United KingdomHow crucial is the ACRO check for the Medical?

Yeah, I see I can change my appointment as long as its more than 3 days beforehand, I just hoped I wouldn't have to since I had to time it all around work and time off.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-31 05:28:00
United KingdomHow crucial is the ACRO check for the Medical?

I ordered my ACRO police check and posted everything off to them a few weeks ago, I got an email saying they received it on August 21st but the email says "It will now be dealt with in accordance with the published guidelines." I received this email on the 29th, so I gather this means they only started doing the work on it on that day. I sent the ACRO form by 1st Class next day delivery, but apparently that had no real benefit on my case.


Problem is, I booked my medical in advance of this, for September 13th, believing that to be ample time for the ACRO check to be done and come back to me, but according to their 10 working day time line, plus their indefinite date of despatch after those 10 days and the Bank Holiday on the 26th, I don't know if I will have it back in time to take to my medical.


I know it is going to come back fine and clean but obviously ones word means very little nowadays. The Knightsbridge website says to bring it unless the original has been sent to the embassy, which doesn't apply to me but it seems like it might not be so crucial to bring to the medical, but I can't be sure.


Can anyone shed some light on this matter?



Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-31 05:13:00
United KingdomInterview on October 23rd!!! Possibly a silly question, but...

Cool, thanks for the input. As much as I like my suit, I don't like wearing it for too long haha. Smart-casual it is then.


Roll on the 23rd!

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-11 03:30:00
United KingdomInterview on October 23rd!!! Possibly a silly question, but...

Should I wear a suit to this interview? I didn't plan on turning up in my hoodie and jeans but is it customary/wise to dress professionally? I know all the rules about what to bring along and what not to take in and leave in a safe place/locker, etc. But what about clothing?


I haven't seen this been mentioned in other threads.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 17:41:00
United Kingdomso excited i could scream!!!!

I am SO excited for you!!


Go here- and click on 'Pay for a K visa'


As for the pharmacy, Jake just left his stuff at Euston station, because he said he read reviews and didn't like what he was reading.. He must think he is too good or something!!


Since I have my interview date now, I should pay for this Visa now, right? Is the payment system working properly now? I read a while back about people having issues and confusion with paying for it online before their interviews and such.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-12 16:02:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

Since leaving college and going into work and the usual sort of "adult life" I've drifted away from most of the friends I once had. I'm only especially still close to one of them, but he is in his own situation where his mum married an American and she moved with him back to the US to live, but since my friend/her son is a legal adult, he can't get the easy route a minor or infant would have. But they have already filed for him to immigrate over there, it's all just in the pipeline. He'll end up on the other side of the US to me though but it'd still be more accessible than still being in the UK.

He's always been supportive about my relationship, wishes me well and cares about my well being. (yeah, I embrace the bromance haha)


Family wise, I think they have had plenty of time to deal with it all (several years) but I don't think they're too fussed over it all. As the oldest child, I've mostly fended for myself anyway and gone about my own business, and having had to spend longer under their roof as their way to help and support me through saving up and preparing for this big move, I am ready to get out of here now and really start the next chapter in my life with my wife-to-be.

Edited by Master Semaj, 14 October 2013 - 03:27 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-14 15:25:00
United Kingdomquestion about vaccinations

When you attend your Visa medical exam, they will want to see your vaccination records and they will supply you with any of the required vaccinations that you may be missing. They have a price list of their vaccinations on their website, but the above post by Nich-Nick says what you need.


I recommend asking your GP or the Practice Nurse about getting any of them done with them. I required a TDaP and they just gave it to me for free when I explained why I needed it. When I had my visa medical, I didn't need to pay out for anything more than the exam.


It can't hurt to ask and could save you at least £40 or more. - Link to the clinic's price guide used for US Visa medicals in London.

Edited by Master Semaj, 14 October 2013 - 03:34 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-14 15:31:00
United KingdomQuick question regarding the London interview.

This might be a silly question, but I'd rather know for sure in order to avoid any unnecessary hassle or delays during my appointment there


Is it wise to put all the I-134 paperwork into a folder? (Its a simple plastic folder with page wallets inside) Or will they want the pages and copies of things just as they are?

