K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, Anya, Teaw needs XS in some lingerie and I now it's hard to find some clothes here that fit well. I told her we'd go shopping so she could buy a couple pairs of jeans and stuff like that to bring here
until we had time to scout it out more. We have TJ Maxx and all that here, of course, since you are right up the road from me. Just finished an appeal where a guy was going around TJ Maxx, filling his cart
with stuff and then using old receipts to return the items and get money back. Was his first felony but he had some prior cases that never got past being charged for the same stuff at other stores. When they
searched his car he had about 18 bottles of wine, bunches of empty bags from Marshall's and TJ Maxx, Target, lots of new clothes with tags on them and tons of receipts laying around...his BMW no less!! Now you
know why some prices just go up and not down. Hope all goes well with the baby. Your life will be much different. I am assuming this is your first one.

Kang Lang, I am writing the embassy again to see what kind of answer I get. Usually the standard you are in AP and we will notify you but I think this time I will put that I know we are in AP and could you
give me some kind of time frame on when to expect an answer. Maybe they will be a little more specific or they might look at our case sooner. Worth a shot at least.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-08 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

Got it! Visa to be picked up on the 18th. (8 business days vs. the previous standard of 3)

Details tomorrow.

Thank you all for the well wishes.

Congrats!! Now I am jealous!!! Wish they'd get moving. Teaw told me about someone she met at the embassy who was in AP. They called her Monday and told her to
bring some chats and her passport. 95 days since her interview so I am holding out hope she gets a call later this month to bring her passport down.

As many times as I have been to Siam Paragon I have never seen a Victoria Secret store in there!!! I guess I'll have to look when I come over to get Teaw. I know some of their
stuff is made in Thailand. Hmmmm. This could be fun!!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-08 06:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I think Victoria Secret is the first place I'll take Teaw.... :devil:

I am in worse trouble....ladies I work with or know say just give her the credit card and they'll take her shopping!!

Kari, good luck tomorrow!!! What time is the interview?
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-07 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
This is the question I posted in the embassy facebook page: Can we assume that you will give the same priority to AP cases that you are giving to the visa interviews since everything was delayed due to the amout of time you were closed?

This was their response: Tom, we are very sorry that the our unexpected closure caused a disruption in Consular services. We realize that thousands of people were affected, and our Consular team has been working hard to deal with the backlog. Our priority indeed is to accommodate those individuals whose cases were impacted by our inability to provide services during the closure. We appreciate your post!

With a guy running immigration services with the last name of Looney, no wonder it's a mess over there trying to get a visa.

I sure wish I had known Teaw could have insisted she wait for them to review the approx 500 pages of stuff she took back to them along with almost 100 photos and other stuff when she did it. Maybe we wouldn't be
waiting in AP now for them to get off their butts.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-04 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I posted a question on the embassy facebook wall and I am anxious to see what their answer is.

I think the AP process has changed since some of you had your interviews. The have been asking for more documents or proof of relationship and then putting people in AP and giving them their passports back
and telling them they will notify them. It's almost as if they don't want to be bothered with taking care of it right away and put it on the back burner until they get around to it. It's unfortunate they
take so long and make it hard for people to make plans!!

Kari, I'd really love to be able to get a firsthand look at what they do back there behind closed doors!!! Too bad I couldn't arrange a Congressional visit!!! I'd love to send them a case of cut open durian
for the offices back there!!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-03 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
The idiot CO may be gone but now we have the AP happy CO running the place!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-03 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Yes, sir. You fall under the "those waiting for good news" category. I'm hoping that since they're doubling their caseload (15 cases per day instead of 6 or 7) they'll get to your case faster, too.

:energy: I was just giving you a hard time Kari. But I am afraid that in they zeal to get caught up they will put the AP cases on the back burner and basically ignore them, which of course should
NOT be done but you know the feds!!! I wish there was some way to ask and get a REAL answer from them about what they were doing.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-03 07:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Now wait a minute!!! Don't forget us stuck in AP!!! They need to devote some quality time to us too!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-02 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
The last time I emailed them was before they shut down because of the protests. I figured I'd give them a few weeks to get back in the groove before I emailed them again. I don't want
to seem like a pest. A friend of Teaw's who is here in the US but has a Thai bf in Thailand told Teaw she has been emailing them every day about her AP case. I think that's not such a good
idea as they will think you are a big pest!!! But even if I email them I expect I will just get the stock answer from them.

