Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

Shannon, did you also happen to see the thread where Michael judged an entire race?

you are a MEAN girl... and you want to talk about judging? give me a break. like none of your friends havent mentoined anything abut religion or races. uh didnt your friend rub it in someones face that they got denied because of her religion? dont go there sarah cos no one wants to hear it.

I don't even know what you are talking about, seriously.

well your title explains it... mean girl not smart girl ............ no wonder you dont know what i am talking about. why dont you go hang out with your hipocrite muslim friends. well let me take that back... they call themsleves muslims, but as samir, said there is no way they are muslim ... he has seen the mean girl threads and has been a devout muslim since birth and calls your little group a bunch of hipocrites.

I am reporting you......thumbs: Have a great day!

oh whatever go on and report. your little group bashes people all the time. give me a break.

Edited by samir_shannon, 22 September 2006 - 09:24 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

what was it, 2 weeks?

yeah it was for two weeks lol

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

and it becomes quite clear why you keep getting suspended. :yes: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to jump in here and insult people? The funny thing is that alot of the people that have replied on this thread are not even from the ME/NA forum, they are from OT.

oh lets see arent you under the title mean girl? hmmmm that alone insults you. jp you can bug off now. cos i am not going to tolerate you mean girls being rude to just about every new person that comes to MENA. just about every last one of you is intolerable of others and rude, so dont come to me about being rude. being rude was bashing my relationship with samir for months and months.

I'm not being rude NOR have I insulted you. I never bashed your relationship with Samer I am simply asking you why you came in here swinging today? Call me what you like, I have not called you any names and my questions were quite simple.

try being alittle nice. :(

How exactly am I not being nice? She came in here insulting people for NO REASON. I have never bashed her relationship and just because I'm Icey's friend I'm a MEAN girl and guilty by association? Pleeeeeeeeease.

I don't think I'm blind here, Shannon is purposley trying to start another fight in here.

no i have been out for 2 weeks but i havent forgotten how alot of you treated me.. got something to say bring it to yahoo messenger... same id as on here.. and furthermore, you are argueing right back at me . at first i didnt even say anything towards you but, sarah on the other hand is very closely associated with the ones who started a bunch of ####### before. she is guilty by association.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

Shannon, did you also happen to see the thread where Michael judged an entire race?

you are a MEAN girl... and you want to talk about judging? give me a break. like none of your friends havent mentoined anything abut religion or races. uh didnt your friend rub it in someones face that they got denied because of her religion? dont go there sarah cos no one wants to hear it.

I don't even know what you are talking about, seriously.

well your title explains it... mean girl not smart girl ............ no wonder you dont know what i am talking about. why dont you go hang out with your hipocrite muslim friends. well let me take that back... they call themsleves muslims, but as samir, said there is no way they are muslim ... he has seen the mean girl threads and has been a devout muslim since birth and calls your little group a bunch of hipocrites.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

Shannon, did you also happen to see the thread where Michael judged an entire race?

you are a MEAN girl... and you want to talk about judging? give me a break. like none of your friends havent mentoined anything abut religion or races. uh didnt your friend rub it in someones face that they got denied because of her religion? dont go there sarah cos no one wants to hear it.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

what was it, 2 weeks?

yeah it was for two weeks lol

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

and it becomes quite clear why you keep getting suspended. :yes: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to jump in here and insult people? The funny thing is that alot of the people that have replied on this thread are not even from the ME/NA forum, they are from OT.

oh lets see arent you under the title mean girl? hmmmm that alone insults you. jp you can bug off now. cos i am not going to tolerate you mean girls being rude to just about every new person that comes to MENA. just about every last one of you is intolerable of others and rude, so dont come to me about being rude. being rude was bashing my relationship with samir for months and months.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 18:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People
Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

Edited by samir_shannon, 22 September 2006 - 06:28 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecond Interview, Second Try

Asalam Walikum! Thank you to everyone who was so encouraging yesterday. Zizi was turned away at the gate, for his 11:00 a.m. appointment at the Casa Consulate, and was told the lady doing his second interview left suddenly two days ago. I have been continuing to try to reach someone inside the Consulate to honor this appointment. Senator Patty Murray's office faxed and emailed them yesterday as well.

