PhilippinesFinancial Arrangements between couple?
The U.S. has a long tradition of self reliance and when combined with many of the social safety nets, including student grants and loans, having to rely solely on family doesn't really apply to most Americans. That is the big difference I see between American families and Filipino families. I think both cultures have pros and cons with how that works out for families. In my observation, many American families are not as close, while many Filipino families have a tight bond that isn't easily broken. I personally would rather my family members rely on each other for support than have to go it alone or find other ways. So you and your spouse can create whatever works for your family, depending on what you and your spouse's priorities are.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-03 14:04:00
Moving this topic to the Philippines Subforum.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-06 12:49:00
Is it an active account that he uses to deposit money and make transactions from, or is it an account that has been pretty much left alone since his divorce? Half of that money in the account may actually belong to his ex-wife.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-07 18:51:00
Philippinesthe Filipino channel

just don't watch WOWOWEE, its full of #######!!! specially that stupid Willie Revillame who loves exploiting the poor as well as the dumb balikbayans.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-02 10:47:00
PhilippinesAdoption of K-2

I started the adoption process 2 weeks after my step daughters entree into the US. It took about 1 1/2 months. She was K4.
She got her USC after 2 years of my legal custody.

Ah, ok. So did she become a USC before your wife was eligible? Because as I understand it, dependent children under K-2 automatically become a USC when their mother (in this case) becomes a USC.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-02 08:37:00
PhilippinesAdoption of K-2
I'm wondering if anyone here has looked into the process or has gone through the process already? Specifically, I'm wondering if a USC can legally adopt their K-2 stepchild before they are naturalized citizens? Does the mother need to be naturalized first?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-01 18:17:00
PhilippinesChange child's surname to mom's maidenname

uhmmm..??? really..? so meaning a kid can change his/her name when he/she got the citizenship in USA????.... somebody pls. elaborate this... pls...?

thank u soo much...

Ok, I did a little searching and you cannot change a stepchild's name (K-2 visa) through just the marriage of the K-1 to the USC. The USC must legally adopt the child if you want the child to have the last name of the USC. This is consistent with the laws for step children already living here in the U.S..

Edit to Add: For Rhiz - I would think that as long as you can legally change his surname in the Philippines, when you finally petition him, you would just need to show immigration documentation of his name change. As far I understand - under Philippine Law, mothers of children born out of wedlock have sole legal rights to the child.

Edited by Galt's gallstones, 27 February 2010 - 12:05 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-27 11:58:00
PhilippinesChange child's surname to mom's maidenname
We tried to change my stepson's middle name - he came over with my wife as a K-2, but during his AOS, we were told that we must wait until he's a USC before we can change his name. I'm not entirely sure if that is accurate though.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-02-27 02:21:00
PhilippinesIs she lying to me

OK, first, that applies to a "child under seven".

Second it simply states that a child under seven child cannot be separated from the mother. It doesn't address the father's rights in any way, and certainly not in the situation described by the OP. The fact that the law underscores the mothers right to a child under seven, does not negate the father's rights and responsibilities for a child that is eight years old. In my opinion, the entire passage is irrelevant to the situation at hand.

I've looked into this before but cannot find the exact laws, but according to Philippine law, the mother has sole legal custody of the children who has successfully had an annulment by default. An annulment by definition means the marriage never legally took place therefore making any children illegitimate.

But that's really beside the point as the OP's fiancee has decided to stay in the Philippines. However, if there was a Filipina who has an annulment, she will be the sole legal custodian of that child.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-14 22:13:00
PhilippinesIs she lying to me
Philippine Law is quite different from U.S. Family Law in that mother by default has sole legal custody of the child (see below). However, that doesn't mean that your fiancee is not telling the truth. If her ex-husband doesn't want his child to leave the country, she may be showing him respect because culturally, such bonds of family are not easily broken. So unless he abandoned the child and was no part of the child's life, I wouldn't push the issue with your fiancee. Perhaps you could fly over there and meet with the ex-husband and ask him to reconsider (respectfully)?

