CanadaMoving Furniture Question

As a Cdn citizen---you have NO legal right to enter the USA.  When you enter the USA at the border or airport--the POE officer makes his decision to allow you to enter right on the spot.......It is not like that for others. For example, Nicaraguans make an appt here at the USA embassy in Managua, pay a fee to do so and they may or may not get a visitors visa. If denied, they are still out that fee which is around $160 usd or so.   


As a Visitor to the USA, which you would be, can not bring all your belongings down and store it in the USA.  Could you show up at the border with ur uhaul truck and gain entry??  Very slim chance, but probably not.  I guess your brother if he is an american citizen could try and say it is his, but he would by lying and may have to pay duty on it!  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-08-04 19:37:00
CanadaMoving Furniture Question


How can I move furntiure across the border? What forms are needed? I am moving to the UK for 6 months and want to leave my furntiure at my brother's place in the US for 6 months.


Any tips or ideas will be highly appreciated.


Why are you asking again here??  You already have your very own thread regarding this and have been provided an answer.  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-08-04 18:18:00
CanadaMoving Furniture Question

Are you a USA citizen or green card holder??  If not--u can't just move to the USA

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-08-04 14:47:00
CanadaPassport / Loomis / What is going to happen to me...???

Just to clarify---when u the package back----ur NOT going to have the actual Greencard----What you will have is the I-551 stamp in your Cdn passport.  When you enter the POE, it gets endorsed, and then acts as your greencard, and is valid for 1 year-----and of course ur actual greencard should arrive well in advance of that.  But that part of the process has changed since 2004 when I went through it, so I cant comment. cheers

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-08-15 17:42:00
Canadawhich visa to pursue

And the next question people ask----can I visit while the process is ongoing??  lol   And the simple answer is YES---many of us did and had no problems.  Ensure u have proff of ties to Canada with you and tell the truth (my 2 cents is down below in my signature)  and yes some do get denied entry but thats mostly because they had no ties to canada with them.  But of course there is no gaurnatee you will gain entry, but normally it is not a problem.  But since ur in the USA now, stay as long as you can and get cracking on the paperwork


Dont forget near the top of VJ are examples of already filled out forms.  Paperwork is normally the easy part--it is the waiting that can drive you crazy!!!

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-08-31 09:36:00
Canadawhich visa to pursue

u can start the IR-1 process right now! (while in the uSA)

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-08-31 08:14:00
CanadaDoes Canada have a simpler approval process than other countries?

Canadians have it pretty good mainly because there are few fraud cases. But if one has been previously married, one does have to show they are divorced, just like another country!   1 of the biggest  benefits it doesnt cost you a pile of $$$$$ visa wise to visit!!  I know here in Nicaragua, for a Nica to get a tourist visa just to visit I think it is $160--and if they get denied (which I believe a lot do) they are out that $160!!!  And considering its the 2nd poorest country in the western Hemisphere, $160 is a huge amount of $$$ for many (but there are plenty of very $$$$ Nicas as well)  


If you are 100% born in Canada, its normally a very easy process, just a lot of waiting!!

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-08-31 09:41:00
CanadaChanging Visa Issuing consulate location

Only way it can be done(for a k1 or k3) is if you were to move to one of the western provinces!  and yes there have been some that have "said" they have moved and used a friends address, it it worked for them

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-02 12:01:00
CanadaK1 Montreal: Are tax records a must?

You could always try calling urself and see if you get a live person

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-02 18:05:00
CanadaK1 Montreal: Are tax records a must?

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-02 17:22:00

Simple answer is NO.  In some countries with high fraud it is highly recommended they attend--not the case in Canada. Mine never attended.  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-05 11:10:00
CanadaRequest OR Given Interview Date?

No 1 cares more about ur situation than you. It is probably in your best interest to look near the top of this Canada forum and you wil see a K1 guide for Mtl--and another for VAN, so you may want to take some time and look over it--so you do not have any surprises.  Best of luck

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-06 14:44:00
CanadaK1 Visa approved, which consulate ?

Which is normally the faster consulate-----and Van and MTL do have some differences, so ensure your reading up on VAn--there is a topic at the top of the CDN page on VAN

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-09 10:47:00
CanadaK1 Visa approved, which consulate ?

