CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
damn,thought my nursing books were hard to comprehend!! lol I think i will stick to my Call of Duty and sports games! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-05-03 07:59:00
CanadaI saw this on TV yesterday..

I looked at that commercial to and it did definately say Ohio..and I myself am going back there in April..but not to work of course...going back to join my fiancee and get our asses married this summer so we can apply for our I-30 (spousal visa) :thumbs:

Met: Dec 15 2009 playing poker on facebook,
continued chatting on line untill March (thats where we knew we were meant to be)
First phone conversation March OMG!!!( butterflies )
Met for the first time August 9 2010 (I went there and BANG!! Knew we were meant to be over and over again)
He came here in October 2010 (stayed 4 months)OH yes!!!!
after that seperated for another 5 months :crying: kept in touch on phone and webcam.
I went back to him July 1st 2011 stayed for 6 months (Passport)
Proposed to me on Dec 24th at his moms with his family
Set wedding date for June 2nd 2012 (L)
After married we will process our I-30 with our immigration lawyer.
Then the sad day came again I had to leave and come back to Canada :crying: (Dec 30th 2011)
Have to wait 90 days cant go back untill April 1st 2012 ( please keep fingers crossed all goes well with border when I go back) BE POSITIVE RIGHT? :yes:

We are sooooooo tired of being seperated all the time :( , we just wanna get married and be together forever..And Im sure that 99.99% of you all understand..

Why use a lawyer???? Huge waste of $$$$$$. I know we used one and she was good, but not worth the $$$$$. They do not speed up the process. And watch when you cross the border. No its not illegal to get married in the USA, but the POE officer may think you have different intentions. best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-03 11:41:00
CanadaAnd You thought the Canada//USA border was crazy!!
And people wonder why they get hassled coming into the USA---I stayed in the CRV while my wife ran around with the "handler(he isn't an official person--just a local that knows where ya have to go)" Immigration from both countries NEVER actually saw me--just my passport, nor did they look in my car!!

Edited by Flames9_RN, 08 March 2012 - 04:46 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-08 16:44:00
CanadaAnd You thought the Canada//USA border was crazy!!

Yikes dude - sounds like an adventure

Nica is an adventure! Much happier here than DC,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-07 21:31:00
CanadaAnd You thought the Canada//USA border was crazy!!

I hate that spray.. Every time I flew to Costa Rica they spray the inside of the air craft on landing and take off... the airline attendants have face masks on but tell you its not hazardous to your health as they walk by spraying the stuff down the isles!

They just spray the outsides of ur vehicle!! My poor CRV!! Inlaws flew into CR, they made no mention of any spraying the insides of the plane

Edited by Flames9_RN, 06 March 2012 - 07:18 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-06 19:14:00
CanadaAnd You thought the Canada//USA border was crazy!!
What a zoo!!! Wife and I drove from Managua to Costa Rica last week and then back! We knew the border crossing was going to be a interesting and was it ever!! I am fairly certain they could not make it more difficult! Feel sorry for people that don't speak Spanish, would be even more difficult!! Semi trucks are lined up for miles waiting to get in. I have been told some wait for days! So one has to pass them on single lane traffic! Thus your in the same lane as people coming towards you!! Yes, not very well planned out! Luckily they have what is know as handlers!! For a few $$, they will take you by the hand and take you where you have to go! As it is not as simple as just going to one window, their are multiple!! And that's only on the Nica side! 1 has to drive---towards the Costa Rica side--again, sort of moving around semi-trucks! Go through an insecticide spray station (ur vehicle) then do it all over again on the CR side! Luckily again ,their are Handlers!! Again, you hope he is trustworthy and not ripping you off!! It is 1 huge gaggle!! Picture I uploaded is a homemade cart that had all their personal belongings--oven, fridge, couches and they pull it, crazy!! Just thought it was interesting experience!!

Attached Files

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-06 18:56:00
CanadaCan I cross the border while waiting?
#1 question asked on the Cdn forum,lol!! (or is it the police cert???)

