CanadaCanadian police checks..
POLICE CHECKS: http://www.visajourn...a#Police_Checks

Quite simple(and ur in Canada)--no criminal history = NO FINGERPRINTING!!!!

Tiem wise it varies from station to station--some you Stns give them out within minutes, some days some a week. Some charge a fee, some do not!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-04 11:50:00
CanadaSocial Security

Not yet, my husband works 6 days a week and the office is a ways away from where we are.
We have plans to try and go there in about two weeks, weather dependant of course.

lol--u have been here since August? 99.9999% chance it aint coming,lol Download the form, bring greencard and birth cert to local office. goodluck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-02 10:50:00
CanadaSocial Security
What type of visa did she come in on??? if it was a cr-1/ir-1 and she checked the box on the ds-230 theoretically it should arrive in her mailbox-BUT many times it dioes not!! If after 10-14 BUSINESS days no SSN card, then download the form at (just in case)head down to the local SSN office with passport/birth cert and inquire about its status
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-31 11:54:00
CanadaJob Interview
The techniques for job hunting has changed a lot! I know many places won't even accept a resume if ya walk into their hospital---Its--here is the website, apply that way! Which doesn't give one a happy, comfy feeling. Its a frustrating experience for many of us canucks that have to start back at zero!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-04 18:00:00
CanadaJob Interview
You will most likely find that yes some companies may be able to look into ur CDn credit rating--But they will NOT!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-04 15:52:00
CanadaJob Interview

I moved here on Tuesday, and was lucky enough to be hired yesterday! Only problem is though, I haven't received my SSN yet. I had my POE on the 15th, so is it likely I've been assigned a number and am just waiting on the card itself? If that's the case, can I call and get it somehow?

You can not call BUt you can goto the closest SSN office and check....(I'm assuming you checked the ssn box on the form ds 230????)

BUT (always buts,lol) They say to wait 10-14 business days before checking as it takes time to get you in the system! Yes amazingly things do not happen at light speed. If it were I--and I POE'd on the 15th--i would download the SSn form at Fill it out, take ur Cdn passport and birth certificate and head to the local office and check the status. If they do not see ya, hand out the already filled out SSN form (saves u time of going and filling it out there) and they will need the passport and biirth cert for ID purposes and that should be it!! I believe you can go back to the office the next day or two and they can verbally tell you the SSN # (wont give it over phone)

Thats the route I and many others have to go even though they checked off the box on the DS-230! Mine came in the mail 1 week later, but again that was back in 2005, but still appears to be the case in present day.

I'd get to the SSN office early and wait for it to open--they tend to be busy places!! good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-29 06:51:00
CanadaPolice Report

Do a search on police checks on VJ and you should get a zillion responses. Prob the #1 all time question asked in the CDN forum! The search engine isn't the greatest, but chances are if you tweak your question a bit, you can find the info. Spend some time at the TOP of the forum too--LOTS of info, especially with REVIEWS of the interviews!

And its in ur best interest to know how the process goes--so read the K1 guide. Seen too many lawyers screw things up! And for 99.99% of things one does not need a lawyer they don't speed up the process for you, many times slow things down! And yes--I did use a lawyer! had not found VJ back in 2004.

Police checks are good for 1 year. its very simple (as long as your currently living in Canada) NO criminal record = NO FINGER PRINTING

best of luck and welcome to VJ. As well the VISA process of has changed a bit in the last little while and ur lawyer may not be aware of some items, such as being able to book the inter view appt online and how the visa is mailed out to you. So take soem time and read the guides and scroll the pages here on the CDN forum. No 1 cares more about ur case then YOU.

welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-08 15:11:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
In some countries the USA citizen is highly encouraged to attend, BUT that is NOT the case for Montreal! My wife didnt attend. Yes they did ask and I stated she had to work! many USA citizens do not attend the interview in Canada! Its normally very quick interview, 10 min if ur lucky!. At the top you see REVIEWS: Embassy/USCIS & POE--click on that and in the pull down men--select canada--lot of reviews
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-08 18:18:00
CanadaPOE question

My jeep is in my dad's name..we're just gonna transfer ownership once the time comes..I'm gonna give my dad the money to make the car payment. I can still get a compliance letter..without having paid the car off. My dad will be on the hook for the It was a wedding present btw.

In your case Montreal Girl, since you're leaving the country...u gotta pay the ####### off. Different situation than mine.

