US Citizenship General DiscussionWaithing for Oath Ceremony
Well firstly I'd like to thank everyone for their contributions to this site it certainly makes the waiting seem easier and the information we have gleaned from this site has proved very helpful.

I would like to lay out our problems along the way to where we are now since submitting our N400 form in June.

Submitted N400 through Phoenix Lockbox: 06/13/2012

Biometrics appointment in St Louis: 07/20/2012

Placed in Queue for Testing and Interview: 07/23/2102

Interview scheduled in Chicago (arrgghh): 10/11/2012

This is where the first issue arises - this issue revolved around actually getting to the appointment. As the office is a fair distance from where my wife lives she was going to go on the train - cheapest and fastest route by a long way. But the train would have arrived just 25 minutes before her appointment so we contacted the USCIS to ask what would happen if she were maybe 5 minutes late - they just stated words to the effect that "it's your responsibility to be there at the appointed time" end of!! So we decided that if they wouldn't budge then we would spend nearly $400 and a 5 hour return car journey from home and then fly her up to Chicago from St Louis so she would be there on time - which she was!! Plenty of time. Her interview time was 11:05 am - she was finally seen at 12:00 and approved by 12:20 and the ISO couldn't believe that she was told that she had to be there or else and that they could of accommodated her getting there a bit late. As can be seen she sat there for an hour after her appointed time before being called and could have easily got the train!!!

Still she was approved which was fantastic!! Then the ISO asked if she could go back on the following Tuesday 16th for her Oath ceremony, which she couldn't sadly and unfortunately, in hindsight, was a bad move. So the ISO told her the next ceremony in the area that covers Quincy, Illinois was in Springfield on the 9th November - my wife told her that would be fantastic as it is a two hour drive and that would be fine - and that her mother would be visiting over that period so she would go with her.

Well as that date was over 4 weeks away and the fact that the officer implied she would be on this ceremony was great. Well nothing was heard for two weeks so a call was placed to USCIS NCS - well they just told us exactly what we could see on the web site status - namely Testing and Interview - which we could see and they couldn't tell us anything more (didn't know about Tier 2 then). Another call was placed with a week to go but alas the same answer was received - useless! So a friend suggested calling the local Senators office to chase it - which she did and the immigration member of staff was fantastic and had an answer within 20 minutes of us sending the requested information. Unfortunately it was that she wasn't on the list for 9th November although they (USCIS) confirmed that the date was mentioned after the interview. But no reason was given as to why they could have got her on the ceremony four working days later but couldn't get her scheduled in 4 weeks!! Arrrghhhh!!!

So we went back to the Senators office and asked if it were possible to schedule a ceremony back in Chicago before Christmas (2 ceremonies a week held there) so her mother could attend and also because we had found out that there were no more Ceremonies scheduled in the Central Illinois area until 02/15/2013. The Senator's office duly submitted an enquiry to that effect. This enquiry was finally answered via E-mail to the Senator by the Field Office Director in Chicago (we have the text from the e-mail) an extract from what the Director wrote is below:

"The Citizenship Unit has responded that applicants must naturalize in the court having jurisdiction over their place of residence. Your constituent has been approved and is currently in queue to be scheduled for an oath ceremony."

Well two things come out of this:

1. If the statement is true then how come she was offered a place outside of the court having jurisdiction over her place of residence – e.g. she was asked if she wanted to go back to Chicago!!

2. This reply was received on 11/27/2012 – 12 days after the status was updated to the famous: On November 15, 2012, we placed your application in the oath scheduling que. Was that a result of the Senators Enquiry or just luck?? Who knows!!

So where are we now I hear you ask? – well over two months later we are still waiting for a date - arrrggghhhhh!! Now cynics amongst us, me included, will probably say they are know the next ceremony is 02/15/2013 so they don't need to do anything until a couple of weeks before!! Maybe that is true, but we all have lives that are dictated to by work and family life and the USCIS in some cases – so a bit more notice, given the time she has been in the queue, to organise the time off etc. would be helpful in the least. Not that we wouldn't drop everything to get her there on the day for the ceremony even if the letter comes through the day before.

