IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG - Case Complete!!!
Congrats! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-02-23 23:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIt's my turn!!!
Congrats and good luck! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-01 00:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgot the CR1 Visa ..............
Congratulations! :dance:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-01 23:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa
Congrats!!! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-02-18 20:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlas! finally I got my interview date in March last week
Congratulations and good luck!!! :dance:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-02-17 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED in BOGOTA 2/21/07
Congratulations! :thumbs:

Edited by Sol-de-Verano, 01 March 2007 - 11:04 PM.

SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-01 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi got my noa-2 today ..
Congrats!!! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-07 22:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHuuurrreeeyyyy....!!!! VISA INFORMATION.,.!
Congrats!! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-09 21:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally an aprroval from Vermont
Congrats!! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-17 00:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE!!!
Congrats! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-17 00:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMY interview has been scheduled!
Congrats and good luck! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-03-17 00:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAppoved
Congrats! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-04-04 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2! OMG!
Congrats!! :dance:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-04-07 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa on Hand! Praise God
Congratulations! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-05-02 11:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresANOTHER APPROVAL!!
Congratulations! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-05-03 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Granted!! Took 9 months.
Congratulations!!! :thumbs:
SoL.FemaleNetherlands2007-05-04 22:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresITS FINALLY OVER !!!!!!!
Hello there, just wanting to let you know that we FINALLY DID IT !!! good.gif kicking.gif brett aka aussielad is now and officially a USC!!!!! i know it was like a month Thursday, February 26, 2009, 8:41:18 AM kicking.gif just cwanting also to thanks every one that supported us in every ways and all of you that helped us on this journey. it was sooooooooooooo exciting watching him do this and being part of this, and to be very honest we couldnt have dont it with out visajourney and everyone in it. After four years wacko.gif we are done with all this paper work the stress and thingking / woring whats gonna happen blush.gif ... why havent they answer back, i can now say i can sleep peacefully !!!! I beleive i was more nervous than he was ,

time line ...... blush.gif

woke up 3am (mayaguez)
got in the car 3:40am
got to (san juan) 5:34am
made line and the supreme court
lot of press cars waiting to go in (the governer was on trial)
got breakfast 6:20am
met a few people
went into the court room 7:00am
it finally started at 8:00am (1 hour late puertorican time i guess)
called out all the names
asked for their appointment letters
72 people 18 different countries were in
all rose to pledge alligiance 8:15
the judge found them all good to go
they all did their oath

8:30 they were all USC!!!!!!

thi has been one heck of a ride once again that you all!!!!!

to all of you that are styarting in the middle or about to finish good luck and dont worrie everything will be alright take it easy cause although we stress that will not hurry this process

to all of you that have finish ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we can breath !!!!! it feels great kicking.gif

Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2009-04-21 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresITS FINALLY OVER !!!!!!!
Hello there, just wanting to let you know that we FINALLY DID IT !!! good.gif kicking.gif brett aka aussielad is now and officially a USC!!!!! i know it was like a month Thursday, February 26, 2009, 8:41:18 AM kicking.gif just cwanting also to thanks every one that supported us in every ways and all of you that helped us on this journey. it was sooooooooooooo exciting watching him do this and being part of this, and to be very honest we couldnt have dont it with out visajourney and everyone in it. After four years wacko.gif we are done with all this paper work the stress and thingking / woring whats gonna happen blush.gif ... why havent they answer back, i can now say i can sleep peacefully !!!! I beleive i was more nervous than he was ,

time line ...... blush.gif

woke up 3am (mayaguez)
got in the car 3:40am
got to (san juan) 5:34am
made line and the supreme court
lot of press cars waiting to go in (the governer was on trial)
got breakfast 6:20am
met a few people
went into the court room 7:00am
it finally started at 8:00am (1 hour late puertorican time i guess)
called out all the names
asked for their appointment letters
72 people 18 different countries were in
all rose to pledge alligiance 8:15
the judge found them all good to go
they all did their oath

8:30 they were all USC!!!!!!

thi has been one heck of a ride once again that you all!!!!!

to all of you that are styarting in the middle or about to finish good luck and dont worrie everything will be alright take it easy cause although we stress that will not hurry this process

to all of you that have finish ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we can breath !!!!! it feels great kicking.gif

Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2009-04-21 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI can't believe it!!
thats great congrats , I remember when we were still wating for out interview day we were getting frustrated but then we recived a called from them it was the best news ever !!!!

very happy for you good luck on your interview !!!!

