K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-i visa
If your fiancee was and is still a Filipino citizen then the divorce she obtained in hongkong will not be honored in the Philippines. Being a Filipino citizen, she still needs to follow the Family Code of the Philippines with regards to dissolution of marriage... and we don't have divorce in the Philippines, only annulment, a much longer and tedious process compared to divorce.

Pls. click HERE for additional information and also this one HERE.

Good luck to you and your fiancee. good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-01 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion on Igor's list
QUOTE (MissingHer @ Mar 5 2008, 05:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doh... nvm... just saw where it said

Timeline data for these lists is downloaded from

So it was a dumb question biggrin.gif

It's ok, we all have those moments from time to time. smile.gif

Good luck on your application.. may everything be fast and smooth sailing for you. good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-04 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDisparity Between VSC and CSC and
QUOTE (Chris Future @ Mar 6 2008, 03:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm also not trying to create a divide - the VSCers are doing that on their own by announcing their wonderful "jackpots" - I think everyone on the CSC list heart sinks when we see those. On the one hand, I'm happy for them but on the other hand they might be a bit more sensitive to the rest of us as well. We are all here to support each other, at least thats what I thought these boards were for.

It is obvious you have not read the content of the "jackpot" thread as you call it and yet you are so negative about it... was it created to put CSC's filers down? NO sir.... it was speciafically created for this reason:
"This is just to easily track movement amongst January filers who submitted application @ VSC. For us to monitor who gets the 'happy dance' kicking.gif for the day and who will need the most encouragement in a few months time when the list starts to dwindle."

That's taken from my first post on that thread. Is that bad? or maybe you have not seen VSC filers from way back several months ago still waiting for their NOA2 while majority of the people who filed within their month have already received their approvals.. and i say majority, meaning both from VSC & even CSC.... do you ever pause to think how these left behind VSC filers feel? Let's not go far, of the first 3 janaury approvals, 2 of them filed towards the end of the month and there are so many who have filed on the first week who do not have approval yet.... do you know how do these people feel?

as has been emphasized by others again and again, it is not the waiting per se that is frustrating and depressing but seeing others who filed within your time, after your time and within the same center get approved and you being left behind... what's worst for these early january filers is, they have no place to vent because there are so many people like you saying how unfair and that they cant empathize with VSC whiners but would that make them feel any better? No, It just double their agony.

Yes, it is unfair that most (not all) VSC filers get approved faster but does it mean ALL VSC filers (those that are left behind) have an immunity to feelings of frustrations and depressions in this visa process? Gosh, if you haven't noticed we are also human like you, we get envious of those who got approved within our timeline, we cry and we get depressed that others have been approved around us left and right while we still continue to wait and wait but it does not give us the right to hold grudges against those who got lucky, it does not give us the right to take away from them the right to celebrate.

And those late January filers who got approved very early in the process, do you think their happiness was really complete? A lot of them have expressed feelings of guilt even if it wasn't their fault that they were approved faster than others... and if you are really sensitive like you're claiming, you would feel that that shouldn't be the case, getting the NOA2 should only be a happy moment and not tainted with guilt because after all, we all went into the same trouble filing our papers.

Now, what do you want us January VSC filers to do? be depressed and focus on how unfair it is like the way you do and make those who got approved feel worst? NO sir, we just have to find a way to lighten the mood... we have to find a way to celebrate those who got approved and at the same time give encouragement to those who are being left behind.... and since there is no pattern in how VSC chose approval, it does feel like a 'draw lots' and that's why I chose to use that "jackpot" word for it to become a game... so that those who got approve feel that it was not their fault that they were approved faster than the other, they just got lucky.. and for those who are still waiting to know that it is also not their fault that they are still waiting... and that sooner or later we would all get our approval... the thread is also our little community where we share or just talk about anything... it is a way for us to pass the time in a positive way and provide encouragement and positive vibes to those around and a way to monitor who will be needing the most encouragement later, because after all, this is a game of draw lots, we do not know who will be left behind BUT we all want to be there to continue cheering them on.

There are so many things that is unfair in this world, if we will all count all the unfair things we have gone through and are still going through, how bleak the world would be. In this visa journey, we have a choice: to focus on the negative and all the unfair bureaucratic red tapes OR to focus on the day that we will finally be with the one we love and the happiness that we will be sharing for the rest of our lives. I don't know if 'crying foul" is more important to you but as for me, I just want to stay focused on being with the man I love. I've already waited 5 years before I opened up my heart to really love again, and as a couple. me and my fiance have waited almost 3 years already to be together. It does not make this additional months of waiting for approval any better but what is a couple more months compared to all the years I will share with him later.

now, if the title of the thread offended you, then I am sorry.. i can assure you, not all CSC filers feel your sentiments towards that thread because we do have CSC filer visitors drop by from time to time... and also, the one who gave me the full list of VSC filers, our first ever "approved and still waiting VSC filers" list is Blake, a CSC filer himself.... a very positive guy, who also have a thread specifically for January CSC filers, a thread not meant to propagate negative feelings against VSC approvals but instead, it is a thread nurturing positive vibes within the group and also offering ways to make the most of their waiting time in the most positive way.

