Canadak1visa-aos anyone in maine from canada yep do it right away!! Don't wait
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-23 17:18:00
Canadadaughter born in US Now what?

Hi guys,

i understand my daughter is US citizen, i don't need to do anything, she has already recevived most of her documents. What I wanted to say was what do i need to do to get her ctizenship, sin#m, passport in canada. Since i am Canadian. thanks for the links. i will check it out now. the link doesnt work thanks

The links i posted work and they are for the Cdn side of things
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-24 06:37:00
Canadadaughter born in US Now what?`

That link isn't working. All info required is in my last thread--it combines a few posts. neiks provided good info
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-23 10:13:00
Canadadaughter born in US Now what?
Check here: http://www.visajourn...dn-citizenship/
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-23 09:23:00
Canadatips on visit during k1 process

ANd do a search on VJ. this is probably the #1 asked questions for Canadians! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-20 20:56:00
CanadaBanking system CDN vs. USA
There are NO fees at customhouse if you EFT (electronically file) they make their $$$ off the exchange rate. I can't recall the exact terminology---but the "posted" exchange rate is "that" and what CH gives u is a tad less---they make their money on the difference! In the past I have found CH to have better rates than the banks! If your just transferring small amounts of $$$$, not a big deal! start transferring thousands of $$$, it makes a big deal!! I just like it for the convenience of transferrign $$ to my Cdn acct when I visit--and $$$ back to my USA acct!

I'm niot exactly sure how it goes as I sold my car prior to moving, but if you have a lien against it in Canada (not paid off) soemtimes one can not register it in the usa,thus get insurance. I'm sure others will chip in!~

lol----oh Krikit! lol Its not a huge pain inthe butt to sign up--at leat it wasnt back in 2005. Wel it isnt if you have a scanner. If you dont have a scanner--ya then it would be a pain!

And I have to agree with krikit, I think now since Western Union has taken over--the exchange rate has gone more into their favor!

But it is free to set up and nice to have it ready to go just in case you need to use it, but always best to check the rates out

Edited by Flames9_RN, 25 January 2011 - 10:22 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-25 10:19:00
CanadaHow and when to request passport same day as interview.
You do not need a passport to travel within canada
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-10 15:08:00
CanadaHow and when to request passport same day as interview.

You could email mtl with ur case # in subject line--they may or may not answer (probably not). And at interview again explain the situation! You may have to decide to chance it and hope they mail the passport and visa to you in time, OR she keeps her cdn passport, goes to India, returns to Canada, THEN mails the passport back to Montreal Consulate and waits for them to return it with the visa! BUT do ask, and politely state your situation, others have been successful! If you have Proof of going to India (plane tickets) i would bring that! I'm sure they have many people that say they need the visa right away, if ya catch my drift,lol if you have proof, the "may" be more likely to grant ur wish!! good luck

And there have been a few people get the visa the same day!! At 1 time thats how it used to be! then new procedures came along, in 2005/2006.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-09 21:47:00
CanadaHow and when to request passport same day as interview.
You could email mtl with ur case # in subject line--they may or may not answer (probably not). And at interview again explain the situation! You may have to decide to chance it and hope they mail the passport and visa to you in time, OR she keeps her cdn passport, goes to India, returns to Canada, THEN mails the passport back to Montreal Consulate and waits for them to return it with the visa! BUT do ask, and politely state your situation, others have been successful! If you have Proof of going to India (plane tickets) i would bring that! I'm sure they have many people that say they need the visa right away, if ya catch my drift,lol if you have proof, the "may" be more likely to grant ur wish!! good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-09 21:44:00
and it takes anywhere from a few days to maybe close to a week and half to get the visa in the mail!! Thats why they recommend one don't make nay plans until u get the pkg in ur hands--or have refundable plane tickets!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-26 11:17:00

Well He will get a temporary Green card right then and there right???

Will that allow him to cross over the border with me to go back to Rochester that day?

no he will not get a "temp green car" then!! The Temporary green card--which is the I-551--is the stamp(visa) in is passport! Which they 99% of the time mail out!!

One can ask, and explain the situation---BUT they dont always, nor do they have to issue the visa that day or next! SO be prepared. No passport = no moving to the USA. Just another frustration!! And they do not always mail out the Passport and package right away! I guess DHL now handles the package---but again, it all coems down to how fast Mtl sends out the package!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-26 11:03:00

Oh no..this is not good!! My husband and I are planning on driving up to Montreal for the interview (I live in Rochester, NY) and he is only across the border from me so he comes to see me every weekend. If we plan on leaving from Rochester together that means HE won't be able to cross back over the border with me when we return???? This is NOT good! Is there any way around it???

so u dont have a visa yet--ur not living there--ur visiting,lol You can ASK for the visa that day or next--explain the situation---and they may or may not grant it!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-26 10:23:00
CanadaMilitary record question
15 yrs of service here---I asked around for a document and everyone I asked was clueless! I just wrote up a letter, and then Ihad it signed by my commanding officer--was Air force, too easy to walk in ,lol. As well what i did was printed out my UER (unit employment record) and sent that in. Worked for me. BUT make sure you are discharged before the interview----I had no problem (my official release date wasn't till after the interview--but they didnt ask,lol) BUT 1 VJ member did have a problem--they would not issue him the visa until he was out!! So had to mail his passport back in! Just saying! I'm sure your UER would suffice.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-26 17:20:00

Do you know if I will be allowed to accompany her to the inevitable secondary interview?

