CanadaMoving this weekend
Have a safe trip
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-20 05:55:00
mapquest can tell you how far and give u directions! As a CR-1 you are all paid up (answerign ur question inthe other email) congrtas
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-06 19:15:00
CanadaThe Vent
Only been to 1 strip club??? is that like the drunk driver that tells the cop he only had 1 beer? lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-05 13:11:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (autumnchik @ Mar 4 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just learned that my husband posted pictures on Flickr .... of me giving birth!!! He is SOOOO lucky he is in Canada and I am in NH. Grrrr! He swears no one has seen them, but I am skeptical, because the purpose for the Flickr posting was so he could share photos of our family with his family in Canada. I'm sure he linked them to the site.

This thread is useless without pics!! lol I'm sure it was a mistake, maybe his mind was busy thinking about the bachelor party! Time to start planning your revenge!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-05 04:06:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Mar 4 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Mar 4 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm almost ready to cry.. the house sale fell through and our landlord just told us to pay him the money this month. The people upstairs are EXTRA loud right now, I"m all alone and I'm really really really frustrated.


GRRR! Is there any way to get out of the lease, due to the conditions or something? (you mentioned mold in the bathroom) you could claim that is unsafe to be around and try to find a new apartment?

THat's the frustrating part.. it looks like the only way to get out of a lease is for issues of safety (no heat, water etc).. when the lease document says we have a right to peace and quiet.. literally.. but that apparently isn't enough to get out of a lease ... bah!!!!

There is mold, but it hasn't grown and I don't think the health dept. would say we could really state this is a health concern. It's just black mold.... and most of that area is dry right now, so there's no more mold growing.. it just looks horrible this brown nasty spot with black stuff around the edges.

Can you sublet? unsure.gif


QUOTE (flames9 @ Mar 4 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Mar 4 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm almost ready to cry.. the house sale fell through and our landlord just told us to pay him the money this month. The people upstairs are EXTRA loud right now, I"m all alone and I'm really really really frustrated.


GRRR! Is there any way to get out of the lease, due to the conditions or something? (you mentioned mold in the bathroom) you could claim that is unsafe to be around and try to find a new apartment?

THat's the frustrating part.. it looks like the only way to get out of a lease is for issues of safety (no heat, water etc).. when the lease document says we have a right to peace and quiet.. literally.. but that apparently isn't enough to get out of a lease ... bah!!!!

There is mold, but it hasn't grown and I don't think the health dept. would say we could really state this is a health concern. It's just black mold.... and most of that area is dry right now, so there's no more mold growing.. it just looks horrible this brown nasty spot with black stuff around the edges.

have U TREID to get the city to look at it? Why not try, would not take much of your time. Until you try, you just never know.

I think given our town there is very limited possibility anyone would look at it.. we live in a "nice" part of town, the landlord has a PHD and there are really no safety issues.. i can't find anything anywhere in state regulations that would be our "out".. sad.gif

What does a PhD have to do with anything? If you say you have mold, you may have a issue! Certain types of mold can cause series types of health issues,PHD or no PHD! Al one can do is make the phone call. Just saying,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-04 19:35:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Mar 4 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm almost ready to cry.. the house sale fell through and our landlord just told us to pay him the money this month. The people upstairs are EXTRA loud right now, I"m all alone and I'm really really really frustrated.


GRRR! Is there any way to get out of the lease, due to the conditions or something? (you mentioned mold in the bathroom) you could claim that is unsafe to be around and try to find a new apartment?

THat's the frustrating part.. it looks like the only way to get out of a lease is for issues of safety (no heat, water etc).. when the lease document says we have a right to peace and quiet.. literally.. but that apparently isn't enough to get out of a lease ... bah!!!!

