CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Hope everything goes well Flames! I'm sure Tim Hortons will miss you and your addiction :P

Life is well!! No complaints!! No big secret but we are living in Managua Nicaragua!! Very poor country, and of course the gov't here sure isn't pro-American,lol For the most part the people are somewhat friendly, maybe not as friendly as other countries I have visited. Cops here are on the take! love to pull u over and try to get bribes, and they dont even hide it, lol On the bright side, if they wave you over and you dont stop, good chance they won't chase you, as they can't afford the gas!! AND gas is cheaper here than in Canada,lol Well its pretty close as same as Canada f u buy ur gas at Costco!!

Help is cheap!! Our house is gated, razor wired has 7 days a week, 24 hrs a day guards, which is prob Nic. biggest business--security,lol We have a pool guy/gardner and pay him $15 a week. We have a 6 day a week MAid/cook who is awesome and we pay a ttl of $270 a month and that includes paying into her health insurance and retirement!!! This past week was her 1st week of working with us, she was VERY relieved we liked her and offered her a contract! You would have thought she had signed a 10 year $130 million contract!! Pay day for her is next week, I gave her $20usd as a bonus, well sort,lol I speak no spanish and didnt want to bother my wife at work, so I used one of the online translation programs. Well those programs are only so-so at best. What the program spitted out was that the $20 was a LOAN to her,lol I say she had a puzzled look, so I used another program and she seemed better. But I got my wife to call her later to make sure all was ok. Good thing as she was pretty worried!! She was soooooooo happy about the $20, over the moon. It breaks my heart to see how $20 can make such a difference to someone. I gave her an extra 100 Cordobas last week for shopping the next day (24 cordobas =$1 USD) and she phoned my wife as she was sooo worried about this extra 100 cordobas ($4) We don't even need a maid/cook as Im not presently working, but hey, the price is cheap (we pay more than the avergae) and it gives her valuable $$$. I believe the average Nic makes less than $1 a day!! She actually worked with a CDn family that worked at the Cdn Consulate here, but its a very small consulate, only 3 Cdns,lol

Driving here is crazy!! I do believe locals have to pass a driving test, BUT $$$ talks here, so u can bribe ur way out of everything. If ur in an accident, you CAN'T move your car at all!! If you do, you automatically claim fault!! And can take HOURS before the cops show up! So yes, traffic builds up!! Good times!! Lot of potholes!! And people love to steal the manhole covers!! Nice! I guess in some places it got so bad, they just paved over them,lol

Managua is not a touristy place, lot of nice places on the coast and grenada is nice (about 45 minutes from us)

The food is very good here, lot of different foods from around the world and fairly cheap! Has Mcdonalds, burger king, pizza hut, papa johns, Quizznos, Buffalo Wings for ur Yank food. No Tim Hortons,lol But they make an awesome Cappacinno! Most even put that heart or leaf on it,lol

Hot here all year round. I think the coldest it has been is 22C and every day right now is like 33C Its the rainy season, but since we have been here, ha snot rained a lot. Dry season is from Nov to April! Have yet to see a scorpion, or Tarantula, not do I want to,lol The scorpions they have here are normally not deadly to humans, I dont think our 2 cats or dog would be soo lucky!! Friend of ours got bitten by a scorpion and he said it was the msot painful thing he has ever experienced, not the bite, but how the venom acts!!

Maybe I have painted a bad picture,lol But I love it here, not because of the maid or house or pool,lol but as poor/dirty here, it is full of life! So much to do, and its a very cool experience. Only wished I spoke Spanishm my own fault, I knew we were coming here for a long time,lol But luckily my Wife is pretty much fluent.

If your ever traveling to another country with pets, PM me and I can send along a link that shows what the requirements are for that country. The hardest part of moving here was dealing with the pets!! For the airlines requirements, the animals physical has to be within 10 days of flying! Easy enough to get ur vet to see ur animals! BUT then paperwork has to go to the USDA vet for ur state, so that may require over nighting it to them, then overnight it back to you, THEN some countries require their Embassy/Consulate to sign off on the USDA paperworkm, so again mail it and mail it back,lol Luckily for us, living in the DC area, I could just metro it to the Nic consulate! And they were nice enough to charge me an extra $10 per document for getting it back the same day,lol So pain in the butt.