This morning I called, was able to get through and explain about his appt. being broken without notice and that he had traveled over 500 kilometers to get there for this third trip to Casa concerning his K1 Visa. The man was really nice, said, "Boy, he came from a long way. Where did he come from?" Then he went and asked, and the lady said Aziz can come in at 11:00 today.

Don't know how I'm going to work after being up almost all night over this. I just hope this is the last step toward him getting his visa!

[size=6] I miss you so much Zizi! Get that Visa!!!!

i am sorry everything turned out bad for you... hang in there. i heard morrocco is tough.

Edited by samir_shannon, 22 September 2006 - 09:58 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSamir is going to pick up his visa
Samir is leaving in a few hours to head to Algiers to pick up his visa :) he should be here in a week or so depending on when he gets a flight out. I will keep you all posted :) I cant believe this part of the process is finally over!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-23 22:03:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?
i go to school myself and work full time. i know what kind of stress that is but, if jamie was a decent person, i would feel sorry for her. you would think that someone going thru such a rough time would be a little nicer to people but, instead she wanted to make others feel bad with her belittling remarks. it all makes sense now. it makes up for her low self esteem. pathetic really. Samir told me today, the bad get the bad things and the good get the good things. good luck to her.

also as for the trunk thing. i never said it was her fiance she tried to sneak into the US. it was someone else. not Yacine. I say we should let it go now. Jamie is getting way too much airtime. more than what she is worth LOL
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-23 22:33:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?


The whole mean girl comment is lame IMO. It was a comment that was invented by someone ( I wont say who) when many of us ME/NA girls were defending the posts about the Middle East and Muslims in OT. There are many people in VJ that make mean comments and there is no need to single out one group of people.

By the way if you are ME/NA girl you are a MEAN girl by default on VJ :lol:

oh God lol dont say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :help:

See the history of it is...Non-ME/NA people call us MEAN girls we don't call each other that, so infact Shannon you are a MEAN girl. :lol:

PS - JP, I love you. Sorry :(

I love ya too SZSZ, no worries (F) I'm telling ya nothing is gonna break my mood today, i got into my old jeans and they are NOT the stretch kind. :lol:

oh greaaaaaaat. lol did i tell you that my samir is really from France? hahha ( fingers crossed ) hahahha

mmmmhmmmm, sure...Samir sounds like a french name too. :lol: You are stuck with us :lol: :lol: :lol: Mean girl :P

((hugs)) ok i am off to bed i work 2 16 hour shifts on the weekends. goodnight all!!!! byebye
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 22:41:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?


The whole mean girl comment is lame IMO. It was a comment that was invented by someone ( I wont say who) when many of us ME/NA girls were defending the posts about the Middle East and Muslims in OT. There are many people in VJ that make mean comments and there is no need to single out one group of people.

By the way if you are ME/NA girl you are a MEAN girl by default on VJ :lol:

oh God lol dont say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :help:

See the history of it is...Non-ME/NA people call us MEAN girls we don't call each other that, so infact Shannon you are a MEAN girl. :lol:

PS - JP, I love you. Sorry :(

I love ya too SZSZ, no worries (F) I'm telling ya nothing is gonna break my mood today, i got into my old jeans and they are NOT the stretch kind. :lol:

oh greaaaaaaat. lol did i tell you that my samir is really from France? hahha ( fingers crossed ) hahahha
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 22:38:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

The whole mean girl comment is lame IMO. It was a comment that was invented by someone ( I wont say who) when many of us ME/NA girls were defending the posts about the Middle East and Muslims in OT. There are many people in VJ that make mean comments and there is no need to single out one group of people.

By the way if you are ME/NA girl you are a MEAN girl by default on VJ :lol:

oh God lol dont say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :help:

I would like it noted for the record that I have posted no insulting comments on this thread and would not be here other than to say that I have posted no insulting comments on this thread.

Please continue . . .

goodness.... ok SZSZ ............ :P
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 22:35:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

how is this not on the subject?the thread was about were is icey. and i would bet that is what happened. she left cos she got denied. that is all i am saying.

You are speculating, you don't know if that is true or not. The thread is indeed about Icey, to ask wehre she is, not to bash her.

i said i would *bet* so i admit i am speculating. and as for bashing her... um didnt she start with posting my personal info on the net? um THAT is bashing.

