CanadaInternet phone services
We have ooma here in Nicaragua and it works very well! One pays more upfront for it ($170 at costco)But then each month ur only paying the taxes on it--Something like $3.40. But it does cost extra to call Canada, unless u have the premier plan. But their minute is super cheap! And the min never expire! $10 will prob last me 6 months! In the long run it was cheaper than Vonage! But awhile back their were rumors Ooma was going to bite the dust, ouch, but so far so good
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-03 11:52:00
CanadaQuestion for Dual Citizens
Yep, Canada passport entering Canada , and of course ya have to use the USA passport to get back into USA! When I drove from DC to Saskatoon this summer in my USA plated vehicle and dog, never had a problem.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-13 14:32:00
CanadaEI After Move to the USA

I don't know if many people realize that they are eligible for EI Benefits after you move the the USA to live with your spouse.
Just a few tips though, as it is a bit of a quagmire.

You can file your ROE online after you are done working. There is a two week waiting period before benefits start and you must be eligible to start a new job in the USA right away. I moved they day after I left my job in Canada.

You can sign up for direct deposit only if the bank account is in Canada, if not then they mail the cheques and it takes 10 days. It takes longer for the first $ to arrive so make surew you have some money set aside.

Once you give them your change of address to your new USA address, you can no longer access your EI account online, everything is done by phone to a special phone number just for us Canadians who have moved to the USA.

As soon as they have your change of address, you must send in a copy of your Green Card and your SSN to prove you are eligible to work in the USA, if you do not know this and only find out much later that you must send these in, you lose the weeks of entitlement between your first week of eligibility of ER up to the week you send in the GC and your SSN to the EI office.

No one will tell you all this information right off the bat, so when you get someone on the phone with Interstate EI. ask them everything you must do to start receiving EI Benefits.

I was very unimpressed with the EI office since I made every effort to make sure I knew what was expected of me and the office personnel I spoke with at length left out this important information and I lost 2 weeks of entitlement just like that.

One last thing is you call in your report every two weeks, you cannot do it on line and the mail is too slow. You call this number, leave your name and SIN and your message and they return your call and you do a verbal report on the phone. (Not too hard.)

I appealed and wrote a letter stating the facts, got a call from a very nice lady and she indicated that as soon as I changed my address to a US address ( the day after I stopped working in Canada), they needed the GC and my SSN, since I did not do this I lost my entitlement until they got what they need in their hand, proof I was legally allowed to work in the USA.
(After a brief discussion, she agreed to split the difference and I got one week reinstated.)

So know what you are supposed to do so you do not lose any weeks of entitlement.

If you have any questions I can try abd answer them

Have a good nite.

There is a Whole EI thread in the Canada forum. But yes it is a huge surprise to many that 1 can--if they qualify---collect EI even though they are moving to the USA! Of course 1 had to be LEGALLY able to work. Thus thats why K1'ers can't claim it until, they get their EAD! To add to that confusion, awhile back some k1'ers were able to get EI right away without the EAD as the CDn EI people didnt know what the USA relegation on who could legally work!!.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-02 21:10:00
It Affects everyone differently. Been in the USA since Dec 2004 and I miss Canada a great deal. Luckily I go back fairly often,maybe not the case now I'm in Nicaragua,lol I wear my Cdn hat a lot, which has enabled me to meet other Canucks in the USA and even here in Nica. I always get goose bumps listening to the CDN anthem! may sound corny, But always think about the vets that sacrificed their lives for our freedom. This world would be a lot different place if they had not, which I think some forget that. Off my stool,lol Some people get to the USA and they think its the best, good for them, nothing wrong with that.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-15 19:01:00
CanadaAnyone happen to know holiday hours?

I just phoned DOS and got this rude SOB on the phone. I asked if my visa has been printed yet..his answer was loud and mean..hes said It hasnt been issued yet. Then i said ok and was about to ask about the holiday hours so i know when not to expect anything, the SOB hung up on me! All i could do is sit there and cry in frustration.. Anyone know when they go on vacation?

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-16 12:45:00
CanadaPOE by car
And keep in mind, 1 has up to 10 years to bring ur stuff over!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-16 08:09:00
CanadaPOE by car
1 should have a list made up, but many times they wont even ask for it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-15 20:25:00
CanadaResidency Status On CRA tax return

I found out yesterday that when I POE'd I was no longer able to contributew to my TSFA for 2011 or put anymore money in my RRSP. If I had known, I would have topped them both up before I officially became a USA resident. Just a heads up in case you are in a similar situaton.