Audy_Rob, she didn't have a second interview but took all the extra proof of relationship they wanted on April 5th. So it's almost two months if you don't throw in all their time off since
then. So I am hoping we hear something at least in July. She hopes every day the embassy will call her and ask her to bring her passport in to get the visa. When she is working day shift she
does not have her phone when she is in the clean room and only has it on her breaks. I told her if she sees a strange number that tried to call her while she was working to call it back when
she is on break and see if it's the embassy!! Can't hurt to check. But that hasn't happened yet, unfortunately. I'd like to get her here before summer is over.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-02 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
That's good news Richard. I hope they get busy on the AP cases also. Teaw told me she read in the Thai visa site that many of the ladies were getting calls about the new $350 fee!!! Man, you would think they would increase it
slowly and not so much at one time but I'd do whatever it took to avoid paying that much. At least ours was paid in April. Good luck on the interview!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-06-02 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Whoa, we are dropping too far back in the heap here. Time to move us up to the front again. Hope you all have a good Memorial Day weekend!! I am killing myself in my backyard...haha!!
Hoping for more thunderstorms tonight too. Had some great rain last night. Be interesting to see how the embassy handles things after all their paid time off!!! And yet another 4 day
weekend for them. I think they should do some OT myself!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-29 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
[quote name='ArizonaMike74' date='27 May 2010 - 11:27 AM' timestamp='1274974032' post='3963324']
I have a question about the Police Report. It seems that many people, maybe even most people here, pay the Police "extra" so they can get their police report the same day. My fiance' thinks she should wait the two weeks for them to mail the report (she hasn't gone to Bangkok to get Medical/Police Report yet). I don't trust the Police or Postal Service so would rather she get it the same day. How much "extra" can/should she pay for this extra service?

Mike, I would not pay a baht over FREE for the police report. When Teaw went down there to get hers, they took her picture and then told her to come back in 10 days. It was ready on time and she did not pay a baht for anything. If you don't have an appointment yet and not in a big rush, don't even offer to pay extra. It's just their way to suck more money out of her/you. They also asked for a copy of MY passport but I told Teaw not to give it to them. They have no reason to see my passport info for her police report. I am sure they will mail it to her and she can always call around the time it is to be ready and ask them if it was mailed yet and when so she can have an idea when to expect it, then if there is a problem get on them again.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-27 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

Hello! It's good to know that Teaw is making it through. Maybe while they're looking through their massive stack of cases, they'll pull hers, too. Satu!!! It's ####### how they're handling your case. Have you been able to get a reply or a reason as to exactly what they're trying to see?

Of course not. I just get the standard email answer. I am giving them 90 days before I go talk to my Congressman and see if he can't get them off their butts. The divorce should have absolutely no bearing on the visa. All they have to do is make a quick check and see that she is still in Thailand and never came here. I'd really like to know the percentage of cases they are putting in AP now compared to the past. I bet it's increased a lot.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-27 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, they are Federal employees and when have you ever heard of one working his butt off to get his job done? I don't have much faith either that they will put in extra effort OR extra hours...although they should since I am sure they got paid for all the time off they had!! They should be required to put in some overtime to catch up. Remember, we can all post our two cents on the embassy Facebook site or Twitter and wherever else they solicit input.

As for the increase in the fee, I would think that anyone that has already paid...and I am not quite clear if this is the fee paid at the post office or some other fee...then you should not have to pay the increase. They won't make it retroactive. I am assuming this was the fee the fiancee pays before the interview.

Matt, I would be real worried about having planned and paid for a wedding on a certain date since they embassy stresses to NOT buy plane tickets or make other plans until the visa is in hand. But maybe you will get lucky since you hit right about the time they stopped working because of the protest and they will give your interview some priority. But remember, they not only take the US holidays off, but many of the Thai holidays too. But good luck!!

