said YES it DOES.

I am so confused. I may email them back and ask if the NEW one has to be. UGH.

They always put a time on your letter - I was there at 6:50 and was the 2nd person in line. You are given a number as you go in, and they do the interviews in the order of the numbers smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-03-31 18:47:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Hey guys smile.gif I'm so excited to see all of you with interview dates! Makes all the waiting seem worth it eh? Be lucky that Montreal is moving so fast now - I had waited 4 months from the time I sent back my p3 to my interview smile.gif But it's all worth everything you go through!

ANyway, I noticed you all were talking about Tax transcripts and all. For those of you doing a K-1 (the requirements are a bit diff for k-3/CR-1), if you look on the I-134, you don't need their tax forms at all. They never asked me for Bo's. I took a letter from his bank, a letter from his employer, a couple pay stubs and his bank statements. All they took from me was the two letters actually.

Hopefully this will lessen some of the stress on you guys!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-03-31 18:46:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Hmm Francie,

it's almost a guarantee that they will want to see the originals. They say you can send copies with your petition on the idea that they will get to verify them in person at the interview. But someone correct me if I'm wrong smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-03-23 09:16:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Congrats to everyone who had their interview since I said Congrats last LOL! The interview really is the easiest part, and I was so happy with how nice they were.

As for Tax Transcripts or w-2;s, you can take them, but they dont need them. Some other countries require it, but we don't (or it would have been on the sheet for the 1-134). You WILL need 3 years worth of Tax returns for your AOS, so you might wanna get the USC to start getting them now smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-03-19 10:11:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (ChristinePR @ Mar 18 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Rob and Mel!

We are still waiting for our interview date. We call on Monday and they said we were in the waiting list. Keep faith everyone, it will speed up soon.

I have a question and hope this is the right place but I believe some of you might be able. Once I received the K1 visa I will be flying from Ottawa to Chicago or Washington and then to San Francisco. Is anyone know the POE, the transport companies ask for it. Will I need to activate my K1 Visa in Ottawa when I go through custom here before boarding or when I will be landing in US (Chicago or Washington)?

I look at all port of entry but I am so lost. Thank you in advance for your reply.


Hey there smile.gif

You will activate your Visa in Ottawa, as far as I know they have preclearance. You should do customs there, activate your K-1 and then you will just have your regular wait and flight out of Washington or Chicago. Most large Canadian international airports have preclearance, and I just looked at the website and they do have it smile.gif

Hope that helps smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-03-18 12:34:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Yaya Congrats smile.gif Huge weight off eh? biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-25 11:10:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Feb 23 2009, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*huge deep breath* Well, my fiance is making his final preparations for his drive to Montreal tomorrow. We are both a huge bundle of nerves, but we both have a good feeling about it, we can't really think of any reason that they would deny us so we are hoping for the best. I so wish that I could be there with him for the interview, but we made the decision that I would come up for Christmas it's going to be a nerve-wracking 36 hours or so for me here. So, wish us luck, send us some prayers/positive energy/good thoughts, and hopefully I will be posting a really happy message early Wednesday morning full of joy and capital letters and smiley emotes, lol. star_smile.gif

GOOD LUCK! positive thoughts with him - but you dont need to worry..they are super nice and super easy to get along with smile.gif He will do great and you guys will be together uber soon!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-23 22:31:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (bauser @ Feb 20 2009, 05:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today's tidbit of information: I was wondering how the heck I'd carry the chest x-ray to Montreal (it ain't exactly a convenient form factor) so I emailed the consulate to find out if it was necessary.

Here is their response:
Unless there are any TB issues which the doctor discussed with you, you do not have to bring the X-ray, when your visa is issued then you should bring them to the US and give them to your personal doctor.

Hehe, that and the hospital will give it to you on a CD so it can be read by a hospital computer, but they are right, they dont need to see the xray at all...a lot of people threw them out LOL
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-21 00:11:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
You apply after you are married, and within your 90 days. I think you need another medical done for AOS (someone correct me if I'm wrong), so if your shots are within the timeline, I'm assuming you need them done. My 3rd shot isn't until April, but I would just assume you would just get the shots when you're supposed to get them.
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-17 13:54:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Empath, you can actually call DoS to see if Montreal got your Packet 3 as well....when I used to call to ask for the status of my case, they would tell me that Montreal had received my forms (packet 3), but I would do as Bauser said and email Montreal as well.

