IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

The Dude, congratulations! I am happy for you!  Feels good to finally be done with Vermont right? :)

I was shocked to see mine!

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-05-31 08:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDec 2013 I-130 filers

I'm really pissed off right now that my whole family voted for OBAMA who is taking care of illegal bastards while us respectful, law obeiding citizens get screwed! ranting33va.gif

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-22 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDec 2013 I-130 filers

I am about to send mine in this week , I wish we could go the K1 ROUTE, but too late we are already married! Now could anyone help me with filling out the check? Do I write USCIS CHICAGO LOCKOX ? And on the line pay to the order I write I 130 petition? oops8rh.gif


HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-16 13:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Samreen, yes they lost it! If you look closely at the checklist, you will see it says they needs all parts from my AOS form, according to them I left the whole form blank....or didn't even send it...idk what they are thinking....which of course I did! I filled out the form, left nothing blank, put n/a in the fields that didn't apply to us(cause ppl were getting checklisted for that) and sent in my w2 transcripts.  I prepared the same for my co sponsor.  Now they say they have everything from my co sponsor but not from me.  When I prepared everything the same! Also if I may add , I am very OCD when it comes to our case and check everythinf like 20 times before sealing the envelope! So this AOS checklist makes no sense at all!

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-17 01:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread
I-864, Affidavit of Support Checklist [x] In Part 1. Basis for Filing Affidavit of Support, please correct the following... [x] In Part 2. Information on the Principal Immigrant, please correct the following... [x] In Part 3, Information on the Immigrant(s) You are sponsoring, please correct the following... [x] In Part 4. Information on the Sponsor, please correct the following... [x] In Part 5. Sponsor's Household Size, please correct the following... [x] In Part 6. Sponsor's Income and Employment, please correct the following... [x] In Part 8, Sponsor's Contract, please correct the following... [x] The Form I-864 we received was missing the following page(s). Please ensure you include all nine pages when you resubmit the form. [x] You must submit the following financial evidence: [x] _____2013______________________________ W-2 forms(s) or IRS Tax Transcript(s). [x] NVC Special Instructions [x] [P2P 10/09/2014] THIS IS MY CHECKLIST FOR THE AOS. tHEY ARE BASICALLY SAYING I LEFT THE WHOLE FORM BLANK RIGHT? ALSO I DO HAVE AN UPDATE: I WROTE MY SENATOR AN EMAIL AND AN HOUR LATER I GOT A CALL FROM HIS OFFICE AND HE PROMISED TO HELP ME FIND OUT DETAILED INFO . FROM THE EMBASSY AND HE ALSO BELIEVES ME THAT I SEND MY PAPERS. ALSO HE SAID HE IS GOING TO CONTACT MY EMBASSY TO PUSH THEM TO REVIEW MY EXPEDITE REQUEST.
HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-16 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

thanks for the support....I talked to a supervisor on my lunchbreak and I actually started crying on the phone...I just couldn't control myself.  Can't even remember her name....she sounded and old and had a deep voice....#######! God, im a wreck! She said she is going to find out the details about my case till next week, she filed a supervisor request , she promises it won't take longer than a week tops.  She says she believes me that I did send in my w2 and AOS form and promises to send another expedite request tomorrow if they don't respond. I found out on VJ facebook group that the same thing happened to another family last Thursday....lost their AOS form....Oh Lord help us they just do whatever they want.  I also wrote to my senator and am gonna call my congressman when I get home.

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-16 08:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Could anyone PLEASE help me!????!!?? NVC has been ruining my life for the last 7 days! On last Thursday  called and asked what's happening with my case, my scan date is august 19 for both packages, they said I received a checklist cause I didn't send in my husbands court certificate(which is true, it wasn't in the instructions on their site!) and I didn't send in my IRS tax transcripts and AOS form was incomplete.  Which is SOOO NOTTTT TRUE! Believee me! Friday I received an email that says the same, only the part where it says that the AOS form is incomplete is sooo confusing , I don't understand WHICH part of the AOS form is missing? The email has got me so confused, I don't know what they need. :( Also I call them again on that same day, last Friday, and the lady on the phone says that I did receive a checklist for my husbands court certificate but that my AOS package hasn't been reviewed yet and it's a FAKE checklist! On Tuesday I call again and they tell me the same thing, checklist for court certificate , but AOS package has no been reviewed yet.  I call yesterday and ask to speak to a supervisor, and she tells me that my AOS package HAS been reviewed last week and that I indeed DID receive a checklist for my AOS package.....she states that my irs transcrpits are missing and that my AOS form isn't completed properly.  I tell her that there is no way in HELL that my TAX transcripts are missing, cause I checked the packages like 20 times before sealing the envelope!!! She says she believes me! I ask her which part of the AOS form is completed incorrectly , she tells me she needs to access my case in order to tell me that and that it could take 30 days for her to give me that information!!!! WHAT? I need to wait 30 days to be able to send in another AOS form????!!! Because she needs A MONTH to tell me what's wrong with my form???????THIS IS RIDICILOUS? Could I post the email I received with the checklist, maybe someone here would be able to understand it and help me out further???