Kari, HI!!!! Teaw's wishing every day for that phone call, poor girl!!! But she is hanging in there and being strong.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-26 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Seems that idiot from Pattaya is now feeling the rath of the Thai police since he has been arrested now.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-26 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Hey hey for the Monkeys!!!!

That is if you are old enough to remember them!!!!! :rofl:
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-24 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, here is the latest in the Bangkok Post: "The rally by the UDD since March 12 ended on Wednesday with several private and government buildings in Bangkok and other provinces being burned and many shops looted.

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation pointed to armed men and radical members of the red shirts as being behind the carnage.

But Mr Abhisit said a foreigner was suspected of being involved in the arson and an investigation into this suspect was under way.

Acting government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said: "A white Westerner was involved in the arson attack on CentralWorld, convincing them to set fire to it. And an Asian was also involved in the arson attacks on the banks."

Mr Panitan did not give any names but a video of a British man urging the burning and looting of the shopping mall, taken several days before it was set on fire, has been circulating on the YouTube video sharing website.

The man was identified by the British media as Jeff Savage, a resident of Pattaya. In interviews he reportedly defended his conduct but said he did not take part in the arson attack."

If I was that guy I'd be scarcer than scarce could be!!! But I am sure they will find him and I don't think it will be pretty when they do. Maybe a few years in the Central Prison will cure him of wanting to run off at his
mouth during political riots!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-23 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I'm not surprised it's on CPB land. "The King Never Smiles" discussed at length the history of the CPB and it's role as a landlord.

I understand that book is banned in Thailand but I did get a copy of it and take it with me for the ex a few years ago.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-22 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Actually, I read another article with the head of the company that owns Central World and he said they had an $11 million US policy insuring them against riots and terrorism and that the whole place
was fully insured. The back part could be up and running within 6 months as it was not as badly damaged but the front part will take longer. So it seems they are fully insured. I might have read
that on Reuters Live News...can't remember cause I was checking other sites for news coverage the other day.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-22 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

And look what just now popped up in the news:

Looks like he might get an extended stay here courtesy the Thai government! Not going to be able to get through immigration now. Frankly, he'll be lucky if the police catch him. If the locals get him first, he'll be torn to pieces.

Well, there are always idiots looking for a little celebrity status. I hope the authorities find him and give him the once over. Maybe that will cure him.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-22 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
I think we should pepper the Facebook page asking them if they will make a concerted diligent effort to quickly process visas and all cases in AP status that have been lingering while our federally paid
employees have been vacationing for what will be well over a week!!! Sounds like a good idea to me. Let them know we are not sitting back waiting for them to come back to work and move at a snail's pace!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-21 07:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Groovy, Kari!!!

Not just the employees of Central World but all the other places the idiots burned and the jobs lost there. I guess they don't really care about all of their countrymen they have hurt by
destroying their jobs and all the other damage they have done that has to be paid for by who? The people of Thailand!! It is unfortunate that a certain number of people would do that. I
firmly believe that any person or company caught funding the red shirts during the protest should be stripped of everything they have to pay for all the damage and loss of jobs!!

Hope all your stuff arrives okay, audy_rob!! Keep your toes crossed!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-05-20 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone else placed in Administrative Processing-if so how long did it take?
The best to do is contact your Congressman and have them inquire. They have a couple ways to check on things and their Congressional mail to the embassy in the country your AP is in has to be answered within 14 business days of receipt of the letter. They don't have to tell them much but it usually gets the embassy to get you out of AP quickly so they don't get more inquiries. If you know what they might be looking for...meaning think about the interview. What did they dwell on and really question you about, if anything. And my Congressman's office was able to get a hint as to what they were looking at when we were in AP in Thailand so I wrote a letter explaining what happened and the circumstances behind it and the Congressman's office sent it all with the inquiry to the embassy. Shortly after they issued the K-1. We were in AP for 3 months or more. But try to get an idea what they might be looking at and respond. Having your Congressman send it with their inquiry makes sure it gets read right away and possibly acted on quicker.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2010-12-04 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDangers of the Interview

I provided my fiance with things to make the interview wait time a little less stressful also. In the clear pocket of the notebook, he had some gum (from the US--a subliminal hint that he could only have gotten this from me), some pens, Kleenex tissues, Chapstick, and a tny tube of hand sanitizer. I printed out some trivia about his new country, state, and city to read that might distract him a little. I wish now that I had also written a letter for him to open only during his waiting time in the embassy to tell him how much I love him and believe in him and all that mushy stuff.