Philippine e-Legal Forum

What is the general rule as to custody over children?

The general rule is that a child under seven years of age shall not be separated from his mother, which is based on the basic need of a child for his mother's loving care. Article 213 of the Family Code provides that "[n]o child under seven years of age shall be separated from the mother, unless the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise." This is more pronounced in case of illegitimate children, as the law expressly provides that illegitimate children shall be under the parental authority of their mother.

Is this rule absolute?

This rule is not absolute. Even a mother may be deprived of the custody of her child who is below seven years of age for "compelling reasons." Instances of unsuitability are neglect, abandonment, unemployment and immorality, habitual drunkenness, drug addiction, maltreatment of the child, insanity, and affliction with a communicable illness. Negligent and careless failure to perform the duties of parenthood is a significant element of abandonment, regardless of actual intention. A strong basis for a finding of the parent's abandonment of his or her child is found in the case where the parent has left the child permanently or indefinitely in the care of others, given it to another, or surrendered it entirely.

Edited by El Buscador, 14 June 2010 - 09:09 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-14 21:08:00
Philippinesfather's consent...
My stepson came over on a K-2 along with his mother and there were no problems. However, she was never married with the father of the child. As someone else stated, the mother is the primary caregiver of the child and therefore has sole legal custody of the child according to Philippine law. I would not worry and if the question comes up in the interview, just tell the CO that you and the child were abandoned by the father of the child. :)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-14 20:59:00
Congratulations! (F)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-14 09:05:00
PhilippinesA big communication barrier
My wife has been using Yahoo Msgr to talk to her family and friend via a web cam and rarely if ever uses the phone. If her family has trouble paying the internet bill, I'd recommend setting up an account in your wife's name and pay the service yourself. You'll save a ton of money in the long run. Be sure to get them decent internet service with a high enough speed for video conferencing. According to my wife, the cost could be $20 to $40 a month, which is way more affordable than calling them directly, even using phone cards.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-11 21:51:00
PhilippinesMarriage in the Philippines

I plan to marry my girlfriend in the Philippines and am a US citizen. Can anyone tell me what requirements and paperwork she and I will both need to move forward with this?

Hello and congrats!

Start by reading the Guides for immigrating a spouse:

Click here

FYI - you don't have to marry her first in order to get her over here to the states. You can also petition her on a fiancee visa. Read through the guides and see what options might work best for you. :)

Edited by El Buscador, 08 June 2010 - 07:52 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-08 19:52:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who didn't meet their Love online?
Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-15 16:02:00

The other sticky issue not discussed too often are the religious implications of a prenup. For example, the Roman Catholic Church looks at prenups as going against the whole concept of marriage. In fact, Canon Law deems a marriage to not be valid when it is subject to a condition in the future. The Church also holds it immoral to enter a marriage having already made arrangements for the possible dissolution of the union.

Good post for anyone Catholic who plans to marry in the Church. :thumbs:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-17 09:41:00
I personally don't like the idea of a prenuptial agreement, and especially in the context that you wish to use it for. IMO, if you are that unsure about this young woman's motives for wanting to be with you, then maybe you should take more time with the relationship before deciding to marry. If you used an international dating service to connect with her, chances are she's thought about a life here in the states, married to an American, and all that that entails. I think what matters most is compatibility - what kind of family life that you both had growing up, both of your levels of education, etc. I'd talk with her about her future career plans (if she were to stay in live in the Philippines) as well as talk about your future plans. If you both have a good sense of where the other is coming from and where the other is heading (with or without a future that includes the other), then you'll feel more at ease about wanting to enter a marry built on mutual love and trust.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-16 19:20:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively

Thanks again!