Also , I forgot to mention that we filed for an expedite request last Thursday, base on a natural disaster(we were already expedited at the USCIS stage)..How long does it usually take for an expedite request to be reviewed?..PEOPLE HELP PLEAS! IM SICK WITH WORRY! :(

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-16 05:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014
This process is hearbreaking and on hold right now im immediately going to ask for a supervisor. God help us all....+
HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-15 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

I sent both packages in together, scan date : August 19! Oh so they told you they were going to review the packages together? Who told you this? I'm calling a supervisor today to complain! This is ridiculous , like I said if they don't get it done by Friday then it's gonna be over sixty days and that's just unacceptable!!! I am so SICK AND TIRED from this process...I have literally lost my nerves, im aggrevated by every little detail. I yell at my parents, I don't have much patience with my customers....the NVC has turned me into a maniac! God I hate them!

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-15 07:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

I called them yesterday.  They still haven't reviewed our AOS package, our scan date is August 19!!! She said "We might be reviewing it this week".  I told her you HAVE TO review it this week, the deadline is sixty days, which means October 19, and October 19 is Sunday! So you HAVE to review it by Friday! I'm calling again today and asking to speak to a supervisor! We also sent out an expedite request on Thursday and it hasn't been reviewed yet, even thouh I also sent emails to our embassy.  We were expedited in the USCIS stage but I didn't want to expedite in NVC cause I thought its not gonna take longer than three months, plus we had some financial troubles....which are resolved now,thankfully.  I know we got a checklist for our IV package, because I didn't know that we also have to send in my husbands court certificate, its a requirement specific to our embassy, which I didn't know about.  That's why I decided to expedite....I pray to God we get something today...please Jesus! By the way I think it sucks that they haven't reviewed my AOS package yet and September is already getting CC....

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-15 01:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

I called NVC and now I have been told that I only received a checklist for the court certificate that is missing.  Aos package was not reviewed yet and that's why it showed up as a checklist....the girl I talked to yesterday was wrong.....well at least its not lost...I asked when are you going to review the aos package she said by the 19th.  I asked could we take the court certificate with us to the interview she said no.  I asked to speak to a supervisor she said all were currently busy but one is going to call me back...haven't received acall so far.

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-10 08:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

I absolutely cannot believe that they are so irresponsible and utterly STUPID to lose this many applican'ts documents!!!!!!!!!! This is is a government agency for Christ's sake, sponsored by OUR MONEY...and it's not cheap if I may add! I can't even imagine how much trouble I would be in at work if I lost someone's files! But its ok for a government agency to do it????!!!! Do they really think I would be so stupid as not to remember my transcripts and AOS form???!!! That's like the most important thing!!! Godddddddd I hate them I hatem sooo much! Everybody was complaining about USCIS , USCIS was a bliss for me...NVC is hell!!!!!! I just pray to God that my case gets expedited so I don't have to deal withthem anymore.  After my husband comes here I plan to call them and tell them to kiss my a$$$$

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-10 05:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

Omggggggg I am going bullistic! I just received a couple of checklists from the NVC! The first one says that my hsubands court certificate is missing.....well in the instructions it says that only a police certificate is necessary! I do have his court cert. from the USCIS stage, but that wasn't on the instructions!!!!!!!! Also supposedly they are missing my AOS form and my tax transcripts, I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I SENT THOSE!!!! I checked al the documents like ten times before sealing the envelope! Why are they doing this? Could it be that they lost it???? If yes how could they lose certain documents and not others? 


I filed for an expedite, I could have filed months ago but didn't want to because we were not financially we are....I already got approved for an expedite at the USCIS stage.... 


Does anybody have any advise? Did this happen to anybody? Also how long does it take to get an interview if case gets expedited? I plan on calling the nvc today and asking for a supervisor!