Ensure u report ur RRSP's to the IRS at tax time with form 8891
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-22 19:03:00
CanadaResidency Status On CRA tax return
As a cr-1 the day you crossed the border is the day you ceased to be a Cdn Resident! When you file your 2011Cdn taxes, their is a space right on the first page (thats where it used to be at least)where it asks when you became or CEASED to be a Cdn Resident. Jot down the date you crossed into the USA in that spot.

Their is a form (NR-73) that you can (not a must) fill out. It asks a lot of questions! I didnt fill it out and based that on a few recommendations from tax forums. For fun I applied for GST rebate, which I knew I made to much $$$ to collect it! Revenue Canada sent me a nice letter stating I was not entitled to it as I was a non-resident of Canada. So that was my proof that I was now a non-resident in the eyes of Canada! 1 VJ member stated her accountant said she should fil it out??? I don't see why bother the govt with more paperwork! Its very easy to prove ur no longer a resident! And I still have 1 bank acct open, but I keep less than $1 in it. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-22 13:27:00
CanadaMerry Christmas...
Merry Christmas everyone
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-24 20:43:00
CanadaPreparing for POE what should I expect?

I liked your answer :thumbs:! Especially, where it was said about the game the officer played :rofl:! Remembering all the details of you entering the USA - that is awesome :lol:!

Well, since my wife is gonna take with her only the minimum of items (my Corolla is not U-Haul or Budget truck at all :rofl: ), I guess, making a list is 50/50: just clothing, shoes etc. Well, I'll tell her about that hand-written list or we'll make it together once I'm in Toronto.

Thank you again :thumbs:!

It was a very easy POE--even though the POE officers in Maine had never seen a CR-1 visa before! they had to get out the big black book of knowledge AND call another POE station! But it all worked out. They asked very basic questions in a very non-threatening manner!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-26 20:08:00
CanadaPreparing for POE what should I expect?

Thank you. But what's the purpose of that list? For approximate value of the goods being brought into the country And what's the list itself, like bunch of goods's entries with the estimated price or what?

When I was entering the USA as a GC holder - no one even cared to ask me about what sort of powder was in one of the bags - could have looked as a drug :devil: (that was anti-flue medicine brought from Ukraine), let alone the luggage at all. And I never being asked to show any sort of list or something like that. And I didn't have anything with me. That was long time ago, back in 2005, so the rules might have changed.

Even if you're asked what are you bringing in, one can always present it verbally, and it's up to BPO either to check it (again, for what reason - drugs?) or to take at face value.

I can only pas on my experience, which was Dec 2004. I made a table on MS Word. Had the item, approx value, Serial # if it was electric! I didnt list every single item, but grouped things together. The Customs guy at the Maine POE looked at my list (as he was playing solitaire on the computer) Said it was more than he would do if it was him and stamped it. Didnt even look at my Uhaul truck! Just a general list wil prob suffice! And its a very good chance you will have the exact same experience back in 2005. But does one want to make that general list in the comforts of your home with a beer, or being rushed at the POE?
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-26 19:06:00
CanadaPreparing for POE what should I expect?

Does the same rule (making a list of everything) apply to IR1 case? Me and my wife would be entering the USA via Port Huron this Friday (I'm a US citizen and just driving my wife from Toronto).

Yes one should have somewhat of a list. Many times they dont even ask for it or even look in the car. But their are times when they do ask for a list and do look in the car.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-26 17:41:00
CanadaPreparing for POE what should I expect?

actually, i was in the f2a category.

Point is you should see what type of visa the person has, as it is a different process for each visa type. Looking at ur timeline, no 1 can tell what you did.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-25 17:50:00
CanadaPreparing for POE what should I expect?

hey, i did mine just a week ago so here goes. I was ushered in the visitors section, did finger print and took a picture at the primary section of immigration. The officer then placed my documents into a bag and directed me to go to a special room for secondary processing. I was in the room for about 45 minutes to an hour due to the traffic there. You will again be finger printed and asked to sign a document twice. A stamp will be placed in the passport and it is valid for a year until the actual permanent resident card shows up in the mail. You will be handed a paper and instructed to visit your local Social Security Office to apply for a Social Security card regardless of you stating it on the immigration form.

