Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I finally got over my shyness about confronting automated voices and called the NVC hotline :P Whee, my DS-230 is on it's way!

I've already d/led it from the site and have filled out a 'Tester' version. Whilst I haven't been to too many places since I was 16, it is nice to think about it beforehand, it's a few days less spent working on it.

Dave will hopefully get his AOS in sometime next week (which should be when the 230 arrives), then he can send an e-mail regarding his condition. Whilst I doubt it'll help with expedition at this stage of the game, it certaintly can't be a bad thing either. You'd have to be pretty hard-hearted to refuse someone a greencard because their husband is sick :\ Silly thing is, he'd probably be done with chemotherapy by the time I get there x.X

Grats on the interview date Rings :D I suppose even with an interview date its hard to just not go out and buy a ticket huh? As is, I'm already checking out 1 way flight costs from LA to LR... ahh it's about time they put in CHEAP one way flights, instead of the "Oh, we're trying to rip off business flyers by having 1 way flights at DOUBLE the return cost" x.X
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-22 22:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:) thanks

Whilst I've only been talking actively for a couple of hours, I have been reading the forums for a while, and it is nice to have a site like this.

Back when we were first going through this, I had *zero* idea of what was going on, and I guess thats why we waited 7 months before phoning, because all I knew was 'that it'll take a while to come'.
NO idea about paying for anything or police reports or even an interview! Just figured they'd do all the running around, which is why it took so long, and one day they send you a card and a 'Welcome' letter :P

I complain and worry now simply because things ARE happening, and it's making me anxious. I just now have an avenue that'll listen :P My US friends all kinda go "blaghhuh?". Oh they miss me and want me there, but they're not going through the process. This is a great site with great people :) thanks
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-22 02:28:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Welcome Niphredil,

Wow, you've had a long journey, I hope things go more smoothly from now on!

Tell me about it. They need to get it right so people will stop dying o.o. It seems nearly everytime I go over for more then a month, something bad happens (wait, if I go permanently, that may not be good thing either o.O)

2000 - Childers backpacker fire
2001 - September 11th
2006 - Steve Irwin and Peter Brock o.o

And these things happened THE DAY I LEAVE. (well cept for Brocky o.o)...

and NOW my husband has Hodgkins Lymphoma, maybe the bad luck is getting in early this year :\
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-22 00:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Rings and cool beans! :) I don't feel like I'm way out in the boondocks now :P

I guess I just have the jitters now. Something is always worrying me x.X if it's not flights, then it's the medical, when it's not that, then it's wondering if I have everything, and if not that, good ol 'am I wasting time?' :P

So close, yet to far away...
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-22 00:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats Elle :) *jealous*

I'm looking forward to the day I only have to make a 1 way trip from LA to LR, and not a return :)
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-21 23:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hehe thanks

I'm up in Queensland, in a little town right between Mackay and Rockhampton if you happen to look. I'm actually hoping that they DON'T go all interview-happy on me due to having to organise flights and hotels. I think thats what has me anxious, having to organise all of that, and the possibility that there wont be flights, or there'd be some big shindig in town (lol Sydney as a town) that I wont get a room or... rawr. :\ Dont want to go through all this and fail because of 1 small insignificant thing...

I'm a little county girl, not into the big cities :P as is, I'm moving to ARKANSAS XD
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-21 23:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi there :)

I'm kind of a returning visa journey-ist. As you can see from my mis-shapen journey, USCIS lost/failed/took the money and ran with our last petition, but they seem to have finally taken their head out from between their buttcheeks and actually did something :)

It's only now that I'm starting to get nervous. Before, I was so pessimistic that nothing was going to happen like last time, and now that things ARE happening, I'm caught offguard. I dont want it to take forever, and yet, I dont want to go so fast I mess it up hehe.

I've been reading about the medical exam and am happy to hear it's not the psychological thriller I'm expecting it to be (I'm NOT a doctor person, random stranger poking me in weird places, NO SIR! hehe)

So hopefully I can try and be of some help :) I suck at writing down dates, so my timeline maybe a bit... difficult :P
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-21 18:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
*sigh* FINALLY got some answers. After missing the first day since my Husband had problems 'being awake' on his day off, the second day, didn't fare good either.

