K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Thanks, Adam. Welcome home.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-09-19 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, Teaw and I are finally back in North Carolina after our aborted stay in Thailand due to my father's death, flying back to NC and then the next morning out to Calif for the funeral and to help my mom
get some stuff straightened out. My daughter was a champ and took care of all the funeral stuff for my mom so she didn't have to do it. But flights delayed coming home tonight (Sat) through Chicago so we got
back a little later than we had hoped. Now after meeting my family by what I call baptism by fire she can settle in now and get used to the US.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-09-18 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

I have AT&T and just got the Blackberry Bold 9700. Supposedly it works in Japan and Korea. I haven't been there yet, but will be in November.

Check this out for other devices that AT&T says will work in Japan


Pick a device and click continue. Can also go to their international section and build an itinerary, enter phone number, select phone type, and determine if it works in various countries.

I have had AT&T for a million years. My phone, although a Thai NOkia, works in Japan thru the Japanese network. I can call Thailand, send text messages, call the US....but it is NOT cheap as you on roaming when you leave the US.

Teaw and I are at a hotel by the airport waiting for our flight in the morning. My father passed away Wed night US time and we had to change our flights to come home considerable expense...thank you airlines!!!!....and then after we get home Sunday night we are off to Calif Monday for the service Tues. Thankfully one of my daughters lives just up the road from her grandparents and was there with my mom and has been a trooper taking care of all the stuff that needed to be done so my mom didn't have to mess with it. Unfortunatly Teaw will not get to meet my father other than seeing him at the family viewing for all the family that did not get to see him recently. But on the bright side she will get to meet two ex-wives at the same time!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Other members of the family have been getting a good laugh out of that so it will be very interesting since she looks about 15 years younger than her real age. I can just hear the whispers now!!! This will be a sad day but fun watching all the other family checking her out.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-09-11 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, off to Thailand this morning to bring Teaw back!!! I am looking forward to a trip away from work and from the heat......into the heat!!! They said our summer here in NC
was a record for so many hot days..hottest summer on record and I believe it!! So Teaw is max excited and I am looking forward to her being here and settling in. It will be
quite an experience for her.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-09-04 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I am sure it will be good for Teaw when the time comes. Thanks.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-09-03 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

Thanks rsn! One quick follow up question to your comments - what do you mean by "Regarding assets, the ratio is 3:1." I've read before that you must have assets worth 5Xs the poverty rate (approx. $91k) in order to satisfy the requirement. Do you mean you need only 3Xs the poverty rate? Or is it more like 15Xs (3 x 5) the poverty rate???

Also, does anyone have any experience on how BKK treats retirement funds (401k & Roth accts)?

You would list the retirement accounts as an asset as that is money you can access in an emergency. Just copy your last statement closest to when you send in any paperwork, black out any acct. numbers. I don't think you need to have close to 100K to show your financial stability. I am sure there are many people that make much less and their visas are approved. They just want to make sure she won't come here and be on welfare right away.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-09-03 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

Thank you very much for that. I actually live in Thailand myself and will be stopping by the Thai post tomorrow to take care of the payment. I'm just a little confused as to what I say when I get in there. Am I purchasing a check from them? Do I just tell them I need to send money to the US embassy, and they'll know what to do? Thanks again.

You just pay them the $300 plus and they give you a receipt. She must take that receipt with her to the interview. Make at least one copy of the
receipt just in case you lose the original. If you don't have it you have to pay again. If you have the copy you can at least show that you did
pay it. That's it for more fees....for now.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-30 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I am worried about an I-129F I filed for and was approved in 2004. The interview was scheduled but the relationship fell apart before the interview. It fell apart because it was too close after my divorce and other reasons (the lady ran off and I couldn't find her. LOL). I am more worried about that.

Rob, it's too bad we can't meet up. I am sure you two will have enough going on. I am not sure what time we will get back down from Buriram on the 12th anyway, but Teaw asked me if I wanted to go over to the embassy to meet you
guys. So that's always a possibility. Gives me a reason to get into BKK for awhile since we will be staying way out in Pathumthani when we come back down.

If you are real worried about the old I-129, I think you would be best served to write a letter explaining what happened and have Audy take it into the interview with her. If they start grilling her about it she can give it to
them to read. It seems the real problem and delay with our visa was the past marriage and then getting the divorce so close to the filing of the K1 for Teaw. Once they got all that and the letters from family and neighbor, they
gave her the visa. And you might also want to stress that that ex-fiancee never came to the states (I assume she didn't) so they won't question that. Since they seem to have unlimited resources to find things not even Teaw
knew about with her cousins, then you have to assume they have checked out everything having to do with that past visa and will probably ask Audy about it. So best to be prepared. If you really want to sidetrack them have Audy
include the letter in the stuff she gives them when she goes in to check in so they can read it in advance and that might cut out any questions about it other than asking her if she knew about it.

