Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I didn't learn it from a book...I learned it from an native Arabic speaker.

I was talking means daughter of a dog and I know it's not very nice...I never claimed to be nice.

daughter of a dog...that's what bint el kalb means.

No it doesn't. Kalb means dog, but when you use it in that sentence, it takes on a complete other meaning. (F)

Ok but you need to understand that there is no literal meaning for that phrase. I am only telling you for your own sake. Don't use that phrase unless you want trouble. If you said "Bint il Kalb" to any arab they would open a can of whoop a$$ on ya.

I am a native arabic speaker.....

Sarah and JP I don't know if you saw where I blurted out your secrets because this thread is moving so fast. :lol:

darnit! I missed it! Did you know sarab has garlic cloves in her purse instead of tic tacs? She makes cake frosting from it!

i plan on learning arabic when samir gets here. he said the frist thing he is going to do is teach me the alphabet :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Boy oh boy have I had fun today ladies. Thank you to Shannon for making my afternoon entertaining and making my work day go by quickly. Thanks to all the OT ppl who came over to join us for our circus. Kisses..muuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

yeah it would be entertaining to you to say the ####### you do. get lost. and learn arabic.....
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

And you do?

moody has no class at all. NONE

i have more class in my little finger than you do in your whole body, girl ... learn
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Where did I say I was so religious? You're the one who brags about enlightening Imams about the wonders of Jesus (pbuh) and your mouth is extremely filthy. So much for being a good Christian. :no:

Yes I know what I was saying. I wouldn't say a word I didn't know what it meant. I thought it was better to use the Arabic than to use English because I can can get pretty nasty in English. My Arabic is limited so I only know the mild curse words. Bint el kalb isn't so bad...I believe it's fitting.

You know I saw something in here that just annoyed the hell out of me.

Moody you wrote to Shannon "ya bint il kalb", do you really know the meaning of the words you just used. Cursing in arabic is not a matter to be taken lightly. I am not a fan of Shannon by anymeans but just because you know the arabic curse words doesnt mean you should use them. :star:

you have already shown yourself to be nasty no matter what language you speak. and you think you are soooo religous.......................

i have a breaking point.. got it? my mouth isnt as filthyas yours and i never called you parents dogs and i never said anything about your husband............
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
moody has no class at all. NONE
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

daughter of a dog...that's what bint el kalb means.

daughter of a dog? well guess what missy my father was a united states navy commander who died for the freedom for you to be able to post what you want. my DOG father is in heaven so you got that ? how dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Yes I know what I was saying. I wouldn't say a word I didn't know what it meant. I thought it was better to use the Arabic than to use English because I can can get pretty nasty in English. My Arabic is limited so I only know the mild curse words. Bint el kalb isn't so bad...I believe it's fitting.

You know I saw something in here that just annoyed the hell out of me.

Moody you wrote to Shannon "ya bint il kalb", do you really know the meaning of the words you just used. Cursing in arabic is not a matter to be taken lightly. I am not a fan of Shannon by anymeans but just because you know the arabic curse words doesnt mean you should use them. :star:

you have already shown yourself to be nasty no matter what language you speak. and you think you are soooo religous.......................
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

You know I saw something in here that just annoyed the hell out of me.

Moody you wrote to Shannon "ya bint il kalb", do you really know the meaning of the words you just used. Cursing in arabic is not a matter to be taken lightly. I am not a fan of Shannon by anymeans but just because you know the arabic curse words doesnt mean you should use them. :star:

it is ok i didnt understand her anyways........... i could care less about her cussing at me just when my fiance is mentioned.... thats what is wrong ... and that is the root of this whole problem.. if they would have just shut up about my fiance i would have been fine... but they kept on and kept on and obviously they were all talking about it when i was around because it seems meriem told jamie personal things .. which really hurts cos i trusted i could tell meriem anything... i hope jamie is happy cos now that is a friendship that is broken was more important to her for her to bash me than it was for her to keep what meriem told her to herself.

Edited by samir_shannon, 08 September 2006 - 03:45 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

No...what I meant was since she's very intolerant of Muslims and has told him to shove his religion up his ####### I figured that he must be putting up with that kind of abuse for a reason. It has nothing to do with whether she was a revert or not. The revert comment was for something else. Read the whole post ladies.

