CanadaAnyone else disappointed to get a Montreal Case Number ?

Western Canada goes to Vancouver, Eastern Canada goes to Montreal.

Yeppers, line is drawn in Manitoba. and of course all cr-1//ir-1 goto MTL

Sometimes they get the wrong consulate----and u can email and request it goto the proper one.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-07-27 23:27:00
CanadaConsidering moving back to Canada - what to know is a site similar to VJ
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-04 06:26:00
CanadaReally hoping that I'm doing this the right way
Which visa is best varies from person to person! Take a look at the table and see which one would better suit you:

Yes as others have mentioned, being denied entry is not the end of the world! Ensure you always have evidence that you are going to return to Canada----and even with that, the POE officer can still deny you entry!! Canadians are allowed to visit, BUT do not have a RIGHT to visit! And the POE officer can limit how long you stay.

So take a look at that comparison table and decide which is the better route to go!! If you need to work right away, then the cr-1(already married) is prob the better route, but it can take a bit longer than the fiance (k1) visa. Disregard the k3 visa, its gone the way of the dodo bird!!

At the top of each forum is a GUIDE!! Ensure you read them--no 1 cares more about ur situation, than you!! Its a fairly easy process, its just the waiting that sucks
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-05 10:14:00
CanadaCr-1 ROC My canadians who have done it :)
I sent WAY less than that and I mean a way less!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-07 14:19:00
CanadaImmigrant Waiver for overstay for a Canadian

Hi Everyone,
Are there any Canadians out there who's IMMIGRANT visa was denied because of previous overstay in US and are in need of a waiver?

Do not recall any of these on the Cdn forum! I know quite often they ask at the interview if you have ever been denied entry or banned! As well you have to list as best as you can the times you have been to the USA. If you have any doubts, have the waiver ready to go when ur at the interview.....Hopefully you won't require it.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-06 20:42:00
CanadaFuture CR1 Canidate
There are many ways to look at it and more or less it comes down to the POE officer. One always wants to keep it simple and to the point BUT one never wants to box themself into a lie!! You may say just a friend and that may work for 1 POE officer, BUT the next time you may say friend and he may poke further and now that friend is a girl friend or a husband/wife, now for some POE officers they could be fine with that OR they may grow suspicious and further investigate or they may be ticked off on why you were not giving all the details. Up to you, what you do does not affect us--only you. Always have evidence of returning to Canada, many times they don;t even ask for it, but sometimes they do and may or may not make a difference in their decision. I have found, always be HONEST and show RESPECT and you will be fine.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-08 14:49:00
CanadaFuture CR1 Canidate

people tell me about your crossings!

Has anyone ever just said friends?

Or friend???

I wanna hear some stories and have you ever been denied entry and did you have to show proof of ties ever???


How about you use the forum to its maximum-----use the search feature--- as this is prob the #1 topic in the Cdn forum! Lots of posts on the topic-----You can say whatever you want, the POE catches you in a lie, no 1 here suffers--just you!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-07 18:34:00
CanadaFuture CR1 Canidate
Cdns do NOT use the Waiver program!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-07 14:04:00
CanadaFuture CR1 Canidate
quite simple...NEVER LIE!!!! You wanna play games with a POE officer, ur not going to win, eventually will catch up to you. Most visit with no problems!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-07 11:25:00
CanadaChange for Montreal to Vancouver ( i live in Wpg)

In January we started the process with my fiancee' living in Boston Area. With my family in London and Montreal closer for visiting we selected Montreal Embassy for the interview. With the larger and longer time delays will the NVS allow me to change to Vancouver at this late date. They just asked for RFE and we sent today. I saw a post that it could take up to 80 days longer vs 50 in Vancouver.

Can we request a change or do I just live with it?
Thanks to all you Vj'er for your help and replies.

