CanadaSo many questions, so many confusing websites!
a cr-1 is a MULTIPLE entry visa, so your good to go. oce you get ur interview in Montreal they wil lmail the visa to you (its in your canadian passport,it takes up 1 page) You goto a USA port of EntrY (POE) and it will be "activated" A poe can be on land or at the airport, doesnt matter! With a CR-1, since it is a multiple entry, you could immediately turn around and head back to canada if u wish or at any time!!! A single entry visa such as the K1 (fiance visa) is a ONE time entry, so they are stuck in the USa until AP or finish AOS, but thats not ur problem. As wll with a CR-1 you can immediately work in the USA;page=compare shows the plus's and negatives of each visa!!

approx one month after u activatd ur cr-1, you will get the "greencard" inthe mail, looks like ur drivers license! Until that time the stamp in ur passport acts as ur greencard!!

Edited by flames9, 25 July 2008 - 08:34 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-25 08:32:00
CanadaSo many questions, so many confusing websites!
sorry not enough coffee,lol Being that your in Alberta, Vancouver consulate handles K3 visas, and that consulate tends to be much quicker. But u stated quickness wasnt important, and the cr-1 isnt that much slower, and it is the better visa, and even costs less I believe!! best of lcuk
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-25 06:54:00
CanadaSo many questions, so many confusing websites!
Welcome to VJ!

So you as the American citizen, are you a permanent resident of Canada?? Reason why I ask, if so you can do what is called DCF--direct consular filing--- There is a DCF forum here on VJ, with a CANADA sticky at the very top,which should have piles of information for you. DCF should be the fastest route, at the end if your married for less than 2 years you would get a CR-1 visa, married 2 years or more IR-1. With DCF you would head to the closest USA consulate (Calgary)and hand over all the required paperwork,then its forwarded to Montreal. Montreal conducts ALL cr-1/ir-1 interviews for Canada.
One can file the regular route as well for cr-1. Since your not in a hurry i wouldn't even think about the k3 route.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-25 05:28:00
CanadaPlease pray for Baby Declan
Glad to hear events are getting better. Thats the beauty of being young--one heals soo much faster.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-17 05:25:00
CanadaPlease pray for Baby Declan
Great news. That is one lucky baby and thankful that her mother had a keen eye and spotted the blueish feet. love a happy ending
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-09 20:12:00
CanadaPlease pray for Baby Declan
My thoughts are with you and your family AND super job on noticing the blue feet and taking quick action, he has one great mom.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-07 19:30:00
CanadaOur Story
Some doctors dont consider their clients financial situation and prescribe meds that the client can't afford to take. In some cases they can prescribe generic drug at reduced price or find a similar drug that is on Walmart, targets, safeway, etc etc reduced drug price list. Some prescriptions are as low as $4 a month! If you goto Walmarts or targets web page you can find their reduced drug price list and take that to your doctor and explain the situation. He can prescribe you the worlds best drug, but if you can't afford to take it, it is not going to help you. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-29 14:35:00
CanadaOur Story
Glad things have turned for the better, AND your getting that BP looked at!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-03-28 06:25:00
CanadaMontreal CR1 interview review
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-23 04:25:00
CanadaWedding Day on Saturday
I have no idea if Cochrane Ont is a nice town, so I have to take my words back!! lol But I shall leave my "best of luck" words there. biggrin.gif
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-30 05:24:00
CanadaWedding Day on Saturday
I was in Cochrane Alberta mid June for a wedding. Nice small town!! 2 thumbs up to its tim hortons!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-29 16:02:00
CanadaNeed help from fellow Canadians

My link must be to long, as it is cutting it off and not displaying the proper page, sorry
Proof of citizenship

Sometimes you need to prove that you are a Canadian citizen. You may need to do this when you:

* vote
* apply for a passport
* apply for certain jobs or
* apply to obtain certain government entitlements.

