United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
So after all the K1 hell I have now been defeated by a blizzard.

It appears that Adam's flight has finally taken off from Montreal and is scheduled into newark in 2 hours. I know Im crazy but Newark is far from me and I cant leave him waiting there with no where to go after being stuck in planes and airports all day. I'm going to try to get off my backroad and to the highway which is only four blocks away then see if I can cross 2 bridges to get to him.

Please wish me luck, as I will need all the good karma on my side tonight!!!
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-12 19:52:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
They keep them there in a "holding pen" (since they can't clear Canadian customs) until they can get the flight off the ground and into Newark. I just know this because of my mom working for the airlines, I haven't heard from him, but didn't expect to in this case.

The Continental site says that the flight is on the runway about to take off to Newark, though newark is still closed.

Anyway i might go dig my car out just to be productive. It is covered entirely!! This is awesome but just a bad day for this to be happening in my life :whistle:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-12 14:09:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I tried the evil eye witch glare and yet it backfired. There are two feet of snow outside my door and since I live in a basement apartment I am now in my own personal igloo.

Have been tracking the flight and poor Adam seems to be diverted to Canada!!! Oh blah!! :crying:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-12 12:08:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I just went to the 24 hour supermarket at midnight and it was packed! I guess people are getting the pre-snow panic! I am just praying that it's not as bad as they say so I can go pick up my love on Sunday!!! Otherwise I don't know how he'll get to me!! Okay can't worry about it until that happens :whistle:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-11 01:03:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Sounds pretty good then. I was going to go through my old work place, who have a private clients division to see if I could get a better rate with them. I'll have to email and see what they can do for me (I worked in foreign exchange),

Then you should have NO problem :lol:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-10 14:59:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks Huffy! I hope he gets here safely too and that I can pick him up once he does and not be snowed in!!

Actually you don't even need a joint bank account to get your money into the account, so you should have no problem with the transfer. Just supplying your UK bank with the name, address, and routing number of your US bank should do the trick. I had Adam wire his money into my account and they just charged us fees on both sides. I think it turned out to be less than 1% of what he transferred, which is much better than those weird ATM fees they charge. I know when I was in England my bank charged a 3% fee just to use a foreign ATM and then another $3 just for fun on top of that. It's such a ripoff! And the wire transfer took 24 hours, it was great!!

Of course now I have all of Adam's money and his name isn't even connected to my account :devil:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-10 14:43:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Adam flies into Newark on Sunday and there is going to be a mondo blizzard this weekend. And it didn't snow all season. Ahhh is someone trying to give me a sign here? :whistle:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-10 09:57:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Kiki that is great about filing your papers! I bet it feels like a huge weight off your shoulders. And now you just sit tight and wait which shouldn't be so bad since you are with your man!

Stacey YAY!!! :dance: Are you flipping out? I'm almost in a state of disbelief that come Sunday I won't have to count down the days until Adam leaves. I'm also having the "wow this is adult" jitters :whistle:

Rebecca, quiet is good! If I were to let myself talk more, you would be rolling your eyes at the crazy things that are going through my mind right now. I am going to blame it on moving house and getting married all within the next month. Then after that I will have to find a new excuse for my craziness :lol:

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-09 13:24:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Estelle, I will be back home in 5 days time 9th and married in 9 days 14th, I feel a little guilty that my fiance is doing all the running about organising things, the good thing for me is since I've been over a good few times I know the area quite well now and getting from A to B is very easy, also getting work will be no problem as I know Painting and Decorating is in high demand here and since I am a first class tradesman :P I will get plenty of work.So am I feeling stressed out no way just dying to get back home to be with my babe.
Ps If anyone in the Livingston county area requires my service feel free to pm me
Discounts for fellow vjers :P kinda kidding but you never know

Regards Scotty

Scotty you sure waited long enough and now the time to be with your love is almost here. Congratulations! (F)

Kiki your home sounds great, where do you live?

I love the winters here, and believe me this has been a MILD one. These last few years on the east coast I actually had to carry around a snow shovel in my car to dig it out almost every day. This year has been like spring. Summers here are hot hot hot so don't ask for it or you'll get it!!! :whistle:

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-05 00:40:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Well I am finally starting to get antzy!! Paul moves in less than a freaking week!! OMFG!!! lol :dance:

I sooo can't wait to start the AOS and all that jazz process!! YAY!! :whistle:

The only thing I truly want to hurry along is the days til our wedding!! I am so ready to marry the love of my life!! (L)

Stacy :luv:

It will be here in no time at all. But don't rush for the wedding because that means AOS! :lol:

You and I are almost on the same timeline. Adam is here in 7 days! I'm so excited! :luv:

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-04 15:01:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Purple and Euro welcome to America!