All boils down to the POE officer! Most have no problems visiting while undergoing the visa process, but some do get questioned more, some get a date they must return by and yes some get denied and then try again and have no problems!! Never LIE!! Have evidence that you will be returning and even with that the POE officer can still deny you entry!

To your advantage you have a NEXUS pass. Still carry evidence of returning. When u get to the USA on cr-1/ir-1,, ensure you update ur info. cheers
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-02-13 14:51:00
CanadaLiving in the states while working in Canada.
Yes keep in mind, one has to LIVE in the USA the majority of the time! At any time you enter the USA on your greencard and the POE officer thinks you are not living most of the time in the USA, he can deny you entry and take your greencard! Welcome to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-13 19:29:00
CanadaBest US cell phone to text Canada
And depending where u live in the USA some cell providers provide better coverage--less dropped calls! We used to have AT&T, but had a lot of dropped calls in the DC area. Verizon was far superior!! Bro in law had been with AT&T forever and got sick of the dropped calls and switched to Verizon last yr and is much happier.

Don't have time to find it, but their are websites that show which providers work best for which city!!

Yes not ur original question,lol But yes check on the pkg rates. I was wondering why my 1 cell bil was like $25 higher than normal--had gone over the text limit bundle that we purchased!!

Edited by Flames9_RN, 24 September 2011 - 08:26 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-24 08:24:00
CanadaIR1 interview in Vancouver??

Hmmm I don't work, and didn't plan on getting a job in the US even when we do move back there. I plan to stay home with our baby, and we were planning on living with my parents in the US when we first move until we get settled and find a house to buy. I guess we just have to wait and see what Montreal will say.

I was under the impression that I was eligible to keep my Canadian PR status even living outside of Canada as long as I was living with a Canadian citizen. If that's not true I should consider applying for Canadian citizenship since we would like to have the option to return to Canada later in life.

If Montreal doesn't approve my version of domicile(cell phone, credit cards and bank account) will my husband have to fly back for a second interview once we get the proper documentation?

When we get this visa I have always assumed that it would be the document that would allow him to not only enter the US, but also to work right away is that correct, or will there be something else required in order for him to be eligible to work?

With the IR-1--(or cr-1) 1 can work right away!!

I believe you can keep ur Cdn PR as long as ur with a Cdn.

If Mtl is not happy with ur domicile---they wont issue the visa UNTIL, you provide proof of what they want! And keep in mind, you may send the required info back ASAP, but that does not mean they are going to issue the Visa ASAP,sometimes it takes awhile! Mtl is famous for being slow,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-19 16:53:00
CanadaIR1 interview in Vancouver??

Alright, well too bad about having to go to Montreal, there goes another $600 or more.

For my daughter, we haven't applied for her US passport or CRBA yet, we were planning on doing it while we were in Vancouver for my husbands appointment, but we'll be in Calgary next month so I've made an appointment at the consulate there. Lucky girl being born with dual citizenship!

As far as domicile, I honestly thought that had been addressed already on another form, but maybe it was just mentioned and no supporting documents were required. But I did mail to NVC copies of my US cell phone bill, US checking account statement and US credit card statements, as part of that. Is it just me(the US citizen) who needs to prove domicile or do we need to somehow prove it for my husband as well? Should the things listed above(bank account, credit card and cell phones) be enough to prove domicile? I do maintain a permanent address(my parents) and I have been maintaining my US license for my job.

Sorry to ask so many questions. I looked at the pinned item about domicile and wasn't sure if when it lists the 5 or so things to prove domicile if there is any clarification on how much of that is required. I have been pouring through the information on here and really wished I had thought to look online and find this board a long time ago when we started this! I have kind of felt in the dark about the whole process and each step seems like a surprise so it's good to see what the progression will look like from this point.

Montreal seems to be in their own special world in what they want for proof for the domicile issue!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-19 14:45:00
CanadaIR1 interview in Vancouver??
1 can still do their medical in Vancouver
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-19 10:26:00
CanadaMy Overdue Vancouver Consulate Review

CONGRATS!!!!!! That's wonderful news!

