K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Mar 11 2008, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Mar 10 2008, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Mar 10 2008, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People who filed in 2007 at VSC and are still not approved must be upset when they read such things.
We haven't been waiting for so long, it probably is a lot harder for them.
Yeah, I agree. The one's right now that could be claiming "unfair" are the VSC filers that have been sitting while people who filed much later have gotten approval already. At least we know that CSC is criminally slow, for the long time filers still waiting at VSC, this has gotta feel personal.
I know of at least four left on the list from JUNE that haven't gotten NOA2's yet...That's just plain wrong!!!

Some of those June VSC filers may have just abandoned their account here but there are 2 who recently updated their timelines, one received an rfe last month...

Yes, I completly agree, it is plain wrong mad.gif ... my heart really goes out for those couple, it shouldn't take 8 months for an rfe, that is just terrible.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-10 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Mar 10 2008, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope everyone had a good weekend and was able to get their minds off of this for a bit. I am praying for a strong CSC showing this week, after three rather mediocre ones in a row. Stay Strong!

I am absolutely praying for all of us. I hope both VSC and CSC will clear up those who have waited longer and I hope they will have a more orderly way of giving out approvals.

Here's wishing CSC a very productive week. good.gif

God speed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-10 03:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Mar 6 2008, 11:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Although I'm not sure how long it takes dBears' SO to get to her, I'm sure it is a difficult and expensive process. For me to travel to see Olga takes at least 20 hours, some of which are spent in airplanes from the Kruschev era - it's also very expensive, and only getting more so.

-it usually takes 18hours from NC to Philippines: 3 stops and 3 plane transfers.. but last year, he left Raleigh afternoon of June 19 and arrived in Manila Philippines midnight of June 22.. there was delay after delay and technical problems airport after airport. he looked so exhausted when he arrived sad.gif .. but we both just thank God, the technical problems occured while still on the ground and not when it was already up and that he arrived safely in my arms yes.gif ... and yes, it is expensive and getting more now that the USD is dropping... so we can't really afford to see each other as much as we want to

What each of us would do, given the chance to be in someone else's shoes, is kinda irrelevant. We all have our own realities to deal with, and if we look back to when we filed - we each probably had an expectation that this process would take a certain number of days or months. If the VSC has stepped up the approval process, great, does that change the expectation that I had when I entered this process, no it does not. Honestly, I am sometimes envious of the rapid approvals of some of the VSC filers, but that still doesn't change the rules of the game I signed up for.

-We have prepared ourselves for a 6-8 months visa wait all in all... and i am envious of those early approvals also and wouldn't mind getting one myself but honestly, I would prefer to see those from the past months get approved first.. like those waiting since june... it's just heartbreaking what they have to endure. sad.gif

dbears - your kids are beautiful, how are you planning to work with them to prepare them for a new language and a new school?

Thank you. rose.gif English is our second language and they are being taught to speak and read and write english in school so they could understand it a little and speak it a little, its like a broken english.. but of course, my son said he will pretend to be mute when he gets there so they wont ask him anything laughing.gif ... i do worry about them but as other parents on the Philippine regional board have said, kids adjust faster than adults... they go to a non-traditional child centered school here where the focus is on learning by doing and experimenting and not by text book and also utilizes multiple intelligence approach. i know there are a lot of non-traditional schools in the US but i don't know if there is one near my SO's place and it might be so expensive there... so they will have to attend the public school near Rick's place and we will observe how it goes.

QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Mar 6 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No problem with registering in July or August - people move all the time, and normally the children move with them (if they are behaving well laughing.gif ) You should be fine, but make sure you have all your kids vaccination paperwork translated (if they are not in english) because this is a precondition for enrollment.

All their records are already in english smile.gif but we might have to have additional vaccinations for them.

To KimandRuss: Thank you very much. rose.gif May you be able to file soon. God speed.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-06 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Chris Future @ Mar 6 2008, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Susan and Chris @ Mar 6 2008, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


you are living the perfect VSC life... must be nice... if i had my chance i would give up everything at the first chance to be with the man i love... i wouldnt wait to "bask" and "stuff" the thought of the "jackpot" was intended as "fun" as such from what i read from your last posts... how would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? and you were with CSC and watching the VSC approvals wiz by..i guess a lot of praying would make you feel better but it wouldnt make it happen any faster. mad.gif
Wow - you guys are pretty amazing. Susan tells you how she feels and not only do you slam her, you pat each other on the back for slamming her. We have tons of reasons to want to be together as soon as possible, and its inconceivable to us that anyone would want to delay their entry into the US. Of course everyone has reasons for this and that, but she never asked you to reveal anything - if anything your response was negative and hateful - you dont know her at all so making those kinds of assertions is just that. If you read the post you will see its railing against frustrations we all feel as others who submit at the same time as us or even after us get approved simply due to the luck of the draw.

