CanadaCanadian Police Checks
QUOTE (?Stiggy? @ Jan 27 2009, 07:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Flames, you said that the Kingston one processes them, right?

Yes, Kingston detachment does them. When I said Greenwood, I meant Kingston. why they are two different towns, I have no clue,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-27 08:39:00
CanadaCanadian Police Checks
My favorite topic,lol!! Even the LOCAL POLICE can do a CANADA WIDE search, and if it is CANADA WIDE, it means exactly that, thus one only requires ONE check. At 1 time (yrs back) one had to get it done by the RCMP, but thats no longer the case and many local police forces do the check Canada wide as they have access to Canadian Police Services Information Centre (CPSIC), just like the RCMP does. So just ensure your background check states it was done CANADA Wide (could be as simple as a box checked off) And some units charge a fee, some do not. Some you get back in 5 minutes, others takes a few days or a week. And they all look different. Mine in Greenwood NS looked like a 5 yr old drew it up!!

And keep in mind not all police forces or RCMP detachments offer this service, so your best to phone ahead. Most do, but not all.

If you have ever had a criminal record,then u need fingerprints as well. if NO criminal record, just the background search (no fingerprinting)

im sure there is info on the Cdn WIKI page http://www.visajourn...ndex.php/Canada

Edited by flames9, 27 January 2009 - 06:30 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-27 06:28:00
CanadaLady getting married, will travel. Helps!
QUOTE (Anna and Jeff @ Jan 27 2009, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Reba @ Jan 27 2009, 04:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeap, if the plan is to get married, and then return to home country, there is NO FRAUD whatsoever, and this option is perfectly legal. I did it myself and the interviewer at the consulate didn't even bat an eyelash about it.

I have never made it through the US customs gate as a Canadian citizen. When I have entered other countries they have always made me fill out a form. They then ask me what is my purpose in visiting. Are you asked why you are entering and did you say it was to get married? How should this person respond if asked the same question at the border? Certainly you are not saying they should lie to the border guard.... "I wasn't asked" doesn't mean someone else won't be questioned.

If you enter as a visitor/tourist but were actually here to get married that isn't being fraudulent because you are Canadian?

After marriage do you cross the border without mentioning you are married to a USC? If asked do you say you are visiting your husband/wife? How about if this comes up at an interview would you lie or is there no fraud so you would tell the truth? I am thinking of this person and others reading it. I am also curious about the answers.

It's funny people used to use bongs to smoke weed and thought everything was fine with it until the crackdown happened during Bush. People like Tommy Chong went to jail. This reminds me of that. People are used to getting away with something so they have become numb to the consequences or is there some treaty agreement with Canada I don't know about? - J

Yep, while on a visit, got married, and soon after left! And yeppers, I told them EXACTLY what they asked. Always told the truth. I did this monthly for 6 months with never a problem
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-27 13:15:00
CanadaLady getting married, will travel. Helps!
yes, u can goto the USA, get married, start the paperwork then come back to canada. Thst what some here on VJ, including myself have done. On one of my 4 day trips, we got married, I returned to Canada and soon after submitted the paperwork. If ur down in the USA for a lengthy time, start the paperwork right away, as long as someone can check ur Cdn mail!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-25 08:17:00
Canadaneed help ziggy
http://www.visajourn...howtopic=173578 Zyggy has a post of his,where 1 can ask the questions. The big font makes it a bit hard on the eyes.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-29 06:49:00
CanadaEmployment Discrimination in the US
I'm from prince Albert, parent snow reside in Stoon. I think Stoon is about the only place in Sask. i would want to reside in,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-28 19:42:00
CanadaEmployment Discrimination in the US
Believe in most cases it just comes down to that it is a less hassle to hire a USA citizen. No worries about checking if that person is legal to work.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-26 08:58:00
CanadaEmployment Discrimination in the US
I can honestly see why people would not hire immigrants, as they have no clue about the process, and no clue if the person can legally work? Why go through that hassle ,when more than likely you can find a capable USA citizen, thus no worry about his/her being able to legally work!! With so many people out of work, they have a pretty big selection pool in most cases. Can be frustrating. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-18 08:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
YES!! One can voter for a certain amount of time after you have departed Canada. I believe one is suppose to haev the intention of eventually moving back to Canada though,lol Im soon out the door, but the answer can be found on the Canadian govt website.

here it is:

