CanadaPicking Visa Up

I said what I was trying to accomplish. I want to hit the border immediately (since montreal is like 45 mins from NY) and continue working until all of my paperwork is received by my wife in FL. I'm not that close to the border in AB.

This is why I would like to know if they have the option of you picking your package up. If they don't then whatever, but if they do have that option, it might be beneficial.

I also wanted to know if I could "activate" it and stay in Canada for a couple of month while that paperwork (SSN and plastic GC) is sent to my address in FL. Sometimes it takes only a couple of weeks, sometimes it takes a couple of months. I just don't want to stay in Canada over a time limit and risk giving up my GC after it is issued because I waited in Canada too long.

Is it an option?? No not a true option (can't just check the box). You can ask and they can say yes or no. Some are successful some are not. If you do not ask, the answer is already no. But if your reason is just to hurry up the process, the answer is most likely going to be no. But you can always ask

After you get the Visa endorsed, and you head back to Canada, a few months is no problem. if its going to be 6 months or more, there is a form (forget the name of it) that one has to fill out.

And if you are from a country (or lived in one) that i snot friendly with the USA, it may be awhile before you get the visa!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-10 19:21:00
CanadaPicking Visa Up
Not sure I understand what your trying to accomplish---Since your not going to the USA for a few months. You do NOT have to use the "visa" for up to 6 months once it is issued.

And since your a cr-1/ir-1--its multiple use (unlike the k1) If your not that far from the USA Border in Alberta, one could drive to the Border their and get it Activated (or Endorsed--thats for u krikit)

The normal way is for them to mail it out. You have to sign up with DHL prior to the interview. One can always ask and yes som ehave been successful, but ya need a valid reason and even then its not for certain
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-10 18:35:00
CanadaNiche Question Regarding Moving USC Items Back
Easy to blame the POE officers----but the real people you should be pissed off at are the ones that are breaking the rules, because of them, they screw it for others!!! Their job is not an easy one, but yes some do get carried away
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-10 12:15:00
CanadaNiche Question Regarding Moving USC Items Back

Since you're the US citizen and you're moving back home, I don't see why it would be a problem at all?

Because she is only a tourist in Canada and as a USA citizen one can only bring back so much value of goods at a time. Probably have no problems doping it, but probably depends on your POE officer, might find one with some common sense
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-10 09:40:00
CanadaPOE'D December 19th
I have driven from Victoria to Sask through the Rockies in the winter numerous times! Beautiful scenery, but pretty scary at times when it starts storming. Congrats!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-07 18:01:00
CanadaMoving my Stuff...Twice
Yes one does have up to 10 yrs to bring ur stuff in duty free
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-12 16:33:00
CanadaQuestion about Tax Rebates (GST, HST, etc)
One prob does not have to cancel it.......BUT in this day of Identity Fraud.....May be in ones best interest to do it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-14 09:35:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate Advice
On monday, when ur feeling better, it may b ein your best interest to call back..and if the first person gives you the same flack, I would be speaking to the supervisor..and if they are useless, contact your MP office!! No reason to pay $70 for their mistake!! $70 buys a lot of tim hortons cofee!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-05 09:22:00
CanadaWaiting for my passport...

I am waiting for my passport to arrive from Montreal to Toronto.

How long does it take for them to issue the visa from the date I had my interview? and send it back to me?

Please share your experience.

There are a few threads on this....Some take a few days, some longer...some get the nice surprise that their case is getting looked at longer and delayed for weeks til months--Especially if u were not born in canada (or lived) in a country that i snot so friendly with the USA or a high fraud visa country.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-08 07:58:00
CanadaQuestions for Montreal IR-1 Interview Next week
What Saylin stated!! Most of your time at the Consulate will be spent waiting! And I'm sure your aware that you need a DHl account and have that info available at the consulate, as they use DHL to mail out the Visa and paperwork...then you can wait some more until it arrives. Ensure you have everything that is required as you don't want to have to mail stuff back to Mtl--as they are sloowwwwww. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-15 17:52:00
CanadaCanadian and American living in Canada trying to go to the US

Please understand that domicile can be achieved by having a place set up before moving. The US citizen does not have to be within the US for a visa to be issued. They must prove domicile. This is a broader concept than living within the US.

