Middle East and North AfricaIslam For All Time?

Wha? did you see your name mentioned anywhere?

well Mrs. Z i kinda felt it ws very obvious that it was directed to me. if it wasnt then please excuse me.

Edited by samir_shannon, 31 August 2006 - 02:15 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-31 14:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslam For All Time?

Hey I hear ya. I get frustrated with stubborn women who have no interest whatsoever in learning about their beloved husband/fiance's religion. Why would you go and marry someone whose religion you hate or have prejudice against? Why..cuz they're cute or you can't get anyone else? Not acceptable! If you can't stand Muslims marry one from your own religion. I'm just saying that there are open minded women who would like to learn about Islam but don't necessarily want to revert. These ladies need some simple introduction to Islam and when and if they're ready they can get into some deeper stuff. Islam takes a lifetime or more to learn. Take it from a 12 yr veteran (alhamdulillah).

i never ever said i couldnt stand muslims. that was unfair. as a matter of fact i have said muslims were very nice people. i think (not just you) but some others on here are repulsed because they are just upset because i am not muslim marrying a muslim. i kind of expected that not just from posts in here but from alot of people in society. the fact is i love muslims and jews the same as i love another christian. jesus told us to love our neighbors as we love ourself. so in my eyes the muslims and jews are my brothers and sisters in christ. jesus died for you as much as he died for me and loves all of you very much.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-31 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslam For All Time?

I agree. Although the Quran would be a starting point it can be hard to grasp. Some ladies who marry Muslim men don't plan on reverting and that's should never revert for a man. These ladies need things to help them understand Islam. As Muslimahs we need to be a little more gentle in our approach sometimes. Let's not scare them off ;)

Speaking for myself, it's not necessarily about scaring them off but it's highly irritating when some of those who are married to or marrying muslims here obviously have no respect whatsoever for Islam. I feel sorry for some of these men. :(

if that was directed towards me i would have to say that is unfair. i was in no way disrespecting it i was just entering the conversation and was in no way rude. for your information by reading some of these entries it helps me to learn where your religion is coming from and also so other things about the culture. also , MRS. Z.... I have read a few books that were given to me from Samir's Imam. I sat and talked with imam mustapha for several hours while i was in algeria. i agree that some of the things i have posted on here have been to harsh on my part but, i have been really trying to understand where all of you are coming from. some of these books he gave me are ...the bible and the quran. it is in french tho so i have to wait for Samir to get here so he can help me read it. the second is a small book called the protection of monotheism.the 3rd is 33 lessons to every muslim (this is where i read about how samir washes his hands and feet ect before he prays.) and another small book i have is called the brief illistrated guide to understanding islam. it has some of the basic things in here. the last one was a nice algerian cookbook (in french). for the person who said that they are irriated by closemindedness please understand, i will learn a little more when samir gets here. i talked to imam mustapha and his assistant abdu malek for probally 7 or 8 hours about this stiuation. imam mustpaha understands my viewpoints and why i believe what i believe. i have been raised a christian all my life. i dont agree with some of your entries about islam not out of disrespect but because my religion does not teach me these things that you post. the fact is islam isnt mentioned in the bible at all. thats all i know. imam mustapha understands this. he said what mattered is that i believe in God. i am not an infidel because i believe in the Lord. so please dont feel sorry for Samir because i have told him about what peolpe say and he says for you not to feel sorry for him because he knows i love him and he loves me. we are happy. i look forward to being a good wife to him and i have alot to learn about his culture , this i know but, him and i are going to get through this together.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-31 14:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslam For All Time?
I politely disagree in your views of Jesus and the holy gospel. but then again i have address how i felt about muhammed so no harm done. but i find this very insightful. thank you for the conversation. :) god bless
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-31 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslam For All Time?

Of course, you are right ...the message of "one God" did not come about with Islam.

Thanks, Henia, but I didn't see anything in your statement that related to my question.

I need to correct this statement because I'm saying, as does the Quran, that Adam was the first prophet of Islam, so Islam (submission to the Will of God) has existed since the beginning of mankind. The Quran teaches that the Message has been spread throughout the earth since, and the Arabs did not receive it first.

