PhilippinesVia KOREA?
QUOTE (chinese_mutt @ Dec 21 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She cannot go out. YOU can coz you are under Visa Waiver Program in most (if not all) countries around the world.
Sorry she can't even go to a hotel. She's going to have to sit or walk around the airport for 10 hours.
Trust me, take the PAL direct flight, I've been stuck in Macau Airport for 4 hours waiting for our plane... wasn't fun.

Now don't be giving out bad information if you don't know for sure. As far as I can tell, she can stay at a hotel in South Korea. For USC traveling to South Korea, you only need a Visa if you plan on staying there longer than 30 days. I would recommend contacting Korean Air to see if they have any information or can tell you who to ask.

From a Korean website:

Tourist visas: Foreign visitors who plan on staying longer than 30 days must also obtain a visa or visa extension


one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-21 14:10:00
PhilippinesVia KOREA?
No. International airports are designated as neutral which is why you'll see many Duty Free shops in them. You do not need a Visa for South Korea if you have a connecting flight there.

Korean Air has excellent service, btw. smile.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-21 12:31:00

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Congratulations! :thumbs: You will be asked questions by immigration officers at your POE (point of entry), so keep cool, don't get defensive and answer them as honest and pleasant as you can. :)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-01-04 14:47:00
QUOTE (yogib37 @ Dec 20 2009, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

your making her out that is is at fault. Sounds like this guy is a bitter old man. I think she did find and I do not think in any other way. Even she did some things differnt I think it would be the same result. I think he is a bitter person and very rude and has very bad costomer skills. I can tell the way she describe him he was sour face right from the begining.

Take care

It's not so much about fault as it is about a break down of communication. I generally regard somebody in that position to be highly qualified in what they do. That may not be true in reality, but my initial approach is that I will respond to them as if they do in fact know what they are talking about, particularly knowing that they have the authority to decide on my case. Arguing with a CO is like arguing with a cop. It's fruitless. I'm sorry that she had a bad experience, but IMO, he was merely doing his job.

Edited by Galt's gallstones, 21 December 2009 - 02:37 AM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-21 02:36:00
QUOTE (brij @ Dec 20 2009, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am very happy for those who passed and received their visas. Yet Im so sad about my situation. I still wonder if someday I can read my own testimonial here saying.. " WOW I GOT MY VISA ALREADY! " cry.gif cry.gif

After giving it some thought, do you now have any regrets with how you answered the CO in the interview? It might be worth spending some of your time right now to think of how you could have handled the situation better so that in future, you'll have a more positive outcome.

Edited by Galt's gallstones, 21 December 2009 - 01:23 AM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-21 01:22:00
QUOTE (brij @ Dec 17 2009, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

>> When my kid and I entered the room, we greeted the CO.

ME: Good morning sir.
CO: Just nod and didnt greet back.

CO: Sit down pls.
CO: Raise your right hand and blah blah..
CO:State your name please.. birthday and where do u live?

>> So I stated all those.

CO: Who is .....
ME: My daughter sir.

>>>My kid was sitting in front of me. So we were both in front of the consul. super near him.

CO: Who is petitioning you?
ME: (name of fiance) .. he's my fiance sir

CO:What does he do in US?
ME: he works as an assistant manager of BOA

CO: I see. Where and when did you meet him?

CO: What site?
ME: Filipinaheart sir.

CO:and what is he doing there
ME: Trying his luck to find his the right girl for him and same goes with me sir.

CO: Hmmm... I know that site.. that is actually a site offering and helping people with their visas.. or getting people visas quickly.
ME: huh sir? That is a dating site sir. Not a visa something...
CO: No, for what I know it is a site for people seeking to get visa fast.. blah .. blah (The tone of his voice was quite high already and his ees were looking at me sharply.)

>> I didn't get super scared at first, coz i know he was like bluffing about the site. Coz as far as I know and I know the truth because I met my fiance there.. I corrected him again.