Good luck on your journey.

God speed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-05 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDisparity Between VSC and CSC and
I am a VSC filer and yes, i also feel that the disparity is unfair... but how do you think those VSC filers who have been left behind and have been waiting since june (taking note of the still active VSC june filers) with no NOA2 yet feel?

Yes, VSC have an unfair advantage and yes, it is sometimes hard to sympathize with a VSC whiner but I hope we won't discount the fact that not all VSC filers enjoy lightning speed approval and that makes the wait more frustrating since it has been emphasized again and again that VSC approves petitions really fast.

Even us "lucky VSC" filers are in this for the long haul, most have prepared ourselves for 3-4months waiting period but when say VSC November/December/January filers see fellow November/December/January filers getting approvals left and right, that is another kind of frustration. And of course some of them can't freely vent because they feel that they have not waited longer than CSC filers... but it doesn't make their agony less painful.

I feel for all CSC filers but my heart bleeds for all filers who have been waiting since way back June, and even those from recent months who are being left behind no matter where they filed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-01 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need information soon
QUOTE (manilaphilippines @ Feb 24 2008, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi,i gathered from your post that she admitted that she got married in 1997,so she knew by heart that she's still married and is not capable of applying for a k-1 visa,did you ask her if she signed for a marriage certificate when they got married and if she keeps a copy of it?if she's seen a copy and knew that it has been registered,there's no use of getting a CENOMAR coz it will just show her record that she's been married and still very much married.Now if she'd never gotten any copy nor have seen their MC she should apply for a CENOMAR or at least get a copy of their MC,she should first try getting a copy from their local civil registrar where they got married,because sometimes,local civil registry didnt get a chance to forward it to NSO the reason why they have no copy.

You may want to cancel first your K-1 application and sort this out first to avoid delays or even a possible denial for not telling the truth.

About her BC, if the US embassy will verify it,and if there were 2 different names listed on different BCs, it's possible that they will get both copies if the names of parents and her birth date are identical.

I wish you goodluck and may you be able to find a solution to your problem.

I think the OP did say that the beneficiary is not really sure if it was registered or not.

I had a wedding 8 years ago and I did sign a marriage contract during the ceremony... if i did not try getting a copy of the contract for adjustment of my kid's status (supposedly from illegitimate to legitimated by virtue of parents' marriage) 2 weeks after, I wouldn't have known early on that my wedding was not yet registered at that time and that the priest who officiated had not received his renewed license the time and day of the wedding.

another case is my friend's parents, after 30years somebody is claiming that they were the legal family since the marriage between my friend's parents 30years ago was not legitimate... all those 30years there was never a question of the legitimacy of the wedding, until recently.

my point is, signing a contract and holding a copy of it and thinking that it was registered is not enough to verify if it was legitimate or not... sad to say there are a lot of couple here who in good faith, thought that they were legally married to their spouses only to find out after several decades that the marriage was not legal after all due to some circumstances.

as of going to the local civil registry, the certificate printed on NSO paper is the only accepted document now, even in local colleges and universities and most especially with USEM. getting a copy from the local civil registrar doubles the amount (pay for the local registrars copy then, pay for the certification @ NSO-- learned that mistake when i first requested birth certificate for our school--- and sadly, it was still rejected coz they wanted a BC printed on NSO paper-- papers from local civil registry with NSO certified stamp was not good enough because that is easier to fake)... and USEM will only verify documents directly with NSO not with local registrars. Getting CENOMAR @ NSO is just 180 pesos, birth certificate is 125pesos, a small price to pay for your peace of mind, why go through the hassle of going to the local civil registrars...

as for the 2 birth certificates, she needs to get court order that the person on the first bc and the 2nd bc is one and the same (sadly this process takes months), that is only if both BC are registered with NSO or if she have legal documents under both names... she have the responsibility to have this sorted before her interview and not just go and let the USEM sort this out themselves.. that is if she wants approval and not AP.

BTW, i did not list the biological father of my kids as ex husband or spouse on the USCIS forms nor did i list any previous wedding date or annulment date since we have no record of any marriage at all and the court said there was nothing to annul because there was no record at all and it was 8years ago, way way pass the time limit allowed for any solemnizing officer to register any marriage. So, if the OP's fiancee don't have record of that marriage she contacted 10years ago, then their K1 papers are still good to go... i would say verify the facts of that supposed marriage first and clear up the problem with 2 BCs before deciding what to do with your K1 application.