Thanks so much for posting this! I'm so nervous and excited about this!!!! This post definitely made me feel a bit more at ease. :)

The interview for 99.9999% of (Canadians)people is the easiest part of the whole process
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-22 17:50:00
CanadaRescheduling consulate interview?

If you had no response and your interview date has already past it is highly likely you have been checked as no show and your case has been closed at the embassy for abandonment.
If you have had no response you should go online and cancel the appointment yourself and re-book it via the online appointment booking system.

Do CR-1 select their own dates online??? I thought only k1'ers did that?
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-24 12:02:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
I belive the vast majority of financial institutions will sell ur mortgage, but with some makes, even through they have sold the mortgage, you keep making the payment to them, while with others, every-time its resold, you make a cheque out (direct deposit) out to the new holder, thats how they make their $$$$$$. You can do a simple google search and find lending institutions that supposedly don't resell their mortgages. We have ours with Suntrust and as far as I know, they havent resold it, lol ged.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-05-14 17:42:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
I just looked closely at that homepath--i did notice their was an asterik by the no PMI. I read somewhere that your mortgage rate would be higher. But they said even with the higher rate, ur monthly payments would be lower than paying PMI???? Usually once you get above 20% value, you can drop the PMI anyways. They sure make it difficult to compare them. Banks get thier $$$$$ out of you 1 way or the other
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-29 07:52:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house

Edited by Flames9_RN, 27 March 2011 - 04:23 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-27 16:20:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house

I encountered this too Kimbear! We bought our house using an FHA loan. We started out looking at town homes and condos as well, since we could get a little more house for our budget (or so we thought). But if I remember correctly, the units in the complex need to be at least 60% (or something like that) owner occupied, and not rentals. I'm not sure why this is important, but somehow it is. The home also needs to be in acceptable move-in condition, and go through an FHA appraisal/inspection before closing. The appraisal needs to meet or exceed the purchase price or no deal. We looked at a couple fixer homes that needed a bunch of work, but our realtor told us really quickly that there would be no way we could buy it with an FHA. It would have required us to go back to the drawing board and try to get a different loan.

We ended up finding a small detached home that was FHA acceptable. It needed and needs a bit of work here and there, but it was move in ready enough! You'll find something!

Reason why is that studies have shown that condo//townhouse associations that have a higher percentage of owners residing there, look after the place better,thus better for resale--So said our Realtor, Which I tend to agree. The units I have seen that have been rented out at our place, tend to be a bit more run down, and lucky me is renting ours out,lol I rather burn it,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-26 15:09:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
Yes certain sellers won't deal with certain types of loans as they are stricter, more of a hassle in some cases. Guess they are not desperate to sell. The right house will come along, just try not to get discouraged and then just buy a house because ur sick of the process,lol Hopefully you can go month to month on your apartment lease, that way gives you a bit more time.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-25 13:28:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
I think by law the4y have to provide a GFE!! A good deal on the phone or email, may look totally different then a GFE!! It shouldn't if they are an honest company!!

I played hockey a few yrs with a fellow that owned a small mortgage company! He verbally gave me a great rate! But when he sent me the GFE, he wasn't even in the ballpark! He had various fees, had to buy points, etc etc. Its like when we bought our 2011 CRV, salesmen told me, everyone pays pretty much the same price within a few hundred $$$--NOT! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-21 10:34:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
I'm sure others are more in the know as we stopped looking for houses last Summer when we relaized we were moving. But we called like 4 banks and received good faith estimates via email---Didnt take that long. We interviewed 4 Realtors and the one we went with usually called back/emailed right away.

What I disliked about the system here---is that once you get a rate, and it goes down, its seems to be harder to get that lower interest rate before you close! In canada (at least in my experiences) if the rate went down, it was a gimme that you got the lower interest rate. Wasn't the case here.

