Philippinescultural differences vs. stereotyping

I have a totally irrational fear of dentists. :(

Try being married to one. I sleep with my hand over my mouth.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-29 19:48:00
Philippinescultural differences vs. stereotyping

In the end, does any of it really matter?

It at least matters to the international dating industry that depends on stereotyping these Filipinas for a good sales pitch. If an American guy who knows his odds are slim that he'll be able to find a pretty, young woman who is docile and submissive here in the states, using an international dating site that promises him instant access to a plethora of beautiful, nubile Filipinas who are all more than eager to get married to an American no matter his physical appearance or limited source of income, so they can please him in every way, shape and form is a no-brainer. That is until she gets here and he soon finds out that she wasn't holding out on him to be virtuous, but because she made a promise to her pinoy bf back home that she wouldn't. There are many cunning Filipinas that are just biding their time, going through the motions until they've gotten their permanent resident card to carry out their true plans.

Edited by 8TBVBN, 29 June 2011 - 01:27 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-29 13:27:00
Philippinescultural differences vs. stereotyping

....Asian woman as docile and submissive

It's not just people's attitudes - there is a very lucrative industry that uses that as a sales pitch for men seeking foreign wives. What's even sadder is that you'll see men reiterate that attitude right here on this forum. They bought into the hype - only known their fiancee for 2 months, and they think they not only know her full spectrum personality, but know every other Filipina's as well.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-28 18:59:00
Philippinescultural differences vs. stereotyping

But what if someone is being "complimentary" and only talking about "their Filipina"?

Here's something that always bothers me. I've seen posts in the past where people compliment "their Filipina" in almost the same way they would brag about their car. :angry:

"I love my Filipina. My Filipina is so reliable and dependable. I haven't had to spend much money on my Filipina either. I'm really happy that I found this Filipina."

That's the type of thing I would say about my Toyota; not my spouse. Those are the type of things I find degrading to hear about a person. I cringe whenever I read anything like that.

Because some men do regard their wives as trophies. This isn't unique to international couples, but it's more obvious here where a guy doesn't have to have a lot of money to bag a trophy wife.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-28 18:53:00
PhilippinesPlease help..

I can only run to VJ after praying to the Heavenly Father for mercy and please advice, as I am so tensed about our situation.

My son is turning 18 this year. After a surviving the tale of our petition being transferred to the Texas Service Center blackhole, we are finally scheduled to have the interview on July 1. Up to this time, the biological father has refused to sign the consent allowing my child to go. My son is willing to come with me. I have been trying to ask for the consent for the longest time, and was told he will, but I am always given the run-around.

I am planning to just go ahead and take my son with me ( with a positive mind that we will pass the interview). I don't know if there was ever a case wherein the immigrations in the Philippines did not let a 17 year old board the plane with his mother with him.

Any advice/experience/known case/, whether positive or negative, will be appreciated. These will help clear my mind.


Who told you that you needed the father's consent? As far I understand it, Philippine Law grants full custodial rights to children in an annulment, since technically the marriage never took place. My stepson was 5 years old when I petitioned he and his mother (K-1 and K-2). Although she was never married to the biological father, still as far as I understand it, the father of your son has no legal custodial rights to your son unless he went to a court and established the rights previously.

Edited by 8TBVBN, 30 June 2011 - 02:24 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-30 14:23:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

I'm sorry but your hypothesis on poverty in the Philippines is so full of holes I don't know where to start! You state you have SEEN the poverty..well I LIVE in it. I'd sure like to know where you get your figures? I know NO ONE that even comes close to making 300-400 thousand pesos a year in the Manila area. Yes..I'm sure a few thousand VERY skilled, high paying jobs exist BUT there are more than 16 million people in Manila and the MAJORITY don't make 25% of your claims! My wife is highly educated, worked in a major university..and made 100 thousand a year..six days a week..IN THE MANILA AREA.
The problem is very simple in the Philippines..CORRUPTION.
The analogy I like to use is Japan,South Korea, and the Philippines. All three we decimated by war AT THE SAME TIME! Japan and South Korea came out of the ashes to become two of the wealthiest countries on earth..the Philippines entered a bottomless third world stink hole. At one time the Philippines was the largest exporter of rice in the they're the largest IMPORTER and just one bad crop away from famine! WHY? CORRUPTION..plain and simple. BTW ..I've TRIED to teach a Filipino how to fish..not that little hypothesis doesn't fly either. Take the pinoy OUT of the Philippines and ,yes, they are hard workers..within there own country..nope! When polled 80% of Filipinos stated they would LEAVE there country if they could only get the 'golden ticket' That alone tells you the totoo reality of life here.