I would bet a million bucks your precious Samir would trade you for a revert any day. I know what he wants and it's GREEN ya bint el kalb !!!

I'm not a revert, does that mean my husband is using me for money????

Nah.. I believe what was meant by that blow was that since you're not a revert he must be using you for a greencard :whistle: :unsure:

wait a minute i told him to shove his religion up his ###? first of all i dont know where you got that from but that is a totaly not true.... and if i would talk like that to samir he wouldnt tolerate that. if i was so intolerant towards muslims then why would i marry one ? like i couldnt marry anyone here oh plz.... you are ridiculous.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

My comments aren't meant to be private. I have nothing to hide from you guys. I'm sorry if you've taken offense, Jenn. You know it's wrong of me to say anything about Shannzie's man or his intentions. I don't know him. I guess that was a defense mechanism on my part. I apologize.

thats right you dont know him..... again you ran your mouth. whats new? have i said anything about your husband? not 1 time. now you move from picking on me to now samir is a liar and a user. you need a kick in your !@#
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I would bet a million bucks your precious Samir would trade you for a revert any day. I know what he wants and it's GREEN ya bint el kalb !!!

I'm not a revert, does that mean my husband is using me for money????

Nah.. I believe what was meant by that blow was that since you're not a revert he must be using you for a greencard :whistle: :unsure:

see this is what they do... they claim to be so religious and talk religion but are the first ones to trash someone and be sarcastic..... i took it for a long time. even tried to explain myself and everytime i did they would find something else to pick on me about...... they are hipocrites.

Edited by samir_shannon, 08 September 2006 - 03:29 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

And must you be so one addressed you nor has anyone said anything about you. When we come in assuming ppl are talking about us that means we have a guilty conscience or are hiding something. Please Jenn, I'm not trying to be offensive to you.

No I didn't say that...I didn't say he was using her for money. Read again and more carefully next time.

Why must you be so patronizing?

I'm trying to point out that your (and by your I mean yours and Shannon's) comments, while meant to hurt each other by pointing out certain aspects of each other's relationships that you find "fishy" or whatnot, are hurting more people than that.

Maybe you should have your battle privately if your comments are meant to be private.

kinda hard to do it private since they have been bashing me for months in the forums.....i would have done it private but it was too late for that.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
and furthermoer i will add... my fiance isnt using me for a green card... as a matter of fact his family and him begged me for 2 years to live in algeria. so nice try :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

hey sarah i will tell you how i am still here.... because UNBIASED people have looked at the threads and have seen how you MEAN girls have trashed my relationship time and time again. you all felt it was your place to tell me i am bad for samir and blah blah blah. samir even said today i am a grwon man where is it thier place to say those things... him and i have been together now for 3 years ....if i was sooooo intelerant he wouldnt tolerate me or marry me and his family wouldnt love me so much. and jamie had no business what so ever bringing up what was suppossed to be kept between meriem and i. so now she got a taste of her own medicine. i was betrayed by someone who i thought was my friend that i could confide in.... so with all of that the truth about jamie is out. she doesnt even know if her case will go thru because she tried to sneak a man across the border from canada and got busted at the border. maybe that is why she is so bitter. she will get what is coming to her.

Hey-that's not your business to be telling! Why don't you leave Jamie alone, huh?

well jamie felt it was her place to tell whatever she wanted to she gets what she gets....if she wants to play with fire she better not get to close or she will get burned.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

No I didn't say that...I didn't say he was using her for money. Read again and more carefully next time. By green I wasn't referring to money. ;) Ya Jenn please stop taking offense...I wasn't talking about you.

I would bet a million bucks your precious Samir would trade you for a revert any day. I know what he wants and it's GREEN ya bint el kalb !!!