If you were born in Canada, a birth certificate issued by the province or territory of your birth is often enough to prove that you are a Canadian citizen.

If you were born outside Canada, you get a citizenship certificate when you become a Canadian citizen.

If you were born outside Canada and one of your parents was a Canadian citizen when you were born, you need to apply for a citizenship certificate to prove you are a Canadian citizen.

No later than April 17, 2009, the law will change for people born outside Canada. If you were born outside Canada and your parent was a Canadian citizen when you were born, your child born in another country on or after the new law comes into effect will not be a Canadian citizen by birth.

Find out more about the new law and who is affected.

A citizenship certificate is proof of citizenship. It is not a travel document. Any Canadian citizen wanting to travel outside Canada should obtain a Canadian passport.

The citizenship certificate is a wallet-sized card that has your photograph on it. It looks like this:

Edited by flames9, 30 July 2008 - 04:18 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-30 16:16:00
CanadaOff to Canada
Have a safe and fun trip
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-30 05:17:00
CanadaCopies of multiple Evidence of Residence in Ontario
Remnants of a burned Maple Leaf jersey should suffice as well!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-29 16:00:00
CanadaA note on Victoria
ya, i was thinking, they can't rip a page out of one's passport, I would think that would deem the passport invalid, if it is missing pages!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-31 13:43:00
CanadaI watched my friend get grilled at the border
Wow, I would say the odds are against her on trying to get back to the USA. As well she is going to have to mention this denial of entry on the k1 petition. I guess the seriousness depends what the POE officer wrote on the passport and what he entered into the computer system

1 NEVER wants to lie to the POE officer. you can give short, direct answers, they don't need ur whole life story, but never lie!!

I would pass on VJ addy to her friend so she can get some facts! Lawyers do NOT speed up the process, they don't have any special privileges that get the a "in" with the consulate!! In a straight forward case, all they are is $$$$$ proof readers,and some of them are crappy at that!! Save your $$$ for a vacation. And yes in some circumstances, a lawyer can be beneficial

Reading your post again--it sounded like she DID gain entry to the USA. So things may not be as bad as they could be,but depends what he wrote in the computer system. More knowledgeable people than I will comment.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-01 04:52:00
QUOTE (jonesg111 @ Aug 3 2008, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yea it seems like a lot of folks on here are from Edmonton! I currently live there, that is until this paperwork is completed! good.gif



I always knew you were one smart cookie Jones!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-03 18:45:00
a nice way to start. congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-02 05:35:00
CanadaNascent Nuptials
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-03 06:44:00
CanadaSo sorry for more questions re:cr-1 vrs k-3
Just another misinformed POE officer,lol I went the cr-1 route. As other have stated cr-1 is a multiple entry visa, come and go as you please for the most part. if your going to be out of the USA for 6 months (i think or is it a year?) then one has to fill out another form.

I traveled MONTHLY to DC from Halifax while my cr-1 was in process. inever had a problem (some do) Ensure you have ties to Canada.

Better visa for you? hard to say. Here lists the + and - of each visa;page=compare

Keep in mind your in Alberta, so if you went the K3 route, you would goto Vancouver for the interview and they seem to be faster at handing out interviews. ALL cr-1 got Montreal. Guess one would have to look at the timeliness for a k3 going through Vancouver, compared to the cr-1 timelines. There is a timeline on VJ someplace,lol believe there is one here in the Cdn forum.

As well i believe the cr-1 costs less than the k3,less paperwork,lol Once you get your cr-1 visa and activate it, you dont have to do anything for nearly 2 years. Ur greencard will expire 2 yrs from the date you activated it at the POE. Expiry date will be on your greencard,so you dont have to memorize it,lol 90 days prior to that expiry date,your eligible to file the I-751 (super easy to fill out) You don't have to file it exactly on 90 days, just can't do it 100 days before, or 1 day after expiry date! You will have to go in for a Biometrics appt, some get selected for an interview at ur local USCIS office, but most don't (I didnt),then that green card is good for 10 yrs.

