IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC help needed please
You posted this in the K-1 forum. You may want to pose your question in the spousal visa forum so you get the best answers. Good luck!
LeftCoastLadyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-24 07:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion filling out I-864
You may want to request to have your post moved to the IR-1/CR-1 forum. :yes:
LeftCoastLadyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-02 10:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpouse visa process
Since you're both in the UK, go for the DCF: http://www.visajourn...custom&page=dcf
LeftCoastLadyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 15:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Mistake of My Life?
The K-1 is the fiancé(e) visa. The F-1 is a visa for students. Also, there really isn't that huge of a cost savings between the two when you add up what's needed. It would be more of determining where they want to get married and if they want to start the petition process before or after marriage.

Some of your information does not apply to the original poster. For instance in Canada you do Electronic Processing and you fill out a DS-260 online rather than DS-230. While filling out the DS-230 can help you fill out the DS-260, it is not as detailed as per questions.

OP: You can certainly do an F1 visa. It is a fiance visa and allows you to get married in the USA and stay there. It's more expensive but you are together after marriage. A CR1 visa it is cheaper and you can work within a few weeks of moving to the USA (the F1 does not allow this) but you have to be married first and then spend that time mostly apart. You can visit, but you have to show strong ties to Canada.

Some good links for you are in Saylin's profile:
also her blog:
Here is the comparision chart:
(ignore the k3 visa)

You can also try to go back and get married in the USA but you must show strong ties to Canada (aka variety of: bills, contracts, lease or mortgage, return ticket, and letter from an employer.) Because of this mishap you probably will be called into secondary questioning the next time you try to cross unless it is with an F1 or CR1 visa. Just a word of caution.
Discuss the options with your fiancee. Figure out what is important to you two in a wedding as well. :)

This will not deny you a visa. Saylin was denied a few times at the border and she's happily married in the USA. ;) So it's okay. Just be aware of what may or may not happen the next time you try to visit the USA and have your ducks lined up.

LeftCoastLadyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-29 20:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUK girl married US boy within VWP, now less than 180 days overstay, advice!
You're within the 180 days, so you should probably leave the country and apply CR1 so you don't have to worry about it being denied. You won't be able to do visa waiver again, but you won't need to once you have permanent residency. Just make sure you leave before the 180 days so you don't get a 3 year ban (remember 180 days does not equal 6 months exactly).
sciencenerdMaleCanada2011-01-22 13:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting a green card without a co-sponsor

Hi, everyone. I've asked questions before here and you have been very forthcoming. Here's my situation. In 2010, I lived the entire year in France with my husband (I'm the USC, and he's the intending immigrant). Because I was in France on a tourist visitor, I was not allowed to work. We filed our I-130 back in December once I moved back to the U.S. The problem is that I'm still desperately trying to find a job. And as I understand the Affidavit of Support require that you made a 125% of the federal poverty line for your household size. In 2009, 2008, etc I made more than enough before I lost my job in 2009.

The second issue is that I have asked everyone in my family who are financially able to sponsor if they would be willing and they said no. None of my friends have the income requirement to sponsor. I don't have any assets to use to help my case. My question is that if by some miracle I can find a job before we have to submit the Affidavit of Support, is there a chance that we can still be approved if I have the required income without having a co-sponsor because I didn't have income in 2010.

Thanks in advance for any help I get on this.... This is an amazingly stressful situation, and I don't know what to do.

I believe it is current income that counts. None of my tax returns showed I made enough money to sponsor my wife (2 of them were negative income), but I had recently started a job with a better salary. I turned in my tax returns plus a letter from my current employer stating my current salary. They never said anything about it, so I'm assuming that it was good enough to show that I currently met the requirement. Good luck.
sciencenerdMaleCanada2011-03-13 00:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLocked out os USCIS website?

This evening when I tried to log into the USCIS website to check for any activity I was not able to log in and I got the following message

"It was reported to us that your computer or internet gateway has been locked out for a select period of time. This is due to an unusually high rate of use. If you feel this has occurred incorrectly, please contact the Customer Service Center for assistance at 1.800.375.5283."

Has anyone else every had this happen to them? I do log in once or twice every day just to check for touches or other activity but I never expected to get locked out.