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-14 15:13:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

Their website says 1 to 3 business days, so I don't think it'll be eligible for a refund since it arrived today (which was still too late for the situation)... well, cack!

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-23 15:35:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?


If the Fedex delivery didn't come on as it was supposed to, you can get a refund.  Call Fedex customer service.


Those high rate services are guaranteed usually.


Thanks, I'll have to give it a try. If successful, I'll be back up $70 on my savings.

There doesn't seem to be any guarantee date information on the envelope or any of the paperwork though. I'll have to look into this.

Edited by Master Semaj, 23 October 2013 - 03:25 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-23 15:22:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

How'd it go? smile.png

Everything went fine today, it was all pretty seamless and frankly it didn't feel serious at all, I felt like someone could have just gone in my place with my paperworks and I could'a had a lay in. I'm writing my review on it now.


Happy it went through!! Also, I'm in the same area of Virginia, my fiance is coming from Wales. 

That' cool! I quite like Hampton Roads and the surrounding areas. Can't wait to move over there now!

Edited by Master Semaj, 23 October 2013 - 01:15 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-23 13:11:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?


Have you received the second mailed forms now?  


Don't forget to tell your fiancee to get a refund from USPS.  If there was guaranteed date and the missed it, then you can get a refund.  Don't get fobbed off by them saying 'we need to see proof of delivery to show it arrived late'.  They tried to do that with me.  I eventually received an e-mail from USPS telling me that they were unable to give me proof of delivery.


I received the original forms she sent via USPS yesterday, so crisis averted, I have everything I need now. Annoyingly though, the FedEx delivery I paid out for did not arrive today, so that was a total waste of money. But oh well. Be nice if I could get THAT money back but I doubt they'd hand it over.


Either way, off to the embassy tomorrow. It's about time! :D

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-22 17:41:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

Yeah, she has re-done the forms and she sent them off with FedEx today via their expensive fastest next day air delivery, which should allow them to get to me by 6pm Tuesday. She also scanned copies of them to email to me. So now we will see if the original ones suddenly get here in time, or if the expedited ones get here first.


If worst comes to worst, I will take the scans to the interview, along with the receipts as proof of postage of the original "wet signatures" and explain the situation and just hope for the best.


In short, yes, we jumped the gun slightly with the I-134 forms and I wouldn't recommend it, but we had still planned accordingly in order for me to receive them in time, alas we were blind-sided by this ridiculous and abnormal delay with the postal system that happened at the "perfect" time. All the other supporting documentation and photocopies of such for the I-134's are in my possession already, it's literally just the I-134's I need.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-19 14:11:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?
Geez my phone likes to mess up post making :( will edit the last one and make it right when I get home.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-18 09:53:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

Yeah, I had sent off the ready form at the time my fiancee sent me the I134 stuff but she hadn't included the I134s since she hadnt got the co sponsor form filled out by her mom yet. Then it sat around for a while before getting sent over and now all this is happening.

I can't self sponsor as I'm only working a minimum wage job right now and barely have about 3k pounds saved up, part if which is for the AoS stuff.

I'm gonna talk to her tonight since it seems like a complete gamble on things if we don't send new forms over by express courier/FedEx.

That's why the DS-2001 isn't supposed to be sent until you have everything. Sorry, Mama had to scold a tiny bit. But that's a reason they may not do you any favors.

 I know of at least one who used a scanned copy of the I-134 in a similar situation. She was a pretty blonde and maybe charmed the guy.

  It's FRIDAY and the sun Isn't even up yet at my house. Plenty of time to arrange it today.

  That's exactly what they do if you are missing anything. You mail back the document and they issue the visa. Normally no more than a couple of weeks delay.

Yeah, I had sent off the ready form at the time my fiancee sent me the I134 stuff but she hadn't invluded the I134s since she hsdnt got the co sponsor form filled out by her mom yet. Then it sat around for a while before getting sent over and now all thus is happening.