So, that is the premise of my question. Since that is what the Quran teaches that Islam goes back farther than the events on the Arabian penninsula, why is it that converts, in particular, are being taught that all things Islam began there, sin is measured from there, and so we get statements that say that Christians and Jews who died before Islam came to the Arabs may enter heaven, but those since, who did not become Muslims, will go to hell. Why do the Arabs figure so predominantly in your thinking?

I don't get it. The Quran says that the ahl al kitab received the Message BEFORE the Arabs, yet there are Muslims here who don't consider Abraham or Jesus as Messengers when they use Muhammad as a cut-off for those who recived the Message BEFORE Muhammad. When Allah says in the Quran that there will be Christians and Jews who will enter heaven, Muhammad is used as the cut-off time for them to become Muslims. Only the Quran doesn't say that Christians and Jews MUST become Muslims to go to heaven, and the solution for that, I'm told, is that Christians and Jews who died before the revelations in Mecca can go to heaven.

So I'm curious how this thinking is rationalized without making Allah contradict Himself and the timeline of his Message.

wow... Ehhhh. What do you believe???(out of curiousity).

I believe that Allah has required submission to His Will throught the timeline of all mankind, since Adam and Hawa. At least, that's what He says. He never tells us that Islam began with Muhammad, like so many seem to believe.

BTW, this is not a thread intended to explore comparative religion between Islam and Christianity. This quetion is for Muslims. Please begin a new thread for that discussion. Thank you!

In response to this........When Allah says in the Quran that there will be Christians and Jews who will enter heaven, Muhammad is used as the cut-off time for them to become Muslims. Only the Quran doesn't say that Christians and Jews MUST become Muslims to go to heaven, and the solution for that, I'm told, is that Christians and Jews who died before the revelations in Mecca can go to heaven.
i think one day you ae going to be very surprised. my messiah didnt tell us anything about islam whatsoever. it isnt evven mentioned. i cant see how islam was around before muhammed. there is no reference to it in the old law and certainly not in the new law. Jesus told us specifically that the only way to the father was through him. i dont understand how you can say islam has been around since the days of Adam. i find this impossible. samir told me to tell you that islam doesnt mean submission (i asked him ) he said it meant peace. i dont know if he understood the word submission in english or not (i am kinda sure he did).
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-31 08:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslam For All Time?
Henia that was very insightful. The old testement in our religion is the old law. the law of Abraham and Moses. ( the ten commandments given to moses). the new testement is the birth, baptism, life, crucifixion, and resurection of Jesus. Also the book of revelation that was written by the apostle John. the old testement and the torah are very similar of course because it ws Jewish law. we as christians do not have the same law anymore because of the covenant. when Jesus died everything was cleansed and made clean. i dont know very much about islam, but i recall someone telling me it started with Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar. god promised Isaac (the chosen child the son of Abraham and Sarah) a great nation and people. as far as i know i dont think islam started from adam.. because if it did then i dont think we would have had Jewish law in the old testament. i want to add i am not trying to be offensive, just found what Henia posted was very insightful and wanted to contribute.

Henia forgot to mention, as far as the Quran goes about christians and jews, it is very confusing to a non-muslim to understand because those examples it is contradictary. some parts of the quran show love and respect for the people of the book and some parts just show hate and bitterness. maybe thats why some radicall islamists feel the way they do. i have never personally had a muslim treat me bad at all. (in person) one thing i am confused with is Samir cant eat meat slaughtered by a christian but, he can marry one. that part i REALLY dont get but, oh well... such is life. goodnight everyone. i was asleep earlier and a bad thunderstorm woke me up. pray for us in north carolina because ernesto is on its way here. the last tropical storm we had terrible flooding in this area. :((

I am interested in knowing about the source of the contradictions I see in the postings of some of the converts here. Do you believe that Islam began with the Quran and Muhammad, or do you believe that Adam was the first prophet of Islam and that there were many between him and Muhammad?