Yale :luv:

Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-05-15 18:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCHANGE OF ADDRESS
But at the same time, what im wanting to know is, does he himself have to fill out the I-865 form aswell, we've already filled out the AR-11, and i've filled out the I-865 being the primary sponsor

He is the co-sponsor, so does he have to fill out the I-865 aswell???

The problem is that my dad just wants my husbands personal information to use against him (which he already has) and we dont want to give him any more than we have to. He's trying his absoloute hardest to get my husband deported and his trying to obtain ALL of my husbands personal information

As stated on the I-865 for my dad, it ses that my husbands A # number has to be there, and we dont want my dad to know that number, because all he's going to do is try to use it in an incorrect manner.

Thats our concern...

yes sorry to add, my husband has a CR-1
Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-09-30 12:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCHANGE OF ADDRESS
Hi Everyone :help:

We are having a very difficult time with my parents they have threaten us and kicked us out if the house casue ( we wanted our own place(ironic isnt it? :blink: )) Now with the change of address the 10 days havents passed yet its only been 3 cause well with all the moving. My dad called immigration or got in contact with them saying we had left, they printed out the AR-11 ( wich we already have and filled out and sending it on monday) He however wants the letter with all my husbands personal info. He will and has used my personal info. before and against me I know and he had said so himself he will do the same to my husband, therfor I dont want to hand him the form. He him self if not mistaken he has to send a form aswell (form I-865) indicating he knows were we are. (and they do they have been around to see were we are living)

He has been trying to pose as a lawyer to scare us off. I dont know what to do If anyone has a ny comments for any thing we can tyry as a solution it will be deeply appriciated.

He says he will do and stop at nothign to get him deported he wants him out of here.... I understood that the AOS he would be bound untill he becomes a USC or if he chooses to stay as a resident its 10 years a r 40 quartes of work right :o ????:help:

:luv: Yale

Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-09-30 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCHANGE OF ADDRESS

i thoguth i would have to go back ther and hand him the papers... he thinks he is all that smart threatening me and Brett saying he already talkedto lawyers and #######.... he handed me a manila envelope with the supossed add for the lawyer that is advising him .. but that was in there was the AR-11 and everything else downloades papers from the net and highligted :no: i thought a lawyer would be a tad bit more proffesional dont you think??? but this makes me feel way better knowing he doesnt need anythign from our part we already are sending ours on monday casue we werent sure but everythign is already filled.

Wow, I don't know what started this entire mess, but it sounds nasty. It sounds like your dad has some problems, and I think it is best if you don't give him ANY more personal information.

Now if I am understanding right, he signed a contract with the government to be a co-sponsor. From everything I have read once you have signed that then you are bound. He can't go back on it.

I hope you work out the problems with your family, but I will be honest with you, don't EVER share anything personal with your father and don't do anything that requires any of his assistance. I think if you do you will have an ongoing problem with him. Cut off all of this help and it cuts off his power to control you.

Good luck.

Thats what we are trying to do but we cant seem to get rid of him... its been almost 4 months since we have actually sat dowen and have normal human being civilized conversation...... were not htere anymore (thankgoodness) we just finished moving our stuff today and now he still keeps on with this ####### WILL IT EVER END !?!?!?!?!?!?!? but yes your absolutly right if i dont give him info (wich we wount) he doesnt have anypower and thats whats eating him alive not being able to control the ones around him.
Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-09-30 13:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCHANGE OF ADDRESS
Thanks a ton Mo, Diddie, Wench always being there for us! *hugs*

One more question, although im the primary sponsor, and he's the co-sponsor, he makes 10 times th amount i make, which in effect i guess would make him the sponsor,...does it really work that way? or i still stand as the primary sponsor even though i dont make enough???