You're welcome! Thanks for reciprocating the criticism! Isn't criticism wonderful in the right context?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-21 22:40:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively
Bob, you started an open thread giving your opinion and criticism of how to deal other people's criticism of your marriage. I gave you mine. I'll even go further in saying that after reading your blog site where you prop your young Filipina wife up like a trophy, you'll get no sympathy from me over whatever real or perceived criticism you've encountered from outsiders. I'm shaking my head in disbelief over your long, drawn out indignation of outside criticism when you openly and unabashedly regard your spouse as if she were a piece of meat. Unbelievable.

"What embitters the world is not excess of criticism, but an absence of self-criticism." ~ Gilbert K Chesterton

Edited by El Buscador, 20 July 2010 - 01:28 AM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-20 00:44:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively

Absolute fact. The tactics of covert aggression are utilized by people to put you down subtly no matter what the topic is.

Furthermore, all people use manipulative tactics occasionally, and the most common of these we call "defense mechanisms". When your back is up against the wall, even the most sincere person will use denial, lies by omission, selective memory, minimization, evasion, etc. That does not make them a bad character. The person who uses manipulative tactics in all his dealings with people has a character disorder.

So yes, a lot of people post what superficially passes as an innocent question or comment when they're actually insuling you in an underhanded way.

This may sound silly, but I had to train myself to do this: listen carefully to your feelings. If you feel an emotion like anger or hurt - that is most likely the intent, and the last thing you should do is act on those emotions because this is how they get you off-balance. Once they find your hot-buttons they'll just keep pushing them.

Watch actions more than words. Slow down.

In terms of what you said about the grain of truth in the tactic of cutting down a man who provides security for his young filipina wife, as well as the very relevant comment by Atencio -

Every person on earth "exploits" their spouse, if we are going to use the term a snide person uses when commenting on your marriage. We marry because it is to our advantage. There are things about them we like and it makes our lives better because of it.

Consider how idiotic the converse is, which is what the critic is implying: we should marry to make ourselves worse off, or in the best case - make ourselves no better off. So why marry anyone at all if we are not going to "exploit"?

Note how reluctant a woman from the USA would be to marry a man that lived on less than two dollars a day income. So how is it different that a Filipina desires a man that makes more than that too?

No difference at all. But they have framed it in a way that makes you defensive about it, and remember the most important rule is: do not let them put you on the defensive.

No offense, but it sounds like you are grappling over the reasons why you sought out to marry a Filipina because you seem to spend a great deal of time and energy on obsessing over the criticism, perceived or real, from outsiders. We humans are naturally curious and perhaps even a bit judgmental. When you hear on the news about a man captured who murdered a child, do you not make a moral judgment about him or the situation?

I understand some of the frustration in dealing with outsiders perceptions or judgments about your marriage as I've experienced some of it too, but in the end, what can you do about it? If you are satisfied with the rationale behind why you sought out your spouse, then who gives a flying cockroach what Janis at work says or thinks about it? There are a myriad of things you could do with your life that would arouse the curiosity and perhaps judgment of outsiders, so spending a lot of energy fretting over is doesn't do you any good, IMO.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-19 15:53:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively

In Alaska, it is quite common and especially for guys living out in the boonies like me. Invalidators are found far more frequently online, and for two reasons. Normal people feel they can get away with being nasty online because their identity is shielded. In addition, hard-core invalidators constitute about 2% of the population but are over-represented on the internet because they are antisocial. People shun them, so they practice their trade online. That is where I encounter them.

I don't know. You can't change other people - there are those who will think the way they do and say what they do about your marriage to a Filipina. I think it's far more effective to come up with smarta$ replies when you someone is making a veiled judgment about your relationship. Tell them that you bought her off the internet or that you ordered her from a catalog.

As for generalizations - sometimes they do hold an element of truth, like the fact that there are a high percentage of Fil/Am relationships here where the USC is an older male, and the fiancee or spouse is a considerably younger Filipina. Part of why that stereotype exists is because of all the international dating sites that promote such unions, often using such stereotypes as, "Young, demure Filipinas are looking for older men who they can be loyal and subservient to," while the women are told these men are responsible and will provide for them security and stability. So if you're a USC who met your fiancee or spouse through one of these sites, and you were initially attracted to the service because of the sales pitch, then you're helping perpetuate these stereotypes.