I'm not a revert, does that mean my husband is using me for money????

samir isnt using me for money and i dont care even if you said that... in three years i never have sent a dime....... i have sent him surprises but no money. and he would never take it from me. i am not paying for his plane ticket, nothing. i have not paid one dime for this immigration process except for the 170 for the petition and money to mail the documents. i am a college student ... he knows i work hard to make ends meet.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
hey sarah i will tell you how i am still here.... because UNBIASED people have looked at the threads and have seen how you MEAN girls have trashed my relationship time and time again. you all felt it was your place to tell me i am bad for samir and blah blah blah. samir even said today i am a grwon man where is it thier place to say those things... him and i have been together now for 3 years ....if i was sooooo intelerant he wouldnt tolerate me or marry me and his family wouldnt love me so much. and jamie had no business what so ever bringing up what was suppossed to be kept between meriem and i. so now she got a taste of her own medicine. i was betrayed by someone who i thought was my friend that i could confide in.... so with all of that the truth about jamie is out. she doesnt even know if her case will go thru because she tried to sneak a man across the border from canada and got busted at the border. maybe that is why she is so bitter. she will get what is coming to her.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

geez, way to lower yourselves to eachother levels. :thumbs:

If someone spouts filth, and filth is spouted back,then what's the difference between the two people? Nothing really, they are both just filth spouters. (there is a thing called not stooping to someone else's level)

What makes you think anyone had to lower themselves? :unsure: :huh:

Well, my point is, if you think someone is saying insanely rude things, and that makes them a "horrible person", then why respond in the exact same way? I won't say whether I think anyone actually had to lower themselves or not, I can't tell really from my limited experience with some members. Anyway, I have gotten involved and I really shouldn't. :P

it is ok hun i take no offens eto you and get wha tyou are saying...but i just got the point where i have had enough and think it is about time someone put them in thier place. they think they can say whatever they want and get by with it. enough is enough. and moody made the threat to me tha ####### was on so guess what? i brought it on. and when i get banned ewok is goig to go back and look at this page and then he is going to see her antagonizing and shes going to get it too .....
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

wow, can anyone come here and just post away?!

Is this like the new OT forum? :unsure:

You might need authorization from Captain Ewok after your last "issue" haha.

no worries... me and the Capt are good friends!!! I get reported to him so often, we have open lines of communication! :D

well i have tlaked to him and he knows about the ####### they have said about my relationship with samir. it is so wrong. and the irony in it is.... he is so mad that they are saying those things. they are ridiculous. samir even told his sister and his mother and they got on the phone and said we love you shannon. and they say i am mean to muslims and ####### like that. they have nothnig better to do. if anyone is intolerant it is them.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Get da windowwww to da wallllllll to sweat drip off my......

geez, way to lower yourselves to eachother levels. :thumbs:

If someone spouts filth, and filth is spouted back,then what's the difference between the two people? Nothing really, they are both just filth spouters. (there is a thing called not stooping to someone else's level)

What makes you think anyone had to lower themselves? :unsure: :huh:

she is a thug lol smoking newports hahahahha
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
Posted Image
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?


isnt your man here and you are on here all the time? comeon
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

You can't touch me cuz you don't know enough about me ya humaar. Muahahahahahahahaaaa!

and jamie now they can talk about you. and no one wants to talk about moody cos she isnt worth it . a complete joke.

i know this about you ... you are completely WORTHLESS
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria? don't know how I really look ya magnoona. I've seen a pic of you and you're no prize ya ba'ara. Is that all you really got ya bett? Just my looks? That's it? I'm a poor excuse for a Muslim? Hahahahaha I would bet a million bucks your precious Samir would trade you for a revert any day. I know what he wants and it's GREEN ya bint el kalb !!! What other man would stand for the ####### you spew for any other reason? La hawla wa la kuwata lillah. I'm sorry for the rest of you who have to read this stuff. Grow up ya bint el wishka.

he woldnt touch you with a ten foot pole and someone else pushing it. you are gross. i am sorry the rest of the people in here have to deal with YOU. and too bad you dont know what i really look like which ALOT better than you hahahahahahahhahahhahaahahha
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
and i suggest all the MEAN girls who think that being like jamie is cool well let me tell you ... shes a liar and a complete waste of space.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
and jamie now they can talk about you. and no one wants to talk about moody cos she isnt worth it . a complete joke.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?


