CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Awwww. I can totally relate. My wife and I have had a few spats lately...all over moving issues. She was moving the apartment all by herself, and while she acknowledges that it was her choice to move when she did, it didn't stop her from being snarky about all the work that had to be done by herself. I, of course, felt really bad about that, even though there's truly nothing I could have done. Didn't make for a happy week last week. Now she's almost fully moved, so everything is sunshine and roses again. :P

I hope her office is open tomorrow...I've got a box of chocolates set for delivery there!

if not just chg the addy to mine--i will be home,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-11 10:10:00
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My wife is away till the end of May for work! So I'm off the hook,lol But i sent her a huge box full of candy/chocolates!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-11 10:08:00
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Cool story, sorry it the leafs!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-11 08:53:00
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Chalk that up to another reason to like living in an apartment complex! :thumbs:

Mind you, our building doesn't have underground parking, apparently...just a small covered parking area that costs a lot more per month. <_<

not really--as u wil find when they clean out ur parking lot, they lave a HUGE pile of snow behind ur car! U clean that area, leave--come back and someone else has taken ur spot!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-10 14:12:00
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You're welcome and good luck! Am going to PM you with a few others...

Same here. Just waiting for either the tree in my front yard to come crashing through our front windows or the power to go out. :help:

Scott, you want to come over and shovel my walk as well?

Will pass,lol I was going to go out and shovel, but with the high winds, there really is no use! I dont work till Friday night, fridge is full of beer, I'm good to go!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-10 12:18:00
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Still snowing here in the DC area and very windy! White out conditions at time Im sure!! Chill for a bit,then go shovel some more snow~
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-10 09:02:00
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I'll take snow any day over my house getting flattened my mudslides, falling off cliffs or the threat of an earthquake! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-09 12:20:00
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Good morning. :)

Wow. That's a lot of snow for people who don't really get snow. lol. Hmmm. I wonder if my husband's business trip tomorrow will be rescheduled?

Pulled my back a little bit moving things yesterday. Darnit. Luckily, I had purchased some Robaxacet the last time I was home. Going to the chiropractor today.

I always pick up bottle of Robacxacet in Canada fior my inlaws!!

I woudl think airports in the area will be closed tomorrow! I sure would not want to be traveling here!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-09 08:43:00
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Dulles airport received 32.5 inches of snow! And they say anywhere from 10 to 20 more starting today until wed night!! fun fun!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-09 07:55:00
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Worked last 2 nights. I thought the roads were fine. Sure they were hard packed snow, but when i was out, very drivable! Coming home this morn on 495, i found it amusing. 495 is 4 lanes--the inner and outer lanes were clean, so people were just driving on them, the 2 center lanes were hard packed snow--thus no 1 was driving on them! My little Scion XB had no problems what soever driving on the snow packed lanes, made excellent time. People just need to learn to drive on snow,its not that bad
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-08 17:44:00
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Crazy snow!!! And off course 2 RN's called in "sick" ya whatever, sick of snow!! Pretty frustrating to be short 2 people when ur full and when they have FREE rides available! Oh well! Work tonight, then off till Friday! Probably spend a lot of that digging snow,lol People have shoveled a fair # of parking spots at out unit, but still more to go. Guess they have ordered a bobcat, but didnt know what day it would show up!! Joys of Winter
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-07 15:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Wifes away, time to chase some Beaver:

"She should NOT be a dancer" lol

Edited by Flames9_RN, 05 February 2010 - 07:01 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-05 18:59:00
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Snowing away here in DC. Up to 2 feet they say! Thank god I dont work till tomorrow night. Should be neat to wake up in the morning with all the new snow on the ground. My dog will be in heaven!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-05 16:42:00
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I just bought beer!! If the power goes out---I can always put the beer in the snow----good to go!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-05 13:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre$...x.cfm?flash=yes



I've had American $1 coins before, given back as change! No clue what type they were
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-04 19:26:00
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Subway simulator computer game??? Come on, Nevada...the kid's on the honor roll...he's got a brighter future than being a sandwich artist!!

Ya!! Quiznos is wayyyyy better
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-04 17:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Ethan made it on the honor roll again! w00t w00t!!


Boom shacka lacka *slam dunks*

Recall reading some of his battles he was having. This is super news!!! Congrats!! I say a dairy Queen Banana split is in order,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-04 17:32:00
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Maybe it's a SK thing? I have no idea! A friend of mine dated a guy who lived in Saskatoon (well had a house) but worked on the "rigs" and she always called him a rigger!

Congrats on the house trailmix!

I never got into the show LOST I tried to watch an episode and well it just didn't happen...... Not my cup of tea.

maybe a Sask thing as I have always heard them called Riggers.