God speed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-02-24 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need information soon
QUOTE (Vikki_Phil @ Feb 23 2008, 11:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think I am getting a better understanding now of the 2 birth cert's. Vikki has gone by the name on the the second Birth Cert. pretty much since birth. She nor her parents never saw the first BC until way later in Viki's life when she needed a copy for a passport. The name used on original BC was given from an aunt. Since her father did not know any different he gave her the name She has been using since she was born. When she got married in 1997 they said she had to use BC name. that marraige lasted 5 months and he walked out on her. she has not seen him since. In 2003 Vikki went to regitrars office to see about another passport. They told her they could not find where the BC with her original name was on file. Vikki asked if she could go ahead a register the name she had gone by since birth. The office said yes so that is how she ended up with late registration and 2 BC's. I asked Vikki to try and get a cert of no marraige on both names. She has one for the name she has used all her life. She is attempting to get one for the name on the first BC. She went to the voters registration to get the man she married mother maiden name. She also found the mans name listed as single. We are now waiting to see if she can get cenomar If so we are going to be OK. Praying that marraige was never register with NSO. Whew what a mess. Please keep us in your prayers that God will show favor to us in this situation.

What is really important is HER own cenomar... the ex husband could have gotten married since then so his marital status wont really be of help.... If she has not heard nor seen the guy since 1997 that would really be a very very good thing for you both.... i think absence of 5 or 7 years without ANY CONTACT could be a good ground for annulment under presumptive death (pls click HERE for added info) if there was a valid marriage to begin with.

i'll be keeping you both in my prayers. God speed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-02-23 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need information soon
QUOTE (lirachadsbaby @ Feb 22 2008, 08:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the consulate in Manila will know if she's married due to "document verification" and for that she'll be more likely be denied on her interview.

Annulment process takes 6 months or more. Some paid over 50,000-200,000 pesos and took 2 years. I hope she can get a good lawyer once she started this process.

you can get infos here about the annulment in the Phil. http://www.visajourn...howtopic=111491[/b]

[b]Pls read the link given by lirachadsbaby so you would at least have idea how much annulment cost in the philippines and how long the process will be.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-02-21 23:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA prayer for those still waiting.....
QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Mar 11 2008, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you. Your words brought tears to my eyes. May God bless through the rest of your journey. Tonight I will find out what will happen, after many months following the interview, my husband was called back. I wish only for God's help.

I wish you the best and that your journey goes well. We are here for you as well. God is always here.


I will be holding you in prayer. I can't even imagine the heartache that the past month of not knowing what will happen to your application must have caused you... Just when you thought that it was the final stage and you will be together after that. My heart goes out to you. I do hope you will receive good news soon.

Rupa: thank you very much for these beautiful words of faith. I pray the rest of your journey will be fast and smooth and filled with God's grace.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-10 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures7 months and still waiting :-(
QUOTE (banananut @ Feb 19 2008, 02:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got an email from our lawyer yesterday and he has sent us a copy of the visa approval at the USCIS. Finally we are moving one step forward to the process. One thing I have noticed is that USCIS is not updated or reliable on checking your case status online because mine still appears to be pending. Thanks for the people who have shared their experiences to me and for those who adviced.

CONGRATS on your NOA2.. FINALLY!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

you're almost there KABAYAN!!! God speed on the next phase good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-02-19 06:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Request for Evidence Question
It is a little weird to receive both an RFE and Approval on the same day. I'd agree with the others, you should call the center and ask for clarifications. Let's hope and pray that the mistake was the RFE and that you have indeed received your NOA2 without any need for RFE.

your time line indicates that you have applied in July.. it has been a very long wait for you already. Hope they clear up the RFE thing coz you deserve to have that Approval without the added buts and the ifs.

i wish you the best. God bless.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-19 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSeptember Fillers, got RFE, Just got approved today!!!
BIG CONGRATS!!!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Hope to have the same interview and medical sched with you. happy.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-19 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOctober filer approved today!! On my birthday!!!
BIG CONGRATS!!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-19 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproval question
QUOTE (jego ryu @ Mar 18 2008, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it so exciting ......because you dont know who will be the next.....gona get approved

But I don't want to be excited crying.gif .. i just want our noa2 and be relieved... whistling.gif

As I always read here: There is no rhyme and reason to the USCIS way of approving applications.

What we could do is just wait, and wait, and be happy for those approved fast and lend encouragement to those waiting far longer than us and pray and pray that we get our approval soon... and i've heard buying more patients do work wonders, if I could locate any patience being sold @ a bargain, I will buy it all and distribute it here. good.gif .. as of now, i can only afford to buy for myself and sometimes i even run out of it.