I agree that corruption plays a major part of why the country has not been able to become more developed, but I'd like to know the source of this poll for one? Secondly, even if the poll is accurate, I'm willing to bet that most of them would choose economic opportunity over merely leaving the country. There are a lot of Filipinos living and working abroad, who make the PI their top destination stop for vacationing. Many return to live there in retirement and many expats living there from all over the world.

It is, in many ways like Mexico and corruption definitely permeates into the whole country's psyche, but I'm not so cynical to believe that a great number of visionaries within that country are working hard to change that and transform the country for the better.

Edited by 8TBVBN, 17 May 2011 - 07:36 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-05-17 19:35:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

Wealth is a function of industry, sacrifice, thrift, planning, etc. so don't give me that B.S. about you "being poor" and me "having money" as if it fell out of the sky on me by accident and not on you.

There are plenty of Filipinos that work hard, sacrifice, and plan ahead. But they aren't the one's "kicking it" with the Trike bros. on the corner.

Poverty is a condition, not a lifestyle.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-05-16 19:26:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

Revolutionaries like to talk to sympathetic foreigners. It will happen. The seeds of discontent have been sown, and perhaps they have found fertile soil. Hopefully, it will be a bit more effective and comprehensive than was the ESDA Revolution, not just a shuffling of the players.

Change doesn't have to come from then end of a muzzle....
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-05-16 11:05:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines
Here's an idea - how about all these Filipinos living abroad, work towards social and economic change in their home country where 1/3 of all Filipinos live below the poverty level? Or is just all these poor folk are simply too lazy to pull themselves out of poverty?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-05-16 10:45:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

VJ has it's very own Dr. Phil? :blink:

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one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-05-13 20:04:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

For the foreigners having problems in the PHL, it must be your size that makes you such a target for all these "scams" and nonsense. While I am one of the whitest white guys you'll see, I'm smaller than the average Filipino, so they don't see to pay me no mind. I arrive at the airport, pick up my bags, change my money, go outside and hail a metered cab to the hotel. Not once have I had people hassle me, and rarely does anyone even ask to carry my bags. I think I look like I somehow "belong" in the PHL. Hell, one time at the Mall of Asia, the cab driver asks my wife (who is 10 years younger than me) if I am her little brother? #######?

Hey BJ, I think appearance is a factor, but I think it's also body language. Just like in Martial Arts, you are suppose to convey a sense of confidence which people can read in your posture, your face, the way you walk.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-05-13 12:35:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

Back in October when I traveled to meet my fiance in the Philippines this occurred. I get off the plane around 11:30PM. I go through immigration with no problems. I get my bags. A Filipino I befriended on the plane showed me where to go to exchange money pesos. I exit the terminal and find a security guard at his podium. The guard gets my attention and asks me who is waiting for me. I tell him "my fiance".

No offense, but that's pretty naive to answer that way. For one, he's just a security guard and he wasn't interrogating you. I would have waved at him while smiling and assured him that you are being taken care of and continued walking past the podium. If he insisted or followed behind, I would tell him that your friend is on their way to pick you up. This guard took you for a schmuck and he burned you.

Also, in the Philippines, they don't really have a word for fiancee. You just got off the plane and hadn't even met the girl yet and you are telling this security guard that she's basically your wife, but you don't know her address. He probably got a good laugh out of the whole thing.

Edited by 8TBVBN, 13 May 2011 - 12:40 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-05-13 12:22:00
PhilippinesLocked Up Abroad

in the US any man can fight for custodial rights of a child if he is proven by DNA that he is the pateranl father.
whether or not the woman is married or unmarried!!

For the majority of United States history, the court-established common law contained a general assumption that a child born during a marriage was the product of the husband and wife. This was so even if there was evidence proving otherwise, or if one or both spouses admitted that was not the case. But with recent advances in modern DNA testing capabilities, courts now have the means to establish true paternity.

Yet still, despite these advances, courts in Ohio and throughout the country continue to cling to the common law, often hesitant to award parental rights and child custody to a party outside the marriage. This recently changed in Kentucky when the state Supreme Court ruled that a man who fathered a child during an affair with a married woman was the father, and as such, that he deserved parental rights.

