CanadaBank accounts in Canada

Hi - I apologize if I wasnt more clear in my question. I want to leave the cash in the Canadian bank accounts and then convert it to US money early next year, but this will be after I am in the US (POE). Will I be taxed or penalized by either the CRA (Canada) or the IRS (US).

Thanks very much.

No! As in my other post, recommend Customhouse!! Once u have ur acct set up, ur good to go! U can check on the rate they are going to give! Its almost like a game,lol As they quote u a rate, its good for 60 seconds! Or simply hit refresh. it could be better or worse! On small amounts, its not a huge difference, but if ur talking many $1000's of dollars, the rate change can make a difference! And of course you can just not accept the trade and try again later on. I recommend people set up an account as it is free to do so! And you can chech the CH rate and ur banks rate and see which 1 is better. A few yrs back when I checked with CH and Bank of Montreal, CH was far better, but that was then!! Cheers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-16 14:45:00
CanadaBank accounts in Canada
If you do a SEARCH on VJ, play with the words you use, ie Canadian Exchange rates, etc etc, you will find many topics!

-One will usually get a better exchange rate if you exchange it at a Cdn bank

- If its not a lot of $$$$, some just continue to use their Cdn debit card in the USA! Keep in mind, some will charge you a fee AND the exchange rate may be subpar!! Small sums of $$, maybe not a big deal to you.

- Some of us have kept open a Cdn bank account and keep very little in it and then use a Service from to transfer $$$ from a CDn bank acct to a USA bank account. if you do it Electronically (EFT) its free!! And they tend to give a better exchange rate than the bank! They make their money of the exchange rate! Takes a bit to set up (not that hard) but once you do, ur set!! Very handy if ur transferring over large amounts of $$$. I have it set up to, that I can send $$$ to my Cdn bank acct.

-You will find too that many USA banks HATE Cdn cheques!! Some have no clue what to do with them, some charge hefty fees, some put a hold of 10 days on them, etc etc!! I found it to be a huge pain in the Butt!! Thus thats 1 reason why I started to use Customhouse! Much simpler to mail the cheques back to my folks, whom I left my Cdn bank debit card with.

-Some have had success with Royal And TDbank now having branches in the USA!! They have an acct where I guess it is easy to tranfer $$$. I have no clue, never used them!

-Bringing over $10,000 is no big deal!! Ur just notifying authorities. They are on the lookout for money laundering!! Personally I find it much safer just using Customhouse!! I closed out 1 RRSP acct worth a fair bit and used CH confidently!

Like I said if you do a search, you will find a lot of responses, as this question is brought up a lot. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-16 14:40:00
CanadaWhen did you tell your employer you're moving?
look out for #1. Wait till you know for sure you have the visa!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-18 08:54:00
CanadaAfter interview can you Travel to U.S. without passport

haha that's true.. I live right near the border of detroit and so we visit back and forth often. But it was very interesting hearing all the comments! Thank you everybody. I thought I saw someone say that you can go with your paperwork and a photocopy of the passport.. but it would all depend on the border guy anyway. Thanks

Pretty sure a photocopy is not going to suffice
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-14 17:45:00
Canadapolice certificate from Identification Canada (Mtl)
I believe all documents have to be in English or translated into English.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-18 19:40:00
CanadaPolice Clearance for Interview in November
It is good for 1 year--time it was issued, till ur interview, your well within that range!! Just make sure you have a police check in all names that you have used, it was done canada wide and you should be fine. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-21 06:26:00
CanadaVisiting US "after" K1 issued
Research all you want, not saying it not a good thing it is! I'm sure by the book, one can't do it, but as I said before others have and what it boils down to is the POE officer!! I'm 99% sure when he opens up ur passport he is going to see the Visa! If you explain, you don't want to use it yet and give a good reason (job, etc etc) He may allow you to gain entry! One could say, I'm at NO risk to stay in the USA illegally, I just need a bit more time to use my K1. I plan on visiting (not living) and then return to Canada, and then on my next trip use my K1 visa!! Politeness and being educated on the subject will work in ur favor!! or u could just get a POE officer who goes by the books and says no!! Thats 1 of the frustrating tings about POE officers, they are all human and interpret regulations differently, and some have more common sense than others!! Or 1 could say, well I guess you should have went for the CR-1 so you could pretty much come and go as you please,lol As their are + and - of each visa and one has to make a decision what suits them best and live with the consequences! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 18:05:00
CanadaVisiting US "after" K1 issued

Wen you are waiting for your K-1 Visa you cnanot enter into US until you have you visa attached on you passport.You nay cross the board but if they check your passport or you say that you are visiting your fiance you will be rejected. if you are rejected once you will not allowed to enter into us at any port as you will get your finger prints and your photo and they will be showing everywhere.

