Some think moving from Canada to the USA is many consider us the "same" I truly disagree--we are very much different.
Yes in many ways we enjoy the same type of life style...but the cultures are different. I base that on my travels with the Cdn Armed Forces and now living in Nicaragua--a 3rd world country.

I know people from other countries are affected much more...but its probably expected..where as some think its not going to be such a big deal...and then it truly hits them. I'm kind of a weird person,I'm far more social online and when I was a RN working in a hospital! But out in public, not soo much. But that's me! Sorry the 2nd job didn't work out, I'm guessing if others were let go, they didn't want the smart ones,lol..just sheep that ate the hay and did not think too much! Better things will come along, hang in there. The same may go for ur husband moving to Canada--great for you, maybe not soo great for him. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-07 20:54:00
CanadaUsing Advanced Parole to Visit Canada

I thought AP could only be used for emergency situations? Such as death in the family etc. I could be wrong...

You may be thinking of when one has to get it expedited...and to get it expedited it has to be some kind of emergency reason.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-11 16:49:00
CanadaHow long is my police check good for in Montreal?
For Montreal it is one year.....No real need to get it to soon process as normally its a very easy piece of paperwork to obtain!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-11 12:08:00
CanadaInterview date is tomorrow!!

I picked up mine and my daughters Dr results today so now I know we're good to go but I cannot help but feel so nervous! just finished up organizing all the paperwork in a 13 slot accordian folder and it is FULL!

Normal to feel nervous--Maybe if I tel you NOT to be nervous that wil fix it,lol Not,lol

Just double check that you have everything!! Ensaure you have ur passport and interview letter handy as they wil prob ask for it! And as someone recently added--Ensure you have proof that you signed up for DHL.

Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-12 16:31:00
CanadaRecommend some good banks in the states.

What about transferring from TD or RBC?

not sure,prob best to call USAA and ask
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-03 14:57:00
CanadaRecommend some good banks in the states.

I am thinking of going with USAA. Has anyone tried to receive wire transfers from Canada through them? What are the fees like and is it a difficult process or can you do it all online?

Have USAA set up to receive Custom House (Now western Union) EFT transfers! At 1 time there was no fees--no fees on USAA part--Just on Westrern Unions! Love USAA, they are awesome
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-03 14:40:00
CanadaRecommend some good banks in the states.

I've never had problems doing it. Depositing checks via smartphone is awesome because I can easily deposit checks while I'm abroad if necessary.

I feel bad for not using a credit union, but I don't want to separate my credit card and checking account, and my credit card rewards with Chase are too good to give up. Savings are in Ally which has the best interest rate I've seen (not that that's saying much).

I was talking more about security measures. Sure its convenient, but may not be in your best interest!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-09-26 19:38:00
CanadaRecommend some good banks in the states.

Yup. Smartphones has change banking.

To clarify, anyone can open a banking account with USAA. USAA banking is open to everyone regardless of connections to the military. I have no connection to the US military, and I have been a USAA banking customer for over 10 years. USAA's other services such as insurance are only available to those with a qualifying US military connection (family relationship).

Oops, my fault!! lol I never do any banking with my phone!! I know lot of very high techy people, and they say top avoid that like the plague. I just use my scanner at home.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-09-26 14:19:00
CanadaRecommend some good banks in the states.

Bank of America is one of the worst banks in the US. BoA charges lots of hidden fees. Google "Best and worst banks in the US" and you will see BoA listed as one of the worst.

USAA is fantastic. Everything is done by mail so deposits can take a bit longer than a local bank. There are limited branches. You may not have a branch in your city. However, you can use practically any ATM. USAA does not charge a fee when you use another bank's ATM. The other bank will charge a fee for using their ATM. USAA will give you a credit of up to $15 per month. Rarely have I ever had to pay to use an ATM.

Go with one of the local credit unions if you can. They will charge the least amount of fees. The credit unions operate in small geographical areas so you may face ATM charges if you travel to a city where your bank does not operate or have an agreement with local banks not to charge you a fee (not in ATM network).

If you travel a lot, a national bank would work better since you would not have to worry about ATM fees.

USAA allows you to SCAN and deposit your cheques!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-09-26 12:44:00
CanadaRecommend some good banks in the states.
Is your spouse in the USA military, or his parents!! We have USAA and love it!! and sort of piggy-backed off her parents, who piggy backed off his parents,lol Nothing but great service!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-09-26 07:38:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!

