CanadaLawyer for CR1?
Others have been denied and they had no problems getting their relationship visa--just tell the truth!! Lie and it wont be a simple denial, could be a BAN, then ur in a huge mess!! NEVER LIE!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-06 15:53:00
CanadaLawyer for CR1?
You soon learn 1 thing when it comes to being allowed into the USA--the POE officer, a lot of it comes down to that 1 person!! You could have 100% concrete eveidence that one is going to return to canada--and u could still be denied entry!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-06 11:28:00
CanadaLawyer for CR1?
We used a laywer-BEFORE we found VJ!! Huge waste of $$$$$$, Think it was $2000 plus filings. Really all they are in straight forward cases are $$$$$ proof readers. YOU collect all the info, required documents (long form birth cert, police background checks, divorce records, etc etc etc) Take the time, read the GUIDES ON VJ and ask questions!! BUT READ THE GUIDES!!!! It gives you step by step instructions! No 1 cares more about ur case than YOU!! Welcome to VJ and good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-05 21:59:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Mail delivery in Saskatoon (at least in my parents neighborhood) is contracted out. They found out the contractor was stealing the mail!!! They would take the cards that looked like bday cards, or nay type of mail that appeared to have $$$$, gift cards in it!!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-15 13:50:00
Canada2 Crossing border questions.
Yep, ensure the CDN has good evidence of ties to Canada that is proving that he is returning to Canada. What it all boils down to is the POE officer. 1 can have the best ties in the world, and still be denied entry!! So ensure 1 has a back up plan!! And be polite and respectful, ur not going to win,lol best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-15 13:38:00
CanadaAny Suggestions on Hotels? hotel review
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-14 14:02:00
CanadaPolice Clearance (Part 2)
I dont think anyone on this thread stated that EVERYONE has to get Fingerprinted???

Better to get them done now then wait the RCMP can take awhile to get the finished product. At 1 time it was close to 4 months, but no clue now a days. I believe their used to be another company that did them, and they were much quicker, maybe have been the Commsionaires???

Guess it all boils down to what the offenses were, what you put down on the forms, as I recall one one or more of the forms it asks about your criminal history. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-23 10:51:00
CanadaCrossing into the States while waiting for my Fiance Visa
Answer to #1 is thats its up to the POE officer. Most have no problems at all, ensure u have ties to canada-------proof of ur interview would be super---but it is all up to the POE officer. This same question has been asked 1000's of times here on VJ, so a simple search should find you many results, but no 1 is going to say 100% for sure you will gain entry. Best of luck. Cheers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-24 19:46:00
CanadaWorking in Canada while waiting for US greencard?
one can always go earlier--but they recommend one goes to the SSN office 10-14 BUSINESS days after POE. Takes awhile to get everything in the system. Once u goto the office, they can tell you yes, thier is a # or not--in that case u reapply--download the form and fill it out and have ID with u, birth certificate, birth certificate. They wont give u the # over the phone, but I do believe one can go back to the office the next day after applying and they can tell you the #, but not sure on that.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-26 09:09:00
CanadaWorking in Canada while waiting for US greencard?
Just be prepared for the SSN NOT to arrive--even though u checked off the box on the DC230 form!! For many, they have to goto the local SSN office and re-apply and then a week later it should arrive.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-26 08:05:00
Sure some hockey players will go to winnipeg for the $$$$$, but will the elite players go. Don't see any of the elite players going to Edmonton. I have spent a fair bit of time in Winnipeg during my Army and Air Force days and well I don't have many great things to say about it,lol Will leave it at that. Sure it isnt a bad city, but not a great one and the winters are harsh, and then the mosquitos/black flies eat u up in the spring/summer.

Short term it may be a success, longer term it will be interesting
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-01 11:14:00
Will see how it pans out long term! I'm sure they will do very well attendance wise for the first few yrs. And how many players want to goto Winnipeg?? Not many! Look at how players avoid the Oilers and they have a Stanley cup past!! Already been players on record saying they wont goto Winnipeg. How true that is, hard to say. Show them the $$$$, may change their mind. I'm up here in Saskatoon visiting the folks and thats all thats on the radio is jets, jets, jets!! you can see how many season tickets they sell--go on sale this afternoon
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-01 10:58:00
CanadaCanadian RRSP, etc
You must report your RRSP's to the IRS at tax time--done by form 8891

As well you have to notify whoever is handling ur RRSP's in Canada that ur no longer a CDn resident--they send you a form to fill out, can't recall what the form is called. I can't recall if you can keep adding to ur RRSP's or not, some of those rules have chnaged.

Keep in mind, the IRS wont tax you on ur RRSP's in Canada if u leave them alone--form 8891 is just telling them u have them. But I have been told (no clue if its true) that some States may tax you on the RRSP, even if u dont touch them.

A fairly good tax site is if you do a search, you should find a lot of info there! At 1 time, the fellow that answered about 90% of the questions--Agnelsona--appears to be very knowledgeable, but get a bit grumpy if you ask a question that has been asked many times,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-01 09:32:00
CanadaGirlfriend denied at POE. Canada to US
Its not a "rule" that one has to show evidence of returning to Canada-- BUT its up to YOU-- if asked to groove that you will be returning to Canada. The POE officer doesn't have to grant you entry to the USA, its that plain and simple--even with the best evidence that ur returning. I was never asked for evidence, but had it with me.

