IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Hi Everyone - well here is the news some of you have been waiting for (but not as much as the wife and I) - We were APPROVED this morning at the London Embassy!!


It went so smoothly and efficiently I don't know why I was so anxious!!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  Happy Dance Time!!! I was in and out within 55 minutes!


Here's a quick write up of what I remember and advise others to do!


Firstly - Ignore the time on your letter!! Mine was set for 08:30 but I got there at 7:05 and there was already 20 - 25 people in line. By 7:35 ish they were all set up and starting to check people in and let them through the security gate 4 at a time. I was through to the next reception area at 7:45 (that's the time on my ticket they attached to my interview letter) - I was I902 - the 2nd immigrate visa number issued that day!

I 901 was called at around 7:50 then a couple of N numbers then my number at 7:55 - I was called to window 13!! And to my relief I had the nice Afro-Caribbean lady that is regularly mentioned on these pages. She was wonderful and so helpful and calming!! She had me all sorted and sitting back down in the waiting area by 8:10 I guess! I then sat there and waited, maybe 15 minutes, and was then called to window 15 and A 40 ish year old male Vice-Consel introduced himself as the person that would be conducting my interview. He confirmed a few things and asked me easy straightforward questions:


Where we met and when? Which when I told him it was 28 years ago he was surprised and really interested!!  

About our marriage and where and when?

When I hoped to fly out to the states.

What I did in UK and what I was intending to do in the USA! 

What does my Wife do and where/ how long has she worked there?

Do we have any Children?

Have I lived anywhere else - to which I told him I lived in Germany while serving in the RAF - we then proceeded to talk about my time in the Falklands (something he was really interested in as he spent time studying politics in Argentina a few years ago!!) 

There may have been a couple more questions but that was the gist of it - to which he said your visa is approved. WHOO HOO!!!


I did ask at both windows how long it would take to get my passport back as due to them bringing my interview date forward and my step-son and I had a trip to Spain booked on the 15th - both of them told me it should be back well in time to leave on that trip!! Which is a relief!! I asked them both for their names so I could quote them on that and they both laughed!!! So hopefully it will be back in plenty of time!!


I then thanked him and had left the building by 8:50, then promptly called my wonderful wifey and woke her up with the great news!!


I will also say that there were approximately 180 - 200 people in the hall when I came back after the first window and when I got out of the embassy there were still about 80 people outside in the queue - so I can not re-iterate enough to get there as early as you can and hopefully like me you should be out of there by 8:50!!!


Hopefully this will help others - just hang in there - it will happen.


Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia


PS - They seem to be a lot more relaxed about what you can take into the embassy these days - I can confirm that phones are allowed but they must just be off while you are at the interview windows. And the guys who manage the process outside the building also stated that Ipads, tablets and the like are OK now as long as they do not have a keyboard attached to them they will be allowed through security.




Edited by CB&RB, 02 May 2014 - 06:11 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-02 06:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Hi Everyone - well here is the news some of you have been waiting for (but not as much as the wife and I) - We were APPROVED this morning at the London Embassy!!


It went so smoothly and efficiently I don't know why I was so anxious!!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  Happy Dance Time!!! I was in and out within 45 minutes!


Here's a quick write up of what I remember and advise others to do!


Firstly - Ignore the time on your letter!! Mine was set for 08:30 but I got there at 7:05 and there was already 20 - 25 people in line. By 7:35 ish they were all set up and starting to check people in and let them through the security gate 4 at a time. I was through to the next reception area at 7:45 (that's the time on my ticket they attached to my interview letter) - I was I902 - the 2nd immigrate visa number issued that day!

I 901 was called at around 7:50 then a couple of N numbers then my number at 7:55 - I was called to window 13!! And to my relief I had the nice Afro-Caribbean lady that is regularly mentioned on these pages. She was wonderful and so helpful and calming!! She had me all sorted and sitting back down in the waiting area by 8:10 I guess! I then sat there and waited, maybe 15 minutes, and was then called to window 15 and A 40 ish year old male Vice-Consel introduced himself as the person that would be conducting my interview. He confirmed a few things and asked me easy straightforward questions:


Where we met and when? Which when I told him it was 28 years ago he was surprised and really interested!!  

