CanadaUS Healthcare going Public
Its like anything--if you have the $$$$$ it is all good,lol You have no money(insurance) it sucks,lol As stated in the other health care post, it all depends where one is in Canada. I have lived in Northern Saskatchewan, and yes the care was probably sub par, as not many (medical)people want to reside in Northern Sask!! My sisters as part of their Nursing program was to spend some time up in a Northern community, working at a medical clinic! They had to leave after a few days, as they were afraid for their lives!! Super high alcohol/drug problem, and at night the drunk/stoned locals would try and break into their residence! They couldn't pay them enough to ever go back,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-09 09:54:00
CanadaVisa Interview was Today
for montreal 99% are mailed out--k1, k3 and cr-1(ir-1) some ask and get lucky and able to get them that day or next day!! Few yrs back at Mtl, you were able to get them the same day, but that changed!

I never got a welcome to the USA letter at montreal----that came in the mail about a month after I entered the USA.

That package ur not to open, wil be mailed to you , in the express post envelope that u provided them. The "visa" is in ur Cdn passport, which of course you can take out and look at. The other stuff, in which u cant open, is ful of paperwork that u hand over to the POE official.

Sounds like you were all approved, it isnt a overly dramatic occasion,lol congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-14 10:20:00
CanadaActivating visa
There have been many cr-1 (ir-1) that have gone to the border, "activated the visa" (bad terminology,lol) then immediately returned to Canada!! k1'ers can NOT do that as it is a 1 time use!! And yes, one has 6 months after the interview to use the "visa" I have read that some have had the interview and they knew they would not be moving to the USA for over 6 months, so Mtl just doesnt issue it then, they issue it closer to the moving date.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-16 14:17:00
CanadaWhat are your weekend plans?
oh no--dish washing det is not good on a car!! a huge no, no!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-16 10:52:00
CanadaWhat are your weekend plans?
Just chill, enjoy my tim hortons in the rain,lol Possibly polish up the parent sold van to get it ready to be sold.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-16 09:39:00
CanadaWhat are your weekend plans?
no exciting plans again this weekend, lots of reading and practicing drug dosage questions, joy joy!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-29 05:18:00
CanadaWhat are your weekend plans?
i plan to study,lol I have had like the last month to do reading prior to class start, but nope, barely read anything,lol so book time it is!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-23 08:54:00
CanadaWhat are your weekend plans?
RENT is good, have seen it twice!! Once in Vancouver and once in DC
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-22 19:54:00
CanadaWhat are your weekend plans?
I have no clue on ur route from New Jersey to Ocean City, but if its anywhere near baltimore watch out for the cops, lots out on I-95 just out of baltimore, they even have nice unmarked Ford mustangs!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-08-22 09:02:00
CanadaAverage days for GETTING NEW CANADIAN passport
I sent my info snail mail to Canada and still had it all back in about 17 days!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-16 14:12:00
CanadaClubbing in Windsor but No Drinking Allowed
clubbing?? oh I was thinking seals!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-18 17:50:00
CanadaOdd Pets
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 13 2009, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Could you imagine if we had to share the road with sloth drivers???

You'd beep your horn, give them the finger and they would slowly turn to you and smile. Ahh the mental image! rofl.gif

Never a dull moment inside me brain.

Guess you have never drove in Victoria BC before!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-02-13 14:02:00
CanadaHelp with car
I think 1 is still better off in getting the letter from the manufacturer. Again one POE officer may be fine with the sticker, while another may not be!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-24 15:34:00
CanadaCanadian Police Check
Mine from the Kingston NS RCMP detachment looked liked a 3 yr old drew it up!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-26 04:57:00
CanadaWalk in Clinics?
Many drug stores such as CVS have them in the DC area
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-25 17:07:00
CanadaCrossing the border before moving with a CR-1
weird!! others have done it it with no problems at all!! But like what has been said a zillion times---nothing is standardized at the POE's!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-27 15:22:00
CanadaTrip to Washington DC before citizenship test

Smithsonian is awesome, so is the air and space museum and the Holocaust museum, all of which are FREE!! Spy museum is cool but cotss around $10, crime and punishment museum is suppose to be cool to, but costs.