We have contacted the "help" line again this week and the lady couldn't believe that nothing had happened in the two months since being placed in the que!! and promised to get it looked at – again no Tier Two contact was asked for as the operator seemed genuinely amazed at the time line. Still a working week on and still nothing heard so we intend to ring back on Monday and definitely ask for Tier Two assistance and at the same time write to the Senator again to see if they will place another enquiry into what is happening - AAARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!

I apologise if this post is long winded but it is partly to ask what more can we do?? And partly to help others prepare for what should be a reasonably easy completion of the N400 process can be as frustrating as the early parts and the interview – which in hindsight was a breeze for my wife!!!! This, coupled with the fact that it appears that our next stage in the process, that of filing our I130 for me to join her, looks like being processed by the Chicago Office also – AAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't wait!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a nice weekend.

Chris & Silvia
CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-19 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

What is the Notice Date of your transfer hard copy? The February spreadsheet shows 10/17.


Hi MJP - sorry for the delay been in meetings most of the day!!! 


I have checked our physical paperwork and you are right the notice date on the I-797C was 10/17/13, we actually received the hard copy on the 10/22/13 - sorry for the mistake.


Good Luck,


CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-26 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers
Hi Storm 7000,
Thanks for your congrats message.
We were indeed transfered to Nebraska on 10/22/13 so it took a month to get approval from the transfer date.
We did get the "Alien Reg Number change" message last Friday.
You're approval will follow soon hopefully.
Best wishes to all,

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-26 00:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Congrats back to you too!!!dancin5hr.gif

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 14:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Whoo Hoo - we are approved ...................................


On November 25, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN.


We got the "Alien Reg number change" message Friday and my wife got a text and E-mail first thing this morning saying we are approved!! We are finally on the move to NVC. Good luck to all the Feb filers still waiting - you will get approved soon.


One thing to note - we were browsing various parts of the USCIS site last night and decided to check our account - we noticed that our I130 case wasn't in our portfolio so we added it and registered for email and text updates. We had done this via the form originally sent with our package back in February but have never had an electronic update of our case. But the day after registering on-line we got both updates - email and text. So for those who aren't getting updates but sent the form maybe creating an account and registering for electronic updates may see you getting them at last. Just a thought!!!


Very best wishes to you all on this journey!!


CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 13:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Hi Everyone,


Well after 9 months of tooing and frooing from NBC to Chicago and back again and then to Nebraska on 20th Oct our staus finally changed today to this:


On November 22, 2013, your Alien Registration Number was changed relating to your I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN.


Reading another post where this happened to a Feb filer on the 20th they were approved the next day!!! So here's hoping - even an RFE from it would be something and I never thought looking forward to receiving an RFE would be so exciting - but at least it means they are doing something with our application - but hopefully it will fianlly get aproved very soon. Out of interest has anyone else received this status change and if so what happened next!??


Here's to all of us getting good news very soon.


Best Wishes to all CB & RB

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-22 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Hi everyone - haven't posted for a long while but have been following the Feb filers thread regularly as we are Feb filers too!! 

What's happened to our application recently is very similar to the posts above. A potted history of the last 8 months - well all bar 4 days - it's a long wait.

With the influx of DA applications we waited before calling USCIS the required 5 months and then started to call and speak to tier two IO's - well that's an experience that my wife (The USC) enjoys I can tell you!! Not once did she get the same answer form them and they even raised a service request on our behalf as one of them couldn't believe what he was seeing in that our application was sent to our local USCIS (Chicago - Arrrggghhh) in April!!! WOW we thought it must be getting near the top of the pile!!  - but then it was sent back to MSC in July - no reason was given on the system so he raised the service request to find out why this happened but assured us that the file was now back in Chicago!! Wow we thought again - and to ring back in 15 days to get the result of the service request!! 

Being patient kind of people we did the waiting - LOL!! and called for an update only to be told that the officer who placed the request placed in on MSC and as it was Chicago that sent it back he should have raised it on them - so we had to raise another service request - ARRRGGGHHH again - now the good bit!! The T2 tried to raise a request but couldn't as the original one was still open!! He couldn't close it as MSC had to close it and they were unlikely to be in a rush to do that as it's nothing to do with them!! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!! What a wonderful system they have!! So we had to call back 15 days later again which my wife did and still no answer - so we just gave up with the whole calling process as it's just depressing. We decided to hang in there and let time take it's course.