If you believe that, then why is when the Message was given to the Arabs the only measure you seem to relate to when talking about Islam? I'm asking this because I see this time and time again, and was inspired to ask when I kept seeing posting about how Christians and Jews who died BEFORE the Quran and Muhammad were exempt from hell, but those during and after the period of Arab Islam were not. This implies that Islam did not exist prior to its delivery to the Arabian pennisula.

It is but one example, but it serves to demonstrate to me, at least, how ethnocentric the vision of Islam is for some of you. You measure the time of Islam by one place and time and ignore how it has existed forever and that there have been Muslims forever.

Is this what you are being taught?

Thanks for your input!

wow... Ehhhh. What do you believe???(out of curiousity).

to give my opinion this is what i believe...... no one in the Earth can tell me you or anyone else here who is going to hell and who isnt. that is only answered by God. he is the judge. not any of us. goodnight.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-31 03:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Date Set for September 22nd.
congrats to you!!!!!!!!our interview was yesterday!! i can understand what you mean by this being a breath of fresh air :) good luck :thumbs:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 06:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaShannon's Samir had his interview this morning
samir already got the error in his passport fixed so he will take it up to algiers on sunday :) omg i have butterflies in my stomach !!!!!!! i cant wait !!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 05:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaShannon's Samir had his interview this morning

hi sarah and charles :) thanks for the congrats :) he iwll be here no later than the first week of october. he will be leaving algeria as soon as possible :) i am so excited :dance: :dance: SAMIR IS COMING TO AMERICA WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO :dance: :dance:

Congrats...and Marhaba, Welcome to America Samir... :D (Shannon where is your SO from, what city?)

from bourdj bou arreridj .. where is your SO from?

congrats shannon :dance:

and welcome back sarah...... ;)

Thanks Charles! So sweet. How was your weekend Charles?

let's see - burn a brushpile, mow the yard, help neighbors cut down a dead tree. just another average weekend :P

i worked 32 hours this weekend lol
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-03 21:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaShannon's Samir had his interview this morning
hi sarah and charles :) thanks for the congrats :) he iwll be here no later than the first week of october. he will be leaving algeria as soon as possible :) i am so excited :dance: :dance: SAMIR IS COMING TO AMERICA WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-03 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaShannon's Samir had his interview this morning
Ok everyone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>I AM HOME >>> FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE MADE IT !!!! The interview went very well and he was interviewed 3 times by 2 women and an american man. they were shocked at his language skills and with that the american asked him alot of questions lol . but all went well and the only thing was that the consulate said that his passport needed to have his county on it which is bourdj bou arreridj, algeria. so he has to go tomorrow and get it fixed and go back to the embassy next sunday and everything will be done :) they took his fingerprints and kept our paperwork and he paid his fees :) so thanks for all the good wishes. i was at work this morning and was a nervous wreck trying to pass out my medications to my patients lol.... was not fun. but, thanks to all of your good prayers we made it thru:) thanks again!
ps. love ya sista meriem (L)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-03 20:23:00
Middle East and North Africawhy not go to teh consulat together

Shannon and Sarah, You know what he is saying and you know that English is obviously not his native language...Do you always laugh at people's broken english? I feel bad for your husbands and their families. Something is wrong with you two.

Friend, I don't know anything about your consulate or how much longer you should be patient, but kudos to you for posting in english in the first place. I'm trying to learn arabic, and I am nowhere near a point that I can be confident enough to speak to anybody...but you are, so good for you. Don't let people discourage you.

yeah you are right i guess i was rude ... sorry :( just he was posting for someone to go with him...or something. anyways no hard feelings :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 19:34:00
Middle East and North Africawhy not go to teh consulat together

hello everybody
so till now no pk3 from the usa i decide to go tomorow to the consulat my self and try found out what suck there and maybe try even the pick the pk3.. i just want to know if somebdy wanna tell me then we can meet there....thnx you :thumbs: :thumbs:

run!!!!!!!!!!!!!! forrest run!!!!!!!!!!
(there is a light on , but no one is home............)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 14:26:00
Middle East and North Africalatest news from shannon on samir's approval