If the USC can show that they have a rental agreement set up before the move, a job offer (assuming that they already meeting the sponsorship requirements some other way), etc., this proves domicile.

Mind you the Affidavit of Support requires they have a job (not merely a job offer) to support you if you don't meet eligibility criteria based on assets.

correct----but others in the past were clueless to this, so its all good to know
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-17 16:47:00
CanadaCanadian and American living in Canada trying to go to the US

Is it a MUST that the US petitioner must reside in the US? I am in the same situation as OP, my husband (USC) and I are currently residing in Toronto. We have been married for more than 2 years and he has been in Toronto for a year. It doesnt make any sense that the US petitioner must be in the US..what about all the DCF Filers?

there is NO more DCF in Canada. At the top of this forum is a DOMICILE thread--lot of good info there
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-17 16:10:00
CanadaCanadian and American living in Canada trying to go to the US

First off this forum is great!
I am glad to see the process of getting myself a green card is just as complicated as getting my wife into Canada. :/

So I am just starting the process and I just want to make sure I am understanding how this works... At least how to kick it off.
(I'm Canadian, Wife American, Both living in Toronto)

1.It all starts with the I130... Right?
That gets sent away and then once I get approval I can apply for the IR1? Is this correct?

2. We both reside in Canada. The idea is we want to move down together. The I130 on step 18. is asking for the address where we intend to live?
How does one answer that if we haven't moved yet?

3.Does an IR1 require my wife(american) to financially sponsor me? She's in Canada with me and doesn't have a job in the states yet?
- We have american grandparents... Does that help me? Can they sponsor me with an I864? Does that even apply in this case or is it unnecessary?

4.I have 2 year old son. Do we need to submit a separate I130 for him? If so, is there 2 fees, one for me and one for him?

I apologize if this is covered elsewhere, googling has got me this far and spending all day in sites that are just setup to take my money and other sites with conflicting and outdated information makes this a big challenge. Once again you guys rawk!



Cr/1 and IR-1 Guide (at top of page) http://www.visajourn...ess-procedures/

And ensure you look at the top of this forum and see the domicile issues some have had: http://www.visajourn...ving-in-the-us/

Take some time and READ the guide!! The paperwork process is not that hard--its the waiting that sucks as it can take up to a YEAR (or longer) to get to the interview, which will be in Montreal. And even the EI thread, as if you have enough qualifying hrs, you can get Cdn EI in the USA!! Welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-16 13:34:00
CanadaWhere are Immigration Interviews Done?

Crumbs :(. My husband's is an IR-1. So it'll be Montreal then. Does anyone know if there's a place to get a medical in Alberta (like Calgary)? If not, where's the closest? And does anyone have any idea what the cost of it is?

Out of curiosity--are you (The American)living in Canada?? If so you may want to look at the top of this forum and read the DOMICILE thread and see some of the issues that American living in Canada have had to go through.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-13 17:18:00
CanadaWhere are Immigration Interviews Done?
As Pocheros stated--ALL cr-1/ir-1 goto Montreal, its that easy
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-13 14:44:00
CanadaImporting my Canadian Car and Husband's US car back to US.

if the sticker specificalyy says us compliant.
then no letter necessary.

In a perfect world yes.....but if they will issue you the letter, best to get it
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-19 20:35:00
CanadaMilitary/Court Records
And by the sounds of it you came from another country and if at the age of 16 and over--if you lived there(or any country) for 6 months or longer, will require a police check by that country as well. And if its a country that doesnt get along well with the USA----quite often after the interview your case get further scrutinized, thus delaying the issue of your visa and paperwork. cheers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-17 06:26:00
CanadaMilitary/Court Records
UER----Unit Employment record.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-16 08:33:00
CanadaMilitary/Court Records
For my Cdn military record I submitted--I forget the name of the document---but its the one that has all your courses and postings on it, very easy to get from the orderly room, plus I had my Commanding officer write a quick note stating it was an authentic military document (prob not required, its pretty much your military Resume. Worked for me and I know of 1 other Vj'er that used the same document and it worked
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-16 06:29:00
CanadaRe-Newing Canadian Passport

Hello Everyone,

I have a quick question regarding re-newing my passport... Not sure if anyone will know and if not I will just call Passport Canada. I am wondering if when I re-new my passport to show my married name if I am required to send in our marriage certificate? I know we have to send in our original birth certificate and not a copy, I'm just not sure about the marriage one. And I absolutely HATE sending originals... Its annoying and stressful. Any help on this matter would be great! I want to get it done soon so we are all prepared when we get our NOA2 (which won't be for God only knows how long :( ).