The case began when the man sought shared custody and visitation rights for the baby girl he fathered during the affair. The mother denied his request, and he filed a child custody case, which ultimately went all the way up to the state supreme court.

In a highly contested 4-3 decision, the court reversed an earlier ruling from 2008, which denied fathers any parental rights to children born out of affairs. In its decision, the majority affirmed the availability and reliability of DNA testing, stating that times have changed since the days when juries decided paternity challenges based solely on whether the child looked like the purported father.

The three-judge dissent disagreed with the majority, opining that the decision will serve to undermine the institution of marriage.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-30 13:54:00
PhilippinesLocked Up Abroad

I would question the 80% figure, but I am sure the figure is still high.

For the US: Percent of all births to unmarried women: 41%

I found some references that state the Philippines is in the top ten percent for births out of wedlock. Several reasons could be offered for this. First, the lack of birth control and the lack of sex education. There seems to be a high percentage of late registered births where the parents may get married several years after the first child is born. Second, it appears many women still want to retain the ability to emigrate to other countries through marriage to a foreigner by keeping their single status.

I think tallcoolone tapped into another reason as well - the Philippine government doesn't seem to go after the men for child support and probably because custodial rights are automatically afforded to the mother.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-30 09:46:00
PhilippinesLocked Up Abroad
I don't see a real problem with this law beyond the complications that such a circumstance would cause. Is there any good way to handle a situation where a woman becomes pregnant from a man who isn't her husband? I know of an American family where some of the children had a different father and the husband raised those children as his own. Unless a married couple wish to dissolve the marriage because of infidelity, I don't see any more reasonable way but to have that child raised as a member of that family. Giving any custodial rights to the paternal father of the child would create all kinds of problems for that family, especially when there are siblings involved. IMO, dipping your oil stick into a married woman's engine doesn't automatically give you any potential custodial rights should the result bring forth a child. Even here in the U.S., having sex with a woman - married or single, doesn't necessarily give you custodial rights if a child is conceived. It's definitely a complicated issue that requires looking beyond the knee jerk, emotional responses.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-06-29 02:35:00
PhilippinesMy only regret...
Since women in general live longer than men, if the age difference for a Fil/Am couple is greater than 20 years, that could mean your wife will outlive you by a quarter of century or more. I think it's a good idea to plan ahead for the future, like should she remarry? Estimate how many qualities years you have left together and what will need to be done when you need geriatric care. If you are relatively healthy (don't smoke, don't drink, exercise, eat right and are not overweight), you can significantly extend your quality years together. So I'd say having a younger Filipina as a wife should be an incentive to change life choices. Think of it as a small sacrifice for a worthy investment - quality time together.

Edited by 8TBVBN, 10 July 2011 - 08:21 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-10 20:21:00
PhilippinesMormon Church aids Philippines LDS membership
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-13 00:23:00
PhilippinesMuslims help Catholics to build a Church in Mindanao
Bongao (AsiaNews) – A heartfelt thanks to the “Muslim brothers” for their help and support of the Catholics currently building their parish Church in Kualabaru, was expressed by Fr. Dodoy Daquipil, Oblate priest of the Holy Rosary in Bongao, Tawi Tawi province and capital of Mindanao Island.

“During the first mass celebrated in December 2005, the Muslims supervised the entire are” recalls Fr. Dodoy, “now the Muslim population have even asked me to build a nursery for children”.

“We live and behave – says the priest as brothers and sisters sent by God to spread his love throughout the world”.

Kualabaru is not very well known and for many years it was not known that there was a small Christian presence there. The village lies within the municipality of Languyan – a Muslim city governed by the Matba family - and the 72 families living there are for the most part Catholic.

In the majority Muslim island of Mindanao, the Christian community has been growing for some time. More precisely since 1980 when long time Tawi Tawi governor Gerry Matba, began to employ Christians in Mindanao as land workers.

In exchange for their gratitude and warm relations, the last governor granted the Christians a piece of land on which to build their own church.


one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-13 00:30:00
PhilippinesGod Save the Country

i haven't gotten personal yet. you have taken your bait thread being moved personally & are trying to cause trouble. you know this thread was intended for the PI where most of the members are christian conservatives. i have hit the report button & i have sent ewok an email. i will have a nice day. you do the same. :)

That's your opinion, Mike. Sounds like you believe that there's no room for other POV in the Philippines Subforum beyond the majority voice. Regardless, the point here is that if a thread is political in nature and a mod of Kathryn's stature believes such a thread belongs in the P&R, that's her call, not yours. But I do support you having the right to voice your opinion, just not here in this thread, and certainly not by bringing in any grudges you have with others.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-12 22:34:00
PhilippinesGod Save the Country

idk where did you post your thread? what with you? you been hanging out w/ the facebook crowd a little too much?

