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I mentioned this on Facebook but the manager of our current place called us yesterday and basically begged us to stay :P she said if it was the money that she could reduce the rent.. but I told her that we just wanted more privacy, yard and a better parking situation. She said that she was sorry to see us go...

it is hard to find tenants like us :P.. we don't cause a fuss and no one complains about us etc... and in the 4 1/2 years we lived here we were only late with our rent once but we told them we would be ahead of time...

Come to DC and rent from us!! lol Were going with a property management co. to look after our place, so hopefully all goes well and we find good renters that don't demolish the place. I wanted to just sell the place at a rock bottom price to avoid the rental hassles--but the wife wanted to rent it out, so to keep peace will go that route,lol Just can't wait to get out of DC!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-24 06:56:00
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Some people have certain reactions with medication and soem don't. One can goto or just google and see what some of the side effects are. It is a common drug at the hospital, in most cases its with pts with diabetes. And my pts don't seem to have issues with it--but every one is different.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-15 05:35:00
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Regulate your menstrual cycle. If you're not trying to become pregnant, your doctor may prescribe low-dose birth control pills that contain a combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. They decrease androgen production and give your body a break from the effects of continuous estrogen. This decreases your risk of endometrial cancer and corrects abnormal bleeding.

An alternative approach is taking progesterone for 10 to 14 days each month. This regulates your periods and offers protection against endometrial cancer, but it doesn't improve androgen levels.

Your doctor also may prescribe metformin (Glucophage, Glucophage XR), an oral medication for type 2 diabetes that lowers insulin levels. This drug improves ovulation and leads to regular menstrual cycles. Metformin also slows the progression to type 2 diabetes if you already have prediabetes and aids in weight loss if you follow a diet and exercise program.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-14 21:09:00
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It could very well be legit--as one has to pay a premium price to get someone to come in for just a few hrs! I know RN's that have found legit jobs on CL!! Not everyone is crazy,lol. Just have to be safe!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-03-01 19:10:00
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I drove from Dc area out to a Tim Hortons in West Virginia for a day trip! Was close to a 10 hr day just for a ttl of 3XL coffees,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-28 16:36:00
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I just read that they are talking about casting ashton kutcher in Ghostbusters 3. EFFFF that. If they are going to ruin a classic, why not go all the way? Just throw bieber in there, and screw the pooch completely.

I hear ya!! Throw in Celion Dione just to make sure,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-22 14:44:00
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Some stores in the DC area have it--I think Rite Aid may---it was listed on Buckleys website as having it--give them a call!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-22 09:32:00
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I load up on Buckleys!! Actually ordered bunch online a few yrs back--Best $100 spent,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-22 08:58:00
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Yep, Derekkj and I lived in the same apartment building, even on the same side, pretty sure i could even see their balcony,lol and but never met! lol I have reasons for not meeting others, but I keep Internet and outside internet separate. Don't matter, as your out of this area for a few years anyhow.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-11 16:12:00
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Well, I guess I can't fault them since I have months of MIA-ness myself!!

How are you all doing?
Anything new?

maybe u can answer these questions:
1) can u visit while undergoing the visa process??
2) How do i get a police record check?
3) I lived in Ontario and BC how do I get a police record from each city?
4) How do I bring my car to the USA!

lol, nope nothing that new! Well i guess there is a few new things--booking ur own interview date and DHl now delivers the passports. ur all caught up,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-11 10:00:00
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Yep, most are long gone!! They Make an occasional appearance now and then, but some are just gone,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-02-11 09:45:00
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I don't know if any of you remember Silvanski but I saw on Facebook that his wife, Kathleen recently passed away.. I am not sure on the details though.. That is so sad, from what I remember he was a really nice guy

I do recall the name!! Sorry to hear!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2011-01-21 18:05:00
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Good luck with the store Marilyn.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-12-22 07:39:00
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Oh, how exciting, Colleen! When are you due?

You did? That's interesting. They gave me a piece of paper that said my license would be sent to my home address.... the same as they did in FL. Do you think it has something to do with making sure they don't issue licenses to the illegals?

I'm certain I got mine on the spot as I recall waiting for the picture to "dry" I heard they hold back a few of the ones were the pictures don't turn out very well--and post them to
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-12-08 15:48:00
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Too funny. You didnt get ur new DL right then and there?? I'm certain I got my new VA license on the spot!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-12-08 13:18:00
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LOVE my nook - enjoy!