C copy or orgiginal
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-18 14:10:00
CanadaProof of Domicile


Cdn section is slow on the weekends.

Edited by Flames9_RN, 20 January 2013 - 06:40 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-20 18:40:00
CanadaInterview is now scheduled :D

Can you do me a favour? Let me know if when you POE if you can import your car on a K1 visa. I am down here already and when I asked, they said I needed employment authorization first. I'm not sure if they are confused or if it's just because I didn't do it at the same time as POE.

Been a lot of Cdn k1'ers import their car when they POE.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-24 21:27:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?

So... not covered? lol

The above two posts are why Canadians are mystified. :lol:

I have to say that American healthcare is outstanding, albeit a bit confusing. Regarding the stories on waits..... I am currently on a wait list for a specialist appointment here in the US. In Canada that wait is due to it not being an emergency. In the US that wait is due to it not being an emergency. *shrugs*

Its only outstanding if you have good insurance. Talked to many stressed patients that have no insurance and their opinion would be different,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-25 11:29:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?

My husband says most canadian doctors leave canada to go to the states since we pay more money.

I believe the pay gap has decreased. I know it has a fair bit for Nurses. I have 2 sisters that are RN's in Canada and they get paid very well. It is what it is!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-25 10:31:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?

But see, that's the thing, we live in a SMALL town.
My husband is actually from the outskirts of Brantford in Harley which is a population of 550.
Brantford doctors were full, the only harley doctor retired, and we have to drive 40 minutes to some lady in another town.

Also, my husband's doctor only charges me $30 to see her.
But I feel that she treated me equal to the amount of money I paid her.
My doctor charges $80 w/o insurance and I get much better care there.
Not that Nicaragua gives bad care lol, I just mean she also only charged me $30.

Oh I DID walk out with (2) free months of birth control though.
That was a plus.

Thats the case in many small towns--No doctors!! I know that has happened a lot in Saskatchewan, the one or two Dr leave--as they are overworked!!

For $30 here, I received very good treatment. Thats at the new modern Hospital! Nicaragua has Social medicine, but its not that great! Our Gardner got very sick last year, took over a week to get a cat scan of his head! No perfect system out there that is going to please everyone
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-25 09:34:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?
Regarding Cdn healthcare--it sort of depends where you live. If you live in a huge city, it can kind of suck as the pt to dr ratio is not in your favor. Goto a Smaller city and it may be a bit better, then again, may not be as many specialists!

In the USA, if you have good insurance, your usually good to go. I'm currently in Nicaragua and prices here are much cheaper!! They have a very modern hospital here with very good Doctors. had to see 1 last year, cost me $30!! Just saw the dentist--which was awesome--3 appts, included a cleaning, fixing 4 cavities, 3 chipped teeth (1 very bad) and a panaramic xray was $419! And she was on the high side, others have siad they would have paid a lot less at their dentist. Want a holiday and some dental work done--come to Nicaragua, medical tourism is starting to catch on!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-25 09:03:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?
Yes, calling a dr/dentist and asking if they accept your insurance is not good enough! I found that out the hard way with a dentist,lol Sure they accepted my insurance, but were not in the newtwork--so there charges were not capped. Huge difference!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-25 06:54:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?

Omg you were mean! Lol. When I was born, after 18 hours of labour my brother promptly said "send her back, I want a brother!" I was also born the day after him so my mother was in labour for his entire 8th birthday. I can say he's never felt I was much of a birthday present. Lol

What baffles me is the high rate of teen moms in the USA. It's so damn expensive to be pregnant and give birth that you would think the parents would rather pay for condoms or birth control (preferably both) than the cost of their teen daughter to be pregnant and raise a child. Somewhere 2+2 isn't equalling 4 in someone's mind. Rofl!!