God luck on our visa journey.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-18 05:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone know any interview questions?
We're still waiting for interview sched and I've been gathering guide questions like you. here's some i found:

and here's another set i found

What’s the name of your fiancé?
How many times have you met?
How did you meet/know each other?
When was the last time you met?
How long have you been with each other?
How long have you been with each other last time?
What are the dates of the visits?
What have you done when he/she came?
Where did you go?
When did he/she come last time? When did he/she leave?
Where does he/she live? Which city/state?
What does he/she do for a living?
Where does he/she work?
What is his/her phone number?
Do you know how long he/she has had this job?
When and how did you meet?
When are you planning to have your wedding?
Questions about the pictures; when, where and who.
What does your fiancé do for a living?
Where will you live?
Have you met his/her family?
Where do his/her parents live?
Questions about fiancé English; do you speak good English?
How do you communicate with your fiancé?
How do you keep in touch?
What language do you use to communicate with your fiancé?
How many times do you two talk on the phone each month?
Are you willing to marry him/her?
Why do you want to marry him/her?
He/She is much older than you. What do your parents think about this?
Do you love him/her?
Does he/she own or rent his/her home?
Have you set a date for the wedding yet?
When/where do you plan to marry?
Please tell me about your wedding plan.
Are you going to hold a wedding?
Are your parents going to be at your wedding?
Do you know you must marry within 90 days of entering the US?
How much does he/she earn?
Write his/her full name?
How do you spell his/her last name?
Have you ever been to the US? When, how, for how long and where did you live?
Do you have any relatives/friends in the US? Where do they live?
When do you plan on entering the US?
What are your fiancé’s parents’ names?
Does your fiancé have any brothers or sisters?
What are your fiancé’s hobbies and interests?
What are your hobbies and interests?
Do you know if your fiancé was married before? How many times?
When did he/she divorce his/her ex-wife/husband?
Does he/she have any children?
Will there be a problem with the children from his/her other relationship?
Did you know that your fiancé was divorced in 199?
Does this matter to you?
Have you married before?
Do you have any wedding plans? Are you planning to have children?
What is your fiancé religious background?
What is your religious background?
Does your fiancé speak and understand your language?
Do you speak and understand your fiancé language?
Why do you want to come to the United States?
Do you know if your fiancé was married before?
Do you have children?
Does he/she have children?
How old is he/she? What is his/her birthdate?
When and where was he/she born?
Do you speak and understand your fiancés native language?
Have you ever met your fiancé’s father or mother?
Have you ever met your fiancé’s family?
Where and when were you engaged?
What are your fiancé’s parents’ names?
What do you do for a living?
Where do you work?
When do you plan on entering the US?
What do you plan to do once you are in the US?
Do you plan to work in the US?
Do you plan to study in the US?
What company does he work for and what is his title?
What is his/her favorite food?
Where did he/she work in the past and for how long?
What color are your fiancé’s eyes?
What color is your fiancé’s hair?
Did you fill the form yourself?
How much is his/her salary?
Has he/she any brothers and sisters?
Are his/her parents alive?
What are the names of his/her brothers/sisters/parents/children?
How old are his/her children? What are their names?
Which university did you graduate from?
Which subject you have studied?
Have you been in the military? Talk about your experience in the military?
Please tell me more about your fiancé?

there was also one who was asked, what was the first meal you shared with your fiance/fiance....

hope this helps. Good luck and God speed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-26 02:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust worried
you've been a couple for 8 long years and still have strong desire to be together and even go through this tedious visa process just to be able to share a lifetime. Personally, I think that speaks volumes. I know it's not how long you've been together before getting married that determines marriage success or failure but I am hats off to couple who have been together longer than 5years as boyfriend-girlfriend and still want to take the relationship on a higher scale. KUDOS TO YOU BOTH! luv.gif

You're both adults nows so there should not be any problem. I wish you the best and may your love continue to grow. God speed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-26 02:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Tasks
Here's a very informative article: http://globalnation....ticle_id=125277

We called today (yesterday US time) and we were asked for the:
1. MNL#### case number
2. full name of petitioner and beneficiary (Correct spelling),
3. email address of beneficiary (your fiancee's email coz they will be sending her the confirmation email that she could print out and bring to the medical)
4. full name of K2 visa applicant-- correct spelling (if she have kids)
5. telephone number of the petitioner and beneficiary
6. petitioner & beneficiary's address
7. birthdates

It will be cheaper for the USC to do the calling but it will be best if the two of you will be chatting online while you make the call so you could ask your fiancee directly if there will be any additional question that will be asked.

If ever you get interview schedule on May you can post your sched HERE so we could add you on the list of members having MAY schedule plus you could also check if there are other VJ members going for interview at USEM on the same date as yours.

Good luck to you. and God speed!
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-01 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Tasks
QUOTE (DWOODARD72 @ Apr 1 2008, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Do you know exactly how long it takes for them to set up an interview time once they receive the materials? Thanks.


First off, BIG CONGRATS on your NOA2.