If you live in Winnipeg and going the k1 route yes you can!! Others have successfully accomplished exactly that. Not exactly sure what they did, but believe they emailed Montreal (with case # in subject line) and asked for it to be transferred to VAN, due to living in one of the Western provinces----Just to bad its a crappy one,lol No Swagger, in Swaggerville this yr! GO RIDERS!!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-07 17:34:00
Canada221g waiting in montreal
No 1 can really give you an short, don't make any plans until you have it in hand!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-07-31 15:44:00
CanadaGetting Around Montreal
There used to be a Bus shuttle that went directly from the airport to the downtown train station. Then from the train stn, one caught a free shuttle that went to the downtown hotels! Wasnt very $$$$. And one just did the exact opposite for the trip back to airport. Not sure if the service is still offered, was something like $24 round trip
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-09 10:36:00
CanadaWho is allowed to ask for our greencard info?
I just completed a high level security Clearance here in the USA--I had to list all Foreign people I associate with--Which includes my Canadian friends and families--Didnt have to include anything else than their name, address, phone #, Occupation and email if I knew it. Had to list my USA family members as well, and it did not require their SSN.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-11 09:11:00
Canadaabout no criminal records...does what I get is enough?

It says please be advised that a search of the national criminal records repository maintained by the RCMP did not identify any records for a person with the names and date of birth as indicated above.

Positive identifications that a criminal record may or may not exist at the national criminal records repository can only be confirmed by fingerprint comparison.

So do i need to have a finger print comparison? or It is sufficient?


If you have EVER had a criminal record, yes to fingerprinting. If you have NOT, then just the police check is fine
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-12 11:41:00
CanadaReceiving green card, and SSN card
Depending on the POE, they may verify it, but may not be able to do anything else. Can take awhile to get ur Greencard, and ur SSN may or may not come in the mail! After 10-14 BUSINESS days--No SSN, then head to ur local SSN office and check on it! If no SSN, they may ask you to re-apply---so to save a hassle at the SSN office--if u can, download a new application and fil it out!! Enure you bring ur passport/birth cert for ID. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-13 12:17:00
CanadaNeed to renew Canadian Passport
The #1 stumbling block for many seems to be the pictures!! I would print out Canadas specification and take it with you!! Canad ais VERY picky, and that just does not relate to the size, but to shadowing, quality, etc etc.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-13 15:48:00
CanadaTravelling With Cats
Prior to moving to Nicaragua, we stayed in a hotel for like 2 weeks.... We made sure they knew we had pets and there was even a sign on the door--that they provided--if not, we would have had one made! Hotel staff don't make a lot of $$$, so probably not thinking if a room has pets or not--so best to remind them 1 way or another.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-13 21:45:00
CanadaTravelling With Cats

I didn't have any issues and the cat flew with Delta back in 2008. However it was in-cabin in a soft carrier with my mom at her seat not in the cargo which may be different. As far as I know they didn't ask my mom about it. I didn't like the idea of using sedatives but I didn't want him freaking out on my mom either which is why we only used the minimum possible (think we cut one pill in half and that's all we gave him, we were given 2 pills in case he needed a second dose which wasn't required). While Pete was a stray so I can't say his age for sure I'm certain he was relatively young (1-2 yrs is my guess) so I didn't have the concerns that come with an older pet. Breeds with short muzzles (such as Persians) need special consideration as well and I would avoid sedation if at all possible in those kinds of circumstances. I wouldn't sedate a cat for a car trip.

Depends on the cat, some get super stressed and wont settle down. rapid heart rate for many hrs isn't healthy. There are other options as well. Like that calming feliway stuff. Or what we use for our dog--the thunder

When ones dog has to go below, they tell you upfront that if they think the dog has been sedated, they won't accept the dog. I'm sure if ones dog is small enough to go into the cabin, you could get away with it. Lot different when 1 flies out of the USA to a another country (beside canada) Was the hardest part of our move to NIca,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-06-06 17:45:00
CanadaTravelling With Cats

I made sure my cat had all of her vaccinations and a vaccination record before I drove to SoCal from Vancouver. They did not look at any of her paperwork when we crossed. I offered it and they said not to worry about it. California requires you to get a rabies vaccine though, so definitely get that. (I can't remember where I read that but I'm sure I did!)

As for the travel part: it really depends on the cat! My cat is very calm and is really dependent on me for happiness (so as long as I was there she was okay). Honestly, she's a lot like a dog. We just set her in the car and drove. When we started out each day she'd meow a bit but once we got going she just sat there. She was fine just being carried to the hotel without a carrier (but I don't recommend that if you're not sure how your cat will react!) Didn't need a carrier at all (except to keep her confined during the inspection at the border).