I have a strong dislike for spoilers, previews etc too.... I hate the trailers in the movie theaters because 1 .. you can't get away from it and 2.. they are so long they basically give away the whole movie :angry:

I could sit for hours and JUST watch the movie trailers,lol

So I have a bunch of stuff to do - for one thing this house has no appliances so we need to buy a fridge, stove, washer and dryer. That alone is a big feat lol - plus I need to call the movers and start getting things hooked up - cable, electricity, gas - but I have done none of this. I have been watching tv online :huh:

not sure if it works well in canada--but check out Hot Forums! people post good finds on everything!! And if its a crappy find, people say so!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-02 18:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Or they may have taken their chances and hoped no one would check. lol

lol, true, not the kind of honest people one wants to buy from! I find the whole house selling/buying a pain! lol. It is all hush hush! I know when I was selling my house in Victoria, sold in hours, lol---the Realtor didn't want me saying to much! I rather disclose everything,thus no surprises! but that just me
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-31 13:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
One just has to watch the piping in some older houses too, they MAY have got it ready to install, then realized they couldn't!! or it could be a portable one,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-31 13:32:00
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Weird about the disahwasher. That would make me go hmmmmm!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-31 13:09:00
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Went to Wegmans last week! Wow, that place is huge!! Soo many different departments! They even had a sit down restaurant (well i think they had 1 other as well) and they served wine with what appeared to be a very nice meal. Bought a small tin of Tim Hortons coffee, and it just didnt taste the same,oh well. I'm pretty sure its the cream that makes all the difference for me!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-31 10:39:00
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Good morning! Great job on the weight loss Marilyn! Good luck on the house hunting Nevada! How did the job interview go Mal? I got a 10 gallon starter aquarium for Christmas from Gene, and we set it up a few weeks ago. It's small, but we've really been enjoying it! I have tropical freshwater fish in it. Only 10 fish mind you, but it's a great way to start out.

Today I'm doing a presentation on Victim's of Crime and Abuse for our volunteers and board members. I did a power-point presentation, and have an hour time slot before questions. Wish me luck! I'm a little nervous as I've only had to do training to small groups since I've moved here, and this will be a large group. :huh:

Enjoy your day!

Posted Image

Good luck!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-27 08:04:00
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Before bed i take Nyquil and BUCKLEY's!!! If I have a bad cough, will take suppressant to help me sleep, but not during the day,their is a reason why 1 coughs----to get rid of the junk in ur body! plus I load up on Vit C, D, eccinecea.

Edited by Flames9_RN, 22 January 2010 - 03:25 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-22 15:24:00
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Won't that combination make her chest explode and eyeballs pop out?

hmmm, so your going to take an expectorant to cough stuff up,BUT take a suppressant at same time to not cough stuff up,hmmmmm
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-22 11:00:00
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Quick article on what Sellers don't tell buyers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-22 07:27:00
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Thanks for the votes of confidence, guys. I'm glad I'm doing it. There are always complications with a visit like that, namely POE concerns, arranging for parking, getting down to Seattle in a decent amount of time etc., but when I thought about how long it would likely be before I saw her again (even if it WILL be permanently then...), and saw how cheap the flight would be...well...I caved in to my emotions. we'll get to watch the season premiere of LOST together. :D

Maybe you should start a new thread asking if its ok to visit the USA while ur visa application is on gong! lol

:lol: Its ok Krikit, everyone has been trying to scare me. I'm a pretty trusting person so I think everyone's just trying to look out for my best interest. I really do like our realtor though, he's a cool dude. His name is Weldon!

Yeah, that's very true. Our Realtor warned us about inspectors and their lack of knowledge sometimes. One of our concerns is lead based paint since the house is so old it may have had lead paint used on it somewhere at some point, but often inspectors aren't really knowledgeable enough to catch it. Then again, Bill works with car batteries all day everyday so I guess lead shouldn't be a big concern :lol: We both get enough exposure to it. We found out the age of the furnace and water heater, things like that, so its basically just the plumbing, electrical and roof we need to be really concerned about. The roof looks pretty new but you never know. And you're right, if there's a big issue then we'll go back to the bargaining table. The people who own the house right now are investors, so they definitely can't afford to sit on it... and you're not going to sell a house with bum electrical without offering any kind of incentive. So I really feel like we're in the drivers seat.

Sounds great Wyatt!! I would have done it too. Going through life being sensible and thrifty is boring anyways :P

In random news, I'm leaving in the morning for a 5 day trip back home. Its funny how Bill and I dated long distance for 4 years and I'm still having a hard time saying goodbye for just a few days!

I'm not trying to scare anyone,lol I just follow numerous home forums and you would be surprised on many things people are not aware of. They put too much trust in other peoples work.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-22 06:53:00
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have only flew on Alaska once, and that was from DCA to LA. All went well..
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-21 21:03:00
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Well, I consulted with my wife and decided to go for it. :D

Some folks will see this as foolish, but...meh. I'd pay $300 for five days with my wife ANY time.