As for the I-134, just tell Audy not to worry about it!! All is good and that won't be a problem..haha. I know Teaw read through everything I sent her for the interview as they are naturally curious. She may not have understood
it but she never let on. Good luck!! If you want us to drop by the embassy, let me know and I'll check with Teaw again.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-29 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
One more week of work and then I am off to bring Teaw over here. She moved out of her apartment today in Pathumthani and took everything up to Buriram. Her dad and others came down with a rented truck and took it up there. She is so excited. I just hope she likes American food..haha. I know she loves spaghetti but I can't eat that every night....and she talks a lot about making Thai food for dinner too but I warned her...weekends are BBQ!!!!!!!!!!! Or at least not Thai food. We'll be in the BKK area for a few days after I get there and then come back down from Buriram on the 12th and fly home on the 15th. I know some of you will be in BKK doing your interviews early the week of the 13th!!! Good luck.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-27 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Yes, it is amazing how screwed up they are. They never did officially reply to my Congressman's inquiry, although they did give us the visa.
I can only imagine what is going on in there. This can't possibly still be from the riots. Good luck, Mike. Maybe they will squeeze you in.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-24 06:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I see steaks and other beef cuts from Australia being sold in the markets all the time so I am sure there are plenty of beef eating Thais in Thailand.
I personally like to BB@ a nice little filet every weekend and that's my beef fix. My first BBQ for Teaw when she gets here is to do my yummy babyback
pork ribs!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-21 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Mike, that's great about your friend. My ex is from Korat and her father had a construction company that built houses for farangs and others. Now her oldest brother has the business. They are in Chock Chai.
But our plan is to move back in about 4 years or so after I take my second retirement and build a house in Buriram.

Audy_Rob, Teaw and I will be back in the BKK area the 12th of Sept and fly home the 15th. We are having dinner with her co-workers the 13th out in Pathumthani. Maybe we can meet up. We are coming out to
So. Cal mid October for her to meet my parents and one of my daughters.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-20 19:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Congrats Mike. Hope all goes well. I'll be there on the 5th to start getting Teaw ready to come here....visit family, etc.
You going over there to bring her back?
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-20 06:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I didn't think it would take too long unless they suspect something. We have about an hour and 45 min. between flights so that should be enough time. I was just looking for a way to get through faster than standing
in line only to be told to go to another line somewhere. But I'll look for one of the people that directs people to which station to go to and see where they tell us to go unless there is something plainly marked. She is
getting more and more excited and her last day at work is Sunday night and then next weekend she will work on moving all her stuff to Buriram and visit family for awhile before I come racing in to whisk her away!!!

Kari, where have you been? You have been awfully quiet lately!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-14 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Hey, y'alL!! Any of you gone through the Chicago POE with your fiancee? I am wondering what line you went through or if there is one that we can hit quicker for visas.
We will be coming through Chicago on the way home in Sept. and just thinking ahead!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-13 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, I figure a cold squirt in the morning might actually aid in waking one up from a good sleep, ya know? Kind of like taking a cold shower.

But I have always wondered what the folks do when they have no toilet paper and use the aforementioned appliance to clean their nether regions
and are squatting or sitting there all wet. I mean there is no way I'd want to pull clothes up over a dripping wet ####### and other parts and walk
around until it decides to maybe dry out. And it does not air dry that fast no matter how hot it is!! Maybe I get curious about the wrong things???

How did we get from Thai TV to these things anyway??? :bonk:
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-11 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Oh, the lovely spray hose!! I forgot about that and didn't ask Teaw about it..hahaha. I guess I should, but I have told her they are all flush toilets here and no spray hose but that was awhile ago.
The toilet in her room is the squat type and man, while it has some advantages I won't list here, us Americans are just not built to squat with clothes on like they can!!! :rofl: So we shall see
what happens when she gets here and if I need to adapt my toilets!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-11 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
When I talked to Teaw about getting Thai TV for her when she comes in Sept, she said let's wait because she thought she could learn English better watching regular TV here. I kind of have to agree with her
and I thought that was nice of her to think that way. But I also don't want her bored to death so we'll decide after she has a chance to settle in.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-10 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

This forum has been invaluable in understanding the K-1 process and this thread for understanding some specific issues with Thailand. While I am still sitting here waiting for an NOA2 (Day 146 and counting), I am trying to be a little optimistic and plan ahead a bit for when Noy (hopefully) gets here. I don't want to hijack a Visa thread asking about things like how to get Thai television for her, but I believe there has got to be a lot of experience around here regarding my future attempts to bring some Thai culture to my apartment in Delaware. Does anyone have any suggestions for another good forum for things like this?


