CanadaAbout Visiting U.S during Visa Process
Ive answered ur question in 1 of the other threads
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-20 21:38:00
CanadaAbout Visiting U.S during Visa Process
Realize your new, but you do not need to ask your question over and over again in multiple threads. People are less likely to respond if they keep seeing the same post over and over.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-20 21:35:00
CanadaK-1 Fiancee Visa Await
Just buy your ticket as one normally does! online, on phone, etc! Airlines are not going to stop ya, its the US customs Poe (port of entry) officer!! If ya look below in my signature, you see my advice. Soem good ties to Canada are letter from an employer stating your expected back to work on such a date, apartment lease, return airfare ticket! But it al boils down to the POE officer. One can have the worlds best proof that ur returning to Canada and they can still deny you entry! I traveled monthly to DC and never had a problem, nor was I that concerned about it! Just have a plan in case you do get denied entry! They may or may not put a deadline when you have to return to canada, never happened to me, but has happened to others.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-20 19:41:00
CanadaK-1 Fiancee Visa Await
many of us traveled to the USA while the visa process was ongoing! Most dont have problems, but some do, and soem do get denied entry--which isnt a big deal as long as u told the truth!! Al boils down to the POE officer. Ensure one has proof of ties to canada to show that you will be returning. You will find many threads here in the cdn forum on visitng,lol Welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-20 17:55:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!


VISA, PASSPORT and the "DO NOT OPEN" envelope arrived today! YAY!!! now for the move and loading up the Uhaul truck... :)


I used U-haul for my move and had no probs, BUT ensure you give it a good look over before you accept the truck--as U-haul as a less than stellar mechanical record!! And check the tire psi--to help give u a bit better gas mileage. I only attained around 10 mpg with my rental, but I was zipping along at 75mph!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-06-23 10:14:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!
Not a fun situation to be in! Over the years I have been on VJ, don't recall any cases being expedited just because one is pregnant! I'm sure if that was the case, many would just do it to get through the process faster.

We had a lawyer, but when I emailed the consulate, they answered my questions. One has to ensure they have thew case # in the subject line. Now a days it appears one has to email them numerous times, before one gets a response, ie multiple emails a week.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-06-11 09:04:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!
Squeaky wheel gets the grease!! As well pass along to ur congress person that others have contacted mtl and got back a better response. It seems to take 2-3 months for Mtl to (hopefully) approve the visa after they request more evidence.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-06-03 06:47:00
CanadaBirth Certificate
What province were you born in???
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-19 07:00:00
CanadaBirth Certificate
As far as i know each province has their own place to issue the long form birth certificate! When i ordered mine from Sask. I had it in less than a week
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-18 20:20:00
CanadaBirth Certificate
Well yes Canadians do have this, its often called the long form birth certificate, it does have both the parents info on the birth certificate.

Edited by Flames9_RN, 18 July 2010 - 03:50 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-18 15:49:00
CanadaVisa from US Consuate in Montreal
A few have asked for the issue to be given the same day or next and got their wishes granted, but only a few. Vast majority are told no. BUT it does not hurt to ask. Ensure you still have the required envelope for it to be mailed out to you.

As well ask neiks about rescheduling! She had to reschedule because of her baby! Took her around 6 months for the interview to be rescheduled!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-07 13:08:00
CanadaProof of ties to Canada
Pretty much boils down to the POE officer! 1 can have all the evidence in the world, and they can stil deny u! I traveled monthly to DC and never had one problem! Just be honest, dont lie and keep ur answers short!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-13 16:07:00
CanadaAmbassador Bridge/ Detroit border crossing with pending K1
My free advice is in my signature below!!! I traveled monthly to DC, never had a problem! It all comes down to the POE officer!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-23 09:52:00
CanadaPOE - What to expect?
I prefer to use the word "Activate" too,lol Just giving krikit a hard time,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-23 16:09:00
CanadaPOE - What to expect?

