CanadaDo I have to be MOVING when I activate our Visas?
Other option, do the interview....but ask to keep the passports and mail them back to the Consulate closer to moving.....only big downfall of that, is that we all know how slow MTL can be at mailing things back. Common sense states that if yo choose the route of visiting with the visa in ur passport and asking the POE officer not to endorse it, it should be fine---as why would you illegally stay in the USA? best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-01 17:20:00
CanadaDo I have to be MOVING when I activate our Visas?
You would be surprised on how they know!! As others have stated, more and more of sharing info. And you never know who is on these forums..include a picture of your self, include ur name as part of ur profile--not rocket science. I think NVC was just asking a question, not trying to break the law.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-31 19:38:00
CanadaDo I have to be MOVING when I activate our Visas?

To be honest, I'm not worried about the health care. It will be whatever it will be. But I will inquire specifically about OHIP though I have done a lot of research on it already and am pretty sure I have it straight.

I don't want to slow down the process. I will be happy to have our visas early and feel extremely fortunate to have had everything move so quickly thus far. It will be nice to have everything taken care of and then just head down for the summer once school is out here at the end of June.

Each their own..really no reason why one could not reschedule to later on. Best of luck

Edited by Flames9_RN, 31 January 2013 - 04:18 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-31 16:13:00
CanadaDo I have to be MOVING when I activate our Visas?

We are going to have our visas WAY sooner than expected. I don't want to suddenly stop traveling every other weekend or so like we do now. So I am probably going to wind up having to activate it sooner than we wanted which also means losing our healthcare in Ontario pretty much right away. We will just have to deal with that earlier than planned.

Another question though... will the children and I have to activate them at the same time? Sometimes I travel alone when they're visiting my ex. Can I do mine in one trip and theirs later or will they remind bound to each other somehow?

Thanks for your help on this.

I know everyone talks about loosing their health care when your now a Permanent resident of the USA--which is true---but you really should call OHIP and confirm that as each province has thier own specific health care rules! Another possibility, try and re-schedule your interview for later on down the road, sometime in June! Things may slow down in July/August as thats the normal posting in/out of Employees
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-31 15:43:00
CanadaTaxes while we're still in Canada

I had a conversation at length with Revenue Canada on Feb 8. He said to make sure we look into something called section 217. My brain started to close up with all the info, but it has something to do with a reduction of taxes to be paid. There is a brochure on Revenue Canada site about determining residency and non residency of Canada. It is not as cut and dry as we think. Take a close read through. Plus there are two forms we have to send off to them. One for our change of marital status, and the other is to determine residency.

Forms and info:

RC65 - change of marital status 1 page form
NR73 - Determination Of Residency Staus (leaving Canada) 4 page form
Information Brochure - T4056

hope some of this helps.

I'm taking mine into an accountant here hoping he knows how to interpret this stuff.

:bonk: :bonk: :bonk:


NR73 is not a MUST do, your more than welcome to do, most do not!! Why do more paperwork than you have to do!! Serbinski is a fairly good and free tax forum
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-12 11:04:00
CanadaCanadian need international driving permit in Florida
Not so quick:
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-15 12:41:00
CanadaTD canceling my Visa becase moving to the US?

I have a PC Financial account and was thinking of just changing my address to my mom's until I need to close it down.

Thats what I did. If you tel them ur moving to the USA--They will close ur account. A few yrs back I went into the Superstore and talked with a PC Rep and I slipped up momentarily that I was living in the USA--He wanted to close the acct then---Then I stated I was only working their for a bit,lol When I first moved down in 2004, they were very firm about closing the acct!! So Just listed my parents addy in Sask. And keep a very min balance, less than a $1 and tx $$ back and forth now and then to keep it active
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-20 16:52:00
CanadaTD canceling my Visa becase moving to the US?
PC tried to close my down--so I just gave them my parents addy in Sask!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-08 16:47:00
CanadaHELP so lost
For a relationship--Marriage has to be the end result. If your not married--then the k1 is a possible route--head to the k1 forum and read the guide at the top of the forum! Once you get the visa--you then have up to 90 days to get married! So marriage has to be the result. Of course I guess one could get the k1 visa, and then live together for awhile (up to 90 days) and then say this guy is crazy, drives me nutz in a bad way and then head back to Canada!!