Anyone can get the compliance letter, all one needs is the VIN #. Where people run into letters is getting the car registered in the USA with an outstanding loan (lien) back in Canada. Not all manufactures/banks will release the vehicle! Not exactly sure how it works as I sold my car prior to moving. I just know some have had problems
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-10 10:50:00
CanadaPOE question

I don't owe anything on it, I paid it off last year. But I called the dealership and had trouble finding someone who knew anything about a compliance letter. Finally someone called me this morning and said I needed to bring my car in for them to look at then they could do up a compliance letter. Luckily it's already there so they are going to do it up today I hope, just waiting to hear back from them.

1. you could have typed Compliance letter in the good old VJ search engine and you would have found the 1-800 # to call for al the car manufacturers

2. found here as well http://www.visajourn...igration-guide/

Usually all one has to do is call the 1-800 # give them the VIN and they mail or fax or email the letter. Some manufactures do it for free but some do Charge and some its a a fair bit. Nissan was free (back in 2004)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-10 10:47:00
CanadaI'm back! With a Passport Question for all you smart cookies
The rules have changed--your ticket has to exactly match ur ID. The name I go by--is different then my real first name! I go by my middle name,but now I have to ensure I book my tickets with my "real" first name!! Not a huge deal. But in the Ops questions as long as ur passport matches ur ticket, u should be good to go
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-11 16:15:00
CanadaUS entry by train?
Its not a route many use for their initial POE. You may have better luck phoning amtrak. It may be a case where you may have to go thru POE and then catch another train, as I do not imagine they are going to wait for you--sort of how it goes if you take the Bus
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-11 16:58:00
CanadaGet a job before Green Card?

+ and - of each visa type!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-09 22:11:00
CanadaGet a job before Green Card?
Yes one can get a job! What has happened to others---is that the company may just hold ur 1st paycheque until you get ur SSN #. Some get the SSN # right away. some do not!!

Even if you checked off the box on the DS-230--many times the SSN does NOT arrive. They recommend you wait approx 10-14 BUSINESS days after you POE and if no SSN card---then simply download the form from take ur passport and birth certificate (or green card if it luckily has arrived) and goto ur local SSN office and inquire about its status. Most likely one has not been issued--THEN WHAMMMOO--you pass over your already filled out form and ur passport and birth cert. Should arrive 1-2 weeks later in mail! I do believ you can go back in person the next day or so and they can verbally tell you the #. i was told they can not tell you the # over the phone

You dont have to download the form ahead of time---just trying to save you time at the SSN office, thats all
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-09 15:31:00
CanadaUS citizen wanting to move to Canada

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-12 21:29:00
Yep, no EAd for you as the CR-1//IR-1 already has work authorization, so you can work right away. if after 10-14 Business days (ya can go earlier, to check, but thats what they recommend) no SSn (this happens a lot--even if you checked the box) Download the SSn form at bring ur passport and birth cert and head to ur local SSN office and make an inquiry! If they have it in the system cool---If not, hand over that already filled out SSN form! Or you can just get a form at the office--just saving you the time/hassle of doing it at the office
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-14 09:29:00
CanadaPacking it up and taking it across the border
You can bring over $10,000--you have to declare it though. You do not declare it and they find it, then they can confiscate it. Was a story regarding this awhile ago on Cnn. A guy was going back to a central American country with more than $10,000 and didnt declare it--so it was confiscated.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-14 06:17:00
CanadaPacking it up and taking it across the border
I'll be back in stoon in May/June, can't wait!! Don't forget about the REVIEWS at the top of the page--those include POE's as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 19:39:00
CanadaPacking it up and taking it across the border
Where in Sk are u from??? PA myself
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 19:04:00
CanadaCustom house with no CDN Bank account
I kept open my Presidents choice account--no fees at all! BUT if one is no longer living in Canada,they want you to close the account! So I just use my parents addy and keep a tiny sum of $$ (under $1) in it!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-14 13:05:00
Canadacustoms paperwork
Probably a former USCIS worker getting the last jab in at ya,lol They love their extra paperwork,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-14 06:18:00
Canadacustoms paperwork
I doubt anybody is going to look!! But why chance it, it its what they want, so be it!! Better to do in the comforts of ur house!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 20:35:00
Canadacustoms paperwork

Thats because you crossed WITH your items, if you don't then you have a lot more ####### to fill out and do.