SunTrust gave us the best Mortgage rates//closing costs when we bought our condo and again when we refinanced. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-18 13:29:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house

That should be "exciting". :lol: Make sure you check in every once in a while to share your stories!

Yep, if I'm still alive. Good luck on the house Journey. Just do your research. Keep your realtor on track--its your $$$$$$ A great Realtor makes the world of difference. We enjoy our condo, but were not exactly thrilled with the realtor and if he had not liked the condo so much, we would have fired them! Oh well. If it gets too stressful, take a step back. I believe it is sort of like finding a pet----you don't find the pet--the perfect pet finds you. Good luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-17 12:00:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
All HOA's are different. One we had looked at, you were still responsible for your yard and maintenance of it----they were their just to ensure people kept everything up, were not parkign their card on the lawn etc!! But were moving out of the USA, so not a worry for us,lol Will be truly living in a gated community with Armed guards,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-17 11:41:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
HOA would come in handy to prevent this lol: http://www.dailymail...htmares-of.html
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-17 09:50:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
Yes you still own the house, BUT yes their are rules to follow. Thats where knocking on neighbors doors falls into place and you can ask them how the HOA is. Some are more restricting that others. Normally the HOA fees are usually much lower than a Condo/townhome association fees. Some people love them, some people hate them! The REDFIN forums can be a good place for info. The one for the DC area isn't that busy. Best of luck, home buying can be a fun adventure.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-17 09:19:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
If you head to many home forums--you will come across a lot of home inspector horror stories!! And really how unaccountable they are. So take some time and research a good one. Red Fin has a forum on it as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-16 20:50:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
and READ what you sign!!! We went to closing and the closing company screwed up on one item. Luckily my Wife reads everything,lol And search out home forums, find a lot of great info on them.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-16 15:00:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
1. Check around with various banks/credit Union to get the best rate and closing costs--they can differ greatly. Get 1 of them to run ur credit check and ASK for ur score. With the others tell them ur score, BUT tell them not to run ur credit rating, and get their offer based on those #'s--of course if you go with them, they will have to verify them. But you do not a whole bunch of people checking ur score!! You should also make sure al ur credit cards are paid off, balance kept low for a few months prior, not something you can do now,lol

2. Interview a few realtors and go with the one you feel comfortable with and is going to work for you! We usually give our Realtor a list of what we MUST have, LIke to have, CAN't have,lol Its my $$$$ so I make sure I get what I want and run the show if you know what I mean! Some Realtors forget whats in your best interest and whats in their best interest! If I feel they are not working in my best interest, i thank them for their time and interview process starts again. Communicating what you need and expect is huge to make it as less stressful as possible

3. If your in a hurry, stay away from foreclosures/short sales. They can drag on for months and months and even never close

4. The right house can be found in a day or a year, ya just never know.

5. Watch out for Home owners Associations (HOA's). Some like them, some do not!! 1 area could have a HOA, while the next street over does not.

6. Find a competent Home inspector. They say you should never go with one that the realtor recommends!! Make sure your offer has an out based on home inspection etc etc.

7. Walk the neighborhood!! talk to neighbors//people in that neighborhood!! yes that includes knocking on the door. You will be surprised what people wil say! Drive by the neighborhoods at various times of the day/week. Big difference at 10 am, vice 5 pm, 8pm traffic wise.

8. Google the area. check out crime statistics. there are web sites-and call the local police.

Good luck, it can be a fun process. But take your time and do your research, Houses can be money pitts, so yes your noisy neighbors suck, but a house sucking $$$$ out of ur wallet is no fun either!! See if you can go month to month on ur apartment. or find another apartment and keep looking for the right house. Lot of horror stories of homeowners too that bought in the wrong neighborhood---BUT now you just can't walk away until you sell that house!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-16 13:41:00
CanadaHurricane Irene
Saw some pretty terrible/sad images on TV. Mother nature is one powerful lady!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-29 09:53:00
CanadaHurricane Irene

My fiance is a little worried but I think he will be ok. He is in Annapolis MD so I think he is just gonna get some high winds and rain. I checked out the google maps crisis map thingy (if you look at google maps there is a link, at least when I searched for Annapolis). Annapolis was right at the far edge. Mind you, I have never been in a hurricane before so who knows?