I love the way most people in face to face support groups are allowed to vent their frustrations, but in online support groups are required to keep everything light and positive. Thats just not reality, sisters.

And then you guys start sharing pictures, like wow - we agreed with each other on slamming someone and now we are buddy buddy? You remind me of the soccer moms at a gymnastics class I used to take my kids to, where the they got together to talk about how their husbands were idiots and how work was overrated, comparing pedicures etc.

The post title is "How are you doing" Susan told you how she was doing and she got slammed. Nice.

Since when have I become the system? You read her post, isn't that specifically attacking me? So you mean it is ok for you and susan to be saying not so nice comments directed to other people but it is not ok for those people to react? WOW! and you cry fairness???? GEE!!!

You have your frustrations, vent away, nobody is stopping you. Say all the nasty things you can say about your system, about your government, because after all, that is your government BUT do not direct it at other people who are also in the process like you.

And now, your taking offense to even our way of passing time? Why? what would be more productive then? To spend our time venting and venting and venting and venting? Get a life!
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-03-06 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Aug 6 2008, 05:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I heard a lot of talk about August 8 weddings - anyone got one?

It is AUgust 8, 2008 here now, 4:30 PM as I am typing this... if we followed our original plan we would have been exchanging vows in a seaside wedding right at this very moment (http://www.pashweddi...ead.php?t=10990). But then, we would be separated again for God's know how long after the wedding as we process K3 or CR1 visa.. 08-08-08 would have been possible for us even if we opted to go through K1 instead but it would have meant we would be financially hard up, and my kids would be resenting me for dragging them to the US too soon...

The kids have finally accepted that we will be migrating (they don't sulk when we talk about leaving their friends and leaving their comfort zone anymore) and they are getting excited for the move as days go by and financial wise, we have saved on the tickets prices for sept (it would have been double had we purchased it june to july) plus have also saved up a little more for the move and for the wedding so I guess our decision was indeed wise. Well, I guess October 12 is not a bad date to get married actually. (date was moved again for the umpteenth time from aug 8 to oct 3, then back to aug 8, then back to oct 3, and finally it will be oct 12)

QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Aug 6 2008, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope to have photos of my dress to show you soon! I've asked my dad to take some and upload them.

Would love to see your dress Rachel. good.gif Mine is still with the seamstress, will be getting it on the 22nd. blush.gif

It is interesting how in the western wedding tradition, the bride is expected to pay for the wedding.. here it is the opposite, the tradition is for the groom or groom's parents to shoulder everything.. but since more and more couple are becoming more practical, it is common now for the bride and groom to share in the wedding expenses.

QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Aug 6 2008, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wondering, for everyone here who is married already or who will be married before the end of the year, do you plan on getting the SSN before or after the marriage? No-one seems to agree about this issue on visa journey...

We have not discuss the SSN part yet, will probably get SSN after marriage or after the AOS approval so we would not need to go back again and again.

Edited by dbears, 08 August 2008 - 03:41 AM.

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-08-08 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Aug 4 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today is my first day completely alone, Bryan went back to work this morning. And when he comes back, we will go to a restaurant because today is my birthday smile.gif we can finally celebrate together.
We will probably get married by the end of August.

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-08-04 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 29 2008, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Andddddd we got an RFE.....OY VEY hahahaha! I am just giddy our case is being fondled though let me tell you! Gareth assured me this is a GOOD thing and hopefully we will finally get our approval now once we get this sorted!!!! I am just beyond irritated they waited 193 days to give us one of these! LOL.....can I call right today then to find out what it was you think that is needed?
Thanks again for all your continued support!

A little annoying but at least they are working on it... and girl, I am hats off to you for still being so sunny in spite of all these. you really are SUNNY good.gif star_smile.gif

QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Jul 30 2008, 06:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Darn, just did some reading on 'moral turpitude' on wikipedia and if its true what they say there, then the thing I did was also moral turpitude.. that would mean I would have had to say 'yes' on the question on the i94 when i entered the states before, and I said no coz I didn't think it would be moral turpitude...