What is wrong with you?

they disrespected me and the disrespected my fiance by saying what htey have said about our relationship.. and here they are saying i am mean to him and he is so mad.... he told me to tell them to shut up and mind their business. he doesnt want me to come to this site anymore so i will say what i have got to say and i am outta here. i thought i had made at least one friend on here but she betrayed me. so now they wont have to know any more of my business and find someone else to talk about.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
[b] if i am going to get banned i might as well go out with a bang.... moody you are ugly , rude , and a poor excuse of a muslim, go back to the streetcorner where you belong you filthy skank.
jamie you are fat, ugly, cross eyed and an idiot. and debbie schussler saw you for what you were.. a desperate ugly woman who couldnt get anyone else LOL mets a guy and only after a couple months is in algeria. hahahahyou make the rest of us who are with algerians look bad. and you want to talk islam? you told me along time ago you were sending your man money ALL THE TIME what kind of muslim man accepts money from his wife? and guess what you should have thought about what you were doing before you put that man in your trunk and tried to sneak him into the states and got caught hahahahahahhahahaahahahaahh now dont you think that is going to affect your petition? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think so you have the nerve to come in here acting like you are so great when you are NOTHING
and moody dont play your "you dont know me ####### cos guess what you dont know me." you ugly piece of ######. i took all of your ####### long enough
Posted Image
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

like i am scared of you...... why dont you and jamie stay in your trailer park. i dont like white trash. skank

again....REPORTED - there is no need for this honey.... why are you so bitter? If I was your momma, I'd wash your mouth out w/ lye soap. Please settle down - and again [attachment=2325:attachment]

go ahead report!!! she said it was on so i brought it. she shouldnt make threats. i could care less. samir is so disgusted with some people he doesnt even want me to come in here anymore. kiss my A$$
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 14:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Ok you are no longer allowed to call ppl mean and say they are attacking you. This is blatant attacking and it's uncalled for. I've held my tongue way too many times when it comes to you missy. It's on from now on.

Actually the unit is very nice... it's like a 4 star hotel and makes it as comfortable as possible... but eh... the old folks are not a hot bunch.. gonna be a lot of work...

yay is working!! it wasnt working for a half hour so I came on VJ to kill time.. I need to print off course syllabi :)

gotta go ill be back later!

clinicals my A$$, shes not even a CNA. I believe shes in nursing school like i believe that i am waking up to a million dollars tomorrow. most schools you have to be a CNA now as a prerequisite. remember about lying jamie?

like i am scared of you...... why dont you and jamie stay in your trailer park. i dont like white trash. skank
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 13:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

haha.. yacine has a job thanks very much.

How childish that you have to follow me to another thread and try to defame my character. Get real.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-07 23:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

A school of nursing that has %100 of last semester students pass the NCLEX-RN exam the first time is what you call a cracker jack box? Oh ok. Sure.

You were wrong, get over it.

big deal my school does can say anything on here jamie. you are a joke. yeah you better go work them 2 days a week to send your man money. my man is a REAL man and wont take money from me.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-07 23:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
oh thats right jamie... my bad.... i forgot you got it out of a cracker jack box :lol:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-07 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Actually the unit is very nice... it's like a 4 star hotel and makes it as comfortable as possible... but eh... the old folks are not a hot bunch.. gonna be a lot of work...

yay is working!! it wasnt working for a half hour so I came on VJ to kill time.. I need to print off course syllabi :)

gotta go ill be back later!

clinicals my A$$, shes not even a CNA. I believe shes in nursing school like i believe that i am waking up to a million dollars tomorrow. most schools you have to be a CNA now as a prerequisite. remember about lying jamie?
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-07 22:16:00
Middle East and North Africawhat did your family say?
my family thought i was insane :wacko:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 21:46:00
Middle East and North Africainterview success !!!!!!!

Jamal got the call he is on his way to get his visa :dance: :dance: :dance:

congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know you are so happy :) :dance: :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-04 14:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaI"M BACK!

Well Well .......
Was suspended for my outburst a couple of weeks ago.. dont regret it one bit.(i dont ever regret telling the truth about things) :yes:
So anyway, I hope there were alot of approvals out there ... been busy the last couple of weeks. Samir's name check is finished and the embassy emailed me wed saying the visa will be issued with in a week. So he should be here within 2 weeks at the most. I have been getting everything ready :)
what i missed most about VJ was Gupts daily news postings :) I have to check them out when i have time to catch up :)
Well, talk to you all later

welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats on the visa... :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks shonnie ((hugs)) :D
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 19:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaI"M BACK!
Well Well .......
Was suspended for my outburst a couple of weeks ago.. dont regret it one bit.(i dont ever regret telling the truth about things) :yes:
So anyway, I hope there were alot of approvals out there ... been busy the last couple of weeks. Samir's name check is finished and the embassy emailed me wed saying the visa will be issued with in a week. So he should be here within 2 weeks at the most. I have been getting everything ready :)
what i missed most about VJ was Gupts daily news postings :) I have to check them out when i have time to catch up :)
Well, talk to you all later
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 18:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaWelcome to the WWF

Wow, so much fighting and anger here. Personally I am quite happy its Friday, and the weekend. Nothing or nobody here can get me as riled up as a lot of people here are.