Good luck in your immigration adventure. :)

Wow, I wish I would have thought to do that......or even read this early enough to do
Mark&TookMaleThailand2012-03-25 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresManipulate Layover Time for K-1 Entry
I have to add, as flight crew, there are two airports in the U.S. I try to avoid due to frequent delays 1) Chicago O'Hare and 2) that order. I have not travelled to or from the Philippines but I do travel from NC to Thailand, out of RDU (Raleigh, NC), to visit my fiancé several times a year. I have entered (POE) at Detroit, Minneapolis, Washington D.C., and Atlanta with no problems. I would leave 4-6 hours for her to enter, clear customs/immigration and go through another security screening and make a connecting flight. I highly recommend no matter where she enters you be there to meet her and help her connect. To clear up something posted earlier Delta does not have their own customs/immigration hall. These are government facilities are used by all airlines. As for you helping her with her bags I don't think you will be able to do that unfortunately. After clearing customs she will have to claim her bags from the the customs area (there are carts down there and sometimes a few sky caps hoping for a tip when they help you). If she doesnt connect to another flight she will pass by more officers pulling people/bags for random screening then come out where the public meeting place is. If she has a connecting flight before you see her she will take her bags to another area, not far away, to be re-checked to her final destination.....they pull random bags for screening here too. There will be airline agents helping people re-check bags/scan bag tags for tracking. Then she will come out to the public area. These days even though you just came off a flight, on landing in the U.S., she will have to get re-screened at a security checkpoint before taking a domestic flight. These lines can be very long just like the customs lines. It just depends on how many flights arrive at the same time. They try to space them out to prevent traffic jams but planes get delayed and sometimes several arrive at the same time. I personally use to find tickets and check schedules. You can also use for checking airline schedules (no buying tickets here) between airports. It shows every airline and every flight they have between city pairs and can be helpful too. 4-6 hours seems like a long time but it beats missing your flight or being stressed about time. Hey, if she gets lucky and breezes right through then just check the monitors for an earlier flight go to that gate and list yourself standby for that flight. Touring the city she lands in could be fun. Just remember after a long flight and major time change she will have a hard time being awake to enjoy those tours. For me going West I adjust pretty quick. Flying East is always much harder on my body clock. As for the drive from NYC to NC I think you know I-95 ain't no country And traffic around D.C. Can be a nightmare. The drive from Washington to NC isn't bad and if you live in ILM there are probably direct flights (there used to be anyway). Good luck!

Another piece of advice. If you find a ticket on a cheap airfare website and price on the real airline website is only a few bucks from the airline. I had a bad experience once not being able to pick seats and when I needed to make a change the airline told me to call the website I bought the ticket on. It was horrible! The website was

Edited by Mark&Took, 08 February 2012 - 02:22 PM.

Mark&TookMaleThailand2012-02-08 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Well, our thread has dropped to the bottom of the barrel again!!! Shame!!! 55555555. Got our I-791 welcoming Teaw to the USA as a new resident alien!! Now we will see how long it takes to get the card in the mail.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-10 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

Thank you. I told her I would go, but she insists she'll be ok with her friend. (I'll tell her that they'll be someone there to help with Thai and that her friend can't be in with her) I did want to go to support her, but that was before I knew I couldn't go in with her. However now I'll be re-thinking if I'll go again. A question about my passport though. Why would I have to send her my passport if I didn't go with her? Do they really need that after all the paperwork we've given up to that point?

Thank you again.

Everyone's right on their own ideas on what might or might not help. Since you cannot go in with her and would have to wait outside, you can save the money of flying over and if for some reason it does not get approved and put into a holding status because they need some document or documents, you will not be freaking out about not being able to bring her back. If she is so sure she will be fine, then I'd let her go by herself and stay home. If you just make sure she has all the pictures of you two together in Thailand, all the information from trips...basically everything you have sent in with the I-129 PLUS all chats, phone records, email, snail mail....everything that relates to your relationship since filing the I-129 for her to give to them, then she should be just fine. Then once it's approved you can plan a nice trip over and she has time to get her life squared away and ready to come back with you.