Edited by flames9, 27 August 2008 - 06:55 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-27 06:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Yes, seems like a very mature board! lets start a thread just to tick people off. Soo many negative people in this world!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-23 11:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
i dont see any "unmoderated" board, are u just talking about off topic??
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-23 11:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
ya, was a beautiful boat. They dont see to many sail boats by them--guess its not windy enough, so thery have to "tac" a lot??
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-23 10:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Here is that sailing boat that was in front of my inlaws house last week. I think it may have been the same one the family rented for a few hours for a bday party in July! But they remained mostly just outside Newport harbor!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-23 09:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
too funnY!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-22 14:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
why, so much rain! on the bright side, ur only renting! And i disagree with the experts--black mold is good for ya!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-22 09:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
this summer we went out on a sailing in Newport RI. Was only for like 3 hours, but was a fun time. The beer went down very nicely! Was a beautiful sailing boat!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-22 06:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
This Spring I bought a Black & Decker thingy. Its rectangualr shaped, not that large, but has a flashlight, am/fm radio with the weather warning thingy, as well you can charge ur cell phone off of it!! Came with many cell phone battery adaptor attachments. It works off batteries OR it has a hand crank. It works very well, good to have in a power outage. Was only $30 at Target.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-19 07:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I have my AC on all the time,lol I hate being hot. Why suffer, when i can flick a switch! lol Spent to many days in the army walking with a ruck sack, sweating my butt off,lol Bring on the AC!!!!!! Thats I prefer cooler climates, if its cold out, put on a sweater!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-18 14:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
And capt ewok is a friend of his!! he is high up in the organization
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-17 07:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Good morn. Nice cool morn here in RI. Good day for a Frappuccino!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-16 07:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Time to set up your .50 cal and "get some!!!"
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-15 11:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Im not a beach person!! I wil be busy studying,lol not much of a vacation,maybe a bit of golf
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-15 09:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
My inlaws have water front property, but mainly a rocky beach. But they are close to whats called 1st, 2nd and 3rd beaches, how original,lol and one can take thier dogs to them, as long as your off by 0745. And off course pick up the #######,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-15 08:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Up in Newport Rhode Island--well actually Middletown. Just back from walking the dogs on the beach, but soon time to study, joy joy!! My inlaws (where im staying) quite often go up to Block Island, they say its very beautiful.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-15 07:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
no, Tims donuts do suck!!! lol I'm off to RI tonight and they have a few Timmies! 9/10 times the coffee doesnt quite taste the same, but I'm a sucker and occasionally go back,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-13 10:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Years back when I worked at a grocery store, we used to sell tonns of that ol'roy #######, a huge 40lb bag was like $7!!
Premium food doesnt really cost that much more and it is soo much better for ur pet. Healthy pet = less vet bills!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-11 06:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I talked to my old vet back in Victoria and we talked about nutrition---know how much teaching they got on nutrition in vet school?? a rep from Science diet came and gave them a lecture,lol Hopefully things have changed
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-07 12:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Info on dog food, but the system can probably be used on cat food. From my readings, pretty much any food you buy from a grocery store is junk! Same goes for the big box pet stores. majority of the high end foods are found in the smaller mom/pop stores or have to be ordered online----which many instances are cheaper than the mom/pop stores.

rating Dog Food

This method of grading dog food was developed by Sarah Irick. It is
not to be considered exact science but a starting point for people who
need help with how to read labels and choose a good food. You can read
about Sarah here. She has provided, with permission to Naper Doodles
to include on our website, the Grading Scheme, foods that have already
been graded in Alphabetical Order, and dog foods that have been graded
In Order of Score.