But do read the k1 guide




And yes a Cdn can VISIT for up to 6 months with Port of entry (POE) officer approval--Keep in mind one requires strong ties to Canada. Best of luck and READ THE GUIDES--No 1 cares more about your situation than you. The process is really not that difficult- it is the waiting that sucks. For a k1, your looking around 6-8 months from start to Interview.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-23 18:04:00
CanadaMoving furniture... Boxes full of stuff from Canada to U.S

Good tips! That is one thing I'm wary of is their maintenance. The UHaul dealer has good reviews but for sure I will tell my fiance to check it all over before he leaves the lot, if there's any problems immediately we'll be headed back that way anyway on our trip. NS to DC is a long haul for sure!

not really, 3 days, 2 nights!!! Wasn't bad at all
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-27 20:04:00
CanadaMoving furniture... Boxes full of stuff from Canada to U.S

I'll be doing a one way trip with a UHaul. I live in a border town so my fiance is going to go pick one up in the USA drive it back to Canada and then we're gonna pack up and drive across the USA. It's going to be about 1200 including tax, insurance etc. It'll be about a 5 day trip. With a cat. An adventure really.

I used Uhaul from NS to DC (side trip to RI) Ensure you check over the Uhaul very well--I had a newer truck, but the 1 complaint about Uhaul is they do not maintain their trucks that well, so look over the fluid levels and to help out that gas MPG--the tire pressure
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-27 17:05:00
CanadaTax Return as US Perm Res. question!! free forum
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-04 19:08:00
CanadaCalling all dual US-Canadian citizens
Nopers!!! They will not and can't. Yes I guess somewhere in the oath that you pledege, it may say something about renouncing ones citizenship or something, but it truly does not mean anything. Your still a Cdn Citizen! Simple as that!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-04 18:58:00
CanadaVisiting the U.S from Canada
No 1 can give you a concrete answer---it really depends on the POE Officer and how you handle yourself!! The longer one wants to stay, the more one MAY get questioned.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-05 15:38:00
CanadaTransporting Car from Canada to USA

Hello :)

Does anyone know what needs to be done to transport a vehicle from Canada to the USA?

Does it differ whether I'm planning to get it sent on a truck or drive it myself?

Your help would be greatly appreciated :)

http://www.visajourn...igration-guide/ Scroll down and you will find the info
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-07 07:26:00
CanadaOne last visiting question
If you do a search her eon VJ--you will find a zillion hits on Canadians visiting the USA during the visa process, I mean this question gets asked multiple times a week. All one can do is have the best evidence you can have and hope you get an understanding POE officer. Most visit the USA with no problems, but of course most only stay for shorter periods, the longer one stays, the POE officer MAY ask more questions, may not Never LIE, answer the questions truthfully, it doesn't take them long to figure out whats going on----- But just answer their questions--keep it short and to the point, but do not lie or make them think one is hiding stuff. Denied entry is not a big deal--yes it sucks--but if one gets banned, that is a totally different story!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-10 07:43:00
Canadaquestion about currency transfer Canada/USA
At 1 time I would have recommended Customhouse--but since they have been bought out by Western Union----I'm pretty sure the rate of exchange has decreased. But if your transferring a large sum of $$$ it is in your best Interest to see who offers you the best rate--which can probably be done over the phone.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-08 17:58:00
CanadaVisa Interview

U.S. Embassy in Vancouver BC

The interviews are very short! AT the TOP of the page one sees REVIEWS:EMBASSIES---I bet there is info on there. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-06 08:35:00
CanadaWeird message from the CRA
Yes like someone else mentioned, make sure u google the # or let them call u back. Sounds a bit fishy
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-06 06:28:00
CanadaCANADIAN 2012 Tax Return
http://forums.serbin...ewforum.php?f=2 cdn/USa tax forum
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-14 17:39:00
CanadaCANADIAN 2012 Tax Return
Some say to fill out NR 73 some do not!! I talked to Revune Canada years ago and they told me it is not a "must" On your Cdn income tax return--on the front page somewhere--it asks Whewn you became OR CEASED to be a CDn Resident---just plot down the date you Ceased to be a Cdn resident! Thats all I did!! For fun, I asked for the GST rebate--knowingly I made to much $$$$--I received a letter stating I was not entitled to it as I was no longer resident based on my Previous tax return! Just my 2 cents---why fill out more govt paperwork,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-14 16:37:00
CanadaOverstay and DS-230

Canadians are allowed up to 6 months per visit, so each time you enter and they stamp your passport, your 6 months starts from that day, correct?? it's not 180 days per calendar year but per visit, of course one can be denied entry if the CBP officer feels like your spending too much time in the states, but if they let you in, then your good, or at least I've been told.