Francie, You only need the first shot to satisfy the requirement of the medical here in Canada, but you will probably need the other 2 shots for AOS....I was able to have my 2nd shot before i left as well, just because it was still in the timeline, and I will get my 3rd shot here smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-17 12:50:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
WOOT WOOT! Grats Sapphire biggrin.gif

Hopefully everyone will get their dates this week smile.gif Let us 'veterans'(haha jk) know if you have any questions!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-11 12:50:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (k34 @ Feb 10 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Feb 10 2009, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

You will be FINE, I promise...easiest part of this whole damn process in my opinion!!! Let us know if there is anything you are worried/unsure about.

Thanks! I do have a couple of questions that I can't think of right now. Oh one of them... do I need his original passport and divorce papers and stuff? I am not sure how comfortable I would feel having my passport out of my possession, so that seems a little weird (he has no birth certificate)

What I am more worried about though is stuff like selling my house (or moving without it sold), quitting my job that I have been at for 12 years, unsure if I am going to take my cats or ask the previous owner if they want them back (gave them up due to pregnancy and worried about whatever that virus is called)..... so many things that need to happen soon! I guess before I had a date I was just thinking that it's going to happen sometime, but now that there is a date (that is way sooner than expected) everything needs to happen now!

Today I seriously went from being so happy and excited that I felt like I wanted to break into song and dance in the middle of my office to feeling pretty freaking overwhelmed!

I am going there on the weekend though and I am sure things will seem easier to deal with after that because whenever I come back from there I feel like I am leaving home smile.gif

Sorry to ramble on about this stuff when I should just be glad to have a date. I seem to have turned into somewhat of a nutcase since this morning! Hopefully this will pass but I am afraid it will get worse!

I think everyone gets a little overwhelmed when you get the seems so long in the coming that you can't even believe it. Just have a copy of his passport (they did not ask to see Bo's Birth Certificate at all), but I would have the original and a copy of the divorce decree - the woman that was there at the same time as me had to show both, obviously leaving the copy with them. Make sure you have copies of everything, including your own passport. They can do it there, but it's just easier if you already have one for them.

I found that lists helped me keep myself more calm. Know what you have to do and try and plan it all out. Pick a day you're going to cancel things, switch things, pack etc. I did not have a house to sell, but I can empathize with the situations. I left my cats home - my parents took them, but that was due to the fact Bo is hard-core allergic sad.gif If you can take them, and your fiance is ok with it, I would consider it...nice to have familiar things around and keep you company while he's working. You will have to see what you would need to do and what paperwork they would need depending on how you are travelling.


Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-10 21:39:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (k34 @ Feb 10 2009, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Called DoS today... Interview scheduled for March 16th!!!!! kicking.gif

Now that everything suddenly seems real, I have turned into a big ball of stress in a matter of hours since the phone call wacko.gif


You will be FINE, I promise...easiest part of this whole damn process in my opinion!!! Let us know if there is anything you are worried/unsure about.
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-10 20:11:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
HELLO FROM RALEIGH biggrin.gif 5 1/2 hrs late, but I got in on Tuesday..although my customs agent LOOKED very scary, she was joking with me by the end of it...told me how to remove conditions in 2 years and all that smile.gif

Angie - I brought all the evidence that you mentioned above, but he didnt ask to SEE any of it. He gave me back the pictures I had sent with my original I129F application and asked me about them briefly, but did not ask for any other supporting evidence. So I think you will be fine with what you's better to have it than not, but I dont think you will need much more than you mentioned.

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-05 09:27:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Jan 31 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the replies gals =) I think we're gonna go with the 50 years choice, lol. And I think we put in the receipt number from the NOA, but we're going to change that to the MTL number, since others have used it and there was no problem. Go with success eh? wink.gif

We still haven't finished it because my fiance doesn't have a printer, lol. So he's going to try printing it out on a library computer or something..if that doesn't work I suppose he'll just have to go get himself a printer!