My family has had other cats that HATE traveling. They would literally panic - panting/throwing up/diarrhea... Eventually they just accept it. It's really hard to watch though because all you want to do is comfort them :(

Best suggestion would be to get your cat and go for a car ride and see what s/he does. I believe you can get sedatives from a vet (although my Aunt, who is a vet, says never use them when you take a cat on a plane because it prevents them from regulating their body temperature correctly).

off topic a bit----but a lot of airlines will NOT take an animal that has been sedated. I know we could not when we flew our dog to Nicaragua!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-06-06 16:05:00
CanadaTravelling With Cats
From the readings on VJ, most POE officials pay little attentionto pets! When I drove to Sask From DC with my dog, neither the cdn or USA officials asked to see anything.

A few yrs back we drove from DC to Florida with our cat! We got a sedative from our vet to help calm her--which it did,lol She was very mellow for the whole 15 hr trip!!

We had a cage and put a small tray of cat litter in it--and yes did use it!! But she was sooo mellow (out of it,lol) that we took her out of the cage and she just laid on my wifes lap!!

if ur crossing the border--may not want to give them a sedative as it may appear they are not healthy,lol

Edited by Flames9_RN, 05 June 2012 - 10:19 AM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-06-05 10:11:00
CanadaInterview Questions
I'm sure u can find info on the hotel on I'm sure ur well aware that they courier ot the visa package and sometimes they get it out right away, and in other cases not so fast. Of course it does not hurt to ask to pick it up the same day or next, all they can do is say no! It has worked for a few!! I'm sure there ae parking garages close to the embassy, always play around on google maps street view and find one!!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-07 09:16:00
CanadaStressing over Inventory Packing list for my move..

Thanks folks!! We managed to get most of it done the last two nights, only a few boxes left to pack and itemize. My butt hurts so bad from sitting on the hardwood floor for hours. LOL. We did a basic itemization. Most of it was things my mom had been compiling for the last 18 years. Oi, mom was a packrat. LOL.

I did pull out all the little electronics and put them in their own box, I didn't realize I needed their serial numbers. I don't have receipts for them, most of them were gifts, the newest thing crossing with me is my laptop, it flew with me to the US in 2011.

I just did the big ticket electrical items like TV and Stereo. Most likely they wont even look at it and if they do, only a glance!! But murphys law states, that if you did not make that inventory list----for sure they would want it!! My guy barely even glanced up from his game of solitaire on the computer!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-14 09:28:00
CanadaStressing over Inventory Packing list for my move..
KISS!!! Keep it super simple!!! No need to get to carried away! Sure label things to help make ur unpacking easy---but for Customs, 1 can keep it very simple! Majority of the time they don't even look! I grouped things together ie kitchen items, living room. Big ticket electric items, i kept alone, included serial # and approx price! keep it simple
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-11 13:13:00

It does! It's the long form Certifed, I ordered it from the Ontario governement website, back in 2009 just to have a hard copy. So I'm hoping this is good enough for Montreal. Thank you!

Liker The Duchessd has stated twice, ur fine as long as it says ur parents on it! Ur Biological parents are not going to change.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-15 11:04:00
CanadaPOE'ing This Thursday!

Good question! Not that I know of. :wacko:
I've read tons of reviews about Newark and POE's, including a few that had people flying from St. John's to Newark. Hopefully I don't run into any issues....

Prob no American pre-clearance then. Doesn't say anything on their website http://www.stjohnsai...index/index.cfm
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-15 17:50:00
CanadaPOE'ing This Thursday!

Hi everyone!

Well, the time has finally come! I'm activating my K-1 visa this coming Thursday. Any words of wisdom for my POE through Newark? I've read a couple of reviews but the newest one is from April. I'm not at all nervous really...just want to make sure I got everything covered.

I'm flying direct from St. John's to Newark and then eventually on to Houston. I have a 3 hour connection.

Thanks! :)

No USA pre-clearance in St Johns??
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-14 18:39:00
CanadaQuestion Regarding Border Crossing

It's good to check these things. Most Canadians, remember, don't need to show ties to the US - their claims to be temporary visitors are, in the vast vast majority of cases, accepted at face value. It's just those of us with USC significant others and future immigrant intent that need to show ties to Canada.

