K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

This is so tough... and the closer it gets the more difficult waiting becomes. We are April 20 filers, and I feel like another week or two will destroy my nervous system completely... Congrats to everyone who's got approved lately - you guys make my day!

April 18th here, feeling exactly the same way!! And specially now when another week or two might make the difference between making it for the holidays or not... (in Argentina it takes about 2 month from NOA2 to get your visa in hand)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-10-12 05:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

:goofy: Congratulations! :goofy:

Just received text. We are approved October 10th and letter on way! Thank GOD!

OMG! Congratulations!! I remember you from the very beginning... this part of the wait is finally over! Congrats ToddnJessa!

Edited by Jarrod&Vicky, 10 October 2012 - 10:07 PM.

Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-10-10 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

We are approved!!!
Now wait till the interview!!!!

Yayy! Congrats! New hope for people like us with a NOA1 from the 18th! :)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-10-08 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

181 days and our petition is APPROVED!!! NOA2 text received today in the AM.... checked the uscis website and APPROVED! thank god for no RFE'S :)

Keep your heads up APRIL Filers, things are moving in our directions now! :dance:

Congrats and happy anniversary!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-10-03 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers
Ok, just a simple update. We contacted our Congressman last week, and we got this so far:
Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for contacting me concerning the difficulties you have been experiencing with
I am pleased to inform you a Congressional inquiry has been initiated on your behalf. It is my
hope that this action will result in the expeditious resolution of the problem.
Please be assured that as soon as I receive any information you will be contacted. In the
meantime, if I can assist you in this or any other matter do not hesitate to contact my West Palm
Beach Congressional Office at (561) 655-1943.
Steadfast and Loyal, {Mk Allen B. West
Member of Congress

I known it means nothing so far, but at least they sent us a response. We´ll see if something comes out of having them involved. :bonk:
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-10-03 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

This is becoming intense!!!

Oh yes, finally it is!!!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-10-02 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

Hello guys, we have been approved today after 6 months waiting yaaaaay!!!

Congrats!!! I just can't wait to get ours!!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-10-01 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

Hello! just sharing this information that i got from my friend Evee Tam, her friend had an interview from one of the filers who had a chance to talk to the Director of VSC...

Why is VSC taking so long, what happened? >>> We had problem with labor last year and lost many workers, we hired more last November and it took some time to get them trained. Some of the petitions were sent to California and we also assign people to different tyopes of visas. They will concentrate on one tyoe, get behind on another and then shift many people back to the other type. Lately we have shifted many, almost all, adjudicators to I-129fs, so that should make people happy. They will do that until they get caught up. Summer is a busy time for I-129fs, usually about June we get slammed with them. The winter or early spring is the slowest time for I-129fs, b
ut then it depends what they have everyone working on also.

OK, why can't we get through to you? >>>The 1-800 line is useless. Those are contract employees and they are trained to select answers from a menu of 14 answers. They pick which one is best for your question. There are thousands of visas being processed at any time and everyone is special and everyone has special circumstances and if we had direct lines we weould do nothing but field requests by petitioners to give them priority, we just can't do it. How would you feel if your petition got bumped because some woman called and cried on the phone and then her petition got moved up ahead of yours. We simply have to operate in a way that avoids any chance of fraud, corruption or unfairness.

So what about some people get approved ahead of others? >>>Sme petitions have problems or delays, we do not hold back others for this. If an adjudicator has problems, he puts that one aside or sends an RFE and goes on to the next. The next one may be clean and gets approved right away, in just a few minutes, they adjudicate 15-20 petitions a day per person, and the ones with problems may wait weeks for the petitioner to respond to the RFE, or maybe it is a name check they are waiting for. Petitions are assigned as they arrive, when we are working on those petitions, but they do not go out the door in the same order they came in..

What about the consulates?>>> Consulates do what they do, as I said, some are bastards. They get whatever we get when it is sent on. I can't tell you what NVC and consulates do, I know some are terrible and some are really easy, but I do not know all the details of each. Kiev is easy, western Europe is easy, Nigeria is horrible, but you would not believe the scams from Nigeria, I get jaded. I am surprised a lot of them get visas and then we have to deal with them.

This comes from a very old post from 2009, so I would not considerate it accurate information. If you use the search bar you will find both this interview and one with an adjudicator, both outdated I would say. Let your friend know this, just in case.
Here is the link to the one you are referring to: http://www.visajourn...on-information/ :)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-09-26 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers
We contacted our Congressman yesterday. I will let you all know what, and if we get a response from his office.
Hurry up VSC!

Ps: I got really excited too to see one of the first April filers being approved ! :dance:

Edited by Jarrod&Vicky, 26 September 2012 - 01:59 PM.

Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-09-26 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

I hit my 5 month mark on September 3, I called on the 6th and requested a service request and of course they said they were processing Feb 6. And that I was within processing time and can put one in til they are after my date which would probably be a month and a half later. So I escalated the call twice and now I have a service request in. They said I should hear something by the 21st. I only hope that means a decision.

Thank you for sharing this. Even if it doesn't get you anywhere (which of course I hope that is not the case), it's good to know that if you try hard enough, you can get some sort of answer. We'll do the same thing when we get to the 5 month mark on the 18th. Hope you get the NOA2 by that time!!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-09-08 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers
Ok, so yesterday (09-06-2012) somebody from Haiti with a NOA2 from 04-04-2012 got approved at VSC. Is it ok for me to start having some palpitations since it would mean they are already working on April, or would I be wasting adrenaline since people from that country get some sort of expedite treatment?

Thanks April Filers!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-09-07 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers
I'm following 8 EAC number from petitions received on April 16th (one of those is mine, with NOA1 4/18) and so far only one was approved on July 31st, so I guess it was expedite.
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-08-31 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

I was playing with the numbers on the USCIS site and see April 17th filers getting RFE's today. Not mine as the numbers are about 110 difference than mine but I'm confused that they are touching April's boxes before March?

Edit: I've seen at least 3 I129's RFE today's date with a petition received on 4/17

Oh my! This is the first time in months I feel there´s light at the end of the tunnel! lol :dance:
I´m 4/18, just checked on USCIS and nothing....
Maybe the send RFEs first, and then go to approving cases from that day after a couple of weeks?

When I get back from work I´ll check the list of people from 4/18 I´ve been following and let you know if I find something.
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-08-31 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers
As of this Saturday, we will start getting to the five month mark. What are we going to do April VSC filers?
Jarrod and I are planning on contacting our Congressman since they are not fulfilling the 5 month advertised on their webpage. Will you all be doing that? Is there anything else that can be done? Is it true that the service request is "useless" nowadays?

Let's complain somehow! This is not fair!
Somebody here was having an online petition to sign... I'll see if I can find the link.

It's time to get April approved too!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-08-30 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

I sent some letters out last week asking what the problems and plans for improvement were for VSC to a few Congressmen. I know I'm not due yet but with the difference between the two service centers growing to a gap of four months between service centers I felt it was time for some answers.

The phone numbers are useless.

Thank you for that Elyhim! And please keep us all VSC filers updated!
My fiance (USC) decided that if by the end of this month we don't get our NOA2, he will start calling (I guess from what you say it doesn't work going that way) or writing to his Congressman to see what's going on. We thought about doing it before, but we knew we were going to get the "you are within the estimated waiting time" typical line, so we'll see what happens.
People from my country that filed several weeks after me but went to CSC, have already gotten their NOA2 more than a week ago... my estimated timeline keeps moving further and further away. When we filed it was saying beginning of August and now it says end of October! Unbelievable! :angry:
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-08-08 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers
Congrats to all, but of course I'm so pissed... we have the same NOA1 but in Vermont and my estimated timeline says I will get my NOA2 in two and a half months... so unfair...
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-07-25 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

Hello everybody!! We sent our I129f on April 13 :) Hope it is not going to be (too) long wait :) good luck!

We got our NOA1 the same day, so I added you and I will be following your timeline :thumbs:
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-05-10 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers

Welcome! Are you guys filing abroad? Or is he back in the States?

We are both in the US right now. I'm going back to Argentina soon but he will join me there for a while in a month. We do a lot of back and forth luckily so we've been together most of the time :-)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-04-22 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F April 2012 filers
Hey! Sent ours on April 13th, 2012 and got both text and email on the 19th. So getting ready to wait now! Good luck to all!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-04-22 07:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam Argentina
You're welcome and good luck! :)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2013-01-21 18:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam Argentina

Hi all, I have my medical exam on January 28th, and I was wondering if anyone could give me some information on that. I read everything I have to bring to the exam, and the forms that I'll have to fill in. However, I read that women had to get a gynecological exam, but I dont see that in the forms I dowloaded from this website. Also do they test urine and blood, or just one of them? And what do they test for? Im healthy, and dont take any drugs, so I think I'll be ok. Im just getting nervous because the date is so close!!

Hi! If the exam is the same as for k1 holders, you don't need to fill out any form. Just make sure you bring all your vaccines records and the doc will be the one filling out the right form. On the first visit he'll send you to have a chest x ray taken (cheap way to check for TB) and a blood test (just checking for stds, only Sifilis if I can recall correctly). On the second visit he does a basic physical exam and hands you an envelope with the results. No gynecological exam, no urine... You've been reading way too much VJ! Lol

Nothing weird, relax. If you're going to see Dr. Kelly, he's great!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2013-01-18 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa fee changing?
Oh! Thanks for that. Good news anyway... we will file tomorrow then! :-)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-04-11 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa fee changing?
Yes, all of us waiting for Friday! :-)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-04-10 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa fee changing?
Hey everyone!
We just called the Department of State to make sure that it was true that the K1 visa fee was decreasing from $350 to $240 on April 13, 2012... and it's true! Just to let all of you planing on filing for it. There's a link to it on the main page of this website.