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-10-10 02:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi-129f chances for being denied and worried?

Sending too many pictures can be harmful; pick ONE meeting within the last teo years and send that evidence. You do not get extra credit for more.

i was not looking for extra credit. i was scared one visit wouldn't be enough and i put pictures for each visit to show we did meet then too. and i don't no why it would be harmfull.. iv seen so many people say on this  it's better to have more then enough then not enough...  sent them three photo's for each visit.


Edited by amanda23, 20 August 2013 - 07:40 PM.

amanda23Female02013-08-20 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi-129f chances for being denied and worried?

Im worried about being denied becuase they just want to... or becuase they dont think it's a boneified realtionship. i sent them pictures from each visit. some recipets of places we spent money, bus tickets ect. the thing is we talk on skype not on phone or by email. we have just started sending each other letters and stuff. i also send them the passport stamps and stuff.  but thats just proof we met... do you think that was enough? im tryign to make this short and simple. just know i sent loads of otehr stuff. but as far as proof of on going i sent the pictures and a few recipts in the I-129f. we also met three times in the past year and spent a total of 6 weeks together total. so i put three visits in the I-129f. i was hoping that for the inetrview ill send him my letters he sent me and try and get face book posts and skype convo's. im not worried about not qualifying for the other stuff just this. i already sent him home with the exact copy of the I-129 packet. with originals too.

amanda23Female02013-08-20 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Filers

hi, im a july 1st filer :) been a bumpy road so far everything is going smoothly except the constant omg something happened good! to oh it's not really anything XD i just got this


On August 12, 2013, we transferred your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E), to your local USCIS Office for further processing. The new office has jurisdiction over your case and will send you a decision as soon as processing is complete or you will be notified if further information or action is needed. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.


i was all excited when my friend said oh they are looking at it! to oh no they are just sending it some where else meaning some one else's desk pile lol


i really don't mind waiting as long as we end up together in the end. feel free to add me as friend id love to share stories and make new friends ^^ i wish you all the best on your journey!

amanda23Female02013-08-15 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHello August K1 Filers

Hello VJ family member,

You can look at our Time processing Table
It took time and it was not easy to wait as it took much time to get NOA2.
We were in Mexico on our vacation when we got it.
Go to our Profile but also I think everything depends also on their amount of cases I mean quantity of Filers in their office
and countries can be. It took us some months of waiting seems seven. So try to be just patient.
It is on the process. Usually if they need something additional they would require it upon receiving not after some months.

Thanks for sharing.

What happens after NOA 2.
What are the specific docs or forms needed in the Packet 3?
Can i start to work on this while i wait for NOA2?
kingsleyNot TellingDominican Republic2013-02-28 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHello August K1 Filers

Don't give it up, it'll come soon. August 2 filer and I got my NOA2 on January 19th. I know! Don't shoot me! I guess ours just happened to be one of the ones they pulled off the top of the file first.

The best thing I can recommend is to get started on gathering your Packet 3 info. Some things you will need to wait till later and other things you can fill out minus the signature. There are a LOT of questions to fill out; for the DS-160, I found a link that detailed pretty much every question that will be asked. What I did from there was compile a WORD document with all that needed info so it was very quick to find when it was time to file. The next few steps after the NOA2 receipt for VERY quickly (you can take a look at my timeline) and even though I prepared ahead of time, when it was time to send out Packet 3, I still ran around finishing a few last minute things.

Hey there!

Thanks for sharing. Could you share with us what are all the forms and questions and evidence or documents we need to start preparing for Packet 3.
I guess maybe this will help keep my mind of having to wake up another day with no NOA2 response.

Congrats on your NOA 2

kingsleyNot TellingDominican Republic2013-02-28 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHello August K1 Filers

did you try to check Igor's list ? I know not everyone updates their timeline but that will give you a good idea on who had been approved so far and if they got RFE's. Do a search for Igor's list K1 and that should do it.

Just found that Igor's list. Very Helpful!! Thank You! :)
kingsleyNot TellingDominican Republic2013-02-27 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHello August K1 Filers
Thank you! That was very helpful.
kingsleyNot TellingDominican Republic2013-02-27 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHello August K1 Filers
Hello VJ family.

For all those August K1 filers.
Can you share any information on NOA 2 received
or if you hae received any RFE's and if you have
can you share what kind of RFE you have received.
kingsleyNot TellingDominican Republic2013-02-27 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED NOA2!!!!! August Filer
Good Afternoon my VJ Family.