That said, I don't think anyone should feel any shame if that is the route they took in finding a potential spouse. The only thing they should be concerned about is if they let those very stereotypes steer them into which potential mates they chose to correspond with. At best, finding a mate through one of those dating sites is a ####### shoot, which is why you're going to get flak from people who hear about your marriage to a Filipina. The only real way to dispel any myths they may have about the relationship is to let them spend time with you and your spouse. If that's not possible, then let them think what they want because no amount of explaining is really going to change their minds.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-17 17:50:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend

I am not here to ask for a dating advice, i am here to ask for a relationship advice wherein some members have experience the same situation or similar or maybe happen to her/him before. my general concern here is to share your experience about your foreign bf.fiancee husband your stories as what my original post is supposed to be, i only made a mistake on my 2nd post that mislead to the original topic my apology...

Best of luck. :) I hope it works out for you.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-09 11:12:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend

very well said tahoma, I appreciate your inputs about this matter, that's why i brought up this topic to know more about how westerner" american guy act and how do they show their love, my american bf told me that he loves me a lot and i beleive him because that's the only thing that i can give to him to continue our relationship since we haven't meet yet, i meet him in an online dating site, wherein he was the first one who emailed me many times, among all the guys who wrote me an email he was the only one who is eager and persistent to contact me many times, so i give him a chance and that was the start everyday he keep on chatting with me and sending me emails. but until now he never ask me for my number, so i did not question that and beg him to get my number, maybe for him no need since we chat and talk everyday.

but last saturday and yesterday, which is sunday, i never heard from him, so i was a bit worried why he never send me email via his blackberry mobile phone, i know he can't come online to chat and talk with me since he told me eversince that saturday and sunda is his time for his daughter. so i believe and understand him. but he can always send me email, so through saturday and sunday that no email is a big question for me, why he never emailed me, so i waited for him but still no email from him, so i decided to send him email to ask him if he's ok, then he replied me just today it's monday here in Phil, and sunday there here's what he told me on his message just wanna share

Hi im good.. iIt is now sunday evening 3pm i am going to go to work for a few hour tonight
i need to make extra money now, so i can save to come see you. I want to talk to you yesterday
but my aunt was here visiting and she was online all night. so sorry maybe i will talk tonight ok

I understand him, but somehow at the back of my mind, is it hard to send email via your phone, 2 minutes of his time is not that hard to do? hope am right? i did not reply him until now cause im still sad and confused, i am just so upset about what's going on, that's why im here to ask some questions insights or your opinion so you can help me figured out especially those who are american"kano guys i know it depends on the upbringing but still your comment is important to me. thanks and Godbless everyone :)

Since you are asking for people's advice here on behavior, after reading this - I think it's a bit too early for you (or him) to be on an immigration website considering the two of you haven't even spoken over the phone yet, let alone met in person. And given the fact that you two met through a dating website, there's a good chance that he is conversing with other women as well, which is normal and he also might be thinking you are conversing with other men. Maybe you have a different idea in your mind about what a boyfriend means because he could just be considering you a girl friend.

Maybe it will all work out for you but you might want to consider everything and perhaps slow things down a little, especially if this is the very first guy you conversed with online from another country, and you know very little about who he really is.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-07 12:01:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend

I was not going to post on this topic because i was afraid it would be jaded because of my experience with perviz...some of you know my story some do not but as i kept reading i felt maybe my story might help her some

i am the USA and perviz was from India..we were engaged for five years..he like ur American bf did not text often or chat often and was not available for phone that our relationship is finished i find him ALWAYS on line either by cell phone or pc...i excused it because of his work and accepted his reasons is the flat truth if a guy is in love with you, nothing is going to stop him from contacting you one way or the other really think long and hard about this relationship if it does not mean as much to him to hear ur sweet voice or spend time talking with you about ur future or just the kind of day that you had then there is something missing in ur relationship do you want a life time of that? .....i wont go on and on because i don't want to sound bitter because im not im happy i found out what he was before we married and had children

just make sure this guy is the kind that is going to be there for you even if things get tough and that he wants to make u feel like your his world as ur trying to make him feel