Have a good weekend all!

P.S is it just me or has everyone spent the last 3 weeks or so before the interview in a state of heightened emotions? It seems like I cry at the drop of a hat, have NO patience, and am just an overall ball of nerves fun =(

Omg...I completely understand...I was the same way...

Now I'm bouncing off the freakin walls!! I fly out Tuesday, lets just hope the 40 cms of snow they're calling for doesnt hit Halifax! :S
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-02-01 00:09:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Hey everyone


So I put 75 years for how long I planned to be in the US LOL! I think SapphireDreams did the same.

And yes, I finally did put my MTL case number, and they didnt have an issue with my paperwork!

Lemme know if you have anymore questions!

Francie: Hopefully it won't be the full 3-4 months, but that does seem to be the average. It took me about 4 months from the time I sent my P3 back. It's a crappy wait, but you can call NVC after a month or so to see if your date has been scheduled...I think the number and instuctions are a couple pages back in here...but I canpost this from an email I sent Bo smile.gif

So, people said to call the number below, PRESS 1, then 0 to get to a live person. Tell them you are wondering about the status of our case, and if there is any word on an interview date yet. The hours are between 8:30 -4:30 EST (I think). It will tell you on the opening menu anyway! blush.gif

Dept of State Phone number: 202-663-1225

Hope this helps guys!!

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-31 10:15:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (CherylandRichard @ Jan 27 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just wanted to say i got my visa, i wrote a big long reply on here about it but it didn't finish adding and i dont have the patients to retype it tongue.gif


Congrats hun smile.gif Hope your experience was as painless as all of ours was smile.gif

Safe travels when you go!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-28 00:44:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I have a casual job *I'm almost done yay!*, so i never had a set amount either. I could have full time hours for a few weeks, and then two shifts the next two weeks. I did a basic average - my average was about 60hrs every two weeks x my salary - my taxes.
If you just started a new job, do you have a schedule already at all? could you make an average out of that?

They did not ask me anything about that question, I think they just want to look at what kind of salary category you fit into, and which category you will try to get into when working in the US - because they really don't' care how much money we make right now...we're not going to be here much longer biggrin.gif

I hope that makes sense...I'm half lovely kitties kept me up ALLL NIGHT! lol
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-21 17:34:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
yah i may have gotten that form mixed up sorry hun!!

Yah. email them to make sure!~ WOnt hurt biggrin.gif and you'll have piece of mind smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-20 23:28:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Jan 20 2009, 02:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 19 2009, 05:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

You can have a look at the interview letter here - maybe they left out a page by mistake

K1 Interview Letter

Thanks for the link Trailmix, but that one is for the Vancouver consulate, and it's *totally* different than the one David has. Too bad that the one for Montreal doesn't state the amount of money you have to bring..I hate to see what happens to folks that don't know to check the consulates website to get that info...

QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Jan 19 2009, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
SK&SP, that's really good to hear that you found out the reason for the interview delay. It is coming fast now smile.gif Good luck and let us know how it goes. I will say the following though

ALWAYS HAVE COPIES OF EVERYTHING lol - thank goodness for having a photocopier at work:) They do not want to keep your originals for a lot of things, but they need the originals to compare to the copies.

The 131 has to be cash and SHOULD be the exact amount *in US too don't forget*

Even though they didn't mention the DS 160, they are switching over to it. You won't get denied because you don't have it, but I would do it anyway. it's easier for them, as it's submitted electronically, so they already have your information before the interview. They asked for the page with my barcode on it is all.

To both of you, they are really nice there *save the security guys. but they have to be like that* As nervous as you think you will be, once you start talking to them, you will feel soooooooo much better!!