You will pull up at the border booth and then tell the guard that you are activating a K-1 visa. He will direct you over to Secondary. You will be told to park your vehicle and leave it unlocked and go inside. Both of you should be allowed to go inside. Go up to the counter, present your passport with the visa in it, plus a large brown sealed envelope that you will receive back in the mail along with the visa-issued passport. The envelope can't be opened by anyone other than the border guard - and they will open it in front of you. It contains all of the immigration paperwork the two of you have submitted to date. In effect, you are couriering your own file back to the US :D . You will be asked some basic questions, including your address in the US You will be fingerprinted. You will have a card stock I-94 placed into the passport and a stamp saying that the K-1 is used as of this date. There will be another date 90 days in the future - that is the date the I-94 expires and is the date by which you need to be married. The whole processing should take about half an hour but may take more if there are a lot of people being processed. The guard should also caution you about not leaving the US until you get a green card or the Advance Parole. Hopefully, they will also welcome you to the US. Good luck!

I'm telling KRIKIT that you said "ACTIVATE THE VISA!!!" lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-23 16:05:00
Canadaive got a question for yall
If your getting info from other forums other than Canada, it probably will differ. For some countries it is very hard to come in as a visitor!

You can believe what you want, life continues. But no one other than a USA citizen has the right to enter the USA, it is as simple as that! If you get denied entry, and cause a commotion, the end result may not be pretty. For the most part, the POE officers are great! I chatted baseball/hockey with a few of them! And of course their are jerks, every organization has a few! But they do have a very important job to do and each day I bet they get lied to over and over, which I bet gets frustrating. So once again it comes down to past idiots ruining it for others! They have to decide if your telling the truth or not. And if you give them any hint that you may not be telling the truth, they are going to investigate that! Now you may be telling the truth, but you may be unknowingly be saying words that are raising their suspicion or your body language is sending off signals! You may have all the intention in the world to be returning to Canada, but what the POE officer is hearing is another thing. he doesn't know you, so he has to go by what your telling him and hopefully some evidence of you returning.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-26 14:28:00
Canadaive got a question for yall

Sure we all vent on the boards,the process is a long one. Why blow up at a person trying to give you some advice as to what CAN happen.
I am sure we can all agree it's not fair how some people get denied enter while others never have a problem. I was lucky and never had a problem and I crossed almost every weekend for the weekend.

What does getting so defensive at people trying to help do for it. NOTHING!!!!
It's one way to make sure people don't offer you any advice.

yep, that ignore button works very well,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-07-24 15:33:00
CanadaMothers’ Day Dilemma…
Mothers day,fathers day are just days created by the card and flower companies!! Celebrate the day any time 1 pleases!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-26 09:45:00
CanadaVehicle Import into US from Canada
There has been at least one case where the persons car had the sticker, BUT the POE officer wanted to see the actual compliance letter!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-03 15:35:00
CanadaBack From Canada
Sounded like a jerk. hadn't you mentioned before that you had to get a special permit to bring some of your "guns" from Canada to the USa?? maybe they had a record of that on file!
Ya narcotics can really constipate ya! Nothing better than an enema to start the day,lol Glad she is doing well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-03 09:28:00
Canadahow long to get 2 year green card in mail and work related questions...

Thanks for the response, but the expiration date is not 1 year later, but 6 months for the temp one as shown in the passport. As far as putting my friends address down with his name, that shouldn't be a problem correct?

As others have stated--6 months to "activate it" the "visa" in ur passport is good for 1 yr!! No clue on the address, back in 2004, One got the visa the same day!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-03 18:15:00
Canadahow long to get 2 year green card in mail and work related questions...
The ball doesnt start rolling until your POE!! Normally takes around a month to get the actual greencard in the mail, until then yes, the stamp in ur passport works as the greencard, its good for 1 yr! Many times you know the greencard is on its way when you get a "Welcoem to the USA letter" in the mail, many get multiples of that letter. And I believe you can check online on its status

SSN. Yes by theory it should arrive in th mail if you checked it off on that form, BUT quite often,it doesnt! One has to wait approx 10-14 BUSINESS days to go and check on its status. If you go too soon, you won't be in the system yet. I strongly recommend you download a form, fil lit out and take it with you when you goto the SSN office, thus when they say, one hasn't been issued to you, you simply hand over the already filled out form! Ensure u bring ur passport and birth cert! Mine arrived in the mail 1 week later
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-03 16:27:00
CanadaMontreal Interview May 10th!! But....
Like trailmix said!! And email daily!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-01 15:25:00
CanadaDomestic abuse
Common sense has to take place, sure one would like to step in, but one has to assess the situation, no use both of you getting harmed! 911 is prob the best thing one can do
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-05 16:05:00
CanadaDomestic abuse
I can understand why some people walked by that homeless gentleman as one sees homeless people "sleeping" on the sidewalks a fair bit in some cities. But to the ones that took a closer look and saw the blood and did nothing, well that isn't right!!!