Sara (F) (L) Thanks for sharing that as I never knew what happened. I wish you the best as you deserve the best. :thumbs:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-07 11:47:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend

are they born so independent and not that sweet, when it comes to texting calling not that often, and so on..

That depends more on how they were raised in their family then what part of the world they live in.

Well said Tahoma.. :thumbs: :thumbs:

I second that. :thumbs:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-06-06 13:51:00
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-23 00:31:00
PhilippinesRegistry of foreign-based Filipino techies launched

CALIFORNIA - The Philippine embassy in the US through its San Francisco consulate on Saturday launched the very first Registry of Foreign-Based Filipino Scientists, Engineers, and Technology Entrepreneurs (Technopreneurs).

The Registry aims to recognize the outstanding achievements of Filipinos worldwide, especially in the fields of sciences, engineering, and technology enterprise development. It aims to recognize their outstanding contribution to their chosen field, and also to inspire the millions of Filipinos who have migrated outside the country and are continuously leaving the homeland for jobs and greener pastures to continuously excel and invest in their personal development.

This project is collaboration among the Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Science and Technology, and Department of Trade and Industry. Two private sector groups in the US, namely the Science and Technology Advisory Council of Silicon Valley (STAC) and the Philippine American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE) have agreed to support the Registry by encouraging their members to be part of this database and in promoting this to other organizations in the US and other countries.

The Philippines, through the examples shown by these three agencies of genuinely cooperating together, can come up with strategic approaches in coping with its challenges resulting from increasing fierce global competition.

The database will be lodged at the Philippine government's website in the United States, with no less than Ambassador Willy Gaa together with Consul General Marciano Paynor ensuring that the database is made available in time for its launching, which coincides with the Celebration of the 112th Year Commemoration of Philippine Independence.

The Philippine government hopes to tap into the pool of exemplary Filipino scientists and techno entrepreneurs who are making a name for themselves outside their home country. The Philippines lags among Asean countries in its pursuit of major socio-economic transformation and advancement by cultivating its local academic pool.

It trails in terms of resources to match even the initiatives of its neighboring countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. Vietnam alone has embarked on a very massive human resource development program of sending 20,000 scholars for doctoral degrees who are expected to come back and man their industries and academic institutions.

Likewise, it is envisioned that those who will be in the Registry will lend their expertise, support, and whatever assistance possible for the Philippines to address its science and technology gaps and in developing a well founded technology-based industrialization for a better quality of life for all Filipinos.

The registry is one of the off-shoots of the Balik-Scientists project of the government which started in 1976 but somehow was over-shadowed by more pressing issues in the ensuing years. However, in the mid-2000, the three mentioned agencies, STAC, and PAASE have collaborated anew to make this new endeavor come to fruition.

Accessing the registry can be done thru the following steps: (1) log on to the website; (2) click the DoST Registry for Scientists, Engineers, and Technology Entrepreneurs; (3) accomplish the form online and submit; (4) acknowledgement/notification shall be received by the registrant through e-mail.

Registrants in the registry shall receive regular updates of the registry project.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-07-30 08:02:00
PhilippinesKulinarya: A Filipino Culinary Showdown
Chefs, cooks, students and culinary enthusiasts of Philippine dishes are invited to participate in a Philippine culinary showdown. The Kulinarya: A Filipino Culinary Showdown is divided into two competition divisions: Professional and Amateur. The contest is open to Northern California residents at least 18 years of age. Professionals are those who have professional culinary training and/or have worked as a chef/cook in the food service industry while the Amateurs are self-taught home cooks and foodies who have passion for cooking Filipino dishes but have not been gainfully employed as chefs or cooks in the food service industry.