All depends on where you live in Canada............Manitoba and West goto Vancouver............Ontario and East got MTl for K1.   Only 2 that do relationship visas in Canada

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-09 10:34:00
CanadaProblems with Canadian Police Record Check

Hard for us to say without seeing it...but is it in English?  Say it was checked with CPIK ( Canadian Police Information Centre)

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-06 18:42:00
CanadaCan I slowly move my belongings to the US

And I guess 1 would be lying if your mailing stuff down there and marking it as gifts,lol

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-09 13:22:00
CanadaCan I slowly move my belongings to the US

If ur using a moving company, and other shippers, they require a copy of the endorsed Visa---which you get after you POE with it----so one has to scan it, then email or mail it back to the shipping company!

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-09 13:02:00
CanadaCan I slowly move my belongings to the US

Who knows what a POE officer will ask----I have driven and flown many times back in the early 2000's when we went through the process......When I drove did I bring items--yes a very few, I never had a problem, and was never asked any questions!   But why risk it.   

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-09 10:46:00
CanadaCan I slowly move my belongings to the US

I'm sure one could bring a few items, and I mean a few......if the POE office thinks you are going to be staying (living) in the USA, you may find yourself denied entry!  Have al the proff you want that your going to return, but a car load of stuff, or many suitcases sort of signals to them, that your intentions are otherwise!

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-09 10:36:00
CanadaOff to Montreal...

As others have stated----99.999% of the time, it is the easiest part of the process!!  99% of the time at the consulate is spent waiting and waiting....................Best of luck

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-12 18:08:00
CanadaHow is the interview process at Montreal Embessay?

Welcome to VJ----there is a LOT of info at the TOP of the page, such as EXAMPLE FORMS......REVIEWS......Spend some time going over the site. As long as you have all your paperwork, it is usually a very smooth process. Ensure you bring copies off all that you have submitted!  If you have been born in Canada, its usually smooth sailing.  Delays may occur if you were born or lived for an extended amount of time in countries that are not exactly friendly with the USA.   Scroll down this Canada forum and you will find some very recent Mtl review posts!  Best of luck

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-14 08:37:00
CanadaPassed my interview. How long for the passport to come?

State Dept//foreign service has no official uniform,lol!  Just semi formal is all!!

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2013-09-14 10:59:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

so I haven't talked to my mom or dad since probably January. I gave up calling them because they were always busy.. :wacko: Well, yesterday was my Birthday and my mom called but I missed the call and she called again today but my phone was turned off. I called her back when I saw that she had called and we were having a nice conversation but after about 15 minutes or so she says she has to go and help my dad :S.. I was disappointed because there was more I wanted to talk to her about :(

Sorry... Happy Bday!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-05-21 18:52:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Quite often they get sucked up under the agitator!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-05-13 19:10:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
seriously have u tried metumucil in the passed few yrs? They have changed their formula, its no longer gritty!! I take it a few times a day to keep my cholesterol in check!! Lemonade is the way to go! Maybe add in some vodka (once pregnancy over,lol)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-05-12 08:16:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

You know what's weird? I was driving a good distance behind a car today and I was thinking "That guy drives exactly the way I do." When I got up closer I saw he had a Canadian flag magnet on the back of his car. What's even weirder is that I got behind another car with a Canadian flag magnet when I was going in the opposite direction. Sucks, though, because it's not like I can hop out and run into traffic to go "Hey! Me too!!" :lol:

Your head needs examining. :lol:

Lemonade is great!! Its no longer gritty!! Good for lower cholesterol!! 1.5 yrs back Father n law had hip replacement sx--no 1 to him that the pain meds would clog him up!! He stopped taking his pain meds!! Get on with the metumucil,lol Saved the day!! Ornage isn't too bad either
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-05-11 21:07:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Metumucil!!! Works wonders!!! Even tastes good
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-05-11 19:39:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Barking dogs drive me nuts as well!! I ensure ours do not bark away!! inlaws used to have 2 beagles that were howlers! They finally brought one of those citronella collars! When the dog barked, it released citronella! They stopped barking almost immediately! Eventually all they had to do was put on the collar and leave the citronella cartridges out, and it still did the job! Here in Nica--the land of noise, many people just have dogs for security, they stay outside all the time and bark away!!