If you have called NVC and they've told you they mailed it yesterday, which would be March 31... it will reach USEM (US Embassy Manila) by friday.... you could call on Monday next week but since April 7 will be an official holiday here, you can try calling USEM Tuesday morning Manila time which would be Monday evening your time.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-01 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresafter NOA2, what's next?
you can call them @ (603)334-0700, 1, then 5. You can't use the automated system to check K1 visas coz they don't load these into their automated system. So make sure you speak with a customer service representative.

It may or may not be with NVC yet since CSC is just slow with everything. They probably wait till a crate is full with approved petition before they ship it off to NVC which could take up 2 or more weeks... but just try. if they still don't have it, just call again the next day.

be ready with your NOA receipt number (USCIS case number), then the beneficiary's full name and birthdate.

Good luck and God speed. good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-02 05:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long will they wait?
QUOTE (tuty @ Apr 4 2008, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Could somebody tell me please how long will the embassy wait for you to get all the papers ready? I know the NOA2 can be extended but is there any other issue regarding a time limit to get the necessary docummentation? What if we get stuck in something that takes months? like people who lived in many different places around the globe?...would they wait for us to be ready? how long?
Thanks for all the support! Congrats to March approved filers!

Pls note that each embassy have different guidelines and requirements. So,
I think it will be best if you will repost this question in your regional forum as there will be more people going through the same embassy that you will be going to. They'll be able to provide you with the more accurate answers as they, more or less know how the system works in your particular embassy.

Best of luck to you. good.gif

God speed.

Edited by dbears, 04 April 2008 - 02:31 AM.

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-04 02:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresupdate my time line
CONGRATS on getting the NOA2!!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

And good luck on the next step!!!
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-02 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINCOMPLET NAME OF MOTHER ON K2 B.CERT.
Hello Marie. My daughter's name was misspelled on the I-129F that Ricky submitted. We did include my birth certificate as well as the birth certificate of the two kids in the submission. It could have spelled out an RFE for us but thank God it passed through USCIS and NVC's hand without problem. I am just glad that only the call center agent at the US embassy manila visa services center noticed it while Ricky was dictating the spelling of our names.

I hope the adjudicator that is or will be handling your case will also be a little lenient and would know and consider that MA. is just a shortened form of MARIA.

I wish you all the best always. rose.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-21 06:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling Visa process
I'm so sorry to hear about this. If there is indeed a less than 2k annulment here in the Philippines, I would say grab it coz by what others have shared, they spent 150,000 - 200,000 pesos (3,750-5,000USD) for their annulments here in the Phillipines and some even more.

Don't ever lose hope, this too shall pass.... I will be keeping you guys in my prayers.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-02-27 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advise on Documents needed for K-2 visa
thank you very much everyone for all the advise. you've all been very helpful smile.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-01-14 07:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advise on Documents needed for K-2 visa
We just started the K1 application. We are still compiling the paperworks and doing a lot of research and we found these on an immigration lawyers' site:

Documents needed for K-2 visa:

* Valid passport (not needed if child is under 16);
* Nonimmigrant Visa Application (Form DS-156), in duplicate with two recent color photographs;
* Official birth certificate;
* Permission to travel from other parent;
* Complete medical examination report.

I have highlighted "permission to travel from other parent". I have 2 kids, ages 8 and 10, who will be coming with me, do we really need to get permission from their biological father who never supported them financially? I was never legally married to the biological father and the kids carries my father's family name (my maiden name) although the biological father did sign paternal acknowledgment in their birth certificate. We have been separated for 8 years now and for those 8 years he only showed his face to his kids less than 10 times and never gave financial support. I did file a financial support case against him years back but he never responded and i found the process not only physically exhausting but also emotionally draining so i did not pursue it any further. Basically, i have been a single mom in the true sense of the word, i raised and provided for my 2 kids on my own and only had help when my fiance came into my life.

For 6years i was on my own, and this biological father never even extended 1 centavo when my previous business went bankrupt and i was struggling to pay a huge bank loan (that was the time i filed for financial support). It is just so infuriating to think that the kids would need permission from him to travel. I strongly feel that he has given any right over them years ago.

Do I really have to sought him out and get a permission for the kids to travel? I do not know where he lives now or where he works although i know where his parents live. Pls advise me on this.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-01-12 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMGA PILIPINO AT PILIPINA NA K1 AT K3
QUOTE (Noki @ Feb 17 2008, 01:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wizardfitz @ Feb 16 2008, 11:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jego ryu @ Feb 16 2008, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wizardfitz @ Feb 17 2008, 12:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maribel is from Paranaque and I an in indiana. we are late dec filers
maybe you ran into maribel in the mall. she likes to hang out there on her way to work . or from her, i do dent to ask a lot of questions. this whole process is overwhelming
I saw you guys on ...... , WOW! its good to know that you're in the process of getting your fiancee.. smile.gif Good Luck! smile.gif