Again, slept late, but I was on his butt about it and made sure he called them. So he called the 1800 National visa customer service number.

He wrangled out of them something about the Affidavit of support and that it could possibly be filled in by someone OTHER then the spouse/sponsor. Like, the visa sponsor and Affidavit sponser can be 2 seperate people. Does that sound correct?

I'm still unsure about it, but when he wanted to find out information about the I-130 and what Texas had done with it, he was put on hold for over an hour before he hung up, at 6:15 pm. They close at 6.


Okay, cue to next day. He says he'll wake up really early and get all the information. Okay great. I call at *his time* 2pm. No-one. 3pm, no go. 6pm. ARGH, still no-one. So I ring at 9pm. I get his brother. He went out with friends. grarkfhjkahdfjkashdjkahjkdash It's a good thing he's on the other side of the world at this point :P

But in the end, victory! They have it, they have the money, they just forgot to send out the NOA1. :rolleyes: yay for heart attacks...
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-04-06 01:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER


Sure sounds like NOA1 to me. Ask him if there is a number starting with 3 letters. In the top right corner it should also say I-797 or I-797C Notice of Action.

Nope, just the USCIS/Texas logo. No numbers, nothing starting with LIN/WAC/EAC or SCR or dates of any kind apparently.

I really wish I had looked into this like 2 months ago...

Edited by Niphredil, 28 March 2006 - 11:31 PM.

NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-03-28 23:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
aye aye ayyee

Not sure what to do/think right now...

Finally got to chat with husband. He has a piece of paper that tells him 'Thanks for sending in the form", but no receipt number or any sort of dates. Blegh. He's going to call them up Thursday, since thats his next day off, and because, by the time we realised just ####### happened, they were already closed today ><

Then after I explained about the K-3 thing, how, since it's been 3 months, might as well wait out the I-130, he tells me that he'll have to send in the I-129F anyway, since thats what the guys helping him before said he had to do. Huh? No... thats for the K-3. Nooo I have to send it in... after... the... well #######.

Yes, he had been told about it, but forgot about it till now, but hey, since, as far as I know, we dont have a NOA1 yet, it's still probably a viable option ><

3 months. 3 whole FRIGGIN' months...

He still wants to do the K-3 route though. "If it gets you there a month earlier, then thats what I want to do"... even if it's going to cost more, and means I wont be bringing in any money, because once I pay for flights and tests and forms, I'll have negative money. Okay, I guess, sure. I want to get away from this god forsaken place. Local Councils, gotto hate them... Love my family, hate the town...

it's been a good day, I'm so excited!

*take 2 ^^; for some reason, it didn't want to post before*
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-03-28 22:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

I was just a little unsure of how to call them. I'm used to 0011-1-(area code)-(phone number) that I use to call him, but do you use something else? or just the same? 0011-1-603-334-0700?

Yep just put the 0011-1 in front.

We didnt use James Shortcuts.....hubby is a stickler for correct procedures lol I wont fault him on it...we have had an easy run through with no RFE's. The Time Savers do cut the time down, just not as much as Jame's Shortcuts can.

I just had another look at the shortcuts, and actually generated one. For some odd reason, I thought you had to print it, cut it out, then paste it onto the form :P I'm getting senile in my not-quite-so-old-but-should-know-better-age (of a whopping 26, aiyee)

I might try one of them, and see how it goes, when the time comes that is. If it gets knocked back, then eh, the original is still on it's way.

Thanks again :D
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-03-28 01:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi *waves* :) Still trying to wade through the sea of information here and trying to not drown in it. I think I have things worked out... just a matter of trying to tell Dave to not bother with K-3 anymore.

I've been reading about people calling up the NVC about times and if things have been processed etc.

Does anyone from Australia actually call, or are you referring to your spouse in America calling it?

I call all the time :P

NVC Timesavers, Knowing your case number, James Shortcuts. You will find the number for NVC in the thread as well. Well worth your time for you and Dave to read.

Ive been reading them, and seeing what I could do besides the barcode thing. I'm a jittery nervous bug when it comes to these things *and I'd rather do it right first time with the right equipment, then have to redo it again*, so, going to get Dave to do a mockup Affidavit of support *since he'll probably have 3 months to do it, surely thats enough time ><*, so when he does get it, he just has to fill it in with what he's already worked out and send it in, get blood tests done and any vaccinations done before the medical, police reports as soon as NVC gets the case etc.