The competition will be staged in two rounds. Six semi-finalists in each division will be selected on August 15, 2010 at the SOMA Room, 2nd Floor, Metreon at Yerba Buena Gardens, Mission Street corner 4th Street in San Francisco as part of the annual Pistahan Festival. The final competition will be held on October 24, 2010 in celebration of the Filipino-American History Month at City View in the Metreon Center. Entries will be judged according to the following criteria: taste, creativity, and presentation. The grand winner of each category will receive a round trip ticket to the Philippines and a tour to Philippines culinary destinations, gift certificates and other prizes.

Interested participants are requested to submit their short bio-data/credentials and recipe of their entry dish no later than August 10, 2010 to the Philippine Tourism Office, Philippine Consulate General located at 447 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94108. Accompanying photos or videos of the preparation are strongly recommended. For more information and guidelines of the contest, please send an email to or call (415) 956-4060, or log on to

This project is organized by the Philippine Consulate General, the Department of Tourism, the Department of Trade and Industry, and the Philippine National Police, and with the support of Filipino American Arts Exposition.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-03 00:52:00
Great posts so far. :thumbs: My wife has been here now for 3 1/2 years, but I do remember the difficult adjustments for her:

  • She is very close to her family and friends and was used to going to someone's wedding, baptism, birthday or whatever celebration. Filipinos love to get together and celebrate and for the first couple of months here, she sorely missed that until she met some other Filipinos near us and began to celebrate with them.
  • The food difference was a big shock also and she's still slowly warming up to different foods, but initially, she didn't like a lot of food we Americans eat. She does love her steak and buffet style restaurants - I think that's in every Filipino's DNA. :jest: I took her to a local Asian market within the first couple of days after she arrived and just the familiarity of finding things like toyo suka helped her feel less alienated from the life she left behind.
  • Thankfully, she had a Philippine driver's license, so she was able to drive here legally right away, which helped her feel less dependent on me for everything while she waiting for her Green Card to begin working.
  • Not working for several months was also really hard for her. Probably the most difficult adjustment as she had her own dental practice back in Cebu. Even when she finally could work here, it was an exercise in humility because she had to take a job working in a department store initially.
  • The best thing that helped her was making friends with other Filipinos near us. I can't overemphasis how important that was for her sanity as well as her contentment.

Edited by El Buscador, 06 August 2010 - 02:39 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-06 12:11:00
Even under the best of circumstances, moving from the Philippines to the U.S. can be a difficult adjustment.

For those foreign spouses who haven't yet arrived here in the U.S., what are your expectations? For example, if you are Catholic, are you expecting that both you and your husband will attend Mass regularly? Or if he is not Catholic, are you expecting that he will take you to Mass if you can't legally drive right away?

For those foreign spouses who have already been here, what was the biggest shock for you once you arrived to your new home and life here in the U.S.? What did you have the most difficult time adjusting to? For example, the weather or not having any friends or family close by.

And for the USC, what will you do or have done to minimize the shock for your foreign spouse in adjusting to their new life with you here in the U.S.?

Edited by El Buscador, 06 August 2010 - 07:50 AM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-06 07:49:00
Great news! :thumbs: Best wishes with your new job.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-11 17:08:00
PhilippinesWhy are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

Well that is what I see here in Hawaii, more Asian/Pacific Islander men with white women. Then you see mostly Asian couples, which can be a mixed race/ethnicity or the same Asian types. It is rare for Asian women to desire white men here, coz white men and white people in general are not too well liked here in Hawaii.

I was wondering if that still held true.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-20 18:13:00
PhilippinesWhy are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

As soon as people stop being thought of as outsiders, people will date them. The mainstreaming of the Asian male by the popular media is a big part of this.

