CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
At work now, and off to Saskatoon later on today, fly out of Dulles at noon! Fly to Mtl, then to ottawa then arrive in Stoon around 2030!! Dont recall if Mtl airport has a Tims, or if Ottawa does, but sure hope so!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-22 23:25:00
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I got burnt by the dentist last fall! I called them up and asked if they accepted my dental plan! They stated we surely do! Great! Only to find out later that they did accept it, BUT they were not within the network, DUH!! Luckily I just had a screening and didn't have any of the required work done! Was pretty expensive!! Like 4 times what my wife pays at her dentist, that is within the network!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-21 11:34:00
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Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-19 17:09:00
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Have a great trip!

Hope all goes well with your father. With your healthcare knowledge I'm sure you will keep everyone on their toes. Safe travels. :)

My sisters are RN's as well---every Nurses nightmare,lol but were mellow people and know better to be pain in the butts, lol But that sure isnt the case for many. I hate pts that have family/friends that are in the medical profession, all of a sudden they know everything, but some wont help out at all! oh well,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-18 09:42:00
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Off to SASKATOON from Tuesday march 23-31. Shall get my fill of tim hortons!! Not a total relax trip as my father is going in for heart stent placement, which is 99% a very easy procedure. But after his 3 bypasses, its not quite as risk free for him as it is for others, but sure it will go well! I managed to not too bad of a deal on a plane ticket! I bought it within a week of flying, so one cant expect the normal 400-500 range from DC. Ticket came in at $800. Fly from DC to Montreal to Ottawa then Stoon! I had making that many stops, but was by far the best price and a lot of time in between flights. Sucks that I have to fly Air Canada! I try to fly Northwestern, but since they merged with Delta, have found their prices have gone up! Already exercising my thumbs for Roll up the rim to win!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-18 09:23:00
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It sucks and I find it takes longer to load!! Ity might just cure my VJ fetish and move on!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-14 11:57:00
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2.5 hr drive is nothing, mine was close to 5 to West virginia,lol Never again though!! Next time wil just drive to RI and spend a few days at the wifes parents summer house,lol No internet/cable, in winter, but will have timmies,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-13 20:56:00
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My first 2 wisdom teeth came out very easy, that was back in 1992. had the 2 remaining taken out in 2003 in Greenwood NS and man did that hurt!! Originally they were going to send me to a specialist, but the dentist thought he could do it,lol He managed to pull it off, but man was my mouth sore! The funny thing was that my wife took time off from work and came up from DC to "look after me" But she got very sick with flu-like symptoms, so I ended up looking after her,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-13 19:51:00
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Loved seeing the goalies rush out!!! classic!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-13 12:04:00
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Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-13 11:59:00
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is that good or bad? :unsure: One can buy Prilosec over the counter. Hard to say in the hospital setting how effective it is as pts can be on so many medications, plus with all the extra stress of being in the hospital, extra gastric "juices" are made!

Every drug one takes has it good things and its bad things! Most of the time, no one has a problem/reaction to that drug, but their is always that chance one could react negatively to it
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-12 18:18:00
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99% of my pts on my cardiac floor are on omeprazole (Prilosec) ER dr prescribe it like candy! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-12 17:44:00
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Thats prob the worst thing one can do---look up ones symptoms on the internet!! I believe many of those quick clinics take insurance--just call them up and check it out, as well cal ur insurance provider and see what the charge should be. 1 downside of going to a quick clinic is that they wont have ur medical history, but just be honest and tell them, so they have the full picture!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-10 20:12:00
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We got a Vizio from Costco too! It wasnt very expensive and definitely fits in our super tiny bedroom :)

Best thing about costco--extends ur warranty by 1 yr--and u can return it within 90 days for refund, no questions asked!!!

Damn Dell sucks,lol Bought a camera for wife for Xmas and she decided she didnt like it, ok,cool, but one only has 19 days to return/exchange it!! I explained it was an Xmas present, so it wasn't even opened yet, nope, didnt matter, oh well,lol I try and buy all my electronics from Costco
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-07 15:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
We have 2 Vizio's and rather impressed on the quality of the picture as the price of the TV was great! Bought ours from Costco and the pic was superior --in my mind--to the higher priced sets that were next to it.

