CanadaVisit US without activating K1 Visa?
As with any other entering USA question--ITS UP TO THE POE OFFICER,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-09 18:33:00
CanadaThis whole process
Sure go spend big $$$$$ on a lawyer, wel worth spending thousands of $$$ on someone that just proof reads ur work,lol!! Honestly, take some time and read the sticky at the top of the K1 forum and ask all the FREE questions you want!! Theh take the $1000's you would have spent on a lawyer and take a holiday!! Its really not that hard of a process paperwork wise-------its the waiting thats a killer!! Welcome to VJ, you can do it!! look at the Top and u see EXAMPLE FORMS!! too easy!! Welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-09 18:30:00
CanadaNo Interviews Scheduled in the past month or so?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Sep 8 2009, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Sep 8 2009, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Keep in mind, only a small fraction probably even know about VJ!!

Not sure why Cdn MP's would care??? The USA spouse should be complaining to the member of congress, as the consulates are staffed by Americans for the most part. I would say on here how I feel about it, as many would disagree,lol

Shut up and wait your turn?? laughing.gif

Well I was just thinking that a Canadian MP would care because, as I mentioned, while the immigrant isn't going to be voting in Canada for a while all of their family and friends probably will be.

Plus it is their JOB to represent us.

Yes, BUT those consulates are staffed with USA citizens (Foreign service workers) thus they would have to increase their staff, thus would increase MY taxes,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 17:43:00
CanadaNo Interviews Scheduled in the past month or so?
No, i will keep most of it to myself,lol as many will say that since I'm in the USA now and with my loved one, I just don't understand,lol And the process was faster back in 2004. I truly wish it was faster for ALL countries,and maybe one day it will be, but due too terrorism, I doubt it! The 1 thing i will say, and maybe its a thing that should not be considered--I have been to many countries were I am amazed on how people survive, totally blows my mind they live in those kind of conditions ( I was in the cdn military) and here I (was) in canada with all these luxuries. How Lucky I was (still am,lol) I guess I just look at things that i know others have it FAR worse than I (us Canadians) and yes i know their are Cdns that suffer as well. Just my 2 cents,lol I don't jot this stuff down to cause a ruckus or hurt people feelings,just my 2 cents,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 17:41:00
CanadaNo Interviews Scheduled in the past month or so?
Keep in mind, only a small fraction probably even know about VJ!!

Not sure why Cdn MP's would care??? The USA spouse should be complaining to the member of congress, as the consulates are staffed by Americans for the most part. I would say on here how I feel about it, as many would disagree,lol

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 17:28:00
CanadaNo Interviews Scheduled in the past month or so?
Keep in mind, only a small fraction probably even know about VJ!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 17:20:00
On the very first page of the Cdn tax return, it asks you when you became or CEASED to be a Cdn resident, jot down the date there! thats all I did! and for fun, I applied for the GST credit,lol, even though I knew I made too much $$$$ while in canada, and as a non-resident,I was not entitled to it. BUT, I did get a letter from them saying my GST credit was denied based on being a non-resident of Canada!! I don't belive they send you anything that you are now in fact a non-resident of Canada!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-10 12:49:00
I never filled it out. I actually called up revenue Canada and asked, and that rep said it was NOT a must! So why bother with more useless paperwork,lol Now cassie's "accountant" said she HAD to do it! I think he got his degree from the back of a shreddies box though,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-10 11:50:00
The real football--CFL has been on for awhile!! lol

Ten/pitts is on TV right now

Edited by flames9, 10 September 2009 - 07:49 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-10 19:48:00
CanadaJury Duty in Canada...I don't live there anymore!
If they have a snail mail addy, i would just go that route and explain the situation, and if one has proof ur in the USA (utility bill????) copy that and send it,lol if they had a phone #, i would call that, may be the fastest route
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 16:45:00
CanadaVaccinations - required to pass medical in Canada?
What it boils down to is that people have to make an INFORMED decision. VJ probably isnt that best forum to make a decision on Gardisil,lol There are many plus's and negatives of the vaccination. If one is big into statistics, the statistics would probably say there is a good chance one spouse may cheat during the relationship (just saying,lol) As well it does only protect against only a few of the strains, BUT those few strains make up the majority of cases. I'm neither for,nor against the shot, thats all up to the individual. There are a lot of decent sites that have info about the shot, Wikipedia isnt one of them either,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-11 20:05:00
CanadaVaccinations - required to pass medical in Canada?
QUOTE (Ebrech N Persona @ Sep 11 2009, 01:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (alicjaftw @ Sep 10 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the replies everyone! Ontarkie, I appreciate the tidbit regarding Hepatitis B shot for my daughter. I called the HealthLink number here and they referred me to a travel clinic for the shot -- so I guess we'll go there! I know I'll have to pay out of pocket, but I don't mind, yay for AHC paying for just about everything else smile.gif

So just to clarify -- one shot of Gardisil is okay to pass the medical, but I will need to complete the whole set for AOS -- right? I would assume that if my daughter is midway through her Hep B shots that would be okay, too -- just as long as we complete the process before AOS (again, I'm a bit worried about getting everything completed in time).