Ah now....don't get personal, Mike. I think the point is clear here. If you want it moved back, I'd suggest you bring it up with Kathryn, not me. That is all. Have a nice day. :)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-12 22:10:00
PhilippinesGod Save the Country

big difference in your bait thread & this one. you know it too.

So baiting is subcategory of P&R?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-12 21:18:00
PhilippinesGod Save the Country

plan fail. smoke is here. aint gonna be christian or philippines bashing fest w/o heat coming back. bring it boys. move it back steven! you're abusing your priviledges. it was in the PI forum coz the OP wanted it there.

As per Kathryn.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-12 21:10:00
PhilippinesGod Save the Country
Topic has been moved from the Philippines Regional Forum to Politics & Religion forum. It is totally inappropriate outside of the Politics & Religion forum.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2011-07-12 20:54:00
PhilippinesWhy are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

Have you noticed a recent surge in Asian men and white women being together lately? Bruce Lee and Linda Lee Caldwell were one of Hollywood's first Asian man/Caucasian women celebrity couples ? and that was in the 60s! So what's changed?

The question is, why is this interracial combo not as widespread as other interracial combos?

There is definitely a higher percentage of Asian women with white men than ever before. Why?

The above video was taken by video crew who asked random and predominantly Asian guys and girls "Why Asian girls are attracted to white guys". Stereotype? stereotype and more stereotype!

According to this video, most respondents described Asian men as being too shy or unassertive. The woman also stated Asian men were too effeminate and even too short! Apparently this is turning Asian women away and they are beginning to look elsewhere.

Asian stereotypes have been created by society in general. Enough articles have been written about what I would like to call stereotypical racism in the Asian community ? for instance, how Caucasian men actively seek an Asian woman because of their exotic looks and supposed submissivenes?. How many have this so called Asian fetish or yellow fever?

Asian females, on the other hand, have constantly been disgraced and labeled "white-washed" women busy trying to climb the social ladder by their own communities and are finding more acceptance with races other than their own.

So what about the rise of interracial relationships between the Asian man and Caucasian woman? Is it that Asian men are fed up with their female counterparts and that they take revenge by dating Caucasian women? (just a thought) Or just that there are fewer Asian females in their dating pool so they are expanding their own horizons?

My conclusion is that maybe it's not that at all. I think people should be intelligent enough not to allow trivial stereotypes to conform to their preferences on who to date. Why do you think there is a rise in the Asian man-Caucasian woman interracial combo?


Edited by El Buscador, 19 August 2010 - 07:14 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-19 19:13:00
PhilippinesAny Filipina living in Phoenix, AZ
We live in Flagstaff - about 2 1/2 hours away. There are lot of Filipinos in Chandler. If you are ever in that area, there is a St. Mary's Church there which has a large congregation of Filipinos.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-06 14:50:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

does that make us all degenerates? :unsure:

All of us males are degenerates because we only have one X chromosome.

Edited by El Buscador, 24 August 2010 - 03:18 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 15:14:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

ACK! My eyes! My eyes!

Now, this is what I'm talking about:

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one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 14:42:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

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And this topic has really degenerated from the original post. Posted Image

Sorry. Back to sexy older men.

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one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 13:51:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

i saw her pics, thought she has short legs.

Easier to grab ankles. :jest:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 12:36:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

i dont want to scare the ladies. Not even my name start with the letter 'S' :rofl:

Are you going to feel comfortable, being naked in front of your future spouse? Or are you hoping she'll be okay with in-the-dark exploration? :jest:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 10:47:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

It was not the over 50, it was the interest in men *hehehe* just kidding

The sexy and over 50 crowd is underrepresented here in this forum. If you're over 50 and sexy, be proud and post your mug shot on your profile. :thumbs:

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Edited by El Buscador, 24 August 2010 - 09:10 AM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 09:09:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

i think she shoulda been 1st.

I don't know, Miss Mexico was a real stunner.

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one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 09:06:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men

buscador...did i hear that correctly? Now i am puzzled with you. :wacko:

Are you over 50?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-23 21:29:00
PhilippinesSexy 50 Year Old Men
This is the second installment of the Sexy Older Men series. If you'd like to have a gander at the sexy 60 year old men, you'll see that older men can definitely still be hot. The men we're talking about this time are the over-50s. There are loads of these hotties around, so if you're favorite isn't on this list, don't freak out. You can give him an honorable mention in the comments if you want!