Yes you are right it is, but its over now isn't it? She is not here bashing you and no one was bashing you when you came in swinging.

i get ya. i am done with it. i vented and said what i had to say. honetly vp i really didnt mean you but sarah was there right along with them bashing me about my realtionship. i will apologize to you jp cos i will admit i am wrong there. with sarah i dont think iam wrong at all for not liking her or trusting her. she was in it as much as icey was. i will go ahead and apologize to sarah because it is the christian thing to do.

Ok Shannon I am glad you feel better now, but Sarah was not there. She is a good friend of mine and she was not feeling well at the time. Guilty by association doesn't work unless you live in the middle east! :P

thanks JP but to clarify what i mean about that, i mean that she was inthe forums with the mean girls and making comments along with them, directed to me when they were making comments over the last several months about samir and i. maybe she just got caught up in it cos of icey but, i must say they were not as bad as the some of the other girls comments in general, but still offensive. most of the comments were about him being muslim and our relationship. i will just let it go. it obviously isnt going to do any good to even try to get those girls to admit that this whole mean girl thing was stupid and ridiculous.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 22:26:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

how is this not on the subject?the thread was about were is icey. and i would bet that is what happened. she left cos she got denied. that is all i am saying.

You are speculating, you don't know if that is true or not. The thread is indeed about Icey, to ask wehre she is, not to bash her.

i said i would *bet* so i admit i am speculating. and as for bashing her... um didnt she start with posting my personal info on the net? um THAT is bashing.

Yes you are right it is, but its over now isn't it? She is not here bashing you and no one was bashing you when you came in swinging.

i get ya. i am done with it. i vented and said what i had to say. honetly vp i really didnt mean you but sarah was there right along with them bashing me about my realtionship. i will apologize to you jp cos i will admit i am wrong there. with sarah i dont think iam wrong at all for not liking her or trusting her. she was in it as much as icey was. i will go ahead and apologize to sarah because it is the christian thing to do.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 22:16:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

how is this not on the subject?the thread was about were is icey. and i would bet that is what happened. she left cos she got denied. that is all i am saying.

You are speculating, you don't know if that is true or not. The thread is indeed about Icey, to ask wehre she is, not to bash her.

i said i would *bet* so i admit i am speculating. and as for bashing her... um didnt she start with posting my personal info on the net? um THAT is bashing.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 22:08:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?
how is this not on the subject?the thread was about were is icey. and i would bet that is what happened. she left cos she got denied. that is all i am saying.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 22:05:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

I never bashed you either, or even talked to you. I still don't get it.

ok sarah play innocent. thats cool. i could bring up past posts but i wont even bother. just a waste of time

Shannon I have never spoke with you and do not even know you. All I can see is how you have acted on here and I have to say, I am not impressed.

you have never spoken to me? lol you have a bad case of amnesia. well anyways so this whole forum is about icey. me thinky icey got denied. and then she ran. and the reason why i say that is becasue that is the actual topic of this forum. cant bring illegal aliens into the country in the trunk of your car and get busted and then try to bring an immigrant here. i almost felt sorry for her untill, she tried to be sneaky about things and lied on meriem saying meriem was ok with what she said to me. meriem wasnt ok with it. so i have no sympathy for her. she better pack her bags and go to algeria .
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:51:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

I never bashed you either, or even talked to you. I still don't get it.

ok sarah play innocent. thats cool. i could bring up past posts but i wont even bother. just a waste of time
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:44:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

Shannon why are you giving me your yahoo address? Are yuo embarassed yet?

there is a few things i would like to say to some of you that i cant say on here lol as for you JP i am not childish. just sick of some people. you all thought it was funny before to bash me and tlak about my personal businiess. now allt he sudden you all are playing self rightoues. if that is the road you are going down then fine by me . i say great. at least if i dont get banned i can come on here without dealing with what i did before.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:38:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

sarah i bet you like to laugh cos you are a joke..... and as for icey leaving.. can dish it out but cant take it . hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

What did I ever do to you?

guilty by association

Good Lord! you are insane!

hey sarah if you or any other MEAN girls got something to say bring it to yahoo... same id yahoo id for messenger samir_shannon_forever. got it?
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:10:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

sarah i bet you like to laugh cos you are a joke..... and as for icey leaving.. can dish it out but cant take it . hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

What did I ever do to you?

guilty by association
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 20:57:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?
hey dont change the subject lol where did jamie go? couldnt hang with all her trunk issues? so sad that she bashed people and lied on her friend and then just runs off when people realize her true self. oh well VJ is better off without her. end of story. ok i am off to other issues now. c-ya.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 18:45:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

sarah i bet you like to laugh cos you are a joke..... and as for icey leaving.. can dish it out but cant take it . hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

Again was anything here directed at you? :unsure: Why are you taking cheap shots at people?