But isn't the USA's big thing--abstinence? More or less put your head in the sand and hope the problem goes away!! Make any mention of giving free condoms to kids and holey moley, all hell breaks loose!!

As a cr-1//ir-1, yes one then becomes a Permanent resident of the USA, once they cross the border and activate (endorse) the visa! What she could do is phone up her provincial health plan and tell them the whole picture and see that they have to say. There might be some leeway if its only a short time after you POE!! Nothing with hospitals is cheap in the USA, the floor I worked on (PCU/telemetry) was supposedly $10,000 + a night

I know a few yrs back--read an article online that stated BC was going to start looking more into this as it was costing them millions of $$$$ a year in similar situations.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-24 11:57:00
CanadaVisiting US and Canada During K-1 Approval Process

My Canadian fiancee and I will be applying for K-1 sometime around May 2013. I am currently a chaplain in the US Army but will be leaving the service in July to take a church in the New York/New England area. In July my fiancee and I will be traveling to Paris via JFK Airport in New York City. Upon our return I will accompany her back to Canada where I will stay for a short period of time while I am awaiting being called to my new congregation. Does anyone see any hindrance or problems that might arise in the K-1 process in light of our traveling back and forth across the US/Canada border and my staying with her (I can stay up to six months without a visa)? Any advice on what we might expect when we cross the borders? What documents in addition to our passports, boarding passes, etc, should we have with us and what might we be asked by the immigration officer at the border? Thanks much.

#1 question asked in the Cdn Forum,lol Welcome to VJ!! When one is visiting the USA--or Canada---1 should always have in their possession, evidence that builds a case that you are going to return to your home country. Such as return airfare, utility bills, letter from employer stating when they expect you back, Immigration paperwork. My 2 cents is down below in my signature. Most visit during the immigration process with no problems at all. Some do get sent into secondary for more questions before allowed to continue with trip. And yes some do get denied entry--they are usually the ones that did not bring any evidence with them or possibly rude. Never lie!!! A denied entry is no big deal, yes it sucks, but it wil not affect your Immigration journey! Get Barred, and thats a totally different story, so simply do not lie! But like I said the majority have no problems at all. Best of luck!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-27 08:22:00
CanadaRenewng passport

My Passport doesn't expire until 2014. i have been reading about the new fees they are going to be bringing in and have a question. I gained US citizenship and will get my US passport done next week. I'm trying to decide what to do when my canadian one expires. Will there be any penalty for letting it expire if I decide to renew it later?

I'm kinda pissed that they would treat us like this just because we live outside of Canada.

Could renew it when u go back to Canada!
You can Enter Canada on a USA passport with no problems(as a Cdn citizen). Many let their Cdn passport expire.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-30 21:55:00
Canadainterview at the Consulate of Montreal

That is not good news... My interview is also on January 10th.
Monday DEC 17th I got a phone call around noon Vancouver time from the consulate and they didn't leave a message. I actually called back and after close to 4 minutes of going through automated options, I finally spoke to a human being, and all she said was that they would call back. I tried to give a little more details to her and she interrupted me and said they'll call back and then hung up on me....
I did NOT get this email that you are speaking of, so until I hear differently, I will assume that it is still set for the 10th. I also have already booked my airfare from Vancouver to Montreal and its not cheap!

I would not be assuming if it were me----you may show up all for nothing! Hard to say whats going at the Consulate for them to be changing people interviews! Might be in your best interest in trying to email Mtl
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-18 12:06:00
CanadaTax Return for non-resident

Hello all,

Have not contacted with you for a while, hope all had a wonderful holiday.