Hope for a speedy recovery for ur mother Krikit.

Edited by Flames9_RN, 07 March 2010 - 03:31 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-07 15:30:00
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https://www.stepnwra...omerService.dtm need 1 of these,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-06 17:11:00
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Is she tiny? I couldnt tell from the photo.

I have a mutt from the shelter too. They said golden x husky but I think he is a golden x border collie. He is the best dog! :luv:
I am dogsitting this week and my friends' dog makes me realise how awesome mine is! (I wont tell them that! lol)

no she isnt tiny! Weighs in at 30lbs, 18 inches high or so!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-06 15:31:00
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no, this is the one on the Santa Monica pier

I think the one you went to was in Long Beach

yep ur correct!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-06 15:28:00
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So yesterday we drove all the way to Malibu, about an hour and half trip, to go eat at the Chinese restaurant we found there last summer.. but when we get there we see there is brown paper covering all the windows and we realized that the place is shut down :( I was so bummed.. the food there was soooo good!!

so we ended up driving down to the Santa Monica pier and we ate at Bubba Gump's.. the food was pretty good, just a little pricey... but we had a great view of the ocean :)

We then walked around the pier for awhile..

all in all it was a nice day :)

is that bubba gumps by where the cruise ships depart??? I ate their once!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-06 15:24:00
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Oh she is pretty!
What kind of dog is she? do you know?

A mutt,lol Got her from a rescue. They called her a Minature Spitz! She isnt that, she is just a mutt and my best bud!! Even though she much prefers my wife,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-06 13:36:00
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Pic of my Dog Anna in front of the Wheeling WV Tim hortons!! Total of 13 hrs from the time I left till I got back to the DC area,lol Don't think I'l be doing that trip again anytime soon!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-06 13:09:00
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pretty much!! kill some time, now time to head back!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-05 10:20:00
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Just drove 5 hrs to Wheeling West Virginia just for TIM HORTONS!!!! yep chil for a bit with my coffee, then back to DC,lol coffee does not quite taste the same but pretty close. Better than the RI Timmies! Plus this Store looks exactly like the Timmies back in Canada, where as the RI timmies have a yellow siding. I better win something onthe roll up to rim to win!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-05 09:57:00
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its a great site!! saved me $$$$ can u say free ciinastixs at Dominos pizza,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-03 19:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre great site for ONLINE coupons
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-03 19:00:00
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Love San diego, there a zillion times with the navy! Was like our second home,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-03 11:24:00
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I hope your mom feels better Krikit.

Congratulations to everyone who or who has a spouse that got promoted!

I spent the entire morning with the MVA -- more of that later as I have to teach in half an hour. All I can say is, thank god I dont have to deal with them again.

AAND I am so sad that the Canadian women curlers were defeated by Sweden last night. Curling is my favorite olympic sport this time (partly because I cant stay up so late to watch the figure skating AND its a sport where its all strategy and forethought) and Ive followed all the games. I was so sad they lost, but Im soo proud of them. I am also glad that they weren't bitter about their defeat and accepted their silver gracefully.

hard to be bitter when Bernard chocked!!!! All she had to do in the 10th end was hit the yellow 1 out, but she choked,lol It wasn't a super easy shot, but not that difficult either. Then she had a chance again in the 10th, and yes that 1 was a bit trickier. Oh well, The mens game should be better
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-27 12:25:00
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Yeah, I noticed that.
I think they spread some sort of garlic butter/spread stuff so I think that makes it a bit more greasy.

may have to try it again,lol just to be sure!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-26 18:30:00
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I preferred their old pizza! I found the new one to be a bit more greasy!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-26 17:52:00
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@Marilyn- omg they really thought someone would fall for that!

@ j&k- good luck on the interview! An essay? I've never had to do that! I had to do a computer module for critical
thinking & problem solving that took me 2 hours! Oh and also a word document formattig test!