ME: Sir, I dont know what you're talking about. and you're calling it whatever you want. As far as I know, it's a dating site where you can send interst to those whom you like and curious about or you want to communicate with. Coz i met my fiance there sir.

CO: And you're telling me i'm wrong? I know it! ( his voice is kinda irate already.. He was in a debate mode already, wherein i wasnt. But with that kind of attitude, I was nervous already. But stood still for what i believe is right. Instead of crying in front of him. . i told myself I need to speak up.. which i did.)

ME: Sir, I am sure it is not what you seem to see it. It's a dating site sir.
CO: I guess you dont know this site well. And maybe you didnt meet him online.

ME: I swear i met him there sir.

CO: Ok, did you and the father of your daughter lived together.
ME: No sir, because when i got pregnant he just disappeared.

--> Note: My ex bf appeared again in the hospital when i delivered the baby just to acknowledge the kid. the paternity. But my kid's name is still after my name. I wasnt married at all. Im' single ..just FYI vj peeps.

CO: hmm.. so how low you've been with your kid's dad?
ME: Uhmmm sir we didnt live together.. or u mean how long i've been in a relationship with him?
CO: yes..
ME: Sir, we've been bf and gf for 3 years before i got pregnant.

CO: So, you got relatives in US.
ME: YEs sir, sister , brother and my mom. But we dont have communication with my brother already for quite a long time.
CO: I see..

Before I proceed... ( let me tel you my vj peeps of the background of my family there living in US) My mom left us when i was 8. She went there i guess tourist or work. Either of the two. I was young then. My brother and I didnt know why mom really went to US. We never questioned our parent's decision then. Until we heard mom got married already to a US cit. Because she heard that my dad had a mistress that time and also got married in Louisiana with his mistress. So we havent heard from my mom since then. WE never got the chance to question both of them. While my brother and i lived with dad. Mom left 1992. Then I saw her 2004, when i graduated from college. So it was a long time already since we didnt talk and see each other. I dont know her at all then. mom and dad had separate lives already since mom went there 1992. So, I dont know much about my mom's status there and my sis and brother's real condition. But 2007 and 2008 .. my mom and sis visited us again.. but nothing too personal between us. I dont even asked them too many questions for we're not really that close. But what I know base from what my sister told me.. my mom is just legal permanent in US and can't memorize stuff already for her to become a citizen. That's what i know..

So this story wasnt known to the consul of course.. im just sharing this to you so you will understand my answers to the CO after.


CO: So is your mom a US citizen?
ME: No sir, she's just a legal permanent there. (that's what I know)
But she got married to an american sir.

CO: hmmm.... who is _____?
ME: her husband sir.

CO: Are us sure your mom is not a US citizen?
ME: Im sure she's not sir.


ME: No sir, they didnt have anything to do with this. I met my fiance online in filipinaheart.
CO: Are u sure?
ME: Yes I am sure.

CO: I don't think so. i guess you're not being honest with me.. ( his voice was even irate than before.)
ME: S(raising my right hand) Sir, I swear to God im telling you the whole truth.

CO: Hmm...

.. The CO was just looking at his monitor clicking his mouse hundred times. I was really upset of how he accused me of not telling him the truth. My God, I am very honest with all of these. And never would I lie about something.

CO: Ok, just wait for your name to be called outside.
--> He returned the pics, some wetern union receipts, letters and chat transcripts to me.. The rest.. remained to him.

Me: Ok sir thanks.

.. so upset he didnt even care to say bye and he didnt even greet my daughter or even say hi to her.. he was so cold and so unfriendly even to the kid.

So there.. i waited for my name to be called at window 37. The pinoy guy told me... " Your case needs review, well let's hope nothing negative to be seen in it ok? go to air21 booth and fill up the form there.. so i went to the booth and filled up forms. but they said not to pay it there.. I will just pay it here at home once i received something. then my daughter and i went home.. while i was in the taxi i was crying already.. my daughter was asking why.. she's just 4years old and didnt know what was happening.....