How to grade your dog's food

Start with a grade of 100 points
1) For every listing of "by-product", subtract 10 points
2) For every non-specific animal source ("meat" or "poultry", meat,
meal or fat) reference, subtract 10 points
3) If the food contains BHA, BHT, or ethoxyquin, subtract 10 points
4) For every grain "mill run" or non-specific grain source subtract 5
5) If the same grain ingredient is used 2 or more times in the first
five ingredients (i.e. "ground brown rice", "brewer's rice", "rice
flour" are all the same grain), subtract 5 points
6) If the protein sources are not meat meal and there are less than 2
meats in the top 3 ingredients, subtract 3 points
7) If it contains any artificial colorants, subtract 3 points
8 ) If it contains ground corn or whole grain corn, subtract 3 points
9) If corn is listed in the top 5 ingredients, subtract 2 more points
10) If the food contains any animal fat other than fish oil, subtract
2 points
11) If lamb is the only animal protein source (unless your dog is
allergic to other protein sources), subtract 2 points
12) If it contains soy or soybeans, subtract 2 points
13) If it contains wheat (unless you know that your dog isn't allergic
to wheat), subtract 2 points
14) If it contains beef (unless you know that your dog isn't allergic
to beef), subtract 1 point
15) If it contains salt, subtract 1 point
Extra Credit:
1) If any of the meat sources are organic, add 5 points
2) If the food is endorsed by any major breed group or nutritionist,
add 5 points
3) If the food is baked not extruded, add 5 points
4) If the food contains probiotics, add 3 points
5) If the food contains fruit, add 3 points
6) If the food contains vegetables (NOT corn or other grains), add 3
7) If the animal sources are hormone-free and antibiotic-free, add 2
8) If the food contains barley, add 2 points
9) If the food contains flax seed oil (not just the seeds), add 2 points
10) If the food contains oats or oatmeal, add 1 point
11) If the food contains sunflower oil, add 1 point
12) For every different specific animal protein source (other than the
first one; count "chicken" and "chicken meal" as only one protein
source, but "chicken" and "fish" as 2 different sources), add 1 point
13) If it contains glucosamine and chondroitin, add 1 point
14) If the vegetables have been tested for pesticides and are
pesticide-free, add 1 point

94-100+ = A
86-93 = B
78-85 = C
70-77 = D
69 = F

Following are some foods that have already been scored (alphabetical
order then ordered by score):

Authority Harvest Baked / Score 116 A+
Bil-Jac Select / Score 68 F
Canidae / Score 112 A+
Chicken Soup Senior / Score 115 A+
Diamond Maintenance / Score 64 F
Diamond Lamb Meal & Rice / Score 92 B
Diamond Large Breed 60+ Formula / Score 99 A
####### Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra Premium / Score 122 A+
####### Van Patten's Duck and Potato / Score 106 A+
Eagle Pack Holistic / Score 119 A+
Eagle Pack Holistic Chicken / Score 114 A+
Eagle Pack Large and Giant Breed Puppy / Score 94 A
Eagle Pack Natural / Score 94 A
Eukanuba Large Breed Adult / Score 83 C
Eukanuba Natural Lamb and Rice / Score 87 B
Flint River Ranch / Score 92 B (non-specific fat source)
Foundations / Score 106 A+
Hund-n-Flocken Adult Dog (lamb) by Solid Gold / Score 93 A
Iams Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Premium / Score 73 D
Iams Large Breed / Score 83 C
Innova Dog / Score 114 A+
Innova Evo / Score 114 A+
Kirkland Signature Chicken, Rice, and Vegetables / Score 110 A+
Kirkland Signature Puppy Chicken, Rice and Vegetable / Score 108 A+
Natural Balance Duck and Potato / Score 114 A+
Nutrisource Lamb and Rice / Score 87 B
Nutro Chicken, Rice, & Oatmeal / Score 85 C (non-specific fat source)
Nutro Natural Choice Large Breed Puppy / Score 87 B
Nutro Natural choice Lamb and Rice / Score 85 C
Ol Roy / Score 9 F
Pedigree Complete Nutrition / Score 42 F
Pedigree Adult Complete / Score 14 F
Pet Gold Adult with Lamb & Rice / Score 23 F
Pro Plan All Breed / Score 68 F
Pro Plan Natural Turkey & Barley / Score 103 A+
Purina Benful / Score 17 F
Purina Dog / Score 62 F
Purina Come-n-Get It / Score 16 F
Royal Canin Bulldog / Score 100 A+
Royal Canin Dachshund 28 Formula / Score 97 A
Royal Canin Natural Blend Adult / Score 106 A+
Sensible Choice Chicken and Rice / Score 97 A
Science Diet Advanced Protein Senior 7+ / Score 63 F
Science Diet chicken adult maintenance / Score 45 F
Science Diet for Large Breed Puppies / Score 69 F
Solid Gold Bison / Score 123 A+
Timberwolf Organics Lamb and Venison / Score 136 A+
Wellness Just for Puppy / Score 117 A+
Wellness Super5 Mix Chicken / Score 110 A+
Wolfking Adult Dog (bison) by Solid Gold / Score 97 A