Regarding Gardisil, does anyone know if you can still file a waiver after having the first shot? Just in case I have an adverse reaction.

Thanks again everyone! biggrin.gif

in the same position as you... what im doing is refusing gardasil on my medical next week that way when i get the interview they will ask me to go get it witch i will probably do... i am looking for a detox by apparently taking some zinc tablets everyday before and for the remaining time ill need it to be clean..
taking the fact i will take it after interview i will move after and do the aos... the panel physician will have to check that i don't require the second dose because it will be too soon and presto... (btw,,,zinc is to remove aluminum from body so im sure it will help at least fight that nasty ######)
and the one ill get next week..

keep in mind if u goto the interview without the gaurdisil, then go get it after the interview, it may take awhile for Mtl to send you out ur Visa in the ur Cdn passport after you mail them your proof that you got the shot. Might as well just get the shot and be done with it, less hassle

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-11 04:30:00
Well i knew it wasn't me--I'm flames9, not "flames" lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-02 16:21:00
Why did you say "Flames??"
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-02 16:02:00
As I stated earlier, my bet is to say one is PREGNANT!! Pregnancy = no shot!! just a guess though, and of course the Dr would have to go along with it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-07-17 09:10:00
If it makes anyone feel better (prob not,lol) My wife's Gyno--gave the shot to her teen age daughter!! Ask 10 professionals and prob get varied answers though
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-07-16 18:18:00
if it were I--and a gal,lol--and i didn't want the vaccine, and i had a good Dr, I would get him to say i was pregnant!! pregnant = no gaurdasil!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-07-16 17:22:00
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-07-13 06:59:00
CanadaLove in a no man's land-Seattle Times
I always find it interesting how threads in the Cdn forum are so quiet and peaceful, then others come in and ruin it,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-16 09:24:00
CanadaAmerica's Got Talent
We never watch anything live---love our Tivo HD!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-16 08:05:00
CanadaVisa denied in Montreal, must show domicile
QUOTE (chochamu @ Jul 21 2009, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh yeah also i'm doing a DCF Toronto not sure if that changes anything.

u still do ur interview in Montreal
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-07-21 18:29:00
CanadaAny chance at all?
If you DON"T ask, your chances are pretty much nil!! All they can do is say no!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-13 06:57:00
CanadaBorder crossing
QUOTE (LandRStepp @ Sep 18 2009, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to say I am so happy to be apart of this visaj family. I want to answer one question about my ties to Canada. I had a lot of proof I do have a place to live or go in BC whenever I am ready to go back there and yes its horrible what we have been through in BC but I would have to return after the 6 months or 1 depending how long I stayed in the US anyway. My son and I just wanted the break to let things settle in BC and so I can make some decisions but we haven't been allowed that. Now that I am in this situation and so upset the thought of going back to another nightmare isn't what I want to do right now nor do I feel strong enough. I had proof of my tuition paid and the courses I am taking in BC online which I take because i need to use a computer for my disabilities, I had proof of my disabilities as well and of my address as well as my phone bills etc. and I provided phone numbers to verify where my residence is in BC and where I was going in the US they just chose not to use them. On top of that they refused to listen to me about my disabilities. They made up their minds from moment one at both borders and there was no way I was going to cross even if I owned a home and was a millionaire they had my number and that was that. Yes my son is traumatized and doesn't deserve to be going through this but I am talking to him and supporting him as best as I can and showing him I have some strength left even though I am scared as hell. As far as working goes because of my disabilities I am not required to work in BC that is why I chose to go to school even so and see if I could have a career that won't be affected by my disabilities instead of giving in to them. I can't actually have a job at this time as well as be a single mom and go to school because of my health. They wouldn't listen to that and said I had to have a job well technically because I have an income going to school I have something I'm doing instead of a job but they wouldn't listen. They had a problem with me home schooling my son yet I have that right as a parent to do that but they didn't care even though it would be Canadian schooling and so is mine.