I can't self sponsor as I'm only working a minimum wage job right now and barely have about 3k pounds saved up, part if which is for the AoS stuff.

I'm gonna talk to her tonight since it seems like a complete gamble on things if we don't send new forms over by express courier/FedEx.

Edited by Master Semaj, 18 October 2013 - 09:51 AM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-18 09:48:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

It was sent via the USPS special delivery. Problem is its Friday today and she is at work all day now, if they were to be sent on Monday like you did, it needs to get here by the next day, Tuesday, otherwise I won't be there to receive it on wednesday since i'd be leaving for London in the early hours of the morning.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-18 06:28:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

Well my interview at the london embassy is on Wednesday 23rd and me and my fiancée have put together our I-134 paperworks... problem is, the key parts still haven't got to me in the mail yet, the I-134 forms (petitioner and a co sponsor).


I'm worried now since when she mailed them off weeks ago, the US went into that stupid government shutdown and it seems to have delayed the mail. The last update on the tracking number for the letter was at New York on the 14th and that it is still in transit, I don't know if they will make it in time. Mail sent between us has never taken this long before, especially stuff that has been sent by special delivery...


No mail gets delivered on Sundays and its useless if it arrives on Wednesday since my appointment is at 8:30am.


This is giving me a stomach ulcer now, what the heck can we do? If she and our co sponsor were to re-do the forms, sign them and then scan them and email them to me, along with a letter explaining the situation and confirming that they are scans of genuine, signed documents, would this suffice? Would they show any compassion or leniency?


I don't know how else we can get through this unless that letter gets here before Wednesday.

Edited by Master Semaj, 18 October 2013 - 05:28 AM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-18 05:26:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Still pretty fresh from my medical on the 13th but CEAC logged the results (apparently) on the 18th so now they have everything from me, its just a matter of waiting. I saw in other threads that some people called up DOS to check their updates and find out if they had an interview date assigned before they got their actual letter and some got told about it during the call.


Is it worth doing that in a couple of weeks time? I intended on calling up to just clarify my recent updates anyway since you don't get any actual details of the updates, just the date.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-22 11:31:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Now that they received my medical results on the 18th, I just have to wait for this interview date. I was thinking of calling DOS or the Embassy up in a couple of weeks time just to check up on the case and maybe see if a date had been booked already at that time.


It would be nice if they just posted a little note saying what the update was for when you search your case on CEAC.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-19 03:11:00
United KingdomAnyone using a UK PS3 in the US?

I have a somewhat relevant question that I am curious about. Bringing over a foreign device obviously comes with its own region of Power Cord and the plug on the end of it. I've used adaptors before on things like a cell phone charger and things for charging small devices, but never for something as power intensive as say a games console, which would remain permanently plugged in.


Has anyone been using a UK -> US adaptor on things like their playstation/xbox or a PC and the like? Would it be better off buying a proper US power cord for use with my UK xbox?

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-23 06:39:00
United KingdomLondon Interview

Yep, you don't need any of your i-129f stuff. Just the I-134 forms and the supporting documents. Along with your interview letter, some passport photos and of course your passport. They never asked for any of the I-129f.


The passport photos seemed to be required for the forms you sent them previously required to get your interview (the DS-156K and all those others) but if you already attached photos to them when you sent them off, like I did, they won't need the photos you'd bring to the interview.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-25 05:34:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Isn't the K1 (fiance) visa a non-immigrant visa? Regardless, we'll be prepared with the extra funds just in case.

Now it seems the thread I got the information from the OP was misinformed or misunderstood the news, but yes it apparently doesn't apply to K1. At least not yet anyway. If they are adding additional fees to things these days, best stay on the look out for any more.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 14:41:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
From what I can gather from another thread, there is now an additional fee that needs to be paid as part of getting the K1 visa as well as other Visa types, the New USCIS Immigrant Fee.

The fee seems to differ between countries, but for the UK it is said to be $165


It'd be best to add this to all relative guides and tips, this would be something you don't want to be unprepared for.

Best make sure to save up another 'ton' for that fee, guys.