Euro I'm sure if you talk to the cats long enough they will talk back! :whistle:

I have dealt with those GPS things and to be honest, I think they confuse me more than anything. They tell you to make about 5 right turns just to get off an exit ramp on a highway...but they are good for the major roads. Is there anywhere you can walk to, like local shops, until you get your bearings?

I wonder what Adam will do for the first few months, but knowing him he will know the city better than me and make about a million more friends than I've ever had. :D

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-04 00:11:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Beansy that is A LOT to deal with!!! Wow and then you will have to move again eventually.

That is wonderful that he doesn't mind living with your parents...he just wants to be with you!! I think if Adam had to live with my family, I think he might deport himself! :whistle:

Although I've noticed a strange phenomenon. My friend married a British man 7 years ago and he went to live with her and her mother. While my friend went to work, her mother literally waited on her husband hand and foot and cooked for him non-stop thought she NEVER did that for her own daughter. To this day she dotes on Gareth more than her daughter!

And I've noticed that since my family met Adam, that if he and I have any disagreement they side with "poor Adam"! There must be something about that British charm!!!

So tell your fiance to prepare to be spoiled :luv:

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-03 13:44:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yay Kiki that seemed easy enough with the civil surgeon! It should be smooth sailing the rest of the way too.

Ummmm 9 more days until Adam comes. I had a nervous breakdown yesterday. They say moving and getting married are two of the most stressful things a person can do, so I'm surprised more people on this board have not spontaneously combusted since that's what the Visa Journey is all about.

Poor Adam has to move his country and then move house with me within the first two weeks. Then we get married....ahhh joy :luv:

All the people on here who said the last two weeks before the UKC gets here are VERY stressful were RIGHT! Adam and I are fighting and we can't talk much since he's vacated his apartment and living at his mum's in Spain, which makes things worse, and well...9 more days!!! :whistle:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-02 22:37:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

then other times, i'd reply with something like, "you know, it's kind of offensive that you think that the idea of marrying me is so totally repulsive that the ONLY reason someone would marry me was to illegally immigrate.

HAHAHAHA YOU RULE! I am so going to use that next time! :lol:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-01-31 18:33:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Neither of us can sleep given the jet lag and nerves...a great combination!

Well Gwen I can think of MUCH better things you two can be doing besides being on VJ :whistle:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-01-30 21:58:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread


There's more to England than just London?

Shhhh don't tell. Gwen don't you have to be on the move in a few hours? Today is the big day! Good luck! :luv:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-01-30 21:29:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Yes, because life is SO terrible and hard in the UK, where the currency is actually worth more than the dollar... :rolleyes: So of course he's marrying you just for that green card!!! It's just THAT much better in the US. ;)

Yes well it's all like a Dicken's novel where everyone grows up in a dark orphanage and has to beg for more gruel. Also another popular American misconception is that ALL british people live in London. There is just no other city in England. :lol:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-01-30 21:13:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Awww Marie I just realized you and Adam are getting married 1 week after Paul and I!! (F)

Ain't love grand? (L)

Stacy :luv:

AND I think Huffy is getting married right in between our dates! I just finished stuffing all my wedding invites and will mail them all tomorrow. It all seems so adult and so dreamlike :luv:

In 12 days I will be picking up Adam at Newark and we will be together forever with no lengthy seperations. It just seems, like WOW.

Okay because I am going to have to send poor Adam to social security on his own about 2 weeks after he gets here (us Americans get no holiday time) he just brings the form from online, and his passport with all the visa and customs stuff stapled inside and then if they don't find him in the system THEY go about manual verification? Is there anything you have to do to help them with that, or is it just a different process for them?

I'm going to start moving house next week so I don't want to deal with any more paperwork after that :whistle:

Okay and this is totally random but do people think you are absolutely nutso crazy when you tell them you are marrying a Brit you met online? I have realized I am telling my pharmacist, my hair dresser and everyone under the sun that I'm getting married soon (I make myself want to barf) and the first thing they all say is "are you sure he just doesn't want a greencard?". I would think NYers would be more open-minded but I guess not!! After all this K1 and AOS hell I would think there are much easier ways for a brit to move to America!
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-01-30 20:18:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

I bet your packet ......those tabs on the bottom and two hole punched at the top....

