K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWas this NOA2? Not sure? :S


I'm the petitioner, not the beneficiary... just one of those people who feels much better by having a good grasp of stuff even when it's not my part to play (in other words, I want to be able to keep my fiance on track) laughing.gif

Unfortunately we haven't gotten so far as the immunizations yet.  It's my understanding that you are not actually required to have the immunizations to get your K-1; it's at Adjustment of Status that this becomes necessary.  It's just that most people take care of them while still in the UK because, well, it's d*mn*d expensive here.  

Looking at various forums it doesn't seem that you need to have a special "approved" doctor administer them or anything.  "Travel nurse" is being bandied about quite a bit.  So you're probably good just going to your normal GP or whoever.  That's what we're planning to do.


Haha that's fair enough. Yeah I want to save as much money as possible, since I have to wait a while for my authorization and forms before getting any work in the US and my fiancee is fresh out of uni and breaking out on her own lol So the more I can save up in this process, the more I will have to get myself stable there and pool together with her savings.


Just to make sure you don't make a mistake, the Affidavit of Support documents along with all the other documents required (such as beneficiary birth certificate, police certificate, etc) don't get mailed to the NVC. The NVC is just a few days stop over for a K1 where they are assigned a case number and then forwarded to the embassy. Affidavit of Support is taken to the interview in London.


Yep, no worries there, I knew all that. :)


Time to get our batch of paperwork together now then haha.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWas this NOA2? Not sure? :S



I put this together when I was trying to wrap my brain around the process.  

This is my understanding of the procedure from NOA2 to POE but I would welcome anybody who might want to correct or clarify as necessary.




Cool, I had some of this info collected in my research but the additional stuff helps out too.


In regards to the immunization stuff, did you just book an appointment with a doctor and ask for them? Or is there more to it?

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWas this NOA2? Not sure? :S


You'll probably get the letter in the mail very shortly.  The email and text notifications don't always work.  No need to be worried, it happens.  I keep checking the website, too, for that reason... just in case.


You can contact NVC in a week or two and ask them for your case number.  That way, you'll know that it's being processed like normal and you have the number to refer to if you have any questions in the future.  I've been reading that they're a bit slow right now (Vermont seems to have kicked off recently so maybe that's why) so don't be too concerned if that week or two passes and they still don't have anything for you.


Thanks for that. So from this point on, we should:

  • wait and see if we get a notification NOA2 letter from USCIS.
  • wait about a couple of weeks to get a letter from NVC regarding the next step, and give them a call to get our case number and any other info.
  • we should now put together our support package, fill the forms and get the transcripts and other paperwork.

Is that pretty much right?

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWas this NOA2? Not sure? :S

This is you noa2!! Congrats


Sweet-as! Our estimate was for the end of August according to my timeline so this is a nice surprise.


But this lack of communication from them still leaves me bewildered. Now that the case has been sent to NVC, is this now where we wait for NVC to send us the letter requesting the Affidavit of Support package? Do they not send us email updates either? Was the e-notification form just for USCIS?

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWas this NOA2? Not sure? :S

So I checked my case number on USCIS and apparently:


On July 24, 2013, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.


We haven't received any emails or any letters regarding this yet. Is this either NOA2 or has an RFE been requested?


Also, this is the last of the "updates section" on the website, are we able to track our case progress somewhere else or is that it?


Hopefully you can help, it's just confusing since we haven't received any email or letter about whats going on as of yet. Our last email and official paper notification was from NOA1...


Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswho is may filer not yet recieve noa2?

We filed in the beginning of February and didn't get our NOA2 until about the end of July, so I think you've still got a little more waiting to go yet.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-24 04:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions; Getting Started
This is a bit of a random question, way ahead in the process and the change in lifestyle. It's also aimed at those who are from the UK, going over to the US.

What is the whole deal with drivers licenses? I know as a tourist you can use a valid UK license and such if you have a rental car and stuff. But in terms of immigrating, becoming a resident and such, I figure at some point I would need to take the US driving tests and get a US license. Can anyone share their experience with dealing with this matter? Thanks in advance.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-04 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions; Getting Started
Thanks to everyone for your help with this :) Yes I'm going to be studying this process and try and map it out in stages and such, I'm glad you guys could answer my questions I had already.

