CanadaCanadians and different ways of thinking in the US
I honestly don't think I would be happy living in a big Cdn city!! And here I am in the Washington DC area,lol I find most smaller cities/towns to be a much more relaxed, and that shows in how people interact with others!! My wife knew I wasn't happy here and she has the importunity to travel so we are off to another country this August(Not Canada, and won't say,lol) Life is an adventure. 1 of my co-workers is always saying Texas, this, Texas that, she loves it and misses it a lot!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-18 07:11:00
CanadaImmigrating TO Canada

I was wondering if there are any good forums like this one that has info on the procedure of immigrating TO Canada. My husband and I are thinking of moving back there but he now has to become a resident of Canada...

Thanks for any help.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-12-10 18:25:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!!!!!

Cheers!!! Enjoy your visit with your wife.. What a great way to celebrate!!! :thumbs:

lol, She has been away for work for awhile. I drove up to Newport on Monday.Told her there was no way I was driving from VA to Ri on the long weekend!! So she is flying up her tonight. Stay for a week, then drive back together to VA.

Just back from the LB, got me some Molson Cdn XXX! lol Good times!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-01 09:17:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!!!!!
Spending it here in Ri, will have to go and get me some Cdn beer,lol I guess my big pressy is get to see my wife for the 1s time in 2 months,lol Have a great day all!! And give time to think about the men and women who lost/risked their lives for Canada and those that are serving now. Cheers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-01 05:47:00
CanadaCrossed into Canada by land

So Flames - now that you're a citizen - do they bat an eye when you're obviously both a Cdn and American?

Guess he next time I cross homr I will be a citizen and find out :)

Edit - just rtead link to Neiks response - that now makes total sens ewhy they're asking and it doesn't bother me a bit,

I drove back to Sask from DC at the end of April. My CRV was pretty full and I had my dog!! I drove up to the CDN Customs gal, I handed her my CDN passport. She asked me the purpose of my visit- (Visit family) Where I resided (Virginia) How long I was staying in Canada (approx 1 month) and that was it!!! Didnt even ask me questions about my dog!! Wasn't even stopped for a minute. Too easy. Never showed my USA passport, to validate what I had said. I may have said I had USA citizenship, but I dont think so, as I never admit to that,lol

I was asked twice crossing at the peace bridge..they told me it was because I had a rental car and only a US citizen(or PR) can bring a rental car across from the I assumed every time i brought a rental car across I would be asked..but not the case..I cross all the now when I'm not asked I find it weird :wacko:

Yep thats correct. A fair # of Canucks (stil resident of canada)get themselves into a pickle on those Alaskan cruises, as they rent a car in 1 of the stops,then try to enter Canada with it as they tour around. Some get thru, but some get stopped and told to turn around!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-03 06:01:00
CanadaCrossed into Canada by land

Could they be adopting a new thing now?

Needing to check the GC on entry to Canada to make sure you have been staying in the USA legally?

Read Neiks link above provided by Krikit. Neiks does work for Cdn Customs
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-02 17:17:00
CanadaCrossed into Canada by land
I recall neiks stating something about this, she had a valid response, it made sense, but I can't recall exactly why. And I have not had enough coffee yet this morning to make anything sound senseful!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-02 06:36:00
Canadaquestions about driving in (POE)/round-trip tickets
Like the others said, too easy!! I crossed in Maine with my Uhaul. Was very quick and painless--even though they had no clue onhow to process the CR-1 visa, but they got the book out, made a few phone call and I was soon on myway! Maybe took 30-45 min at most--mainly because they had no idea on how to process it. I crossed in Dec around 7pm and I was the only person there.

sequence: drive up say ur there to "activate" (sorry kriit,lol) ur visa. They will tell ya to park and go inside. Went to the customs guy, gave him my inventory list--he barely even looked at it (never did look inside my uhaul), then went to the immigration people who did the visa paperwork, They asked a few basic questions. We laughed, it was a very unstressful time. Much of it just standing around waiting.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-05 06:22:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report

Wow. 12 inches. It looks like we got about 6. I grew up on the imperial measurement system. My children on metric. I remember, one time, when my daughter was little, she asked me the measurement of something. I said "It's about one inch." My daughter said "Oh." Then :unsure:. And then she said "Mommy? What is an inch?" She'd never even heard the word. :lol:

I saw the guy across the street trying to shovel this morning. He was labouring really hard and has now given up and gone in. It looks really heavy. I am not looking forward to going out there. :cry:

:lol: :bonk:

I saw on the news how horrible it was for people trying to get home yesterday. I was glad that my husband was out of town so I didn't have to worry about that.