Good news!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-04-09 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth certificate or is All passport copies ok???

FYI, NOA1 doesn't mean your case is all good, it just means they received your documents. It is possible that you receive a RFE (though I don't wish it to you!). :)

I know that, but from what I've read and talked to other members if you make a mistake in something as big as a requirement in the initial package (sending the wrong amount, missing a signature, etc) they generally let you know right away, even before the NOA1... maybe I'm too optimistic, but going back to the topic, sending copies of all the pages in the passport seems to be fine.
Crossing my fingers on No RFE!!! lol :)
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-04-28 23:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth certificate or is All passport copies ok???

Hi Everybody,

When I was doing my application for the K-1 I didn´t have my birth certificate but I read somewhere that guided me through the process of this visa that sending all passport copies were ok. I would really appreciate someone helping out here?? I am desperate as I already filed my petition and now I am stressed thinking whether they will ask for it or my passport will be ok.

Thank you all

We didn't have a copy of the birth certificate either, so we sent copies of ALL passport pages and so far we have received our NOA1 (both as a text/email and the copy on the regular mail) with no RFE or anything, so I think it's OK to do as we did.

Hope it helps to make you feel a little bit more relaxed! lol :thumbs:
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-04-28 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs K-1 the best way for us?

Here is my situation. I currently live in Korea, but will be going home in August. My gf and I plan to be married in about a year or so. She is Korean and will stay here when I go home in August. The plan is for me to come back to get married here in Korea, and then move to the U.S. and have a second wedding for my family there. Is K-1 the best/quickest way for us?

You could also do it the other way around to be absolutely safe (that's the way we are thinking about doing it). You file for the K1, once you get it, she goes to the US and gets married there as soon as she arrives (your family can be there), wait 3 months for AP after AOS and then fly back to Korea (Argentina in my case) where family and friends will be waiting for the big religious ceremony and party!

Just an option.

Good luck! :star:
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-05-12 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Physical address vs. Address on national ID

The address where I am living is not the address on my DNI (national ID). When filling out form G-325A, should I put the address where I am actually living or the address that is attached to my ID on the forms?

Neither was/is mine, but I doubt anyone cares about your DNI. When you go to the interview down here in BA, you will need your passport as proof of identity (and of course to have your visa stamped after a happy interview! :star: )

Good luck
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-08-01 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance immigrating to States - marriage question
I arrived to the US less than two weeks ago through a K1 Visa and got married last Friday (courthouse). We have a Catholic wedding and reception planned for April 27th, back at my home country, Argentina. In order to be able to leave the US for our religious wedding, we are sending the AOS papers tomorrow together with the AP request, which shouldn't take more than 90 days (The AP/EAD combo card I mean).
After doing a lot of research, this is for us, the best way to go about it.
You have 90 days to get married IN THE US after entering using the K1 (we did it right away), then file for AOS with the advance parole, and approx. 90 days later you can leave back to Canada in your case and have the Catholic ceremony there.
It worked great for us, hope it does for you too!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-12-25 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate (Argentina)

Hello Jarrod&Vicky: I see that you got your visa approval on the same day as our interview. About how long did you have to wait after the interview for your paperwork to be processed so that you could enter the US?

It only took one week to have the Visa ready to be picked up at DHL, a week later I went through my POE here in the States, a week later got married and a week later sent my AOS papers! Lol If you want to, everything can go really fast after you're done with the interview! :-)

BTW, if you can edit your timeline and signature, it would be great... Because it's kind of confusing. NOA1 and 2 with a difference of a couple of days? When was your interview?

Edited by Jarrod&Vicky, 29 December 2012 - 08:41 PM.

Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-12-29 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate (Argentina)

hello everybody

I am an argentine citizen gathering all necessary documents prior to the initial K1 visa interview at the american consulate in Buenos Aires, for which appointment I am required to bring a Police Certificate -"Certificado de Antecedentes Penales"- , whose validy after issuance -to my knowledge, and for argentinian institutions- is of 5 (five)days.
I am wondering if the american consular authorities would consider the police certificate as valid indefinitely for K1 paperwork, because I have no idea when my interview will take place and I was planning on traveling to Buenos Aires one of these days in order to start the process and would not like to find out that within a few days the said document will be invalid.
Does anybody have any experience with this and has had any similar inquires?
Any information will be welcome!