If it's not too much trouble, has anyone heard of or can tell me about this "ITIS number" thing. I was chatting to someone I used to know who's actually been through the exact same process I'm going through (british male citizen marrying american partner and immigrating there) and he briefly mentioned this ITIS number that is like a temporary work permit of sorts and you have to get it at boarder security in the US (When you land after an international flight). I tried looking around for it but found nothing. Either he has the name wrong or he's pulling my leg.

Can anyone else shed some light on this? Only it would be really handy to have once I get there so I can atleast try and get some work somewhere while I wait on the EAD application to go through.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-04 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions; Getting Started
OK, so me and my fiancee are getting ready to start our marital immigration process. I am English, she is American and we met in 2008. I am to immigrate over there to marry and live happily ever after as they say. We wan't to start the process early next year, February/March sort of time.

I have explored the site and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed (and ill but that's another story). I'll give the condensed version of the story here; she is a student, graduating next year in May, she currently only has a small part time job and she still lives with her parents. I'm just working full time here. To my understanding, because she currently (and still be the same come February) doesn't earn that much money a month with this job, we would have to go a way via her parents sponsoring me or something, is this still a K1 visa or something else? Could someone clarify this for me and point me in the right direction? Does this process vary much in average time scale than the typical K1 way? (As in the fiance being able to "support" the sponsored partner)

Also, I am saving up my money in order to fund the whole process, is there anything stopping me from doing this? Considering she is, or her parents are, the one sponsoring me for this, does it really matter to the officials where the money comes from? (I would either pay directly or send her the money for her to pay them with.)

I hope someone can help me out here. Thank you in advance. :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-29 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Criminal Record Check Question

I just got mine and it's valid for one year. It does state on it that it's for Immigration purposes though so depending on what yours was for you might need to get a new one :) Here's the link to where I got the form to apply...hope that helps :)


I see. Thanks for the extra insight on this and for the link, much appreciated. :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-17 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Criminal Record Check Question
Just a quick question I haven't seen brought up.

When you are required to supply a Criminal Record check as part of the process, does the check have to be applied for/made during your K1 application process to be valid?
I only ask as I had one done less than a year ago as part of employment and was wondering if I could just use that paperwork?

It's clean incase anyone was wondering :P
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-17 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Address change
Hi there everyone, I have a question hopefuly someone can help me with.

Before we start our paperwork process, what would happen if during my application, my fiancee (the one sponsoring me to come to the US) changes her address during the process and thusly the address I would be staying at?

Would it matter or would it be best to wait until she has moved before filling the forms out and applying?
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecondary Evidence Quantity? Tips?
Thanks for all your advice, everyone. I'm guessing (and hoping lol) the UK isn't a high fraud location. We had already put in just a screencap of our chat log together, just to show online communication, as well as a screencap of skype logs along with a collection of photos together.

Yes, primary evidence isn't a problem, we have photocopies of pages from both our passports showing our entry stamps going to eachothers home country over more than 2 years, as well as copies of boarding passes from the flights. I was wondering is an affidavit from both our parents claiming that the respective person was staying with their partner in their family home would be a worthwhile addition as secondary evidence?
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-07 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecondary Evidence Quantity? Tips?
So I see some people send in all sorts of ammounts of things like photographs, call and chat logs and such things. A video I watched online suggested around 6 to 12 photographs but said nothing about chat logs or anything else.

For those that have put such things into your packets, how much did you put in? Is it really going to be better to put in 50 pages of msn chat logs or is it suitable to just cut a segment out for 1 or 2 pages? Any tips and recommendations on what and how much of these things to add in is greatly appreciated.

Also, for evidence of having met and spent time in person, would a written & signed affidavit from family (parents) be valid? (When we have visited eachother, we have said in our partners families homes, even putting those addresses as our "first night" location on our customs forms when entering the country.)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-06 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Process Imminent! A couple of Questions
Alright, thanks for the heads up on those things, easily taken care of.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-21 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Process Imminent! A couple of Questions
And in regards to the forms dated from August, does the same limit the photos have apply to them too?
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-21 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Process Imminent! A couple of Questions
So we have our package all put together, duplicated and ready to send off to begin the process, but just before we do that, I have a couple of questions I want to be sure on before we mail it off.