@ Joyce- graveyard shifts are definitely tough it's a lifestyle change! If your house isn't exactly quiet
I wouldn't recommend it! ...parents & sister at home in Canada...uuggh!I did them for 11 months @ at youth facility. It was rewarding but can be extremely stressful. The hardest thing to do at times is to learn to detach & not take things personally. If they weren't swearing or yelling at staff then we weren't doing our job! LOL!

I work nights--1900-0800, 3 days a week, and yep, they can be hard on the body. Especially if one has a bit of driving to do after the shift. i have had to pul over and take nap!! As well purchasing curtains that keep the light out are a must!! Plus you loose more time off, as I usually try and take a nap in the afternoon before shift. I have read report where the expected life expectancy for night workers is shorter tyhan those that work the reg 8-5 job. On the plus--at least at the hospital is that i dont have to deal so much with family members,lol and the shift diff is nice
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 02:30:00
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So I have had this patient a few times this past week, so I had a good feeling of his sense of humor, and his daughter is there as well. I ask what he did for a living and he said he worked for the Government.
I had to give one of his meds rectally!! (Yes, i love my job,lol!)_
So i give this med rectally and he states "wow, you really pushed that one up far!!" I stated "I thought you stated you worked for the IRS!!!" We all had a great laugh over that one!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-21 19:29:00
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Thats cool! Like in any occupation--a good person is hard to find!! and when you find 1--keep in contact with him!! Since he did a great job for you, there is a 99.99% chance when it comes to selling that you would use him! BUT not all "buyer" Realtors make great "seller" Realtors, but most likely you would give him first crack at it!

Another example of the need for reading everything--is that back in the Fall of 2009 we refinanced our condo. Went to closing. As I mentioned before my wife reads EVERYTHING!!!!! And yep she found a mistake! People are human,they make mistakes! In this case it didn't save us any $$$ right now, but the terms that we had agreed upon where wrong! Was a very simple fix then, but down the road it would NOT have been! Again, we all get lost in the excitement of the process! keep in mind a few weeks later that excitement is probably gone,lol!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 18:43:00
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Ya, its amazing what you see when you go thru other peoples houses! Soem of it just amazes me! lol But one ahs to keep an open mind, some things can be fixed very easily and at a low cost, just requires a little elbow grease/paint/tender lovin care. Just takes a bit 0f time and if ya screw up, well its urs, anjd just do it over again,lol. But some things you can't over look. I went thru this one house in Victoria and wow, was it ever dirty! I mean filthy, I wanted to leave, but just had to see the rest of the house to see how filthy it was! NO way was I taking off my shoes (which I normally do) I swear that has had never been cleaned, words could not even describe it! And to top it off, they had meat thawing in the sink, and I looked at the expiration date, and it was like a yr over due,lol and it looked a bit funky. Just last month for shyyyt and giggles we went thru a foreclosure, easily a $700,000 house if maintained, but was listed at $475,000 and wow they did a nice job of wrecking the place. Scrapped the hardwood in many places, cracked the tiles,big gauges in the walls, etc etec, but the big kicker was i went downstairs and WHAMMO could smell cat pee and then I stepped on the carpet and squish squish, big time water problem! Soo sad. Such a nice house at 1 time but now, i wouldn't even take it if ya gave it to me. Well sure I would then, but then i would just tear it down. Amazing how people who go bankrupt and have to give up their house just wreck it!! Same goes for Short sales. people just dont do the upkeep,which I guess makes a bit of sense, since they can no longer afford it! BUT have read a few articles on the net and banks have gone after the (previous)owners to make up the difference in a short sale! 1 gal said she was surprised!! The bank (whoever has the mortgage) has to agree on the sales price, so she figured that was it! But she still had $60,000 on the mortgage, and she assumed the bank would just eat that, nope! They wanted that $60,000.

As with anything, when it comes to closing, READ IT ALL!!!!!! Don't just sign it, READ IT!!!! take your time and READ IT!!! Me, I'm lucky, I'm a dumb old guy and just sign away, BUT not my wife!! She reads everything, and I mean everything!! And I highly recommend you do that too and get the proper answers! otherwise you don't close, simple as that. 99% of the time closing goes well, but that 1% can really kick ur butt!!