<3 Jen

Hi Jen, thanks for the reply. Yeah, we're just gonna go ahead and make copies, especially for the things we want back, like birth certificates. I guess we will go ahead and submit the DS160. However, wasn't the DS156k an online form with two copies of a barcode?. I know for sure we did an online form that printed out a barcode...but I suppose we shall do it again. Couldn't hurt right? =)

It was the DS-230 that was done online and a printed barcode. THe 156K was the one they told you to bring to the interview with you *they didnt ask for mine though, because of the 160*

The DS-160 isn't too hard to fill out. But since you have about a month left to wait, why not email the consulate and ask if they will want it? That way you can be sure. The picture you have to scan in can be a pain in the ####, so if you don't have to do it, it would save the frustration, but I would for sure email them and check smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-20 11:11:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Jan 19 2009, 12:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chris11xb @ Jan 18 2009, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmmm. Well, they took my appointment letter from me at the interview, so I can't refer back to it. But, I believe it said something like "please bring your passport, photos, the original and one copy of your documents, appointment letter and $131 cash." Something like that. It didn't specify what those "documents" were, so I just took basically everything from the Packet 3, including the evidence of relationship, affidavit of support, police certificate, etc. In the end, I think they just looked at the employment letter for Chris and took my police certificate. But as I mentioned earlier, they also wanted a photocopy of my passport ID page.

For the DS-160, that came into effect after our date too, but since my interview letter said on the bottom "please be advised the DS-160 is replacing the DS-156" (rough wording), I did the DS-160 online anyways, just to be sure. They didn't ask for it at my interview, but I think Jen said they asked for hers? Either way, it didn't slow things down for us. So, if your letter asks that you do that form online, I'd say go for it.

Best of luck on your upcoming interview!

Lori (and Chris)

Well, that's confusing...According to David it doesn't mention anything about copies, or even the $131 cash you have to bring. But, we'll makes copies and be prepared anyways.

As far as the DS160, there is not a single mention of it on David's appointment I'm not sure what to think about it =(

Thanks for wishing us luck and for the reply Lori =)

SK&SP, that's really good to hear that you found out the reason for the interview delay. It is coming fast now smile.gif Good luck and let us know how it goes. I will say the following though

ALWAYS HAVE COPIES OF EVERYTHING lol - thank goodness for having a photocopier at work:) They do not want to keep your originals for a lot of things, but they need the originals to compare to the copies.

The 131 has to be cash and SHOULD be the exact amount *in US too don't forget*

Even though they didn't mention the DS 160, they are switching over to it. You won't get denied because you don't have it, but I would do it anyway. it's easier for them, as it's submitted electronically, so they already have your information before the interview. They asked for the page with my barcode on it is all.

Angie - Good luck! I went through all my stuff 25 times the night before too. But what helped me the most was having everything labelled...I pulled all the sheets she asked for out before she finished asking smile.gif I also went to bed at 8pm the night before the interview...slept fairly soundly until 3am, then started waking up every 20 mins lol. But being rested before helped me relax while I was there.

To both of you, they are really nice there *save the security guys. but they have to be like that* As nervous as you think you will be, once you start talking to them, you will feel soooooooo much better!!

<3 Jen

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-19 10:44:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Nat_and_Jack @ Jan 18 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Jan 18 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (angie007 @ Jan 18 2009, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chris11xb @ Jan 18 2009, 01:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I was given my original birth certificate back right then and there after they checked it against the copy. So no worries!

Going from memory, I think the only originals they kept were the passport (which gets sent back to you with the visa), the two pictures, the medical report, and the police certificate (so make sure to make a copy for yourself).

I will !!! thanks for the fast reply..I appreciate it.. smile.gif

Yup, they returned all of my originals *save the ones Chris and Lori mentioned*, they even returned the pictures I had sent with the original I-129F forms smile.gif

I'm glad our reviews helped, like Chris said, make copies of everything you have just incase, but really - this was the easiest part of the whole journey. Relax and enjoy the feeling of having all that stress lifted when you're done biggrin.gif

I hope it's not as cold when you go! Brrr

Jen! Hi! star_smile.gif How are you?

I am glad to know you were approved and everything went well. I had my interview on January 13th. I had the same feeling when I was done, and I was very excited and happy when I got back home. I just got tired of my trip, and it was pretty cold outside.
I will write about the interview in my timeline a bit later.Almost the same as yours though smile.gif

Hi Nat!