I think the website is just down - I've been getting that message if the page even loads. Don't worry, just try again tomorrow.
sciencenerdMaleCanada2010-05-11 19:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDrive while intoxicated DWI


Hello guys!Good morning! :)

Hello guys I need help I just want to ask about DWI drive while intoxicated case.I have story to tell my husband commit DWI 2 yrs ago.I meet him 2010 and we engage we get married this year 2011 of his 2nd time coming to me and on that time i know that already that my husband have a case DWI and still ongoing in court . Finaly last june this year his DWI hearing was finalize he found guilty and he stay in jail with in 26 days.My concern about it.Its DWU case of his staying in jail as correctional can denied our application?specialy right now he is undergoing house arrest !Anyway his offense is not major its just minor offense only iam just worried if his DWI can cause problem of our application.We just recieved our NOA1 copy last month after 8 days we sent our I130.So right now were waitng the next step and next email of USCIS to send to us.Thanks for reading and hoping for your kind response guys.Have a good day!

Assuming your husband is the USC, this should not have any bearing on your application. The criminal background of the USC does not come into play unless it involves something like domestic violence, child abuse, sex crimes, etc. They'll know about it, but it shouldn't hurt your application at all. Good luck.
sciencenerdMaleCanada2011-07-27 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 visa possible redflags

No problem!

Good luck with the process! :)

JoaozinhoNot TellingAlgeria2013-08-19 22:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 visa possible redflags

Salaam Ril,


I've been seeing your posts for a while now and finally I had some time to check on this issue for you.

I don't see any red flags in your case and about the co-sponsor. In Algeria, the foreign man seeking to marry an Algerian woman would typically have some problems at the interview stage if he was of a different religion due to cultural and familial concerns. I'm not sure if this is the same in Morocco! Anyhow, as long as your family is on board, you're good to go!


I checked the Morocco portal and found a K-1 case with a co-sponsor, which was approved.




It's review 12208 on June 25th!

Hence, I think you are good to go!

I hope this helps! :)




Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance's visa was approved on Monday. Our overall experience was fantastic, thanks mostly to following the good advice of this site. Everything's here, every question's been asked and answered and that's really incredible. So thanks to all the people who've helped us! 

My review will sound a lot like the previous posters - it was a very positive experience and almost directly mirrored what's already been posted this week and last. The only big differences are that we live together in Morocco and our co-sponsor qualified on assets (more on that below). I have to say, I called the consulate a few times and the guy who works in the Immigrant Visa office was so incredibly nice and helpful. In fact, he even asked about me when my fiance arrived at the Consulate. 

Our interview was at 3pm. I didn't even try to go in with my fiance because they told me on the phone I wouldn't be allowed. So, I gave him my passport with instructions to flash it around and waited in the cafe across the street with our bags. He went over at about 2:45. I gather they'd already let the other fellows into the consulate, because he was the last in line. 

First step was to hand over the important papers to the lovely Moroccan gentleman. He checks everything and tells you if there are any problems. My fiance also stressed the importance of correctly filled-out and organized papers. I gave him too much, including too many years of tax history for myself and my parents. They just wanted the last year. I was stressed about this because of old reviews and I guess this illustrates the need for continual updates and reviews on our portal. 


The CO talked to my fiance for a few minutes (he says somewhere between 5-15 minutes). He said she asked him different questions than the other guys, which he thought was mostly due to our living together. 

She asked him: 
How long have you known your fiance?
Where did you meet? 
Have you ever lived together? 
Have you been travelling together outside of Morocco?
Have you met her parents?

And then she asked some questions about the financial papers and our co-sponsors. Because I live in Morocco and have lived here for a while, I couldn't sponsor him myself. Our co-sponsors qualify easily on assets and she seemed a little surprised by that. My fiance explained that she said something like, it should be fine. Then she gave him a paper about what to do if he has problems in the US and a pink ticket and told him to come back in a few days. 

My fiance's advice: Make sure you have the correct papers and know your fiance well. Then the interview's no big deal.

I do want to point out that she never said he was approved directly. I called today to confirm when he should go to get his passport and was told on the phone that he was approved. I probably won't stop worrying until the visa is in the passport! I'll update this review if anything changes. 


JoaozinhoNot TellingAlgeria2013-08-19 22:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureslost-need help

My town hall gives certified birth certificates. So I'll get one from then. Then I'll have to send it to the Secretary of state for the apostille to be placed on? Then make sure they state department stamp it?

Then get a marriage certificate from dept of health and human services. Can you do that online?

Still can't find anything about residency certificate for my town. So I should try the irs and police station?

Thanks for the input, anything helps. Just trying to make it easier than it has to be.

Still waiting for my girlfriend to hear back from her town hall if everything needs to be translated or its just the birth certificate that needs to be.


These are typically all of the requirements for the birth certificates and those are the steps. 