After you got you K1 visa you can only enter to us once with this visa.

Again, maybe you should do a search. There has been Canadians visit their spouse while the k1 process is ongoing AND their have been Canadians that have entered the USA after their K1 interview AND not use the visa! It quite simply boils down to the POE officer if he allows it or he does not. If you have been honest with them, most likely they are just going to deny you entry, which is no big deal! It is when they ban you, it becomes a huge deal. But if u have ur stuff with u and be polite, more than likely they will be firm, polite back to u!.

Your entitled to ur opinion of course and if you read the actual policy, it most likely says no entry, but in reality, it all boils down to the POE officer
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 11:12:00
CanadaVisiting US "after" K1 issued

I want that more than anything, I'd go tomorrow if I could and planned on going right after the visa is issued. But then we started looking at the health insurance. We're in the midst now of looking at medical insurance. I have to get my own individual and i didn't realize how difficult it is. I'm over 50 with a few minor health things - most in the past (but within their 10 year window). I'm just waiting to hear back now but I've been googling (not good sometimes for the soul) and the stories about insurance declining for individual insurance is pretty high even with some of the things I have or have had. So it was just a back up plan if I needed to visit but didn't want to actually leave (or give up my health insurance here)... until we could find a policy for me. I am just sick about this, I can't tell you and I hope to hear from the insurance broker by week's end if she can help me get a policy in place - I'll pay for it - just want one.

Have other CANADIANS done it? yes. But once again, it is up to the POE officer!! No 1 can say yes, it will be fine or it won't be.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 08:24:00
CanadaFinger printing
I know some Sherrif agencies do it
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 13:21:00
CanadaCanadian Friend wants to move here, where to start?

ONLY certain types can be obtained by non USC as well. A skilled Trades person needs a clearance? I suppose that's possible depending on the gov't contract

Depends where they are working, may be just more of a background check. Quite often they have Security/Escorts watching over them
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-26 13:28:00
CanadaCanadian Friend wants to move here, where to start?
http://www.canuckabr...ation-vf20.html Post on their, same grumpy guy that answers the questions on Sebrinski tax forums, answers questions their as well! 1 USA border guy and a few others do as well.

Security Clearances take awhile, even for CDN's. I'm in the midst of the process right now, and even had Security Clearances back in Canada! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-26 11:37:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,

That sucks, Frosty :( I don't want to knock all lawyers but it seems like the Candian VJers around here always get screwed by them. A lot of them don't seem to know anything! I talked to a guy on the day of my interview who said his lawyer told him he would get his visa and be able to make his POE on the very same day. And my friend knows another couple who started the K1 process, and then in the middle of the process their lawyer advised them to get married to speed it all up. :bonk: It didn't work out well for them obviously! How can people sell these services and be comfortable about it when they're not even helping their clients? :( They're dealing with people's lives and families...

At 1 time you did get the Visa back the very same day in Mtl! But that changed in 2006 I think. Many of them just do not keep up with the times and some just do not care!! And in majority of cases, all they are is $$$$$ paperwork proof readers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-27 13:22:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,

Thank you everyone so much for the helpful advice. A fiance visa really isn't an option for us because my man has his son and elderly mother back in Windsor. He needs to be able to be with them if need be. I would rather him be there and wait out the time period and I can visit him every other weekend (I have 3 kids that go to the x's house every other weekend. Hopefully that won't be necessary if he can continue to cross on weekends. He just got approved for his Nexus pass, which I know doesn't always make things easier, but hopefully it will. Again, thanks eveyone. Looks like I'll be a Mrs. in a week!

It does NOT matter what relationship visa one goes for(k1,k3,cr-1/ir-1) one CAN still visit the USA. Again its all up to the POE officer. As I said before, most do not have a problem, some get questioned a bit more and yes some get denied entry(Denied and banned are very different!) 1 could have the worlds best evidence that ur going to return to Canada, and he can still deny 1 entry! But most do not have a problem! Spend some time on the CR-1 forum, read the GUIDES, look at the top of this page and take a look at the EXAMPLE FORMS. Start to get the paperwork ur required--long form birth cert. divorce cert,etc etc! Wait a bit on the police cert as they are good for 1 year and usually very easy to obtain. But do read the guides. No 1 cares more about ur case than YOU!! People give u bad advice, they do not suffer, you get the point,lol best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-20 18:19:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,

Yes without the proper documents he will be denied at the border. If doesn't mention the wedding and getting married and just says he's visiting to get across then he is lying at the border and could face serious repercussions including a ban on entering the US.