First question I would be asking myself--WHY would a person I am PAYING $$$$$$$ (Lawyer)to do this ask this question?????? As I said Ensure YOU read the GUIDES and understand the process

The Visa will end up where it is suppose to go. The only reason why 1 would consider the k3 route is if you live in western Canada (Manitoba and West) as Vancouver would handle the K3 and Van tends to be a faster consulate than Mtl. But to be honest, I have not kept up on the K3 process as its pretty much dead, as its been taking just as long as the CR-1--and if you look at the comparison chart http://www.visajourn...content/compare Its pretty obvious when you compare the 2---Cr-1//IR-1 is far superior--and much cheaper!! So if they are taking the same length of time, it's a no-brainer!

We used a lawyer (had not found VJ) she was fine, but all they are in straight forward cases is $$$ proof readers. And of course many horror stories on here--thus read the Guides.

I believe SAYLIN---has put together a very nice package for the CR1//IR1:
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-16 22:28:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!

Thanks so much for ur reply, I didn't know that, as our lawyer asked me which consulate shall I put down and I said toronto since I didn't know that Toronto doesn't do CR-1 Visas although we have also filed for K3, do you think I have to do something here? or just wait and see what happens?? please let me know as I'm kind of worried right now.

First question I would be asking myself--WHY would a person I am PAYING $$$$$$$ (Lawyer)to do this ask this question?????? As I said Ensure YOU read the GUIDES and understand the process
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-16 22:06:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!

So I don't have to do anything here? Just sit and wait and see which consulate I'm scheduled the interview??

There is NO other consulate for CR-1/IR-1---it is Montreal--really that cut and dry. The only other consulates in ALL of Canada that do k1 (fiance visas) are Montreal and Vancouver! Yes there are consulates in other Cdn cities but they do NOT do these types of visas.--so for you--MONTREAL!!

Welcome to VJ--Ensure you read the GUIDES at the top of the CR-1/IR-1 forum and really understand them--as no 1 cares more about your visa--journey than YOU!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-16 17:51:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!

do you live in Toronto? if you do, can I ask why you chose Montreal's consulate? cause I put toronto on my form and I just came across this topic and was just wondering.

You a a CR-1//IR-1 ONLY have MONTREAL as an option...Don't worry, it wil end up where it is suppose to go!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-16 08:38:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-13 13:25:00
CanadaRequest more documents after Interview in Montreal

Hello every one
Montreal visa process is like baby step. What I did not understand is waiting all this long. when they finish every thing and hand your passport you have to wait again.
however, I have been waiting my waiver 8months. After I got approval early oct, I sent my passport and all what ever they needed to montreal. I am still waiting my passport.
It is been 6weeks now. I emailed and called no respond yet. by the way, every body is different I hope all of us went our process smoothly.

In your situation, I would def have the USA spouse contact his congress-person---you have waited well outside the norms!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-04 14:21:00
CanadaRequest more documents after Interview in Montreal

I think if people are contacting their congressperson over every little thing it is going to carry a lot less weight. It is like the boy who cried wolf. :whistle:

I guess one has to write out everything step by step.....Coomon sense should take place and give it within the timeframe the Embassy stated..goes outside that time can sit back and do nothing..or try and do something about it
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-04 11:51:00
CanadaRequest more documents after Interview in Montreal

I don't think she's having a problem yet, she was just wondering how long the process would take as it just started.

Yes, but in many cases it seems to take quite awhile--so its best to be prepared and di the research before hand--ie how to contact ur congress person. And from others on VJ that have went this route, things all of a sudden seem to pick up speed!! But hey--if one wants to sit back and do nothing--they can do that as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-04 10:44:00
CanadaRequest more documents after Interview in Montreal
What some have done is have the USA spouse contact their congress-person and have them make an inquiry.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-04 10:33:00
CanadaPolice certificate
http://travel.state....195.html#police scroll down
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-18 19:06:00
CanadaPolice certificate

As far as I know, Canadians have to have a police certificate.