Well on the 17th of this month we had a new message on the Case Status page saying that:


On October 17, 2013, we transferred your I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN, to your local USCIS Office for further processing. The new office has jurisdiction over your case and will send you a decision as soon as processing is complete or you will be notified if further information or action is needed. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.


Interesting we thought as we were informed by the T2 in August that it was already back in Chicago!!! (Our Local Office) LOL!!!  Still at least we haven't got to read the same old Initial review message we had been reading for 6 months!! Then my wife got a letter from USCIS of NOA - and that stated that our case had been transferred to Nebraska service centre!!! Boy our application has more air miles than me now!! Then a day later our status message had changed once again to this one:


The I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.


Which we hope, along with having it as a hard copy as well, finally means our application is in a pile at it's final destination and will remain there until we get a final decision!!! We Hope!!! LOL!!

It seems as though a lot of Feb filers are getting similar messages and lets all hope that we will all be approved soon so we can move on to the next and hopefully final phase to be re-united with our better halves.


Regards and Best wishes,







OOPS - sorry above post is so long - didn't realise it until I posted - LOL!!! But it's good to vent occasionally!! smile.png smile.png

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-23 14:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Just recieved my NOA 1 hard copy yesterday. Awesome! Progress! Case is still not available online though.

Good to hear - so we are still tracking virtually together - although still a long wait ahead - LOL!!

Isn't it odd that our updates were available online as soon as we received our NOA1 but we still haven't had any electronic updates!! Not sure what's better at this early stage!! Texts or Web updates???
CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-07 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Hi !..

How do I know which office its at?? We mailed it the the Pheonix Lockbox and recieved the NOA1 on the 11th feb with a MSC number??? My husband lives in Texas..

Hi - you can enter your zip code on this page and it will display your local office:

Local USCIS Office Locator

Hope it helps and good luck!!

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-05 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Yeah, I am hoping that it comes in this week. Are you able to view your case online? Tried mine, but of course, it was futile. Will try again once i get the notification letter.

Yes - I checked it as soon as my wife scanned and sent me the letter this morning (US Time) and we are at "Initial Review" status.

You will get it soon. Ours has a MSC ******* receipt number. Is yours at NBC (AKA MSC) too? If so I believe it will go here and then be forwarded back to the local office - for us it will be back to Chicago were it was sent originally!!! But that's life in the USCIS Lottery - at least we are on the journey - :dance:

Oh - sorry I see it in your signature now - you are at NBC too!!

Edited by CB&RB, 05 March 2013 - 03:19 PM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-05 15:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Check cashed by USCIS. :)

Hopefully i get my hard copy soon.

That is good news - it shouldn't be long until you get your notification - we received our NOA1 in the mail yesterday. We didn't get any e-mail or text notification though. But that's nothing new where the USCIS is concerned.


CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-05 05:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Thanks for that info. I seriously think I'd be lost if it wasn't for all you guys and this site! :blush:

I know how you feel - there is a lot of good people with good information on here!! :thumbs:

Just a quick update - our fee was deducted today from our bank - that bit only took 3 days exactly !! LOL!!

Lets see how long it is before we get NOA1 from now!!!
CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-01 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

My UPS package was successfully delivered to the Phoenix office. Now the wait for NOA1 begins.

Glad to hear it got there OK - as we were only 1 day apart in filing and at different Lockboxes it will be interesting to follow the progress and see how close our paths track!! :thumbs:
CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-27 14:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Yay!! Welcome to the group! Aww I love what you have written in your signature, you met 27 years ago?? wow!

Well thanks for you welcome message - it's quite a stirring and romantic, but very long story. I'll leave my wife to post something about it maybe - she is the petitioner and therefore in the US and is a new citizen as of last week!!