So basically, besides having a big chance of being denied on my visa, I might actually be able to get a ban on my *ss even though I did not know this would fall under moral turpitude sad.gif

I'm so scared right now sad.gif

I believe that when it is meant to be it will happen no matter what obstacles there may be along the way... and no matter what the outcome of your visa application is, there will always be other options for you and michelle to be together.. but of course it is still out of the question now coz you have not been denied yet... and I will be praying that you will not get denied and that you will get that visa and be on your way to Michele in HAWAII before you know it. Cheer up, a long face will make the consul question you more.

QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 30 2008, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jeroen do you mind telling me what it is you did? You can private message it to me if you like....I am just hoping and praying Gareth being turned away in Detroit doesn't hurt us down the road as well they told him it wouldn't! But who knows ya know???

Jeroen had actually shared it a few pages back.

For you sunny and Jeroen (a BIG HUG):

Edited by dbears, 30 July 2008 - 07:27 AM.

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-30 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
CONGRATS PAM and have a safe trip soon!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Cecile, enjoy those remaining few days with your friends and family to the fullest.. and have a happy reunion soonest. YAY! must be really exciting!!! good.gif

Sunny, I am with you in hoping and prayng that the hardcopy will just pop in your mail box anytime soon. rose.gif

Baxxy, nothing to worry about age gap as long as you can prove that your relationship is genuine then there is nothing to be afraid of. Me and my fiance have a 15yr gap between us but I think the consul saw that my eyes were almost heart shaped while talking about my big bear and our pictures together just spoke volumes so the consul had no choice but to approve us. I am sure you will do great, just bring lots of ammo on your interview: all the proof of relationship that you can posibly bring. They may not ask to see everything but it is always good to be over prepared than under prepared. Good luck girl. good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-28 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jul 23 2008, 03:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you everyone smile.gif
Our visa is APPROVED!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
It went very smoothly, it took less than 2 hours. No co-sponsor needed. no proofs asked. nothing to worry about!
I wrote a long text in the train with details, I will probably type it tomorrow.

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif


May you recieve the visa soonest and may you have a safe flight to the US soon... and I want to see your dress also

As for me, i still have 42days left in the Philippines.. I have finally found the dress i want and will be buying the clothes today so the dress maker could start working on it. After a year of design hunting, i have decided to just get one part from one dress and then one part of the design of another then another. yes.gif

Good luck to everyone who are going for medical and interview soon.

And Sunny, hope to see your approval soonest. Stay strong, you are a day closer to that approval and being with Gareth. rose.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-22 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 18 2008, 05:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oooh I am sooo in love with it! Hahahah! Gareth said my band better only cost 50 cents now hahahahah whistling.gif


Do hope you Gareth will be able to put it on your finger soon. I won't be able to wait either, if it was me. whistling.gif

QUOTE (guster4lovers @ Jul 18 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our visa arrived this morning, so we're all set for him to fly out on Sunday, which is a great relief, especially to his mind, which is prone to excessive worry anyhow.

CONGRATS! Happy reunion soonest. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-18 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (hawkeye52 @ Jul 18 2008, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We received two seperate letters from the NVC stating that they have sent our file to the consulate in Vancouver. One is dated 7/11 and the other 7/14. Anyone else receive two letters? Probably nothing, as long as it has been sent! smile.gif

Also, when I spoke with the NVC last week they stated that they sent it out on the 9th. It's been 9 days. Is there any way to find out if our file has been received by the consulate in Vancouver without being too much of a nuisance? We're just eager to get Packet 3 and get it back to them ASAP. With our wedding October 3, the sooner the better!!

Open this site:

then try putting this on the reference slot: EXP 09 JUL 2008A

then click track button... it will take you to the track result summary page... go to page 3, i saw one for Vancouver Canada and it says: shipment DELIVERED!!! most likely your papers are in that bulk.