I think for areas of the country where there is very little ethnic diversity, pop culture plays a big part in shaping/changing attitudes, but for large metropolitan areas like Los Angeles where ethnic diversity thrives, it's not even much of an issue.

Edited by El Buscador, 20 August 2010 - 12:25 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-20 12:25:00
PhilippinesWhy are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

this is my parents story, when my mom was a teen she saw some bruce lee movies and developed a fascination with chinese culture as a result when she graduated from high school and my grandparents asked her where she'd like to go for her graduation present she chose hong kong. she met my dad there and they ultimately got married. she had an attraction to a specific type of boy whom she could not find in her southern california neighborhood in the 70's it was predominately caucasian. utlimately we lived in hk until i was 12 years old. i don't know if i think any of that was a reason to get married it's just simply what it was.

it was tough for them, in both countries and as a kid it was a little tough for me in terms of not fitting in and of course getting annoyed that people just assumed that my mother was the asian and that i was a war baby which of course had no basis in reality since i wasn't born anywhere near any war time nor is my dad viet. IDIOTS.

I think things have changed a lot for ethnically mixed children today - they are much more accepted.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-20 12:03:00
PhilippinesWhy are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

Have you noticed how every time this question (or one similar to it) has been asked in the past it degrades quickly into a childish and insulting flame-war that does not good for anyone?

Why the need to predetermine the outcome of this thread when nothing like that has happened yet? I thought it was an interesting argument because the blogger pointed out that once people rise above stereotypes then people will date and fall in love with whoever they wish.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-20 11:10:00
PhilippinesWhy are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

I don't have an answer to the reason why but I just wanted to say that your sig is kick @ss .... made my day...

:D Thanks!
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-19 23:19:00
PhilippinesMy experience with having my in-laws visit us
My wife's parent came over to stay with us from August and flew back for Cebu last week. We were all sad to see them go, but understood how homesick they were. My mother-in-law kept very busy while they stayed here and although I wasn't comfortable having her do so much (laundry, cooking, cleaning), I know that she wanted to do it helped her feel more at home and she felt needed.

My father-in-law had a more difficult time keeping busy and I regret not finding more things for him to do. For example, he loves to work on cars, but we live in a condo and our HOA doesn't allow any car maintenance on the property. So he spent a lot of time just playing Solitaire or watching TV. We had some furniture that I let him stain, but he put coat after coat on until the wood had a cockroach red look to them. I later learned from my wife that he thought it was a varnish and not a stain. He told my wife that he was bored and wanted to go home back in October, even though the plan was for them to stay through Christmas and New Year. That still bothers me because we were open to them coming out for only 3 months, but really wanted them here for the holidays so they could be around their grandson for the first time, but as soon as they're Visas were approved back in late June, they wanted to come over right away.

Both of them were really great for the kids and my 8 yr. old stepson was crying buckets as soon as he found out they wanted to go back home. They also grew attached to our youngest who's 21 mo. old...often saying that they would take Joshua back with them to the Philippines. I know they were part joking and part being serious.

So I don't know when they will want to come back (they have a 10 year multiple-entry Visa), but according to my wife, Papalo doesn't want to come back because he was so bored. It was a really good experience for me and I would be happy to have them live with us in the future, but of course, I also want them to be happy. Right now, we're still trying to get over them being gone as the house feels empty without them here.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-20 10:21:00
I'm so sorry for your uncle. rose.gif My condolences to you and your family and may you all have a peaceful Christmas in loving memory of him.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-19 10:42:00
PhilippinesMerry Christmas to all the old couples and current members here
Merry Christmas! star_smile.gif rose.gif The faces look familiar but I hope you'll fill in your timeline! Make it your New Years resolution. jest.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2009-12-21 01:31:00
PhilippinesInterracial Marriage Challenges
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ Jul 29 2008, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
p.s. I wish that this type of interaction and respect between people would have exited long ago such that I too could truly have a culture, language, and trackable lineage of my own.

Amen, brother. yes.gif good.gif
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2008-07-29 15:08:00