IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEntering on B2 while waiting for CR-1
I am a USC and my fiancee is Colombian. We are exploring various options for getting married, and I like to flesh them out as much as possible to make an informed decision. I feel like I've got a very good handle on what to expect going the K1 route (waiting until ~April of next year to get married), but the other option we are considering is to get married in Colombia this fall (October or November), filing for a CR-1 ASAP, and having her come here within a few days of the wedding on her current B2 visit for 6 months before returning to Colombia and waiting until the CR-1 completes to return. A couple things to take into account:

-She originally visited the US in the summer of 2010 and returned without an overstay (B2)
-She was here from December 2010 to April 2012 as a student (F1) without an overstay, although there was some confusion with her I-94 on exit which has since been cleared up.
-She is employed by her sister and brother-in-law, who would be more than happy to give her a 6 month leave while holding her job until her return (even though it would only be a month or 3 before she left permanently).
-That same sister can show the ability to provide plenty of financial support (as well as what I will be providing)
-She has two mortgages/deeds in her name in Colombia.
-We'd buy the return ticket before she comes as evidence of her planned departure
-I plan to have copies of all the documents included in the CR-1 application, but it would likely still be in the mail that quickly after the wedding (assuming we've even got all the documentation of the wedding to submit it at that point)
-Because the wedding will have just taken place, our last names will be different for all intents and purposes

My questions revolve mainly around how we should phrase things with the entry officer if we pursue this route. Does it help/hurt us if her employer is family, or should we leave that bit out? Is it better to explain the entire plan, or treat it as a long visit with friends (not mentioning the wedding) as far as border patrol is concerned? Between JFK and ATL, does one have more sympathetic agents than the other? Is worst-case scenario that she's turned around at the border, or could this result in a ban of any sort? In general (I know every experience is different), how likely is it that things will go through without a problem?

Ultimately the goal is to minimize time apart. The scenarios (and let me know if I'm missing one) are this:

1) Wait until the K1, be apart (other than short visits) until April-ish.
2) Pursue the course of action listed above, things go through without issue, spend from now until the wedding apart and then a short time after 6-months waiting for the interview (May or June-ish?).
3) Pursue the course of action listed above, she's turned around at the border after the wedding, we're apart (other than short visits) until May or June-ish.

EDIT: Also I apologize if this isn't quite the right forum for this thread, it seemed like the best fit though.

Edited by DiscoLives4ever, 29 July 2012 - 06:00 PM.

Skyler and SilviaMaleColombia2012-07-29 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married on B-2 while waiting for K-1
Awesome, lot's of helpful information. I'm trying to do my homework early on this one to cut down on headaches later, so this site and others are great!
Skyler and SilviaMaleColombia2012-05-15 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married on B-2 while waiting for K-1
Hello board, I've been lurking for a while trying to gain knowledge, but haven't been able to find anything through Google that addresses this specific issue.

My girlfriend (Colombian) and I (American) have been dating since she was here on an F-1 visa from January 2011. She left the country at the end of the semester in mid-April, but we've continued our relationship through Skype and such and are thinking about getting married. A couple of the timeframes we had tossed around were October/November or February/March of next year. As I've looked into the K-1 visa, my understanding is that it takes about 8 months from first filing before she can actually come here to get married, correct?

She also has a B-2 travel visa good to enter for a few years. My understanding is that if she enters on the B-2 to get married and then file an AoS that is a big no-no (based on the intent). The wisest course of action - as I understand it - is to wait on the K-1 visa. The scenario (and question, now that I finally rambled into it) is this: Can we file all the paperwork and such for the K-1 visa, have her enter on the B-2, get married, then have her catch a flight back to Colombia and bounce right back on the K-1 when it is ready? That way she never enters on the B-2 with the intent to stay, but I'm unfamiliar enough with the process to know if this is even feasible. Any enlightenment you fine folks can give me is greatly appreciated!
Skyler and SilviaMaleColombia2012-05-15 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs fiance's birth certificate required?
I about had a heart attack reading the first couple of replies to this post! Can a mod edit out the misinformation? I'd hate for somebody to unnecessarily panic if they didn't read all the way through the thread or got confused.
Skyler and SilviaMaleColombia2012-11-21 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
My fiancee called me a few hours ago from JFK letting me know she got in without issue. The only questions they asked were "Why are you visiting?" ("Vacation") and "What do you do for work?" ("Finance"). If I find out more details later I'll post them, but from what I gathered in our brief conversation the officer was very friendly and there was no hassle.
Skyler and SilviaMaleColombia2012-10-19 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
My fiancee is heading up here tomorrow night (should arrive Friday morning), so fingers crossed that the plethora of information she is bringing will be enough to convince the officers at JFK that she really is only visiting for a week! This thread has been great as far as tips and such go.
Skyler and SilviaMaleColombia2012-10-17 18:56:00