CONGRATS. good.gif good.gif good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-18 05:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (lazulineiris @ Jul 15 2008, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dbears @ Jul 14 2008, 08:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[i could realate with this... been telling myself that i need to lose weight and start exercising but yeah, stress do make you eat more... and faster.. wacko.gif .. i don't know how i am supposed to lose 10pounds in the next 2months. unsure.gif
Just drink a lot of water, and try to exercise for at least 25 minutes everyday. Just.. put on some music and.. dance. It's fun, it's easy and, best of all, it's free. Or.. An hour of walking is pleasant, and doesn't feel high impact like, say, cardio at the gym or something [And walking is free! ..I'm cheap, I guess]. 10 pounds in 2 months can be done - I've faith in you. biggrin.gif

GOOD TIPS!!! good.gif it is already half of the week so will start exercising on Monday then. laughing.gif .. J/K.. have started walking with my aunt last week and have started cutting RICE intake too... also loading up on water. Maybe I will add the "music and dancing" also to shed more sweat noh? and maybe it's time to take out my carmen electra's aerobic striptease CDs.. it's been accumulating dust for a few months now innocent.gif

QUOTE (hawkeye52 @ Jul 15 2008, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have our wedding planned and booked for October 3.

WOW! We have the same wedding date, that will be our 3rd year anniversary as couple too. yes.gif
I do hope you get your interview date and your visa soonest so we could both celebrate on Oct. 3. good.gif

QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Jul 15 2008, 11:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dbears @ Jul 15 2008, 05:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CONGRATS to Jeroen and Rachel for getting the interview date. Your interviews are only 2days apart.. maybe that is a good sign that you will both be approved without question. good.gif good.gif good.gif

I hope so but I still have a little bit of doubt because of some stupid mistakes in the past (I have been involved in some bad stuff, although these were not that big in my opinion, they might think different)

I do hope what happened in the past won't interfere with your visa process. good.gif if it is not really big things, just don't volunteer any information... like here in the Philippines some people volunter drug use from even 10 or 15 years ago (thinking it won't be a big deal since it was so long ago) and for some reason the embassy here is so strict with matters like these. Drug use here even if it has been 20-30years ago is a reason for permanent denial. it is crazy since there was a clause about drug use and it was i think just 5years maybe, yet the USEM here still denies people who have used drugs even decades ago and sadly the denial is irreversible. Each US embassy has different policies so you have to know what is allowed and not allowed in your consulate.

You will be fine and you will make it to Michelle in no time. Just don't let the ghost of the past get in the way of your happiness, have faith in the new Jeroen. good.gif good.gif good.gif may God be your guide always.

QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Jul 16 2008, 01:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well we have our date set for September 10. We've had a very eventful (not in a good way) week last week. After 6 years the ex showed up and threatened to cause all kinds of problems. But that situation has been resolved - something about abandoning your wife & child at birth and not providing any support, ever, tends to quash any argument the son of a b.... might have. That, plus the decree of sole custody, sent him packing back to the hole he crawled out of. Everyone's fine, just a little shaken. wacko.gif

Believe me, both of us are looking forward to Olga and her son getting the heck out of there.

We'll be dancing in the streets on that day!!!!! kicking.gif

Exes like that are only there when they are NOT needed anymore but when they were needed, they are nowhere to be found. It was unfortunate that your Olga has had anything to do with the same bred of a...hole like my ex. But it is all in the past and as long as she stays firm, she can always kick his ###.

Hope things will move faster for Olga and her son and that they could be with you soonest. Congrats on getting interview date.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-15 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 15 2008, 03:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gosh I sure hope so!!!! We are going nutty with all this waiting and I cannot help but get a bit bitter seeing all these February approvals coming through!!! crying.gif blush.gif

Sending tons of good vibes your way, do hope that latest touch means approval heading your way.... maybe they have sent the hard copy already without updating the site and you will soon have the hard copy in hand. I really really hope and pray that you will get that approval soon.

QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Jul 15 2008, 06:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was supposed to lose weight before my wedding...instead I've been stressing out and then comfort eating chocolate, d'oh!

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-14 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Jul 11 2008, 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh - and it's my and Alex's two year anniversary today! star_smile.gif

Happy Anniversary Alex and Rachel, may you have many many many years more to celebrate together! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 12 2008, 01:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got a super nice lady who was checking into my case etc...and then we got disconnected!!!! Well called back did same thing and luckily got her AGAIN! Well we laughed a bit and then I expressed my concerns etc..told her of the email stating about security checks etc...well she said that is something they send out to people all worried that are still within their first 180 days!!!! Soooo anyway we talked a bit more and I mentioned how I knew people that were approved already that filed in February...well her answer to that was just as I suspected that the cases get divided up and basically some are faster workers than others!!!!!!! ARGHHHH. So I said "Well I think I got the one on vacation then and anyway I can be moved to a faster persons desk" She started cracking up at that one so here's hoping she does something for me! SIGH

So yeah I officially hit my 180 days next week so we shall see what happens....she said most likely I will see approval within 60 days ughh hopefully before that but shoot that is better than another 180 days plus like we were starting to think!!!