Thanks in advance!

Hi! I'm Argentinean too. I arrived to the US using my K1 Visa less than 2 weeks ago. I got my Police certificate more than a month before the interview (since we were starting a 5 week vacation and couldn't do it afterwards), and had no issues at the interview. If you are doing it in CABA just know that they will give you a link and you will download it to your computer (and print it) and make sure you ask for it "con excepcion del articulo 51". Good luck!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-12-25 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan we reschedule interview date?
We were together traveling when we got the interview date. I Just explained the truth to the Buenos Aires embassy and told them that we needed the interview a couple of days later and they had no issue whatsoever. You'll need to have the medical exam and police certificate done before the interview, so make sure you come back a couple of days before. But most likely, like Ning said, you'll be back to Argentina before the NOA2 if you'll only be away for four months, so don't worry and enjoy your trip.
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2013-02-03 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccine for K1?
I've never had Chicken pox, so I decided to get one dose a couple of years ago because Adult Varicella can be really dangerous. When I went to see Dr. Kelly with the certificate of that single dose, he said everything was fine. I'm still in the process of AOS but I remember he checked the complete vaccination box in the form. My two cents!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2013-03-09 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiometrics
I think you are confusing the terms and that is why you are not getting any responses here. The Biometrics appointment is done after you applied for AOS (well after you arrived to the US and got married) and you get a letter in the mail for it. Now, the medical appointment, which you are supposed to have done in Argentina for your interview, can be done before you get the packet 3 if you already know the docs (and vaccines requurements) doing it. If you got the NOA2 and the NVC number, it's just a matter of days before the embassy sends you the packet 3 anyway... So go ahead. I did it and had no problems. The med exam is valid for six months anyway.
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2013-04-17 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K-1 visa while boyfriend in U.S. on Tourist Visa



Hi, I am planning on applying for the K-1 while my girlfriend is in the USA on a tourist visa, I understand it takes several months for the NOA2 to come out and while we wait for that time we want to be together. I am worried about how much time she will be given on her tourist visa (3 mo, 6 mo?), I would like for her to stay with me for 4-5 months while we wait for the NOA2 to come out. Did you plan on only staying 3 months and they ended up giving your 6 months? She will be taking a break from work to come and be with me and I don't know how the best way of getting the 6 months allowance...


Did you show a return ticket for more than 3 months after your arrival, why do you think you got 6 months?






I didn't stay for the 6 months that I was given. I just stayed for 20 days since at the time I was still working in Argentina, so your girlfriend's case seems to be different (I still had strong ties to my country) Why they gave me six months? I have no idea. I guess it had something to do with the fact that I had been in and out of the country on that B1/B2 several times and I had never over stayed, I guess... they just stamped it for 6 months. I think the best thing you can do is just be honest at the POE, tell them that you are here waiting for the NOA2 but that you are totally aware that you have to go back for the interview and that you don't want to overstay your b2.


Good luck!

Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2013-08-18 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K-1 visa while boyfriend in U.S. on Tourist Visa
Great! I sent you a private message!
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-07-29 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K-1 visa while boyfriend in U.S. on Tourist Visa
Yes, you can apply for a K1 while your boyfriend (the non USC) is in the US. That is how we did it. The thing is that he will need to return to Paraguay before the visa is issued because what happens after the NOA2 has to be done in his country.
About entering the US on a B2 (tourist visa) and what to tell the officer at the POE, my advice is just to be honest. I had been to the US several times before that one that I was going there to get everything ready for the K1, and of course he started asking questions such as "why do you keep coming to the US so often?". The moment I told him that this time I was going there to file for the K1 together, everything changed. He was very nice, asked me about how we met since I am from Argentina (explained that my boyfriend live down here for almost 3 years, blah, blah), he gave me six months on my I-94 and wish us a happy life.
That's my experience, but I'm pretty sure yours will be very similar. Good luck! :thumbs:
Jarrod&VickyFemaleArgentina2012-07-29 14:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionconfirmation for payment, ds-160 and ptt pick up
We have 2 days until the interview he got an email from the embassy saying his file is ready. Which I assume is good and means nothing is missing
Petra1106Not TellingTurkey2013-11-05 10:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate (CSC) question
Anyone can pay the fee on the web site as long as you have her passport number and such you can pay it. I paid my fiancé he is Turkish it's just easier this way.
Petra1106Not TellingTurkey2013-11-10 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOur Interview Is Today
Oh I'm so sad for you guys. That must be so hard. They asked my finance for my original divorce papers. I don't have the financial issue. We are waiting in the visa my papers and his passport are at the embassy for processing
Petra1106Not TellingTurkey2013-12-03 10:28:00