I am looking forward to my first winter in Annapolis! I mean, I was there during "Snowmaggedon" last January and survived. (The next day I saw maybe 6-8 inches of snow on the ground and thought, really? You call this a snowstorm?)

Everything comes to a stop in the DC area with just the forecast of snow, seriously!! So expect that! With the high population and low amount of snow removal equipment, stuff just comes to a standstill!! And people are not prepared for it either. 1 storm we had last yr in DC cars were stuck in the middle of the road as they had their sport tires on their sports cars,lol Spinning away!! In reality, wasnt much of anything, justr a normal wintery day for a Canuck, but were prepared. Not so much in the DC area.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-26 11:50:00
CanadaHurricane Irene
1 has to prepare for it, always expect the worst and hope for the best!! Glad we left DC, missed the earthquake and storm,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-26 11:23:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.
I have used my CC all over the world in 9th world countries,lol and the only time I have had fraud was in the USA,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-01 11:32:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.
The credit card option is sooooo much easier!! I know some do not have them and some people are scared people with steal the #.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-09-01 11:11:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.

Thanks Flames! Good luck with the pets! Not looking forward to that if/when we PCS

If you do ensure you goto the USDA APHIS site and see what that country requires!! And even contact that countries consulate if you have any concerns!! USDA paperwork stated that nope, didnt need that consular stamp--WRONG, it did and the airport looked for it and that countries Agriculture guy looked for it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-10 07:07:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.
But as we all know,they are not true originals,lol But I hear ya, USPS can loose stuff, and UPS gives you peace of mind! If I was in a hurry back when I renewed my CDN passport, I would have used UPS as well! I just forked over like $60 last week to get my pets physical records shipped to the VA USDA vet in richmond, and then have it shipped back next day! Never fun traveling internationally with animals!! Good luck with ur passport
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-08 18:14:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.
Thats true, they can only track it to the border. I wasn't worried about them loosing my birth cert, I have like 4 of them,lol For some reason Sask, just wanted to keep sending me them after they made a mistake on printing 1.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-04 07:08:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.

Got the new photos and the guy at a different WalGreens was able to cut them to size even making sure the head measurements were right. If they don't accept these ones that will be mailed off tomorrow I don't know what to say! Another $40 in shipping via UPS! *smacks head* This passport process is costing me!! Super thankful Inky was able to resign my guarantor stuff tonight! :)

I hate FedEx I don't know how many times they have said they "attempted delivery" when we were home and saw them drive right past. Passport stuff didn't have a tracking that i knew of but when we were expecting something thats what they would do! Bunch of liers!!Yesterday they left a slip at my door...i was home ALL morning...I work in the afternoon..upon leaving for work saw the damn slip sticking out the door. 10 am this morning the truck actually came by...and STOPPED. :lol:

You don't have to ship UPS. I sent mine snail mail, still got there in 2 or 3 days. I may have paid the extra few $$ for tracking, but I don't think I did.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-04 05:42:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.
The cdn passport people are super picky about photos!! Shadowing I guess is a huge no-no!! I guess not to wear anything white or light colors.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-03 10:38:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.
I sent mine via snail mail a few yrs back from VA and had it back in less than 3 weeks.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-07-18 20:35:00
CanadaIf you went back to Canada, would you live in the same place?
My last Posting in the Air Force was Greenwood Nova Scotia, small town of like 5000 people and it was ok, but not too offend anyone, not a big fan of the East Coast, mind you I loved the Donairs/pizza/bars in Halifax!! Grew up In Prince Alberty Sask, and hell no, would not live there now, far too dirty and crime is way up! Would move to Saskatoon in a heartbeat, nice city! Yes Calgary is nice, but its getting far too big! I would love to just live out on a farm, but that would mean living without my wife,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-29 13:52:00