Over the years their have been many stories here on VJ where the person felt they were going to be denied entry on their way to visit in the USA, but they had proof of ties to Canada.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 14:24:00
CanadaGirlfriend denied at POE. Canada to US
I used to go down for just 3 days from Halifax to DC!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 10:52:00
CanadaGirlfriend denied at POE. Canada to US
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 10:12:00
CanadaGirlfriend denied at POE. Canada to US
Much of it is common sense,lol--drive down with a car load of stuff, chances your going to have a rough time gaining entry. Us the term "Live" is going to make it harder,lol--ur VISITING! If the POE guard figures your going to Live there, good chances ur going to be denied! Its not always clear and cut. Many of us have no problems while others do. I traveled monthly to DC from Halifax and not a single hiccup. Always traveled light, even if i was going for 3 weeks and followed whats in my signature. cheers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-13 09:25:00
CanadaGirlfriend denied at POE. Canada to US
Yep, as others have stated, wil more than likely a tad bit harder to gan entry into the USA--not impossible, just harder! As others have mentioned one required concrete evidence that 1 is going to return to Canada--more so if one has a bf/gf or spouse they are visiting in the USA. Evidence includes return airfare, letter from employer, lease agreement, etc etc. AND even if 1 has the best proof in the world, it does NOT gaurantee one entry into the USA--quite simply--you as a visitor have no right to step foot in the USA. What it basically comes down to is the POE officer. As well as how you handle urself---you as the visitor give them even a slight bit of attitude, including body posturing, guess what, for sure your going to loose!!! Your never going to win an argument,lol They can either just turn you around, OR truly make ur life miserable and give you a BAN!! Then your life is even more complicated as your goin gto get to the interview on Montreal like everyone else will, BUT instead of giving ur visa like the rest, your handing over a waiver request! And you thought the process was slow up to this point, well, it most likely gets even slower! just saying.

My free (worthless,lol) advice is down below in my signature. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-12 14:29:00
CanadaCanada Post
Was just reported on the radio, Govt made another offer to canada post employees, no comment from employees yet, but if no deal by 2359, they will start LOCALIZED 24 hr strikes, starting in Winnipeg, so not nationally at first.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-02 18:36:00
CanadaCanada Post
CBC radio reported that talks are ongoing, but it does not look good for it to be settled by 2359 tonight and very good chance they will strike!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-02 11:06:00
CanadaCanada Post
I know in Stoon--the mail delivery is contracted out! Was last yr or the yr before they caught the person that delivers mail to my folks area--stealing mail!!!! They no longer do house to house delivery, just drop it off in those group mail boxes, not a very demanding job,lol And with how technology is going, no real need for their services!! 99% of the mail is junk!!! I get al my bills online, pay online! Only mail I get that is "real" is my magazines, and of course, one can read most of them online!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-01 11:07:00
CanadaCanada Post
Hard to say if they will strike or not!! Canada post sucks, and they need to wake up!! Most of the news here in Sask is about the teachers striking, soem health care unions striking, not so much on Canada post. But what I have heard, it sounds very likely they will. I would send it via fedex or UPS
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-01 10:46:00
CanadaCanada Post
I read yesterday in the Stoon paper, that they plan on going on strike at 2359 Thursday night! They said too that inthe past they have come to an agreement at the last minute, but its not looking good for that this time around!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-01 10:33:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
craigslist has a volunteer section as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-04-13 15:21:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
I'll get rid of the wife before I get rid of my dog,lol Even thought the damn dog prefers her,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-04-13 13:36:00
Canadavisiting US while CR1
No, 1 can stay for 6 months and go out of the USA and turn around and go back in to the USA!! What are the chances that would happen, probably not good. As well if your out of Canada for more than 6 months, one can loose their health benefits if the Cdn govt found out, ur no longer actualy residing in Canada.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-10 06:35:00
Canadavisiting US while CR1
A cdn as you now can stay for up to 6 months in the USA--al lup to POE officer. 1 could stay for 6 months, head back to Canada and tyhen return to the USA and stay again for another 6 months--again up to the POE officer. Now if 1 went that route, not a good chance the POE officer would approve it!!

Good luck with the immigration lawyer, for the most part they are a waste of $$$$$$. Do not hire one to do a simple CR-1 visa!! You can find everything you need on VJ! We hired a lawyer--had not found VJ---Think she charged us $2000 and we had to pay for the filings! All they really are just $$$$$$ proof readers. YOU have to get all the required certificate (long form birth cert, police check etc etc) and provider them al the information! They truly do not do much and they do not speed up the process or know short cuts!! Yes in some cases in more difficult cases they can be handy. And some offer a free 15 min interview or a flat rate for 30 min.