Best Wishes - Chris & Silvia
CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-26 16:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers
Hi all - well we have finally got everything together and sent our I-130 package off yesterday!!
It's out for delivery on the FedEx van as I type this.

Here's hoping it goes smoothly and without any hitches - well one should always have hope!!
CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-26 14:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


I can't wait to post the same good news! Congrats!! Very happy for both of you luv.gif





                                                         Wow 37 business days from case # to case complete....congrats to you...dancin5hr.gif


Thanks for the congratulation messages, I never looked at the timeline as 37 business days but now I think of it that way it was pretty quick. I think our file arrived at NVC before the deluge of I-130 packages from USCIS after they upped their game and started processing/approving I-130's with a vengeance!!! Hopefully you will hear some news soon.


Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-15 02:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Thats great news, so interviews in London happen within 6-8 weeks after case complete?


Hi Eastyo,


Hopefully yes!! All I can say is that is what the rep at NVC told me. I will post on here as soon as we get the actual appointment date!!


Best of luck to you and yours.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 15:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Thanks Saylin, we sure have moved on up!!


Happy Dance time for Silvia and I !!!kicking.gif kicking.gif

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Hi Everyone,


Just got off the phone to NVC and got told case complete as off 11th March - Whoo Hoo!! Told the lady I spoke to that she had made our day!! Called the wife and gave her the good news - so happy!!! No Checklists at all!!!


One thing the lady did tell me is that we have to wait for an interview to be scheduled which I understand, but she did add that the London Embassy is still scheduling April interview slots!! So hopefully we should get a late April or early May slot!!! Which is fantastic news!!


Good Luck to everyone and I hope you get a speedy and easy passage through the NVC phase.

Chris & Silvia


Saylin - Please update your spreadsheet!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Edited by CB&RB, 14 March 2014 - 03:34 PM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Hi Saylin,


Good spot! I have updated my signature timeline - it is in my official timeline. It was 02/04/2014.


Chris & Silvia.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-12 14:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Hi Saylin,


Please could you add us to your spreadsheet - we are hopefully close to the end of the NVC stage but it might be helpful for others for cross checking dates and wait times.


Thanks for all your advice and prompt responses to everyone's questions.


Thanks in advance,

Chris & Silvia smile.png

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-12 14:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


I believe that they are flying with Easyjet but I will check and confirm, thanks :)


That could be a good thing as Easy Jet still accept UK Photo driving licences as valid ID as below:


Article 13 Documentation and Other Requirements 13.1 Photographic ID Requirements

13.1.1 The airline requires all passengers to provide photographic ID at check-in on all Flights including domestic services. Passengers who use the online check-in service will be required to provide photographic ID at the boarding gate.


And here is their definition of Photographic ID:


You need to provide photographic ID at check-in on all flights, including domestic services. If you check-in online you will still need to provide your photographic ID when you go through security and again when you board the plane.

Photographic ID means:-

International flights outside the EU - Valid passport only

International flights within the EU - Valid passport or national identity card * 

Domestic flights (excluding UK) - Valid passport or national identity card *

Domestic flights UK - Valid passport or photographic I.D.

not every country issues a national identity card

Please note: a driving licence does not represent a valid photographic ID, with the exception of UK domestic flights.


As NI is classed as a UK Domestic flight the last line above covers it all I guess!! If they both have Photo driving licences that is!!


Chris & Silvia

Edited by CB&RB, 09 May 2014 - 10:56 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-09 10:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


I just had a thought: can they fly back home to N.I using another form of ID? Not sure if rules or whatever have changed since I was there.


Hi again,


Just done a couple more checks on other airlines and found the following airlines accept Photo Driving Licences as valid ID Documentation - British Airways and Easy-Jet. I think you should contact the airlines direct to get their policy - just to be 100 % sure!!


Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 16:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


I just had a thought: can they fly back home to N.I using another form of ID? Not sure if rules or whatever have changed since I was there.