Hey, Rob, same question I had and the answer came from the Thai restaurant I go to every Friday night by my house. Might be worth it for you to
go to a couple of the Thai restaurants in your area and ask them. But the owner here and some of the Thai employees get their Thai tv via satellite. There is a guy here that puts up a dish, box and hooks everything up that will bring all the Thai channels into your house. It's a one time cost of $350 for this guy to do it. I have not talked to him but I assume he directs the dish to pick up the satellite that broadcasts the Thai stations. So ask the Thai employees in the restaurants and they will certainly have some good info on how they do it. Having had a 10 foot dish in Calif when I lived there and being able to enjoy flitting around to all the different satellites to watch stuff I could never imagine, I am at least familiar with what is done.

Another option is while searching the internet I have found several websites where you can subscribe monthly to receive the Thai channels over the internet. So if you can hook a laptop up to a TV...or even if you can' could go that route also.

Good luck!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-10 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

The last couple of days have been the worst of my life I think. I feel sad to let you all know that my fiancee and I are no longer going to be married. After a long period of bad things happening it all came to a head last night and this morning. I feel horrible right now.

Do you guys know how to cancel a K1 request? Do I call the NVC or the USCIS?

Sorry to hear what happened. You can write the embassy an email canceling it or withdrawing it and then I would write the NVC a letter doing the same thing. I had to cancel an interview with the ex a few years ago
and I wrote the embassy but I also have to withdraw the K-1 by letter too. If you are not sure if you should send it to the NVC, call USCIS Monday and ask them where you should send the letter. Have your BNK number
handy so they can pull it up on the computer.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-06 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

My wife works at the Thai embassy in Washington DC and she loves this, along with access to authentic Thai food.

Do they take the Thai holidays as well as the US holidays too? Sounds like a great gig if you can get it!! I'd love
to work at the embassy in BKK or Chiang Mai after I retire....again!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-05 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
It never ceases to amaze me how the people at the embassy in BKK seem to never know what they are doing at times. When Teaw picked up her visa on 7-19, I got an email the next day saying her visa was ready to pick up. Then today, Tuesday, she got a postcard in the mail from the embassy dated 7-21 that her visa was ready and she could come pick it up. Duhhhhh!!! Here they are increasing the fees saying it costs more to process the visas and one hand doesn't seem to know what the other hand is doing most of the time. Kind of like talking to the never get the same answer from someone. Sounds like the visa process needs a lot of reform.

As for you guys still waiting for interview dates, I hope you get them soon and all goes well. I know it does take longer from around mid summer to the fall to schedule the interviews. I think people applying for school visas kind of adds to the backlog too.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-03 07:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I was at the UPS store on Saturday and noticed a sign on the register to ship your bags by air in the USA. So if you have time when you get to the states that is something to check out. I thought the prices
were very reasonable and cheap considering what I saw awhile back with other freight carriers that would ship your bags on a flight.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-02 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
But they have had some problem with making new ones and they won't have them for 90 days they said on the news. She just called the Amphur office and they said they will
only give her the paper since they cannot make the news ones yet. Or she may just wait until we go back in either Dec or Apr.

She has her original birth certificate and we have had it translated and certified it was the authenticate thing and I will make sure we have it with us anyway. So that
should not be a problem. Ah, the joys of making sure all is in order!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-01 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, I didn't know if they looked at them for some reason, or if they needed them during the AOS process, etc.
She is going to check and see what they say at the Amphur office tomorrow.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-01 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I am not worried about coming to the states. We will go through together. I was just wondering how most people did it
when they were leaving BKK.

