CanadaIf you went back to Canada, would you live in the same place?
My last Posting in the Air Force was Greenwood Nova Scotia, small town of like 5000 people and it was ok, but not too offend anyone, not a big fan of the East Coast, mind you I loved the Donairs/pizza/bars in Halifax!! Grew up In Prince Alberty Sask, and hell no, would not live there now, far too dirty and crime is way up! Would move to Saskatoon in a heartbeat, nice city! Yes Calgary is nice, but its getting far too big! I would love to just live out on a farm, but that would mean living without my wife,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-29 13:52:00
CanadaMailing belongings with UPS

I also forgot to mention: if you're entering the States via plane make sure to check out how much checked luggage you're allowed to bring and the cost. For example Delta charges you for your first checked bag, but Air Canada gives you one checked bag for free and charges $35 for the second checked bag. This is handy for me since I'll be living out of a suitcase for awhile and I chose to fly with Air Canada. NO more free bags with air canada next month when flying to the USA. Stay within Canada, 1st 1 is still free
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-02 15:47:00
CanadaMailing belongings with UPS
And make sure you know the weights!!! As the excessive weight charge can be $$$$$$ We just moved to Nicaragua and flew on Continental. Your allowed 50 lbs, 1 bag was 52 and we either had to pay or take stuff out--which we did and put in another suitcase that was below 50 lbs! Saw 1 gad at 51 lbs, same thing!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-02 15:32:00
CanadaSometimes I relate to those chauvinists in the other forums
I guess I need to start a topic on Canadian Women,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-24 06:40:00
CanadaMultiple trips to move to Washington
With ur k1 visa as you know it is a 1 time entry. Yes others have entered the USA on a k1 and not had the POE officer "activate" it, but they were just visiting and NOT moving their belongings down with them, which you plan to do. So that may be where ur hurdle/problem is. Of course it is up to the POE officer. If you had someone else that could bring them down, would be a better option, not sure if a form 3299 (Declaration of Unaccompanied goods, ur animals) would cover that--plus any of the vetvhealth paperwork! For cats and dogs 99% of the time they don't even look at the paperwork, but could be a different story for horses and sheep. Good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-04 15:03:00
CanadaFor those in the LA Area and want cream soda:

Do they have imported colas? I'm kind of actually craving a Kofola from Slovakia right now, even though it tastes like carbonated medicine.

Trying to remember the brand that used to have the white cream soda back in Canada growing up. I used to work at a Beckers chain convince store and they had their own versions of drinks and had the white cream soda which was cheaper and far superior to A&W one that they had. Can't remember what other brands carried it though...

From the video, they have sodas from around the world
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-07 14:27:00
CanadaFor those in the LA Area and want cream soda:
Never realized so many different flavors!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-06 19:29:00
CanadaFor those in the LA Area and want cream soda:
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-03 12:09:00
CanadaTN...applying in US vs. Consular Processing in Montreal
PM Warlord, I believe he went that route! As well play around with the search button as it has been discussed in the past. Good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-08 11:14:00
CanadaTravelling on the stamped IR-1 visa

I just meant that if you only have the passport with the visa stamp you might get a few more questions as time gets closer to the expiration.

I always travel with both my green card and Canadian passport and hand over both to the CBP when I am crossing in either direction. Last week returning from Canada was the first time the US CBP officer didn't look at my passport. He handed it right back to me and scanned my green card (which was expired as I am in the midst of the VSC waiting game.) I am assuming my extension date was in the system because he just smiled and waved me on my way. It's nice when things work like they are supposed to. :)

I wasn't referencing your post OBX, lol--I was just saying,lol And legally one is suppose to have their greencard on their possesion at all times, Ya not what ur asking, but again, just saying,lol Did I? No. When I traveled yes. Good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-08 21:28:00
CanadaTravelling on the stamped IR-1 visa
Even after the 1 yr is up, ur going to have to travel with ur passport and greencard!! Some Poe officers still want to see the passport!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-08 18:46:00
CanadaTravelling on the stamped IR-1 visa
I see your point,lol But keep in mind legally your suppose to have ur greencard with you at all times!! Just saying. There was a thread on VJ in another forum asking if people actually did carry it with them all the time. I think most actually did. I didn't but thats just me! And I did loose my wallet with the greencard in it, but luckily a guy called up 1 of my credit card companies and left a message and address to pick it up! Wheww

To answer ur question, to be honest not sure, but why risk it the troubles. Either way I guess 1 could be risking something!!

on another don't wait too ong for ur SSN, does not show up, print off another application form and head to ur local SSN office and make an inquiry. Not in system, then hand over ur already filled out new application.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-08 05:58:00
CanadaMoving items from Canada to the U.S.