I called USCIS before and asked about this, and I was told your 6 months starts each time you enter and get a stamp in your passport, but I'm still unsure.

Yes once you come back..the clock starts back at zero...but if they think your spending more time in the USA than Canada...then they can deny one entry. And they don't have to give you 6 months--they can put a limit on ur stay as well.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-16 16:48:00
CanadaOverstay and DS-230

Were you given any restrictions, bans or time limits by the boarderguard when you returned? If not, then it won't affect your processing. It always pays to be honest and the fact that you left of your own accord and werent deported is a positive.

When you return from the USA--the Canada Customs official is not going to say anything if you overstayed in the USA
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-16 08:05:00
CanadaStompin' Tom Connors
He was and always will be a true Canadian!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-20 11:37:00
CanadaMoney Transfer from Canada to US Using TD?

For existing customers, the fee goes into effect on April 1st. They have sent me a few emails about it. I just arranged for my last free one. For new customers, it went into effect sometime late in 2012, I believe.

Yes Customhouse Fees are changing!! They used to be a great company, then Western Union bought them and it has been downhill ever since!! The exchange rate has (in my opinion) gotten worse. I know when I first started using it and was transferring over some large sums of money, the banks could not come close, but not so sure that is the case any more. But always in ones best interest to phone around.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-23 09:13:00
CanadaRRSP / US Tax Return

thanks Flames! I did search this forum high and low and even asked Nelson but like i mentioned i didn't find him overly helpful or i didn't find the answer i was looking for.

so I was hoping someone on here has been through it and can help me

Ya, he can be a bit moody at times, sorry
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-25 20:36:00
CanadaRRSP / US Tax Return
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-25 18:08:00
CanadaSelling the car
Sell it and get what ya can! One can always rent a car for a bit.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-24 18:19:00
CanadaI 129f OR I 130????
Welcome to VJ! As many others--including myself back in 2004----wish we had found VJ earlier in the process. What makes sense to you and what makes sens to others--can be very different! Lot of it comes down what is important to you--so have a look at the COMPARISON of the two visas: http://www.visajourn...content/compare

As you can see their are some big differences between the k1 and CR-1. If one needs to work right away in the USA, then one needs to go the cr-1 route. If one has a sick Cdn relative that requires frequent visits, then again prob better to go the cr-1 route--yes one can get Emergency Advance parole (AP) with the k1.

And something else that many Cdns are not aware of --Cdn EI!! Even though he is moving to the USA--he can get EI!! With the k1--not until he gets his EAD (but one still applies for it right away)With the CR-1, he is able to get Ei right away! Of course 1 has to have enough qualifying work hours!!

Yes the k1 should be faster, but do you require faster? etc etc. Welcome to VJ and best of luck!! READ THE GUIDES--NO 1 CARES MORE ABOUT YOUR CASE THAN YOU!! Cheerio
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-03-26 18:47:00
CanadaExtend his stay

My fiancé is sponsoring me to go to the states, he is currently in Canada visiting me and is supposed to go back on the 10th. I was wondering how we could extend his stay? Our visa is supposed to be processed by July 4th but it seems as though everyone's is takin longer. He wants to stay a little longer and his employer is fine since he's owed more time off anyway. What do we do? Who do we contact? Any advice would really help. Thanks everyone.

How long as he been in canada for now?
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-01 11:17:00
CanadaDevastated: Now on 221 (g) Administrative Processing after the interview

Hi All,

Just a quick update on my case. I was put on AP (administrative processing) this morning after the interview and on the 221g notes, my wife needs to send the consulate her current CV, which we did the same day after the interview. Now it may be an endless wait. It is extremely painful for me and my wife. I did so much research and found out that it may take at least months up to years. I was wondering whether there was anything I can do.

It is very cold in Montreal today and whole interview process took about 2 hours and the CO who interviewed us was very nice. The whole process was smooth.

I am extremley worried now.