Grade A
Timberwolf Organics Lamb and Venison / Score 136 A+
Solid Gold Bison / Score 123 A+
####### Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra Premium / Score 122 A+
Eagle Pack Holistic / Score 119 A+
Wellness Just for Puppy / Score 117 A+
Authority Harvest Baked / Score 116 A+
Chicken Soup Senior / Score 115 A+
Eagle Pack Holistic Chicken / Score 114 A+
Innova Dog / Score 114 A+
Innova Evo / Score 114 A+
Natural Balance Duck and Potato / Score 114 A+
Canidae / Score 112 A+
Kirkland Signature Chicken, Rice, and Vegetables / Score 110 A+
Wellness Super5 Mix Chicken / Score 110 A+
Kirkland Signature Puppy Chicken, Rice and Vegetable / Score 108 A+
####### Van Patten's Duck and Potato / Score 106 A+
Royal Canin Natural Blend Adult / Score 106 A+
Foundations / Score 106 A+
ProPlan Natural Turkey & Barley / Score 103 A+
Royal Canin Bulldog / Score 100 A+
Diamond Large Breed 60+ Formula / Score 99 A
Royal Canin Dachshund 28 Formula / Score 97 A
Sensible Choice Chicken and Rice / Score 97 A
Wolfking Adult Dog (bison) by Solid Gold / Score 97 A
Eagle Pack Large and Giant Breed Puppy / Score 94 A
Eagle Pack Natural / Score 94 A
Hund-n-Flocken Adult Dog (lamb) by Solid Gold / Score 93 A
Grade B
Diamond Lamb Meal & Rice / Score 92 B
Flint River Ranch / Score 92 B (non-specific fat source)
Eukanuba Natural Lamb and Rice / Score 87 B
Nutrisource Lamb and Rice / Score 87 B
Nutro Natural Choice Large Breed Puppy / Score 87 B
Grades C and D
Nutro Chicken, Rice, & Oatmeal / Score 85 C (non-specific fat source)
Nutro Natural choice Lamb and Rice / Score 85 C
Eukanuba Large Breed Adult / Score 83 C
Iams Large Breed / Score 83 C
Iams Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Premium / Score 73 D
Grade F
Science Diet for Large Breed Puppies / Score 69 F
Bil-Jac Select / Score 68 F
Pro Plan All Breed / Score 68 F
Diamond Maintenance / Score 64 F
Science Diet Advanced Protein Senior 7+ / Score 63 F
Purina Dog / Score 62 F
Science Diet chicken adult maintenance / Score 45 F
Pedigree Complete Nutrition / Score 42 F
Pet Gold Adult with Lamb & Rice / Score 23 F
Purina Benful / Score 17 F
Purina Come-n-Get It / Score 16 F
Pedigree Adult Complete / Score 14 F
Ol Roy / Score 9 F

About the Author of this Food Grading Method:

My name is Sarah Irick and I am a Great Dane owner and rescue
volunteer. I am a Civil/Industrial Engineer, not a veterinarian or
animal nutritionist by education or employment. I do not work for a
pet food manufacturer nor am I affiliated with one. I am just an
individual who is concerned about what I feed my dogs and wants to
help others decide what to feed their own. I cannot remember the exact
date I designed this system, though I know it's been more than a year
(probably 2-3 years ago). I was concerned with the way people
sometimes throw out names of "good" dog foods that maybe aren't so
good, and others take their words for it. Foods that maybe used to be
good before their ingredients were changed for the worse or before
better options became available are still being touted by some as
being super-premium and I disagree. Since many pet owners do not have
the time or inclination to do as many hours of research into pet
(specifically dog) nutrition as I and many of you have, I wanted an
*easier* way for them to compare labels. Unfortunately it is still a
bit cumbersome (sometimes 2 people calculate the same food and get
different scores even) but it's better than nothing in my opinion.

Is it exact science? No. I don't claim for it to be. In fact I've had
to make a couple of changes over time (which the above don't reflect)
for new circumstances I've run across, such as the food that contained
NO MEAT (not a special diet just one that was so cheap it didn't
contain any meat at all) and needs a steep penalty IMO but still
scored a decent grade on the original or the newer kibbles that
contain no grain and IMO if it still has sufficient fiber and carbs
then it deserves extra credit that wasn't previously reflected. Also
I've gotten comments and opinions that I take seriously and
incorporate if it seems appropriate.