Ok, brij - in my opinion, you should NOT have argued with the CO about his knowledge of He more than likely is telling the truth, at least from his perspective, that they have had many fraud cases from that site. You should have replied in defense of your specific experience with the website - how long you were you a member before you met your fiance, how many other men did you correspond with, how long was your fiance a member, why he chose that site, his past experiences with relationships. For example - he tried unsuccessfully dating local women and decided to give international dating a try...or he is interesting in meeting people from other cultures. You would just need to be honest as to why the both of you decided to search for a partner that way.

I know it's a bit too late for you, but for anyone who might read this who hasn't yet had your interview - you are going into that interview to convince the CO that your relationship is real and sincere and you can't do that by just sticking with cold hard need to tell them the LOVE STORY between you two, the circumstances that brought you a way that shows an emotional element to the relationship.

By becoming defensive of website, you put the CO in a bad mood which probably led to him suggesting that you had your relatives connect you with your fiance.

It's important for any couples who've met through such dating sites to really give the CO a heartfelt background as to what was so special between the two of you. And if the CO says he's seen a lot of fraud from the site you met from, you just say what your genuine experience was like.

In spite of your combativeness with the CO, it sounds like they're just going to review your case further before granting you a visa. Take a deep breath, relax and wait to hear the results...and then let this be a learning experience for your next interview (whether it be for a job, or with the immigration officer at your POE).
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-18 16:39:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (sjr09 @ Dec 28 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ASU good.gif

Ah ok. May I ask, what High School did you attend?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-28 16:52:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (Kevin-n-Merlaine @ Dec 28 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived in Wickenburg, Kingman, 35th and Greenway there in the valley, born in Prescott and graduated HS in Mayer. I moved to Kansas from Williams ( I'm the same, it's a beautiful state but I have no desire to live there again.

Wow...that's really living in the boonies. tongue.gif It was nice to grow up in the small town of Gilbert (pop. 3,000 when we first moved there), but live close enough to the bigger cities like Mesa and Tempe.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-28 15:13:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (sjr09 @ Dec 28 2009, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have a lot of friends that moved away and are now back in AZ. Growing up as a kid in Phoenix was good times back then, my roots are in AZ, but my home is Hawaii.

Did you attend ASU or U of A?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-28 14:51:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (Kevin-n-Merlaine @ Dec 28 2009, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was born and raised too. Lived all over the state until I moved away in 1992. I still have family in Wickenburg and Kingman.

Oh wow. Arizona natives are a rare thing these days! I remember in the early 90's, there were about 12,000 people moving to the Valley every month! The whole Phoenix Metro area turned into one giant urban sprawl soon after. It's a beautiful state though and I don't know if I could ever call another place, home, even though I have no desire to live there now. smile.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-28 14:11:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (sjr09 @ Dec 28 2009, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do remember Legend City! I'm native born and raised , 40 years. Still have family in AZ. Hope to visit them this year!

oh my gosh! Same here. I grew up in Tempe and then we moved to Gilbert in '74 (HS Class of '84), when I was 8 yrs. old. I've lived in Chandler, Mesa and Flagstaff over the years, but came out to California in '96 for college and work.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-28 14:07:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (sjr09 @ Dec 26 2009, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I remember the good old days (Wallace and Ladmo) GO JOE!!! CLEAN UM OUT!

Oh my gosh...what years did you live there? Remember Legend City?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-28 12:11:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (jepp19 @ Dec 21 2009, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am going to stay in goodyear AZ I think it is in Maricopa county this coming march
do you have any idea what will I look forward there?
are you from AZ?

Wow. Goodyear is way out in the middle of nowhere. I've been to a few air shows out there. It's part of the Phoenix Metropolitan area and you'll probably find yourself driving into the bigger towns for shopping, etc.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-21 12:34:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
QUOTE (Hopp @ Dec 19 2009, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But Galt, you COMPLETELY omitted your opinion of Sheriff Joe, and he is such a central force to be reckoned with here. So what say you about Sheriff Joe?