Edited by Master Semaj, 02 February 2013 - 01:02 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-02 12:58:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

No. Always put the most current info on the form du jour. If something changes by the time you interview, inform the interviewer or if you really, really want to be pedantic, take a newly filled out form with the updates. That would be embassy forms, not going back to the petition forms. Having a job doesn't really matter. Having a job making bombs might interest them and get you additional processing at the embassy level for security concerns.

Thanks for that. I only ask as, from what I can gather, the company I currently work for is looking at cutting down staff later in the year (what's new, eh?) and it would be a pain if I was cut while my K1 is going through the process and such. As long as it isn't crucial to the process, that's all I was mainly concerned about.
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-31 11:40:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
I have a quick question regarding some of these forms during this process.

With the sections regarding current and past employment. If for some reason, god forbid, that I (the beneficiary) lost my current job through one way or another while the whole process is going on, will that cause a problem? Would it require contacting the appropriate authority to notify them of the change?
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-30 16:20:00
United KingdomFor the Brits--fun tips for playing up your Britishness in America

I enjoyed that list hahaha.


The staff at my local Dunkin Donuts have been hooking me up with discounts and extras ever since I first went there and they noticed my accent. I'm not 100% sure if it's cos I'm British or that I look like I like my donuts and coffee, or both lol

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-15 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved :D
Congratulations! Just a heads up though, don't get too ahead of yourself just yet. It is recommended that you only book flights and travel arrangements once you physically have the Visa in your hands. Delivery times have varied for people even after their approval.

None the less, Congratulations again!
Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-11 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 I-129F time frame?
The whole process takes a while, roughly the majority of a year, kinda like pregnancy lol. The best thing to do in the mean time is save up money and look towards sorting things out for the beneficiary's departure from their home country, all while studying up and preparing for the next steps in your immigration process.

It's a slow process, but you wouldn't be here in it if you didn't think it was worth it. :)

Edited by Master Semaj, 17 March 2013 - 12:53 PM.

Master SemajMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-17 12:52:00

Thank you for replying. That is where i seen the information that said the 129F for K2 has to be completed upon approval and interview appointment. It is somewhat ambiguous as to whether there is another waiting period or if there is immediate approval. Considering K1 is only valid for 6 months upon approval, i would like to be sure we have all necessary documents ready.

The waiting is very difficult, and of course going any period of time without any update or word from USCIS is also aggravating and stressful.

Thank you again.
TonetSparrowMalePhilippines2013-03-13 23:45:00
Hello to all!!!

I would like to start by saying congratulations to all the dedicated and committed couples here that received K1/K2 visa approvals.

I would like to also say thank you to the multitude of supporters on this forum that have provided experience and knowledge to those of us that are in the process of waiting for approvals.

My apologies if this has been addressed before, but can anyone help me understand the process regarding K2 visa application/approval?

My fiancee (in the Philippines) and I have applied for the K1 visa and i have received NOA1 already. On the I-129F i included the names of her daughter and the name of our son (who was just recently approved with CRBA for US citizenship). I believe i may have misunderstood the K2 process though. It was my understanding that the children would receive the K2 visa automatically when the K1 is approved for my fiancee. I have recently read that another I-129F form should be completed for the child to get K2 visa.

If true, do I complete and submit the form, or is this completed during interview stage for my fiancee? Her daughter is 7 and we are very close; there is no way I can have my fiancee leave the Philippines without her. I am now concerned that we will have to wait longer and apply another I-129F and wait for approval process like the K1. Obviously, our son (now 5 months old) is no worry because he is considered US citizen and has US passport. We have passport for her daughter, but we never completed a 129F application for her.

Has anyone here applied for K1 with children to accompany the fiancee? If so, can you please help me understand the process better?

Thank all of you for your time and consideration.
TonetSparrowMalePhilippines2013-03-13 23:16:00
PhilippinesApproval with DS-160

yes please do the ds-160 forms. My fiance was also exempt and wasnt rquired to have that form, but she completed the form anyway. When she went to interview, she submit only the ds-160 form. The interviewer was happy she had it completed. It made the process much easier and didnt require review of the other documents.
Thank you everyone else. We were so worried, and forgot about the photos submitted at St Lukes. The process is so long and requires so much paperwork that it is easy to get "lost" in it.