1: The photo of me (beneficiary) were taken using a UK Photo booth and are the regulated passport style size for the UK. I know American passport photos however are in a slightly different format/size. Will my UK passport photo be acceptable or will I need to send one in the American size? I had a couple taken just as a back-up when I was last visiting. My fiancee's (petitioner) photo is in the American format, just to clarify.

2: My passport photo, along with the forms I have filled out, were signed and dated some time ago, August 2012, along with the forms the petitioner has filled out. Will that prove to be a problem sending them off now? My circumstances and hers have not changed at all since filling them out originally.

Thanks in advance! :o
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-21 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 I129 Question
You will have to correct that. Birth dates are an important part of filing paper work as well as for identification and if they do not match up, that can raise issues.

I suggest in future, you read through a form completely first, then fill the form out, then re-read the completed form and check your information is correct.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-31 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F
As has already been mentioned, timing a big ceremony with guests alongside the K1 process can be tricky, it can be a simpler method to just have a small ceremony at a registry office or whatever they call them in the US, just a simple contract signing to get the official/legal side of it taken care of in order to progress to the next stage in the immigration process.

Just go with what works best for you, there are options. :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-31 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Please...

Don't you mean, 2/3 years to get the 10 years green card?

Cause it is between 8 months and a year to get the K1 visa (usually).

Sorry, I guess it wasn't that clear lol, but by 2/3 I meant Two Thirds of a year. Again, as said, it's usually the trend but can differ.

Edited by Master Semaj, 02 February 2013 - 12:24 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Please...
The wait may seem long and painful, but remember you are not the only one going through it, everyone involved with this website understands. :)

As has been said, it's approximately 2/3 of a year for the whole K1 process to go through up to getting your Visa. Some people have got through sooner, some later, it's pretty much in the hands of the officials.

Just make sure you have studied the process and paperworks enough so you both know what to do and when, doing everything right 1st time and to the requirements is the best thing you can do to get through this wait as quickly as possible.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlanning Ahead: Co-Sponsors

No, they only use their individual income. She will list her own individual current income on the form and provide proof of her own income with a letter from employer and recent pay stubs. A tax transcript from the IRS does not break down who earned what, so you either need to provide a copy of the complete tax return with all the forms and W-2s and/or 1099s, or provide the W-2/1099s for the mom with her transcript so they can see what her individual income is.

OK that's great, thank you for clearing that up for me. Much appreciated! :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlanning Ahead: Co-Sponsors

I have a further question that someone can help me with hopefully. Just to clear things up.

So only one of my in-laws is required for co-sponsoring which is fine. Mom has stepped up since Dad decided to pay out for wedding expenses lol but in terms of getting a tax transcript, they file jointly. Is that an issue? Or does it not matter so long as Mom as the co-sponsor is the same person in the transcript?

Also, if they file taxes jointly, does the combined total of their taxes/income count even if it's just Mom filing as co-sponsor? Or will they break down the transcript to only count hers? Or would it even require both Mom and Dad to fill out co-sponsor forms? I don't know exactly how these tax transcripts work or the minute details of co-sponsoring.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlanning Ahead: Co-Sponsors
I have a further question that someone can help me with hopefully. Just to clear things up.

So only one of my in-laws is required for co-sponsoring which is fine. Mom has stepped up since Dad decided to pay out for wedding expenses lol but in terms of getting a tax transcript, they file jointly. Is that an issue? Or does it not matter so long as Mom as the co-sponsor is the same person in the transcript?
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlanning Ahead: Co-Sponsors
Thanks for that, that's really useful and simple to read.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-28 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlanning Ahead: Co-Sponsors
So I have a question regarding using co-sponsors as part of the affidavit of support during this whole process.