Do those things electric thingies onTV they advertise to stop a dog barking work?? Believe it sends out a very high frequency! Maybe a bit cruel, but they may stop ASAP!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-05-11 08:19:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
As Some of you know my wife and I are in Managua Nicaragua for the next few yrs. Our Honda CRV is being shipped down and should be here any day. But we want a second car! So like 1.5 weeks back we found out a gal that worked in the same area as my wife was selling a 2002 RAV4!! So we contacted her and said love to see ur rav4!! Long story short we found it acceptable--not great, but who cares, its Managua!! She tells us that she had it at the Toyota dealership garage here and they said all 4 Oxygen sensors had to be replaced! And she believed them!! I said thats very odd that all 4 would go at the same time!! We agreed on $8300 for the RAV4 with all 4 O2 sensors replaced!! So I took it back to get it looked at. Found an English guy to speak with and I told him it was very odd that all 4 O2 sensors would go!! So after MANY hours (nothing happens fast in Nicaragua--seriously) They come back with a list of things that are wrong with the car!! NOW only 2 sensors are bad,lol and they ONLY recommend the other 2 be changed! Long story short, the gal doesn't want to budge from the $8300 even though the the repair expenses are less now and she even said the $8300 was based on all 4 O2 sensors being repaired!!
So She comes by and I say, maybe to simplify things we just take the car as is--no repairs. She says yes that would be much better! She wants $8000 we want $7800!! So I say I'm happy to meet in the middle at $7900. She says ok!! We have a deal. But I can see she is not happy!! She comes back that night drops off the car. They could not finish the car buying paperwork that day, so I Ask----Are you happy with the deal, as it doesn't appear so?? She says no, her dad tells her she can get at least $8500 for it and she is like giving the car away!! I said, hey, I want you to be happy, I don't really need the 2nd car and its worth no more than $7900 to me. So I say sleep on it, if you want to take the car back, I'm happy with that! If you think you can get more $$$ go for it!! I emailed her the next day and said, no big deal if you want the car back (no $$$ had exchanged hands yet) but please let me know by 1300. She emails back, ya I'm not sure, wil let ya know by 1300!! SOO I cal her and say, ur not happy, would it be better if you just take the car back? I have no problem with that. Hapy to buy it at $7900, but if you think you can do better, go for it. She said YES, it would make her feel better. See where I'm going with this?? lol
So a few hours ago my wife calls me up and says guess what?? We backed out of the deal?? I say what!!! People are talking about us, saying this chick (dont want to say her name) sold us the car, BUT then we backed out of the deal!! Holy #######!! Really Ticks me off!! I did the honorable thing and said she did not have to stick to the deal, as she was not happy!!! And she agreed to it!! I was ready to transfer the $7900 to her account. I'm livid!! I'm hoping its just a play on words and things got mixed up, but still!! And another thing that ticked me off. On the last night I had the vehicle, she drives up with all the windows partially down! and Yes I found that weird as its super hot here, like 33C!! Why would you have ur windows down with the AC on????? I did roll up the windows that night. Next day after the deal is off I go and put some papers in the car and holy ####### did it smell MOLDY!! It was terrible!! When we test drove it, there was a slight smell, but I figured it was just because it was dirty inside (and I love to clean cars!!)
Just ticks me off that these rumors are going around, and were new here, do not need that childish #######!! And how she was hiding ####### about the car!! Whewwwwwwwww,lol But the truth will come out!!! I hope she can sell it as she is soon leaving here. And there is no way she can get anywhere close to what she thinks she can get in the USA! It has dents/scratches/dings, its dirty etc!! Oh well, life continues,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-09 18:58:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Some people(idiots) love to play it up! Thats why insurance rates are high! BUT I do not believe their air bags would deploy even if you hit them at 100 mph!! A vehicle that is rear ended---air bags dont deply--urs would, but not someone that is hit from behind.

I got rear ended, and my Brand new Acura Integra was totalled and I walked away!! And no my air bag did not deploy. It happened on the night of the VERY first Survivor final,lol I should have gone to the hospital. Was sore for awhile after, but was just sore. Hope it works out for ya! Insurance companies hate to loose $$, so you can be sure they will investigate.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-18 19:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

just found out that the estimated cost to repair the car was around $ basically would have been a whole new car in the front. seems like the only thing they wouldn't have had to replace was the engine :P

oh and we got the check from the insurance yesterday :dance:

Cool~~~ Happy car shopping!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-01 15:29:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Oh, that sux. I was with State Farm and never had a problem.

We had State Farm when I first moved to the USA. Never really had to claim anything while with them. I know we saved a lot of $$$$ going to USAA. Love USAA, even though it did take a bit to get the $$$$ from my wifes lost/stolen wedding& engagement ring. But like I have said before, they are all in business to make $$$$$,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-29 10:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Insurance in Canada is a hassle too!! Back in 2000 I got rear ended by a kid in my spanking brand new Acura Integra. I bought an extra policy that gave me full replacement value. They didnt want to writ my car off, even though it looked like an accordion!! I was lucky to walk away pretty much unharmed!! I ha to call them daily and complain!! Fr them I guess it made sense to fix it--because they had to write me a cheque for over $30,000. But I persisted and got my $$$$
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-29 09:22:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre


Who did you insure your rings with? I have been asking around because I need to have mine insured too, but everyone thinks that it would be covered under my renters insurance. However I would like to have them insured separately because they are quite expensive and I dont think that the renters insurance will cover the entire cost of the rings.