I was just a little unsure of how to call them. I'm used to 0011-1-(area code)-(phone number) that I use to call him, but do you use something else? or just the same? 0011-1-603-334-0700?
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-03-28 01:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi *waves* :) Still trying to wade through the sea of information here and trying to not drown in it. I think I have things worked out... just a matter of trying to tell Dave to not bother with K-3 anymore.

I've been reading about people calling up the NVC about times and if things have been processed etc.

Does anyone from Australia actually call, or are you referring to your spouse in America calling it?
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-03-27 23:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I'm up in Central/Coastal Queensland *Go the Cwboys!* and I would do my timeline if I had dates!

MY KINGDOM FOR DATES *glares at hubby* hehe, though I guess I could start with how we meet hmm....
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-03-26 16:40:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi evryone :D

I'm still reading the site. I'm just amazed at all of the information here, right down to the people at the Embassy in Sydney.

Been reading through here, bookmarking cheap flight websites and travel movers etc. I'm just trying to keep sane for another day till Husband gets back so I can bug him for that dang USCIS number :crying:

Not looking forward to all of the costs though. Didn't think it'd be cheap, but wasn't really expecting a 'holiday' in Bisbane and Sydney...
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-03-26 13:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)WOOHOOOOO
That is absoluty fantastic news!!! Congratulations :D
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-04-06 13:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCompletely confused about medical/vaccination records
I'm confused as to what I've had jabbed into me when I was younger too, but they can tell you what you've been jabbed with if you do a Blood Test and have them look for it.

An Australian on here (Hampster) posted a list of what the Panel doctors are looking for, but I dont have the weblink on me (stupid printouts x.X), so you could look for his posts. It was posted April 26th, 2007, and the list was from a receptionist of a South Australian Medical doc.

At least for Australia, we're to have the following vaccinations: Mumps, Measles, Rubella, Polio, Tetanus and Diptheria Toxoids, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Influenza type B, Hepatitis B, Varicella (chicken pox) and Pneumococcal.

If you haven't had it, they'll give it to you (probably not for free mind you), and if you HAVE had it, you've got the paperwork to show the Panel Doctor.

Also, make sure you have the TB shot. Thats the one they ask you to return in a few days. You may be able to get a Chest X-ray done beforehand too.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-17 17:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfused and distraught
Well, mixed emotions ahoy

Husband rung up. USCIS has no record of his name, my name, or our name. It has just been 'lost'. I can only guess they had it at one stage as we have a 'thank you for using our services' letter, but... nothing under our names.

I'm pissed, but... relieved too. We finally got an answer as to what was going on. Someone got a $200 bonus that week....

However, the good news is, is that this means I can go visit my husband for 3 months so we can decide what we're going to do next.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-07-17 15:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfused and distraught
He paid by Money Order :\

He gets home at 11 pm, chats to me, then sleeps like a log. Oh, forgot, yeah, he has no car, so gets a lift into work when his brother goes in... at 7 am, and probably wont start work till 9 or 2 x.X

He has Monday off so he's going to try and get it then.

As for e-mailing, does that really work? Just send all of my information to them (full names, birthdates, when and what was files etc) and they will respond?

Right now, if this is all true, we're considering him coming to Australia now hehe
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-07-15 14:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfused and distraught
We've just been waiting. We don't know if it's an address issue or what. The guy at USCIS told me to get my husband *who is in USA filing for me to come to USA*, to call them since he has all the details, except he gets off work after they close, or if he starts late, he tends to not wake up in time to wait on the phone for an hour :\

We sat and waited patiently for word to come. Instead of raising a stink and demanding answers, we just waited, because we all know that Immigration is a waiting game. No point getting upset after a month, it'll probably come in the next week.... or the next... maybe this week... till 7 months went past.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-07-14 17:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfused and distraught
I've been absent from here for a while because sitting around thinking about all of this makes me want to punch something, but I need to vent somewhere where people understand.

My husband sent in the forms back in early December... for a long time we heard nothing, thinking that was on par of the course. "Send it in, wait 6 months get the visa" was what we were told, well what I was told. March or so I found this site, found out what was to happen and got husband to make phone calls on why we hadn't received a NOA1.