Regarding questions, i dont know your situation but they asked me why my mom didnt file sooner and if she is a citizen. Paperwork, just bring the sealed envelope that they gave you, (along with your passport of course :).

Hope this helps and good luck to you all.

Sounds like you have a cr-1//ir-1 visa--op has a k1. They will ask very basic questions, usually in a very relaxed manner. best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-25 15:45:00
CanadaI need to get rid of my furniture, but how?
Craigslist is funny! I tried selling a few items that were in excellent conditions and at give away prices! No bites! You state FREE and wham, your swamped with replies. There are goodwill organizations that may come and pick it up for free as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-30 20:15:00
CanadaEI question

Flames, it's not that my time is too valuable, but the sticky starts years ago and continues on for ages! If I follow the advice at the beginning of the sticky, how am I to know it's up to date? Am I missing something if I read through it all and my eyes start to glaze over? I can guarantee you I am. There are 858 posts in there!! Should I just read the end of it?

I only got through a few pages before I ended up thoroughly confused and deciding that I need to go about this a different way, so I read the gov't EI pages, and ask questions on here.

There are a lot of people who have gone through this already, and asking the ones willing to help me is not saying my time is too precious to read the sticky, it's saying: the sticky is too long and confusing, there is no direction to it, and navigating the info in there is inefficient. Please help me to be more efficient by answering the questions that I have asked. If I didn't ask it, then I didn't think of it yet or I already knew it and didn't need to be told again.

I guess if you insist that I figure it out alone and not seek advice here, and others agree with you and stop giving it, then I'll be resigned to read through the sticky and hope that I get it right. But I can tell you that when someone else asks for help and I know the answer to their question, I'll give it to them, knowing how hard it is to find current info on here, and how daunting it is to only have half the info available to read through, and finding many instances of contradictions within.

Honestly, I don't care what you do,lol

All I am saying--in a non chastising manner----is that if someone is going to say---I dont want to read through the posts AND please only offer me the advice I want to hear, then maybe you should contact the EI people yourself. The one person took time to post something and you complained about it, as you already knew that! Not a very thankful reply to that person. Oh well, not my problem. best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-30 17:06:00
CanadaEI question

No, I felt chastised by Flames, not by you. Assuming that by not reading the entire sticky that I was unwilling to accept help pissed me off, when I'm here ASKING for help..

lol, I was just replying to ur:

"The sticky above is way too long to view, not to mention that half of it is archived and I can't access it anyway, so I'm hoping that someone can answer my question without me having to snore through 22 pages. (I have my settings to max post per page too!)"

and your "Please respond to the questions I am asking, and not to the ones you misread me asking."

I always find it interesting when people post that they cant be bothered to read through the forum (22 pages) its as if their time is so valuable,lol

Edited by Flames9_RN, 30 December 2011 - 04:29 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-30 16:29:00
CanadaEI question

I had expected to be getting cards to return to them saying that I was unable to work, and yes, I was aware that I would't be getting payments till later, but what my question actually was is will I not get any kind of a confirmation at all that they have received my application??

And again, I know that I can't work until I get my EAD, but when I file for the AOS with the EAD, I know some people wait 3 months or longer before they get a card saying they can work but EI tells them that they should have been looking because they were approved for work, so what I was actually asking is, when do I know that I have EAD confirmation if I don't get my card till later down the line??

Please respond to the questions I am asking, and not to the ones you misread me asking.

If you want the correct answer and don't want to read through the posts and dont want other peoples input, then one should simply call the EI people
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-30 15:17:00
CanadaCanada Revenue Agency and SSN/SIN number?

Useless for me as I thought LOL I worked for a couple of months total of my life in Canada. I have more in my savings and stocks than I would get from pension pretty sure of that Posted Image

probably,lol But I had an American patient, and when he found out I was a canuck he had to tell me how much he loved Canada, as he had worked for a very short while in Canada, yet he was recieving a pension!! It was like $10 a month or something, maybe it was $10 a year! He thought it was very funny.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-30 19:52:00
CanadaCanada Revenue Agency and SSN/SIN number?

You don't need to update any of this lol. I don't get a Pension or anything like that!!

if you have worked in Canada, later on in your life, one is entitled to a pension. Not exactly sure how much 1 would receive, probably based on how much you earned and how long you worked in Canada
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-30 19:41:00
CanadaHello Canuks!

