K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED
hey Uling!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt know you got your NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!!!!!! awesome! :dance: :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-02 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE ARE APPROVED!!!! WOOO HOOOO
congrats!!!!!!!! i know it is such a relief!!!! hope he gets here soon!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-24 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThey are on a roll! also approved today
wow that was fast! congrats! :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-10-02 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo we need to provide the Annulment decree?
i am sure an annulment decree would be ok as long as it is legal and notarized.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-08-03 10:49:00
Middle East and North Africasending mail to jordan

I would never use the post office. Does FedEx or DHL ship to Jordan? I would think they do. It's expensive, but you can track it, and for sure it will arrive.

I would use Aramex which can be used via UPS from the USA to send important documents. My papers arrived to my husband in a matter of 2 days. And yes, DHL does have offices in Jordan. Good luck to you.
DLR & MFemaleJordan2012-07-14 07:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaReal Tuesday Thread

Happy Tuesday allPosted Image

Just posting the REAL Tuesday thread...

Well I should be sleeping, but I cannot way tooo excited...o snaaaaaaaaaps....too excited, getting evil now...Posted ImageLeaving in about 16 hours... o snaps I should get SOME sleep LOL...

Wishing everyone, esp Jamie, Meriem,Kara, Sarah,Holly, Tanya, Amal and Layla a great 2months....Inchallah I will be online but just NOT as much.... (what was that joke I told you Jamie about me losing something on Friday night ? :lol: :hehe: :blush: :D :P ) Posted Image

Anyway hugs and kisses to you all... donnot have TOO fun without me....And donnot worry Icey J I will make sure Yacine isnt getting into any trouble :lol: :hehe:

Have fun Henia!!!!!!!!!!! I know you have to be excited and having butterflies in your stomach :) By the way... that rainbow bright doll reminds me of my good 'ol childhood days back in the 80's LOL
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 07:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat do you miss most about ur other half?

:( OK ..I made this thread so each one of us would write what she does miss more about her hubby ...since I miss my husband very very much and I feel empty without him so I make this thread to say what I do miss most about him..let me start it then

First I miss everything ...I miss his smile " the most beautiful smile i ever see in my whole life"

I miss his scent ..I miss when he call me "big bear", I miss when he is sitting infront of his computer and has his wrist under his chin while he is working on the computers ...I miss feeling peace when I sit next to him ..I miss feeling complete when he is hugging me ..

I miss waking up in the morning and i find my self in his arms , I miss lauging with him..

I miss when he make this funny face and joke around with me and say in his own espcail way " I am so sorry for yu" lol

I miss talking to him face to face. I miss seeing him asking me to hurry because I am always late when we go out and he is the one who alwyas finish dressing first and walk around in the room askin me to " finish quicker " lol.

I miss looking in his eyes in them I see my self and my soul..

I miss and I miss and I miss ...I miss my life that has been taken awya form me since he left me ...

I miss and I miss and I miss ..I miss my soul that keeps me alive ...and for me he is like the blood that runs in my veins to nourish me .

I miss him alot and really life is so bad without him and life has no meaning or taste ..I feel like I am dead ..

I miss Mark alot ..

I miss EVERYTHING about Samir. I cant think of what i miss most because there are so many different things.. I just want him here. I can tell you this, he is a great man and God bless him. I love you Samir (L) (L)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat do you miss most about ur other half?
i am too emotional after reading that :crying:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-07-28 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday thread..
trust me you dont have to pretend to be an idiot.. that comes naturally to you :bonk:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 15:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday thread..

I bought myself a big ole can of protein shake mix just in time for Ramadan. :D

Thats wondefull.. Is it Soy, Whey, Casein Or Albumine???.. What flavour?? What brand?..

do the world a favor and pull your lip over your head and swallow yourself
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday thread..

Inshallla allah wednesday will come soon.
Casa will approve all visas (arent they fast recently) Inshalla Allah they will continue like that.
And then Thursday,
Then friday, If Allah Ok with that.
And then Saturday.. Again, If no objections.
Sunday then, and Monday. Inshalla Allah will be tuesday again.