One cannot just simply walk across the border and get married, it doesn't work that way...

Actually one can! There is no law that 1 can't get married in the USA. Many like myself have done it. The onus is on the person crossing, if asked to prove that they will be returning to Canada! Of course one just isn't going to blurp out "I'm getting married" one is going to be intelligent about it and answer only the questions they are asked. Again it al comes down to the POE officer.

In the long run the K3 costs more $$$$. I guess initially it is less, but the kicker is it takes the same amount of time as the CR-1, but does not have all the +'s. k3 is pretty much gone the way of the dodo bird

Edited by Flames9_RN, 20 October 2011 - 08:49 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-20 08:46:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,

Thank you all for your replies. I know that you can not apply for a cr1 until we are married. I guess my question is should we wait until right before we file to marry, or would it be okay to get married now (as we will be waiting to file at the first of the year) He won't be lying at the border either way as he will be telling the officer he is going to see his wife. If we do it now, he just wont have any proof that we have filed for a cr1 yet. If we wait until right before we file, then the next time he were to come over he would have some type of proof that we just got married, and applied for the visa. Wow I just re-read this and it sounds really confusing. Sorry everyone, maybe I need some sleep:)

On a weekend trip to DC we got married, and luckily VA hands out the marriage cert the next day, we started the CR-1 paperwork within days of the marriage! I then returned back to Canada. No reason to wait to file, the process can take up to a YEAR!! Then even after you have the visa in hand, one has like 6 months to use it, if its a timeline issue for u. One can have other proof other than immigration paperwork (return airfare, lease, letter from employer stating he is expected back on a certain date, etc etc etc)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-20 06:36:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,

My fiance is Canadian and lives in Windsor. I live in Michigan and he comes over every weekend to see me. We are going to get married in Ohio soon, and can do it spur the moment so he doesn't have to lie at the border as to why he's coming over. We wont be able to apply for cr1 until after the first of the year, due to finances. We are just trying to decide when to tie the knot. We could do it next week since I will be there on business. We are worried that when he crosses after that and before we apply for cr1 that when he says he's coming to see his wife, they won't let him cross. He will be able to have his rental agreement and a letter from work, but we both know it would be better if he had something showing he had already applied for his visa. If he continues to tell them he's crossing to see his girlfriend, and they find out later that we had been married for a few months, that won't be good. Should we wait to get married until just before we apply for the visa? That way he can have something in hand showing he has applied? Jeez this is hard. Thanks in advance for your help.

For the CR-1 route, one has to be married before you start any of the paperwork! Many of us Cdns visited while the CR-1 process was ongoing. All depends on the POE officer and ensure he has ties to canada! I never had a single problem, nor did I ever have to show any ties to Canada--BUT, I had it with me, in case they asked. I never offered it up! My advice is down below! Never LIE and never blab away! Only give them what they want, be direct and be polite! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-19 21:46:00
CanadaNexus should I get one while in K1 visa process?
Just remember once you get ur K1 visa and enter the USA, you can't leave the USA until u get Advane Parole (AP) (if u apply for it) or the greencard!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-29 09:52:00
CanadaProof of relationship

during my interview they never asked any questions about the relationship... I found that kind of strange.... all I remember him asking me was if I had any other trouble at the border other then the one time when I was banned..

I guess you just look so honest marilyn! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-27 09:03:00
CanadaProof of relationship
Why do people post on other Countries forums when they have no clue about the actual interview in that country?? Maybe I should have put that in our vent forum,lol

Always good to have proof with you, but one should have Quality over quantity! In my plastic accordion folder I brought a few pics of us and a few with each others family. A few airfare tickets and that was about it. In Canada they rarely ask for any evidence at the interview and if they do, people usually just show a few pics. Marriage fruad isn't that high here, sure it happens, but not like in other countries.

The Interview is lucky to be 10 min long!! And most of that time the Consular officer is reviewing ur paperwork!! They ask very basic questions, were u met how long married, what ur spouse does for work, your employment in the USA? very basic!! I joked a fair bit with mine. Its over before you know it
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-27 08:44:00
CanadaBuy a house get a green card free!!

There's a similar visa for those investing the same amount of money in a US business, no?

Yep, think its an E-1 or E-2 visa.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-26 09:41:00
CanadaHey everyone!

Sorry to hijack your thread brad but I have a question realted to what Flames just posted. Did any of your credits that you took doing your EMT-B transfer towards your RN? My husband was a medic in the army and is an EMT-B and he has been toying with going to school for his RN.