Hometown is Bataan, raised in Manila, i work in Paranaque.
I already have my visa. smile.gif

To KAPUSO, you probably saw them on i-witness documentary, they were one of the lovely couples who were featured in the episode: "pag-ibig sa magkabilang daigdig"... to KAPAMILYA, well, there's the whistling.gif , you can still catch it there.. it was a nice docu, one that most of us here can relate to... and for those still waiting for our NOA2 and interview, the docu will at least prepare us on what to expect at the CFO seminar good.gif

here's the link for those interested. "pag-ibig sa magkabilang daigidg"

Sorry mike, I can't help promoting you guys. innocent.gif .... now, just pass my cut on the royalty under the table whistling.gif j/k wink.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-02-17 04:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMGA PILIPINO AT PILIPINA NA K1 AT K3
QUOTE (Woody and H @ Feb 17 2008, 09:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
born and grew up in Manila then transferred to Kidapawan City, an hour and a half away from Davao City..My man is from California..Am i the only one from Mindanao???lol..

From mindanao here, Tagum City.. kidapawan is south of Davao City... tagum is 1 hour away from Davao on the north side.... My father is an Igorot from Sagada Mt. Province (Luzon), my mother is a Cebuana from the visayas.. they met and multiplied in Mindanao laughing.gif ... now that i think about it, they should have named me LUZVIMINDA since i am the eldest. whistling.gif

BTW, fiance is from North Carolina.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-02-17 04:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of intent/ Statment of intent to marry
QUOTE (notebook @ Jan 19 2008, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...then of course the most important is to get it notarized.good luck and god bless you..=)

Notarized??? is it really necessary for the letter of intent to be notarized? I just mailed my letter of intent and G-325A form to my fiance (petitioner). I signed it but that was it. i didn't bother to have it notarized since i have not seen anything in the I-129F instructions that specified submitting a notarized letter of intent. Even the sample here in VJ did not suggest anything of the sort sad.gif ... or did i just miss that part completely?.. now im getting worried sad.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-01-20 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (jego ryu @ May 2 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
your right and im one of them, kicking.gif ,,,,go csc,,,,,,,more approval plsssss................................congrats starrynight kicking.gif

BIG BIG CONGRATS jego ryu!!!
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-05-02 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ May 2 2008, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ May 1 2008, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (starrynight20 @ May 1 2008, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just joined the site today. USCIS received my application 12/31 and NOA1 1/3. I didn't expect to be approved until late May/ early June.

Just got an email!!! Approved. I'm shaking cant type hehe Wow kicking.gif

"On May 1, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). "

Dec/Jan approvals are coming!
Good things come to those who wait - and we've waited quite a while already. Let's go Cali!!

BIG BIG CONGRATS starrynight!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

You are a halfbred!!! Half december filer, half january coz you filed december 31st and your NOA1 is January 3!!! WOOHOO!!!

Blake: if Aliona & Bryant are on your list, shouldn't starrynight be on it too? They both filed the same day and got NOA1 the same day.

There's 8 december filers approved this week already and cecil is on #95... I'm getting sooo excited for all of you!!!
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-05-02 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (sunnybear @ May 2 2008, 06:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ May 1 2008, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well we just had a December 14 filer approved (Mark and Hannah) so let's see what arrives overnight! Night -all
WOOT WOOT kicking.gif CONGRATS to Mark and Hannah!!!!! COME ON CSC pump em out!!!!! We NEED this!!!

How about another december approval? http://www.visajourn...l...l=&id=43065

Jeff & Bhing: filed december 12, noa1 december 24, approved april 30...
seems CSC is slowly kicking in... I hope this trend continues and even increase speed so CSC could get to you guys faster kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-05-01 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ May 1 2008, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Thursday morning and 1st of the month, fellow CSC filers! Here's to this month giving us a January approval. good.gif

Happy happy first of May everyone! Just dropping by to send the NOA2 fairy your way!

Hope this month will not end without a single January CSC approval. good.gif good.gif good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-05-01 03:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Apr 30 2008, 03:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blake - sorry; I'm a little funny when it comes to words. I also think 'toe' is an ugly word - and try to avoid saying it! blush.gif

I'd be interested to know if other languages have as many words for the toilet as we do - or whether the English-speaking people are just potty-mouthed!

Alex has skived off college in order to play GTA 4 - I'm jealous! I'm getting to hear all about how gorgeous it looks and how fun it is to play while I sit in my lonely study and eat cheesy mash. sad.gif

we call the toilet CR or comfort room whistling.gif ... maybe becoz you will feel comfort after you use it, I'm not really sure why though.