Well, my dad did something a while back which he'
d been doing for a while and supporting it. Brett spoke against it because it kept continuing ( my brother abusing his wife, adultry and other things) and Brett as i said wasnt going to let that continue, spoke against it.

When my dad got caught out for supporting it, THATS when he got like he is now, dad is giving out my social security number and all my personal information, and he's "trying" to do the same with Brett, but to use it in a bad manner henceforth why we dont trust him.

My dad has alraedy tried to pose as his lawyer, (which we're going to go visit on monday to inform his lawyer that he all of a sudden has a "twin" lol because that isnt right, and my dad made up all these legal documents, using my dad's lawyers information WITHOUT the lawyers knowledge or does that seem right to you???

thanks everyone for your replies *hugs* :) love ya's!
Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-09-30 12:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCHANGE OF ADDRESS
but does he still have to inform that my husband and I have moved with an I-865 as well ???
Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-09-30 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCHANGE OF ADDRESS
question .......

I know I have to fill out an I-865 with our new add.

However does my dad when he fill his out doe he put in His add or our new add. ???? :help:
Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-09-30 11:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCHANGE OF ADDRESS
Hi Everyone :help:

We are having a very difficult time with my parents they have threaten us and kicked us out if the house casue ( we wanted our own place(ironic isnt it? :blink: )) Now with the change of address the 10 days havents passed yet its only been 3 cause well with all the moving. My dad called immigration or got in contact with them saying we had left, they printed out the AR-11 ( wich we already have and filled out and sending it on monday) He however wants the letter with all my husbands personal info. He will and has used my personal info. before and against me I know and he had said so himself he will do the same to my husband, therfor I dont want to hand him the form. He him self if not mistaken he has to send a form aswell (form I-865) indicating he knows were we are. (and they do they have been around to see were we are living)

He has been trying to pose as a lawyer to scare us off. I dont know what to do If anyone has a ny comments for any thing we can tyry as a solution it will be deeply appriciated.

He says he will do and stop at nothign to get him deported he wants him out of here.... I understood that the AOS he would be bound untill he becomes a USC or if he chooses to stay as a resident its 10 years a r 40 quartes of work right :o ????:help:

:luv: Yale

Madame-ButterflyFemaleAustralia2006-09-30 11:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshould i have been given my i94 with a cr1 visa?
quote your alien registration number in the "welcome to america" letter, and they'll be able to give more detail as to its where-abouts.
AussieladMaleAustralia2006-11-08 09:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures...denied
good luck,....and you probably wernt permaently banned,...he'd probably need a waiver,...sometimes the consul officers dont know what they're on about, ....alot of them are new ya know.
AussieladMaleAustralia2006-12-12 08:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
Congrats also for you!
CSC is now moving up!

QUOTE (chilton747 @ Mar 11 2008, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please update the list with my NOA2 approval 3/10/2008. smile.gif Thanksssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-03-11 09:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
Yeah if there are 10 Approvals was too much, compared on the last weeks that where more 10+ approvals per week!
Lets see what we have this Friday Regarding Processing Times on VSC, if they dont move to september then
it means that they have tons of applications remaining on August & July that havent completed for some reason that we dont know!

QUOTE (kitty loves moudi @ Mar 10 2008, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (odeoaldorf @ Mar 9 2008, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rhetorical question: Can anyone tell me what the F&*K is going on with VSC!!! CSC flying away...VSC?!?!?!...Where is everybody...That's it?...too much work for the August approvals?...C'moooooooooooon!!!

I haven't seen but a couple of approvals last week from VSC for I-130's. They were doing so good b4, wonder why they've slowed down? Comeon' Approvals!!!! blink.gif

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-03-10 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
Now we know that USCIS is going ahead with more approvals
QUOTE (Tiane @ Mar 5 2008, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please add me again!! smile.gif
Sent I-130 to NCS: 2007-09-17
Transferred case to CSC and received I-130 NOA1 : 2008-01-04
Received I-130 NOA2: 2008-03-02


Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-03-05 18:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
finally bring on more approvals

Congrats Germanchick
Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-02-24 11:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
yeaa Congrats!

QUOTE (? QaSiM--aIsHa @ Feb 21 2008, 06:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> an email sometime after midnight and guess what ...........