Now we have another problem. How important is her ID card here in the States? She tells me hers expires on 8-19 and there seems to be some problem reported on the news
with replacing expired cards and being able to access them online and are only giving out a temporary paper until the new cards can be made. Not sure what to do about
this one. I am sure her passport is the most important thing here in the states, but I am not sure if her ID card would be needed. Anyone know?
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-01 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Another question for those of you that flew from BKK to the States with your fiancee after she got the K-1 visa.
When you went through immigration at the airport leaving BKK did you get in the "Thai" line with her or did you split
up and you go through the crowded line? I am thinking I will go into the Thai line with her since she has a Thai
passport and then she won't have to wait for me to make it through the longer line.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-08-01 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, I just cancelled my VOIP provider and bought an XLINK box that routes my cell phone through all the phones in my house. I hardly used the VOIP and this will save me about $350 a year. When I am gone from the house
all my calls come to my cell cause that's the only number I have. When I get home I set my phone by the XLINK and the bluetooth automatially connects with the box and I can use the phones anywhere in the house. The only
drawback so far has been when I realized if I left my hands free plugged into my cell phone I could not hear anything on the other phones in the house if I used them. So now I just make sure my hands free is unplugged.

I'll ask my friend if he gets any cell charges, but as I understand Rebtel, they give you a local number back to you to call and it connects through that number to make the call. So there should not be any charges on the
cell phone for making that call.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-31 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
A friend of mine that has been to Thailand a zillion times and has a new Thai GF over there told me about a phone service he uses to call her. I checked it out online and it's pretty darn cheap so I am passing it on so you
guys can check it out and see if it works for you. No, I don't get anything for posting this but I might use it when Teaw gets here and she wants to call her family. It's It's like .0008 cents a minute to Thailand. So check it out. Be interested to know if anyone else here uses it. My friend said he has no trouble with the quality of the calls.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-30 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
If you are planning on flying anywhere in the USA this fall, check out the sale going on right now. I just booked RT for me and Teaw in Oct on AA to Los Angeles so she can meet my parents and daughter for $278 each. Considering what I paid during this summer that is cheap!!! I can get Chicago Thanksgiving week for as low as $111 each way.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-28 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Do you have a BNK number yet? Well, whether you do or not, call NVC and give them the receipt number, which is the case number that is on the NOA1. They can still look up your case and see if it is still in Vermont or has been sent to them. And they can tell you if it's been sent to BKK yet and if they have received it they will give you the BNK number that is used by the embassy.

If that fails, talk to your congressman's office, explain the problem and that they won't send you a copy of the NOA2 and I have no doubts they can get an answer for you.

Thanks for the responses to my question. I have talked to Teaw and she said it's ok if we can't go back in Dec and we can plan for Songkran. I am sure we can find lots to do since the courts where I work close for the two weeks over Xmas and NY. But I plan to have the AOS papers ready to go so I can send them in as soon as we get married here so we can get the process started. We have a local office about 30 minutes from my house now in Durham so hopefully it will go fast. Of course, I don't want to take any chances that they would not let her back in if we went back over and she understands that it may take awhile. Sigh!!! I had found the coolest flights thru London too!!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-28 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Ok. Have a question. Teaw and I want to go back to Thailand in late December so her family can do the party thing. We will be back in the US on Sep 15th, thinking bout getting married on 10-10-10.....just cause it looks
cool..haha...but I am wondering, before I buy tickets, if they are going to hassle us going back over that soon. I know there is a form you have to get to travel out of the country but I just can't remember what it is right now and will look for it. I have been checking flight prices and man, it is not getting much better into Songkran. Prices are staying up pretty high. And now I have "sticker shock" cause I have to buy two tickets instead of one!!
Ah, the joys of having a spouse!! :lol:
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-28 07:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

Good to hear everything is going better for you. My wife has tried to grow some things, but here in the 100+ heat, everything dies.

You are supposed to water them, ya know? HAHAHA!!!

Just joking. Are you in Las Vegas? I am thinking of bringing Teaw there for a few days in October when we go out to Calif so she can meet my parents.

Matt, that's great!! Hope all goes smooth at the POE and then you will have it all done!!!

Edited by Tom and Teaw, 25 July 2010 - 04:33 PM.

Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-25 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)


Thanks for the advice. I checked out that site but unfortunately they were a little higher this time than a deal I found at another online site. I will keep that site saved to the favorites to compare for any future trips. After a lot of searching (and cursing) I was able to find a deal that only cost a finger instead of my whole arm. I am still suffering from sticker shock but I'm sure I will forget all about the fare price when she gets here. Now it's just a matter of counting the days and getting my wreck of a house cleaned up. Don't want her see the place for the first time only to discover that it's a complete sty.

Thanks again and I hope Sep. gets here quickly for you.