*covers my eyes*

Do my job skills really show THAT much on here?

Hmmm....If I'm that good, I need a raise.....


Estella, I hope you got the other thing sorted...I posted a few suggestions for you but I think they got lost in the "crash"... (F)

Rebecca, I just know that you always have an answer to my often off the wall questions so if I sat there punching holes and making those weirdo bottom tabs out of card stock then you sure as heck did! :lol:

Kiki I swear I thought that maybe be question crashed the entire server, can I be anymore insane? :whistle: Robinlake gave me a great idea about paypal, so I think I will just have Adam keep his UK bank account and link it to paypal so we can transfer funds between US and UK but that since I have the money now, I will just go to my bank and have them write an international money order to pay off his credit card. Then send it to Abbey in the UK and we should be done and dusted. I am trying not to worry about things anymore, because if I really want to stress I would be stressing that I don't have anything to wear and I'm getting married in less than two months. But I'm not! :P

Huffy congrats on the SSN!
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-01-29 22:06:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congratulations Rebecca and Wes! That is amazing. First the EAD comes through and now the interview. I never believe those timelines to be honest. I think they just set expectations for worst case scenarios. I bet your packet was all perfect with those tabs on the bottom and two hole punched at the top and was a breeze for them to enter. B)

Congrats again! :dance:
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-01-29 01:46:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
There is a regular grocery store not far from my apartment here in Queens, that has a pretty decent UK foods section. The store manager is Irish and he wanted to bring over a taste from home. They have mince pies and batchelors beans, marmite and even some toiletries and medicines. They also have bangers and frozen fried fish and the prices are not at all as much money as they are on these online sites or in some of these specialty stores.

The thing is that if I look online there is no listing for this store having the section, I just heard through word of mouth, so I think you can find things where you least expect them and not in the most commercial places.

So if anyone lives in the NY Metro area, KeyFood in Floral Park or Stop N Shop in Woodside are treasure troves! And Im the USC but I love all the food too. Even if it is a little pricey I think it makes it more "fun" :star:

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-05 00:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmailing DOES pay off...
I agree with you Richi...we sure pay enough to have the right to pester these people.

It's every man/woman for themselves and if our emails cause others to get no reply, then they should be emailing more as well...nothing stops them.

Personally I emailed every other day, I thought that was fair :thumbs:

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-03 13:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDocument Checklist for London

Heh, I e-mailed the Embassy and they sent me the right checklist as a Word Document :-)

No way!! I tried to get them to do that like five times and they never would!! I feel so not special :o

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-06 23:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDocument Checklist for London
It isnt online anywhere, there is no link on the Embassy site and when Ive emailed them repeatedly about this they deny it. :hehe:

My advice is to do what Richi said, white out the marks and photocopy it.

If not, I used this one off the embassy site in its place since mine never arrived.


I just used the first few pages which were the checklist and it did the trick. I know at least one other person who did that last year and it worked, but personally I would be more comfortable with the IV-15.

Good luck! (F)

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-05 23:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionA few questions for people how are going through or who have gone through London...
Are they that different the specs? I don't even think Adam mentioned anything about the US when he got his, just went for passport photos and he got his Visa approved. He got his in Manx but I don't remember where.
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-10 14:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionA truly upsetting day in London
Paul I'm sorry things did not go as well as planned. At least you were well prepared and now it will just be another few weeks of waiting. You will be with your loved one no matter what, very soon, and then it will be forever so hang in there (F)
Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-04 00:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat are people doing about medical insurance?
I just bought a policy from here

Though I think they are all the same and carry the same plans and companies.

My suggestion is to call them because it says it takes 24 hours to get a free quote but it took more like two weeks. In the meantime I called and was givein one option by one associate. In the email I was given another, so it was very confusing.

I did a basic Immigrant Package, three months for $195. All we needed was basic hospitalization for an emergency.

I think that the USC spouse can also be added to this policy if they don't have insurance either, for an extra premium and they can carry this for two years. I suggest you call and look into that Miranda, until James gets insurance from his future job. :yes:

Estella76Not TellingEngland2006-02-03 14:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Got my interview date!!
Yay,Good Luck. :thumbs:
Wendy javierFemaleDominican Republic2012-10-03 20:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Finally out of Additional Processing

Congratulations...from one of the 'horror stories' :yes: :thumbs: :dance:

We were stuck there nearly 8 weeks, so I am pleased to see how much times have come down from then!