Thank you all for continued support and keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming for our NOA2 to arrive!!!

I am happy that the security check is just a standard reply... do hope the guy who is holding your case would stop sitting on it and find something else to sit on so he could now approve it.

crossing my fingers that you would get the approval before this month ends. yes.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-11 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 9 2008, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks guys it is excruciating let me tell you!!!!

I knew of some people who called CSC even before the 6months period and for some it did help.. if you are interested here is he link to TboneTX' shaking your NOA2 loose, you might want to consider using it: http://www.visajourn...p;#entry1594003

hope to see you getting that approval soonest. rose.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-09 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jul 9 2008, 04:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning everyone

So apparently Bryan's parents will be co-sponsors if needed. I just sent them a long email explaining everything and telling them what documents they have to gather (Bryan called them, they said they were ok, and then he asked me to explain everything to them). I doubt we'll have everything on time for the interview, but worst case scenario, I will send them the co-sponsors documents as soon as I get them, so it will only delay things by a few weeks.
Today I have a feeling that we will be fine without a co-sponsor. But we'd better be prepared in case my feeling is wrong.

Where did Blake go?

KWEL! I'm sure you will be ok as long as bryan has enough proof of "current sustained income"... his parent co-sponsoring will at least give additional cushion to your application. good.gif good.gif good.gif

QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Jul 9 2008, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm.. last thursday I've sent the checklist back to the consulate with tracking stuffies so I can track it online to see when they sign for it... it got bounced on friday because of the fourth of July, nobody working there then, and it should have been tried again the day after (or after the weekend anyways) but it's wednesday now and still nothing... called the postal services but they couldn't help me much either as they don't know more than what I see on my screen online, if I want to know more, I have to file a request (for which they now send the papers) but this might take 4-5 weeks until they find out what happened to the checklist :S

I tried calling the consulate this morning but with little luck.. after trying continuesly for 30 minutes I gave up and left my name, number and other information while explaining the situation in their voicemail, asking for them to call me back which I hope they do quickly... I kinda hope it arrived after all or if theres something else I can send to them (as it is just the checklist, they got everything else from me already).

Blergh.. everything was going nicely and now this happens sad.gif

hope you would hear something from the postal office soon or better yet, from consulate there. everything will soon get back on track, just keep the faith. rose.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-09 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
the 2008 immigrant affidavit of support poverty guideline would be $17,500 (125% of $14,000)for two person (http://travel.state..../info_1327.html)

how about bryan's parent's or uncles, aunts, grandparents, maybe someone from his family would qualify as co-sponsor and would be willing to co-sponsor just to be on the safe side.... i hope you could really find somebody to co-sponsor or could present more proof of income or properties... insurance might do if he has one, bank statements, etc... hope everything will turn out ok.

rachel, your (alex's) new apartment is nice... and at least you will really be able to start on your own, which for me would be the biggest PLUS. good.gif

Edited by dbears, 08 July 2008 - 04:11 AM.

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-08 04:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Jul 7 2008, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 7 2008, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks guys for all the well wishes and crossed fingers and prayers etc....let's hope they make some magic happen this week! Not giving up hope that is for sure! Next week will start the calling of USCIS until they approve us haha!

I agree, you should start calling and keep on calling until they get so tired that they just give that approval!

Also, call your rep as soon as you are allowed to call him, it doesn't hurt to have it coming from two sides wink.gif

good.gif ... I'm also rooting for your sunny... Go get those CSC folks till they give you approval. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-07 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Jul 4 2008, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dbears @ Jul 4 2008, 03:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'f rachel is small, then I would be a dwarf wacko.gif ...a chubby dwarf crying.gif ... oppsss, they said one should not put himself/herself down... i will rephrase it... i am not tall but with more to love laughing.gif
No worries, my fiance is a US born filipina and she is like 5 ft something herself, and like you said, not tall but more to love as well with her wink.gif

Oh really?!! smile.gif .. I didn't know your fiance is Fil-Am (Filipino-American). I did know there are many asians in Hawaii.