Thanks for the replies and the advice is greatly appreciated.

Hard to say--they may separate you to see if your stories are the same
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-26 13:36:00
One can travel to the USA during the k1, cr-1 process BUT its up to the POE discretion--simple as that!! many do not have any trouble, but like you--some do!! One should ALWAYS have evidence with you that you are returning to Canada! (bills, letter from employer, lease) The onus is on YOU to prove that! Lot of the time the POE dude doesn't even ask for the evidence, but 1 should always be rdy to provide it if asked! And now that ur flagged in the system, ensure you have it with ya. And be prepared to be turned back again! And yes there have been others that have been flagged and then had a successful entry! just be prepared every-time u travel. And 1 can have the best evidence in the world that your returning to Canada, and the POE officer can still deny you entry!! I personally traveled monthly to DC during my CR-1 process, never had 1 problem--i did whats written below in my signature!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-26 13:23:00
Been a fair # of canada tax threads, i'm sure if you play with the search feature, you will have some luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-27 15:28:00
CanadaCan I travel to the US during the process?
http://www.visajourn...e-to-secondary/ same response!

And do a search on VJ---its prob the #1 question asked in the Cdn forum. good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-26 14:49:00
CanadaI-130 accepted in Toronto 2.5 months ago, haven't heard from Montreal?
Yes other Americans have! And some have had success while others not. All 1 can do is try. It should be a very easy call for a congress person to make to get some answers. Squeeky wheel gets the grease!! Try putting something catchy in ur email heading to Montreal! make it very obvious to what you want and keep emailing
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-01 13:44:00
CanadaI-130 accepted in Toronto 2.5 months ago, haven't heard from Montreal?
I'm assuming you are DCF'ing. You could email Toronto and and Montreal, more than likely they may know nothing, but doesnt hurt to try! Quite often you have to email them numerous time to get a reply. Can also check out the DCF forum on VJ--maybe they have better ideas
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-31 15:02:00
CanadaPlz Help me ...

Sorry Flames, it was 5:50am after all! Imitation is the highest form of flattery

I don't care, just laughing!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-01 13:44:00
CanadaPlz Help me ...

POE review for Vancouver

Good luck

holy moly--its the exact same post I provided! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-01 09:25:00
CanadaPlz Help me ...
You will clear Customs in Vancouver. So arrive early!!

Vancouver YVR reviews http://www.visajourn...ouver&dfilter=0
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-31 06:18:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England
Maybe something else will come up! were off this Summer and can't wait. Soooo many other beautiful parts of the world to experience.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-03 13:29:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England
I'm sure you won't regret it!! You would probably regret it more if you didn't go!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-30 08:49:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England
Go for it!! Were soon departing the USA (not going to Canada) and can't wait to leave!! I'm sure you will have a blast! And if it doesn't work out, its only for a short period. Some places (used to at least) have the citizenship interview and oath the same day. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-29 15:19:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship

Yeah I just checked the naturalization guide, and normally I would need: 3 years of continuous residence with no trips outside the U.S. for longer than 6 months/physical presence 18 mos, plus the other standard requirements. Unless he was being deployed abroad for 1+ years, and I was able to join him.. then things would change. He'll likely be going to Japan in the next few years, but I have no clue if I'd be able to tag along.

you should be able to if he is posted there
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-03 14:16:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship

Thanks for the insight guys. I'm definitely planning on keeping some of Canadian heritage alive :lol:

Can I apply for a U.S. passport once I have my green card, or do I wait for naturalization? Because my spouse is in the U.S. Military there's no amount of days I need to stay in the U.S. to qualify (from what I read off gov't websites - I forget which at the moment) so I would like the ability to travel asap once I'm there (grandparents getting old, and an aunt was recently diagnosed with cancer and lupus :( )

have to be a USA citizen to get a USA passport. Yiou can travel on ur greencard---and if ur Military spouse gets posted abroad its counts as if ur in the USA. Not exactly how that works--but it has happened to many
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-03 13:55:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship

Perfect, thank you!

I think no matter what I would keep renewing my Canadian passport. Never know what could happen in the future... also, you know, sentiment :lol:

They have made it easier to renew ur passport from abroad--that is if you dont let it expire!! Some countries its probably better to use ur cdn passport for entry--ie if u wanna goto cuba,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-03 13:13:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship
You do NOT have to have two passports. You MAY have two passports. When you go back to canada, you can use or CDN oR USA passport! BUT when you come back to the USA--you have to use the USA passport!