WE GOT APPROVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

We have been waiting for over 8 mths and it!!! Alhumdulilah........

SO, please add us to the list .YAYYYYYY!!!!

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On February 20, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif I am so very happy right would not believe it.

Allaah Hafiz

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-02-21 07:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
Exellent good.gif
QUOTE (Marlita @ Feb 14 2008, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh man Milton, I don't know what happened! let me go back and see where you were at and I'll edit the list so that it is the most current. Thanks for the heads up love!

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-02-14 14:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
Marlita the list that you edited has some missing members (I am one of them)
Just for the note, if somebody copies your list it wont have the current info!


QUOTE (Marlita @ Feb 14 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
**I've updated the list per Selina, J-Boy, and Chemarc**

Member Name --- I130 Sent --- NOA1 --- (CSC/VSC) --- NOA2 --- Days To Approval ----- Link to NVC Timeline
The_dip_sticks--05/23/06 --- 06/15/06 --- CSC ----- Pending
mike & Elena -- 12/19/06 --- 01/09/07 --- CSC ----- 04/16/07 ---- 118
Nilz07 -------- 12/29/06 --- 01/03/07 --- CSC ----- 06/12/07 ---- 165
Nyseness ------ 12/30/06 --- 01/06/07 --- CSC ----- 05/16/07 ---- 137
Erica --------- 01/16/07 --- 01/24/07 --- CSC ----- 04/06/07 ----- 80
Slbois -------- 01/17/07 --- 01/26/07 --- CSC ----- 04/09/07 ----- 82
Virt ---------- 01/26/07 --- 02/01/07 --- CSC ----- 06/07/07 ---- 132
Dillydally ---- 01/30/07 --- 02/01/07 --- CSC ----- 06/14/07 ---- 135
Comelly ------- 02/01/07 --- 02/09/07 --- CSC ----- 04/19/07 ----- 77
Jiji ---------- 02/01/07 --- 02/04/07 --- CSC ----- 05/08/07 ----- 96
Mononoke28 ---- 02/05/07 --- 02/14/07 --- CSC ----- 05/03/07 ----- 87
MegDan -------- 02/07/07 --- 02/13/07 --- CSC ----- 05/31/07 ---- 113
Flicki -------- 02/13/07 --- 02/15/07 --- CSC ----- 06/25/07 ---- 132
Jasmin -------- 02/13/07 --- 02/21/07 --- CSC ----- 06/22/07 ---- 129
Geist & Stabu - 02/16/07 --- 02/21/07 --- CSC ----- 06/07/07 ---- 111
Vylex --------- 02/17/07 --- 02/28/07 --- CSC ----- 06/12/07 ---- 115
RandyandRina -- 02/22/07 --- 02/26/07 ----CSC------ 07/02/07 ---- 130
Greeneclipse -- 02/23/07 --- 03/01/07 --- CSC ----- 07/09/07 ---- 136
S & J --------- 03/01/07 --- 03/09/07 --- CSC ----- 06/19/07 ---- 110
RickOlechka --- 03/02/07 --- 04/12/07 --- CSC ----- 07/04/07 ---- 124
Jaxguy/KIDS --- 03/05/07 --- 03/20/07 --- CSC ----- 09/07/07 ---- 186
Rika60607 ----- 03/07/07 --- 03/16/07 --- CSC ----- 06/14/07 ----- 99
Trailmix ------ 03/08/07 --- 03/13/07 --- CSC ----- 06/05/07 ----- 89
DeeCee -------- 03/08/07 --- 03/19/07 --- CSC ----- 06/06/07 ----- 90
Miriam n Alain- 03/09/07 --- 03/21/07 --- CSC ----- 03/22/07 ----- 13
Mdpo ---------- 03/16/07 --- 03/19/07 --- CSC ----- 08/16/07 ---- 153
LadyJane ------ 03/26/07 --- 04/06/07 --- CSC ----- 07/02/07 ----- 98
pc_whisperer -- 03/30/07 --- 04/09/07 --- CSC ----- 07/27/07 ---- 119
Jundibasam ---- 04/07/07 --- 04/23/07 --- CSC ----- 10/15/07 ---- 191
Tussie -------- 04/13/07 --- 04/24/07 --- CSC ----- 10/30/07 ---- 200
Eresh --------- 04/24/07 --- 05/21/07 --- CSC ----- 08/10/07 ---- 108
Clow ---------- 05/07/07 --- 06/14/07 --- CSC ----- 11/19/07 ---- 190
Djturbo ------- 05/11/07 --- 06/05/07 --- CSC ----- 09/14/07 ---- 126
Pkewl --------- 05/15/07 --- 06/06/07 --- CSC ----- 10/30/07 ---- 168
Luckysprite --- 05/22/07 --- 06/08/07 --- CSC ----- 11/01/07 ---- 163
Vbtbmrt ------- 05/29/07 --- 08/30/07 --- CSC ----- 10/18/07 ---- 142
Juan Carlos --- 06/02/07 --- 06/18/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Spanglish ----- 06/05/07 --- 06/19/07 --- CSC ----- 11/16/07 ---- 164
Syadira ------- 06/13/07 --- 06/26/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Qasim--aisha -- 06/06/07 --- 06/22/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Wahrania ------ 06/19/07 --- 07/02/07 --- CSC ----- 11/26/07 ---- 160
Asherah ------- 06/22/07 --- 07/09/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Santiago ------ 06/28/07 --- 07/10/07 --- CSC ----- 12/04/07 ---- 159
Mohgli -------- 07/12/07 --- 07/19/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Chilton747 ---- 07/12/07 --- 07/26/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
A.Garcia ------ 07/16/07 --- 07/25/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
KTG ----------- 07/19/07 --- 08/02/07 --- CSC ----- 12/14/07 ---- 148
Simple_melanie- 07/20/07 --- 08/03/07 --- CSC ----- 12/18/07 ---- 151
his_sunshine -- 07/24/07 ----08/30/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
tarantz ------- 07/24/07 ----08/01/07 --- CSC ----- 12/18/07 ---- 147
Altz ---------- 07/28/07 --- 09/11/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Kelzm --------- 08/09/07 --- 09/05/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Selina -------- 09/25/07 --- 01/07/08 --- CSC ----- Pending
Tyrobe -------- 08/14/07 --- 10/02/07 --- CSC ----- Pending
Kittylovesmoudi 10/16/07 -------?-------- CSC ----- Pending