I have a question about the tax return for non-residents: I moved to US in December 2011 and I filed my tax return for the year of 2011,which called exit tax return by VJers. Actually I was still Canadian Resident in 2011. I received EI in 2012 which was my only income. My question is, do I need to file tax return to CRA?


http://forums.serbin...ewforum.php?f=2 For Cdn/USa tax questions!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-20 18:39:00
CanadaVisiting US With K1 Visa in Passport But Not Activating It

Thanks for passing your experience on :)

Now we’ll be able to say “yes it’s possible”.

a few others have done it in the past..... like many things, comes down to the POE officer
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-30 20:24:00
CanadaCan you travel to Canada and back to the US after activating your K1 visa with Canadian passport ?
The Answer is YES, you can travel to Canada with no problems. Canada will gladly let you in! BUT your big problem is getting back into the USA, which without Advance parole (AP) or the greencard, you are not getting back in! Then you get to start the CR-1 journey from Canada! lol And yes it did happen to 1 VJ member a few yrs back. If you need to go back and its an emergency---craving tim hortons is not an emergency, their is An Emergency Advance parole one can apply for! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-01-31 09:54:00
CanadaReviews of POE - Champlain, NY?

my husband crossed @ champlain - in the middle of the night. from what he told me, they knew what they were doing and it was a painless process. he ended up crossing three days before we had originally intended (i had hit a deer in jersey on my way to pick him up and was stranded in some godforsaken borough, my car totaled). he didn't cross with his belongings (we had his stuff trucked down to virginia). any way they'll have you and your family park and come in, where they'll do all your paperwork and then send you all on your way.

i'm not sure why you think you'll be questioned - if there is some outlying circumstance with your case - but you are activating your visa. at this point in the game CO's aren't questioning your relationship.

Sounds like maybe her family does NOT know she is married. Most of the questioning (very basic questions usually) happen inside--When you drive up to the Window--let them know your entering with a CR-1/Ir-1 visa. Most likely tell you to park and then go inside....Just tell your family to wait in the car.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-28 10:28:00
CanadaProblems, Advice, and Stories on Border Crossing
Guess I should rephrase it,lol Vast majority have no problems crossing with a greencard! And from my 8 yrs on VJ---vast majority have had no problems visiting their fiances or spouses. Some do, who knows why in some cases! One may be giving off certain body signals/postures that makes the Officer think your hiding something or he is having a bad day and enters something into the system! Thats sort of why I always say--it's up to the POE officer
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-10-20 21:22:00
CanadaProblems, Advice, and Stories on Border Crossing

haha, your post made me chuckle. Yeah, the ONLY reason I am leaving Canada is for Cody. Well happy to hear it gets easier, but at least I know to expect some hassle for a little. I am moving down next weekend, so I hope I get nice CBP officers! :no:

You won't get hassled once you have ur greencard.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-10-20 16:43:00
CanadaMontreal interview dates
If it were I--and my spouse was truly sick----I would get a Dr note, scan it and attach it to the Email to Mtl. As I'm sure they get plenty of emails with people making stuff up...not saying you are, but a Dr note (Along with dr phone #) would give it some validity.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-01 15:52:00
CanadaDo I have to be MOVING when I activate our Visas?

That is a good idea, but as you stated, a bit of a concern with the notorious FAIL of the Montreal consulate mail room. I think I will just carry on and make our entry on our first visit post-interview the official one. That way everything is taken care of. If it means no more Ontario health care, so be it. Either way, we won't be making our actual move until the school year is complete, even though I know I'll get itchy earlier than that! I do look forward to feeling the relief of having everything complete though because I'm still faced with the final hurdle of my ex writing the letter saying he knows we're moving. The POE officer can still put a stop to my move, even after I have visas in hand, so that's nerve-wracking.

Thanks everyone! I know this thread kinda went all over the place!

I have no clue--- But if you activate the visa now, no longer a resident of Canada-----can the kids still goto school in Canada?? I don't have kids, so nothing I have looked into
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-04 16:23:00
CanadaDo I have to be MOVING when I activate our Visas?
Other option, do the interview....but ask to keep the passports and mail them back to the Consulate closer to moving.....only big downfall of that, is that we all know how slow MTL can be at mailing things back. Common sense states that if yo choose the route of visiting with the visa in ur passport and asking the POE officer not to endorse it, it should be fine---as why would you illegally stay in the USA? best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-02-01 17:20:00