As well continental is great for flying pets!! They work hand in hand with a company called Petsafe! But they can pretty much take you aniamls al year round, as the dogs are put in a special cargo area where its pressure and Temperature controlled!! Maybe not avail on all routes! But some airline do not offer that and if the temp gets too hot, ur dog doesnt fly! Which would really ruin ur day, as what are you suppose to do?? Ur flying out, ready to go and then they call you and say, sorry, ur dog can't go now!! ouch

Beer is cheap,lol Get a can of Tona or Victoria for like .80 at the convenience store!! They have super rum here, Flor de Cano!! And its cheap too! many like the Nic cigars!!

I haven't really done much since our vehicle has yet to arrive, can take anywhere for 1 to 3 months. Been out a bit with friends, but once our vehicle arrives or we buy a 2nd one, which we may do tomorrow, will be heading out a lot. Lot of Volcanos to see, markets, etc etc We went to Heubros market last week and it is HUGE!! Broken off into different sections, veggies, fruits, meat, poulty, seafood, hardware, crafts, furniture, etc etc! Our maid stops there on mondays and picks up the Fruits/veggies but not the meats,lol As per most markets down here or other palces I have been, the meat is just hanging away,lol Your lamost being brushed into it as you walk by They use the same dirty knife on everything,lol Its quite neat to see everything, want a live chicken, lizard, your good to go!!

So thats what I have been up to. chilling in Managua.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-08-27 07:16:00

Thanks Coconuts! Glad I'm not the only one :) Thank god when I move I'll get my income tax return shortly after I arrive because that is when my money will start to dry up!

Did you bring your savings with you or use your Canadian bank account? I'm not sure if it'd be better to just use my credit card for everything or to bring some money for rent/bills.

With the $$$$ thing--it depends how much u have!!! If it is not a lot, then using ur ATM/credit card may not be a big deal! But if it is a lot, then u may want to look into Customhouse. Or the other options are TD bank or royal bank which are now in the USA! AS yes some banks charge NO upfront fees,BUT they give you a terrible exchange rate! So u have to decide whats better for ur! Maybe a few thousand dollars, its no big deal and just use ur ATM. But if it is many thousand $$$, one wants to investigate ur options, and I mentioned the top 3 above!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-08 19:31:00
I waited like 2 weeks, almost had to wait many months, but my Air Force boss allowed me out of my contract early, which he did not have to do, but hey, it is the Air Force, everyone is nice,lol. Before you know it, you will be in the USA. And if work truly annoys ya, just give them the standard 2 week notice! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-08 15:29:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

It's officially called a non-residence inter-province motor vehicle liability insurance card. It's yellow and has all your insurance info in English and French. You're auto insurance carrier can issue you one and it comes in the mail. I have Geico and it took like a week to get it. I now just have them send me one every six months.
All it is is to prove you have enough insurance to cover you in every Provence and territory if you were ever to get in an accident. A POE has never ever asked for it, and other than having an accident I've never needed it.

Do I need a non-residence car insurance card while visiting Canada?

Guess its like the POE officer--all depends which RCMP guy u call,lol Been on VJ since 2004 and never heard of that card ever before!! Wonder if it matters if one has dual citizenship. Oh well. Good to know. thanks
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-27 21:48:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?
Never heard of that yellow card thing! Was never mentioned when I called the RCMP about driving my Vehicle in the USA
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-27 21:36:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

Yup it is. Even though our vehicle is registered in both our names, insurance in both our names and we had the yellow card, a Canadian non-resident insurance card (which you're also supposed to have if you are driving your personal vehicle in Canada) hubby can not drive with with US plates, period. Most of the time they don't care, but if you get caught, or in an accident I'd imagine there would be feathers flying.

And u can bet an insurance company would jump on that! once he Is a perm resident of the USA he is good to go!