Singha -------- 12/29/06 --- 01/03/07 --- VSC ----- 06/01/07 ---- 184
Mxjjx --------- 02/15/07 --- 02/21/07 --- VSC ----- 07/17/07 ---- 152
hhk3 ---------- 03/26/07 --- 04/04/07 --- VSC ----- 05/31/07 ----- 66
coolgt -------- 06/12/07 --- 06/12/07 --- VSC ----- 12/05/07 ---- 176
Amberlynn ----- 06/22/07 --- 06/29/07 --- VSC ----- 10/15/07 ---- 115
Mgk ----------- 07/27/07 --- 09/20/07 --- VSC ----- 11/07/07 ---- 103
Germanchick2502 08/03/07 --- 12/26/07 --- VSC ----- Pending
alto.d. ------- 08/09/07 -------?-------- VSC ----- Pending
Chemarc ------- 08/15/07 --- 12/22/07 --- VSC ----- 02/08/08 ---- 176
J-Boy --------- 08/21/07 --- 12/26/07 --- VSC ----- 02/08/08 ---- 169
inkypinky------ 09/15/07 -------?-------- VSC ----- Pending
npatel3c ----------- ? ----- 01/14/07 --- VSC ----- 05/25/07 ---- xxx

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-02-14 14:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-02-14 11:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-02-09 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 to NOA2 Timeline
Please update my NOA1 date is dated 1/24/08
Wohoooooooooooooooo Yeahhhhhhhhhh
Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-01-29 17:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresall I-130s going to Chicago
Umm I think this will be very bad!
Moving thru Slow Mail Postal Service thousands of petitions!
Now we will have to re apply

Muy Malo

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2007-12-08 10:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS press release

Its only bla bla bla

No results or alternative for us!

Milton y ClaudiaMaleNicaragua2008-01-18 15:33:00