I doubt you can get the marriage certificate online, but it might be possible to kill two birds with one stone if the town hall can provide anything. I'd check! But if not, the dept of health and human services will definitely give you something, albeit in person.


And for the residency, yes, I'd recommend that. We don't seem to have them in the states, because most places just ask for a few pieces of mail at our address as confirmation, but either of those steps should get you something.


No problem! I went through this process with so much confusion, so I know the feeling.


Good luck!

JoaozinhoNot TellingAlgeria2013-08-09 23:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureslost-need help

I had to obtain these things for my foreign marriage as well.


You'll get your birth certificate as normal. Department of Health and Human Services, I believe.


And to get the official stamp needed for international usage, you'll send it to your Secretary of State.


And you might need the State Department stamp afterwards. Normally, they won't stamp it without the local state government certification (mentioned above) first.


For the affidavit of marital status, this doesn't exist in the U.S., but going to the Department of Health and Human Services and getting a marriage certificate, which should come up blank or with any information of previous divorces, should suffice. Mine said that "We have no record of James marrying..." 


For the residency certificate, we didn't have these in Oregon either. However I never actually needed it. But I did research about it and the closest thing I came to was this:

However, you might look into what is offered in your state.


And with all this, it is just necessary to find a translator or translation company to do the necessary translations. I used ABC 1 Visa for most of this process, though I wasn't happy with their costs as they had a few hidden expenses, but they work well and efficiently. They can translate them, send them to the state department and to the German embassy if needed to get all required stamps. The choice is yours if you'd like to get help with the whole process or do each step yourself.


Hope this helps!

JoaozinhoNot TellingAlgeria2013-08-09 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

Are you sure you were approved on Sunday? Just wondering because I didn't think the government worked weekends. Lol

But yeah, I'm sure we are still at TSC. I called again today, and nothing's changed.

I've been following a thread in the NVC section and there are some late June and early July approvals still stuck there too so if yours was sent off that fast, you're extremely lucky smile.png

Well not exactly sure. But it's when I received the notice, which was quite a shock on Monday morning, I don't check weekends as yeah... wouldn't expect them to have been working too.

On July 28, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

But it could just be ghosts in the machine. 

I have a feeling it's still at the TSC, as the general impression I get from the USCIS is the head does not know what the tail is doing. I'll keep you posted if we hear anything, as we are frantically trying to get the address changed before it reaches the consulate. 

isbjornNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

Well it's been 10 days since our NOA2, so I called DOS to see if its been shipped & just not updated on the site. Nope, TSC hasn't forwarded it to NVC yet. I'm really hoping they start shipping in a timely manner...

This odd, we were approved on Sunday 28th. The beneficiary moved house on the 29th, so we called USCIS to see if we could catch it before it left. They said had already gone to NVC. There was nothing they could do.

It could just be the USCIS showing their usual level of competence. 

isbjornNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-30 06:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

//On July 10, 2013, we transferred your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E), to your local USCIS Office for further processing. The new office has jurisdiction over your case and will send you a decision as soon as processing is complete or you will be notified if further information or action is needed. //

isbjornNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

Maybe something, probably nothing.


//On May 1, 2013, your Alien Registration Number was changed relating to your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).



isbjornNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1
26th NOA1 and Vermont will be handling it.
isbjornNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-04-25 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1
K1 application arrived in Texas today, April 16th 2013, let's hope it gets forwarded to VSC.

Edited by isbjorn, 16 April 2013 - 06:10 PM.

isbjornNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-04-16 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone got approve yet after 9 months waiting for NOA2 ?????

Different application, but we've been waiting for over 8.5 months for a NOA2 on our I-130 at Nebraska as well, same situation, keep saying background check pending/additional review needed :( 

TJandKCMaleNorway2014-08-21 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC Kids & Previous Green Card...?

Does having USC kids and previous Green Card (voluntarily abandoned) make any difference to the length of time an IR-1 application gets processed...?  Wife filing in US and I'm in Macau.

MacauPDXMaleHong Kong2013-07-09 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTEXAS SERVICE CENTER annoyances

Alicia98981...I understand what you are saying... especially before we got our NOA2... What I did to keep myself busy so I did not stalk online all the time was I kept going through all the papers I would need for the next step of the process so when the time came.. I was ready.  And I read.. and read, and read some more.. trying to find everything about Casablanca experiences! (they are one tough consulate!)  I still *try* to not stalk processing times. It is frustrating! Hopefully it will go fast for you! Good luck!  :star:

Ramadan Mubarak HettyandSaid!