Just in from nearly 3 hrs shoveling!! Whewwww Yep is a nice heavy snow!! I could strangle some of the idiots in our condo unit--instead of shoviling the snow on the road--where it would melt--or to the edge (out of the way----- no--lets pile it up in an empty spot making it un-usable!!! morons!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-27 11:48:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
DC area : http://www.washingto...1012608980.html
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-27 08:30:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Wife is up around 0500 and soon off to work. She has what is called flex hours, so she gets to work early to "try" and miss the DC/Baltimore traffic! I work 1900-0700, which going to and from work sucks as I'm in the middle of rush hr traffic each way during the weekdays!! But you can tell DC is a govt city, as the traffic on Friday mornings is drastically reduced from a tues/wed or thurs,lol

Pouring rain here today!! Good day to stay inside and chill!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-09-30 10:25:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
I still think ur crazy to be going to DC during 4th of July,lol Expect Long waits as it will be jam packed with people, lol My wife gets back from her trip Thur June 30th and then wanted to drive to Ri, I said hell no, I'm leaving like Mon June 27th to avoid the extra traffic, your flying,lol On a serious note, I'm sure you will have a blast, just be patient and drink lots of water
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-20 07:15:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
As well you could sign up for Groupon, livingsocial, and there is a few others(not enough coffee yet this morning)!! They email you out a "deal" each day. Some are quite good, some are so-so! Most of the deals center around entertainment/food, personal health, body image, massages, etc etc! Many of these types of services are for all over the USA, canada and Europe. You can set it up to check various cities (or just look manually) so each day you get a deal for the selected cities! We use it a lot for around our home area, gets us out to try new things we may not have done. Enjoy
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-20 06:40:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
Friends of my wifes aunt just in the past few days did the tourmobile in DC and they really enjoyed it!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-18 10:11:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
4th of July! Good luck, DC will be a zoo!!!! I'm so glad I will be far away in Rhode Island!! Be prepared to wait and wait, and ensure everyone stays hydrated!!! And keep in mind older people need rest,lol. I have ben told DC has pretty good fireworks, I have actually never been here for the 4th,always in RI! Enjoy
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-11 15:21:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
Metro is the way to go!!! Lot of free museums--be prepared for long waits!! And one goes through airport like security to get into many of the museums!! Just google DC museums, lot of them, all depends on ur tastes! Sign up for one can find a lot of good deals--each day they email you a deal, some are good, some are not, and not all deals are touristy. I stay awawy from DC,lol far too many tourists,lol But keep in mind The Mall (not really a mall, lol) is full of people, and expect long lines for the museums. And there is a lot to see in each museum, one could spend a day in some of them and not really see everything!

DC metro: not free not free not free

As well there are boat tours that tour the harbour and go by quite a few monuments!! We did a tour with them and was fine--they also have a 1 way option, we did the whole tour, u just see the same things onthe way back,lol, but if you do the 1 way tour, save u time to see other things!!

If it were me--I would find a hotel thats close to the metro and then just use the metro to get around. DC isnt a great place for free parking.

Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-11 10:59:00
CanadaBackground checks!

Thanks! you guys are awesome, I am having her call RCMP now to see if they would even be able to help her tonight....

Honestly, Visa Journey members should be taking my money, not the lawyers :)

you have been a member since 2010--you should have read more about the whole process,lol Good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-06 19:19:00
Canadasending money
Custom house (owned by Western Union) is FREE if you send it electronically! Of course its not really free, they make their money on the exchange rate, but it doesnt cost you anything and usually (at least at the times I checked) they offered a better exchange rate than the bank did!! But really only matters if ur exchanging a decent chunk of $$$. Personally I think its great. its FREE to set up, and if u need it, you have it as an option. They do offer a wire service as well that quick, but tht costs $$$$. Doing it EFT (free way) takes anywhere from 3-7 business days.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-07 12:36:00
Canadasending money
I have used Custom house since 2005 and they have been great. yes it does take a bit to start it up as they have to verify accounts and ensue you say who you are---if u have a scanner to scan and email the req'd documents it does speed up the porocess. And they call you as well. So yes it does take some time, but once it is set up, your good to go. Western Union actually bought it out last yr and I think the exchange rates have actually decreased a bit, so maybe not as an attractive as it once was. Still handy. When I visit Canada, I send $$$ back to my CDn account, otherwise I leave it at almost a zero balance. One can prob use paypal as well. If your only sending small amounts, not a huge deal. But if ur sending thousands, you def want to check out all your options
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-07 06:28:00
CanadaBringing Canadian spouse of USC to US

DCF is definitely the preferred visa.

