CanadaEI for dual citizen

As long as he has enough qualifying hours he can collect EI..take some time and read a few of the pages back, and you will see the process to collect it. As a Cr-1, he can collect it right away once he enters the USA (minus the 2 week waiting period)....Info is there, just takes a few minutes to find it..start near the end and work keep going back to find the most up to date info.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-17 13:59:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation

Well, what is done is done....if u goto the USA..and have to go back to Canada--u will know what to do,lol  And of course 1 could have filed a re-entry permit.


Others have travelled back and forth during the cr-1/ir-1 process...I did it pretty much monthly with no issues.  Yes of course some do have issues, some of that is that they don't have proper evidence showing that they will return to canada, maybe a POE officer having a bad day, who knows, but it can happen....but I would guess most have no just has to have a game plan in case you do..and of course never lie!!

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-19 11:25:00
CanadaUgh, I need a rant...

I would be contacting the DMV of your state to see if you can still register a Cdn vehicle that still has an outstanding each states DMV is different.  And of course check to see if you the holder of your car loan will allow it to goto the USA

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-10 11:25:00
CanadaLiving in the USA, working in Canada
Neiks works for the Cdn govt as a Cdn border patrol agent, but resides in the USA
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-04-03 12:39:00
CanadaBanking Recommendations?

Yep I'm keeping my pc account for a wee bit.  (yay no fees)



Don't tell PC that u are moving to the USA...they will want you to close ur acct.....I just gave them my parents addy.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-24 11:50:00
CanadaBringing money over

I'm not going to day much as there are many posts on this (search)  if ur bringing(transferring) over a large sum of $$$, best to take ur time and research the best route.....Just because a bank states there is NO fees, does not mean thats the best avenue to take....One has to look at the whole picture (exchange rate, etc)

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-26 15:21:00
CanadaHow to change consulate from Montreal to Vancouver?

have seen it happen a fair bit here on VJ over the yrs....and others have done what you have done (email) and the case gets tx'd to Van.  May even hear about it first from Van,lol

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-19 16:18:00
CanadaAP Montreal: Missing document

Not sure where u are in NS....I got mine completed in Kingston NS by the RCMP back in 2004.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-06 17:08:00
CanadaCanada's New Anti-Spam Legislation

Just received an email from BC tourism...asking if I consent from email from them----was part of this new legislation.  May work from legitimate companies/industries..but not for the offshore ones......and I have never had an issue with the legitimate companies

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-28 06:28:00
CanadaMy (new) American credit score says I am dead. are not re-used..... can do a free credit check, but with only being here for 4 months, might not be enough time to gain any type of history??  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-28 08:37:00
CanadaMy (new) American credit score says I am dead.

Have you gone to Equifax and looked for yourself?  I doubt it was recycled, but if it was, you would see some sort of history on their website.  We had issues with various things rejecting the SSN.  One place wanted a photo copy of my wife's SS Card to verify it was real. are not re-used.....

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-28 08:22:00
CanadaFor those watching the cdn $$$


Lets hope that by the time my interview comes around that I can get my $$$ down to a US account.


There are many avenues to do that....thats not an issues..what is the issue is finding the best rate.....and as I have stated before, just because a bank does not charge a fee....does not mean thats the best deal....Custom House (now Western union) used to be excellent, but now that they are Western Union, I believe they charge fees and the rate they give, hasn't been anything special.....but still doesn't hurt to check them well of course the other banks such as TD which has had USA branches for awhile now......just takes some time and research.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-30 16:09:00
CanadaFor those watching the cdn $$$

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-27 15:52:00
CanadaCanada Day

Nothing here in Rhode island....but I'm soon off to Quito Ecuador and a fairly large cdn contingent there.....Even an ice hockey I'm guessing they must put on some kind of Cdn Day celebration

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-06-13 13:16:00
CanadaImporting a Vehicle

Another thing to keep in mind....often when u take a vehicle out of the country....that vehicle no longer is covered by the warranty..recalls yes....but often not the warranty, even if it is brand spanking new.......even if a car salesman says it is.....I know with our brand new 2011 CRV when we took it to Nicaragua, it had no warranty.....I called up Honda and they confirmed that....

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-09 18:56:00
CanadaInterview Aug 15th - What to expect during and after?

Years ago, you could wait and pick up the visa pkg the same day, then it was the next day, and now they mail it to you....time have changed, some would say not for the better,lol

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-13 15:41:00
CanadaInterview Aug 15th - What to expect during and after?

Years ago, you could wait and pick up the visa pkg the same day, then it was the next day, and now they mail it to you....time have changed, some would say not for the better,lol

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-13 15:41:00
CanadaK-1 Visa Interview Alone. What Should we expect? Tips?