I think Santa needs to bring him a new toy for Christmas and turn his frown upside down. smile.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-19 22:41:00
PhilippinesAnyone from Arizona?
I'm an Arizona native and lived there until my early 30's. It's a beautiful state. The Valley (Phoenix Metro area) gets really hot in the summer months. The state is not doing so well though - state is issuing IOU's to state employees and like a lot of states, has high unemployment...but this is recent (within the last couple of years).

What area are you in?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-19 22:33:00
PhilippinesFamily and friends invalidating my marriage

Wow!, I'm kind of blown away for all the responses here. It just confirms that VJ is the place for me to come to to get some support and some answers to this long trying immigration process that started 2 1/2 years ago.

Yes, it's been a long haul, but I am seeing light at the end ot the tunnel. I just sent in my DS-230 papers to NVC. Hopefully there will be no rejects in the process and they can move them to the embassy in Manila.

Some have wondered why it's been taking so long for me to get my wife here. It hasn't been easy. I had some major setbacks when I started this. To be honest, if I would have known it was going to be this hard I might not have gotten involved with a long distance realationship. Add a nasty divorce right before I got married, put this immigration on hold for time back in 2008. My ex was sucking a ton of money out of my paycheck. Then the recession kicked in. I started to question if it was even realistic for me to even bring her to the U.S. But I fell in love with my wife and that's just the way it is. As they say, love has no boundries. I just went back in August of last year to see my wife and daughter for the first time since we got married. It was a very emotional moment for me and my wife. I had a great time. With the papers being sent to NVC, now I wait..

Glad to hear you were able to see them back in August. Best of luck in getting them over here so you can start on your life together. :star:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-01 13:51:00
PhilippinesFamily and friends invalidating my marriage

Steven, OP mentioned that he lost his job.

Ah, ok. To the OP, I'm sorry that you've gone through a lot personal hardship over the last couple of years.

How many times have you been able to fly over to be with your wife during this long wait?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-01 11:46:00
PhilippinesFamily and friends invalidating my marriage

i guess it will be better if you just stop talking about your wife to your family and friends since they wont believe it anyway why waste time of proving to them that your marriage is real..just wait till she gets here and by then they can really get to know her and believe that you are really in love with each other. as for now just concentrate processing the papers coz its quite a long time already since you got married...

Good advice. :thumbs:

To the OP - I looked at your timeline and holy #######, you are stilling waiting to get approved??? :o

What happened between July 2008 and the March 2009?

Just my two cents, but if you've been talking to family and friends about your wife and how she'll eventually be here...and this has been going on now for over 2 years, then I can understand if they begin to wonder. It just seems like you've dragged your heels on getting the process rolling.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-01 02:45:00
PhilippinesCredential Credential Evaluation in US for foreign graduates and professionals

Thank you- raquel1208,JSVP08,Jobel! :thumbs: . My purpose is both career and educational advancement. I'll check it out Texas area so Id know my best options . Hope you could continue update me with whats new concerning educational and work credential evaluation. Keep it up. God bless ^_^

What field of work were you in back home? My wife got her degree evaluated and is now a member of the American Dental Association as a foreign dentist, but the only state that currently will give licenses to foreign dentists is Minnesota, and it's on a case-by-case basis. The only way she could practice in our state (California), is to go through a 2 year program at an accredited university and the cost is astronomical ($120,000).

Edited by Galt's gallstones, 07 February 2010 - 12:20 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-07 12:18:00
PhilippinesMy wife VS. American food
Posted Image
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-09 15:04:00
PhilippinesMy wife VS. American food

Before my wife got here to the USA, she told me that she will eat a lot of food when she gets here as she has a big appetite. I kept telling her that American food is 5 times more filling than food in the Philippines. Once she got here, we went to quite a few restaurants. One of which is Hu-Hot Mongolian Grill where you have a buffet of uncooked foods and they cook it up in front of you on the grill. She got her first place of noodles and meats and it dominated it her. She didn't even eat half the plate mean while I devoured most of my plate, though I didn't go up for 2nds. It's been like this at every restaurant...she comments on how full she gets from the food here unlike in the Philippines. And so I have to say:

American Food: 1
My Wife: 0


How tall is she and how much does she weigh? Size matters.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-09 14:49:00
Philippineshappy valentine's day vj family!!!
Happy Valentine's Day! (L)

What's love without humor?