So good to hear from you! Our poor may thread seems to have gotten abandoned eh? biggrin.gif I'm so happy to hear your interview went well!! When are you planning to fly to the US? I'm going on Feb 3rd, and it looks like the wedding will be March 6th biggrin.gif Do you have a date yet?
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-18 17:39:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (angie007 @ Jan 18 2009, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chris11xb @ Jan 18 2009, 01:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I was given my original birth certificate back right then and there after they checked it against the copy. So no worries!

Going from memory, I think the only originals they kept were the passport (which gets sent back to you with the visa), the two pictures, the medical report, and the police certificate (so make sure to make a copy for yourself).

I will !!! thanks for the fast reply..I appreciate it.. smile.gif

Yup, they returned all of my originals *save the ones Chris and Lori mentioned*, they even returned the pictures I had sent with the original I-129F forms smile.gif

I'm glad our reviews helped, like Chris said, make copies of everything you have just incase, but really - this was the easiest part of the whole journey. Relax and enjoy the feeling of having all that stress lifted when you're done biggrin.gif

I hope it's not as cold when you go! Brrr
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-18 12:28:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 17 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Jan 17 2009, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 17 2009, 11:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chris11xb @ Jan 16 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Jen!!! I'm glad it went well for you. Best of luck with the move, too.

Cheryl and Richard - I wasn't asked for any of them at the interview, but I did take a copy of the past forms (DS230, DS156, etc) just in case. I also took a copy and the original of the DS160 that is the new form (with barcode) to replace the DS156K, but I wasn't asked for it. However, as you can see from Jen's post, she was asked for it, so it's best to take it with you. Heck, I even took a copy of the I-797 Notice of Petition approval, but was not asked for it.

I just checked, and I still have the sheet of paper they handed us after we got our number. This page, when in the consulate, says to put the following documents in order for when they call your name:

-photos (with name printed on back)
-medical report
-police certificate
-evidence of support (employment letter, I-134, I-864, or most recent taxes)
-return envelope with your address

Then there is a note saying *if you previously sent any of these forms to NVS, they will be in your file.

So while we waited to be called up, we just made sure we had those things ready to hand over. It really was an easy to understand process with no confusion or stress. Plus, they have vending machines (takes Canadian money $1 for chips, $1.25 for pop), a water fountain, and nice bathrooms. So, it's a sterile office that looks like you're at the DMV, but the atmosphere is not stiff by any means. It was a comfortable and relaxing process.

Best of luck.


Is there any way you could scan that sheet with the order of documents on it so we can post a copy on the Wiki?

I know they took my sheet back, I wasn't able to keep it. I don't think people were able to keep then Trailmix, sorry!

np, it was just that Chris mentioned she still had hers?

Ah, I completely skipped over that sentence when i was reading! Sorry hun!

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-17 14:42:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 17 2009, 11:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chris11xb @ Jan 16 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Jen!!! I'm glad it went well for you. Best of luck with the move, too.

Cheryl and Richard - I wasn't asked for any of them at the interview, but I did take a copy of the past forms (DS230, DS156, etc) just in case. I also took a copy and the original of the DS160 that is the new form (with barcode) to replace the DS156K, but I wasn't asked for it. However, as you can see from Jen's post, she was asked for it, so it's best to take it with you. Heck, I even took a copy of the I-797 Notice of Petition approval, but was not asked for it.

I just checked, and I still have the sheet of paper they handed us after we got our number. This page, when in the consulate, says to put the following documents in order for when they call your name:

-photos (with name printed on back)
-medical report
-police certificate
-evidence of support (employment letter, I-134, I-864, or most recent taxes)
-return envelope with your address

Then there is a note saying *if you previously sent any of these forms to NVS, they will be in your file.

So while we waited to be called up, we just made sure we had those things ready to hand over. It really was an easy to understand process with no confusion or stress. Plus, they have vending machines (takes Canadian money $1 for chips, $1.25 for pop), a water fountain, and nice bathrooms. So, it's a sterile office that looks like you're at the DMV, but the atmosphere is not stiff by any means. It was a comfortable and relaxing process.