We did that monthly for a few yrs! On avg price was usually around $400 cdn! One only lives once
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-21 20:51:00
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Don't let him scare you, Huggles. I've used realtor-recommended home inspectors and they were great. The trick is to have a realtor who is looking out for your interests. The seller's realtor isn't. The buyer's is. In most cases. lol

I'm just saying. lol No ONE has a better interest than urself. Ur realtor does not get paid, until you buy a house. just saying one has to do their research, thats all
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-21 09:03:00
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Yeah there will definitely be an inspection! Its a pretty old house (late 50's) so there is a possibility it might have some issues. The people selling the house are actually 2 Realtor's who bought it last spring to "flip" so there is some nice updates in it (new windows, new kitchen, etc.) but there are some things we'll need to look for, definitely. We already talked to our Realtor and decided to find our own inspector, which was actually what he recommended us doing. If your lender recommends an inspector is that a red flag too? I think she has someone in mind.

But I agree, its easy to get caught up in the excitement. I'm trying to be cautious about it :lol:

Do you really want to take a recommendation from someone that has a $$$$ interest in you buying the house. Its very exciting buying a house,but keep in mind its a huge financial investment. And houses tend to be money pits, so you want to keep that pit as controlled as possible,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-21 08:41:00
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I always try and talk to neighbors! You would be surprised on how honest people can be.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-21 08:13:00
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Yes congrats on the house, BUT wait for the house inspection,lol One has to be prepared to walk away if they find too many things to fix and the sellers wont fix or give you $$ back to fix them! And ensure one finds a good home inspector, believe me they are hard to find! One should never use 1 that ur Realtor recommends! Was a report on 20/20 or 60 minutes yrs ago about how these realtors (yes not all,lol) and the home inspectors were in it together! So the home inspectors woul dpretty much only pick up minor problems, and overlook the big things as they didnt want to loose the deal. no deal, no $$$ for the realtors!! Not saying this happens a lot, but from my research, visiting home forums, they say its best to find ur own. And then research some of the findings! I made the mistake in one of my residences where the home inspector stated the place had certain piping (can't spell it, sorry,lol) and that it wasnt the greatest but was ok. Well guess what, if Ihad did a simple Google search on that piping, i would have found out that it was a HUGE problem!! So partially my fault that i didn't do the research, but he wasn't exactly honest either. keep in mind, a Home Inspector can only inspect what he sees! As well ensure you do a Good inspection! TAKE UR TIME, going through the house. Seen it on soo many forums were people just rush through the house in all the excitement! Sorry to say,the excitement does wear off, and when u look closer, it is too late! If ya have kids, leave them with a babysitter and take ur time going through each room! As well one should visit the area at different times of the day/week if you can. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-21 08:04:00
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Thanks Joyce, Rhiann, T-mix and Minnie :) I'm pretty excited about it!

I have a random question for you gals with military husbands. The city I'm moving too has a really big service member population (thanks to Fort Carson and the Air Force Academy) so I see men and women in uniform walking around town all the time. I've noticed that they all have badges on their left shoulders and there seems to be a million different signs and symbols. What do they mean? Is it like a ranking thing or something? I'm curious but I don't want to just walk up to someone randomly and ask, ya know? :lol:
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-21 07:44:00
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Stress isn't good for a baby! Their will be other jobs!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-20 21:28:00
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Lol My wife and watch him almost every night when getting ready for bed, gotta love the puppets haha

I agree, I find Ferguson to be the BEST of all the late night guys.One funny dude!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-20 17:25:00
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I'm a day late ! But I got a phone call Friday afternoon for a different job! They want me to come in on Tuesday for an interview! :dance: I think I might enjoy this position more if I am offered...less commuting...but less pay...nontraditional work hours but at least I'd work similar hours to the hubby...good chance that the other position I first interviewed for would put me in therapy...

Different from your situation, but some hospitals now do peer interviews!! They give staff a chance to interview possible new employees as they want to hire a person that is a good fit for the unit! Good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-17 07:20:00
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dang honda snowblowers are expensive! :blink:

Yes, but Honda products last forever!! My dad's original Honda lawnmower lasted for over 20 yrs, and it was til running great when he sold it, he just felt it was time for a new 1!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-12 11:50:00
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It's funny you should say that. My wife called me while she was having brunch with some friends in Shirlington this morning (a suburb of Arlington, I think), and she said she had a little fruit cup along with her eggs, bacon and toast etc....and the fruit cup alone was $4.00 while the rest of the meal was just over $5.00...

I guess it's a good thing I'm not a big fruit eater... The D.C. area seems to be pretty pricey when it comes to fruit.

One has to head to the Asian super markets, lot of fresh fruits/produce at decent prices!!

Edited by Flames9_RN, 10 January 2010 - 08:23 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-10 20:22:00
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I just had a BBQ chicken pizza from Boston Pizza last night. Soooo good. I'm going to miss Boston Pizza. :(

Never been--but there is a "Boston pizza" in Waldorf MD! But its not called boston pizza, but have been told its the same restaurant, just a different name!!! maybe some one on here wil recall it!

this may be it: http://www.bostonsgo...onsgourmet_menu

Edited by Flames9_RN, 10 January 2010 - 04:38 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-01-10 16:36:00