There is mold, but it hasn't grown and I don't think the health dept. would say we could really state this is a health concern. It's just black mold.... and most of that area is dry right now, so there's no more mold growing.. it just looks horrible this brown nasty spot with black stuff around the edges.

have U TREID to get the city to look at it? Why not try, would not take much of your time. Until you try, you just never know.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-04 18:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
Make sure u get the $$$ in $1 bills!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-04 16:49:00
CanadaThe Vent
U can also search the drugs side effects online, tel lyou right away if it is an expected side effect or not. Or you can call his Dr's office and tell them! Most likey you wil just talk to the secretary, who wil pass on the info! take all of 2 minutes out of ones time.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-04 10:17:00
CanadaThe Vent
Depends on your insurance as well, but you can ask for your regular DR to refer you to a specialist. And if one is having probs with your medications, best to inform the Dr soonest, a simple phone call into the office may be all that is required, and he can say, ya that is a side effect, or thats bad, or take them at night before sleep, etc etc!! Start with a phone call into his office and explain the side effects.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-03-04 06:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
I always write down the mileage onthe car when i drop it off, that way I know if they did take it out!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-26 18:12:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ensure u take ALL the antiobiotics as prescribed, as untreated strep can lead to serious cardiac problems!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-25 08:56:00
CanadaThe Vent
ya, but ur feeling bad will be less, than all those awkward situations,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-23 17:35:00
CanadaThe Vent
I like Canadian Tire, BUT would never let them do much more than change oil or put on tires!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-13 17:00:00
CanadaThe Vent
fight???? Calgary would lay such a beating on Edmonton, not much of a fight!! Always felt sorry for Edmonton, the day Gretzky left, poor Edmonton!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-10 20:35:00
CanadaThe Vent
Hopefully karma kicks his butt!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-06 18:21:00
CanadaThe Vent
Good for u!! Nice to see some honest people out there! I have lost my wallet once, and was so relieved when someone found it and returned it. I call it karma,I have found a 2 wallets in my lifetime and found the owners, and gladly returned it without reward, thats why I figure my wallet was found! Nice job!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-06 18:04:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (JillA @ Jan 29 2009, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jan 29 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Jan 29 2009, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So...when you apply for citizenship, how long does that usually take to go through?

It doesn't seem to take long.. friend of mine got his in a matter of 3-4 months.. he was sworn in at Fenway Park.. smile.gif

Flames, how long did it take you?

I applied at end of May 2008, Biometrics were originally scheduled for end of June, but was away in Canada and RI, did them early July. Interview was on October 15 2008. And if there wasn't a mysterious "extra file" on my case i would have had the oath the same day (Fairfax VA office) So could have taken me as little as 5 months. I ended up having the Oath ceremony Mid Dec. so 7 months from start to finish! I won't say how it feels to be a USA citizen, as I'm sure i would tick off a few people,lol I consider myself 100% Canuck,simple as that,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-29 15:40:00
CanadaThe Vent
I hated that we did the cr-1 with a lawyer (had not found VJ) but she was good for 1 thing about telling us to go with a CR-1 over a k1. So much less stressful,lol Of course back in 2004, wasnt a huge time difference in processing.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-29 14:16:00
CanadaThe Vent
and people ask why I dont post my picture,lol Too many freaks out there.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-28 13:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
Yes they should tell you about the drug, no excuse in not doing that. Some insurance companies will only pay for a generic, if a generic is available. We have Federal Blue cross and they are really pushing the generic meds. We have a choice, but if you want the generic, ur deductible is a lot less. But no matter what, they should ask you questions about the meds! As well your Dr. should be going over them as well.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-23 15:14:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jan 21 2009, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They sell it at CVS.. round here anyways.

ya they used to at the CVS's , and at a few grocery stores, but no longer!! Went to 3 CVS and no Buckleys!! Damn them
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-21 16:20:00
CanadaThe Vent
At 1 time I could find Buckleys here, but couldn't for the longest time, so ended up ordering buckelys online from a Vancouver company! Stocked up!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-21 15:22:00
CanadaThe Vent
ya, I meant a bowl cut,lol Men's cut is around $15, plus a 3 or $4 tip. Ya I should have gone back, but the guy was very nice, believe he was Vietnamese, spoke very terrible English, so i didn't want to get him into trouble. Instead I just won't go back. The barber at the place that fixed it, laughed at me,lol It was pretty funny! Better to laugh than get too upset.