About our marriage and where and when?

When I hoped to fly out to the states and what I did in UK and what I was intending to do in the USA! 

What does my Wife do and where/ how long has she worked there?

Do we have any Children?

Have I lived anywhere else - to which I told him I lived in Germany while serving in the RAF - we then proceeded to talk about my time in the Falklands (something he was really interested in as he spent time studying politics in Argentina a few years ago!!) 

There may have been a couple more questions but that was the gist of it - to which he said your visa is approved. WHOO HOO!!!


I did ask at both windows how long it would take to get my passport back as due to them bringing my interview date forward and my step-son and I had a trip to Spain booked on the 15th - both of them told me it should be back well in time to leave on that trip!! Which is a relief!! I asked them both for their names so I could quote them on that and they both laughed!!! So hopefully it will be back in plenty of time!!


I them thanked him and had left the building by 8:50 and promptly called my wonderful wifey and woke her up with the great news!!

I will also say that there were approximately 180 - 200 people in the hall when I came back after the first window and when I got out of the embassy there were still about 80 people in the queue - so I can not re-iterate enough to get there as early as you can and hopefully like me you should be out of there by 8:50!!!


Hopefully this will help others - just hang in there - it will happen.


Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia


PS - they are a lot more relaxed about what you can take into the embassy these days - I can confirm that phones are allowed but they must just be off while you are at the interview windows. And the guys who manage the process outside the building also stated that Ipads, tablets and the like are OK now as long as they do not have a keyboard attached to them they will be allowed through security.




CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-02 06:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

I have my interview next week Wednesday. I was originally planning on trying to get to the US Embassy by 7:30am to start lining up but the trains don't start until 7:00am and they're not stopping at bond street due to strike (jubilee line) so am planning on taking a taxi.

Good luck for your interview tomorrow, I will eagerly be awaiting your update on your experience at the embassy so I can know what to expect (just like the medical- thank you for sharing that experience with us, really helpful)


P.s: I have just noticed you are also going to be in Chicago like myself (hopefully) ??


Morning Dimple,


Thanks for the good wishes, as you can see I am awake already - have been for the last hour!! LOL!! I plan on getting to the embassy around 7:15 - I will only have my paperwork with me so no need for me to wait for Goulds to open. As I am ex UK Forces I always stay at the UJ Club and avail myself of their great Left Luggage facility. My wife and I had our usual skype visit last night and she insists on me waking her up with a call as soon as I can after the interview, which I was always intending to do anyways! although it will be 3 - 4 am there!!! :rofl:  :rofl:


Next week will be a real headache for those coming down but I'm sure you will find a way to get to the embassy on time - no one wants to miss this final appointment - it's been a long haul. I will let you know how it goes as soon as i can.


Our US filing location is Chicago but we live further South in Quincy, Illinois. Right on the river!! I will hopefully be POE'ing through Chicago, with my step son, on 29th May!! Whoo Hoo!!


Best Wishes,


CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-01 23:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Good luck on your big day!


Thanks for good luck wishes - they are appreciated - I keep double checking that I have everything ready but it's too late if I have as I'm already in my hotel down here in London!!!! 

This process will drive you mad if you let it!!! :rofl:  :rofl:  But we won't let it will we!!!!



CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-01 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews


My parents were in London yesterday for their medical and said that the traffic was horrendous due to the tube strikes. Allow yourself extra time to get to your interview and good luck :)


Thanks Collie,


I had read your post about your parents saga of a journey to their medicals. Hopefully they will not encounter the same troubles when they go back for their interviews. The strike is over now but all be warned if you have your interview in London next week as there is another three day walk-out next week starting at 9 pm on 5 th. So anyone down here then should be prepared for delays.