I Completely agree with your statement above. I feel like my timeline is very similar to yours and I wish all the luck for you to be united. I'm praying in this holy month that we will have nothing but good news IA.


Good luck on your journey!

suhailsaishMaleIndia2014-06-30 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

Sept 9 NOA2. I've been waiting patiently for the NVC to receive; calling every week. I know that petitions out of the CSC have been averaging 40-45 days after NOA2 and I've was at only a mere 31....but I had a little time on my hands yesterday. I called the USCIS and was transferred to a case worker. The line was busy but they had one of those call back deals where you leave your number in they call you back when it is your turn in line. When the case worker called I explained my situation, expecting him to tell me that the CSC has approved a bunch of cases lately and a backlogged in sending to the NVC. He told me to hold on one moment and came back and said it "appeared" from what he is seeing that my case was sent out yesterday (Wednesday). Good news right? I called the NVC today, not expecting my case to have arrived and entered but to check anyway. I got a particularly snippy operator (which is odd since most have been really great) who gave me the whole "it can take up to 8 weeks" non-sense when she looked up my case and told me the NVC had not received it yet. When I told her I had contacted a caseworker at the USCIS who informed me that my case had been sent out Wednesday, this operator says "it doesn't matter if it was sent out. It can still take up to 3 weeks after that". (something other operators at the NVC told me does not happen----that they enter cases as soon as they receive them) Who knows what to believe anymore. This experience has shown me a sample of just how inefficient the system is. No one knows what anyone else is doing. Anyway 32 since NOA2. 13 days before I hit the average.

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-10-11 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

Just called NVC, files arrived Sept 30th, and were shipped to the embassy on Oct 2nd.



Congrats to you and your fiancée. Nice work. Vermont seems to not have any problems actually sending approved NOA2's to the NVC in a timely manner. The California Service Center, on the other hand, appears to have Cliff Clavin working in their mailroom. Approved a month ago and yet.....not received at the NVC. I was very happy that it was less than 3 months from NOA1 to NOA2. I felt lucky and very fortunate as I know others are still waiting for their NOA2 longer then I waited. But the CSC giveth and the CSC seems to maketh one wait on the back end as a result. Congrats again, friend. :)

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-10-07 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

I called the NVC today. Not so much to find out if they received our case, which they haven't, but more to find out about the future. The dimwits of our "representative government" and their ***** waving contest had me concerned. I was assured by the representative that the NVC will continue to work through any "shut down". She did say that she was not so sure about the State Department. Since I am waiting for the NVC to receive our case and forward it to the embassy in Moscow as a result of out NOA2 approval September 9th...this is all I was concerned about in the moment. So for those wondering, the NVC will continue despite our "representative government" playing chicken with each other.

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-30 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS


Well next week i will get my fiance to call. We are still getting things together ,so not completely in a rush even though i can't wait for my interview to be schedule.



Thank you!

Good thinking. Use this time. I am finding out that my fiancée has had trouble tracking down vaccination records. (I completely understand this. If someone were to ask me for my compete vaccination records, I have to say, I would have a lot of trouble with this as well) She has to go to a clinic and do them all over again for the medical check. So we are using the time wisely. Once the NVC receives and forwards the petition to the embassy, things will move very fast. :)

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-26 23:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS


did USCIS notify you that they had sent your I129F to NVC?

I received my text on Sept 9 and my hardcopy I-797 a few days shortly after. Of course the hard copy says the petition has been forwarded to the listed consulate. From what I gather it is actually going to the NVC first. I make my calls every week and will until I receive word that they have received at NVC and forwarded to the embassy in Moscow. Realistically I am not expecting this to happen until sometime in the middle of October, but then again I did not expect to receive my NOA2 on Sept 9 after receiving NOA1 confirmation on June 20. With that in mind, I will call every week until it has been received.

Edited by KievtoPortland, 26 September 2013 - 11:24 PM.

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-26 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

NOA2 September 9th. I called the NVC today. Still have not received my case from the CSC. The operator told me that it can take 6 -  8 weeks currently. When she asked what type of petition it was, I responded a K2. She said that typically these types of petitions take less time. Funny thing is, she recognized me from last weeks call. I told her that I would call every week. She said as she said last week that this was probably the best most realistic tactic. A little over 2 weeks now since NOA2. I will call again next week; week 3.

Edited by KievtoPortland, 26 September 2013 - 11:08 PM.

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-26 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

Aw.. sad.png.. My fiancé is going to call the NVC tomorrow if they receive our case already because we also got nothing from USCIS after getting NOA2 hard copy..