:thumbs: great news Shannon..... piece of cake, wasn't it? (F)

well alot has gone into it though. to me isnt wasnt because of all the WAITING :crying: i thank the good Lord for looking out for us and for being there on all those nights i cried when i missed Samir and for all the times I felt lonely. I also thank God for bringing me to this site and making some new friends. I am so glad to have met Meriem. She calms me down when I get upset and discouraged. She has been an awesome supportive friend to me :) (L)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 09:46:00
Middle East and North Africalatest news from shannon on samir's approval
Hello everyone!!!! here is the latest news. Yesterday samir went for his interview and they told him he needed to get the stamp on his passport.(just a minor thing) well he got it today and he called to make an appointment to bring his passport back to algiers and they told him he can bring it tomorrow. They also told him he GOT THE VISA and everything was in order and all they need is the passport and he can go next week and pick it up. So everything is great!!! :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 07:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals

i totally agree with you and i have to say Samir has been wonderful in not trying to force anything on me. I know it is hard for him sometimes to deal with the fact i dont believe in his religion but, he has been nothing but kind to me about it. in my opinion, he would make an awesome christian oh well wishful thinking. i love him no matter what. and i know God loves him too

I have to say this. Samir_shannon, I see little tolerance in your posts. You not only do not believe in Islam, you show no respect for Islam or our Prophet in your posts, both of which you sneer at. I have no problem with your insistance on keeping your faith, that is a right that Islam grants to you as the spouse of a Muslim, but if your tone of disrespect doesn't soften, I fear for your marriage and your husband's soul if he is any kind of Muslim at all, for while we are allowed to marry among the ahl al kitab, rejectors are strictly forbidden to us.

Perhaps I am wrong, but that is what I see.

I think we may have all noticed a little intolerence with Islam from Shannon. I myself wonder how it can work if the wife or husband is so against the other's religion.

uh oh let's get ready for the "you dont know me and how can you judge my relationship" thing all over again

?? what is this? what did i do to you Jamie? cos i dont recall being mean to you or anything.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-30 02:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals
i am sorry for offending. i really feel bad for samir because i think alot of people are going to feel he is bad because of me. i really want to appologize. i am not feeling well and am going to lay down. i will go ahead and stay out of your forum since so many people have been offended by me. i wish everone good luck in this process and hope and pray all of you who are not united with your loved one are united soon. may god bless all of you. this process can be so tough. take care.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-30 00:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals

well sorry you feel that way.. i was just being honest in comparison. that is honestly how i looked at it when i studied it. i dont understand why you would say something about my fiances soul. that is up to God. are you saying because i dont believe in muhammed being a true prophet that my fiances soul goes to hell? if that is the case add that to my list of why i would never become a muslim. when u think about it... it is no different than a muslim saying that Jesus isnt the son of God. i have had muslims say that to me but no hard feelings. they have to answer for that to God one day not to me. so sorry and no hard feelings.

Am I saying because you dont believe in muhammed being a true prophet that your fiances soul goes to hell?

No, I know I made it clear in my post that you are nore required to believe, but you are not allowed to demean the faith either, if you do so, then, yes, your husband may well answer for marriage to someone who dislikes Islam. It is not the same as Muslims saying to you that Jesus is not the sone of God; no Muslim would demean Jesus. We respect and revere Jesus. You are obviously repulsed by the Prophet Muhammad, and your attitude reeks of kafir tendencies, one who is hostile to Islam.

. . . But hold not to the guardianship of kafir women: Ask for what you have spent on their dowers, and let the kufar ask for what they have spent on the dowers of women who come over to you. Such is the command of God. He judges with justice between you. And God is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom. 60:10

He will answer to that, not to us. Unless you are a very selfish and self-centered woman, you should see that you have a responsibilty to accept and uplift his faith in Islam as he has a responsibility to accept you as a Christian. Your posts don't demonstrate an ability to do so.