Best of luck.


Is there any way you could scan that sheet with the order of documents on it so we can post a copy on the Wiki?

I know they took my sheet back, I wasn't able to keep it. I don't think people were able to keep then Trailmix, sorry!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-17 11:52:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Hi everyone!

Got back last night - 20 hrs of driving in 48 hours BAAH.

I will say that my experience was EXACTLY what Chris had described. I was the first in line, the 2nd was another VJer smile.gif
Outside the doors at about 7:20...I was numb - 36 that morning with the windchill!! Got inside and no problems with security, they gave me letter A (I was actually 2ns in line, but they had put the name of the lady's daughter that was first down on their list, instead of there was a bit of a holdup for her :S)

Waited for a couple mins at the elevator. The lady (Shirley, a VJer too) that was behind me, reminded me to put my return address on my Xpress Post envelope (DOH!) and we chatted. Her and I were the only two people upstairs for the firs 20-25 mins (kinda eerie in that place eh? Felt like I was in the Men in Black building lol)

1st time I got called to the window, she wanted : Passport, passport pictures, medical envelope (not the xray), Birth certificate and a copy of it (mine btw) police clearance, I-134 and supporting documents, and the barcode page from the DS-160 and letter of intent to marry from my fiance.

then she asked me to pay at the cashier and sat down

I got called back she fingerprinted me and I signed one of the forms.

then I went to sit down

1/2 hour later I was called into room 8 for the interview. He was super nice and joked around with me...Also when I mentioned I had used VJ for information, he said "oh you must have read about me? I was the one people said was really nice and was a joker" LOL. So say nice things, because it *seems as though he has a VJ account! He asked me:
*When we met
*How we met
*When we thought about getting married
*when he proposed
*how he proposed (called him a Southern gentleman for getting down on one knee and asking my father first smile.gif )
*Did we have a wedding date
*How many times he had been to Canada
*How many times I had traveled down (not length of visits though)
*What Bo did for work
*How long Bo Had worked there
*What I did for work- described it
*What did I plan on doing down there?
*Asked me to tell a bit about the pictures I had sent in the original I-129 package (there were only 5 pics) - He didn't ask for any newer evidence of ongoing relationship, though I did have it just in case
*He told me that there were no financial concerns, health concerns or criminal concerns, commented on the completeness of my paperwork, told me *that He totally believed it was a bonafide relationship and that we make a very cute couple LOL.

Although it seems like a lot of questions, it was just like talking to a friend...totally conversation-like and he made jokes about things and I was completely at ease. It was wonderful smile.gif

I was out of there by 2 hrs from the time I went in through security. It felt like a huuuge weight has been lifted and I concur with everyone when they say this was the easiest part of all this. The interviewer says I should have it by the middle of next week. I will be flying out of Halifax on the 3rd of February ( I finish work on the 28th). I just can't wait

Oh, and the wedding is March 6th biggrin.gif Looking like my mother-in-law will have the big things planned by the time I get there smile.gif

Hope this helps!!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-16 10:19:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (unstrung @ Jan 12 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Jan 12 2009, 09:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck!! You're probably in there as I'm typing this!

Yes. Yes i was. Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Welcome me home in about a week or two's time smile.gif

kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congrats Unstrung! I'm so glad to hear it went well!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-12 13:02:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (angie007 @ Jan 10 2009, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i was trying to edit my post but it's too late...Jenni good luck to your interview on Thurs...please tell me if they needed your fiance's birth fiance is having a hard time obtaining another copy of his if they won't ask for it i'll tell him not to bother ...

Thanks and I wish you all the luck and have fun.....!!

Will do hun smile.gif I think, if nothing else, you could show a copy of his passport, but I will find out for sure for you smile.gif
Thanks for the well-wishes! I think I'm more worried about the weather on the drive then the interview itself LOL
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-10 12:18:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I have the original and a copy that I am bringing incase they want to see the real thing and compare it to the copy they have from my original I129F file smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2009-01-09 22:45:00