Many of the CDn POE guards may not even know the rule exists, so yes many do prob get away with it--but I bet the insurance companies know, if it is an insurance issue.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-27 21:26:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

That is such a rotten way to handle these special cases. Once when I was driving with my husband into Canada weeks before I had my CR1 approval, the POE told me that it was illegal for me to drive (at all) a vehicle in Canada, which was registered in the US. How stupid! I just gave my head a shake, where is the common sense in all of this? Go out and get the real illegals, not the ones who are going through the process the correct way. The system is almost broken, definitely very crippled. IMHO

Not to add to ur frustration,lol but it is illegal for a Cdn resident to drive a USA registered vehicle in Canada. Neiks our Cdn Border guard can add to that. It happens to Cdn Tourists that do the Alaskan cruises. They get into 1 of the Ports, rent a car, then drive up to the Cdn border. Guess what, legally they are not allowed in with a USA registered vehicle. Thats the rules and sure many do not realize it. Probably an insurance issue Your situation had nothing to do with immigration, by the rules you were in the wrong. The simple fix was the USA person drive the car. Everyone has their own opinion on the system, I will leave it at that.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-27 21:03:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

One reason for him visiting is to pick up all the stuff to take back for his interview. He has all the electronic documents the NVC has emailed him, so he can print that off, I guess.

It's just frustrating to think that border patrol would assume everyone is sneaky "illegal" just gunning for our welfare system. Through this experience, I've definitely had my eyes opened to how my country treats immigrants, and I don't like it!

We've found that traveling via Trudeau airport has been very easy for him. He's traveled by plane, train, and automobile over the last year, and he's had the least trouble at that airport. Perhaps they just have more volume to process and less time to do it in? I don't know.

Border agents have an important job to do! U can thank all the people that try and enter illegally for why they have to be serious. And yes some probably get carried away. Lot of times people take their tone/direction in the wrong way! They are not trying to be buddy buddy with ya,lol Thats what its best to be polite, and only answer what they ask, and look them in their eyes when speaking to them!! They are looking for signs of lying! They get lied to a lot,so don't blame them, blame the liers and illegals.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 14:55:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

I don't understand how any border agent could possibly think that after 9 months of visa ####### and with an end in sight, my husband (or anyone) would even consider going rogue and entering illegally. After all this, he'd shuck it and sneak in? Yeah right.

My husband is coming for a two week visit in November, and he doesn't have a lease (has been staying with his mother), doesn't have an employer (he is his own boss), and doesn't have hard copies of his visa paperwork (I have it all). He will, however, have a return ticket, a minimum of clothing, and a honest attitude. Fingers crossed this won't be a problem. Of course he'll be returning - his interview will be in December. There's no way he'd not return!

U could always mail it to him, or scan and email him at least a copy of it! I was never asked for evidence, and I traveled monthly to DC,never had a problem. But all it takes is 1 grumpy POE dude,lol I never really worried about it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 14:33:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

Thanks for the advice!

Re: K3 process, that was the process our lawyer adviced to go for in April this year. Only after discovering this forum I realised that the process is dead. Oh well, we applied for 130 in July! Hope it will get clear soon!!!

Any of you have experience with the K3 and know how long it really takes? (start to end including interview)

Don't recall anyone of late going the K3 process. It was taking the same length as the CR-1. it may be faster if you live in gods land--Thats Manitoba and Westward,lol as then you would goto Vancouver for the interview which is a lot faster at spitting out interviews. As I'm sure ur well aware all cr-1/ir-1 goto Montreal.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 10:58:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?
#1 question asked on this forum! Simply put, yes, BUT it comes down to the POE officer. So ensure you have ties to Canada AND a back up plan in case they deny you entry! Most have no problems, but 1 has to be prepared.

I thought the k3 process was dead? Really only makes sense if ur going through Vancouver.

Edited by Flames9_RN, 25 October 2011 - 06:29 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-10-25 06:28:00
CanadaWanna use Rental Car for POE - Pickup in Toronto and drop off in the US.