Well, hope you will get interview date soon so you could be with your fiancee. good.gif ... i wish i could visit Hawaii someday. innocent.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-04 02:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jul 3 2008, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gosh I hope you guys are right! Gareth gets so upset when I mention this site as he thinks it fills me with too much false hope and that I need to only worry about our own journey but I told him it does give me hope to see that it is not just us waiting!!! He such a grumpy Bear haha. Love him to bits though. But yeah I appreciate you guys so much and will keep holding out hope until that gorgeous NOA2 arrives!!!

he probably just missing you so much. I do hope and pray you would get that NOA2 and get it VERY SOON!.. it will come, there is no reason why it won't and same time next year, you and gareth would be smiling at how you have overcomed this process, you guys would be laughing remembering his grumpiness. good.gif

QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Jul 4 2008, 05:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Jul 3 2008, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aah, I'm a giant - 172.2 cm here, or 5'7 if you prefer!

You gals are all so short laughing.gif

My ex gf is 6 ft, or 184cm lol.. my daughter (from this ex) is expected to get the same size, if not taller (I hope not but yah, I'm 6'1 so who knows :S ).

I'f rachel is small, then I would be a dwarf wacko.gif ...a chubby dwarf crying.gif ... oppsss, they said one should not put himself/herself down... i will rephrase it... i am not tall but with more to love laughing.gif

QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Jul 4 2008, 06:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I rang my parents and they said they'd love to have me home. They agreed that I could probably get temping work (and worse come to worse my dad said he'd pay me to paint a mural on his surgery wall). So I'm thinking I may hand my notice in next week and go back to live with my parents in September no matter what.

...I just hope I can get temping work!

That is good to hear at least you would have more time to spend with your family before going to the US. good.gif btw, do you have interview date already?

QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jul 4 2008, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A quick update: I got my blood test results tonight and everything is good.

YAY!!! one step done... next will be interview and im sure you'll do great! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-03 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Jul 3 2008, 02:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK EVERYONE, With all the talk of dresses over the last few days I've got a question to ask (I can't believe I'm doing this....) Which do you prefer - a white dress or an ivory dress. Olga has brown hair and green eyes, and she keeps going between the two. I suggested we put it up for a vote......

Yikes, I never thought that would be a question I'd ever ask. Any help would be greatly appreciated.... Cecile, Pam, Rachel, Sunny, dbears, Aliona, Courtney, Chantal help me.....

laughing.gif .. somehow you made me remember my Ricky. He went out yesterday and booked our wedding site.

Now about the color, between white and ivory, I would prefer ivory and maybe this link could also help out:

maybe she should try one and ivory dress and also a white dress to see what would look better on her skintone and color of hair.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-03 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Just dropping by to wish Cecile GOOD LUCK on the medical!!! good.gif good.gif good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-02 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (hawkeye52 @ Jul 2 2008, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Jul 2 2008, 04:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Haven't been here lately 'cause it was just too much to handle. But I'm back and with good news. We got a touch on June 25 and we just received the NOA2 via the mail. I'm so ecstatic I can hardly contain myself!!!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif laughing.gif

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-07-02 02:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Thank you cez, it is also Ricky's birthday today, we just finished talking online luv.gif .

It depend on the design, if there will be lots of details--embroidery and beads-- then it might take 2months to 3months... i am looking for a design with the least embroidery or beads designs. I have alredy checked more than half of the gown designs in theknots and have saved some pics already.. well i have been saving and deleting gown designs for almost a year now sad.gif...

the first half of our engagement year was spent planning for a wedding in the philippines.. then january we decided to just go for K1 so it has been a complete shift of plan. Although it will still be outdoors, the different climate is a very huge consideration.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-30 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Pam&Josh @ Jun 30 2008, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To Shes and the other ones interested, I put a picture of my dress when I tried it on the very first time!!
I would love to see other pictures if anybody have already their dress too......what about you Cécile? smile.gif

You look great in that dress. good.gif good.gif good.gif

it is exactly one year today since Ricky proposed and we got engaged and until now i have not made up my mind on the wedding gown design wacko.gif . It is good that you guys have the dress already. i really need to have a design this week if i am to have it done here before i leave.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-30 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (shes @ Jun 30 2008, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Praise God!!!! dated June 25 on the mail frm the USCIS that my fiance received - APPROVED!!!! and yeah, no email too! i think uscis are back doing the mysterious touches good.gif

the waiting from the USCIS is finally over! good.gif were continuously praying that the rest of the processing will just flow smoothly and wont take long...