My situation right now is difficult and I have to decide whether to go back to BC and be judged and harrassed after this has happened or try to cross again or stay here start a life and be closer at least to my boyfriend who lives in South Carolina. As far as me traveling across Canada I couldn't afford to fly I could only afford a bus so when I went to buy tickets these were the only ones I could get, why they dragged us across Canada is a mystery to me ecept that all I can think is that its the Canadian Grey hound and so they make more money picking up and dropping off people who are traveling within Canada and across the border. I should have gone with my gut feeling and drove across the BC washington border that i have been traveling across all my life and caught a bus to SC in Seattle or Bellingham but I couldn't find anyone to drive us across the border. I never even thought of just renting a car but who knows how they would have reacted to that. I have a couple of days to make my decision because I paid for a week in this motel so I didn't have to rush with my decision. Everyone in the US want me to try again they are so upset about what has happened to us and very supportive more so than what we would face in BC. I am my sons rock and actually he is mine too lol he is a very good boy and together we will endure no matter what decision I make and that decision will have him on the top of my priority list.

I contacted our Canadian embassy in Buffalo and our local MP office here today and they said there is nothing they can do it is an American matter so I decided to be strong and take on a few battles over this. What I found out today is yes our Canadian borders can refuse Americans and I'm sure they are no angels either but they do not finger print, take mug shots because it is not our policy to do that yet at the American border we are treated like criminals. With this in mind I have contacted the Senetor of NY Chuck/Charles Schumer and if I don't hear back from him I will keep calling until I get some answers. I was never really told why I was turned away and why I was treated like a criminal in front of my 11 year old son accept that I didn't have all the documents listed on a piece a paper that I received after I tried crossing the border. When Canadians travel to the US and if we do a search as to what is required when we cross it doesn't say we need to go around carrying our personal and financial information in our back pockets. It says we need a passport so unless you are looking for what they asked me for we don't know. I am considering getting set up here but I am still not sure and will be discussing this with my boyfriend and like I say I have a lot of support in South Carolina and that is where we want to be for the time we are allowed. Thank you for your support here on VJ I am truly glad to have this site to turn to as well it takes away some of the loneliness. I will keep in touch and keep you informed of our progress and I still welcome any comments or questions especially if it will help anyone else and that is why I am sharing my story. All the best to all of you and please keep us in your prayers. . . . . . Leah

I'm not trying to be rude or make u upset. but one isnt (as u have found out) guaranteed entry into the USA. Many Cdns think they are, they just think since our countries are neighbors, its an easy admission! The POE officer made a judgement call, and gave you a list of things to bring with you before you attempt to cross over, which by the sounds of things you have not done! Of course we the reader, dont have ALL the information,just bits and pieces. Probably does you no good contacting a USA Senator, as ur Cdn, they really dont care about you, would be better if ur boyfriend made the call. By the sounds of things, you dont have strong ties to Canada (job, etc) having a place to "go", isnt a strong tie. If it were I in your shoes right now, staying in a hotel for a week, I would gather up the evidence the POE officer wanted and try again! If your polite,answer their questions, all may go well, OR they may turn you around, without any kind of formal denial, just as they did this past week, and of course they could as well officially deny you entry and give you a ban. best of luck