Gotta give you props for that :). I actually went to school in TX and when I moved back home to Toronto couple of years, I drove as well. It took me about 30 hours and it was a blast too :)

if you like to drive, why not!! I drove from DC to Saskatoon and back this past Spring and had a good time! I was on no set schedule, so didn't have to rush, but its a nice way to see the country!! Just me and the dog!! Have a good trip
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-07 17:07:00
CanadaPassport questions

The only problem I anticipate is that I don't plan on moving to the US until mid-September on next year, which would make the passport have less than 6 months validity. I just don't want to have any problems. Maybe I will call the passport office and see if I can renew it in January.

Way back in 2004 I went to the passport office in Halifax and applied for a new passport. Mine had well over a year left before it expired. The passport dude at first did not want to continue on with application as it had sooo much time left. I explained it was for USA immigration and after a quick discussion with his supervisor, went ahead with the application
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-10 11:24:00
Canadarenting an apartment in the u.s. - credit checks for canadians?
Yes ours did---so they used my wifes credit history!! Same goes if u decide to buy a house---if the USA spouse has enough $$$$ and credit history, they can just use the USA citizens info on the mortgage,BUT put u on the deed!!! I was still listed on the apartment documents, they just didnt use my credit history--which back then was none!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-08 20:21:00
CanadaGoing Back to Canada for a visit

I think it's really more than just wanting some Canadian items.... I think just being able to set foot back in his home country even for an afternoon is what he is really needing Posted Image but if it could be a problem we really don't want to chance it, hopefully his GC will be coming in a month or two. I was hoping to hear from somebody who's had experience with this at the Canadian border. Thanks!!

I have read Canadians using their AP with no problems! Can't recall who they are. I'm sure some may pipe up!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-09 18:27:00
Canadapolice certificate
The RCMP in Kingston NS asked for the same thing--so I went home and printed it off from the USCIS website (what were the visa requirements) and they were happy with that
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-15 08:00:00
Canadadriver's license - what happens with a probationary?
It varies from State to State.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-14 15:34:00
CanadaEmergency Return to Canada before AOS
Hoping for the best. Its good that you are planning, as they say fail to plan----plan to fail. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-13 18:47:00
CanadaKeeping $ 100,000 in Canadian savings account while leaving in US
I know in the USA if ur interest earned in a savings acct is less than $10 you do not have to report it! In my Cdn bank acct, I keep less than $1 in it, so no $$$ is made from that,lol

When 1 brings over more than $10,000, u just have to report it---ur not going to get taxed on it.

To report any Cdn RRSP, you have to use form 8891. As well you have to notify the Cdn institution that is handling them. They sent me a form to fill out, cant recall the name of it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-17 10:08:00
CanadaProving domicile while IN the US?

I jsut re read what i wrote and i apologize i so did not mean to come off as a complete utter Beatch!!!

*note to self..have more than one cup of coffee before replying to a post ! lol SORRY!

No worries--I think someone else already took care of that,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-18 14:19:00
CanadaNeed some answers
Life throws curves at us from time to time!! Hope ur coping well! Obviously he does not deserve you!! Glad he showed his true colors early! All the best.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-20 09:14:00
CanadaJust Engaged - Best Course of Action?

Then why does it still show K3 Visa on the travel state .gov site? Maybe it takes just as long as the CR1? I agree don't hire a lawyer! We did and he gave us bad advice ... they can't keep up with the rules any better than we can. Although he was NOT exclusively an immigration lawyer and that was a big mistake also. Anyway, one other advantage I know for sure to being married first: When it comes time for your appointment to be booked for Montreal, they GIVE YOU an appointment date!! With the K-1 visa, you have to wait til appointments are available and go online and click on the site til you get one.... see threads on here re. booking appointments in montreal... people spend weeks and months clicking as often as possible... I spent 6 weeks clicken almost every few minutes.. if I wasn't clicking, my fiance or a friend was... from about 6 a.m. til I went to bed at night. It is torture!!
Like I said if you're married, they just contact you and tell you your appointment date. Besides, I would rather be married and going through all this ! It just added to the pressure to be figuring out getting married after I came over with the visa... we wanted to get the rest of the paperwork done so we could get my permission to go back and visit my 88 year old mother... even the advanced parole takes two or three months (as well as permission to work).