Sorry - was just thinking of laminate strip flooring...anyhoo, doubt that's a problem. They are her personal property and they'll be packed in the truck. As long as you itemize them there shouldn;t be a problem. She has a plausible explanation. If you've read through the border crossing experiences, I don't think there is 1 single person whose truck/ vehicle has been torn apart and searched comign from Canada. She isn't bringing anything illegal.

In all my time on VJ, I can only recall 1 or 2 that were looked at. And when I say looked at I mean opened the trunk/gate and spent a few seconds gandering in!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-13 19:27:00
CanadaVisiting Spouse in the U.S.

Hi Everyone!

This is my first post on Visa Journey and I have to say I am very glad that I found this website. I have a question about going down to visit my husband in the states. I have already visited him once at the beginning of august but the trip was only for a couple weeks and this time I would like to go longer. I want to go down for 8 weeks but I do not know if that seems like too long and if they will let me through the border. My other option is to go down for 3 weeks and then come back to Canada and then make another trip a month later. Any advice? I think I have sufficient documentation to show I have ties back to Canada either way and at this time I am just waiting for an interview date for Montreal which I have noticed from this site that so are quite a few other people. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to VJ!! Yours is probably the #1 asked question here on the CDN forum! If you use the search engine, you will find a lot of responses. My 2 cents is found below in my signature! 1 should bring as much ties as possible to Canada to prove that you will be returning. Immigration paperwork is a great 1, return airfare, letter from employer stating they expect u back on such a date, utility bills, etc etc! What it all boils down to is the POE officer!! You could have the worlds best evidence, and he can still deny you entry, which does not affect ur visa process (as long as you did not lie--Never lie!!!) Most have no problems at all visiting. I traveled to DC from NS just about every month, never had a problem!

Welcome to VJ and best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-07 15:36:00
CanadaNo Idea Where to Start
Lot of advice from above. You as a Canadian have no RIGHT to enter the USA, its a totally different country (duh,lol) So like the guard stated you need strong ties to Canada to proove you are going to return to Canada. That included return airfare, letter from employer stating they expect you back to work on a certain date, Cdn utility bills, lease, etc etc!! Even then the POE officer does not have to let you in!! Never use the word "live", as your "visiting" let them know if they ask, that its not a serious relationship at this time and that ur aware of the fiance and marriage based visas. 1 thing you NEVER want to do is LIE!!! My free advice is in my signature. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-14 08:13:00
CanadaEntering US before POE
Again if they do stop and check, its up to the POE officer. It has been done, but one best have a plan in case they say no. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-15 07:51:00
CanadaFlu Shot
You don't have to get the flu shot from them on Oct 5th. If you find another place that gets a batch before the medical or before the interview, you should be fine. You will just need proof that you got the shot. Some places my get the shots early, but they may save it for higher risk people like the eldery, etc etc. best of luck!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-15 16:25:00
CanadaRenewing Canadian Passport from the US

You shouldn't take 6 weeks. Don't send it by registered or certified mail using USPS - send it by courier. It is more expensive but much faster and a better guarantee that it will arrive. You can also track it all the way (USPS only tracks to the border and it can take up to a month to get a certified package back either from within the US or sent from without). Passport Canada will have it delivered back to you by courier as well. Mine took 10 days processing and then courier time so under 2 weeks from sending off the application and getting the passport in my hand.

Mine took 17 days and I saved money for beer,lol But yes, the peace of mind way would be UPS
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-17 07:17:00
CanadaRenewing Canadian Passport from the US
If you do a search you will find some recent Cdn passport stories and your probably looking at 3 weeks. Took me 17 days a few yrs back and I only sent in in snail mail, where many UPS it. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-15 16:55:00
CanadaPOE Maine
Me and my uhaul went thru Calais Maine! They had NOOOO clue on how to do a CR-1, but they have a handy dandy book and they made a call to another POE and got it figured out!!! Its a very easy procedure, and if the POE is not busy, one can be in and out in less than an hour. I think i was out in less than an hr and they had no clue,lol but I was the only person there!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-22 07:56:00
Canadafiling US back taxes

Getting a professional to help with the important task of filing your taxes is superb advice - they know the tax laws inside and out and can find you deductions/credits you might not be aware of if you hadn't gone to one.