Edited by flames9, 21 January 2009 - 07:47 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-21 07:45:00
CanadaThe Vent
Last Thursday went for a haircut, and it looked ok! Got home and realized I had a bow cut, and the front was slanted big time,lol What a crummy haircut. I guess I could have gone back and complained, but instead will just never go back. So instead forked over another $18 for a hair cut today!! oh well, could be worse
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-20 17:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
I think in a forum such an immigration forum, a few people posting the same response, gives the OP a bit more confidence that the reply is correct.

Edited by flames9, 16 January 2009 - 12:25 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-16 12:25:00
CanadaThe Vent
Anyone see Marilyn?? I haven't seen any posts from her in ages!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-15 16:17:00
CanadaThe Vent
section 8 housing is low income housing I belive. http://en.wikipedia....ion_8_(housing)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-14 10:49:00
CanadaThe Vent
Our neighbors upstairs can be a bit noisey. They have a kid, probably 2 years of age and at times he just runs and runs and jumps and jumps! Have pounded on our ceilin g4 times over the past year. have talked to both of the parents twice--very politely and understanding that a kid is a kid! back in early december, the noise had gone on for over an hour, and I'm trying to write a paper, so my wife goes and knocks on their door, to just give them a friendly reminder about the noise! The lady (with door closed) asks who it is, my wife states your downstairs neighbor. lady immediately swings open the door and starts yelling and yelling at my wife, holy #######!! Im in the condo, and at first I though she was laughing, but nope, high pitched screaming and screaming!! Then her husband came tot he door and said his wife was under a lot of stress, no #######,lol! For the rest of the day she stomped around! Just weird, have been nothing but nice to these people,past winters have shoveled out their cars, wiped off the snow off their cars. Some people!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-14 09:26:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 14 2009, 09:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wonder if there is anyway you can wiggle out of your lease em?

This reminded me of some neighbours I had once in Calgary. It was an apartment building and they were a couple that lived next door.

Well one evening the party got a bit out of hand (they used to argue all the time) - pretty soon there was glass breaking and screaming and yelling etc. So I call the police, but they are already aware of it.

Anyway, they tell me that the guy says he has a gun or rifle, whatever and we are supposed to stay on the floor huh.gif , so we do and then - because we had a back and front entrance door (unusual for an apt, but handy!) the police had us sneak out the back door I think it was and we ended up sitting in a little room in the police station down the road.

I think they found that he didn't have a gun, but anyway, at least he was put away somewhere for a few weeks.

May want to check into your states rental laws and see what your rights are!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-14 09:09:00
CanadaThe Vent
ya we had relatives that when they came and visited they complained and expected us to do everything for them. They were on holidays, so I guess they figured we were a resort,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-13 16:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
Being drafted, does not mean ur armed with a rifle!! As I stated if a draft was called, something horrible would have had to happen.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-13 14:42:00
CanadaThe Vent
On the bright side----many times that tracking # doesnt work, and viola, ur pkg arrives!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-09 12:50:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ya, that sucks, but who knows on what pile it goes on!! Hopefully they mail it out soonest!! If ity were I, i would email them (with case # in subject line) and state the urgency of why you require it soonest, and be very polite. Kill them with kindness.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-09 12:28:00
CanadaThe Vent
ya, we had the discussion in class about the body requirements for sleep are. And yes kids/ teenagers need a lot of sleep, yet here, they start school soo early!! Doesn't make much sense
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-08 08:58:00
CanadaThe Vent
The clinic we put on, no questions are asked at all about income. It does say on a form that you have no insurance, but we dont turn people away. A family drove up in brand new Mercedes, we still saw them. But yes some of the free clinics do see a huge amount of people
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-07 05:53:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jan 6 2009, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Jan 6 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jan 6 2009, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry... I shouldn't have added that last part to my post. It was one of those few moments where I had come completely unglued.

Several years ago, I was in a similar situation..... no health insurance, a mountain of bills, and to top it off, a ruptured eardrum. I was lucky that I was assigned to this doctor at the emergency room. He initially prescribed me a litany of medications. After telling him that I could not afford all of them, he gave me a bit of advise. First he told me (as Flames advised) to always ask for the generic version, and he told me you can always ask the doctor if they have any sample packages. I got a bag full of sample packages and was very grateful for it. good.gif

The medication I got was the generic; I insisted on it. The $50 was the office visit fee.