My brother a law stopped a domestic case this past winter! During the 2nd big snow storm we had in DC, he was walking to the store and came along a guy beating up on a gal! he called 911 and the guy took off, but was arrested! He had to take a day off from work and goto court--the gal never showed up!!! He was told thats what happens a lot, lady never shows up!! Not sure what happened to the guy.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-05 11:36:00
CanadaAmerican Girlfriend is Pregnant
NO, you don't have to declare, you are going to get married! One simply must answer truthfully the questions the POE officer asks!! KISS = keep it simple silly (or stupid,etc etc ) lol Its not illegal to get married in the USA, many including myself went this route and then started the k3 or cr-1. I answered the POE officers questions truthfuly, he never asked!!

Its all comes down to ones INTENTIONS, when u enter the usa and then stay! If one had NO intentions of staying, then out of the blue decided too, thats ok! BUT if one had the intention all along, well thats illegal!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-05 13:10:00
CanadaApproval times in Montreal after the interview
I'm sure better in mtl than in Iraq where many have been forced to go,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-13 11:54:00
CanadaApproval times in Montreal after the interview
Probably not a hot bed for psotings! lol handful of wives relatives worked for the Foreign service, and they been around the world working in consulates/Embassies, but never to Canada!! Have to ask them why. Probably make more $$$ at other locations! Mot much of a hardship allowance, or very tropical in Mtl,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-13 11:46:00
CanadaK-1 Approved!!! so can I visit the US now?
Some have had luck doing that! But like anything else when visiting the USA, its up to the POE officer!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-11 19:32:00
CanadaWhere do i go from here?
Just curious, where does it state her/his partner is a LPR??? Is it from another post he/she wrote??
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-13 12:00:00
CanadaWhere do i go from here?

True- but the person they married is not an USC, but an LPR - different rules apply.

Opps, didn't see the LPR part!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-13 11:52:00
CanadaWhere do i go from here?
No really need to get an attorney. There are Cdn members on this board that came to the USA and AOS'd. All comes down to ones intentions! If you came to the USA with NO intention of staying, but did, thats fine! BUT if you had that plan all along, well thats illegal! But seriously, you with at least 3 brain cells knowing this, is going to say, "ya, I came and stayed knowingly!!" lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-13 10:44:00
CanadaDone!! Here's what I learned
Ya thats the normal cr-1/ir-1 route and actually may have taken a bit longer than average! Congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-14 09:04:00
CanadaCanadian Marrying US Citizen in US
I see you have found VJ!! Kathryn gave you great advice! As well traffic on this board is usually very slow on the weekends, picks up during the week days!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-15 10:10:00
CanadaWhat to do
One can visit, many of us did with NO problems. BUT its always up to the POE officer! No one can give you a 100% yes answer! If that POE officer is a Pittsburgh Penguins fan, and ur wearing a Mtl Canadians jersey, well, I;m not liking those odds of a successful POE,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-14 19:55:00
CanadaXpresspost Prepaid Envelope
Exactly what Collen stated--you could have a FIVE minute envelope, but doesn't much better, as it ain't gouing to speed up Mtl in mailing it out,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-15 16:45:00
CanadaBack from Montreal Visa in Hand

Grats! And thanks for letting us know you were able to pick up the visa the same day!

Most are not that lucky, but it doesnt hurt to ask!! All they can do is say no!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-17 09:37:00
CanadaBack from Montreal Visa in Hand
Cool!! As you found out, doesn't hurt in asking to pick up the visa, all they can do is say no,lol Congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-16 15:49:00
CanadaWhat to do ?!?
It shouldn't as long as you told the TRUTH and didn't become all agitated and go postal,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-23 07:22:00
CanadaSetting the record straight.....
No one can GUARANTEE that her entry will be successful! It all depends on the POE officer! I traveled monthly to the USA during my cr-1 process and NEVER had a single problem, and most Canadians don't. But some get hauled into secondary before they are allowed to carry on AND some do get denied entry! All one can do is be prepared! Bring ties to Canada, such as letter from employer, lease agreement, visa paperwork etc etc! See my signature below!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-22 21:27:00