We have USAA insurance. But any insurance company can offer u stand alone policy for jewelry.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-28 11:43:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Yep, I'm sure he is going to detest it, as a professional(not in this case,lol) driver, I'm sure his Insurance rayes will go up if he is at fault!!! Stick to ur guns!!! Even whe ur 100% not at fault, I have found you really have to hassle the insurance company, 1 has to remember, they are their $$$$$$$$, not there to make ur life easier,lol My wife had her engagement and wedding rings lost or stolen at the gym. We had a policy for it, insurance company had the appraisal and were happy to insure it based on that appraisal! But when it came time to pay out, al of a sudden they were not happy with that appraisla,lol Took a fairly long time before they agreed to pay it! We actually had the rings remade and it cost more. Lesson learned from that experience was tick to ur guns and have if jewelery is expensive, have them re-appraised every few yrs. But the new rings an't replace the sentimental value as they were her grandmothers rings!! And thats what the insurance company kept saying,lol well duh. Glad u were not hurt
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-28 10:15:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Insurance agencies are there to make $$$$$$, one has to never forget that. A co-worker had a run in with her insurance co. She had to use a HCA hospital and yeppers ours was a HCA hospital!! And they denied her claim, saying it wasn't a HCA hospital,lol 1 would think a simple internet search would confirm that (which it would)but took awhile for them to clue in!!

I got good advice from my Wifes Dr--get it in writing! yes not always possible, but if you can, do it!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-14 10:46:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
As much as I detest the American system--right now I would prefer it for my father. He has a crappy heart, his Ejection fraction was a crappy 25% last yr, now its down to 14%! They need to put in a different type of pacemaker ASAP, BUT before they can do that---since they dont do that in SK----He has to goto Calgary---they have to do an Echo to ensure the valves are fine--Only a 2-4 month wait for an echo!! Plus if they do find he needs a valve replacement, who knows how long that will take--then wait some more for the new Bi-Ventricular pacemaker!! So sort of sucks!! But on th epositive side, he isn't broke,lol!! With his heart history, total of 3 bypasses, stnets, etc, his insurance costs would be sky high. So its a give an d take!

What really ticks me off as a health person--is the same pts over and over again as they just dont care!! Diabetics and alcoholics! But hey, they have medicaid or medicare, so the hospital makes nay excuse to admit them, as they know they will get payment, really makes no sense! Its our taxes paying for these people. And what really ticks ya off--they treat the place like a hotel,lol Fun and games!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-04-29 13:00:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

The weird thing is they didn't want payment upfront if we stayed on the cancellation list but they want it since it now that we are scheduled in. I think they wan to over bill the insurance company too, cause when we get the eplination from the insurance company you can see the price they try to charge vs what will be payed. I know when we go to take them my husband will make them recalculate the bill to 80% not 60% if they want to get payed they will have to do it. I find it crazy how we have to wait till the end of May for the first appointment when they have more then one dentist we could see and we are not picky, we just want it done.

I hate dentists!! I learned here the hard way--their is a huge difference of accepting your insurance and being in the network! Sure they may accept ur insurance, but they can charge you whatever--and u make up the difference!! If they are in the network, I guess what they can charge you is capped! 1 dentist I went to wouldn't tell me insurance would pay and what they wouldn't--said that was up to me! I should have ran then,lol! His estimate to fix everything was like $6500. Went to another dentist (after I clued in) and it only cost me $1200 out of pocket, insurance covered everything else!! Have had friends here that have been seeing their dentist for awhile--only to relaize that Dentist is not within network, and could have saved themselves a lot of $$$$.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-04-27 13:52:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I use ma'am a lot, always told that showed respect! Ye sit is mazing how few people saw welcome, and my biggest peeve is people that don't say excuse me!!!! I have been know just not to move and watch them get upset,lol Then state "an excuse me would be appropriate!!" lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-04-06 12:57:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
When I was doing our Taxes with turbo tax--it even asked if I had RRSP's!! I know that wasnt the case a few yrs back.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-02 15:36:00