I know they canbe hard to find, but have you been able to locate any free clinics? My Nursing program offers a free clinical, staffed by student nurses and fully qualified Nurse Practitioners. Ya , u get bombarded with questions,lol, but its free!! Check out your local universities to see if they have a Nursing or physicians program and if they offer a free, or reduced fee clinical. Or play around with Google, and see if you can locate a clinic that way! They tend to not be very well advertised, so it can take some poking around. What city do you reside in. I could email one of my instructors and see if she knows of any in your area.

No, you were not incorrect in stating 1800-suicide sucks,lol There are some crappy counselors! I'm sure they mean well, but just can't communicate that well. If they are not helping, let them know, and more than likely they can get some one else, or call another service!! Or PM me, i may not have anything wise, but sometimes, just writing stuff down helps! Some suggest to write things down, and throw it in the garbage, keeping stuff bottled up may not help.

Edited by flames9, 06 January 2009 - 05:31 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-06 17:28:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jan 6 2009, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've had bronchitis for the past week (starting the day before New Years Eve) and had to go to Urgent Care on New Years Day for a prescription and pay $50 since I'm uninsured, I've been out of work for 2 weeks due to lack of work and unemployment is jacking me around so I'll probably end up getting denied for that, then, after finally getting work yesterday, my phone line goes down, I miss a couple of calls, and end up losing my $50 bonus for the month, and Réjean and I still can't find his wallet. I just got off the phone with USCIS customer service, and they say the only way that he can get the I-551 stamp in his passport is if he proves that he filed for a replacement green card, which is $390, which we don't have. Meanwhile, Réjean is driving with no license because the DMV requires him to show his green card or the stamp to prove he is legally here.

I can't handle this. I'm so sick and tired of life kicking me down when things finally start looking up. We had a $394 electric bill that we owed for the electricity in our old apartment but my grandfather was kind enough to give us a $400 check to cover it. I was so relieved to not have to worry about it anymore, and now this? $390 for a lost green card that is supposed to be on you at all times? This is cruel. So f*cking cruel. I've had it.

Don't even tell me to call 1-800-SUICIDE. It's a crock of sh*t and makes you feel even worse after you get off the phone with them. And please don't mention "God" unless you really want to see me go postal.

Sorry, your going through such difficult times, nothing I can say or type will change anything, but just know that there are a lot of people out there that care about you. Yes some of those hotlines can be very effective, and some can't. It all depends who you speak to, some people are much better communicators than others. So maybe try and talk with a good friend or if possible, try the another hotline, if one googles "suicide hotline" a few different organizations pop up! It is like with any type of counselor, some fit your style, while many do not, one if al possible just has to find that 1 person that fits your style.

Did your husband have any credit cards in his wallet? If so,I assume you canceled them, but ask them if anyone has called and reported that they have found it. That's how I got my lost wallet back. As well Contact your local police and report it missing.

Regarding prescriptions, ask the Dr if their is something generic that he can prescribe, they are far less expensive! many Doctors don't think about the cost, they just prescribe what they are used to prescribing, so ask them, and say, hey, there is no use prescribing me this drug, as I can't afford it. I just saw one of our grocery stores flyers, and for the next while, are not charging any $$$ for certain antibiotic medications (Giant food store)!!

All the best.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-06 15:34:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jan 6 2009, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jan 6 2009, 07:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is NOOOOO way I plan to head down to the Mall for the Big event!! Staying as far away as possible!1 Going to be a zoo around here. Talking of closin gmain roads off, maybe 4 to 5 million people!! No thanks! Talk about a prime time for a terrorist attack!!

What!? You'd be part of history! If I lived closer I'd go. I don't know that I'd take my child however. Nev, could you not go with your husband and be back by the time your son got home from school?

part of history?? Howe is standing in a crowd part of history?? Much rather watch it on TV, much safer!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-06 15:19:00
CanadaThe Vent
There is NOOOOO way I plan to head down to the Mall for the Big event!! Staying as far away as possible!1 Going to be a zoo around here. Talking of closin gmain roads off, maybe 4 to 5 million people!! No thanks! Talk about a prime time for a terrorist attack!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-06 08:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
Better not be a limit on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-01-05 17:06:00