first of all i think you are gong way overboard when you say that i am repulsed by muhammed. i think you are twisting it maybe not on purpose but, because have upset you. i am not repulsed by muhammed. and hostile towards islam? i dont understand how you can say i am hostile? dont you think you are going a little overboard? i would never be hostile towards islam.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-30 00:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals
well obviously i am not very popular among this forum. i am sorry that you think i am so against you. i just thought i should state why i dont agree with islam. i cant see muhammed as a prophet because it does not say so in the bible. it is not disrespect it is honesty on my part. if samir wants to call him a prophet that is fine. he can do what he wants. it is no different than when a muslim does not call Jesus as the son of God. we get offended when he is called a prophet. but the fact is that the one thing samir and i do agree on is God and samir is a great guy because he really feels that he does what God wants. that is alot more than what i can say for alot of people i know.he might be muslim but he prays everyday and enjoys it, is always thinking of others, and loves other people more than himself. so if muhammed makes him a good man then i say let him. its is between samir and God. again no hard feelings. i wont mention this again.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-30 00:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals
actually i think i feel a little intolerance from alot of people in the MENA rooms cos i am different. i have different opinions about things. i have said this many times i believe in heaven we are going to be very surprised. i believe there is alot of good godly muslim people jewish people and christian people. i have said this before. i only have been to a muslim country 1 time but found them to be great people and treated me wonderful. but as far as following a religion i choose christianity.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-29 23:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals

i totally agree with you and i have to say Samir has been wonderful in not trying to force anything on me. I know it is hard for him sometimes to deal with the fact i dont believe in his religion but, he has been nothing but kind to me about it. in my opinion, he would make an awesome christian oh well wishful thinking. i love him no matter what. and i know God loves him too

I have to say this. Samir_shannon, I see little tolerance in your posts. You not only do not believe in Islam, you show no respect for Islam or our Prophet in your posts, both of which you sneer at. I have no problem with your insistance on keeping your faith, that is a right that Islam grants to you as the spouse of a Muslim, but if your tone of disrespect doesn't soften, I fear for your marriage and your husband's soul if he is any kind of Muslim at all, for while we are allowed to marry among the ahl al kitab, rejectors are strictly forbidden to us.

Perhaps I am wrong, but that is what I see.

well sorry you feel that way.. i was just being honest in comparison. that is honestly how i looked at it when i studied it. i dont understand why you would say something about my fiances soul. that is up to God. are you saying because i dont believe in muhammed being a true prophet that my fiances soul goes to hell? if that is the case add that to my list of why i would never become a muslim. when u think about it... it is no different than a muslim saying that Jesus isnt the son of God. i have had muslims say that to me but no hard feelings. they have to answer for that to God one day not to me. so sorry and no hard feelings.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-29 23:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals
icey you lost me LOL
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-29 23:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-29 23:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals

You are very right.. converting to any religion is a personal matter and should not be taken lightly.I pray you find all the answers you seek...

i totally agree with you and i have to say Samir has been wonderful in not trying to force anything on me. I know it is hard for him sometimes to deal with the fact i dont believe in his religion but, he has been nothing but kind to me about it. in my opinion, he would make an awesome christian :) oh well wishful thinking. i love him no matter what. and i know God loves him too :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-29 23:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals
Here is a question about islam i have... ok we have the old testament. ok that is the old law. in the old testament in jewish law Jesus Christ is prophesised 160 times. Even down the he would be stabbed in his side after he was crucified. Jesus Christ met every one of the 160 prophesies. So after the crucifixion was the covenant being met through the sacrifice. So with the covenant with Christs people, we have the new testament. God made us promises in the new testament. Also gave us very detailed prophesies about Chirists return. Christ said the only way to the father is through me. So I have faith in God and what his promise is. That promise is that Jesus died for my sins so I can be with God in heaven. He was the lamb of God. So why would i believe that a man who's name is muhammed says he is told from God that everything he promised us is wrong and makes a new law. To do this makes God a liar. I know God would never lie. So in short... Jesus was prophesied as being the son of God and dying for our sins, and it happened and he rose again and gave us laws to obide by. I dont believe in what muhammed says because Jesus warned us of false prophets who would lead us away from him. Jesus stated specifically of false prophets. I dont want to offend any muslims but i dont understand why you have not looked at this when you look at your religion. I looked at islam and could not believe in it because in the quran it even talks about how Jesus didnt even get crucified. comeon! there is no way that it was a lie. there are too many witnesses. i respect muslims but, in my opinion islam is not for me.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-29 22:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals

Ok I have a question. Please don't get mad I am just curious about some things in Islam that I have read about and heard about so here is my question:

The Quran states that a man can only marry 4 women (correct me if I'm wrong).