H&R Block is an American company with a Canadian branch (and others around the world) so it's a safe bet that they KNOW their stuff when it comes to US taxes, and US-Canadian taxes. $2-300 per year is cheap for how much expertise and knowledge they need to have.

For your first year of filing US taxes you will be filing, most likely, a Dual Status return (the US's version of a part-year resident). You will file one return for your US sourced income prior to entering the US and a 2nd return with your world-wide income being reported after you entered the US.

The general rule of thumb for US citizens living outside the US right now is: file 3 years of taxes if you have a NIL balance owed, file 6 years of taxes if you have a balance due. File your FBARs (TDF90-22.1) for at least 3 years.

It's also a good idea to attach a cover letter explaining why you, the US citizen, haven't been filing US taxes and what you are going to do in the future. The cover letter is to try and not be penalized for not filing.

Just my two cents.


No H&R doesnt always know their stuff, believe me,lol As with any company their are knowledgeable people and some not so knowledgeable people!! Myself and a few others I know didn't have good experiences with them. I think the Op could use them, just do a bit of research on is own, to ensure they know what they are doing.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-22 07:03:00
Canadafiling US back taxes

Thanks Flames9_RN.....I have been browsing that site you posted, and it has so much info. I'm gonna contact the local H&R block and ask if they have someone who has done the US returns before, and more specifically that has delt with RESP, RRSP, TFSA, etc.

I suppose it is also possible to have them complete one year, and then me do the other yrs.

On a side note, on that site you posted, they seem to indicate 3 yrs of back taxes required (as long as there is no taxes owing), but 6 if there is. Do you agree that is all that is required? I've seen on vj they are suggesting 6 yrs with no mention of 3 (other than what is required for immigration). Would 3 yrs suffice and bring my wife up to current status with IRS?

I have no clue. I believe the guy that answers the majority of the questions on that site i Agnelson. He seems fairly knowledgeble, yet a bit grumpy,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-21 11:22:00
Canadafiling US back taxes
Lot of mixed reviews on H&R block, but with anything, their are good and bad workers!! Years back I saw the "Canadian TAx expert" at H&R block in Arlington VA! I had done some research (thanks to that site I provided above) so I knew a bit! My bit turned out to be a lot more than him! Thanked him for his time and left!!

And make sure you go with someone who has done it before! i say that because my inlaws used their acountant the first year I had to file USA tax returns! I had a RRSP withdrawal to report and their accountant didnt know how to do it--SOOOo had to research it--which costs $$$$$. Wasn't a cheap tax return that year. lol Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-21 06:54:00
Canadafiling US back taxes
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-20 12:41:00
CanadaPOE Halifax Airport
Halifax now has USA Immigration, so you will do your POE'ing there! A few yrs ago they did not have USA Immigration.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-22 18:34:00
CanadaDo I need to be at the interview?
Not required for Canada!! Most of the time at the Embassy is spent waiting and waiting. The interview itself last at most 10 min and most of that time the interviewer is looking over the paperwork.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-23 05:49:00
CanadaCrossing U.S. border with pending CR-1

Thank you for your replies, I do not have a job other then Mommy, lol. It sucks that I have to get a letter from my husband cause I was hoping that I could surprise him! lol. That way he would be none the wiser if I wasn't allowed through! Mind you I'd have a hard time hiding it afterwards!!
I'm glad you said that my immigration paperwork is a good one, I mean I have the NOA1, pkt 3, pkt 4 and medical done and I'm hoping to get my appointment booked and have that to prove as well. Other then that I don't know what I have that proves it... just my honesty I suppose...oh and return ticket. Do you think going for 4-6 weeks would raise eyebrows? Should I keep it shorter? Thank you for your input!

Oh also my daughter is a dual citizen, will that make a difference?