As for the CSC movement, I do hope and pray that Blake's previous predictions will eventually happen and that there will be showers and storms of approvals from CSC in May! good.gif good.gif good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-29 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Apr 28 2008, 06:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dbears @ Apr 27 2008, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
pm me if you feel really burdened coz of those books, i'd be so glad to help whistling.gif
Glad to know you're in the market dbears, I've got around 2500 books spread in 17 book cases - I've go at least one room that is wall to wall bookshelves. Now that's called never getting rid of a book. I've got juat about anything anyone would want to read about - fact, fiction, culture, language, etc. But I've got to make room for all the Russian language books that hopefully will be arriving soon. Yikes, I don't want to buy another bookcase!

WHOA! 2,500 books... when I was a kid, I dreamt of having my own mini library in my house but of course I never knew then that I would be sharing my house with somebody who is not into reading much... I would have to check first if Ricky would have an extra room to turn into a mini library.

QUOTE (aravis227 @ Apr 29 2008, 06:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Apr 28 2008, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm actually feeling okay. Is that bad to admit to? Of course I miss Alex but by now I've really forgotten what regular physical contact is like so I'm not missing that so much. I still talk to him every day, naturally! I've been so busy with work/family/friends lately that I'm not minding the wait so much any more.

Plus Sim houses have been occupying a lot of my time. Ah, if only real-life architecture was so simple!

I don't think that's bad...I think it makes perfect sense. The month or so after a visit is always really bad...getting back into that routine of being apart just sucks...but once you're there, it doesn't hurt as badly.

I'm sharing the same sentiments. good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-28 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Apr 27 2008, 10:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dbears - you may appreciate this photo of part of my bookshelves, then:


I'm the same way when it comes to shopping. I actually visited a bookstore the other week and for the first time in my life did not leave with a book in hand! The big book chainstore here is called Waterstone's - they have a lovely shop in the centre of Sheffield and they always have a 3 for 2 offer on certain books. If I spy one or two books I'd like in that offer I simply have to find more so I can take advantage of it!

Yeah...I'm wondering what to do about my books. Most will probably be cheaper to ship over than to sell and re-buy. I'll give away any books that aren't in really good condition; I have a thing about liking my books to be pristine-looking.

WOW!!! You have great collection there!!! good.gif good.gif good.gif .. if you evedr get tired of those agatha christie collection, you can always donate it to me whistling.gif ...

Gosh!!! how different your bookshelve look compared to mine... your books looks like they are all brand new.. most of my novels are second hand which I bought on booksale and then it gets passed on and shared with my siblings and then my aunt and also some of my friends then, it comes back to me a little more tattered sad.gif .. that is why i won't have problem including them in the garage sale or maybe donating them... I have had many books which were not returned to me so I have some books (especially those purchased brand new) where I wrote: STOLEN FROM GAY BXXXXXX laughing.gif ... of course I can't resell them. The only books that don't get passed on are my christian books and also my non-fiction books and instructional books.

p.s. you can always pm me if you feel really burdened coz of those books, i'd be so glad to help whistling.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-27 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
I LOVE AGATHA CHRISTIE! I grew up with hercule poirot and ms. marple as well as nancy drew and hardy boys, shakespeare's characters (the modern english versions) & other classics, sweet romances books, harlequin romance & classics, sweet valley high, which slowly paved the way for mills & boon, sheldon, grisham, s. king, r. cook, a. rice etc. and then comes J.k. rowling (whose life story, I could really relate to in many ways)... but i also love some good love stories from n. sparks, then there are some other authors whose books I read but I couldn't remember their names)... and I have also read some financial books and soooo many self help books on varied aspect of life (which actually do not help).. and when I was in 3rd grade, i read the bible (one in our vernacular) from genesis up to start of numbers or kings, then i got bored and skipped all the way to revelation.

When I was a teenager and even during my early twenties, i could always resist buying bags, shoes or dress but I could never go out from a bookshop without purchasing anything... I guess I have mellowed down now, I could resist book sale now (sometimes whistling.gif ).

Everytime Ricky comes here, he would always have a bag full of books for me and everytime he sends me package it would always have books coz that's the only thing I would request.. now, i would have to ship it all back to the US plus all my other books from way way back. Some of this books, especially the more familiar author would have to stay (except for the full harry potter collection) coz I know I could easily find a replacement there but for the really good ones from less familiar/popular authors, I would need to bring with me or ship it to the US soonest... I am really worried about the cost of shipment for these. sad.gif

Edited by dbears, 27 April 2008 - 09:16 AM.

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-27 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
About that expedited refiled I-129F, if it was really expedited... shouldn't BryantAliona deserve that treatment from USICS also? they messed up their application many times.. and there's estadia and some others... gosh i really can't understand how USCIS think and work. wacko.gif

QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Apr 26 2008, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blake - good.gif I like your attitude towards books, too. I'm the same. I just love a large library! I can't comprehend how people don't have a large collection of books...there are so many fantastic stories out there; I can't imagine what my childhood would have been like if I hadn't had so many books to read. It's the best form of escapism and is great for improving language skills.