TonetSparrowMalePhilippines2013-10-27 01:50:00
PhilippinesApproval with DS-160

yes please do the ds-160 forms. My fiance was also exempt and wasnt rquired to have that form, but she completed the form anyway. When she went to interview, she submit only the ds-160 form. The interviewer was happy she had it completed. It made the process much easier and didnt require review of the other documents.

TonetSparrowMalePhilippines2013-10-27 01:49:00
PhilippinesApproval with DS-160
Hello everyone! Has anyone been approved for K1 visa using the new DS-160 form? My Fiance just interviewed in Manila and was approved; however, at the window she was never asked for the passport photos. The person behind the counter asked for other documents and collected what was needed, but never asked for the passport photos. Can i assume they will use the photo that was uploaded to complete the electronic ds-160? We are worried this will cause a delay now. As all of us here in the forum is such a dreadful, stressful process to finally get to the interview date....and we have all waited so long that another delay is simply not wanted :-) if it can be avoided.
Any input is appreciated.

TonetSparrowMalePhilippines2013-10-26 08:14:00
PhilippinesExit Fees and child with CRBA US Citizenship
This has been asked many times with no definitive answer. Has anyone exited the Philippines with their baby having CRBA. My fiancee is getting ready to exit the Philippines with our son and daughter (K1 visa with accompanying children). Our son is 1 year and has CRBA, but no PH passport (only US passport). We are trying to figure out the exit fee and penalty for him living there. The rules are very vague and do not seem to explain this condition very well.

I am hoping someone here in VJ has done this and can explain what we can expect for fees when he exits the country. We were advised to go to the consulate before he exits to pay the tax and fees for his stay. Can anybody tell me how much this might be. I have read it is $300php for each month he was there (10 months as US citizen).

TonetSparrowMalePhilippines2013-10-30 00:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Thank you to all who put so much work into this.  


We received I-130 petition approval and are now awaiting the beginnings of the NVC process.  My question is this, in our I-130 I included everything but the kitchen sink: mine and my spouses' birth certificate, all pages of our passports, joint bank statement, original 'copy' of our marriage license, photos of us through the years, cards, affidavits of bona fide marriage, two each passport photos, and evidence of travel for us both.  


My question is, as part of the NVC stage will I need to resubmit much of this documentation again (birth certificate, marriage license, passport pages, etc) or will my entire package make its' way though the bowls of NVC and thus all my pre-work pay off?

Dublin21613MaleIreland2014-03-06 06:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

NVC received our approved petition on 3/6, still no case number, Jim (at NVC) said ones received the week before have case numbers so it should be a week or so before they put us in the system.  Can someone add to the spreadsheet?  Oh and the link the the spreadsheet?  Where's that at?

Dublin21613MaleIreland2014-04-02 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Is this info correct ?

I knew about Cindy but what about first 3 people..

Where they posted their approval note, lol.. 

Or I missed previous pages.


Yes, that's correct for ours, I've posted a couple of times in here to ask someone to update rolleyes.gif

Edited by Dublin21613, 02 March 2014 - 06:02 PM.

Dublin21613MaleIreland2014-03-02 17:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Can someone update the google doc for me?  NOA2 on it's way.  


Approval sent 2/27

Dublin21613MaleIreland2014-03-01 08:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers



Could someone be so kind as to update the google doc?

Dublin21613MaleIreland2014-02-28 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Question I'm hoping someone here might be able to answer.  


With my I-130 application I also submitted a significant amount of supporting evidence (bank statement, marriage certificate, passport copies, affidavits, etc).  Does anyone know if when my application gets approved, do all those documents will go with it to NVC or will I need to resubmit them all again?  I was trying to be efficient and have a complete as possible package from the outset submitting things that were only required at the NVC stage with the I-130.  

Dublin21613MaleIreland2014-02-21 12:05:00