Did you get the basic one? I am starting to covet the new color Nook but my old one still has a lot of life in it. So unless it has an unfortunately Metro accident I guess I am stuck with it for a bit longer :D

I didnt buy it for me--i bought it on behalf of my mother n law for my father n law!! I asked if she wanted the color 1 and she had read that some complained of a glare!! So just got the $149 wifi one. Wife has the same and enjoys it. I'm lucky to read 3 books a year,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-12-02 16:01:00
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I just bought a brand new Nook for $75!! Thanks to mastercards marketplace!! They had 1500 of them and they sold out in 14 SECONDS!!! Some good deals to be had on there, but the truly good ones sell out in seconds!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-12-02 14:14:00
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so I just bought a laptop for my FIL.. he gave us the money for it and I bought it online.. I didn't really put as much research into it as I would if buying it for myself but they were having a good sale on one at Tigerdirect and the sale only lasted to 12 midnight EST.. it was $400 for a refurbished 17.3 inch Acer with 3GB of RAM and a 250 GB hard Drive.. I hope I got a decent one...

here is an Acer from I have bought a lot of stuff from newegg, always great service and fast delivery!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-12-02 07:23:00
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Most of my patients ask right away if I'm from Canada, or do the same thing--where in Canada your from!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-11-01 09:41:00
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Friends say the metro's are packed--line ups just to et into the building!! 1 said best to park in Arlington and walk over to the mall
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-30 09:52:00
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I'm avoiding the mall//DC like the plague!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-29 15:07:00
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Have used Skype calling Canada and other places in the world, and the sound quality was excellent!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-25 15:32:00
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My dog is the same way!! She gets soo upset when she sees the suitcases!! Either means we are going away without her--or its a car drive to RI--both she hates!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-23 17:50:00
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So speaking of terrible places to drive.... :lol: ..... here are the 10 Worst Cities in the World to Drive. I see LA and DC didn't make the list. But Toronto and Orlando did. :blush:

Weird,lol! I wonder where that radio stn that stated LA was the worst and DC the second worst to drive in the USA, got their list from?? lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-04 16:15:00
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LA isn't even close to being the worst. Chicago and Boston (especially Boston) are far worse. n00b :P

I just quoted what the radio stated!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-01 09:51:00
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LA was the worst!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-01 08:17:00
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Make sure you come and visit me!!

I was there a couple of years ago but it was obviously installed after my trip. Darnit! I just googled the pics. That's pretty amazing. LOL

I don't find the DC traffic that bad. I mean it's bad..... lol.... but it's not Toronto bad. Huggles, if you're familiar with the Toronto traffic then it won't shock you. It's pretty comparable.

what ur a noob!! You just got here,lol and you live outside the beltway!! lol All depends on traffic and the time you travel! I just know it should not take an hour to go 16 miles to work!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-01 08:10:00
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I don't know many people with a college education willing to take $1.80 an hour... :lol:

I've always wanted to go to DC. It's on my short list!

Speaking of sculptures, I don't know if any of you have been to the Denver International Airport in the last few years, but there is a giant iron statue of a blue horse right at the airport entrance. It has red eyes... glowing red eyes. Very creepy!

It looses it neatness really quick once ur stuck in traffic!! On the radio yesterday it stated DC traffic was 2nd worst in all of the USA!! If you can live outside the beltway and not have to commute far, it can be cool! Lot of great free attractions in DC! But honestly, we only head into DC a few times a year, but thats me!! lol We have a year left to go and were outta here for awhile, sooo can't wait!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-10-01 07:18:00
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Ya a tiny bit of uproar over the Air Force memorial. It was rather costly, some were not pleased with the millions spent, the ended up with a few "metal bars"!! lol