Something to be careful about!!! If you go over and have bought her ticket to come back with you, if she gets delayed for some reason, you are stuck with a ticket you probably can't get refunded. They warn people over and over DO NOT MAKE PLANS to fly to the USA until you have the visa in hand!! And that is certainly good advice. Teaw and I got delayed and she had to reinterview but I stayed here in the US until they approved the visa and then we made plans on when to go get her so she could give notice at her work, spend time with her family, notify the people in her apt. bldg, etc. She was all pretty much ready to go when I got over there and that was real nice not having to try to do it all in a rush right after the visa was approved. Trying to get pages added to your passport just so you can be in the same room, if they even let you in then, might be just a waste of time. The chances of you getting the same time as her is a ####### shoot!!

On another note, this thread for Thai fiancees is a great place to ask questions. Most of us have been through the process, either quickly or with delays, and there is a lot of good advice you can get in here.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-05 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Aaron is right. You cannot go in with your fiancee, nor anyone else. They will ask her if she wants to do the interview in English or Thai. Just make sure she has all the documents that they might ask for.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-04 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)


Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-04 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

Hi Tom,

Congratulations. That is great news. Audy is wondering if you filled out the Form I-693 to transfer the vaccination records from the Thai doctor to the USCIS form?Maybe that is what USCIS needed, so there would not have been a misunderstanding.

I am a little surprised at the questions they asked Teaw. Audy didn't know any of those words either. I am also surprised he didn't seem interested in your photos. Did he ask questions or look at papers to see if you have comingled finances or billing accounts. Maybe provided medical insurance or added Teaw as a beneficiary to any policies?

Thanks and congrats again.


I came prepared with tons of papers...birth certs, marriage cert, etc. He had two thick that I believe was the I-129 and the other the I-485. He asked if I had any papers that showed comingled assets and all I had were the two bank statements from two different banks that showed her as co-owner of the accts. That's all I have put her on. I got her medical insurance but he didn't want to see her card or anything. He did take her new NC ID card and photocopy that. Asked if we were still at the same address, if I still had the same job, asked about the phone number on the app which I told him was Teaw's number. Asked her how she liked American food and she said she didn't like it too much and liked Thai food better. He laughed and talked to her a little bit about how spicy she likes it. And just some normal chit chat about nothing important. He seemed to have made up his mind right away. He brought up the shot deal saying that was all he needed fixed. He set up an appt. to bring the new paper back and said if you get it done sooner, bring it in and try to get up to see him. I told him we were leaving 3-12 back to Thailand and he did the appt for 3-8. But when I asked him if I could come back that day if we got it done, he said sure, if we could get there before 3:30pm.

We did not fill out any form or transfer her shot record. This was the form that the dr. doing her exam in Thailand filled out and screwed up on. Teaw had a copy of it and I never noticed the check mark on it. It's the US Dept of State vaccination documentation worksheet filled out by her examining dr. for the visa. He checked the Tdap shot as insufficient time interval, whatever that means, and that is what they were concerned about. Most of them were checked not age appropriate and the other two were checked completed series. She only needed 3...Tdap, MMR and Varicella. The civil surgeon here said the doc should have just left it blank and he obviously screwed up because her shot record had it in there good for 10 years to 2020. So if Audy can see the copy that the dr. filled out, have her make sure there are not insufficient time intervals on there. The doc here said only two ways to fix it that the govt would accept....have the doc in Thailand fix it or get the shot again. So of course, the quickest think is to get the shot, which we did, and had to pay for it.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-04 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Oh, ya, that's how it works. They pick, you pay. Teaw has been talking about learning to drive now so we have to cross that bridge. I told her after our trip in March we will work on getting her learner's permit and driving lessons. Oh, God, spare me!!!!! LOL!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-03 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Thanks Aaron. I'll check it when we get it. How's your weather? We are missing all that snow and just getting rain. Which I guess is ok but one good snow before the end of winter would be nice...haha!! I have burned through a ton of firewood and been splitting more oak for next winter. Good exercise for an old man!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-03 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Thanks, guys. Forgot to add that of all the photos I took with us showing us together in CA, Chicago, etc, he said he didn't need to see any of them. I told him I only printed them for the interview so he said he'd look at them and took 4 out of the stack and said he'd keep those and gave the rest back. If I hadn't said anything he would not have taken any.