I'll send u a PM, short answer for me--No
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-14 20:55:00
CanadaHey everyone!

Hey!! Your alive :) Grats on the citizenship. I dont know how you lived in England that long..I've never been but i hear all it ever does is rain lol. My mother went and she said it was downright depressing the whole time she was there.

Glad to hear your happy! :)

Glad all is well! What level of a Paramedic are u? Probably different than the USA. I did my EMT-Basic in the states then went the RN route. Lot more exciting on an ambulance. Enjoy.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-14 15:34:00
CanadaCrossing border to the US to visit bf

I'm a little confused, I get responses saying to tell the truth about visiting my bf, and responses saying to tell them I'm visiting a friend? Which would be more wise?
I will try to fit my things in one suitcase, and have my parents send me the rest in the mail. If they ask for how long, I will have to say 5 months, what else could I say anyway, it's right there on my return ticket.

Also, I will be flying to Toronto and then to Cincinnati, will I have to go through questioning in Toronto, or just Cincinnati?

To update my list a bit, this is what I have as proof of return:

- Letter from employee stating I will be returning to work after my return to Canada (I'm going to be replacing a full time teacher who is going on maternity leave, did not mention that earlier sorry)
- Letter from my bf stating how long I will be staying with him and his family, and when I will be returning
- Letter from my parents stating that I am living with them, and will be returning to live with them on my return date
- Bank statement + Cash, showing how much money I have, that I can support myself for the entire 5 months (which I easily can)
- Pay stubs from last year and this year, along with my record of employment from last year
- My cell phone bill payment history and contract end date (to show that I have a contract tie in Canada)
- A return ticket
- Travel insurance for the duration of my stay, which expires on my return date

I am so incredibly nervous and have not been able to relax, I understand it's possible to be declined I'm just really really not wanting that to happen. Is my updated list, a better representation that I will be returning?
Will bringing my tax papers help? Will showing my ties to student loans help? Or should I skip those?

Thanks for all the replies by the way!!

Oh and I don't have a lease! I don't own a house or rent an apartment, I live at home with my parents! So I Can show any proof of a house back in Canada.

I'm just saying answer what they ask! If they saw family or friend, i would say family and IF they ask you to elaborate, say BF. I always kept my replies short and to the point, never babbling on. I never volunteered more than I was asked, but ready to provide evidence if they asked for it. Everyone handles things differently. Just being prepared, your ahead of the game already. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-29 10:36:00
CanadaCrossing border to the US to visit bf
I would not volunteer I was staying for 5 months, unless they asked!! My visits were for 3 or 4 days and up to a few weeks in duration. It all depends on the POE officer, and if things start to not look so favorable, I'd mention that you know about the legal way of doing things, K1, and that is what you will do,
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-29 09:25:00
CanadaCrossing border to the US to visit bf

Thanks! I forgot to mention I will be taking a bank statement to show how much money I have, and that I can support myself.
Is it wise to say BF? I don't want to lie about who I'm visiting, but I'm really nervous i might get declined since we have been planning this for a while. Not to mention he was declined from entering Canada, so we could be completely barred from seeing each other..

With all of the documents I have, is it likely I would be turned away?

I only answered what they asked me!! Normally they asked for pleasure or business, I simply responded Pleasure. Then they would ask Family or friends and when we were dating I would say friend and that I'm returning on such a date. When we were married, then I would say my wife returning on such a date. Just don't babble on. Be polite, look them in their eyes when speaking. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-29 08:52:00
CanadaTransportation Montreal Airport to Downtown
I was going to recommend L'aerobus, but I see they are no longer listed on the Home page of YUL!! And I can't find the same web page I had used in the past. So bus 747 would prob be ur best option


Express Bus 747:
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-30 08:09:00
CanadaVaccines - pneumococcal question
For young kids OR the mature adult (usually 65 and older) but their are other considerations for it
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-28 11:41:00
CanadaAre american fiances allowed to go to interveiw with us?
Keep in mind the interview is very quick! Like less than 10 min, and most of that time is the Consular Officer reviewing your paperwork! Most of ur time is just spent waiting
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-01 14:18:00
CanadaWallets, Car keys and Parking at Montreal consulate

I brought my hotel card key and my bank and credit cards and it wasn't a problem. I'm not trying to encourage people to bring junk with them though, lol. Everyone's experience is different. If you're not within walking distance then maybe you should take a taxi?

Those are NOT electronic. Its the electronic devices that are huge no-no's, even a those remote car starters. 1 goes through airport like security, xray, pat down, the whole 9 yards! They have no problem turning you away--they security people don't need a visa,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-01 19:22:00
CanadaHas anyone had an afternoon appt. in Montreal?