And spend time going over that home inspection report!! Wish I had done that!! Our home inspector stated our complex has Polybutene pipes! he said it was no big deal (and so far it hasn't) BUT back in the early 90's there was HUGE lawsuits over this piping! If I had did a simple google search, I would have found that out!! And even though we enjoy it here, probably would not have bought!

I know i sound like doom/gloom all the time when it comes to housing, but it is a HUGE purchase and many just rush into it! No one,and I mean no one knows the right house for you, other than you!! A buyers Realtor still does not have ur true best interest at heart, she doesn't make any $$$$ until you buy a house! And a few times we have had to tell our realtor to back off in a very polite way,lol We told her up front, were not buying till Spring 2010 at the earliest (as my wife was and now is away till end of May) but she would try and get that buy buy jibe going,lol One has to remember who the boss is, and thats YOU!! The Realtor isn't going to be living there,nor making the payments! People get caught up in the excitement and don't do the research! TAKE UR TIME!!! lol And make sure you go knock on neighbors doors!! You would be surprised on what you find out. Not everyone is going to say they love the neighborhood!! Again using our situation as an example--my wife went and knocked on various neighbors in our condo complex ( I was in canada sipping tim hortons,lol) and many stated they were renters! THAT should have set off warning bells!! Luckily its very responsible renters! Just saying one really should take their time and do the research! If ya loose the house, oh well,their will be others. Many great home buying forums on the net, take advantage of them! Thats all,lol!!!!! Go Canada Go!! How about that Iginla!! 3 goals!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 18:19:00
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So we didn't get the fixer upper, an offer was put in yesterday and is now under contract... so we're putting an offer into the nice place.

This stuff happens so fast... I don't like it at all.

You move fast,lol We started to look 3 months ago, and now wife is away till end June, and will hardcore then! Just have to decide to rent out our condo or sell it. I'm a firm believer if ur wishy washy about the house it just isn't the 1, and move on! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 15:27:00
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It's no big deal, I either picture you yelling, or VERY excited!!!! :P

No, just sitting on my chair, chilling!! lol Now off to gym, then starbucks
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 12:34:00
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lol. Not sure why I use those !!!!!! all the time,lol Think it has just become a habit. I dont use them when writing school papers, not on other forums, just here,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 12:32:00
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having a house is not a "right" and I dont mean that in a bad way,lol Many in todays society are a "want now" bunch, they forget about saving $$$. Why wait?? I can just put it on my credit card and just pay the minimum! Oh lookeee the bank will give me $500,000 for a mortgage, but wait simple math/budget states I can't afford that, but who cares, buy that house anyways!! many people blame the banks for this fiasco and yes they are partly to blame, but come on, you know how much $$$$ you have coming in each month, you know how much your mortgage will be, so where is the confusion?? lol And yes there are other factors, but people just dont stop and think and the consequences!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 12:26:00
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well yeah, ski and cross country ski. that's how ya'll commute to work during the winter isn't it? :P

Damn some people are ignorant!! We use Sled dogs ty very much!!! lol :dance:
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-12 17:06:00
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I've only felt one earthquake and that was...hmmmmm when there was the one in Washington (or Oregon) a few years ago. Can't remember the year. Sometime in the late 90's I think. Came right up the Straight of Georgia. But it wasn't enough for me to realize what it was till I read it in the paper. Victoria would have felt it a lot stronger.

may have been the 1 I felt, as I felt 1 in the late 90's in Victoria!! Will take snow any day over that!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-11 18:04:00
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Awwww. I can totally relate. My wife and I have had a few spats lately...all over moving issues. She was moving the apartment all by herself, and while she acknowledges that it was her choice to move when she did, it didn't stop her from being snarky about all the work that had to be done by herself. I, of course, felt really bad about that, even though there's truly nothing I could have done. Didn't make for a happy week last week. Now she's almost fully moved, so everything is sunshine and roses again. :P

I hope her office is open tomorrow...I've got a box of chocolates set for delivery there!

if not just chg the addy to mine--i will be home,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-11 10:10:00