On another transport related issue that is affecting Bond Street Tube Station only - see below:


  • From 23 April to late June: Central line trains will not stop at the station while while a lift shaft is constructed
  • From July to early December: Jubilee line trains will not stop at the station while extensive work to improve access to the Jubilee line platforms is carried out
  • The station will then operate on an exit and interchange only basis until the end of 2014 to enable future tunnelling works

As this is the nearest tube to the Embassy it could hinder quite a few when attending their interviews!


Best wishes to you and yours - I'll post ASAP after I've had my interview.



CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-01 09:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Hi Everyone and congrats to all getting their interview dates for June!!


I have just got on the train to London ready for my interview first thing tomorrow!! We are so happy - 14 1/2 months of patiently waiting nearly over at last!!


Anyone else at the London Embassy tomorrow??


Best Wishes,


Edited by CB&RB, 01 May 2014 - 07:26 AM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-01 07:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews

Hi - and thanks for the welcome!!


Lets hope you are right and we get an early May interview date!!



Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-16 16:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Giving up on calling in...

Calling seems like the way to go .

It seems like im going to take that route now. It makes me wanna throw up thinking about the Half hour to one hour hold time

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-29 21:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Giving up on calling in...
Do u think its foolish to just email nvc and ask them if they already assign us a case number instead of calling them ? I'm thinking about sending them an email about it once 30 days had passed since I got my noa2...
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-29 00:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Invoice indentification number
Wow, so that's why I can't log in to the ceac website and do my ds260. My case is not updated yet I guess
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-30 18:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Invoice indentification number

hi I'm being told the same thing cuz im still waiting on their email to me to start this process it really sucks all this waiting at this stage cuz we need the email to do the ds-261 to start our process at NVC

You already got the case number but not the IIN? I tried several times to get the IIN from the operator but they refuse to do so. All I have is the IIN for my wife . I wanna say keep calling them but that route didn't help me at all

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-30 17:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Invoice indentification number
Ok guys , I finally got the IIN but only for my wife and not my kids. What happened was I sent them an email last May 29th asking for any info about my case number (this is before I start calling them) and sure enough, after one month of silence, I got an email containing the case number of my wife and the IIN.

I tried to log in at the ceac website and it says my case is not eligible for further processing at this time. This is getting really frustrating

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-30 11:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Invoice indentification number

Actually you really need the IIN to do anything else on the case.
Sounds like they haven't generated them yet. 
Are you the petitioner for everyone?

Yes I am the petitioner. No luck until now for the IIN :(

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-29 13:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Invoice indentification number
Thanks everyone. I never really thought that it's going to be a big deal since what matters most are the case numbers which I already have and still , they refused to give me the IIN 3x now. . I'll try again tonight and pissed them off even more
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-24 16:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Invoice indentification number
Thanks, i called this morning and still no luck. Ill try again tomorrow
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-24 11:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Invoice indentification number

Hello everyone! Can you please give me some advice on how to get these numbers?  Im bringing my whole family here and after following the nvc guide here , I finally get the case numbers for my wife and two kids over the phone. Everything was running smooth until I asked them if they can give me the IIN as well (you have ask for the INVOICE INDENTIFICATION NUMBER otherwise , they dont have any Idea what the hell IIN is ,  which Is pretty pathetic in my opinion) and of course they blatantly shut me down. I called back again after a few hours hoping Ill get a better agent and same thing , they dont want to give it to me. 


What was your experience when you asked for  these numbers over the phone?