Unless you are just not comfortable getting married first... then that's a different story. :blush:

At 1 time the k3 was faster than the CR-1. But most of the time that is no longer true! And what others have said, I think they may have stopped the k3 all together, but not sure as I no longer really follow it. At 1 time, you could file the k3 and cr-1 paperwork at the same time, thats what we did back in 2004, our CR-1 was complete well ahead of the k3! We got a notice like 4 moinths after that I had already moved to the USA that the k3 was approved,lol

And when does govt stuff make sense,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-24 09:43:00
CanadaJust Engaged - Best Course of Action?

I'm pretty sure that the K-3 was phased out a couple of years ago. I remember lots of discussion about it back then. I believe that it's not obsolete in fact, but is obsolete for all intents and purposes.

By the way, one of the downsides to the CR-1 visa is that you have to file to remove conditions after 21 months in the U.S. I'm in this process now, and it's fairly straight forward compared to the initial CR-1 process, but is stressful nonetheless, having to wrangle lots of documentation to prove the viability of the marriage. It also costs nearly $600.

k1'ers have to evetually do that as well!! The real only downside of the CR-1 is it usually takes longer. At 1 time, they were pretty neck and neck, but that has not been the case the past few yrs! My cr-1 in 2004 took 6 months.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-24 08:54:00
CanadaJust Engaged - Best Course of Action?

K3 really makes no sense as it costs more $$$ and to get to the interview takes the same amount of time as the cr-1/ir-1 plus u have more paperwork to file! Only time it may make sense if one lives in Western Canada, thus would get Vancouver as ur consulate. As they tend to be fatser (all cr-1/ir-1 goto Mtl)

The waiting/visiting prior to the interview is the same as the k1//cr-1--all up to POE officer discretion!

In all of these visas no one is "living" with their spouse until AFTER the interview and visa is in hand.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-24 08:50:00
CanadaHusband owns House... should my name be on Deed?

There is only one instance, in my opinion, where it could be hurtful.

For example, our house is now worth $100,000 less in value then what we owe. If we have to foreclose on the house, both of our credit scores will be horrible.

In the case where only one partner is on the deed and mortgage, at least your other half goes unscathed. :wacko:

Funny you mention that----with the downward spiral of the housing market--when couples divorce and they are upside down on their mortgage, they fight to see who gets stuck with the house! Crazy world! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-28 17:17:00
CanadaHusband owns House... should my name be on Deed?
On our first place, I wasn't on the mortgage (I had no USA credit) But I was put on the deed. Thus if she had kicked me out, I would have still had claim to it. BUT she has NOT smartened up and has kept me around,lol. But a few yrs later when we re-financed thanks to thew lower interest rates, I was then added to the mortgage.

Edited by Flames9_RN, 28 November 2011 - 08:51 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-28 08:50:00
CanadaDecember Interviews in Montreal
Congrats!! Mine was Dec 7 2004!, hard to believe that was 7 yrs ago! Crazy how time flies
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-04 16:17:00
Canadamissing Hockey night in Canada

ya they do but the games are only available on two channels..and barely if at all. Versus, which you can only get with those higher end packages or a specific comcast sports channel. and i refuse to pay 100/month for freaking only other option is to listen to it on the radio but again..its not the same :(

i did this during the immigration process so i could watch hulu etc..but i can't seem to find the reverse possibility for Canada..tried all sorts of proxies. and justin tv half the time its just a black screen i get

I almost started humming the hockey night in canada theme song today at work..LOL. I grew up in Montreal with a big brother and a father who were absolutely NUTS for montreal canadiens...i actually scared my hubby's family the year teh hawks won the cup...i watched the games at their house and i was all yelling and swearing and freaking

A few down here in Nicaragua use and go out of Montreal. They say the service is very good. I'll be signing up in the next few days
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-28 22:13:00
Canadamissing Hockey night in Canada

NHL network is nice. You can pay a ton of money for NHL Center Ice. Also check to see if you get Versus. They are owned by NBC (who has the US NHL contract) and they show a lot of games during the week. And they ALWAYS show every game of the playoffs. Versus usually shows the TSN feeds. Every now and again they don't cut the feed off during commercials and you see a Canadian commercial or two :)

I'm lucky here 'cause I'm a Predators fan and I can get most of the games on FoxSports South.