Hi Collie,


Now that is a very good question!! I have had a quick look at Ryanair's policy - as I was actually checking in on-line for a flight to Spain as I got your reply and their policy is Passport or National ID only!! As per this from their T&C's of Carriage below:



  •  A valid passport
  •  A valid National Identity Card issued by the government of a European Economic Area (EEA) country. (Only the following EEA countries currentlyissue National Identity Cards acceptable for carriage on Ryanair flights: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France*, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden (not accepted on non Schengen flights), Switzerland). *The validity of French National ID cards (issued for adults) has been extended from 10 years to 15 years.

Who are they planning to fly with? It may be that they may have a case to ask for issue the same day!! There was a couple recently that were asked to come back later that day to collect their passports as they needed to get their dog on a flight to the US that month!! 

Maybe there are others on this site that have been through the same senario who may have a solution.

I'll keep looking too.

Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 16:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

It happened!!!!!

My visa status shows as ISSUED on the CEAC website!!! Wohoooo!!

I am such a happy bunny right now.

Hoping I will get my visa in time for 17th now :)



Hi Dimple,


I'm so glad it happened!!! I told you it would!! And if you go by my delivery time from issue you should see it next Wed or Thursday I reckon - Congratulations!!


Me ad My wifey were Skyping when your message came through we are so pleased for you!!


Good luck in getting out there for the 17th!! I'm sure you will.


Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 14:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

For the London folks: is there an option for the passport to be mailed rather than have to pick it up in London?


I think that another flight to London would give my poor parents financial heart failure!




You can do home delivery or depot pickup, no need to go back to London thank goodness!


Hi Collie,


As far as I'm aware you cannot go to the embassy to collect the Passports, so they definitely do not need to fly back to the UK! In fact you need to make sure they have registered on the web site, Link here: , and choose your return method - as BOS_LHR stated you can collect from the nearest DX Secure depot (They have one at Belfast Airport) or have it delivered to a private or business address! They need to print out the confirmation form and add it to the package they take to the embassy as it is required when your parents are called to the window for the first time - which is ID and Document checking phase.


Hope this clarifies the process a little.


Best of Luck to them,


Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 11:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Congrats!!! Wow, I see you got a magical early date and already have your visa in hand!!! YAYs!!! My husband also had his interview today and is APPROVED :) I was hyperventilating since he is originally from Pakistan (in England on a student visa), that he would get put into the dreaded AP... however, the heavens showed mercy on us :) Wish you a great fishing trip with your stepson and a lovely journey over to the US!

All the best!!!


Hi Hunnymoon,


That's great news - congratulations to you both, so will your hubby POE before the big day now??? 


Yes we got an earlier medical date - in fact very early, but we didn't pursue it after they told us to let them now when I had had my medical. As we had booked our trip to Spain as we didn't hear from the embassy we were doubly surprised to just get two letters in the post saying my medical had been rescheduled to the 2nd. It all turned out well in the end though and I now have my passport in hand, with the visa, and can go and enjoy the fishing trip, and then we fly back together on the 29th - what a wonderful day that will be and I also get to attend his Graduation on th 30th!! Whoo Hoo!!


Best Wishes and good luck with the big day!

Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Hey that's great! You're probably on your way to pick up your passport now (if you haven't already picked it up).

That was really quick turnaround and I am hoping I will be just as lucky as you!!

Yes definitely been checking the CEAC website, I don't know if this means anything but yesterday it said 'last updated 7th May' and now it says 8th may. I don't know if this is because I have been checking or whether they're actually reviewing my case but status is still administrative processing which is depressing :( I'm just hoping it's not a wait for many weeks/months.

Thanks for all of the information, really appreciate it.



Hi Dimple,


Yes you are correct - I have just got back from collecting my Document Pack - and just like London buses - you wait forever and then two come along!!! Yes I have two visas printed in my Passport!! Although one has "cancelled without prejudice" stamped across it. they are identical apart from the serial number!! I can only assume that some over zealous admin person printed and stuck it in my passport twice!! The package had the famous Brown Envelope inside it also - although mine is a big white one - LOL!! Now I need to log in and pay the final $165 to get my Green Card processed!!


I must say that the speed mine has been processed was fantastic, and I'm sure you will soon get good news. 


Hang in there it will happen,

Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia.

Edited by CB&RB, 08 May 2014 - 07:48 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 07:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Thank you for the encouraging words Chris.