The agent said  I will receive an emall within 20 business days with the information Im asking for then hung up. Funny thing was , I never provide my email address in my applications

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-23 15:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS for the whole family

Hello everyone! Quick question , Can I go ahead and pay my AOS bill even though one of my child's case number(I have two kids) is not in the invoice? My wife and two kids already have their case numbers and IIN and I already filled up the ds261 for each of one them

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-07-03 22:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC 2014 filers from November 2013 USCIS filers Thread
Nvc received my case last May 30th. Called them last night for an update and the agent was really rude. She told me to wait for 30 days in a condescending tone . I hope someday these people will realize that we are a paying customer and treat us as such.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-10 20:52:00
US Citizenship General Discussionoverdue taxes and naturalization
Thanks Nimaan!!
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-02 21:34:00
US Citizenship General Discussionoverdue taxes and naturalization

So I want to flle for citizenship but I received a letter from the IRS stating that owe money due to some adjustments(1099c- loan forgiveness) they did on my 2011 return (Not filing taxes is not an issue here for I always file my 1040 on time without any gaps). To make the story short , I called irs and set up a payment plan which they approved right away but they said It may take almost a month before I get the actual paperwork on my mail which I needed badly for my citizenship application. Do you think I can still go ahead and file my n400 without the payment agreement as a supporting documents?  I did put it on my application that I owe money from the irs and I attached the bill that IRS sent me with my signature requesting a payment plan. I really need your opinion on this because Im dying to send my application right away before I end up spending my application fee on stupid things. Thanks everyone!


dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-02 19:23:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwaiting for oath ceremony schedule in boston..

I had my interview in boston last december 23 and my status changed today from "oath ceremony que" to " we have sent you a notice for the place and time of the oath ceremony". Im assuming that I will receive that notice in the next few days. I hope you get yours as well 

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-02-26 00:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 August 2013 Filers
Thank you for you input , i may have to bite the bullet on this one and wait it out as well. I only wish somebody here did what i was about to do and can share the outcome of it..
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-03 00:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 August 2013 Filers

Questions about  overdue tax and naturalization..  


So I want to flle for citizenship but I received a letter from the IRS stating that owe money due to some adjustments(1099c- loan forgiveness) they did on my 2011 return (Not filing taxes is not an issue here for I always file my 1040 on time without any gaps). To make the story short , I called irs and set up a payment plan which they approved right away but they said It may take almost a month before I get the actual paperwork on my mail which I needed badly for my citizenship application. Do you think I can still go ahead and file my n400 without the payment agreement as a supporting documents?  I did put it on my application that I owe money from the irs and I attached the bill that IRS sent me with my signature requesting a payment plan. I really need your opinion on this because Im dying to send my application right away before I end up spending my application fee on stupid things. Thanks everyone!

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-02 19:19:00
US Citizenship General Discussionapplying for citizenship and owing federal taxes.
Forget what I said earlier that i had my interview last February -i was wrong. I sent my application last August 2013 and didnt get an interview until dec 22 , 2013. Waiting for an oath was a different story because uscis didnt give me an oath schedule until march. I had to set up an infopass twice just to inquire about my oath ceremony. Your state may be different but on mine, they really took their time.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-07-26 23:23:00
US Citizenship General Discussionapplying for citizenship and owing federal taxes.
Im already a us citizen since march and I had my interview last february. My interview starts with the interviewer giving me a set of instructions on how to get to her office. I think she did it to test on how well i can understand english(the aisles are all numbered and color coded for that reason). Afterwards, the io will check your papers which in my case - didnt even bother to check my irs installment agreement. After that, she asked me 5 questions. Mainly about the congress and who's my state senators -easy stuff! Like i told you, I'm more worried about me owing taxes than the actual test. Good luck!
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-07-26 23:06:00
US Citizenship General Discussionapplying for citizenship and owing federal taxes.
I had the same situation when I was applying for naturalization. I was so worried and I can't sleep the night before my interview and the IO didn't even asked me about my tax situation, I think the key here is not to lie on your application and just bring your installment agreement in your interview just in case the officer want to see it. You'll be fine and good luck !
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-07-26 18:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
Hello everyone !! I'm pretty sure its been answered here before but can you please explain things to me like I'm 5 years old :)

1. My petition was approved by uscis for my wife and two kids(3 people)last week . Will NVC give me 3 case numbers or just 1 for the whole family ?