As in "Work"  I mean going up to the window to hand in paperwork and interview......most of the time is you just sitting and waiting.  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-16 16:29:00
CanadaK-1 Visa Interview Alone. What Should we expect? Tips?

Went to my CR-1 interview alone.......The Interview is the easiest part of the whole process......There is actually only a few minutes of "work" while ur at the consulate....majority of time one is just waiting.  Its really anti-climatic,lol  


To help put urself at ease.....once u have the interview date....make a new post here on VJ and list down the items (paperwork, evidence) that u will be taking to the interview, and others can look at it and see if u are missing anything.


As well get one of those plastic accordion file folders, that have multiple slots, and put ur paperwork and evidence in that.  As one can't bring in any big bags and electronics.  As well it comes in handy in keeping future evidence/paperwork organized!  


Best of luck, 

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-16 06:36:00
CanadaAdvice needed for at the border after filing I-129F

It's good advice in your sig but it pretty much applies to anyone crossing the border at any time.


Yes....and thats pretty much how it goes for people with cr-1/ir-1 or k1......I think many just make such a huge deal out of it......yes some people do get denied entry.....just like normal tourists get denied entry....One just has to be honest, and be prepared. I'm guessing most people doing the tourist thing don't bring nay evidence of ties to Canada with them...I know I never did.  When I was coming back from Nicaragua in May....couple in front of me where from Latin America, she was a USA citizen and he was coming in as a tourist...I didn't hear all the details of course, but he got in,lol

Edited by Flames9_RN, 16 July 2014 - 03:25 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-16 15:22:00
CanadaAdvice needed for at the border after filing I-129F

I traveled almost monthly to DC from NS and never had a 2 cents is below in my signature

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-16 13:12:00
Canadafinding pc food products in the us

Beyond decadence Ice cream form PC..yum!!!

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-18 14:32:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

No--a vet won't check it over--well never has in our case....glad it worked out.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-22 16:06:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

I think it was Air Canada that made the news last yr....Think it was in California somewhere----someone opened the cage and the dog got out and escaped----not a happy ending, so will leave it at that.  


My two dogs are not fans of car rides--I just can't win,lol  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-22 12:41:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

TY for your concern...truly (no sarcasm)  I read those reviews prior to 2011 when we flew to Nicaragua.....But my 1st hand experience with them has been excellent. Plus I have talked with many others that have used them and they have had no issues.  I have a bit larger network to get info from, so very happy to continue to use petsafe.  There are other more private options available...


But more importantly, I hope the cats air travels go well today.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-21 06:41:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

If you are going to use Petsafe, I urge you to look online for airport-specific reviews.  In the past 2-3 years, multiple animals have died whilst under 'Petsafe' care while on the tarmac due to some airports not following United's Petsafe program by not bringing the animals out in an air conditioned van but just dropping them off via baggage cart and leaving them in the 'shade' provided by the airplane's wing.  Owners have been unable to get vet bills reimbursed (in at least one case, the animal was alive but in critical condition when they arrived at their destination and later had to be put to sleep) without signing a nondisclosure agreement that would prevent them from reviewing the service in any way.

If it is possible, no matter the time of year, I urge ALL flyers to fly their animals in the cabin rather than taking the risk with baggage handlers.  If you are flying with an animal too large to go in the cabin, I urge you to call each and every airport you have a connecting flight with and stay on the phone until you get a chance to talk to the person in charge of pet transport at each stage of the trip.  I also urge people to invest in digital thermometers with a 'min/max' record for their animal's crate, stuck to the inside, to record if the temperature becomes unbearably hot for the sake of later taking legal action should something happen.  



We HAVE used petsafe going to Nicaragua....and I used them again on the way back to USA. On the way there petafe handled everything..They were the last items loaded--we saw that as the Petsafe van dropped them off...and they were the 1st items off in we saw the petsafe van pick them up.  They were excellent.  I will be using them again when I head to Ecuador.   And our animals are like our kids, so they are very well taken care of. Our cats fly in cabin.  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-20 09:52:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

I'm sure it will go of luck

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-20 08:26:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

As a seasoned traveler with animals in cabin and underneath.....highly recommend u do not drug them in any manner.  Simple reason being, if they find out they have been drugged in any manner, they can refuse your pet entry onto the plane.   Yes the chances are extremely slim they will even check the cat--they have never even looked at our cats that have flown in-cabin.  As well animals can act differently to drugs airborne than they do on the ground.  