And keep in mind nothing with immigration goes as planned!! we filed the K3 and cr-1 pretty much at the same time back in 2004. K3 was suppose to be the "faster" visa (we weren't in a hurry,but filed for both anyways) My cr-1 was process much faster than the k3. I had already been living in the USA for 4 months before my K3 was even approved! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-04 05:35:00
CanadaCalgary Medical Exam ~ Review ~ Dr. Viljoen
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Aug 2 2008, 06:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm..I'll have to haul ### to Halifax when my time comes, as there is only one assigned doctor for all of the Maritimes :S I love how the government really cherishes us East Coasters sometimes blink.gif I'm lucky in the fact that I have family and friends down there, but I feel bad for others that do not have that luxury!

Has anyone had/heard of experiences with the Halifax Doctor?

<3 Jen

yep Dr Doane on Quinpool road!! Right besides the Canadian Tire and Wendys!! A very quick physical. Asked a few questions and that was about it. One has a short drive over to the hospital where they take the xray and blood work--he gives you directions, but its not far. He can mail out your results as well, for an extra fee, think that cost me $20 back in 2004. Dr doane only takes cash (he did then at least), but one could pay the bloodwork/xray with a credit card I believe.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-02 06:54:00
Canadarcmp check questions
I believe (at least 1 time they were) good for one year. I had an email back in 2004 from montreal stating they were good for 1 year. One would think your cdn passport and birth cert would suffice if you were to get an updated check
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-04 17:39:00
CanadaWhat do I need to bring to the IR1 interview, really?
I had my CR-1 interview back in 2004 and it was a piece of cake. There are REVIEWS on the upper left of the screen "Reviews: Embassy" http://www.visajourn...views/index.php so i wont go into much detail as their is a lot of info there.

- Have your interview letter/passport out as the security dudes will want to see it. NO big bags/purses /coffee//electronics of any kind!!
- You go through like airport security, so keep change (anything metal) to a minimum.
- Elevator opens from the REAR
_ most of your time there will be sitting down and waiting, bring a book. Your given a piece of paper with a # on it (ie c1) and ur # is called from a screen that is in the middle of the waiting area. It beeps every time a new # is called
- Evidence wise 99.9% of people are not even asked for ANY! I wasn't. BUT I brought some pictures of us, my travel receipts to DC. i was already on her apartment lease (wasnt living in the USA) And i was already on her bank acct, but those are overkill. A few pictures should more than suffice. Some bring phone bills/logs
Dont forget the envelope. Best of luck

oh yes, even though u sent in originals, always good to bring the photocopies of the originals with you. or u could be ####### like me, and I paid extra to have double of my originals,lol They didnt need to see any of that though, as they had all the paperwork

Edited by flames9, 05 August 2008 - 06:03 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-05 05:59:00
CanadaMontreal CR-1 Interview Review
Congrats!! better to bring more documents/evidence, than not enough! congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-05 07:40:00
CanadaNew here - introducing myself!
Welcome to VJ! Were a tame bunch here in the canada forum, cant say that for the Off topic forum,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-05 22:05:00
CanadaRita MacNeil - A Communist??
I guess she is an easy target for ridicule, not sure why, i do believe she has gone through a fair bit of pain throughout her life. I can't say Im a huge Rita fan, but do respect the lady! And if she has been on the Trailer park Boys, you know she is a GREAT Canadian!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-06 14:29:00
CanadaVisa question
For the most part, Montreal insists on mailing them out. A few people have managed to give a convincing story and been able to pick them up the next day, but its not something one can really count on!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-06 16:52:00
CanadaAlmost Ready to Mail quick question(s)
I thought that was a compliment!! Just trying to be nice as I sip away at my Starbucks Americano!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-06 16:21:00
CanadaAlmost Ready to Mail quick question(s)
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Aug 6 2008, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Reeena @ Aug 6 2008, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The consulate in Toronto has you send in copies of everything and then they make an appointment for applicant in person to present documents...