Hey I remember you! I wish I remembered my old u/n pw but I did find my old timeline lol. So are you saying there may be no interview? Or it will be somewhere else?

Ur IR-1 interview will be at Montreal. All Cdn Cr-1/IR-1 interviews take place at MTL, it is that simple,lol. Just that ur spouse does not have to attend. In some other countries it is highly recommended that the spouse attend--not the case for Canada.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-02 20:01:00
CanadaHello Canuks!

that is what I thought but then I got the other one in my head lol. So Montreal, that means my interview will be there? Does my spouse have to interview there too?

Nope! Mine and many others were not! Some other things have changed---Montreal now mails out ur Visa! Which can take a few days or weeks! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-02 19:49:00
CanadaAre weiners and lunchmeat ok to bring back to the US now?
When I was DRIVING back from Saskatoon to DC, when I crossed the Border, they pulled me aside and and Agricultural person came and chatted with me. To be honest I can't recall what she all asked. The only food I had was dog food(bought in the USA though) and Lraft Peanut butter, which she didnt care about
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-14 17:34:00
Canadaanyone else think this is stupid?
I would gather that the Consulates in Canada are not overly well staffed. Talking with Consular officers here, none of them want to goto Canada,lol Not as if they have a ttl choice where they want to go.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-03 17:29:00
Canadaanyone else think this is stupid?
If ur husband is in the military and being deployed there are ways they can speed up the process. I'm sure the Nicaraguan people where I am at, would love to switch with you,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-03 16:18:00
CanadaSelective Service SNAFU
Glad to hear it all worked out
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-05 15:52:00
CanadaSelective Service SNAFU
One pretty much has to keep going up the chain--as when it comes to the next semester, ur back in the same situation. What school are you going to?
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-04 10:22:00
Canada2011 tax package

You can use the online programs to fill out the forms, but then you'll need to print them out and send them to the International Tax office since it would be your exit return. I can't remember exactly where, but I believe there is a section that asks if you ceased to be a Canadian resident or something and then it asked for your exit date. It's been awhile since I looked, so I could be wrong, but I always did my own taxes because they were simple, and this case was no different.

In terms of filing single or married - I'm not 100%, but I'm almost sure you're better off filing as joint married because you'll qualify for more of a credit and you'll be eligible for a bigger refund, especially if you have not worked in the US at all this past year. You are likely much better off filing jointly in the US.

When I did my Canadian taxes, I did do them as married, but I can't remember putting anything about my husband's income or anything since he never lived in Canada. Whatever I did though, they didn't have a problem with.

Been in awhile since I did my Exit return for Canada! Yep, there was a place on the first page where it asked you when u became OR ceased to be a Cdn Resident! As sapphire stated, you can do it via computer program, but have to mail it in! I called Revenue Canada--and for the spouse SIN they just said put in 000000000! And for their income, 1 could leave it blank, buthten the computer program wanted to give you deductions that 1 isnt entitled too, so that amount had to be over the min amount which was like 13000 cdn???? I just put in 50,000 that way the program would not give me any credits/deductions. As well I typed up a little memo explaining the situation, saying my wife resided in the USA, has never lived nor worked in Canada! I put in a fictatious salary for her so the computer program would not give me any deductions/credits! Something like that, that was back in 2005!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-07 12:20:00
CanadaSouth Park

I love it when American shows make fun of Canada- it makes me smile :) How about Robin on How I Met Your Mother? They even went to Tim Hortons in one episode, and she's shown regularly hanging out at a bar called Hoser Hut! Actually, there was one really good episode where she debates becoming an American. She goes back to Canada only to find that she's changed a little and doesn't quite fit in with Canadians who mistake her for American, but she doesn't feel like an American either. So she decides to become a dual and says "insteasd of being a girl with no country, I'll be a girl with two!" I thought that was really sweet because so many of us have that experience of going back to Canada only to find that people say you have an accent now or you're louder or whatever yet you're a Canadian at heart.

lol--I actually just started watching that show and was surprised how often Canada was mentioned,lol 1o f the episodes I watched was ho wher new BF was from Canada--think Labrador--and he acted much like a dog,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-08 16:32:00
CanadaSouth Park
Found it hilarious!! Loved the Simpsons episode when Homer went to Winnipeg. If ya can't laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at! I think for the most part, Cdns can take a pretty good joke! Have you ever seen thew show This Hour has 22 minutes?? Love it! Quite often get the Prime Minister on there, doing silly skits!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-08 15:15:00
CanadaInterview Dates - Montreal?