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Pierce Brosnan
The first James Bond I actually watched. And he runs a close second to Daniel Craig in the sexy spy department, y'all! Pierce is gorgeous Irishman known the world over, so I'm sure I don't need to give him an intro. In fact, I'll just be quiet and let you ladies drool. And drool. And drool.

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Denzel Washington
Does this man age? Apparently not. He must have the fountain of youth in his backyard, cos Denzel looks about the same as he did back in the 80s. 'Cept a bit sexier -- if that's even possible.

I have been crushing on this man since I was teenager. You know his wife must be one hap-happy woman, living with this man! Mr. Denzel, I'd like to request your next movie contain a few love scenes; it would help me fantasize about you better!

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Denis Leary
This man has the best posture in Hollywood. And at 6'3 or 6'4, that's pretty impressive. He moves so sexily onscreen... you gotta know he's silk in the bedroom.

I admit, when he first got famous I wasn't so big on him. I thought he was a prat. But then he started up in film, and we discovered the boy could act! So now I think he's a sexy prat. Which, of course, makes all the difference in the world.

You only need to see one or two episodes of Rescue Me to fall in love.

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Gabriel Byrne
I've been trying to remember the first film I saw with Gabriel Byrne that made me hot for him. I really can't recall. It may have been Smilla's Sense of Snow (a fabulous film with loads of famous, brilliant actors in it) but I'm not sure.


This man has been gorgeous forever, and only looks sexier with the passage of time. Another Irishmen.. maybe I ought to move to Eire.

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Richard Gere
Richard Gere looks amazingly similar to the way he looked 10 years ago. Or longer. That may be because his hair started turning way back then -- but the result is that he still looks the same. The same being hot and sexy, of course.

We all remember him in Pretty Woman, right? And An Officer and a Gentleman? Is there a woman on Earth who doesn't swoon every time she sees him sweep the heroine off her feet in those?

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-23 15:50:00
Philippines9 killed on hijacked Philippine tourist bus
Suspect is among the dead after a 12-hour hostage standoff. At least seven survive

By JIM GOMEZ, Associated Press

A 12-hour hostage drama aboard a hijacked Philippine bus ended in bloodshed Monday when an angry ex-policeman demanding his job back gunned down eight Hong Kong tourists before police stormed the vehicle and a sniper killed him.

At least seven captives survived, four of whom were seen crawling out the back door of the bus after Philippine police stormed it Monday evening when the hostage-taker started shooting at the 15 Chinese tourists inside, said police Senior Superintendent Nelson Yabut.

He said the hostage-taker was killed with a sniper shot to the head after he wounded a police sharpshooter.

Police and ambulances were lined up next to the vehicle in the pouring rain after the standoff ended. Local hospitals reported seven bodies of hostages were brought in. One other hostage was hospitalized in critical condition, and five others were unharmed.

Two of the surviving hostages were wounded in serious condition and the remaining five are under observation, Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang told reporters in the Chinese territory as he expressed shock and anger at the police response.

The bloodshed rattled the Philippines and raised questions about police ability to deal with hostage-takings.

"How can I be satisfied when there were people who died?" Philippine President Benigno Aquino III told reporters late Monday. But he said the situation deteriorated rapidly from the time the hostage-taker initially showed willingness to release his hostages.

Hong Kong issued a warning against travel to the Philippines and requested that Hong Kong tourists still in the country return. All upcoming tour groups were also canceled.

"I am very saddened by this tragedy. I am angered by the cold-blooded behavior of this murderer," said Tsang, the Hong Kong leader.

The crisis began when the dismissed policeman, Rolando Mendoza, 55, armed with a M16 rifle seized the busload of Hong Kong tourists to demand his reinstatement in the force.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-23 16:01:00
Philippines24 Filipinos in Mississippi victimized by recruiters
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by Contessa Rita Bourbon

NEW YORK?Twenty-four Filipino workers in Mississippi were duped by abusive recruiters and forced them to pay P 250,000 to work in the U.S. but ended up working in below minimum wage in the U.S.

Through their lawyer Elaine Carr, the 24 Filipinos sought the assistance of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to help prosecute the Filipino labor recruitment agency that illegally harassed them.