No specific reason for this thread, just wanted to say "hi" to everyone.

Hope you all have a great weekend too!

hi :yes:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 19:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People
[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='464394' date='Sep 22 2006, 10:23 PM'][quote name='samir_shannon' post='464386' date='Sep 22 2006, 07:21 PM']
[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='464360' date='Sep 22 2006, 10:15 PM']
[quote name='babybunny' post='464336' date='Sep 22 2006, 07:07 PM']
[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='464051' date='Sep 22 2006, 06:46 PM']
[quote name='samir_shannon' post='464035' date='Sep 22 2006, 04:42 PM']
[quote name='charlesandnessa' post='464026' date='Sep 22 2006, 07:35 PM']
[quote name='samir_shannon' post='464006' date='Sep 22 2006, 06:27 PM']
Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:[/quote]
what was it, 2 weeks?
yeah it was for two weeks lol

[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='464015' date='Sep 22 2006, 07:31 PM'][quote name='samir_shannon' post='464006' date='Sep 22 2006, 04:27 PM']
Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:[/quote]

and it becomes quite clear why you keep getting suspended. :yes: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to jump in here and insult people? The funny thing is that alot of the people that have replied on this thread are not even from the ME/NA forum, they are from OT.
oh lets see arent you under the title mean girl? hmmmm that alone insults you. jp you can bug off now. cos i am not going to tolerate you mean girls being rude to just about every new person that comes to MENA. just about every last one of you is intolerable of others and rude, so dont come to me about being rude. being rude was bashing my relationship with samir for months and months.

I'm not being rude NOR have I insulted you. I never bashed your relationship with Samer I am simply asking you why you came in here swinging today? Call me what you like, I have not called you any names and my questions were quite simple.

try being alittle nice. :(

How exactly am I not being nice? She came in here insulting people for NO REASON. I have never bashed her relationship and just because I'm Icey's friend I'm a MEAN girl and guilty by association? Pleeeeeeeeease.

I don't think I'm blind here, Shannon is purposley trying to start another fight in here.
no i have been out for 2 weeks but i havent forgotten how alot of you treated me.. got something to say bring it to yahoo messenger... same id as on here.. and furthermore, you are argueing right back at me . at first i didnt even say anything towards you but, sarah on the other hand is very closely associated with the ones who started a bunch of ####### before. she is guilty by association.

Do you realize how ridicoulous that sounds? Guilty by association, she didnt even do anything to you and you are insulting her because Icey is not here? Oh grow up Shannon, and seriously I don't need to go to Yahoo to fight with you. GROW UP!
just about all of you have belittled me and insulted me. dont play innocent. report me report me. someone has to do something abot this mean girl thing. you all got a kick out of it and were allowed to say what ever you wanted on here.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Wow look at what i have missed since i was suspended LOL :lol: :lol: well i see the mean girls tried to took on another victim. micheal, trust me... they like to judge people. they have nothing else better to do. dont worry about it. they are a waste of space.
just tell them like it is mike! :thumbs:

Shannon, did you also happen to see the thread where Michael judged an entire race?

you are a MEAN girl... and you want to talk about judging? give me a break. like none of your friends havent mentoined anything abut religion or races. uh didnt your friend rub it in someones face that they got denied because of her religion? dont go there sarah cos no one wants to hear it.

I don't even know what you are talking about, seriously.

well your title explains it... mean girl not smart girl ............ no wonder you dont know what i am talking about. why dont you go hang out with your hipocrite muslim friends. well let me take that back... they call themsleves muslims, but as samir, said there is no way they are muslim ... he has seen the mean girl threads and has been a devout muslim since birth and calls your little group a bunch of hipocrites.

I am reporting you......thumbs: Have a great day!

oh whatever go on and report. your little group bashes people all the time. give me a break.

Edited by samir_shannon, 22 September 2006 - 09:24 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-22 21:23:00