I visited monthly during the process. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-09 11:09:00
CanadaCR-1 Visa Stamped but entering US without activing Greencard

There was a VJer that had there visa activated in March and didn't move until June when her kids were finished school. I also activated my visa on a visit and moved at a later date and had no issues.

true, but he is attempting to wait to "activate" it until he reaches his 2 yr marriage date, thus get a 10 yr greencard!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-10 17:04:00
CanadaCR-1 Visa Stamped but entering US without activing Greencard

What if I forgot to bring the sealed package? They either have to send me home or let me in as a regular visiting Canadian I would assume. Note that I have been able to cross many times while married to my USC wife, have a high salaried job, etc, and haven't otherwise ever had any issues with CBP.

They will most likely see the "visa" in ur passport has it takes up a full page. Its up to the POE officer, no 1 on here can say you will be ok. More than likely you will be fine, but be prepared.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-09 20:35:00
CanadaCR-1 Visa Stamped but entering US without activing Greencard
Others have done it successfully, BUT it comes down to 1 thing---the POE officer, simple as that.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-09 17:55:00
CanadaFinally - citizen interview in July

oh ya, for my oath ceremony, my ceremony started at 0900, and I was out of the building at 1035. I arrived at 0830.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-12 07:52:00
CanadaFinally - citizen interview in July

Well finally I have a citizenship interview in Fairfax on July 13th! About freaking time since earlier timelines indicated I would probably be done back in May.

I am crossing my fingers that I will have a same day oath, but my interview is at 1:40 pm...hoping I don't have to waste a 2nd day off work to come back for it :angry:

Hey Flames - what time are OATH ceremonies, do you recall?

Oath ceremonies go all day!! But I was told back in 2008 that if u had a later afternoon interview, chance you may not have the oath the same day. Hopefully I am incorrect. When I had my interview---I think I had a morning appt and would have had it the same day, BUT for some strange reason, something was missing (no clue what) so my oath was like a month later.

The building is right across from the ORANGE metro stm Dun Loring! When you walk out of the metro stn, it at like your 2 o'clock position, and u can cut across the metro parking lot! They do have parking their, was a flat rate of $5 and best to have the correct change!! Easiest to just metro

Bring a book to read. I had to wait awhile, they sure were not running on time that day!! Very basic questions, all the "test" questions came from what they said they would, no surprises their. Very easy process. Congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-12 07:47:00
CanadaRenting to move you can get a quote online---the quote I got online was the exact same quote I got at the store! I used them and had no problems! ENSURE you go over the truck BEFORE you accept it!!! Check all the fluid levels. And check the tire pressure--they get crappy gas mpg, so every bit helps!! I would have more than enough miles0--but I made a detour to RI--but they were nice enough not to charge me any extra! Uhaul is pretty much ur only option for a truckj rental company!! I know some that live close to the border--the US spouse rents a truck on the US side and brings it to canada. Back in 2004 from Greenwood NS to DC was around $800. But the price varies and not always distance matters, other factors too, but you can get a quote online. I averaged like 70 mph and got like 12 mpg with it,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-14 08:26:00
CanadaCanadian 180 days exceptions
Well technically the calendar does not reset. 1 could spend 6 months in the USA, step back in Canada for a day, then head back to the USA--of course with POE officer approval! Since he was fingerprinted, as others have said, most likely he is flagged and most likely going to have an more difficult time getting into the USA--again, it all depends on?? Yep the POE officer!! Ensure he has strong ties to Canada, but if a diligent POE officer looks at ur past and you have already been spending a lot of time in the USA, well he may deny you entry, OR another POE officer may look at it--he comes stays a long time, but he leaves,lol Again, all up to the POE officer! And keep in mind, if 1 Cdn is staying outside for longer than 6 months, he/she may loose their health care coverage! have aplan in case he does get denied! and NEVER lie!!! Only answer what they ask--but never LIE!!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-13 16:52:00
CanadaGame 7

we could takes bets - probably more likely to happen to Winnipeg first before Toronto gets it :P

When I was back in Saskatoon, thats all that was on the radio--Winnipeg getting the Thrashers!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-15 07:28:00
CanadaGame 7

Point of view from the sport columnist in The Toronto Star.

Neither team deserves the cup.

A little bit of my Canadian home trivia. If Boston wins, the cup will come to Welland; both Dan Paille (Welland born) and Nathan Horton (pride of Dunnville Posted Image) played minor hockey in Welland.

If Vancouver wins it will visit just down the QEW in Grimsby where Kevin Bieksa hails from.

Maybe some year Toronto will get back a NHL team!! It could happen--NHL is back in Winnipeg!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-14 20:58:00
CanadaGame 7
I just wanted good hockey---but have found the Canucks to be a classless team and ya Bruins have done a few things too!! Cheering more for the Bruins!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-14 13:42:00
CanadaGame 7
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-14 11:26:00
CanadaCanuck Riots
yep, for the most part it was people who were not involved in the hockey game, just an excuse to be morons!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-16 14:42:00
CanadaCanuck Riots
Win or loose those morons were going to Riot. Its pretty sad!! Lot of people were taking pics/videos, so hopefully they send them in to to the police
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-16 13:14:00