But for now, lets focus on this particular tuesday.

How preparation to Ramadan???..

I am cleaning myself spiritually. Well It's still a lot to do...

wow you have alot of praying to do ............ i hate to think about what kinda tricks you will pull around christmas time ..........
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 09:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo we have a new....
this is no purpose to this thread...........but thats ok :P
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-06 22:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Wednesay Middle of the week!

Hey everybody. We have a marriage license. We applied last week and got the blood test and the health dept lab lost our results. They finally found the results and called us yesterday so we went by and got them and went to pick up the license. Hachemi was so proud of them. We stopped by the grocery store and and he brought the license in the store with him. He said he did not want to take any risk that someone would steal the tahoe and our marriage license. :lol: We are getting married on Sept 12 at our court house, inshaallah. The courthouse sits on the banks of a beautiful lake and there is a deck out over the water that they use to marry the couples. The only problem is, my daughter is ready to have her baby. Its the only think that will cause a delay. They said at the court house, no problem just call to reschedule.

Meriem (F)

congrats to you and hachemi :) i wish i could be there for it but i am stuck up here in Raleigh with work and school :crying:
So what do you want for a wedding present? :D

Edited by samir_shannon, 06 September 2006 - 12:47 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-06 12:47:00
Middle East and North Africain 7-10 days we will have visa in hand :)

Awesome news Shannon!!!! It took Hachemi about 2 weeks to get his. I think cause of 4th of July holidays.

Meriem (F)

yeah i remember... its ok it jsut gives me a little more time to get thru a major anatomy test this week and get things ready at home :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 22:15:00
Middle East and North Africain 7-10 days we will have visa in hand :)
Samir went back up to the embassy this morning and gave them his passport and they told hi he will be able to pick up his visa in 7 - 10 days at the UPS :) I have to start getting ready!!!!! I have one closet cleared out but now i have to get some drawers cleared out too. Time to do some fall cleaning lol I am so excited:) I am just afraid that my director of nursing will not let me have a couple of days off when he first gets here because she approved my vacation for October 10th thru the 17th. We shall see.........
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-05 07:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved!
congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck gonig thru Casa! :thumbs:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-06 13:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe're parents!
congrats to you and hope you recover quickly :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-06 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

No...what I meant was since she's very intolerant of Muslims and has told him to shove his religion up his ####### I figured that he must be putting up with that kind of abuse for a reason. It has nothing to do with whether she was a revert or not. The revert comment was for something else. Read the whole post ladies.

I'm sorry moody but do you have a link to that post where she told him to shove his religion or are you just following icey?

probally following icey... icey has a habit of talking a bunch of #######.. hopefully they will all get tired of her and see her for what she is..
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
JP :D :D :D :P

dayum 19 pages hahahahahaha i will take the bow. thank you my audience :dance: :dance: :dance:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
imposter? yeah you are right hes an imposter :) hes an awesome cat tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh goodness LOL
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
no hard feelings moody just please dont mention my relationship with samir and all is good.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Ok I just couldn't stay away...come on let's all kiss and make up. I harbor no ill will...until next time..hehehehehe I'm just playin'.

Have a great weekend everyone. I think I'm gonna finally be leaving now.

girl i asked samir what that meant he is soooooo pissed off. i didnt realize it was tha tbad.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

yes i know it isnt christ like i dont need a lecture from you.

Shannon, on a serious note, maybe people wouldn't be so upset about your posts if you removed the pic of the scary cat. :lol:

Mr Tinkles is the best cat :) hes gettig his bath :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Posted Image

I would bet a million bucks your precious Samir would trade you for a revert any day. I know what he wants and it's GREEN ya bint el kalb !!!

I'm not a revert, does that mean my husband is using me for money????

Nah.. I believe what was meant by that blow was that since you're not a revert he must be using you for a greencard :whistle: :unsure:

see this is what they do... they claim to be so religious and talk religion but are the first ones to trash someone and be sarcastic..... i took it for a long time. even tried to explain myself and everytime i did they would find something else to pick on me about...... they are hipocrites.