What an amazing day!!
I finally got an Approved NOA 2..

Just as i was on my last string of hope
i received a text that i have been approved.

i'm an August 10 filer.

Just want to let everyone that is still waiting to hang in there
it will come when you least expected. Don't let any of those
daily thoughts that you did something wrong take over your day.

It looks like Vermont Service Center is really backed up.

Goodluck everyone and for those that already received the
NOA2 what are the next steps. Or what forms should i be
getting ready??
kingsleyNot TellingDominican Republic2013-03-14 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved Dec filer

Congratulations! smile.png

David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-04-27 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswhat is next when we were approved!! noa2?


David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-10 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNow I know what people feel...
Thanks to everybody and best of luck!!!
David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-12 02:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNow I know what people feel...

Pozdravlayu sootechestvenniki!!!

???????!!! good.gif

David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-11 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNow I know what people feel...

congratulation!! biggrin.png we were also approved!!! biggrin.png noa2... here we go!!! 

Congratulations to you too guys!!!dancin5hr.gif

David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-10 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNow I know what people feel...

.... when they get approved! 


My fiance woke me up with the text that I have to wake up and check my email. The email about our NOA2 was there!!!!! I'm SO happy!energy.gif


Actually last month we got the text/email about RFE sent to us but we never got it...My fiance called CSC in 15 days and they told that an RFE copy will be sent and it should be delivered within next 15 days. Yesterday they sent another email that they recalled RFE and we should get the result withing 30 days. He called CSC and found out that RFE was cancelled the next day after they notified us about it and almost a month we were waiting for nothing. 


Wish you all to get such a good news very soon and be together with your loved ones! Thanks to VisaJourney it is a great and very helpful website!smile.png


David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-10 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG - Received NOA2 Today!!!


David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-14 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports... and here's my annoying post!!!


David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-15 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe Got an RFE
We've got RFE email too, waiting for the hard copy to find out what they need. So I'm joining "RFE club" :whistle:
David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-04-18 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy fiancee was approved.

Congrats! Very happy for you guys! Was reading ur story and waiting for approval with u :) Everyone who loves deserves being together smile.png

David&YelenaFemaleKazakhstan2013-05-22 03:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

The AOS and the IV package were send late august/ early september and they havent said anything about any issues.

aidansgirlMaleBulgaria2014-10-07 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Thank you meg_654 and Soloenta! My husband calles them every other day but no good news so far...I was just wondering is the website can help but obviously not...... I thought it will be fast after USCIS we were 9 months there) but the nightmare continues....
Wish you all to have your interviews soon !
Lots of love and strenght to everybody (L)

aidansgirlMaleBulgaria2014-10-07 13:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hello :) So we are stuck in NVC for 6 months now (from april ) and I want to ask if there is some website where i can check our status online?

aidansgirlMaleBulgaria2014-10-07 12:18:00
CanadaIs it mandatory to submit I-134 form and supporting document?

I am going to attend the interview in about a month. I don't why but he's keeping giving a hard time...first of all, he told me there's no way he can get any employment letter but something he printed out from theworknumber website. And then he said he can print his bank statements online from his banks so it all works out. I am just so pissed. His banks are in another city where he's traveling to right now....

What is this guy thinking?!!1

My question is that is it necessary to submit a I-134? Even though I have a full time job here in Canada and stuff?

yes that is very important..... i would question him why is he giving u a hard time.... does he still wanna do this before u uproot ur entire life to the US...
habibi11FemaleTunisia2012-07-29 09:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long can I buy the time?
im so sorry for you noone deserves this.... you should tell him that you want as divorce bc of his cheating ways if he truly loves you he will stop.. only give him 6 months not a year and just for your interest speak to an immigration attorney just to get some answers to these questions about your interview.... you could also tell him you wanna to do a trial separation and see what he says.... good luck to you

Edited by habibi11, 23 July 2012 - 02:59 PM.

habibi11FemaleTunisia2012-07-23 14:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase complete but still no interview date!!!
Good luck ... Halloween best day of the year...
habibi11FemaleTunisia2013-09-12 23:31:00
CanadaWhat if I just want to go home...?

I'm also very sorry ...hang in there, I hope you two make your marriage work...:(

HATE divorce...:(

HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2013-11-11 22:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat treatment is best for acne?
Bezamyn pwroxide
HusakovicNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-09-30 03:04:00