If u can DCF--U want to go that route!!! Simple as that,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-06 08:43:00
CanadaBringing Canadian spouse of USC to US

Thanks gooseberry and Kathryn -- that makes things more clear. I'm going to check with the Toronto consulate tomorrow to make 100% sure DCF will work for us. We would be thrilled if it only took 6 months to process the application -- given what I've read on this forum it often seems to take much longer than that.

Vast majority of Cdns go the regualr k1 or CR-1/IR-1 route!! At 1 time the DCF route ws much faster than it is now. But every now and then, MTL goes into hyperspeed,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-06 06:35:00
CanadaBringing Canadian spouse of USC to US
One can Adjust status (AOS) as a visitor----if you entered the USA with NO INTENTION of staying. Thats all I will say on that,lol

When your wife is coming to the USA--she is coming to VISIT--NOT to live!! HUGE difference in the eyes of the border people. 1 thing you want to never do is LIE!!! They catch you lying, and things can get very complicated.

No 1 cares more about your situation than YOU!! So take some time, read over the DCF forum (there is even a CDN section there) and read over the CR-1/IR-1 forum, there are guides there. They explain the situation step by step. Welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-05 15:18:00
CanadaAnother moving by truck thread

Penske allows it, actually encourages it, the woman told me today, lol, I guess they want to take away as much business from Uhaul as they can. We have to tell the location that we rent from that we will be taking it to Canada, it has to be the US citizen that rents it, and we have to get insurance, they will give us a note. I tried to save the chat I had with her to post it into here for anyone else, to save them the trouble, but it is only 20$ a day for the insurance waiver, (can't recall exactly what she called it!)

All said, Penske quoted us a quote that is only 150$ more than what Uhaul quotes online, but they have unlimited mileage, ulike UHaul, and they use diesel, so that will also save us about 300$ on the trip. They take AAA and discount 12%, charge 50$ extra for an extra day if you tell them ahead of time you want it, and 100$ if you tell them after the trip. IT actually works out to costing less, even with the higher upfront fee, we're using an estimating calculator on the fuel costs, but it's still saving close to 500$

They also guarantee their truck will be there when you go to pick it up. I don't know to take this one as honestly, because Uhaul says the same thing, but you hear so many people that say otherwise. My local Uhaul office had a ton of reviews I could read from the last few months, and while there weren't a lot of bad ones, there were a few. Notably, waiting for reservations, having to go to a different location as the truck wasn't available that they wanted, and dirty trucks with bad brakes. Still enough to scare me off!

I'm still waiting on more info, but I think we will be using Penske, lol, unless I want to part with most of my furniture and have a friend fly us all down in his cargo plane! I've already checked and it's only a little more expensive, but would sure cut down on the time!

All truck outfits count on people bringing back the trucks when they are suppose to, but of course situations arise and people hang on to them longer!!

I'm sure Penske will be very good, friends here have used them and always had success. I do belive diesel costs a tad more in the USA than regular gas! Good luck!! Esnure u check the whole vehicle out, all the fluids and tire pressure!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-10 10:08:00
CanadaAnother moving by truck thread
Yes others have done it--the USA citizen renting the truck and driving it into Canada, then back to the USA.

I went with Uhaul and had no problems. But I checked over the truck before I accepted it. I talked to the owner of the shop and stated I was using it to move to the USA and wanted one in top shape and he fully understood. Worked out well for me. But yes there are a tons of web sites that bash U-haul. But as they say, more people write about the negatives than the positives
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-09 14:24:00
CanadaNo appointment date
If its anything like I experienced signing up for Courses for school----it truly pays to keep checking and checking and checking,lol Things pop up in peoples life and they have to reschedule, or more times pop up! Good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-29 13:44:00
CanadaWhat are the reasons one would be denied?
As long as u have been honest, it should be no problem at all. The interview itself is extremely short, like 5 to 10 min and most of that time is them going over ur paperwork, and they ask very basic questions. Most of ur time in Mtl is spent waiting and waiting and waiting.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-05 06:49:00
CanadaPolice Checks Will Take 6 Weeks
Call the local RCMP, and see what they have to say. Every local police/RCMP detachment differs. Some do it on the spot, some take a few days, some much longer.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-06 16:12:00
CanadaPPC website for passports cant find a form!
Under section M --Documents to support Identity---It states Originals will be returned.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-15 05:13:00
CanadaDid i mention my busy day?