He got in touch with Texas via the USCIS number, they said "oops, we'll send it out again" and again we waited.

Past month or so, we've been going by what the USES site has to say about processing times. Texas, though, hasn't been publishing any spousal visas though because..... they've apparently been transferred to California, who is now upto January 2006.


So I call up to find just what the HELL is going on. "I'm sorry, we have no record of your Petition".

Those words are right up there with your doctor saying "Oops"

HOWEVER, they do have a record of them sending out a file to my husband with the receipt number.

Now, how the HELL can you send out a receipt number, if there's no record? The guy I spoke too was nice enough, sounded french, but when he asked me how to spell 'Black', and what my husbands last name is after I told him mine (and he never asked for maiden till afterwards), I figured I'd just wait till my husband gets home and poke him to find out what he DOES know.

Drives me friggin insane. All this time, 7 months, it'll be my first anniversary in 12 days, and they don't have my petition...

And yet, I can't help but see a small silver lining. If it hasn't gone through, then I can go visit my husband for a while before we start this rollercoaster of madness again, because, in the end, it's the right thing to do, though the only people affected by these laws, are those that follow them.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2006-07-14 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 for CR-1/IR-1
*throttles husband*

Well, found out the REAL story... Mother-in-laws are great, appreciate them, especially if you have a half-brain husband x.X

I was able to quiz her about it, and what they filled was an I-864A. Gah! MEN! Immigration is a headache enough as is x.X

Well, at least this question is out there now in case someone else quizzes about it. Thanks for all the help :) *yes, that is his smug smile in my icon :P... he's giving me it now over the internet :P*
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-09 23:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 for CR-1/IR-1
Thank you everyone for your replies :)

I'm still no nearer to finding out just what has happened, but I plan on emailling NVC about it and finding out what has happened. My husband probably wasn't clear about what visa he was doing when he informed them. I was just taken aback when he informed me it was an I-134 :\
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-09 15:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 for CR-1/IR-1
Has anyone ever had to do an I-134 Affidavit of Support instead of the I-864?

My husband recently became sick and has started a new job, and needed joint sponsorship for me. After informing NVC about this, they told him to d/l the I-134 form and fill it in. Everything I find seem to point to I-134 being for Fiancee visa, not spousal.

Anyone else heard of this happening? Or is it a special case? :help:
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-08 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSteps at NVC (a small question)

I suppose so. The automatic msg didn't change though till they had received the AoS, so I guess I just assumed (and yet, I also knew it wasn't the case as I had seen other journeys with the packet being sent out before the AoS was sent in, and because of the flowchart).
I used that example though, since it was obvious that it's NOT processed and sent on the same day.. even if the reason was wrong (hey, my husband sent me on a wild goosechase because of the I-864, I need to blame him for something ;P).

I guess this is just another trick of the mind to justify the length of time it takes :P and I'm too chickensh*t something will be missed if I use James' shortcuts :P

... I just wish NVC sent their mail weekly, and not bi-monthly... or whatever it is they do :\ Daily would be even better :\
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-15 03:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSteps at NVC (a small question)
NVC should send you a timeline of what the applicant and what the petitioner has to do.

Processed and Sent are definitly NOT the same. NVC seems to send mail either weekly, or monthly, and I suspect the Packet 3 (DS-230 packet) is dependant on them receiving the petitioner's Affidavit of Support.

For eg, see my timeline. I sent my Immigration Bill back on the 28th of May, give or take 1-2 weeks for mail. They receive the bill and process the packet... but it's not sent.

My husband finally got around to finishing and sending in the AoS at the end of June sometime, and THEN it's sent.

They probably due generate the next step that same day, and get it ready for mailing, but it's not actually mailed till another date (unless it's done ON that date I suppose)

I completly understand wanting to know what happens to try and cut down on time. I'm trying to do the same thing short of using James's Shortcuts. Expect a lot of stress though :)
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-14 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAbout the Fees
You mentioned medical, so I assume you mean NON-NVC/Embassy costs.

I know with Australia, the Police Certificate /w fingerprints is $142aud, no clue about Britain though.

Apart from that, I think really the only other costs would be travelling o.O
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-17 17:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview documents question????
I think it's 'copies' of I-864, but with original signiture.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-08-15 15:31:00