In the rough time frame for when I would, hopefully, get my K1 visa, my fiancée will have been graduated for a month or two and hopefully have grabbed herself a better job than her low part time one she has now. When it comes to using a co-sponsor (which from what I have read, can be an uneasy subject for the K1), in general but mostly associated with the K1 process, if the parents of the petitioner (the in-law parents of the beneficiary) are willing and pass the requirements for support, would that generally be acceptable.

Also, is one co-sponsor all that's necessary, or would 2 be even more beneficial. Both in-laws have steady full time jobs that both pay well and are living fairly comfortably, so statistically 1 would be enough. But would having the both of them act as co-sponsors, if need be, be a valid proof of evidence of the relationship as well as solid co-sponsoring?
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-27 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPoverty guidelines not needed for k1 visa???
I'm not sure that information is entirely correct, I don't know if it differs from country to country. The affidavit of support and its respective documentation and evidence is required when you attend the interview at the American embassy for the K1 Visa, it is mentioned many times in guides and by people who have been through the whole process.

Going by what other members have said and experienced, for the K1 process the petitioner doesn't necessarily have to supply a passing I-134 if there is a valid co sponsor available (typically a close member of the family, someone who does meet or exceed the financial requirements)but obviously the best and simplest situation would be that the petitioner is able to qualify for the affidavit of support.

Once the K1 has been used and the beneficiary moves to file for Adjustment of Status, an I-134 is required from the petitioner as well as a joint sponsor if it is needed. The result of which must also meet or exceed the financial requirements.

I would find and research information regarding this part of the process and the specifics tied to your country and then call back again if you have more questions you would want to ask someone directly.

Edited by Master Semaj, 02 February 2013 - 06:14 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of Support
Yes, you will need the I-134 form, to be completed by the Petitioner (as well as by a co-sponsor if it is required) and the completed and signed form is to be physically mailed to the beneficiary to take to their interview, along with the supporting documents for the I-134, such as tax transcripts, financial/employment information and records.

Hope you get to the next stage soon, you're almost there! :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-05 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Started! Quick question about the payment.
Alright, thanks for that everyone. :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-07 04:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Started! Quick question about the payment.
So we have finally sent off our package today to start this process! My fiancée is wondering though, when do they usually cash the filing fee check? Just so she knows roughly when to expect the money to be taken. Thanks!
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-06 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhoto required?

If you have a digital copy just use the government website to size it correctly and have it printed here.

Dept of State Photo tool

I used this for the NVC stage as my husband sent me ones not even in size. Worked great!

It would be generally cheaper for you to use this website. If you have a decent working printer at home or with a friend, grab some glossy photo paper and just by following the guides you can print your own. You can print off as many as you want to send off or keep as spares without having to make a trip to the nearest photo booth or drug store and paying their extortionate prices.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-07 04:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFacebook Chat---Ongoing relationship
It is just a secondary form of relationship proof, there's no need to print out page upon page of transcribed chat logs. You can take screen shots of chats or chat logs, most chats display the names of the people talking and a date and time. Just a screen shot or two of some chats is acceptable.

Just don't send in any chats that are inappropriate or negative in nature :o

Edited by Master Semaj, 04 February 2013 - 10:49 AM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-04 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have everything I need?
That pretty much wraps up a complete package there. As already mentioned, put the electronic notification form as the very first page so as it is seen and used so you can get the emails/texts.

Make sure everything is completed correctly, signed and dated appropriately, double and triple check. Go over everything with a fine toothed comb as they say. You'll be doing yourself a favour, no one wants their process being delayed due to silly overlooked mistakes.

It's also recommended sending the package with a tracking number or signature required, so as you can keep track of when it arrives at its destination.

All the best for the future!
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-13 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeclaration of how we met...
We put a short basic description in the box on the form of when we first met in person and how often we visited each other since but we also wrote "see additional page for further information if required." at the bottom of it, we then had a single page letter outlining our meetings and relationship in more detail, placed immediately after the i-129f form in the package, titled appropriately stating it is an additional page regarding the specific question.

So basically we gave them the information they asked for in the form, on the form and we then supplied them with an additional page with more details if they feel they want some more information on the matter.

Hope this helps :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-24 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$350 Visa fee with packet 3.5? what the hell is this?