Shannon... I was under the impression that you are a christian woman. The way you have been behaving lately is not chist like.

Other ME/NA women... You are doing the same things! I was under the impression that a lot of you are good muslim women, yet you all have been attacking others and yourselves.

When I first came on VJ it wasn't like this at all! Everyone was laughing and talking and having a good time. Now all I see is conflicts! It saddens me that all these women, you included Shannon, that I have been looking up to are at each others throats! I don't understand why you all feel the need to "yell" and say mean things about each other. I know my husband would scald me if he found out I said mean things to or about someone. As I hope yours would too. People don't deserve to be treated like dirt. As the saying goes "Treat people the way you want to be treated." I know I would like people to be kind to me so I try my best to treat others with the kindness they deserve.

Now I've said what's on my mind. Please lets try to find away to ignore those who we can't get along with, or attempt to get along with them! I hope everyone has a good night! :D

yes i know it isnt christ like i dont need a lecture from you.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
good point gupt
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

It doesn't literally mean daughter of a dog or weren't you paying attention?

Right, it doesn't, it means something worse! :yes:

Goddamnit JP stop teasing everyone and just SAY WHAT IT MEANS :P You can circumvent the word filter quite easily.

Bint means Daugter

Kalb means Dog

If you use them together, you are saying she is a daugter of a bich ,its and insult to her mother, which is not taken lightly in the arabic language. Many of our words have dual meanings. Also, what is ok in one country is not always ok in the other. It may be the norm in Egypt to say that?, but it's not in other places that use arabic. You really have to be careful.

i just asked samir he said it meant daughter of a dog.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
dont care wha ####### meant. she directed it to me so just leave it now. it was said and like i said i dont want samir mentioned.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Damnit! Who will I play with then?'s been fun sharing insults with ya. No hard feelings?

Ok Shanzie's been real. I'll see you on Monday inshallah. Have a nice weekend.

i will be banned by then hahahahahahahahahhaha

yeah it was fun but moody on a serious note i have been highly pissed abou tstuff beig said about samir. i just wanted it to stop and reached my breaking point. he is online now... gotta go. no hard feelings.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

It doesn't literally mean daughter of a dog or weren't you paying attention? Anyhoo.. have a good one.

moody i dont know any arabic and i admit i dont ... samir is teaching me when he gets here.. i dont pretend to know things and then make myself look like a moron the way you did by calling my parents dogs.

i dont care...............over it :yes:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Ok Shanzie's been real. I'll see you on Monday inshallah. Have a nice weekend.

i will be banned by then hahahahahahahahahhaha
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
moody i dont know any arabic and i admit i dont ... samir is teaching me when he gets here.. i dont pretend to know things and then make myself look like a moron the way you did by calling my parents dogs.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
[quote name='moody' post='433702' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:24 PM']Muahahahaha...please dear Lord please tell me she didn't take this seriously. Please tell me a woman can't be this dense.

[quote name='samir_shannon' post='433672' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:14 PM']
[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='433665' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:13 PM']
[quote name='noura' post='433660' date='Sep 8 2006, 02:11 PM']
weren't you leaving shannon? as for the others... could ya slow down please? I'm working and when i come back there's too much to wade thru to get to the end! k.... back to work now....
bye shannon.... please.... ok, bubye![/quote]
No wait Noura, didn't you hear the newsflash? Shannon is right, and EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG. :lol: I think we should all take a moment to let Shannon know she is right and that we would like her forgiveness :P
JP i forgive you :) and on a serious note... you havent done anything to me anyways.. all of this never included u by the way lol

Alright home slice...dazzle me with your Arabic.

[quote name='samir_shannon' post='433694' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:21 PM'][quote name='moody' post='433683' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:17 PM']
I appreciate JP correcting me but I've heard the word used, I know what the word means. I didn't just take two random words and stick them together.