He did say that the green card would be good for 24 months from today, not when she entered the country, but I will look at the expiration date when we get it in the mail.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-03 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Teaw and I had our interviews today for her green card. We had a great agent. The dr. in Thailand screwed up on the vaccination form and checked one of them as not being within the time period, whatever the heck that meant, even though her shot card showed she had just gotten the shot a few months earlier and it was good until 2020. So since the form was wrong, we needed to go get the shot all over again and pay for it and get the right form sealed.

After getting all the forms ready, having pictures made, copies of stuff, he asked Teaw four questions from the I-485....if she was or ever had been a communist, shot or injured someone, been a terrorist or been arrested. And when she looked confused with the question he illustrated like putting handcuffs on or pointing like a gun. Asked a couple other general things and told us about the shot problem. We told him we were heading to Thailand in March and he made a return appt. for 3-8 but if we got it done sooner to just come back, get to the info desk, tell them what we were doing and he would take care of it. I asked if we did it today could we come back? He said sure, he likes to close his cases ASAP. So we jammed to one of the authorized doctors after calling to make sure we could get in. Even though her shot record was correct, she had to get the shot again. They were just going to hand me the form but I told them the agent said it had to be sealed so they put it in an envelope and sealed it. Good thing I had them do it. We headed back tot he USCIS office. The guard at the scanner gave us a hard time at first and then called the agent. As soon as she started talking he knew it was us and told her to let us in and go right up to the floor with his office and wait in the waiting area. Within 10 minutes he came out and got us, took us back, looked at the document, finalized and approved her green card. Since we were traveling in March, he walked her passport downstairs, stamped it with a temporary green card stamp good for a year, embossed it so it was official, and told us if we did not get the green card in the mail before we left, we didn't need the AP papers and the stamp in her passport would get her back in. He was real nice about everything, letting us come back today and getting it done. I hope everyone gets a guy like him.

So now that's done and we have to remove conditions in two years to get the 10 year card. Other than running to the dr. and back and doing all that, it was a painless and pretty quick process. I'd love to make the dr. in Thailand pay me back for the shot but we know that would never happen.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-02-03 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
They may have been a little backed up with all the holidays at the end of the year and New Year. Give them a little while and I am sure it will get updated. You can always email them and ask if they will let you know when the interview is set. They emailed me and told me when it was done. You would never be able to get through to anyone with any knowledge of what's going on by calling them. They avoid the phone like the plague. You know you can check online with the Thai PO to see if the EMS has been delivered and signed for? That will give you the date it arrived there and then it takes a few days for them to process it and get it into the system with your case.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-01-22 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Thanks guys. I really didn't want to print up more pics from Thailand. Bad enough I have to take the divorce papers again.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-01-19 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Got a question for all you that have been through the I-485 interview. I have pictures of us together here in the US from visiting my family, places we have gone, etc. But do I need to take pics of us together in Thailand AGAIN showing me/us with her family, things we did together in Thailand? I sure hope not....although knowing the feds, they'd want a zillion things.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-01-19 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Thanks for the info Lang and Aaron. One other question...were you in the interview together or separate? Teaw can understand if the guy speaks slowly enough but I am thinking of finding someone to translate for her just to be on the safe side.
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-01-07 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
So maybe we'll get lucky and they will just give her a 10 year green card to start with!!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-01-07 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)
Got our Advanced Parole documents today and at the same time notice of our interview for February 3rd. So seems things are moving along pretty fast. You would think that with all the documents we have sent in twice now that thke would not want to see them all over again, but the notice says to bring all that #######.

Any input on what to look for in the interview would be helpful. Thanks!!
Tom and TeawMaleThailand2011-01-06 16:27:00