The Rules also apply to animals in cabin---not just in cargo.....Just that the rules between Canada/USA tend not to be followed.  Only shot they seem to care about is Rabies and often don't even look for that.  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-19 17:11:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

for others...if your flying with an animal that has to go down below...ensure you have the correct crate size ( you buy it and can't be to big or small)  and United uses a program called petsafe......and on most United planes they have a special area that of course is pressure controlled..but also temperature controlled, so they can fly animals all year round...where other airlines can't.  USDA has on their websites what all the requirements are for certain countries.  Not only certain vaccinations are required, but they have to be within a certain timeframe....And of course some countries the animals have to quarantined.....back to the OP,lol


Interesting    cage size is important...too big, too small, and the dog wot be flying.....have known tat too happen....if one isn't sure, best to do a trail run to the airport.  I fly to Ecuador in a month or so with our 2 dogs, good times,lol  Only had 1 dog flying to Nicaragua.  petsafe was excellent.

Edited by Flames9_RN, 19 July 2014 - 07:27 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-19 07:25:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

ur cat will be fine in cabin....make sure u book as early as u they only allow so many pets in cabin....We have taken our cats to nicaragua...and now Ecuador......ensure u have the right size(and approved) cat carrier, supplies in case they pee/pooh in the cat carrier--such as wipes and absorbent pad for the cat carrier.....And they wont let ur cat fly if u have sedated them.  The biggest pain in our butts when moving to these countries have been with the animals.  As it required vet checks..then overnighted to the head USDA vet of our State..all had to be done within 10 days of travel.......but coming from canada to the USA, is probably much more simple---I can't say for sure as the only time I did it--was driving and was just visiting.  I know when my wife flew from BWI to Quito, American Airlines had a whole pet checklist.  Coming back into the USA, all they have cared about is the Rabies shot.  best of luck

Edited by Flames9_RN, 19 July 2014 - 05:55 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-19 05:50:00
CanadaCan my spouse still work in Canada after moving to the US?

Yes others have done it, and they may chirp in.....

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-23 14:39:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

U can also get an extenison for Google chrome....and the "E" flashes orange if the website participates in the Ebates program..just have to click on the flashing"E" to activate the savings!  One does have to watch and make sure u get the $$$$.  I have had to email Ebates (they have a place on their website that makes it super easy to do) a few times to get the $$$$ and it shows up super fast on my acct.


Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-17 10:36:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

Another way to save some $$$$--Ebates....You first start off on the ebates (.com or .ca) site then goto participating companies.....Travelocity, expedia usually are. And one gets back a certain %.  That % changes.  Sometimes its only like 1%, but in some occasions its like 6% or more!  I do a lot of online shopping since we live abroad, and it really adds up!  They pay out quarterly.  Either by a cheque or via an electric Amazon gift card.  There are other companies like Ebates as well.  My last trip to Canada  from Nicaragua was booked via travelocity and got close to $60 back!!  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-17 08:48:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

Flights have gone up in prices the past few years. back in 2011/12, I could fly from Managua Nicaragua to Saskatoon for around $650.....Last few times in 2013 and this past Feb, was around $1000.  Didn't matter if I booked 1 month out, or the very next day, same price!!  They used to say check around Tuesdays in the late evenings for the best price,lol  not sure if there is any truth in that.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-14 15:19:00
CanadaBeen waiting 7 months for my police certificate

redo it!!  Should not take anywhere near that amount of time....Usually completed on the spot, a day or two, week or 2 at the most.  

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-26 11:34:00
CanadaQuitting my Job

Does NOT need to say relocating to be with spouse..mine wasn't...Nice if it were on it,but not a "must"

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-28 13:00:00
CanadaQuitting my Job

Nope..Consulate will not care!  I was able to get EI as a Military guy....which can be hard to do as well, as we have a contract...I initially got denied..but appealed and won......But I think (don't know for certain) one can't quit too far in advance.  If one does,then they could deny ones claim...and you could appeal.  Now and then, one has to do what is best for you.  Yes AP does not hapen to many Cdns, but it does happen.  Especially if you were born in one of the countries that isnt on good terms with the USA.  And have seen it with people that have certain education degrees--ones dealing with chemicals.  All the best

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-28 09:52:00
Canadai-134 in Vancouver - isn't the form enough?

You technically need your EAD to work in the USA, even if you're working for a foreign country.  At least that is how I understand it. 



Depends who you ask.....sort of a grey area when it comes to work one can accomplish online......I think a lot depends on whom ones clients are....if they are not American, one is probably safe.....but I'm no expert on that.   With regards to keeping ones privacy, I can assure you, people at the Consulate could truly care less...But if they don't have the required paperwork, well one will not be getting the visa. 

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-07-28 18:43:00
CanadaCanadian passport 5 or 10 years?

You keep ur Cdn citizenship even if u become a USA citizen....thus u can keep ur Cdn passport......

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-08-05 04:58:00
CanadaCRA: Residency Status

U can fill it out if u wish too....but u do NOT have just helps determine ur status.....putting down the date u CEASED to be a Cdn resident on ur tax forum notifies them.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2014-08-06 15:28:00