[quote name='Gupt' post='433633' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:06 PM']
[quote name='moody' post='433629' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:04 PM']
Ok since I'm an idiot and apparently my husband didn't teach me proper Arabic...[/quote]
When new to any language, you ought to be more open to people correcting you :P

[quote name='stina&suj' post='433630' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:04 PM'][quote name='Gupt' post='433627' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:03 PM']
The hare krishnas are a fukcing cult. How they got to be so popular in the West I have no idea.[/quote]
I know! Sujeet wonders the same.
I went to a hare krishna temple down near DC once, the whole thing reeks of massive amounts of $$ and the compound is full of people who I swear look (and smell) toked up. It's a cult, a massive money laundering scheme, wrapped in religious gear.

If they see this post, Ewok is gonna get sued LOL.
you think you know everything ... dont you? you dont know ######. why dont you wait till you can use arabic properly then use it.
its called sarcasm...................i am sure you know what that is ... retard
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I appreciate JP correcting me but I've heard the word used, I know what the word means. I didn't just take two random words and stick them together.

Ok since I'm an idiot and apparently my husband didn't teach me proper Arabic...

When new to any language, you ought to be more open to people correcting you :P

The hare krishnas are a fukcing cult. How they got to be so popular in the West I have no idea.

I know! Sujeet wonders the same.

I went to a hare krishna temple down near DC once, the whole thing reeks of massive amounts of $$ and the compound is full of people who I swear look (and smell) toked up. It's a cult, a massive money laundering scheme, wrapped in religious gear.

If they see this post, Ewok is gonna get sued LOL.

you think you know everything ... dont you? you dont know ######. why dont you wait till you can use arabic properly then use it.
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

weren't you leaving shannon? as for the others... could ya slow down please? I'm working and when i come back there's too much to wade thru to get to the end! k.... back to work now....
bye shannon.... please.... ok, bubye!

No wait Noura, didn't you hear the newsflash? Shannon is right, and EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG. :lol: I think we should all take a moment to let Shannon know she is right and that we would like her forgiveness :P

JP i forgive you :) and on a serious note... you havent done anything to me anyways.. all of this never included u by the way lol

Edited by samir_shannon, 08 September 2006 - 04:14 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

weren't you leaving shannon? as for the others... could ya slow down please? I'm working and when i come back there's too much to wade thru to get to the end! k.... back to work now....
bye shannon.... please.... ok, bubye!

will go when i am good and ready thank you :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
Posted Image
dang moody birds of a feather flock together

Edited by samir_shannon, 08 September 2006 - 04:09 PM.

samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Heheheheeeee.....I invite you to do the same ya otta! Your lame insults are no good here.

otta? you are such a wannabe.. tryhard lol
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 16:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Heheheheheheeeeeeeee...oh Shannon you do make me've showcased so much of your "class" today on the forum. I could only dream to be as classy as you my dear.

And you do?

moody has no class at all. NONE

i have more class in my little finger than you do in your whole body, girl ... learn

why dont you do the world a favor and pull your lip over you head and swallow yourself :yes:
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I didn't learn it from a book...I learned it from an native Arabic speaker.

I was talking means daughter of a dog and I know it's not very nice...I never claimed to be nice.

daughter of a dog...that's what bint el kalb means.

No it doesn't. Kalb means dog, but when you use it in that sentence, it takes on a complete other meaning. (F)

Ok but you need to understand that there is no literal meaning for that phrase. I am only telling you for your own sake. Don't use that phrase unless you want trouble. If you said "Bint il Kalb" to any arab they would open a can of whoop a$$ on ya.

I am a native arabic speaker.....

Sarah and JP I don't know if you saw where I blurted out your secrets because this thread is moving so fast. :lol:

darnit! I missed it! Did you know sarab has garlic cloves in her purse instead of tic tacs? She makes cake frosting from it!

i plan on learning arabic when samir gets here. he said the frist thing he is going to do is teach me the alphabet :)
samir_shannonFemaleAlgeria2006-09-08 15:58:00