hi NVC whistling.gif

sunny...i have a feeling that urs will come soon. kip the faith. our fingers are crossed for you


Sunny, I hope you will get your NOA2 soon and also all the other remaining January filers and February filers. Miss Yoko and Sunny here's for you rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif . Stay strong.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-30 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (nm123 @ Jun 28 2008, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Phil&Liv @ Jun 28 2008, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh MY!! i just got my NOA2 today by mail!!! the weird thing is that it doesnt show up online on the USCIS website??!!! Is there somthing wrong with it? Im just glad i have the hardcopy kicking.gif So whats next guys and how long more till i get those packets??!!
Yay!! I received my NOA2 on June 24 via email, and today received the hardcopy. The USCIS site showed the status change. So I guess sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt... but at least you got it! Now I hope the other January peeps will get theirs PLEASE before the end of June!

BIG BIG CONGRATS to you!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jun 30 2008, 03:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man oh man wish our approval would pop up in my post box this week! With the 4th coming though I highly doubt much will be done this week sad.gif

sunny, I hope your rep will really be able to help and I pray that you will receive your approval soonest. rose.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-29 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Jun 26 2008, 02:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I told Olga last week and she started yelling and crying, and so, I started yelling and crying all over again. Now it's down to the details.....

I had to go back for this one.. SOOO SWEET! luv.gif

QUOTE (CourtAndGrey @ Jun 27 2008, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey friends! Thanks for all your good thoughts, I felt each and every one of them yesterday... and I am happy to report, OUR VISA IS APPROVED!!!!

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-26 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
scary and emotional sad.gif ... mixed emotions.

I am happy for you cez, soon you will be with Bryan. good.gif good.gif good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-26 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Cez, your medical would be next week. YAY!!! i bet you are a little nervous but I am 101% positive you will be ok, every test will be ok and you will pass and then off to interview good.gif good.gif good.gif

i just hope sunny and she's and all others who are still waiting will get their approval soonest.

rachel, time will fly so quickly and before you know it, it will be october and you would be flying to be with alex.

I wanted to have my interview soon and then my visa soon but once i had it in my hand, the fact that i will be leaving my hometown, my country, my family and my friends became more real and it's giving me a bitter sweet anticipation. Sure I want to be with Ricky sooo bad but a part of me is also sad since i will be leaving my family and everything else behind. i want to pull the hours so I could be with Ricky sooner BUT I also want to stretch it longer so I could have more time with friends and family and also enjoy the stuffs that won't be available in N.C. HAYYY, if this ain't LOVE blush.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-26 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (RagSwat @ Jun 26 2008, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank You VJers, thanks evryone here, thanks Rachel&Alex, Sunnybear, blake&olha, Cecile&Bryan and others I havnt mentioned thanks a lot for your help and support. My K1 visa got approved today. The interview dint last more than 10-15mins. It was absolutely smooth. I was asked to collect my visa, passport and a package to show at POE next thursday. Swathi and I are so happy. Guess I will be flying to US in August, still have some stuff pending here.

We wil be hanging around here guys, esp for AOS. All the best for all those in various stages of their visa process. Good Luck!.

Rachel when are you planning to goto CA? you will be marrying in Sunnyvale?

Thank you again guys.


dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-26 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Ken y Onelis @ Jun 12 2008, 06:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Always remember, when you call somewhere and say the word, "Wedding" the price multiplies.

AGREE!!! it holds true even when you go to dress maker/designers here in our country. For some reason, the wedding gown is a tad more expensive than the evening gown even if they will have the same cut.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-11 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Wow Ken, good.gif for those prices.... will you be doing the same thing in your upcoming wedding with Onelis or planning to do it differently? CONGRATS again for the NOA2.

Blake, it seems you have everything mapped out. good.gif good.gif good.gif Now that you have been approved, have you have a set a wedding date already?

Rachel, I am with you on the books.. the quote given to me by our local post office is $450-$500. I know that will probably be less than the prices in your place but for me that is still a staggering amount... i will just bring a few with me, those that i will really need then ask my sister to include a few when they send me christmas present then birthday next year and then some on another christmas and so on. They can even send me my own books as my own present. yes.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-11 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Jun 11 2008, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually from what I've read, at least in the UK, the average price of a wedding dress is really quite modest compared to the other expenses - just £950 (only $1,900!).