Yes, it's all a big game looking at many sites to try to find the best deal. But since I fly AA almost exclusively, I wanted to make sure she was on the same flight home as me. So it worked out pretty good and I got our tickets for Sept yesterday, called AA and had them put our seats together and link her ticket to mine so if they pull it up they will see we are together. So we are set now and the days and weeks will probably creep by slowly
and drive me nuts!!!! But if it works out that I don't have to work Friday the 3rd of Sep. then I will gladly pay the $150 change fee and fly out Friday and get an extra day in.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-25 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Herk, I just bought our tickets and found Teaw's one way cheaper on AA than using the other site as they added service charges and stuff. Of course I am going early Sept. and prices drop in Sept so I got
both flights a lot cheaper. The AA one way had lower taxes and of course no service charge. Not sure what airline you are using and still might be cheaper on the other site.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-24 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Audy_Rob, I think the best idea of what is really happening will come from the girls on visa4thai. That seems to be the kept pretty up to date on what is happening at the embassy. Teaw followed a lot of stuff in there and it was a good barometer of where we thought we were in the AP process. Although I really think the letter I sent and the congressman's letter got them moving a little faster.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-22 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)


Hopefully this doesn't break any forum rules. I was wondering if you would be willing to share the website that you were planning to buy her ticket? I was just about to click "buy" for Bud's ticket when I saw your post. I would love to check it out. Airfare has gone up quite a bit even since I went there to visit this last Apr. If you can't share it, no big deal. Thanks.



Dave, I'd love to do that but her family wants to see me before she comes here and I want to take her brother, nephew and niece shopping too. And hey, she can't be without me, ya know? HAHA!!!

Edited by Tom and Teaw, 21 July 2010 - 08:32 PM.

Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-21 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
That's not a bad idea John but AA charges $150 to change and part of the problem was many of the flights were sold out for the dates in August I wanted to go so I could not get a decent price for the same flight I can get for Teaw through the site I will book hers, which gives cheaper one way tickets than AA does. I have looked at many different way for me, buying two one ways on the other site and the availability of flights and prices drop drastically after Sept 1st.

And the other problem was coverage at work since I had not put in far enough in advance. So I have to make sure someone can fill in for me in court when I am gone and the Sept. date actually works better for the powers that be!! So I can't say I am going in Sept and then change it at the last minute if I could change the ticket. Sigh!!! I'll just have to wait 6 weeks but the money I save will pay for the AOS for sure so that will work out good. And I'll be taking trials which means appeals, which means more $$$ for when she gets here and when we go back in Dec. So in a way it works out a little better money wise since I have no appeals presently and caught up with my extra work, which is also very nice to be at times. Am I justifying the change??? Hahaha....I guess I am. It also gives Teaw more time to arrange to get moved up to Buriram and back down to BKK to meet me at the airport. So I think it might work out better for her too...and besides, on Aug 7th it's bonus time at work and it might not look good if she quit a day or two after getting the bonus if I was still going to go in Aug. :D
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-21 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Shucks, had to make a slight change in plans. Checking airfares and getting a ticket for Teaw on the same flights back with me proved to be not only very expensive due to high airfares, but hard to get on the same flight home as many were sold out on AA who I prefer to fly with. So I have switched to leaving Sept 4th for the two weeks and it saves me over $1000 in airfare and plenty of room on flights to get us both on the same return. Just love playing these games!!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-21 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, Herk, that probably was Teaw and she said she talked to a few other ladies that got their visas that day. But we weren't in AP for 6 months although it felt like a year or so. Only since Mar 24 after her first interview.

On the really good side, I got confirmation that I can take off work and be covered from Aug 16th for two weeks so I am heading over to bring Teaw back. The only time she has flown is when we went to Phuket in Dec so I don't want her flying all that way and trying to go through immigration alone so I feel better being able to go over and get her. She is excited and chatted it up with the ladies at work all night and I hope to get all her friends together for dinner again before we go up to Buriram to see family before she leaves.

More positive news, it appears my dad can come home Wed from the hosp which is good news. He will need a hosp bed for awhile and physical therapy and a nurse to check on him a few times a week and I am sure my mom is going to be exhausted for awhile but their long term care insurance and health insurance will take care of all this stuff that needs to be done. So it's been a pretty good day overall.

I am really looking forward to Teaw being here. We discussed her missing her family again but she said even though she will miss them she will not want to go home but wants to be here with her "husband"!! So I think she will be fine...and we talked about setting up something so her brother can pay for getting online from Buriram so we can do emails and chat and keep in touch. Like maybe AIS has a way to pay for internet time online so he can log on with the modem we bought him.

Man, it's time for relaxation and bed!!! It's been a longggggggggggg exhausting day. Thanks for all the well wishes and advice. I feel pretty good it's going to work out real good with Teaw. She is a really great, sweet, loving lady.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-07-20 23:53:00