A couple came upon a wishing well. The wife leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny. The husband decided to make a wish, too but he leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The wife was stunned for a moment but then smiled, "It really works!"


After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, "You know, I was a fool when I married you." And the husband replied, "Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn't notice it."


When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-14 10:34:00
PhilippinesToday's my birthday!!!
Congrats. :star:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-18 06:07:00
PhilippinesWhat did you get your sweetheart for Valentines ?
When you buy delicious fair trade chocolate. for your valentine, you'll have the joy of knowing that you're helping to promote justice and fight poverty overseas. By purchasing fair trade chocolate through Catholic Relief Services' partners, you know that farmers are guaranteed a fair price for their crop and that no exploitative child labor is involved.

Economic justice never tasted so delicious!

If you would like to give delicious and fairly traded chocolate for Valentine's Day, visit CRS Fair Trade. to find chocolate bars and gift baskets that help share the love.

Happy Valentine's Day,

The CRS Fair Trade Team

Posted Image.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-13 02:21:00
QUOTE (BJZags @ Nov 4 2007, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mister Fancypants @ Nov 2 2007, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now that makes a hell of a lot more sense. Thanks for the good info. good.gif yes.gif

Problem is, those guidelines in the FAM are read in light of the laws of the beneficiary's country I think. While being busted with small amounts of pot may be a misdemeanor crime in the USA, such an infraction may be a much more severe crime in the RP. There is the truth, and then, there is the "legal truth" -- and any lawyer worth his/her salt will say that.

I'd be curious to know what an immigration lawyer would have to say about this. The code that was posted pertains specifically to those wishing to immigrate to the U.S.. I'm wondering if the K-1 is looked at differently since it is called a non-immigrant visa (which, in itself is a bit misleading because the whole process is geared for an intent to change status once they arrive in the U.S. and marry).

I'd certainly recommend to anyone going immigration with past drug use, consult an immigration lawyer before answering any questions regarding their past drug use.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2007-11-04 20:44:00
QUOTE(Bill B @ Nov 2 2007, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From the U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 – Visas

Without knowing the exact details of what the person said to the examiner, we cannot tell for sure if it is ground for ineligibility but if it is as you say here I would get a different attorney and point out the extracts below.

9 FAM 40.11 N9.3 Nonmedical Drug Use
(TL:VISA-189; 04-22-1999)

Nonmedical use is considered to be more than experimentation with the
substance (e.g., a single use of marijuana or other non-prescribed
substances). A panel physician should consult with a physician with
experience in the medical evaluation of substance abusers in making the
determination as to whether the use was experimental or part of a pattern of
abuse. Experimentation with any of the drugs listed in this paragraph would
not be considered a ground of ineligibility.

9 FAM 40.11 N9.4 Finding of Remission
(TL:VISA-189; 04-22-1999)

An alien in remission, is not ineligible to receive a visa, if the panel physician
finds the alien to be in a "Class-B" status.

9 FAM 40.11 N9.5 Determining “Class A” or “Class
B” Status
(TL:VISA-189; 04-22-1999)

a. A determination of “Class A” or “Class B” status should be rendered in the
same way as a determination of any other mental or physical disorder
under the provisions of INA 212(a)(1)(A)(iii).
b. In a “Class A” condition, which would include nonmedical use of a
substance listed in section 202 of the Controlled Substance Act (such as
amphetamines, cannabinoids, cocaine and related substances, etc.), the
panel physician must determine whether the applicant:
(1) Is currently using or has used a psychoactive substance within the
last 3 years, or
U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 - Visas
9 FAM 40.11 Notes Page 16 of 18
(2) Is or has abused a psychoactive substance other than those listed
in section 202 within the last 2 years.
c. In a “Class B” condition, the panel physician need only to determine:
(1) No nonmedical use of a substance listed in section 202 of the
Controlled Substances Act in the last three years, or
(2) No abuse of a psychoactive substance other than those listed in
section 202 of that act in the last two years.