The Philippine Embassy in Washington , DC, is trying to reach out to the Filipino victims and coordinating with their lawyer.

The Filipino workers' immigration lawyer Elaine Carr said the DHS is now building a case of human trafficking against Z-Drive Agency, a recruitment company in Santa Rosa, Laguna, according to Balitang America.

Lauro, one of the victims, who declined to give his name said the recruiter had promised them to pay above $7 and $10 an hour to work in a resort and hotels, but the Filipino workers ended up working in agricultural fields with a pay of $4 per hour.

Lauro complained that the recruiter confiscated their passports , including their visas, and harassed them to pay their debts. Most of the workers borrowed money to pay the recruiter to work in America.

The 24 complainants have been placed under the government's Witness Protection Program so the government could prosecute the recruiter for alleged human trafficking.

The workers were forced to accept any jobs they could take in the U.S. to pay off heavy debts they incurred to pay the recruiter. "Their families in the Philippines are now being harrassed by lenders," Carr said in a television interview. Carr said the Filipinos would not be deported and cooperating well with the government.


Edited by El Buscador, 26 August 2010 - 06:13 AM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-26 06:12:00
PhilippinesWhy was her answer considered a 'gaffe'?

No matter how much people want to deny it, there is a certain "look" that is undeniably and uniquely Filipino.

I think that's a misnomer. For one, because most Filipinos are of mixed ethnicity. Also, there are plenty of Filipinos that have been mistaken for being Hispanic, Chinese or Malay. Popular culture in the Philippines tends to regard lighter skinned, narrower facial features (European) as more beautiful, but IMO, that is part of the Spanish (European) influence on cultural attitudes. For example, the house help are almost always dark skinned. Hopefully, such ideas of beauty are changing in the Philippines.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-25 11:06:00
PhilippinesWhy was her answer considered a 'gaffe'?

She's half Indian and ugly... Should have been a REAL Filipina and most of them are beautiful. Why would the Philippine choose her anyway

What's a "REAL Filipina?" Ignorant mainlander. :rolleyes:

The Philippine islands are inhabited by a number of different ethnic groups. The majority of the population is composed of ethno-linguistic groups whose languages are Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) in origin. Many of these people converted to Christianity, and adopted many foreign elements of culture. These ethnic groups include the Ilocano, Pangasinense, Kapampangan, Tagalog, Bicolano, and Visayan.

In Mindanao, there are people who practice Islam. The Spanish called them Moros after the Moors. In some highland areas of Mindanao, there are mountain-dwelling ethnic groups collectively known as lumad. These people do not practice Islam, and maintain their animistic beliefs and traditions.

The Negrito are a pre-Mongoloid people who migrated from mainland Asia and were the first human beings to settle the Philippines, around 30,000 years ago.[citation needed] The Negrito population are estimated to number around 30,000. Their tribal groups include the Ati, and the Aeta. Their ways of life remain mostly free from Western and Islamic influences. Scholars study them to try to understand pre-Hispanic culture.

Most Filipinos are part of the Austronesian group, a group of Malayo-Polynesian speaking people. Non-Malayo Polynesian ethnic groups form a minority in the Philippine population. These include those of Chinese, Europeans, American, and other ethnic groups. Mixed-race individuals are known as Filipino mestizos; most are of Asian and indio descent.

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Philippine Negrito Chief and his family.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-25 01:10:00
PhilippinesWhy was her answer considered a 'gaffe'?

Everyone makes mistakes. But, what is major (big) to one person may not be major to someone else.

Stating that you have made no big mistakes in life is almost as pompus (arrogant) as saying you have never made a mistake.

Hence, the one reporter's response,"The answer to this question is now her major mistake."

Yep. I think it's a cultural difference. What many Westerners would interpret as arrogance, is a Filipino way of showing pride. But then again, pride and arrogance are two sides of the same coin.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 11:25:00
PhilippinesWhy was her answer considered a 'gaffe'?

"The show was without any major gaffes, except for Miss Philippines' answer when asked what her biggest mistake in life was and how she fixed it.

"In my 22 years of existence, I can say there is nothing major," Venus Raj said.

Before the pageant, Raj was rated among the top contestants in an online poll on the pageant's website. She finished in fifth place."

AP Article

Gee, 22 years old and never had to solve a world crisis?

I didn't watch, so maybe something was lost in the translation.

The judges are looking for the contestants to share a personal experience. She should have prepared to answer such a question with some kind of personal struggle, even if she doesn't consider it major.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2010-08-24 00:27:00