I had my medical on 30th April. To be honest it was always on my mind about results not reaching embassy but they kept re-assuring me.

The turnaround was so quick I got my interview date in the evening,scheduled an appointment the followin morning and next available slot was 30th so even I I wanted I couldn't have changed this.

Hubby already beat me to it and checked, it says 'Administrative Processing'.

I'm just praying, all I can do I guess!



Hi Dimple - well lets hope that they do get the results today and review it before the end of the week!! To give you a bit more potential good news at 1:00pm today I got an email from the Embassy visa team saying that they had handed over my documents to the courier. I used the tracking number supplied and it says it will be ready for collection tomorrow. I opted to collect from the nearest depot so I didn't miss them or have to stay in for a day or two waiting for them to deliver. So not including the weekend & Bank Holiday my passport will have taken three working days to get to me!! Friday last week was my interview as you know!! So keep checking the CEAC site to say it's issued and then look out for the e-mail headed:


U.S. DoS Visa system return travel document shipment notice - that's the one that tells you the couriers have the documents!!


Best wishes,

Chris & Slvia

Edited by CB&RB, 07 May 2014 - 11:04 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-07 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Hi Chris,

So here's the update, it's not good news but not entirely bad news either.

My interview went really well, she asked questions about me and hubby, how we met, what hubby does for a living, when/where we got married however she refused the visa as they have not yet received my medical results!!!!!!! As you can imagine I am FUMING at Knightsbridge as I kept asking them whether the results would get there in time to which they kept answering yes, I even called everyday to move the medical earlier but no joy.

So now the lady said they will wait for my medical results to comes through and as long as that is all ok they will review my case and send me through my visa and sealed envelope (which she told me not to open) she has also kept my passport.

Straight after this I went to Knightsbridge doctors and they told me the results have been sent and will be with the embassy by lunchtime today, the delay was due to the bank holiday ??

I know this is in a way good news but I am again back to the waiting game as I have no idea when I will get my visa now and definitely throws out my plans for travelling on 17th. This whole process is so upsetting which the doctors and embassy staff can never understand unless they go through it themselves!! ??

Has anyone on this forum come across this situation before?



Hi Dimple,


Wow I bet you were fuming!! When did you have your medical?? 

I wouldn't give up hope about travelling on the 17th!! It may be tight but also possible if they get the results today and review them straight away it may still be possible. I would keep checking the CEAC site to see when it changes to Issued! That means it has been printed and is the last step before they give it to the courier for delivery! Hers's the link if you don't have it: 


https://ceac.state.g...AKjMWCuebHqOw== - I'm sure you are already checking this site for updates.


Hang in there it will happen!!

Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-07 05:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Thank you Chris.

I am currently on the way to the embassy!

I will let you know how it goes once it's all over :)




Good Luck!!  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:

Edited by CB&RB, 07 May 2014 - 12:46 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-07 00:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Thank you for the information.

My interview is on Wednesday but very glad the train strike is off, will still be leaving the house early.

Was just going through interview questions with hubby, really excited but nervous at the same time!! Only 2 days to go.

Will definitely update here after my interview.

Thanks again.



Hi Dimple,


Good Luck for tomorrow - hope you get there early and are the first in the queue!! I look forward to hearing good news early tomorrow!



Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-06 16:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


I am just having him take the copies as extra. 


I am sending him with his P4 letter, Passport, Photos, and 2013 tax info.


Just re-read your list - don't forget the print out of your Courier booking form!! They take this from you also - it's their proof that you have booked the return of your Passport and the MBE to you!!




CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-06 15:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


I don't know about the tax stuff.  That is what I need help on. I could do a new I-864, but I don't have a 2013 tax transcript.  I wasn't going to file taxes and then someone told me I had to so I did, but the IRS has not completed my taxes yet so I don't have a tax transcript for it.  Only my W2 and the 1040 form stamped showing filed by the IRS. 


Medical results are forwarded to the consulate. 


Opps and I meant my 2013 tax info in my original post.   Just noticed I wrote 2014. 