I have no idea, but it sure beats sitting around for months waiting to get a date assigned to you and then only having a few weeks to plan a trip to Montreal. I got assigned a Wednesday, which was extremely inconvenient. I would've much preferred a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.

Depends on how much control someone likes to have. For me, that's priceless.

I think it was frustrating some that dates would open up--but they were not home, so by the time they could attempt to get a date, they were gone. Can't make everyone happy,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-06 14:35:00
CanadaInterview Dates - Montreal?

Yes, things have changed from two years ago!

They have an online system for K1s to go online and book interviews. It's a definite improvement from our days.

I like some would disagree, as if ur not paying attention, the dates go by pretty fast. Or do they automatically slot you in if you do not eventually sign up??
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-06 14:27:00
CanadaCanadian Investment Question

Thanks, it's all just been sitting in a few accounts over there and none have actually made any money (in fact they have lost a lot in that past good number of years. In fact it's about the exact same as when they were started back in 1995. Here I have the 401k, 457k and Roth IRA, but I am not familiar with the Canadian ones. My dad just handed me over all the information a year or so ago and thought it would be best for me to start taking care of it just in case something happened to him. So I'm totally lost with the whole thing.

So I will have to find out exactly what is coming due, I thought it was T-Bill, but I want to make 100% sure. If so what taxes would I be facing?

the guy on that tax forum can be a bit crusty--Agnelson,lol but he answers those questions all the time.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-12 09:02:00
CanadaCanadian Investment Question

Have you been reporting them on your US taxes all this time as investments? I report my RRSP (which is locked in) every year on some IRS form that I send to Michigan (can't think of the name right now)

For RRSPS its form 8891

http://forums.serbin...ewforum.php?f=2 usa/Canada tax forum
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-11 09:14:00
CanadaHow Much Notice For CR1 Interview

I think I missed this in my reading....are those really the only places to go for medicals? For the K1 we went to Saskatoon. That will be a huge burden if I have to take me and 4 kids that far.

Yep, used to be more places to get ur medical done (NS, Alberta, Sk, etc etc) not no longer, sorry Times have chyanged and they now mail out ur visa to u, via DHL
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-08 18:58:00
CanadaMore relationship evidence for interview?
I don't recall bringing any records of our online conversations! Just a few pics, letters, airfare receipts! They didn't ask to see any of it. If it makes you feel better, bring it. a plastic accordian binder works nicely to hold everything. Have ur interview letter/passport in the front compartment. best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-15 12:41:00
CanadaExchanging Canadian Driver's License in Florida
Actually, we now have Florida drivers licenses--they have us our Virginia ones back, but cut off a corner of them, which in N.America it must mean they are no longer valid. Cops here in Nicaragua do not know that,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-10 22:25:00
CanadaExchanging Canadian Driver's License in Florida
Pretty sure VA took my Nova Scotia license! I guess you then have a choice--do you want a Florida License,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-10 12:37:00
CanadaScheduled Interview in Montreal

thanks! I just did that. Funny enough I got an automated response saying for any scheduling issues to contact this website: "These inquires should be addressed to CSC Visa Information Services <> using the contact details listed here http://montreal.usco...eralinquiries." After I email the CSS Visa info services, I get another automated response with this in it: "Inquiries concerning visa questions or assistance in confirming, canceling, or rescheduling (aside from No Shows) your visa appointment will not be answered through this service." Where the heck do the handle interview scheduling then?? This is very frustrating.

Question: When an NVC schedules an appt for an interview, it is confirmed, correct? We called the consulate and they were telling us something to the effect that the interview is not even confirmed.

Also, in regards to DHL services - do we have to use them? Can we just pick up the visa the same day at the consulate?


Your funny!! lol At 1 time they handed out the visa the same day in Mtl, then they went the next day, then it went you had to bring ur own pre-paid envelope and NOW DHL delivers the package! Again, you can ask and a few have been fortunate, but again, you will need a very good reason. And stating your spouse wants to take him back with you ASAP, probably isn't going to cut it! But if you do not ask, the answer is already no!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-01-16 12:40:00