Congratz its almost done. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Wendy javierFemaleDominican Republic2012-10-19 21:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)upcoming interview
The Greatest of wishes for your upcoming interview and that Gods blessings abundantly pour over you and your husband on your day.
Wendy javierFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-01 15:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
I think I set up the signature "thingy" correct. Thanks for your help.

I got my official NOA-1 in the mail.
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-03-18 20:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Do i paste the codes where?

Hi, and welcome! :yes:

To add one of the daisy path tickers you create one by entering your information and picking the design... then once you've created it, you click on "get codes"

For this website you want the code for PseudoHTML, UBBCode and BB Code it will look like this:
[ url= ht tp://][ img]h ttp://[/img][/url]

(I put spaces in so you could see what the code looks like)

This is my ticker:

Posted Image

2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days.... hmmm... kinda cool :)

I love me some HIM!!! :wub:

berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-03-17 20:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hello fellow VJers. How do I make one of those fancy timelines that you all have that show date met, visit, noa-1 etc? Also, how do I know if my file was "touched"?
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-03-16 20:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hey guys I receieved my electronic notification NOA-1 this morning at 1:15 am. :dance: You cant imagine the happiness and excitement Sean and I are feeling. I hope this other speeds by.
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-03-15 19:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hello Yardie's and non-yardie members. I am new to VJ and I am nervous as ever. Ive been with my fiancee six years now. We got engaged August 2nd. I officially mailed in our paperwork (I-129F packet) 3/5/2010. I continued to check the USPS website and found that it was delivered 3/10/2011. I don't know why I am so nervous because I know that I will be waiting for months. Ive been reading the many topics, and interesting information, but feel comfortable connecting through this site with people that's been there, done that. Pray for me, I have to work my patience!!
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-03-13 14:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaKingston JA Embassy
im assuming that the US Embassy is still not allowing petitioners in during the inerview? I will already be in Jamaica when/if he gets his date in a timely manner. I would like to just be there to support him.
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-06-03 21:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaKingston JA Embassy
Hello Fellow Vjers. Anyone knows if this rule is still upheld or did it change again. I know my interview is nt for a few months and would just like to confirm before I start requesting time off from work.
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-03-20 21:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies - How did you meet your SO?
My story is long and bittersweet. MY grandmother died on my birthday and I went to Jamaica with my mother and sister for the funeral. I havent visited Jamaica since 2001 and this was 2005, so the family was very happy to see us, considering the purpose of the visit. The night before the service my cousin took me to the Asylum a club in New Kingston. As we were walking to an area in the club where his friends were standing, my eyes met with this fine, tall man. My cousin introduced me to him. He was a friend of my cousin and knew my grandmother well. We talked the night away, and even though the music was loud, we didnt hear anything but our voices. We parted ways knowing that we would see each other the following day at the funeral. I forgot to mention that I was married with 2 children, ages 2 and 14. My husband and I were having serious marital issues and was unfortunately staying together solely for the kids.

Back to better part of the story, Sean and I saw each other at the funeral. This time he was more handsome than the night before. He was clean shaved and had a suit on. We were talking outside the church before the service began and a transformer box exploded on the street. I was so frightened, I jumped into his arms. We both laugh about that to this day. I returned to the states, thinking I lost all communication with him. We didnt exchange numbers, and I just assumed it was just some flirting going on and time to get back to reality. One day while I was at work my cousin in Jamaica called me from a strange number. He told me he was using "sean's" phone. He asked if I wanted to say hi, we spoke and the rest is history. I went to Jamaica with the kids for a summer vacation. Sean and I hung out with out children the entire time, getting to know each other. I was in Jamaica for thanksgiving and February the following and 2-3 times a year after that. We got engaged on August 2, 2010 and was still waiting for my divorce (my husband refused to sign the divorce papers, even after I moved out the state with the kids and moved on with my life). I was officially divorced October 21, 2010 and filed our I-129F March, 2011. I know my story is long and detailed but this was a portion of what I submitted with my application. My answer to question 18 on the application was 5 pages. I had to detail 6 years of our love story.
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-04-25 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaUpdate
I am so sorry that you are going through this. Hold your faith and stay strong. (F)
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-07-18 12:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPreparing for interview in Jamaica!!
If u go to country review read mine and nightnurse's review it will help you. Accordian folder wit color coated tabs (one for evidence, another for financial and one for forms). Hope this helps
berry and birdFemaleJamaica2011-09-11 10:28:00