I know there is a Holiday Inn in in Ballston (near Ballston Mall) that is like a 2 minute walk from the metro. It is in Arlington, and would be like a 10 min metro ride to downtown DC.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-27 05:06:00
CanadaTrip to Washington DC before citizenship test
Dupont circle, isnt that the "gay" area of DC?? http://www.culturalt...n.htm?area=2522 Yep it is,lol And nothing wrong with gay people.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-26 20:06:00
CanadaTrip to Washington DC before citizenship test
I can't think of nay of the top of my head--We rarely ever go into DC, even though its like a 20 min drive,lol! To save $$, i would try to find a place that is close to a metro. The DC metro is excellent!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-26 19:23:00
CanadaLol Proof that Karma does Indeed Exist
Think my dad said it was for 3 yrs in Sask, but I could be wrong!! But def something one should have on a new car. They are never the same after even a minor accident.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-31 04:07:00
CanadaLol Proof that Karma does Indeed Exist
Yes hopefully you purchased replacement insurance ,as otherwise the car is worth less the second you drive it off the lot! And that option is very cheap!! I think i only had to pay an extra $50 (if that) for that option. My parents just bought a new venza and purchased the full replacement option and was only an extra $25! Well worth it.

I know when my Integra was in that accident I had to fight the insurance company to write it off! like you, they first said, $8000, next day it was $10,000, then $15000.00 and I said it was just crazy and it should be a write off, which they finally did, but took a week or so.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-30 07:37:00
CanadaLol Proof that Karma does Indeed Exist
Wow, that sucks, glad ur ok! I to got rear ended by a young kid in Victoria back in 2000--was the big Finale of the very first survivor that night,lol! Luckily I purchased the extra replacement insurance for my Integra, as it was only a few months old! It was like an accordion--but I walked away!! I had to fight to get them to write it off, but they did! handed me a cheque for the exact amount I paid for it!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-27 15:20:00
CanadaFormer ON Attorney General Kills Cyclist
I dont know the whole story.........but yep, if a drunk guy was banging on my car, im getting the hell out of there,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-02 17:18:00
CanadaFormer ON Attorney General Kills Cyclist
girlfriend stated the biker was drunk: http://cnews.canoe.c...0723006-cp.html
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-02 17:04:00
CanadaA US TD Bank ? Anyone heard of it or tried them?
I exchanged $$$at Wachovia once, maybe i was lucky they had Cdn $$ on hand
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-12-01 11:49:00
CanadaA US TD Bank ? Anyone heard of it or tried them?
Ya, I have seen a few TD banks pop up here in the Arlington area. I'm quite happy with my USAA banking. and if I have any Cdn cash, I either keep it or mail it back to my folks to deposit it into my CDn presidents choice acct, then use Customhouse to transfer.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-12-01 10:18:00
CanadaWelcome To Tim Horton's, May I take Your Order?
Well if one has nothing to order (Scandal) Then why post in the topic?? Why do some people have to be soo negative? I dislike 99.99999% of the topic in the off topic forum,so guess what, I don't post,lol I actually have control over my fingers on where to type, crazy,lol I guess it would not be VJ if the grumpy people didnt make an appearance in most threads!

99.9% of the time I just order a XL coffee with triple cream. Not a big fan of their donuts. On my way to my first day of actual work and probably stop at Starbucks, no other coffee shops in the area. Nice thread poprocks!! I averaged 2 XL timmies when i was recently back in Stoon for 2 weeks.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-08-31 04:01:00
CanadaUSCIS and two years.
I have read on VJ (long ago) of others that were not quite married 2 yrs at the interview, so at that time was the CR-1, BUT by the time they entered the USA and handed in their documents, it was over 2 yrs and they got the 10 yr card! Now just because it happens at VJ doesn't mean its the right way,lol but worth checking into!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-03 06:54:00
CanadaCustom House news
Been awhile since i set up my acct (2005) but once your set up, your good to go, no more signing anything and faxing/emailing back to CH. I found it takes 4-5 business days to complete a transaction! You will see the $$$ taken out of the 1 acct first, then get that email stating it has taken place, blah blah, and soon after the $$$ deposited in the acct
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-04 03:57:00
CanadaCustom House news
No clues if anything at all will change, i hope not!!!

Dear Custom House Client:

On May 7th 2009 we announced the intended acquisition of Custom House by The Western Union Company. We are very excited to announce that the transaction has been completed.

For Custom House, this acquisition is a tremendous opportunity to solidify its position as one of the world’s largest independent international payments companies and to join forces with one of the most recognized brands in the payments marketplace. Custom House, with its global network of branches, international trading floors and market-leading online platform, has cultivated a diverse client base, significant international payment capabilities, extensive banking relationships and scalable operations. We strongly believe that the value of our solutions and services will be greatly enhanced by Western Union’s international footprint and solid financial position as a public company.