The $340 is only the filing fee for the I-129F petition form. The petition approval's only connection to the actual K-1 visa is that it grants permission for the foreign fiance(e) to apply for the K-1 visa. There is a $240 visa processing fee for everyone applying for a K-1 visa at all consulates. It used to be $350 and went down to $240 on April 13, 2012.

From the London Embassy site: "K visa applicants - $ 240.00" :

Ah I see, that makes sense. Once again, thank you for your help and knowledge. :)
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$350 Visa fee with packet 3.5? what the hell is this?

NO. There was misinformation posted in this thread. The new $165 fee is for immigrant visas. The K-1 is a non-immigrant visa and that new fee DOES NOT apply to those getting a K-1.

The fee to file the I-129F petition is $340. The visa processing fee at the consulate is $240. The fee for AOS once in the US and married is $1070.

I see. Strange though, either I have not been able to find it or I have completely not seen it, but I have not read about this $240 dollar fee to pay at the consulate. All I've seen people talk about is paying a courier fee nowhere near that much. I thought the filing fee at the start of the petition was for the K1. :S Oh well, at least I know now rather than later.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$350 Visa fee with packet 3.5? what the hell is this?
They're seriously adding on an additional charge to the K1 (as well as other visas) now? I hope this information gets added to our website in the guides and such. I thought when the time for the interview and successful granting of the K1 comes around, it was just the courier fee you had to pay out there... :/
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence. How thorough (obnoxious) should I be?

why would pictures need to be signed?

Just for further information purposes. When we put our pictures in our K1 package, we noted who was in the picture and when/where it was taken. One particular picture was taken at a family gathering, we noted ourselves and just some other important people, namely my future parents-in-law. As a piece of evidence, it shows good integration and acceptance of the family.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence. How thorough (obnoxious) should I be?
The staple (primary) pieces of proof to include are:

Passport Stamps (from both of you is a plus, if you have both made trips to see the other)
Boarding Passes (same as above)
Letters of Intent to Marry (one from each of you, signed)
Photographs of the couple (signed and dated)

Other extra (secondary) information and evidence would be things like:

Itineraries of trips to see each other (useful to put along side passport stamps and boarding passes for the respective journey)
Chat Logs and E-Mails
Copies of hand written letters to each other
Hotel receipts/Itineraries of trips taken together
Receipts of any joint purchases
Any bank/money transfers between each other
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-17 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa.. or VWP..?

Sorry if im posting this in the wrong area!

I have a BF who lives in ireland, And we have met before and He wants to live here in the USA, Yes i am an American Citizen Born and bred and i have my own stuff (so dont think im not)

And obviously he is Irish Born, We want to Be together and right now distance/ Not knowing what to do stops it, we KNOW if we he were to come here to live we would need a K-1 Fiance visa, BUT we’ve been told by a USCIS Lady that if he came on the VWP (Visa Waiver Program) we can get married and he can file the I-539 and then the I-130, which is a Petition for Permanent Residence which costs $420 and the waiting time is about 5 months and she said we can download these forms on the USCIS site, Then we rang back to double check and we got a different lady who said he can NOT do that and we would get jailed & fined, if so..
So what can we say? He wants to live here, we wanna be together? and we’re getting NOTHING but mixed results even from the USCIS who DEAL with these things.

PS: IM the irish guy, asking this Question lol, im asking it for my gf, but also myself.

It is not acceptable to enter the US on the VWP with the intent or for the purpose of getting married. The VWP is a tourist visa and any activity outside of sight-seeing and recreation, such as working a job or getting married, are in violation of it. Some people do fly over and get married on VWP, but in order to then move to legally stay, the beneficiary should leave the country while the US citizen/petitioner files for the I-130 and then return on the Visa they will receive when the whole process has been completed. If it is found that the beneficiary is still in the US, that will cause problems, and breaking any of the USCIS rules can result in a ban on entry to the country.

The I-130 is a Petition for Alien Relative, I-539 is an Application To Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status. I suggest you read through this website and study the forms and which ones apply to the process you want to go through.

Finally, in an important matter like the relationship with a loved one, is it really worth risking being forcefully separated by the law just to spend, in the grand scheme of things, a little extra time with each other?
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-01 18:02:00