I don't have a permanent site host for this although seeing how hugely
popular it is and how widely spread without accreditation it has
become perhaps I should do so. It isn't that I care so much about
credit but many people will ask the questions that your posters have
about my affiliations and biases, etc.

I don't officially support any one food; anywhere that I personally
posted grades on specific foods it was to give an idea of where these
foods fell so people didn't always have to do the math. If you want to
e-mail me with questions or comments, you can at
. This is my "spam" address, so put "Dog Food Grading" in the subject
line or I'll probably delete it mistakenly. ~ Sarah Irick
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-07 11:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
if you rented the car from the airport, lot of times they do add on an extra tax!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-06 16:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum... maybe????
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-03 16:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Aug 1 2008, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YO FLAMES!!!! LOVE MY AVATAR OR WHAT????????????????????????? devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif

She must be a popular girl that "Starbucks!!"
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-01 17:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jul 31 2008, 06:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jul 30 2008, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jul 30 2008, 07:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Outstanding shot E! Did you take it yourself? Hope you enjoyed your vacation! Tell us about it! Very inspiring...thank you for your gift!

I sure did Carla!! smile.gif YOu are welcome!

the vacation was a quick one.. got there early on Friday afternoon and left Monday night (red eye back to JFK yelk).. but itw was filled with a beautiful time with my bro.. loads of good food, harbor tours of Victoria's harbor (c/w house boats and harbor seals), a trip up to the lake to stay at his friend's cottage (the picture was the view from the lake) and a trip to Cathedral Grove! Excellent trip altogether, and i even got to see Luminara (paper lantern festival in Beacon Hill park in Victoria).. it was an amazing few days smile.gif

It does sound lovely..and relaxing!

Here's coffee for the morning! Have a great day everyone!

WHAT!!!!!! Someones lips have been on that cup already!!! yuck! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-31 06:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jul 30 2008, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey flames,

When you were in Calgary you didn't go to Fish Creek park did you?

Nope! My sister lives on the outside of Calgary (sort of near the airport) and we didnt venture much from there--besides the Zoo
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-30 10:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Sorry about the pup Spirit. The decision to put an animal to rest is an extremely difficult one. personally, i think I could make that choice a lot easier on a human, than an animal,lol I'm much more of an animal lover than a human lover,lol

And good idea trailmix of keeping the communications with Americans to an absolute minimum!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-30 05:22:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Good morning all. 25C and muggy here in Falls Church VA!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-27 07:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Love my front end loader!! Uses soo much less water, more water gets wringed out, which equals faster dryer time, which equals saved $$$$$. Was the very first purchase when we bought our condo!! gave away the washer/dryer that came with the condo for free on craigslist, went to a very deserving home!!

Edited by flames9, 24 July 2008 - 03:29 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-24 15:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
A few years before I got posted my ship--HMCS Kootney, it was involved in a collision with a civi boat! Was foggy out, vis was next to nil i was told and the Captain had orders the radars shut off as they were in midst of a "game" Obviously they didn't win,lol Dont think anyone was too badly hurt. Glad all turned out well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-24 13:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
What happens on the waters, stays on the waters!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-24 13:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I called that thread a fake to myself on the very first page!! Sounded to fishy right from the get go!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-21 12:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jul 17 2008, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jul 17 2008, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Jul 17 2008, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
g'morning everyone. i heard them canadians love their coffee so i look for pics of large coffee pots or cups biggrin.gif

now if i can just find one of a water tower looking like a tim horton's coffee cup. devil.gif


Carla, why do you guys have to get up at 4!!

We don't have to get up at four! laughing.gif We get up at 5 am usually, because Gene has to be at work by 6 a.m. and I like to get up with him to see him on his way, and I make his breakfast and lunch for him while he's getting ready. This morning, we just both woke up at 3:30 a.m. and had some snuggle time, then we thought, heck, we'll just get up! No sense trying to fall asleep and then be woken up by that darn alarm in an hour again! laughing.gif

We'll probably be in bed at 8:30 pm tonight. blink.gif

Were up at 0445 in the week day, so wife can be out the door for work. I just feel guilty staying in bed, so I get up, and quite enjoy it! She could go into work later, then would have to fight traffic!!

Edited by flames9, 17 July 2008 - 03:58 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-07-17 15:57:00