Now that makes a hell of a lot more sense. Thanks for the good info. good.gif yes.gif
  • 0
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2007-11-02 19:59:00
What a stupid policy. mad.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2007-11-02 18:49:00
PhilippinesLet's offer prayer to our fellow VJer, Maria.

What a tragedy. Maria's husband lost his first wife to a snowmobile crash three years ago and now this.

A husband and two kids without a wife and their mother. I can't even begin to imagine the pain. This is so sad.

May she rest in peace (F) (F)

:( (F) So tragic.

School bus hits car; car's driver, 30, widowed again
An accident made him a young widower. He remarried a year ago, to become a widower again.

A week short of three years ago, James Nonweiler lost his bride, Desy, when the snowmobile she was driving, with him on the back, collided with an oncoming vehicle in rural Kandiyohi County. Their son, Xavier, was only eight days old.

Nonweiler was picking up the pieces of his life, raising his young son, when he met a woman, Maria, online. They married a year ago and had a child, Xylon.

Thursday night, the 30-year-old man from Clara City, Minn., became a widower for the second time. Maria Nonweiler, 27, was killed when the car James was driving collided with a school bus carrying boys high school basketball players in western Minnesota.

James Nonweiler was in critical condition Friday at North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale, with multiple broken bones and bruised organs, but he is expected to survive, his brother said.


Edited by Galt's gallstones, 10 February 2010 - 11:42 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-10 23:42:00
Philippineswhy do Pinays

I would tend to disagree...

The few times I have wandered out to Off Topic I found most of it is swamped with politics... with both sides very firmly entrenched, each with little or no tolerance for opposing opinions...

What is not simply shouted to silence, dipped in ridicule or sarcasm, is dismissed as stupidity...

Its not a place I would suggest anyone go unless they are looking for a fight...


If you steer clear of the political threads and more on the threads about kittens, gardening, or food, you should be safe. :jest:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-11 13:29:00
Philippineswhy do Pinays

Hmmm...That's good point. I might consider doing that especially if I have nothing better to do. Also, I don't think you can blame Filipinas, especially those who can't express themselves fully, if they want to remain in the regional forum because that's their comfort zone. They are already in their comfort zone and they can still be attacked by foreigners, how much more if it's in the OT where one wrong word will be made a big deal?

I understand that the cultural differences along with the language can create a lot of misunderstandings, so there's no blaming anyone.

I would say there's a lot more civil, friendly members who will read your posts and get to know you that way if you posted more outside this regional subforum. Yes, there's going to be rude people, but there are rules for this site and there are tools you can use to report when someone is violating those rules. Everyone here should feel free to express themselves. People may not agree with you and they may tell you in a blunt way, but you should never feel intimated by others here. :)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-10 17:53:00
Philippineswhy do Pinays

I was being sarcastic... :devil: Thanks though but if I may say so, I've been exposed to a more diverse group of people. I know for sure what's right and wrong. What's appropriate and what's not? What's low and high? How educated/uneducated people behave and talk, etc. I've met people from different countries, from different walks of life, the rich and the poor. It's not about being under-exposed or over exposed to a more diverse group of people. It's about ethics.

My point is that if there was more intermingling among members outside just their regions, it would help negate any festering hostility towards one group or another. This thread and some of the responses is a case in point. There are a lot of VJ members from other regions that have a tainted view of Filipinas in general. While this regional subforum provides a sort of cultural safe haven, the downside is that it can also breed contempt. That's why it would help if Fil/Am, particularly Filipinas, would venture out into the other forums, especially in Off Topic, to help dispel any misconceptions as well as diffuse any contempt.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-10 16:53:00
Philippineswhy do Pinays


Thanks Lone Ranger!