Years ago my parents flew to come to visit us in Rhode Island, and they got a lot from questions from the USA POE officer. Almsot did not let them come in. Everyone should be prepared--as the onus is on that person to show the POE officer they are going to return. Yes 99.999% of the time they dont even ask, but always good to be prepared
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-16 11:35:00
CanadaGetting the runaround on paperwork (Warning: Rant Ahead)
YA others on VJ have reported that some manufacturers have stopped issuing the letters, not sure why. Takes all of 5 minutes for them to email/fax it! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-16 17:42:00
CanadaCalgary POE


I am not sure what your asking. Calgary, Canada is not a POE into the USA. Unless it shares a border than you must look for the name of the city it borders with on US side. Hope this helps.

Thanks for letting us Canadians know that---lol POE can be at airports as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-17 07:37:00
CanadaCompliance Form for Bringing Car to USA

I just faxed in my request for the Compliance Letter from GM for my car. They informed me they will fax it to me this afternoon and send the original in the mail. I was hoping to leave this Wednesday for the USA but doubt I'll have the original by then as I live in a remote community. Does anyone know if the fax is sufficient for crossing the border?

Faxed copy should be fine---thats all Nissan did was fax me 1 (I ended up selling my car--so never used it)
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-17 13:36:00
CanadaOlympic Coverage
We use a VPN--strongvpn--and they are great!! They offer various packages!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-07-28 19:27:00
CanadaOlympic Coverage

They are most likely going to replay the opening ceremonies on NBC in the evening..

That they are!!! Here as well.....
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-07-27 18:02:00
CanadaIR1/CR1 How long from NVC completion to finding out interview time

Thanks for the responses, hopefully that means we will hear something soon then. Fingers crossed!

As far as the embassy, I think I would like to be there, but we'll see I guess. I'm a worry wart so I will want to know what's happening and I won't know if I'm not in there! Our little one doesn't need much to stay entertained and I'm breastfeeding so I shouldn't need a big bag, although I would agree that babies = big bags. Thanks for the tips!

The USA citizen does NOT have to attend the interview--its a personal choice! The interview itself is the EASIEST part of the whole process! Your lucky if it lasts 10 minutes. They ask very basic questions--how u met, what one plans to do for work in the USA, very basic. 99% of ur time at the embassy is spent waited for ur # to be called. They rarely even ask to see any evidence! Have a few pics of you together, ur child and ur golden and a very good chance they will not even ask to see that! Always recommend you bring evidence, just don't bring a lot, just make it quality stuff. Not much to do in the waiting area. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-31 09:20:00
CanadaAnyone else looking for interview date?
I have never used Twitter--but this sounds like a great time it could be used,lol Someone sees that it is available and then tweet it out!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-03-21 07:57:00
CanadaAmerican to Canadian | what and how to file?

Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Canada regional forum.

road to canada: http://www.roadtocan...orums/index.php
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-04-04 06:17:00
CanadaWhat are my options?
1 should look a bit more on how long the process is taking. 5 months??? I have never seen it that fast, it was faster back in 2004 and still took us 6 months,lol Take a closer look at timelines. 1 could ask, but its not likely to get an expedite based on you making plans that one is not suppose to make. And having a spouse from Pakistan, I'm sure that isnt going to speed anything up!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-02-14 15:21:00
CanadaFolder? Binder? organizer?
Of course their are exceptions--based mainly on ur past! And if ur past involves coming from a Country which they deem a bit riskier, you may get a pile more questions or AP.

I got asked a handful of questions, but they were very basic.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-04-02 16:45:00
CanadaFolder? Binder? organizer?
I know people worry about the interview and there is nothing we can truly say to stop you from worrying, but it is probably the easiest part of the whole process, it truly is! Ur not going to get lost in the consulate, most of ur time there is going to be spent waiting for ur # to be called to go up to a few windows to hand in ur documents and wait for ur # to be called for the interview, which is luck to last 10 minutes. In that time they are looking over ur file, ask a few very basic questions and viola, your done,lol And you ask urself why you just spent big $$$$$ for airfare to Mtl for such a short/easy interview,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-04-02 09:35:00
CanadaFolder? Binder? organizer?

That's what I used, worked great. I recycled it for the AOS process and interview.

Yep, kept all my Immigration stuff! And then when I Naturalized--Burnt it!! lol (Not the binder, just all the paperwork)

Edited by Flames9_RN, 01 April 2012 - 09:50 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-04-01 21:46:00
CanadaFolder? Binder? organizer?
Plastic accordion binder. Think mine had 13 slots. Keep ur interview letter and passport at the front
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-04-01 20:07:00