Hi Angela,


I took a copy of everything that we had submitted to either USCIS or NVC, including a new I-864 and Tax transcript for 2013 - but I wasn't asked for any of it at either the first interview window or the actual interview itself. I only had to hand in the interview letter, my courier booking print out, my passport and the two passport style photos for the visa. In fact I was given back all me original documents and the two photo's we originally sent to NVC. I think they take the ones you take with you as they assume they are more recent in date!!


Hope that helps a bit.



CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-06 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


Quick question, did they give you the sealed envelope on the day of the interview or does this come with your visa?




Hi Dimple,


No they didn't - and in all honesty I forgot to ask I was so excited and relieved when the guy said I was approved, but have read up about the MBE as it's known - (Mystery Brown Envelope - LOL!!) and it seems it now comes with your passport!! And is regularily damaged in some way apparently - although it has to be left unopened as you are aware I'm sure.


Good luck for tomorrow - at least the Tube Strike is OFF - so no expensive taxi ride for you!!




CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-05 16:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Huge congratulations to both of you...



Thanks bkghosh, your turn will come! Oops I see you have your interview date - very best of luck to you both.

Edited by CB&RB, 03 May 2014 - 12:57 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-03 00:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


Dang the angels are smiling on ya'll. Is it luck of the Irish the British the UK folk. It's on ya dear. WOW that's awesome. (Unless they trying to get rid of you. hehe)


Thanks DBWheels - you don't know how true those words could be - "Luck of the Irish" My wife's family are Irish, albeit she was born in England!! LOL!!

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-03 00:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Just a quick update - Checked the CEAC Case Update site and it states that my Visa has been ISSUED and that it was printed today!!


Attached File  Visa Printed.jpg   129.1KB   12 downloads


So I think that some of the staff there really do have their fingers on the pulse as that's what both the staff I spoke to said, that it would be printed today or at the latest Tuesday (Monday being a holiday here!) - So it should be back with me late next week as advised!!






Got my P4 Letter.  Husband's Interview is June 13th!


Congrats to you two - good luck in London! 

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-02 15:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Party time......! Congratulations!!
So happy for u....good luck for new life to begin....!




CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have eagerly been monitoring the thread to read your update!!so very happy for you.

Thank you so much for sharing, it's definitely made me think about a few things such as time I get there, my interview time is 9:30am but I am hoping to get there as early as possible, maybe even same time as you but due to tube strike will definitely have to take a taxi there.

If all goes well I am hoping to fly out on 17th so praying it won't be a problem. Does anyone who has gone through London embassy know if the home courier is a better option than asking for it to be sent to local depot as that's currently what I have chosen.

Good luck with your move and on starting a new chapter in your life ??

P.s: now you can update your timeline to visa approved, what a great feeling eh ??


Hi Dimple - All will be fine - I truly would ignore your appointment time the people who check you in seem to ignore it completely. The guy who checked me in even wrote "8:30" and "On list" on my letter so he knew the time I was due and didn't bat an eyelid just asked me to join the right hand queue with everyone else!!


I hope you get you passport in time to fly out on the 17th - as to home or depot - I choose depot purely so I know I can get my visa from them as soon as they tell me they have it. I am out and about a lot at the moment and didn't want to miss the delivery guy as 1 - I live alone and 2 - the lodge I live in is extremely hard to find unless you know where it is! So I opted to drive (40 miles each way) to the depot in Leeds to collect it.

Take care and good luck next week!



Congratulations CB&RB!!!  So happy for you




Congratulations Chris and Silvia!! Posts like this one give us so much hope that this long journey is about to end. Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm very happy for you  :goofy:



Congrats to everyone who got an interview date! A special congrats to Chris and Sylvia! Your post gave me goosebumps. Can't wait til we are there!

Also a very special thank you to Dwheels for all your hard work. You are much appreciated!! :)




Congratulations. Awesome news. Graduation here you come. Happy and blessed journey and do pop in and let us know how's it going. You know I'll be here keeping the light on. :goofy:





Whooo hooo congrats!!!!