Im not certain about the child needing paperwork from the husband, just read other expereinces where they have. Since she is going to visit him maybe not, but probably for sure on the way back. Not sure may even have to be notarized!! But do NOT quote me, I have no kids,lol

Your daughter has the right to enter the USA, as she is a US citizen, but not you.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-22 18:54:00
CanadaCrossing U.S. border with pending CR-1
It all comes down to the POE officer and you being prepared!! Ensure you have some kind of evidence that shows you are returning to Canada, which of course ur Immigration paperwork is a good one. I guess you may require a letter from the father, even though he is in the USA that the child is coming to see him and another one when u go back to Canada!! As we all know child abduction can be on the POE officers minds.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-22 17:49:00
CanadaRenting A Moving Truck for self move to USA
I used Uhaul. You can get a quote from their website! There are horror stories out their about the serviceability of their trucks! Like with any rental vehicle--INSPECT IT, before you ACCEPT it!! I told the owner of this small Uhaul place--nice guy--that I heard a lot of horror stories. I said I would not accept a vehicle I felt was not mechanically sound. He assured me that would not happen! I checked over the vehicle--fluids all ok. Tire PSI ok. It was dirty inside,lol but i cleaned it up----I like to clean cars, so was a bonus to me,lol So it looked mechanically fine and I accepted it!

I had a very good Uhaul experience! But I was up front on what I expected and I inspected the vehicle!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-09 19:23:00
Canada153 days per year?
I would have no qualms at all making an anonymous call into any Provincial healthcare system if I knew anyone was breaking the rules! A few yrs back BC said they would paying closer to situations like this as it was costing them many Millions of $$$$$ a yr
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-26 12:49:00
CanadaPay in Canada
And its a rough lifestyle, many get into the booze and drugs!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-26 20:29:00
CanadaPay in Canada
Life can be pretty tough up in Northern Alberta and very expensive. Tim hortons workers make like $17 an hr! Sounds ok, then u relaize how $$$ everything is, food, accommodations, gas, etc etc
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-26 17:06:00
CanadaSocial security card
Only time it could be an issue if he was to stay out of the USA for an extended amount of time, which I think is like 6 months. Then 1 has to fill out some type of form!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-28 22:14:00
CanadaSocial security card I would take an already filled out one with ya to help speed up ur office visit!! They can be busy places, so it can be advisable to go early!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-28 17:20:00
CanadaSpousal sponsorship for permanent residency in canada
and http://www.roadtocan...orums/index.php
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-27 18:20:00
Canadacanadian money

Canadian cheques shouldn't be a problem - much easier paper trail to follow.

Canadian cash - just ask your local bank if they can handle it.

Our local Huntington Bank handles it, just a bit of paperwork to it.

If u read the posts, yes they can be a Huge problem for many,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-29 15:33:00
Canadacanadian money
before I found CustomHouse, I used Wachovia! I quickly learned that I could use only the 1 branch and ONLY 1 teller!! As if I used a different teller or a different branch, it turned into a nightmare!! 1 teller said they would have to charge me a $75 fee--I think the cheque was for less than that,lol I even had a bunch of cheques returned to me and the $$$$ taken out of my acct with no warning. So if that 1 teller was not there, I just left!! many banks will put a 10 day hold on it as well. Wachovia did at first, but once they knew me, they did not

1 has to keep in mind that yes some banks may not charge u a fee, but my guess is that they make it up with a sub par exchnage rate! not a big deal for small amounts, but if ur cashing a big cheque, you want to check all ur options!! Thats why I recommend CustmomHouse!! I keep a Cdn bank acct open back Home, and my parents keep a bank card! So I would mail home the cheques and they deposit it. Then use CH to transfer the $$$. Ya a bit of a hassle, but less then what I was facing when going to the USA bank,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-29 08:26:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
Buckleys tastes terrible but it works,lol Some Rite Aids in the USA carry out! Some Wegmans grocery stores carry Tim Hortons ground coffee
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-16 19:55:00
Canadadid i get the right info for my police certificate?
Fot Mtl thry are valid for 1 year.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-01 06:18:00
CanadaAm I able to visit my fiance?
Has been many that have been denied to only try again and have success as they now have more Evidence, but as you know it comes down to the POE officer. 1 Just has to have a plan in case you get turned back. Just never Lie, not even a little one.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-27 06:41:00