Hubby was muchopissed off last year during the World Juniors while he was here and it wasn't broadcast. He couldn't get a live feed and had to wait until the next day to watch the games on-line. Since hockey isn't a big deal here, he didn't know the scores before hand.

Thats were a VPN comes in handy--watch it online
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-28 19:55:00
Canadamissing Hockey night in Canada
Now that I have all my household goods here in Nicaragua, plan on getting a VPN and have it out of Montreal, thus I can get Cdn TV on my computer
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-28 17:04:00
CanadaNOV 23rd Interview

To those that had their interviews on Nov 23 keep in mind that the Consulate was closed Thursday and Friday for the American holidays. I'm sure you will all hear good news soon :)

Should have been open Friday.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-30 17:20:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
Im from Sk, and write it as cheque. And I speak nill French!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2008-02-26 17:18:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate
Mtl doesnt ask for a lot of evidence, usually if anything, they ask to see a few pics. Canada is not 1 of the high fraud countries. Each their own. I had a few pics, letters, air travel receipts, letter from mother n law.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-02 17:52:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate
Quality over Quantity!! You do NOT need a tons of evidence! But each their own! Those plastic accordion binders work great. Mine had like 13 "pouches" and easily held everything!! No electronics of any kind!! And yes they will turn you away,
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-02 14:09:00
CanadaPregnancy & Benefits in the US vs. Canada?
Not sure about FMLA (never used it) But I was told that you had to have worked so many hours at ur present job to qualify for it?? I thought it was like 1 year (if u worked full time) But not sure about that.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-30 14:33:00

Received an e-mail with a flyer link with Q&A for the changes with RBC:

Found this interesting: Checks for deposit may be scanned in through personal scanners or smartphones.

USAA has this and it is SUPERB!!! Scan the cheques and thats it!! I wait a bit and then shred them!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-02 21:15:00
There have been quite a few on here that use the RBC to tx $$ back and forth. I don't use RBC--You may just have gotten someone who had no clue and didn't want to listen to you and investigate it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-11-11 11:54:00
CanadaInternet phone services

Keep in mind one issue with using VOIP services, is if you have an internet provider that has a limit on how much internet you can use a month. VOIP sucks a lot of bandwidth.
A lot of cable and fiber optic companies now offer packages with the phone included and it doesn't count against your bandwidth usage.
It still doesn't solve your problem with needing away for your Canadian family to call you on the cheap. My uncle has Ooma and has been using it for years. He said the only issue he's ever had; his fax machine doesn't like it.

Every now and then, our OOma voice quiality echoes a bit, but I blame that more on the Internet service here in Nica.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-04 10:16:00
CanadaInternet phone services

We use Vonage - for about $42.50/month (that's our whole bill incl taxes) we have a local number here in VA and a 519 number for the KW folks in Ontario. We have unlimited long distance within North America which is all we care about and we're very happy with it. Everyone back home can call me for free which they love and it encourages them to call that much more. Sure beats Bell Canada's ####### service back home that was so expensive.

In this case--Ooma would be a far better option! After a few months, you would be saving a lot of $$$$ Just saying,lol Of course that MagicJack may be good as well. I just know a few that have had issues with it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-03 17:10:00
CanadaInternet phone services
We have ooma here in Nicaragua and it works very well! One pays more upfront for it ($170 at costco)But then each month ur only paying the taxes on it--Something like $3.40. But it does cost extra to call Canada, unless u have the premier plan. But their minute is super cheap! And the min never expire! $10 will prob last me 6 months! In the long run it was cheaper than Vonage! But awhile back their were rumors Ooma was going to bite the dust, ouch, but so far so good
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-12-03 11:52:00