Yep, Pentagon is right by the road, you can tell where the plane hit, as some of the building brick is a different color
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-09-30 10:09:00
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Best hamburgers ever----fresh made hamburgers by my grandma on the farm!! They were the best!! Victoria had a Red Robin and they were good. There are a lot of great burgers to be had, with each with their own preference. 1 place I was throughly looking forward too--then extremely disappointed with was , Elevation Burgers here in the DC area! Lot of hype, but for me, thats all it was--hype! Guess they are "organic" I found they had very little flavor, and the only thing big about them was their price!! fries were good as i recall, not as good as 5 Guys fries!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-09-09 15:01:00
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Ya, their fries rock!!!! Burgers are good, but a bit greasy!!! MMMM fries!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-09-08 13:38:00
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Since you have legal status in the USA, you (as the CDN, or the USA citizen) can rent a car from the USA to canada, as long as the car company allows it! A normal Canadian citizen (no green card, work visa) can't (or not suppose to be able to,lol) rent a car from USA to Canada! Many Cdns that take those Alaskan cruise tours then rent a car in Alaska and TRY to drive to the Yukon, find out the hard way!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-27 09:57:00
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I'm too chicken to try that method,lol I like to know exactly what I'm getting. Heading back to the free world in October, our tickets from DC to Saskatoon were $508 each, which isnt too bad!!! Think the lowest I have paid is in the mid 400's and the highest was around $800.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-26 08:19:00
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I would have dobne my hit from behind a lot different!! Cops were called, but I didnt go to the hospital right away--which I should have (Happened in Canada, so medical isnt really a concern!!) Ya, he isn't going to cal the cops, as he is in the wrong! Hope the info you have for him is correct, ie DL #
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-20 13:18:00
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Glad ur ok!! I would see a DR ASAP! I got into an accident---was the final episode of the very first survivor,lol---Kid hit me from behind--Iwas stopped at a red light---cops say he "fell asleep" I made the mistake of not going to the DR for a few days (military Dr) and then they didn't believe me that I was hurt!! Was very frustrating!! Luckily I recovered, and wasn't hurt too bad!! No clue how it works for insurance wise down here in the USA! He is at fault, so shouldn't he be covering ur medical stuff?? and congrats on the job!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-19 20:05:00
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My grandmother was a huge canner, and my mom still does. Very popular with the farmers and anyone with a big garden. My brain is a bit fuzzy--working nights does that---but a few yrs back, the company that made a lot of the canning stuff was going to stop making the jars or lids, and caused a huge uproar among the canners, thus they continued on making them!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-19 06:33:00
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Keep in mind, one has to have enough hours to qualify for maternity EI in Canada!

I know FMLA gives one up to 12 weeks of unpaid holidays (here in VA, no clue if it varies from State to State) I know in the nursing world, many of the gals save up their days off to use during their pregnancy so they get paid for part of that 12 weeks. As well a few of my colleagues who just had kids, work nights, they try and work every 2nd night (for a ttl of 3 each week if full time) so that way they are home during the day with the kids. Of course they get very little sleep during that first day off, which must be difficult!! As when I come home from work, I walk the dog and crash!! But doing it that way, saves $$$$ on child care. Other option: hope ur mother//mother n law are retired and live close by.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-17 05:52:00
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Our short 2 night stay in Boston has come to an end! Fun city with a pile of history. Highly recommend this company for the trolley: They throw in the 2nd day for free (others do that as well) as well u get a free 45 min harbor cruise (Others do that too,lol) But what I liked about them, is that if the trolley is full, the operator phones in another trolley, so ur waiting for trolleys is a minimum!! He said they have empty trolleys at the ready!!

Must sees are the Walking tour of Fenway park, very cool and we loved the Blue Man Show!! One can get cheaper tickets at not sure if u can get the blue man group cheaper online, you may have to go in person to 1 of their booths! The best seats are probably the ones closer to the stage, we had front row, centre, balcony, and they were very good, we paid $34.50 + $5.50 service charge for a ticket! Freedom trial has lots of history to be had!!! Fanueil Hall Area is cool and ful of tacky little stores as well as Buskers perform there. Some were very good, some were lacking,lol I actually got suckerd into helping 1 busker out,lol He made a joke about Canadians, so I said "Hey be nice" he stated he would juggle slower for me,lol and then later in his show, I actually got up in fron tof everyone--along with another dude, and pretty much just made asses out of us in a funny way!

Boston is a fun city, find it weird how many things didn't open until 10, then shut down at 5pm, ie the trolleys, harbour cruises. Was a good visit.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-14 07:28:00
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Money is alright - I should start at around 60-70k, and my husband has a good credit history in the US. Two problems I foresee are that I have a good Canadian credit history, but no US one, and I have no tax records to send in. I'm a recent grad working in my field but not for a long time.

You as the Cdn do not have to be included on the Mortgage, I wasn't, but was put on the deed!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-09 20:00:00
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Here's something off-topic: how's the mortgage situation in the US? I want a relatively cheap mortgage since prices are still nice and low in the Pittsburgh area, but I'm afraid that with the market crash I won't be eligible. Will I have a hard time getting an FHA loan? I keep looking up houses and MANNNNNN I wanna house so bad! If I have to live in the US, I want a place we can really call our own ;)

All depends on ur financial situation//credit scores!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-08-09 17:58:00