2. Am I going to pay 3x$88 for my AOS fee or just one for the three of them? I know IV fee will be paid for each person..

Thanks again!

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-27 00:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


What does the great yellow triangle mean anyway? :D



It means that the fee is ready to be paid or will be ready to be paid soon.

tulskirNot Telling02014-03-26 02:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Your NVC timeline matches ours very closely. We are in a tight race :) By the end of this week, I am planning to send our IV document package and complete the DS-260 (when and if it becomes available). Then cross my fingers for no checklist. :)

Good luck to you.


And you are just 2 days ahead of me. Got the famous yellow sign on the IV fee this morning on the 26th. Waiting to pay that and then I can send everything out, I have the package ready to go...just need that cover sheet.  :D

tulskirNot Telling02014-03-25 23:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Husband called the NVC today. It's been 18 days since case approval. Husband was on hold for about 40 minutes when the call answered. The lady just told him to wait 30 days before calling and hung up. She didn't even answer when he asked if they received the case. Husband is going to call back tomorrow at 7 a.m.


Absolutely call back 7 am everyday until you get the answer you are hoping for.

tulskirNot Telling02014-03-25 03:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Another question, is this where we have to include pictures to prove that is a legitimate relationship?


No, you would have sent that with your I-130 application and when you go to the consulate/embassy for interview.


Also, check this out: http://www.visajourn....php/NVC_Process


Should answer all your questions and give good guidance.

Edited by tulskir, 25 March 2014 - 12:45 AM.

tulskirNot Telling02014-03-25 00:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


I am working on my IV package, and I have some questions please help me.


I am the petitioner should I include copies of my divorce?


From what I have read, the IV package is all about the beneficiary so only if they have gotten a divorce would you send some documents in.

tulskirNot Telling02014-03-25 00:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Added. Was your case approved from NBC or was it transferred at some point?


My case was transferred to TSC on December 18th or so.

tulskirNot Telling02014-03-14 22:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Saylin, could you please add me to the spreadsheet?


Documents Received by NVC on 2/06/2014

NVC Case Number and IIN received on 3/14/2014


Just waiting for the fees now.

tulskirNot Telling02014-03-14 22:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Okay folks, I just realized I made a mistake on the i-864 (put the adjusted gross income instead of the total income!) and my joint sponsor did the same thing. But I just put it in the mail yesterday... :/

I am going to send correct i-864 forms after the weekend, but I'm wondering...can I just send the i-864 forms (without the supporting documents) or do I have to send the supporting documents for the i-864 as well? Worse yet, would I have to send the entire package again?


Thanks in advance for your help!




If the mistake was just the I-864 then I would resend that with support documents. No need to resend the entire package.

Okay folks, I just realized I made a mistake on the i-864 (put the adjusted gross income instead of the total income!) and my joint sponsor did the same thing. But I just put it in the mail yesterday... :/

I am going to send correct i-864 forms after the weekend, but I'm wondering...can I just send the i-864 forms (without the supporting documents) or do I have to send the supporting documents for the i-864 as well? Worse yet, would I have to send the entire package again?


Thanks in advance for your help!




If the mistake was just the I-864 then I would resend that with support documents. No need to resend the entire package.

tulskirNot Telling02014-04-18 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Checklist for passport police clearance form from India for my husband who is an Indian passport holder. He now has to go to India to get this. I ask led the damn NVC if he can get a case complete and present this passport police clearance at the interview in London embassy (when he gets an interview date) they said no that the passport police clearance is required document at NVC for the case to move forward. The NVC has a letter from the district police commissioners office already with his file, but they say that's not enough. So my husband has to go to India he made appoint at the Indian passport office in India on May 13, to get this done.

The damn NVC doesn't care. I have jo more hope my husband will be here for the birth if our child. I am very bitter toward everyone. I am not able to travel because of my pregnancy. I am depressed and upset and devasted.