Yes Cdns have to have a Police Background check completed. 1 check from ur local police or RCMP or even the commissionaires in some areas, covers everywhere you have lived in Canada. Just ensure they did search all of Canada, and under all names you have used.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-18 19:00:00
CanadaPolice certificate

Ok great, because quite frankly I wouldn't know where to get that done. I know they put muslim men/women in AP but I'm not muslim, I guess I will take it as it comes, Thanks :)

Doesn't have to be muslim.....can be from any of the countries that the USA doesn't get along with that great. But ur paying ur lawyer $$$$$--ensure you get HIM/HER to do the research!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-18 18:11:00
CanadaPolice certificate

I was born outside of Canada, but I've been in canada since I was 13 and have never gone back to my birth place, do you think it is still neccessary to get one? my lawyer hasn't mentioned anything to me, he has the same nationality as I do so I'm assuming he would have told me.
We are using a lawyer because we didn't want to deal with the paperwork ourselves, my husband has very little free time, I still find this site very helpfull though.

I believe its over the age of 16......and keep in mind--depending what country you were born in.....there may be an extended wait to get ur visa back after the they may review it more
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-18 17:12:00
CanadaK1 vs CR1(or other options) in this situation

Yeah apparently it takes one month in Alberta to take the marriage certificate back vs here in the US, it takes a few days max. You said you went back after you were married. Did you have to do anything as far as filling out paper work in Canada? Or did you fiance simply fill out the CR-1 in DC?

Just follow the cr-1 steps in the Guide. If one is going the cr-1 route--there is no Fiance---you have to be married before you start the paperwork.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-19 07:46:00
CanadaK1 vs CR1(or other options) in this situation

Because it takes longer to get the marriage certificate in Canada, we plan to get married here vs. in Calgary. I'm going to Calgary in late December to have our engagement party and staying there for a few days before coming back to the States with her. Afterwards we plan to get married and apply for the CR-1 right away. Does that look bad? Will they ask why she came to the US just to get married or whatever? And can she stay with me while the CR-1 is processing? I understand she has to eventually go back and cannot stay for longer than 6 months. But I plan to maximize my time with her in the constraint of that 6 months if it's possible.


Have you researched in how long it would be to get the marriage cert back?

Many--including myself--have gone to the USA and gotten married right away--I did it on a 4 or 5 day visit to DC. I left after that and went back to my Air Force job! Now if you coem up to the POE window and tel them you are getting married in the USA and staying for 6 months-0--it may not go so well for ya if you catch my drift. As well as I'm sure you know--the 6 months is not a gimme, they could shorten the time to a few months or few weeks, etc etc
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-14 10:56:00
CanadaK1 vs CR1(or other options) in this situation

Thanks for the replies everyone. I think since we are getting married in 3 weeks, it makes more sense to go the CR-1 route especially when it seems like it's taking less than the estimated 8-12 months to get visa approved.

Is there any step by step guide specially for US/Canadians marriage?

if ur getting married in 3 weeks--then ur only option would be the cr-1. Check out the CR-1 forum--nothing special!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-03 20:57:00
CanadaK1 vs CR1(or other options) in this situation
Some recent cr-1/ir-1 have lucked out and make it quicker than most, but thats the joy of the immigration process---some luck out--some are average--and some take way longer. Same goes for the k1 process! Really boils down what works best for you. http://www.visajourn...content/compare compares them

As you have read---people can still visit no matter what route they go. Really boils down to the POE officer. One should have proof of ties to Canada with them when they travel--you do not have to present it to the POE officer unless he asks for it. My 2 cents on visiting is down below in my signature. I traveled monthly to DC with no problems, never asked for anything---lot of it has to do on how you present yourself and be respectful--and the POE officer,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-11-28 14:19:00
CanadaNaturalizing in the next couple of months?

Exactly what I was thinking! I'd rather have a problem occur within the 10 years, before it's too late! :whistle:

Been 1 or 2 posters that were eligible to Naturalize....then something came up and they had to Move back to Canada................
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-09 17:36:00
CanadaNaturalizing in the next couple of months?

Hey Everyone!

We are planning to send in our N-400 application soon. I know it seems too soon from ROC, but better to get it over with and not have to worry, what do you think?

Anyway, just looking for fellow Canadians who think the same! :star:

Take care,


If your going to do it to do it right you never know what lies ahead.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-09 16:05:00
CanadaWorking in Canada.

Hi everyone! I am still around occasionally if anyone has any questions for me. Please feel free to inbox me anytime.

You need ur own little forum!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-20 15:43:00
CanadaWorking in Canada.

thanks! I had found her originally just can't see any of her old posts. I did PM her per your suggestions. Thanks for the help! :thumbs:

Cool! As I recall one of the biggest things she posted--she is NOT entitled to the Cdn Health care system, as she work son Canada, BUT is no longer a Resident of Canada. She will reply back to ya, may be busy as it is Xmas time!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-16 21:06:00
CanadaWorking in Canada.