JP talk about being directed at you... did i mention you or did i specifically mention sarah and icey?.... run along now....
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 18:37:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?
sarah i bet you like to laugh cos you are a joke..... and as for icey leaving.. can dish it out but cant take it . hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND!!!!!!!!

Congrats and have a great time on your vaction time off. All the best :D

i dont know what to think LOL i work 40 hours a week and am a full time student!!!! I am always so busy and for a whole week i get to have my Samir here and not have to work and go to school! It is like a miracle! Sorry I am just on cloud 9 right now LOL......................

stock up on laundry soap :thumbs: :yes: :lol:

i am stocking up on everything LOL i just went and bought him all the things he will need when he gets here. i just cant believe it is so close. he is buying his ticket tomorrow :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-26 21:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND!!!!!!!!

Congrats and have a great time on your vaction time off. All the best :D

i dont know what to think LOL i work 40 hours a week and am a full time student!!!! I am always so busy and for a whole week i get to have my Samir here and not have to work and go to school! It is like a miracle! Sorry I am just on cloud 9 right now LOL......................
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-26 14:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND!!!!!!!!
hello everyone... he will be buying his ticket in a couple of days!!!! he told me he would definatley be here before the 10 of oct because we are going on vacation. I get the 10th thru the 17th off from work and school(fall break) so we are gonig to disney world! cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-25 21:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some prayers from VJers (sorry I rhyme when upset)
I will keep you in my prayers.................. dont lose hope and there is always a second interview!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-28 10:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoldenheart Update....

Asalaamu Aleykum,

My fiance was invited for an interview a few weeks ago, he thought the interview was to clear up the miscommunication at the POE. Unfortunately, the interview turned into a 3 hour interrogation session.

He said the CO asked him Why did your fiancee decided to be a Muslim?, Why did your fiancee divorce her X husband? He said all of the questions were BS questions. Well, he left the Embassy more frustrated then ever. Well, last Friday he received another Packet 3 and the Embassy stated that for further processing he must complete another visa application.

The problem is.....He does not trust them any more. The second part of the problem is...I don't trust the system either. We follow their rules, jump through hoops and exhausted all of our money for a simple K1 visa. I feel the only option I have is to leave my 7-year old son (due to joint custody) here in the USA and move to Germany :( I really hate that I've been force into a situation where my son will lose his mother :( I'm almost positive that If I have to leave my son, I will be no good for my fiance, due to depression of not being with my child :crying: :help:

i am so sorry. is there anyway to work something out to take him with you?
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-28 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA history
rahma i know this is off the topic but, u have some beautiful pictures! i love them! :D
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-26 13:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAh ha, I've found it!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-28 21:06:00
Middle East and North Africa5 days till I have my interview !!
good luck :thumbs:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-28 09:49:00
Middle East and North Africa5 days till I have my interview !!
good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-25 20:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSEND CONGTATS TO MERIAM:) HACHEMI IS COMING ON 8/12!!!!!
CONGRATS MERIAM!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-31 11:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaCountdown for Hicham's arrival
congrats sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-31 22:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhen you marry or married your SO...
i will be taking samir's last name :)

Edited by samir_shannon, 31 July 2006 - 10:27 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-31 22:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaI NEED UR HELP WITH CASA AMBASSY
unless you meet the poverty guidelines you have to have a co sponsor for the form 1-134 which is the affidavit of support.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-02 08:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaPhone calls back home are so expensive
that is sooooooooo cool! i wish samir could do that but most algerians dont have an internet connection at home. they go to a cafe net.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-02 09:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHas anyone called or emailed FBI
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-02 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow do you find your strength?
i fond strength in God, Samir, my friends and family and i stay busy with work and school
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-02 09:13:00