I can't understand why other people hate reading... my childhood would have been totally miserable if there was no books to read... my papa used to scold me coz there were times when i would just stay in my room and in the bed reading from dusk til dawn: no taking a bath and would just go out to eat and sometimes would even just eat while reading. It was my father's frustration that I read the set of encyclopedia that they bought for us or read newspapers but actually I did read the enclopedia (the mythologies, fables and fairytale parts) and I did read newspaper (horoscope, the comic strips & entertainment sections whistling.gif ). I was into horror and detective stories before but I would also devour love stories sometimes.. also loved history and wanted to be an archeologist before.

I was probably a weird and boring kid before coz when i go out with friends, I would bring a book, immerse myself in my own fantasy world while they were all laughing and talking and having a great time.

QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Apr 26 2008, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But my problem is that there are always 10000 things that interest me and I never go deep in any of them. I'd love to do so many things that I end up doing nothing.

You just described me cecile, I love reading but i am not reading as much as i did before and i have done different things left and right.... for me there is just too many things to do and learn and many part of the world still unexplored that even a lifetime on this earth won't be enough to do all the things I want to do.

For monday and tuesday (april 28-29) I would be into reflexology. I think i mentioned it months back but the training never pushed through but tomorrow would definitely be it. good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-27 05:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Apr 27 2008, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Apr 26 2008, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blake and Cecile; we three have over 130 posts in this thread! That's 70 more than the next poster (dbears). whistling.gif


This is where I hang

I made a difficult decision a week or two ago not to post here until January CSC filer approvals start rolling in.... my medical and interview date is coming and its in my sig and I just felt so bad that mine is coming very soon while you guys are still waiting and yet I can't remove that countdown ruler coz that is actually my reminder how many days are left for me to be able to continue procastinating in completing all the requirements:( Ricky has not sent me the docs I needed from him yet, so its not entirely my fault whistling.gif )... but guys, would it be ok if I break my resolve? I do miss this thread and I miss all of you.. besides i am not yet going to the US until some of you are already there innocent.gif so more likely I would be adjusting status at the same time as most of you here... and I also need to catch up to that 130 post here whistling.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-27 04:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Apr 18 2008, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cuba petitioners get their approvals right away? Isn't that odd (and very unfair) if that happens??

Hmmm.. I think I go for the VSC explanation.. kinda makes more (fair) sense to me ^__^

Your first January CSC filer approval was actually approved last January, just 11 days after filing: http://www.visajourn...l...l=&id=42368

The first January VSC approval was also approved 11days after filing:

Cuban petitions may get expedited but will take them very very very very very long before they could have interview. The two couple was approved last January but their interview will happen by June, 5 months after approval.

The reason for expedite has been explained many times but i still dont get it fully.... probably because I don't know the history between US & Cuban political relations.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-18 05:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Apr 17 2008, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dbears @ Apr 17 2008, 03:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How about asians dear blake? In the school that the kids will be attending, the asian population is nil so my two kids will probably be the only asian there. And we will be the only filipino in Ricky's small town... Oh well.... wacko.gif
Don't let it worry you, I'm sure you'll be fine smile.gif

I was worrying ábout a similar thing, although it will be me being one of the only white people in a mainly filipino/japanese town lol but when I was there, they received me with open arms

Maybe I should ask Ricky to transfer to Hawaii where there's more sun and more beaches like here in the Philippines whistling.gif

QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Apr 18 2008, 05:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They will naturally be assumed to be wizards in math. If that is not the case, then they should use a french accent laughing.gif

All kidding aside, I'm sure your children will be a real curiosity amongst their classmates and will be asked about where they born many times. I think they should not have too much of a problem assimilating - even in a small town in NC.

Ricky actually told me about a sitcom before where there was an asian guy who was not intelligent and they were making fun of him coz the other characters on that sitcom assumed that all asians are nerds and are highly intelligent.... My son is good in math but not on the wizard level.. well, maybe I should have them learn the french accent then whistling.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-17 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Apr 18 2008, 05:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
laughing.gif Aye - some Brits may as well be speaking another language!

If you're curious, I have examples of me speaking here: Only the ones labelled 'rachel' though - the rest aren't me! tongue.gif Oh, and in one of them (I think it's rachel4) I'm talking about testicular cancer, so it's probably NSFW. (Hey, I needed something to read and it was on a nearby Gillette razor packet).

Rachel, I LOVE YOUR ACCENT! And I almost drop off my chair with the "Snape killed Dumbledore...." rofl.gif of course Snape ended up being a hero really.

I have always loved the british accent, ALWAYS! Even when I was a young kid, I always love hearing it... No offense to the americans, I always thought English should be spoken the way the British do (though filipinos take after the americans in english)... I always make Ricky try to imitate the british accent, and he could really do but he'd be all red for really trying hard laughing.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-04-17 20:48:00