You are still a Canadian Citizen--your just NOT a Canadian Resident (until you decide to move back to Canada later down the road)

Quite simply--Canada sees you as a Canadian citizen and a USA citizen.......... BUT good old USA sees you ONLY as a USA citizen

Some do not bother renewing their Cdn passport because of the extra expense. I still have mine and will continue to do so.

As well--when you do naturalize to become a USA citizen, you get a certificate--this Certificate DOES NOT act as a passport and CAN NOT use it to gain entry into the USA.

To loose your CDN Citizenship--one actually has t file paperwork with ther govt of canada and it costs $$$--so even though when you naturalize and in the oath you say you denounce other citizenships, it truly doesn't mean anything! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-03 13:04:00
Canadavancouver vs montreal

Thanks :) I am so clueless about this process. For some reason I thought the visa would be processed the next day which might mean I most likely would be in Montreal still. but thanks for clearing it up!!!

Yrs ago one could pick it up the same day in mtl--then changed to next day, then changed to mailing it out via expresspost and NOW DHL is in the ball game!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-01 15:54:00
Canadavancouver vs montreal
Another option that same do is do the medical the day before and then head to the interview----Get medical stuff mailed to you--then you mail the medical package to the consulate. Problem with that route is that they won't issue you the visa until they get the medical package which can add on considerable amount of time, but cuts down on ur travel costs.

You will real on here that Montreal is slow at everything!! And I mean everything! Even mailing out the visa they are slow,lol If you can, stay at vancouver!! And of course you have to figure about going to the USA and coming back to Canada for the wedding. As Inky mentioned the K1 is a ONE time use! Once ur in the USA you cannot leave--and that includes canada until you get AP or the greencard!! Problem isn't leaving the USA--the problem is coming back into the USA.

There used to be a k1 timeline (I think) that sort of gave one an idea how long the process was taking.

Vancouver medical clinic



I believe many have a betetr experience in Vancouver---as 1 can dothe medical and interview the same day! As the op said in that 1 link--get their super early!!!



Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-31 06:16:00
Canadavancouver vs montreal
At 1 time their used to be almost that--a Dr in each province that could handle the medical, but that changed a few yrs back.

I will let others chirp in about the medical--as their are different ways one can attack that. At the top you will see--REVIEWS:EMBASSY/USCIS & POE--Select CANADA from the pul down menu--then click on FIND ENTRIES----I bet if you look on there you will see how people handled the medical! Plus one can use thr VJ seatch feature--type in montreal medical--vancouver medical or Toronto medical--as those are the only 3 cities that do MEDICALS

As well--give this a read: http://www.visajourn...ndex.php/Canada
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-30 19:55:00
Canadavancouver vs montreal
if you were to Poll Cdn k1 members--vast majority would want to got Vancouver as I believe it is much fast process to get to the interview!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-30 18:17:00
CanadaI 130 Interview Questions
At the TOP of the page you will see Reviews: Embassy/USCIS & POE------click on that!! In the pulld own window for consulate select CANADA!! then read the reviews on MONTREAL cr-1!!

OR in ther VJ search engine--type in montreal interview, Montreal cr-1, etc--you should get plenty of hits!

Normally very quick and dirty!! 10 min if ur lucky! How u met?? what are u plans for employment in the USA? what ur spouse does for work in the USA?

Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-04 18:04:00
CanadaVancouver Medical-
use the search engine here on VJ! Should find a lot
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-04 15:37:00
CanadaFellow Canucks WATCH THIS
Could be because they are better staffed!! Mtl is probably not a hot spot where many Staff want to work at! One gets much better $$$$ working in other countries, which probably makes them more desirable!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-06 11:15:00
CanadaFellow Canucks WATCH THIS
There is fraud everywhere, I'm sure it happens a lot to VJ members. Not to many people are going to post if they got hooped!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-02 15:50:00
CanadaTravel to Montreal from Toronto
city bus:


I did the shuttle back in 2004 frm Airport to downtown area! Was excellent! You take the bus from airport to train station---Then u get in a smaller bus that takes you to the hotel (thats included in price) And its just the reverse on the way back! Too easy!

Welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-06 22:28:00
CanadaCanadian police checks..

Yep, I simply walked in and asked for a record check. I filled out a form, he did a search on my name, signed off that there were no records found with my name/birth date, and sealed it with the official seal and that was it. Took maybe ten minutes.

See my above post--great link and it VARIES from station to station. But normally the easiest piece of paperwork to obtain, some hand them out on the spot, some take much longer
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-04 17:32:00
CanadaCanadian police checks..
POLICE CHECKS: http://www.visajourn...a#Police_Checks

Quite simple(and ur in Canada)--no criminal history = NO FINGERPRINTING!!!!

Tiem wise it varies from station to station--some you Stns give them out within minutes, some days some a week. Some charge a fee, some do not!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-04 11:50:00