The CSC to NVC center is said to be anywhere between 2 - 4 weeks. However, as I told you before, I have seen that cases coming from the CSC are taking a bit longer for some. Be patient. You just got your NOA2 approval not too long ago......

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-26 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

Hi we got approved and waiting for the case number to book for interview.. No notification that our case has been sent to NVC though still waiting..

I hate to tell you this but, you might be waiting awhile. NOA2 approved CSC Sept 9. Not received by NVC yet. Everything I have been reading is that the CSC seems to be taking longer sending (or receiving at the NVC) then Vermont. Many have been waiting weeks. Buckle in. Another wait may be afoot. :(  Let's both just be happy we got the NOA2 out of the way. Many who filed around the same time I did have not received their NOA2 yet. I hope it is soon for them!

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-24 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

Worst part? I have a lawyer,an idiot that as soon as she filed the i129 for us,replies to emails regsrding rfes with "good",ok and yes.. Thats also why im so frustrated because I paid her so this wouldnt that it would as fast as possible...

I am sorry to hear that. That really really sucks, friend. I would refer you to the lawyer who helped me if you wish. Like I said, I commend those who went through this process on their own and came out clean on the other side. For me, I felt more comfortable with a lawyer. I researched and found one I felt comfortable with. I emailed him many many times before we went forward.....until I was convinced that this was the guy. (A small firm....not one who churns out documents and is paperwork is mostly handled by clerks) I did not know anything going in. It was just more comfortable for me to have someone help me through this. Maybe I just got lucky or I just found a good attorney because the distance between my NOA1 and NOA2 was about 2 1/2 RFE's. If you need a reference....sent me a message and I'll give you the information. Good luck, friend and do not give up! It will be so very worth is in the end!

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-13 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

No:( i was told on here by a few that only mine was if its that i have to send it from argentina to the us,have them receive it..etc etc..this process is so tiring!

Did you get a lawyer? I know some people have the patience and ability to navigate this thing on their own....and kudos to them. Me personally? I did not want to risk it. I spent the money. I got my NOA2 Monday after getting my NOA1 June 20. NO RFE's. No hassle. Just the waiting time. Maybe you should consider speaking to a lawyer. Don't give up! Hang in there.

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-13 17:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

I am happy to say that I just got the text and email...APPROVED NOA2! June 20 - Sept 9

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-09 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

Thanks for the tip. I found something interesting that I thought maybe someone might have a comment on. I am relatively new to all of this so if this is a redundant question, I apologize in advance. Many of the cases around mine have been touched last week...either approved or RFE.(mine is in bold...June filer) Anything to be read into this? (probably not but...never hurts to ask)


xxxxxxxx27570   I129F         Initial Review

xxxxxxxx27571   I129F         Initial Review
xxxxxxxx27572   I129F         Approved                   8-27
xxxxxxxx27573   I129F         Approved                   8-27

xxxxxxxx27574   I129F         RFE                              8-26
xxxxxxxx27575   I129F         RFE                              8-26
xxxxxxxx27576   I129F         Initial Review 
xxxxxxxx27577   I129F         RFE                              8-28
xxxxxxxx27578   I129F         RFE                              8-27
xxxxxxxx27579   I129F         Initial Review 
xxxxxxxx27580   I765           Initial Review


Thanks in advance!

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-02 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS


You just have to count backwards or forwards from the last digit of your case last four digits are 1299. So I will just go type in 1298 or go forward to 1300. You can go back as far as you want...but I usually just look at the previous 2 or 3

Thank you!

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-02 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS


We got our NOA2 a couple of days before you guys did.

It's making me paranoid to see people getting approved so quickly, especially ones who filed after us, while we wait.  Did we send everything? Don't they like us? Ahhh!

Maybe this week will be our lucky week. *fingers crossed*


Enter your number in the case status/ receipt number box on the top left.

Understood that this is where you can check on the status of your own case, but where can you see the case numbers of others in relation to your own? Thanks

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-09-02 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

got approved good luck to all of you june fillers!!! 


KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-08-29 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

NOA1 6/20/13.     Come on Cali case worker. Let's see some magic

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-08-29 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

Welcome to VJ
Beautiful picture

Thank you. She's the beauty...I'm the beast. lol wink.png

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-08-16 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

June filer. Just stumbled on to this forum. A good read. We all need support through something like this and I am glad I found you all. Thanks!


Attached Files

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-08-16 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 FILIERS

June filer. Just stumbled on to this forum. A good read. We all need support through something like this and I am glad I found you all. Thanks!

KievtoPortlandMaleRussia2013-08-16 21:46:00