No 1 knows all the details other than you. But sometimes Mtl can be fast---as in a couple of weeks) Could be longer too----esp if you or spouse was born in another country not on good terms with the USA. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-02 14:16:00
CanadaTaking Time Off

Thanks. What was the reason for denial, if you don't mind me asking?

I don't think I'll be denied. They would have to come up with some pretty crazy conspiracy theories about me to do so. We were married and living in Canada for 3 years before we decided to move. But if it could happen to you without reason, then maybe it could happen to me. My record is clean and I've never done anything illegal, nor have I ever been implicated.

Well when you never expect it--that guy names Murphy pops his head (murphys law) Your name could match some one else name, etc etc! Of course if ur a plain old boring Canadian, very good chance it will be smooth sailing, but you just never know!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-03 12:48:00
CanadaTaking Time Off
One reason (may not matter to you) is if you Quit too far in advance of moving--you will NOT be eligible for Cdn EI When you move!

If you were born in another country (or probably spent a lot of time there) that is not exactly on good terms with the USA--One can expect a fairly long wait AFTER the interview before you get the visa---as they do more back ground checks!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-02 12:32:00
CanadaProperty Ownership and Tax Concerns

Thank you so much for the swift reply Flames9_RN. I am posting the same questions on the tax forum you suggested.
Thanks for the welcome too :)

I'm sure if you do a search on that forum (which Agnelson may just tell you to do,lol)you will find the info
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-03 09:42:00
CanadaProperty Ownership and Tax Concerns
Fee tax forum http://forums.serbin...ewforum.php?f=2 the guy that answers most of the questions--Agnelson--can be a bit of a grump, if he decides to answer your question--his info is usually pretty good!

She will have to report her RRSP to the IRS--very easy to do on form 8891, the Feds do NOT tax you on it--Some say some States do, but I can't confirm that!

Welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-03 07:12:00
CanadaVisa interview in 3 days!
I did not go the k1 route--not sure if it is still the case----But there used to be DIFFERENCES between Montreal and Vancouver regarding the k1's! Just saying............
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-05 19:18:00
CanadaQuestion on Tax Filing
if you have RRSP's in Canada---1) you have to notify the Bank/compnay that holds the RRSP"s ur no longer a Cdn resident 2) one has to notify the IRS when u file ur yearly taxes--done so by filling out form 8891. If u use a tax software program as Turbo tax, it will take you down the right path. The Feds wil take no $$$, just because u have RRSP (until u take it out , maybe) but each State may handle them differently! Again, turbo tax should lead u in the right direction (or nay big name tax prep soft ware--I just know turbo tax in the past has mentioned RRSP)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-07 18:14:00
CanadaDo I still have to file Canadian taxes if I don't live in Canada?
I still have 1 cdn bank acct open--and at the time I had RRSP's! I didnt fill out the NR-73. I left Canada in Dec 2004. So When it came time to fill out 2004 taxes---on the front of the tax form it asks when one became or ceased to be a Cdn Resident. In that box I jotted down Dec 17 2004. Was simple as that. And for fun I checked off the box for the Rebate thingy even though I knew I made too much $$$$. Canadian tax dudes sent me a letter stating I was denied, because I ceased to be a Cdn Resident in DEc 2004.

Some have filled out the NR73 and some have not. ON a few tax forums I visited they said do not, but again, its not their butt they are covering,lol Why give do any more paperwork then you have to do.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-04-10 08:14:00

What visa are you applying for?

It states Cr-1/Ir-1. Interviews are normally very quick--less than 10 minutes. Most wonder after the interview 1) why they worried so much and 2) I really just forked over $$$$ for hotels and airfare/food for this?? They normally ask very basic questions--how you met--what ur spouse does for work, what ur plans are? Very basic. Now if ur have been born in a country not friendly to the USA or lived in one for an extended amount of time, the questions will probably still be basic, but they may "review" ur case longer, so not a fast turn around in getting ur visa!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-10 22:27:00
CanadaQuestion - Marriage Before Starting the Immigration Process
1 wants to ensure you get the marriage license back asap! Reading this forum--it appears people getting married in ONTARIO---it can take many months. I know in VA, I did not require a SSN # and we got the paperwork back in a few days,then started the process ( I soon went back to Canada, and visited DC Monthly)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-04-10 13:38:00