And whoa to the OP starter of that new thread. That's just low. It's disappointing that it came from someone who claimed to be a well-rounded, educated woman. I don't know in some parts of the world but in our part of the world, educated people are expected to be not low like that. Also, in our English classes, we're also taught how to quote someone and still capture the essence of the message. ;)

This is one of the downsides of having these regional subforums. There's less interacting with other VJ members that come from different parts of the world, with different viewpoints. I would encourage Fil/Am couples here to venture out into the Off Topic forum more, where you are going to be exposed to a more diverse group of people. :)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-10 15:49:00
Philippineswhy do Pinays

That's exactly why I can't just sit here and keep my mouth shut. Given my case is part of the minority here, I still feel the need to point out that Pinays are just as diverse as the Americans. You just can't put a label on us and box us like that. How would you feel if we condescendingly imply that that all MEN who go through that dating service are downright desperate joes who can't find a suitable mate under normal circumstances because they are just not good enough? Wouldn't you feel the need to speak up and say that there are few who just want to try less than traditional options to meet people?

I agree and I have spoken out against all kinds of stereotypes. I hope you stick around here then. Your input will definitely be refreshing. :thumbs:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-09 02:51:00
PhilippinesAnyone Here From Zamboanga City or Have Family There?
QUOTE (Inspiron @ Mar 21 2009, 12:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Steven!

I am in Zamboanga City. What can I do to help?

Thank you. I just sent you a PM.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-03-21 11:16:00
PhilippinesAnyone Here From Zamboanga City or Have Family There?
Please, if anyone here has family in Zamboanga City, we need your help in locating a missing Filipina's family. She arrived here in the U.S. but her husband has not seen or heard from her since then.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-03-21 01:43:00
PhilippinesAnyone Here From Zamboanga City or Have Family There?
QUOTE (DARUMA07 @ Mar 19 2009, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Steven.. I wish there was some help I could give you, but I can't! I would like to say THANK YOU for taking the time out to help this man find out what has happened to his SO. You're the Man!!! good.gif

Well, honestly - I was really skeptical at first, but the gentleman gave me his personal info, including the G-325A in .pdf format. I just hope she is ok and that he can find closure. I'd be going at of my mind at this point. He's taking some time off from work because it's really doing a number on him. Tragic all around. sad.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-03-19 21:22:00
PhilippinesAnyone Here From Zamboanga City or Have Family There?
QUOTE (mariquita linda @ Mar 19 2009, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mister Fancypants @ Mar 19 2009, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's really urgent....trying to locate a missing Filipina's family.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can just PM me.

Thank you,


Oh, my word! Is the novela being republished and renewed here at the Liwayway section of VJ? What a lousy piece of fiction it is!

I believe he is telling the truth. I have info of the fiancee's last address as well as her parents. All I'm trying to do is find a way to contact her parents to find out if they know if she is ok. They may not even know she is missing. If she was abducted, then this is very tragic situation.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-03-19 19:03:00
PhilippinesAnyone Here From Zamboanga City or Have Family There?
QUOTE (rheanick @ Mar 19 2009, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mister Fancypants @ Mar 20 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's really urgent....trying to locate a missing Filipina's family.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can just PM me.

Thank you,


i have a friend in zamboaga city. I chat with her regularly. You could PM me.

Thank you, Rhea. good.gif I just sent you a PM. smile.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-03-19 19:00:00
PhilippinesAnyone Here From Zamboanga City or Have Family There?
It's really urgent....trying to locate a missing Filipina's family.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can just PM me.

Thank you,

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-03-19 17:08:00
QUOTE (Mariel_Esteban @ Mar 26 2009, 07:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
#4. "He" and "She"
"Clara's there na. He's, ah, I mean, she's waiting for you."

This happens because most Filipinos think in Tagalog, in which the word "siya" means both "he" and she." This tiny difference between English and Tagalog trips up millions of Filipinos on a daily basis.

Interesting. Ah, ok...still, it's frustrating for me to try and follow what my wife is telling me when she uses 'he' for 'she' and vice versa. I completely confuses me.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-03-26 17:22:00