You dont need an appointment to get the PCC at the passport office. You can show up anytime between 9AM and 12PM.


In order to facilitate submission of passport applications at Passport Seva Kendras (PSKs), some types of services such as'Tatkaal', Police Clearance Certificates and some distinct categories of applicants such as senior citizens, minors and differently-abled applicants are allowed to submit their duly registered online applications with ARN as Walk-in applicants. Applicants coming under these categories are also required to submit their applications online and obtain an ARN, and then visit the nearest Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) during prescribed hours (no prior appointment is required). In addition, applicants should also refer to any advisory issued by the concerned Passport Offices from time to time.


I am very surprised they wont let you bring the PCC to the interview, my wife was able to do that but that might be because of mumbai consulate rules.

Checklist for passport police clearance form from India for my husband who is an Indian passport holder. He now has to go to India to get this. I ask led the damn NVC if he can get a case complete and present this passport police clearance at the interview in London embassy (when he gets an interview date) they said no that the passport police clearance is required document at NVC for the case to move forward. The NVC has a letter from the district police commissioners office already with his file, but they say that's not enough. So my husband has to go to India he made appoint at the Indian passport office in India on May 13, to get this done.

The damn NVC doesn't care. I have jo more hope my husband will be here for the birth if our child. I am very bitter toward everyone. I am not able to travel because of my pregnancy. I am depressed and upset and devasted.


You dont need an appointment to get the PCC at the passport office. You can show up anytime between 9AM and 12PM.


In order to facilitate submission of passport applications at Passport Seva Kendras (PSKs), some types of services such as'Tatkaal', Police Clearance Certificates and some distinct categories of applicants such as senior citizens, minors and differently-abled applicants are allowed to submit their duly registered online applications with ARN as Walk-in applicants. Applicants coming under these categories are also required to submit their applications online and obtain an ARN, and then visit the nearest Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) during prescribed hours (no prior appointment is required). In addition, applicants should also refer to any advisory issued by the concerned Passport Offices from time to time.


I am very surprised they wont let you bring the PCC to the interview, my wife was able to do that but that might be because of mumbai consulate rules.

tulskirNot Telling02014-04-18 04:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

An update on my case, 


1) Made a STUPID mistake on my AOS. I put the wrong number for "Current" income and had to resend my I-864EZ to fix that.

2) Got a checklist on IV package for a PCC and "Original" divorce decree. I already called NVC and told them that the Divorce Decree I sent is the original and I dont have another one. I really hope they accept this as I have no clue what to do if they say it isnt the original. Getting anything from my wife's ex-husband is out of the question. Very much praying they accept the documents we sent. Regarding the PCC, they said we dont have to send it to NVC, we can just bring it to the interview in Mumbai :)


Hopefully they can review my AOS response soon (should have arrived on the Monday the 14th) and accept the Divorce Decree, that should complete my case.


tulskirNot Telling02014-04-16 07:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Thanks ankit, So here my spouse is the petitioner and now she is living with me in india. In USA both are living in same house. Then should we send I864A to my uncle(US)?? Is it correct.


Please advise.


Did your spouse live with her Uncle in the US or is there a different address?

tulskirNot Telling02014-04-04 01:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Question! :idea:


I am a beneficiary, can I fill out DS-261 on behalf of my husband (petitioner) Because of his type of job he doesn't have access to the Internet during the week and I do not want to lose time. Thanks


Yes, either one of you can fill out the forms.

tulskirNot Telling02014-04-02 06:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Finallly Case Complete  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:


I did receive a checklist that was scanned in on April 18th and reviewed on May 5th. They said they wanted some additional information but we can bring that to the consulate and completed to the case!!


Congrats to everyone who has gotten case complete and good luck to those who are very close! Now I have to see if its too late for the Mumbai consulte and a June interview date.

tulskirNot Telling02014-05-06 07:43:00