But I have a plane home tomorrow.... could they REALLY run out of time? Maybe I will go at noon.

I never said anything about running out of time,you will be fine. The "chance it" was referring to showing up first thing in the morning and see if they let ya in. I would rather be sleeping in, doing the tourist thing than sitting around the consulate waiting room all morning.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-02 09:02:00
CanadaHas anyone had an afternoon appt. in Montreal?
Yes has been other posts about the new timings of interviews. Things are always changing and this is when VJ especially comes in very handy! Now you could just play stupid and show up in the morning,and see what happens! But its not as if your getting the visa that day, so might as well sleep in or play tourist, or chance it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-01 17:47:00
CanadaI want to go back to school! (this is a long story, be weary)
Many Community colleges have partnerships with the bigger schools! I know many try and take as many classes at a Community school and then transfer to the University----much cheaper route to go if $$$$ is a concern. They should be able to provide you a list of companies that can evaluate your Cdn schooling. I know mine did, I had to get a form sent directly from the evaluation company stright to the school (I just had grade 12,lol no college classes in canada)

Are u living in the USA right now? As some States state one has to live their for a year to get in-state tuition rates! For me in VA, they based it on my wife residing in VA for a year (proof was showing a past VA tax form)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-04 06:09:00
CanadaOHIP ?/dumb question...

Having a baby even with insurance can be rather expensive.. lol Ive been getting a bill every other day for the past two weeks. BOOOOOOO!!!!

Make suyre u are checking ur billa!! Hospitals/Insurance are famous for over-charging!! Especially hospitals!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-05 14:27:00
CanadaOHIP ?/dumb question...
I believe if you just quit ur job, for no good reason, your not going to be getting EI, even though you paid into it. One has to have a valid reason.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-03 15:28:00
CanadaOHIP ?/dumb question...

Thanks I had heard insurance companies were changing that..:)

Is it just me that thinks its weird you can stuill get EI? lol

Yep, the EI took me by suprise, and no clue until VJ member Cassie told me!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-03 13:44:00
CanadaFrustrated with trying to get money to the US!

You can keep your current bank, but keep in mind; checks written on a Canadian account may not be honored, Interac card does not work here, so you can't just swipe and go. You would have to use an ATM machine and be at the mercy of the banks exchange rate and debit card fees along with any fees your bank my have for foreign transactions.

RBC has banking for Canadians in the US. We have an account and it's super easy to transfer money from the Canadian account to the US account, no extra fees and transfer is immediate. (You do have to keep a minimum balance in the Canadian account) They also reimburse ATM withdraw fees up to a certain number per month. I'm not sure what that is because I never withdraw money from an ATM from the US account, I only use the Visa Check Card.
My husband has his paycheck and later will have his EI direct deposited into the Canadian account. After the move he can just transfer the money to the US account online. RBC will also use your Canadian credit history for any credit you take out with their bank, in either the US or Canada. That can be useful until you build up your US credit history.

As for any investments my husband has in Canada, they will stay there. His address is already changed to his parents address in Winnipeg.

No, if PC financial find sout thatyou have moved out of Canada they say u have to close ur acct! Just last yr when i was back home, needed a new card I almost let it slip that I had moved and the rep wanted to close my acct!! Not sure what kind of power they have to do it!

Just make sure with any investemnts, that they are reported on ur IRS taxes!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-26 11:22:00
CanadaFrustrated with trying to get money to the US!
Ensure what ever financial institute is looking over ur RRSP's that they know ur no longer a Cdn resident! Their is a form they should send you to fil out! And Ensure u notify the IRS every yr about ur RRSp's on I believe forrm 8891.

I did CH back in 2005, so registration has prob changed. But may be worth ur time to find a guarantor!

You could still get it deposited into ur PC account, but ur exchange rate may not be the best! and then of course ATM fees.

As well you could even try ur USA bank! Ya was a huge hassle for me, but others seemed to be ok with it. Doesnt hurt to ask what thier process is, any fees?
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-26 11:11:00
CanadaHelp with time that can be spend in US?
As krikit stated their is no real set time! Yes it is 6 months, but you "can" come back to the Canada, then head back into the USA! Chances of that happening?? probably slim, but it is all up to the POE officer! As well, once your outside Canada for too long, you may no longer be covefred by Cdn health care!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-08 10:13:00
CanadaHi all!!

That would be been! I'm on an iPad and type like ####### on it.

Lot of the regulars no longer post...Glad to hear ur doing well.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-06 22:13:00