Yes I realized that! Just stating its very much overkill--Not on the Ops part, but what is required
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 20:09:00
Canadacustoms paperwork
Thats crazy--country of origin!! When I crossed into Maine with my U-haul truck--the Customs guys barley even looked at my paperwork-- I had like 3 headings--item, srl # if applicable and approx cost--and he was more interested in playing his solitaire game on his computer,lol Never even looked in my Uhaul truck!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 20:00:00
Canadainterview completed, visa approved
Dont forget about the REVIEWS section up top--lots of Mtl reviews
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-15 10:02:00
Canadainterview completed, visa approved
I stayed there back in 2004! It surely was not a modern room. Was clean, had the fridge for my beer, so i was happy! The room itself was stuck inthe 70/80's,lol! if my wife had been there, would have preferred something a bit more modern, but for me--Tv for hockey, fridge for beer, good to go!! As well a few yrsd back there was a bed bug incident, but really, it happens to them all, even 5 star hotels! happenes everywhere! Has even happened just this week at the cdn winter game in Halifax at the athletes village!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-14 16:46:00
Canadainterview completed, visa approved

Congratulations on the approval and thanks for helping people like us, with interviews coming up in near future, feel more relaxed about the interview. Was teh hotel you stayed in reasonably priced? Does it have a shuttle bus from the airport?

MTL Hotel reviews: http://www.visajourn...views-montreal/
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-14 11:46:00

At the top of the page, you will see REVIEWS--click on that--THEN in CONSULATE reviews, scrol down to Canada! Then look for vancouver reviews. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-16 19:19:00
CanadaVisa Pickup on Weekends

Here is the advice 1 VJ member had about contacting the supervisor


And keep in mind-that the USA citizen does NOT have to attend the interview. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-17 12:39:00
CanadaVisa Pickup on Weekends
Get the letter from the DR explaining the situation and they can issue it the same day! No gaurantee, but hopefully the DR letter helps. if it were I, I would email the consulate (may take several emails, Ur case # in subject line) and give mtl a heads up!

As well someone else posted a way of contacting the MRT supervisor directly, so you could poke around for that post. maybe even get the interview moved up?? Doesnt hurt to try
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-17 10:30:00
CanadaNaturalization - Thoughts as a Canadian?
We all know what warlord is talking about as this same topic comes up very often here in the Cdn forum! here is how you can renounce ur cdn citizenship

Quite simply--your not going to loose it by becoming a USA citizen!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-18 15:49:00
CanadaNaturalization - Thoughts as a Canadian?
When people ask me what citizenship I have--i just say Canadian,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-18 06:17:00
CanadaNaturalization - Thoughts as a Canadian?
Like Inky stated, download the cards and questions--they ask the 10 questions from the list, so there are no surprise!! As well one has to write out a sentence,lol Mine was "I drink too much coffee."

OR Just google naturalization test and the link will come up!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-17 20:36:00
CanadaNaturalization - Thoughts as a Canadian?
You can have dual! In Canada's eyes your Cdn and a USA citizen. IN uncle sams eyes, your just an American citizen!

lawyer?? hell no, Naturalization was much much easier than what the CR-1 process was and had VJ. Whole forum on VJ for Naturalization.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-17 19:53:00
CanadaCrocs in Canada VS Crocs in the US (medical settings)
Both my younger, better looking, smarter sisters are RN's back in Canada as well and I believe Crocs are not allowed there as well--even the ones without the holes! Many just have that plastic 'back" support which easily falls down, so the shoes do not stay on that well (so I have been told???????)

Most people at the hospital i work at wear regular running shoes, some wear those shape ups,some wear what almost looks like clogs!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-18 15:52:00
CanadaCrocs in Canada VS Crocs in the US (medical settings)
I know many (human) hospitals have banned some of the crocs, as some models of holes in them, which isn't allowed. I dont recall seeing anyone on our unit wear them either
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-18 06:20:00
CanadaUS citizen moving to Canada question
Yep go on back!! Your still a Canadian Citizen and you will keep ur USA citizenship! Don't forget to do ur USA taxes--luckily their is a USA/CDN tax treaty so you should not get double taxed.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-20 14:18:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Plus no State tax!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-20 07:43:00
CanadaAny AOS from TN?
Message warlord
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-21 16:10:00

You need a complaince letter from chryler: Phone# (scroll down)

You have up to 10 yrs to move ur goods down! Soem use a U-haul truck--soem have used U-pack, some have used a major moving company, and soem have mailed it

LOTS of info here regarding MOVING to the USA: http://www.visajourn...igration-guide/
Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-22 03:00:00