The Prophet Muhammed is sinless, yes?

Now I have read and heard that Muhammed had 12 wives.

So my question is: Is Muhammed above the law he gave in the Quran and isn't the definition of sin violating the law of God?

Does that make sense?

I'm just curious because from what I know and have heard which is not much I thought that men could only have 4 wives so I was curious about Muhammed.


thats a good question. there is no such thing as being SINLESS. we all have fallen short of God. Muhammed was a man. To understand this concept read the bible and it talks about sin and man. Any man who claims to be perfect and sinless is a deceiver. Dont look to muhammed and read abut Jesus Christ. He was never married and was pure. Why? because he wasnt just a man. He wasnt just a prophet. He was the son of God. Jesus never married because he knew from when he was a little boy what his purpose was. That purpose was that he would die on the cross for our sins so that we can be forgiven and be cleansed and receive the holy spirit. Amen :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-29 22:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday Thread
henia i pray you have a wonderful trip! god bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 09:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract

Yup my exYemeni had a wife when we were married he didnt tell me about...and now he has 2 have no more comment for that. I understand it is apart of Islam, and when it is used for the right reasons is a good thing...but in my case I didnt find it right.

i couldnt imagine going throught that. you must have felt terrible. i know i would have.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-30 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat time do you talk to your SO?

Just curious for those of you whose SO lives in the Middle East, what is the regular time you talk to him/her?

We have a set time for 7pm each night but I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad that he has to be up at that hour!!! Luckily he doesn't start work until like 1pm so he does get "some" sleep. I have asked him to make it every other day (thought it would KILL me), but he insists on at least hearing my voice each day.

we talk all different times of the day and night lol i am so busy sometimes we just talk anytime we can.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 14:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWill IMBRA actually make the whole process fast?
Hi ,
I am just wondering about thisIMBRA thing.. I mean I havent even gotten a notification or any RFE yet ....My I-129F petition was recieved april 5th and i havent heard anything at all.. today is now day 73. is there a light at the end of the tunnel? :crying:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-06-18 20:14:00

:dance: Congratz :dance:

I GOT MY IMBRA RFE TOOOOOOOOOOOOO YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-06-29 20:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC RFE is different than VSC RFE
My RFE from CALI was just like you said........... :thumbs:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-01 10:41:00
IMBRA Special Topicshow did you answer to RFE q2-3?
I did the same.. Marked no for question one and question 2 there were no spaces for no so i just left it blank signed it and dated it and sent in overnight to CSC... Good luck and congrats on your RFE
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-01 18:06:00
IMBRA Special Topicscalifornia rfe,,,got mine!!

dont have access to my email at work will let you know in a few hours while i am sipping my wine,,i need such little good news to celebrate!

did you get any email notification jpine?

mine was received 4/5 and i havent heard anything yet :crying: no rfe for me
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-06-28 14:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Requirement
Yes go to the police station and get a police report from them.. They will charge a fee i am sure.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-04 08:07:00
no u dont need the NOA 1 copy.. you will get a blue paper with theIMBRA RFE and you send that with the questionare and the documentation requested if any of that applies to you. ;)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-04 14:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThe IMBRA Song
lol that was good :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-05 09:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTouched July 4th CSC
I am so shocked to see that they were working on the 4th of july!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-04 20:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC RFE survey - Who doesn't have it yet?
i got mine on thurs and last night i got this message on my status.....
On July 3, 2006, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. However because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message. You will receive a written decision on this case. You can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. Follow the the link below for current processing dates
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-04 08:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWill someone please Grope me??????
mr loney....... i was never touched either till the very end. (except for the IMBRA RFE)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-26 22:46:00