Ohhhh, man. Why in the world is someone like that working there? Sorry you had the bitchy one, Udella. Happy to hear the interview's all over for you, though. So the 100 questions..... it was basically an exercise in memorization?

That's all it is! You can find the exact 100 questions they pick from online, it is no secret or surprises, they ask 10 questions from that 100, I think you just need 6 correct to pass.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-15 09:38:00
CanadaDid i mention my busy day?
Maybe she is the sister of the tech that drew my blood a few days back when I donated,lol My interviewer and I talked motor cycles!! Congrats!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-14 16:09:00
CanadaMoving to Canada after being a US citizen my whole life??
Do your research for cars---- My parents in Canada have a 2009 fully loaded Toyota Venza--they paid approx $42000 Cdn. My inlaws in Floirida have the almost exact same 2009 Venza and they paid $$34000 usd! Not sure what the exchange rate was back in late 2009. But ares tend to be more$$$$$ in Canada with the taxes and such!! You will learn tro laugh when people say--oh you Canadians get FREE healthcare,lol I wont start that debate here,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-04-09 07:24:00
CanadaIs it possible to raise a Canadian in the US?
Get some of that Timmies into his bottle!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2007-12-04 14:19:00
CanadaIs it possible to raise a Canadian in the US?
Hope you come up with a solution! i would bet most (not all) would be stil living in Canada if it wasn't for the American spouse. Life is an adventure, never know where it will take ya.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2007-12-04 08:52:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
3 of my wifes co-workers kept saying--CHECK UR GARBAGE BINS!!!!!! As like you said, they don't look and will just pack it. Rather not say which country, as its a small world,lol And I just keep things private online. Got me 5 huge packs of costco Toilet paper,lol Most of the stuff bought was just your normal household goods, nothing all that exciting. Did get me a new portable external hard drive for my laptop and Ooma--VOIP telephone. Hopefully it works out well. Hoping packing only takes 2 days! We are trying to be as organized as possible and have things sorted out, so easier for the packers. The biggest pain in the butt is that we may bot get our stuff for a few months!! So trying to mail the important stuff to ourselves. Good times!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-15 11:19:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

And then the big move to the big ?? of a foreign country!!! :) :)

a 3rd world country at that!! Nice house at least, even comes with its own 24 hr guard!! There are a lot of pluses, will have a maid/cook for 6 days a week! Gardeners too!! But I will cut my own grass,lol I love cutting grass, even bought me a nice Honda lawn mower to take down with us,lol Only wish I could speak the language so I could communicate with the hired help! Thats my own fault, have known for awhile about the move!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-14 15:45:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

Yay! This is going to be fun! We could do an early Canadian Thanksgiving :) Just don't do it in the middle of September, I'll be traveling for work :P
We live in Ft Washington and I work in Alexandria..

Canadiangal - you can totally join!
Flames - you will be missed from the DC area!

Yes I bring a lot to the table for DC lol!! I just plopped down a lot of $$$$$ at Costco!! We get packed out for our move this monday!! They want 3 days to pack us out!! We only have a 2 bedroom condo!! But I guess what complicates things is lot of it gets stored here, some goes by land/sea and some goes by air! Then get the joys of painting out the condo!! We have renters moving in July 29th. Goin gto suck having no desktop computer, big TV for quite ahwile!! Hotel life for 2 weeks, joy joy!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-14 14:53:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
I think with any country, the further you get away from the big city, the more relaxed it is, and the people are friendlier
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-14 05:01:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

I may not live in DC but I want included in this get together dammit!!! lol

you can have my spot,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-13 14:56:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
I thought Treble was from Ontario? lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-06-04 12:17:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
I hear ya!!! I'm back in Stoon right now! Was in Cdn Tire tonight and was soooo nice to hear people say excuse me,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-31 20:44:00