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-19 04:27:00
CanadaBorder crossing
We used a lawyer---didnt find VJ in time,lol!! Her fee was $2500 plus of course the filings charge! All a lawyer is going to do is proof read the filled out documents! Thats it! YOU have to gather the required documents such as the birth certificates (long form) police background checks, any divorce cert etc etc! We filled out the forms ourselves and then sent them on to the lawyer!! I do believe she sent us the forms--big whoopeee,lol! At the top fo each forum (k1, CR-1) are stickies, they tel lyou what forms you require. There are even pics of already filled out forms at the top of the page that states EXAMPLE FORMS!!!!! best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-17 15:24:00
CanadaBorder crossing
Agree, lawyer gave u good advice, BUT dotn use her!! lol $4500, ouch!! Get all the info you require for the k1 or cr-1 right here for FREE!!! lawyers do not speed up the process!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-17 13:28:00
CanadaDental Work
He must have insurance!! I just had a check up (here in VA) not too long ago, and the estimate would be more than what you paid. I just have a $50 co pay
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-25 05:35:00
CanadaH1N1 Flu Virus
flu kills 1000's of people each yr in the USA and many more around the world! many times people say they have had the flu, in reality they have not, the flu really kicks one in their butt,lol At my hospital, we had a short talk with infection control, and they said they really have no clue on how it is going to affect the population, could be just another normal flu season, or it could be much worse! Sticking ones head into the sand is not a very good way of dealing with it! The H1N1 is a tad different flu virus as it seems to attack the younger crowd, vice the elderly!! wash, wash and wash your hands, cough into ur elbow, stay away at least 3 to 6ft from others that are coughing and wash ur hands. Did I mention wash ur hands? lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-26 08:45:00
CanadaBorder crossing with residency card (aka green card)
back in my navy days, San diego was our 2nd home! And of course one had to catch the trolley and head over to Tijuana! lol Coming back to the USA was crazy! Long people lines, and a long wait for cars! One one occasion we saw TWO groups of people trying to sneak in! 1 group was trying to bend down low and sneak by the officers. Well that didnt work! WHAMMOOO a bunch of POE officer came from no where and snagged them,lol and then we could see 3 or 3 guys running outside and trying to jump the fence, with POE officers following behind them!! I imagine they got caught as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-25 07:52:00
CanadaGuess Who's Birthday Is Coming Up On Saturday
happy bday!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-25 05:41:00
CanadaHow to re-schedule interview
ur other option is do the interview at the scheduled time,THEN the medical! They wont issue you the visa unitl u have completed the medical, but you can just send that in, along with your passport
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-27 16:09:00
CanadaHow to re-schedule interview
When emailing them ensur eu have ur case # on the subject line! And I would be emailing them often, like daily, till I got an answer! And be very polite. In subject line put ur case #, and say URGENT, request of interview date!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-26 20:35:00
CanadaWant to Move to the US
If you have the university education, in the right field of work it isn't that difficult to get a work visa. A decent forum on work visas is http://www.canuckabr...he-usa-vf4.html There are only 1 or 2 people that answer the questions on that forum. And there are only a handful of cdns in this forum that have come to the USA by work visa, so maybe they can assist you.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-28 14:48:00
CanadaWashington DC trip
Lots to do and see downtown DC, one can make it a real cheap holiday. We rarely ever go down that way though, hate dealing with traffic and tourists,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-29 15:32:00
CanadaNeed to go home.
Sorry it has not working out!! but liek the others have stated, ur a Cdn citizen with a valid passport and ur free to go back.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-28 11:32:00
CanadaStories of Finding Employment
QUOTE (Reeena @ May 24 2009, 12:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thetreble @ May 22 2009, 06:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I started looking for employment just before I received my I-551 stamp. The state I live in has a plentiful amount of jobs so I got quite a few interviews right away. I needed a job ASAP so the newspaper was my best friend. I literally called every number for every job I thought I could do.

I got a job in less than two weeks after I started looking. In fact, I didn't even have my green card in hand yet, just my 551 stamp for few weeks I worked. I also didn't have my social security number either yet but I was working for a small business that could get away with that sort of thing.

Is it actually a stamp (I-551) only because in the hubbys visa it mentions upon endorsement (I was thinking this means the visa) serves as temporary I-551 for 1 year... and I was wondering if that was correct... I thought it was a "stamp"

I wanted to scan his passport (visa portion) and post and see if they stamped it correctly... all it says is that he was admitted on such and such date and CR1 is written in the middle of the circle where it say class until??? Weird!!


mine just had what appears to be a normal entry stamp!! nothing special
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-05-24 08:28:00
CanadaStories of Finding Employment
One always has choices. If one needs $$$$ to survive, one has options, such as working longer in Canada and saving money, or go for the CR-1 where 1 can work right from the start, and able to collect EI. The job market will pick up again, its slow for nursing in the DC area, but it will improve.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-05-23 18:58:00
CanadaMeet Gilbert
Cute puppy! Puppy stage are always fun, well except for getting up in the middle of the night to take them out to pee,lol congrtas
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-17 07:29:00
Canadaholy effin drama
You need to call in some serious professional help, don't mess with amateurs, call Jerry Springer ASAP, he has been helping american families for yrs,lol Sorry for all ur troubles, hopefully it gets better
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-28 06:13:00
CanadaAnother good reason not to get a lawyer
Naturalization paperwork is very easy!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-10-02 09:04:00
CanadaAnother good reason not to get a lawyer
no, one cant do a k1 or a cr-1 or k3 at the same time!! If they are married, odds are that they filed the cr-1 and k3, which files the 129F! Sure one could blame the lawyer, BUT no one cares more about ones case then you!! So that person should be looking into things! We found the lawyer first then VJ (costly mistake,lol) even though we had the lawyer, I knew things she did not because of VJ!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-10-02 08:33:00