Neiks is no longer active and shows no posts when i search.

I know it can happen, just not sure who he needs to notify/if there's anything he needs to do when it starts, other than notifying his place of employment that his permanent address has changed.

Neiks is like on page 66 of "n" on the Members sections . http://www.visajourn...me__N__st__1300
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-12 22:46:00
CanadaWorking in Canada.

thanks for the suggestion, I will take a look :thumbs:

his permanent residence will be in the US. his job is an hour away from our place in the US. Commuting distance.

There are MANY Cdns with a GREENCARD that LIVE in the USA--and commute to Canada for work! Its not a problem
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-12 22:18:00
CanadaWorking in Canada.

My husband's visa has been approved :dance: :dance: :dance: but he hasn't activated it yet (probably not til after the new year) there anything specific he needs to do to continue to working in Canada after he does activate it and starts living in the US?

Could PM Neiks--or search her posts--as she lives in the USA, but works in Canada. She no longer posts a lot, so should not be to hard to read thru her posts
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-12 22:06:00
Canadamoving furniture to USA without CR-1 Visa

That's awful. I called one of the CBP supervisors yesterday at the border and I told her our exact situation very honestly. She said that it should not be a problem to move it under my name because I am a USC and I would be a "returning resident". I told her I didn't live in Canada but just went on the weekends and said, that I am still a USC so that's what I'd be. She also said it's ok to bring it as mine because it is "marital property". I explained that HE bought the stuff before we even got married, in Canada. and she made it seem like that was no big deal and said it's fine. I also asked if I'd need to show proof or receipts that it's mine and she said no, just don't move anything that's obviously "NOT MINE" or "HIS" like his clothes, so it doesn't look like he's moving in advance.

I wish I could've gotten this all in writing from her and I keep hearing different things from different CBP officers and people.
Just wanted some more opinions on this I guess.

Like many other things in this process---it is all going to depend on your POE officer. Each POE (customs) officer may look at differently! Commons sense sort of says, whats the big deal, as with the Immigration paperwork you could provider as proof---its soon coming down duty free anyways! While another Customs officer states you as a USA citizen can only bring so much of value back after a visit out of country!! Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-21 21:59:00
CanadaDo I need to file a Canadian Tax Return??
http://forums.serbin...ewforum.php?f=2 Decent place to ask questions
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-24 21:35:00
Canadaa vent / rant regarding my home phone and ATT
We have OOMA--same thing as Vonage a VOIP!! Nice thing about OOMA is you pay the $160 (costco) up front then you only pay the tax each month (depends on which stae ur in---Ours is based in Florida--as we are in Nicaragua---and its like $3.20 a month) Its not free to call Canada--but in the last year, I think I have spent less than $20!! We like it!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-08-30 17:44:00
CanadaGoing back in Canada
Sure you can--Canada will let you back in no problems at all. BUT as the others have stated the USA will NOT, as the k1 is single use. Happened to 1 gal on here a few yrs back! She was then lucky to start the CR-1 process from Canada! One always has choices,lol All the best in 2013
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-26 18:48:00
Canadaextending stay
Its simple as that...Since they did not put a date can stay for up to 6 months--Just google whatever POE your looking for
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-27 10:02:00
CanadaPassport renewal + AOS in progress

Does your passport have your I-94 in it? When I had my AOS interview they wanted the I-94 back. Also, the IO crossed out the K-1 visa and wrote AOS through it. So in my experience, having the passport was necessary.

Did you receive any notices indicating where your file is? If it was transferred to CSC you probably wont have an interview. Otherwise, you probably will. You can get a good idea by studying AOS time lines for your local office as well. Some offices rarely have AOS interviews, others almost always do. For example, my local office is Denver and it seems like everyone ends up with an interview. If you think you'll get one, I would make sure I had my passport.

Passport Canada will give your old passport back if you request it. There is a check box on the application. They gave mine back last time I renewed.

Are they seriously raising the fee to $260?!

I haven't looked into it--but I think 1 has an option of a 5 yr or 10 yr Cdn Passport.....And I think it costs a lot more to get it mailed out of Canada. Someone had posted a link a few weeks back of the new rates
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2012-12-29 20:40:00