CB&RB, on 02 May 2014 - 12:04 PM, said:snapback.png





Many thanks for all the congratulation messages! I'm sorry about the original post being posted twice - I was battling with a very poor wi-fi signal in the middle of King's Cross station and realised I needed to edit the post a bit as the grammar wasn't brilliant! LOL!! I didn't realise it had been posted twice!!


I have had time to reflect and re-read the post and everything I wrote was as it happened - I did meet a really nice fellow Immigrant applicant (K1 Visa and originally from Iran) and we kept each other company through the whole process from being next to each other in the queue all through being called forward at similar times (she was I904) to even bumping into each other outside where we were both on the phone to our other halves - Her's in Missouri and my Wife in Illinois! So I'd like to thank her for being nice company and wish them both well with their wedding in the near future (she was approved also).


And a special thank You to DBwheels and Saylin for running the two threads in the way you do - you do make a difference! And yes Graduation here I come - in fact My step son and I fly back together now on the 29th - his graduation being the next day! His uncle (my wife's brother and the person who introduced us 28 years ago) is flying out from the UK the day before as well so My Wife is a very happy person to have all the men in her life, there together, at the graduation!! We are so happy - it's seems so unreal - BUT IT IS REAL!!  :dance:  :yes:  :dance:  :yes:  :dance: and it will be for you all very soon also.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-02 14:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Hi Everyone - well here is the news some of you have been waiting for (but not as much as the wife and I) - We were APPROVED this morning at the London Embassy!!


It went so smoothly and efficiently I don't know why I was so anxious!!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  Happy Dance Time!!! I was in and out within 55 minutes!


Here's a quick write up of what I remember and advise others to do!


Firstly - Ignore the time on your letter!! Mine was set for 08:30 but I got there at 7:05 and there was already 20 - 25 people in line. By 7:35 ish they were all set up and starting to check people in and let them through the security gate 4 at a time. I was through to the next reception area at 7:45 (that's the time on my ticket they attached to my interview letter) - I was I902 - the 2nd immigrate visa number issued that day!

I 901 was called at around 7:50 then a couple of N numbers then my number at 7:55 - I was called to window 13!! And to my relief I had the nice Afro-Caribbean lady that is regularly mentioned on these pages. She was wonderful and so helpful and calming!! She had me all sorted and sitting back down in the waiting area by 8:10 I guess! I then sat there and waited, maybe 15 minutes, and was then called to window 15 and A 40 ish year old male Vice-Consel introduced himself as the person that would be conducting my interview. He confirmed a few things and asked me easy straightforward questions:


Where we met and when? Which when I told him it was 28 years ago he was surprised and really interested!!  

About our marriage and where and when?

When I hoped to fly out to the states.

What I did in UK and what I was intending to do in the USA! 

What does my Wife do and where/ how long has she worked there?

Do we have any Children?

Have I lived anywhere else - to which I told him I lived in Germany while serving in the RAF - we then proceeded to talk about my time in the Falklands (something he was really interested in as he spent time studying politics in Argentina a few years ago!!) 

There may have been a couple more questions but that was the gist of it - to which he said your visa is approved. WHOO HOO!!!


I did ask at both windows how long it would take to get my passport back as due to them bringing my interview date forward and my step-son and I had a trip to Spain booked on the 15th - both of them told me it should be back well in time to leave on that trip!! Which is a relief!! I asked them both for their names so I could quote them on that and they both laughed!!! So hopefully it will be back in plenty of time!!


I then thanked him and had left the building by 8:50, then promptly called my wonderful wifey and woke her up with the great news!!


I will also say that there were approximately 180 - 200 people in the hall when I came back after the first window and when I got out of the embassy there were still about 80 people outside in the queue - so I can not re-iterate enough to get there as early as you can and hopefully like me you should be out of there by 8:50!!!


Hopefully this will help others - just hang in there - it will happen.


Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia


PS - They seem to be a lot more relaxed about what you can take into the embassy these days - I can confirm that phones are allowed but they must just be off while you are at the interview windows. And the guys who manage the process outside the building also stated that Ipads, tablets and the like are OK now as long as they do not have a keyboard attached to them they will be allowed through security.




Edited by CB&RB, 02 May 2014 - 06:11 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-02 06:04:00