There is no "walk in" service

Wow, cool good.gif . Those a-holes made me drive from Edmonton to Calgary to present our I-130 in person.

They do that for the cool people!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-06 15:51:00
Canadatravel to toronto
Hockey hall of fame!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-06 16:23:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate K 1 interview
Most people are in and out pretty quick. Maybe they didn't like your line of "costing a weeks wages" lol congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-05 21:15:00
CanadaPOE Experience Part 1 - Access Denied!
I can under stand the nexus guys being a but flustered and not wanting to do it, but why didnt they just direct you over to the regualr lane? Totally unprofessional on their part!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-07 11:46:00
CanadaPOE Experience Part 1 - Access Denied!
I think the problem was her going through the NEXUS fast lanes. Those lanes are meant to be "speedy".

I activated my cr-1 with a full U-haul truck with no probs!! Sorry for such a crummy crossing
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-06 19:46:00
CanadaPOE Experience Part 2 - I'm in!
glad it went well this time
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-07 12:38:00
CanadaKitty Woes
We have 2 Siberians from a breeder and we didnt have first choice. only reason why we have Siberians are they are more allergy friendly, otherwise growing up we had cat from shelters, or they just appeared. 1 lady actually came up to my sister when she was in elementary school on recess and handed her a cat and walked away,lol So we ended up with another cat,lol When it comes to picking up a cat, one just sort of knows the "right" cat! Of course cats are sneaky--case in point----last year my dad came upon a cat at a shelter, he was soooo sad looking my dad totally fell for him. So he told my mother about him, she went and saw him and he was super lovey, he totally played into their weaknesses! But once They got him home, he never was, and still isn't a lovey cat,lol he is a happy guy, but not lovey
My female Siberian loves to be around you, and petted, but not picked up. The male Siberian is a typical tom cat, very lovey and can be vocal at times. I have always preferred male cats, as they seem to be more affectionate. Cats have soo many personalities!
Many of the animal shelters/rescues will want to see your lease. they don't want the animal going where they are not allowed, THEN having people bringing the animals back. Sort of a waste of their time and most people that work for them are volunteers! What you could do is get your landlord to write you a letter stating your allowed one cat, or allow the agency to call him and verify it, but a letter would probably be better. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-08 06:58:00
Canadanew to forum and i need help
Welcome to VJ. Lots of great advice here. the search engine on here is so so!! One has to get the physical completed by an approved physician, BUT one can get the required vaccinations completed by ur family Doctor, usually much cheaper going that route. if you dont have any records of vaccinations, your family Doctor can do a Titre. They draw some blood,then send it to the lab, and they can usually tell what vaccinations you had in the past. As others have stated, do your best to fill in your time line and state what Visa you have applied for. if you look just below ones avatar, it states "Filed For" If you go near the Top/Middle of the page you will see "MY CONTROLS" there u shal find the various settings (left hand side) to change/add information. Welcome to VJ!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-10 06:49:00
CanadaPossible EWI Problem?
The long form birth cert isnt that big, it just as extra info on it--her parents names!! Vital statistics from her province of birth should have them. They should have a web address. i ordered mine online from SK.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-04 17:41:00
CanadaPossible EWI Problem?
Keep in mind this is an 'infantry" guy. They enjoy crawling on their bellies, digging fox holes to evade detection. Don't miss those days,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-27 06:47:00
CanadaPossible EWI Problem? might help refresh ur memory,just pick the State you crossed into
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-25 14:58:00
CanadaPossible EWI Problem?
One should mention that it is perfectly fine if you want to do the k3 or cr-1 route and she goes back to canada. One can still visit. Thats what we did. i got married on one trip to DC, then went home and we filed for the cr-1 and I visited monthly. I was still in the Air Force. But if she wants to stay and AOS,thats fine too, just dont leave!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-25 06:52:00