On the other side, the acquisition allows Western Union to increase its presence in the international payments market and significantly expand its customer base in the growing business-to-business payments market. For Western Union, Custom House is a very complementary business and this acquisition is an opportunity to further develop their global payments business by expanding into profitable new growth markets.

This is no doubt an exciting time for us and a great opportunity to increase the value that we bring to you, our loyal clients. During the integration process and beyond, we will remain committed to meeting your current and future needs. In this exciting time of growth and change for Custom House, there is one thing that will not change:

We will continue to provide you with the same excellent services that you have come to expect.

We are proud of what the Custom House team has accomplished and we are grateful for your support. We are excited about the increased potential that will come from being a part of the Western Union group of companies and we will continue to work diligently to help you and your organization.

If you have any questions about this exciting news, please don’t hesitate to contact Ganesh Rao, Regional Vice President, US.


Peter Ciceri

President, Custom House

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-03 12:46:00
CanadaQuestions about visiting USA from Canada with intent to marry on trip
As Marilyn borrowed from my signature,NEVER lie!!! But only answer the questions, don't tell them ur life story! And if they dont ask about marriage, dont bring it up!! Sure one can go and get married in the USA and leave,thats all good, BUT that POE officer has to make a judgement call and thats not always an easy one!! A few on VJ think these POE guards are out to get them, or screw around with their lives! I don't belive that is true! You should put the blame on the people that are breaking the law, thus forcing POE officers to make these decisions! And don't loose ur cool at the POE if you do by chance get denied, remain calm and in control and show respect, it may be hard to do, but they truly can make ur visa journey a lot more complicated than it has to be!! So in short, keep ur replies to the POE officer simple and to the point AND look them in the EYES when answering and answer them confidently! I'm sure it will go well. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-06 19:53:00
Canadaserbinski accountant firm--has anybody used it?
I used to visit their free tax forum a fair bit, one guy named "nelson" answered mos tof the questions, and he was sort of a grump at times,lol Well in some ways he was right to be, as the same questions were asked over and over, and he was a big believer in the "search" function,lol A few yrs back, i recall a VJ member using them, and I dont think they had much good to say about their services!! but i could be wrong. maybe do a search on here for serbinski,
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 07:22:00
CanadaHow do you feel about strippers?
Catered by Tim Hortons!!! And allowed to pay with Cdn Tire Money!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-07-21 13:07:00
CanadaHow do you feel about strippers?
Ever make it to Victoria BC, head over to Monty's!! Nice place!! They are EXTREMELY high on personal hygiene--they provide a shower on stage for the girls!! Thats just crazy, those super high hygiene standards,lol But seriously, it is a classy place, not like some of the sleazy clubs, which have their place,lol Or head over to Vancouver and check out No. 5 Orange!! Lots of TV's to watch sports!! lol The good old navy days,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-07-20 19:05:00
CanadaJumping a bit ahead of myself, but I'm curious...
In some consulates thru out the world, it is HIGHLY suggested that the USA spouse be at the interview. In Canada that is NOT the case. Mine did not attend, and yes at the interview they asked where she was, and I stated at work, and that was that! The interview itself is lucky to last 10 minutes, and most of that time it them going over ur paperwork. So yes it is nice to have ur spouse there, but it is not a must.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 06:49:00
CanadaBank can't handle investments anymore
When I first came to the USA I set up an Appt with HR bLocks "cdn" specialist. man, he was clueluess,lol I imagine it differs from store to store!

ING at 1 time had great interest rates, close to 5%, but last I looked at my acct, they were around 1%
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-09 04:04:00
CanadaBank can't handle investments anymore
Regarding RRSPS , for the IRS it is form 8891, very easy form! And it VARIES from state to state if they tax you on it or not! before one does anything drastic, one should find out if ur state taxes you on it or not. I don't believe VA did
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-06 11:50:00
CanadaTraveling to US by car
It all comes down to the POE officer! Some ask like 1 question, and they are barely awake when they ask that question! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-09 18:32:00
CanadaTraveling to US by car
Yes a cdn can stay UP to 6 months, and they could limit her stay to 1, 2, 3, etc etc months! And they could deny him/her entry! check my signature for my free info.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-08 16:43:00
CanadaVisit US without activating K1 Visa?
As with any other entering USA question--ITS UP TO THE POE OFFICER,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-09 18:33:00