$1,900!!! GOLLY! I can't spend that much for a dress that I will only use once... not even for a dress I will use 100times over and over again... That will be our total wedding budget already!

ummm, I will try to find a wedding dress for less than $100. Ricky don't believe I could find a good one but I know I will and it will be a good fit and a red carpet worthy design. innocent.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-11 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Jun 11 2008, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Jun 11 2008, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Personally, I think the huge mega weddings that cost $30- $45k are kinda rediculous and not about the importance of making a committment to one another - at that level it's more about keeping up with the Jones' rather than making a committment before God and family. Just me though.

I think in the end what's most important is that you do what the two of you want. Whether it's a few words in front of a stranger in the courthouse in your jeans or a ceremony in full dress with hundreds of people there suporting you. What's most important is what that day symbolizes for the two of you.

How your love grows after that day has nothing to do with the way you did it or how much money you spent.

AMEN & AMEN! good.gif good.gif good.gif

QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jun 11 2008, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, I was wondering how people can spend that much on a wedding. I mean, unless there are some plane tickets involved, or the location is in a very highly expensive castle (or something on these lines), what can make the budget so high?

I guess the big chunk of the budget goes to the wedding gown worth $$$$ then to reception and food including cake, then photographer/videographer, etc.... here's an article on wedding budget percentages:

But if one will do most of the wedding stuff I think you could really cut expenses.

QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jun 11 2008, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif wacko.gif
Now I wonder how we can manage to do a small inexpensive wedding :S

Others before us have done it, I know we can also do it. good.gif good.gif good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-11 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
When do you plan to have the wedding? October is very feasible for you already right? how about oct 3 so we would have the same wedding date?

Yes Cez, only a few months more to go and we will be with our love ones and married:)..

we could go now since we have the visa already but waiting till september means HUGE savings on airfare so we thought, what is a few months more.... we have waited almost 3years to be together for good, I guess 2+ months won't make much difference... except on the savings good.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-11 03:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Oh rachel, I thought we would have the least budget... ours would be 1,000-2,000.. honeymoon would just be a weekend in the mountains in NC. blush.gif .. and that won't be a civil wedding first, big wedding later.. that will be our BIG DAY really... renewal of vows will probably be 5years after.

Can you all imagine how we started talking about weddings january or february and here we are, wedding is becoming realized for some of the January filers and it is also inevitably getting nearer for most of us... star_smile.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-11 03:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Ken y Onelis @ Jun 11 2008, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This past Friday, I received a Notice of Action 2 that my Petition was APPROVED and will be sent to the National Visa Center in New Hampsire where it will be forwarded in 2 to 4 weeks to Bogota, Colombia. So, by the end of June, this paperwork will arrive in Bogota, and approximately 70 days later, I'll hear something from the consulate there. THEY DIDN'T FORGET US!!! kicking.gif

dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-10 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
here's where you can check the average cost of wedding in your area and also the break down:

In Princeton, NC, Ricky's place the average cost according to that site is: This does not include cost for a honeymoon or engagement ring. for their wedding.

Well that's the average and we will just stick to way below the average. whistling.gif

Ricky has a problem planning the wedding but he already have the honeymoon mapped up. innocent.gif ... anywhere will be fine with me as long as we will be together, NO DISTURBANCE, and somebody watches over the kids back at home. yes.gif
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-10 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (aravis227 @ Jun 11 2008, 05:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dbears @ Jun 10 2008, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks for the link sunnybear, it's one wedding site i have never checked out. good.gif

$5,000 for the wedding wacko.gif .. i am really hoping for a little less than that. I will be buying my dress here and also ricky's barong so I guess it will slash the wedding budget a little. It is cheaper here compared to buying in the US. We will have his cousin do the photography so it is another thing that will be free... and we wont have that many guest so I hope we could really fit everything in a less than $5,000 budget.
Our budget is about that, too. I keep seeing all these brides who are like " budget is only 25, am I going to AFFORD everything." And I'm like "ummm...what?"

Somehow this cracked me up... maybe those are brides who have rich daddy paying for everything... but still $25,000 for a wedding???? I would rather spend and prepare for the life we will share AFTER the wedding than spend a fortune for just one day. But of course it is just me.
dbearsFemalePhilippines2008-06-10 16:41:00