K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOK, mini-update news from Senator- RFE's, IMBRA

Hi all,
I am using an immigration attorney for the K1 processing..I spoke to him yesterday and he told me that there should be no RFE's comming since the old 129f form was still vaild until the new one is approved.I told him about this site and what everyones been speculating about and he said not to listen to all this stuff...that his firm is well aware of whats going on and that i wont recieve any RFE's coz of the new draft 129f form.
So i guess we'll see what happens..he just said it might take a bit longer due to how backlogged they are due to the ones comming back for more securtiy checks.The firm does advertise on this site..if anyone is interested the firms name is Roth,Livingston,&Poles...I hope he is correct..he seemed offened when i told him waht was being said on this site,rather than what he knows from his expertise in the immigration field.
Thanks guys,
Good luck to all,
Keith& Irish

This totally contradicts all that we've learned from other sources... (Read Below)

Chris Bentley, a Homeland Security spokesman, said about 10,000 applications are currently being held because they did not address the criminal or marriage broker issues.

"They did not have all of the information needed to determine whether someone qualified or not," said Bentley, who works for the department's Citizenship and Immigration Services.

He added: "It's certainly an inconvenience brought about by the new requirements of the law."

Homeland Security said Tuesday it would send additional forms to the estimated 10,000 couples in wedding purgatory to get answers to the questions about criminal pasts and marriage brokers. But it said it was still waiting for the White House Office of Management and Budget for approval of those forms and the new application.

OMB spokeswoman Andrea Wuebker did not have details immediately on the additional forms, but said the new applications were approved Monday in an emergency clearance process. It was not clear when the new applications would be distributed to the public.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-13 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs California Moving?!!!

I am trying not to get too excited, but it's been so long and it feels so good :P :dance:

Forgive my ignorance but what does it mean? How do know when it's touched? How are you aware of it?

(I'm still waiting for the check to be cashed and to get my NOA1...sigh)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-13 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'M SO HAPPY !!!!!

Now the wait has officially began. I'm so excited about this NOA1 i feel like doing a double flip. Hopefully the NOA2 won't be long :dance: .

Congratulations! Can you add your timeline or state when you submitted? I'm on day 16 and still nothing - my check hasn't even been cashed...sigh.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-16 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape

I have NOT asked anyone to judge the man I love!
I KNOW he NEVER raped anyone.And he told me about this story right after we met so I knew it all the time.
I HAVE BEEN raped twice and by God I know Jim is NOT the type of guy who would ever rape someone.
He is the most gentle and loving man I know.He takes my son who's got ADHD and is really difficult to deal with the way he is and doesn't treat anyone badly.
This "woman" was simply pissed off at Jim for NOT doing anything anymore after he told her he didn't want to see her anymore.And then she turned around claiming he raped her and on top of that that she was pregnant.
Now how come there's no child????? How come she never sued for child support?????? How come she never showed up in court???? How come there was no medical evidence that she WAS raped???
Sorry people but I KNOW my man and I kow for reason that I surley wont discuss here that he would never rape anyone and never did.
I know exactly what I'm getting myself into with that man and I know he's the best thing that ever happened to me and my son!!!!!!
I love him with all my heart and so does my 5 year old.
As for losing his job,
his BOSS told me it had nothing to do with his work performance,they simply didn't have enough work anymore and since he was the last one hired he was the first one to go.
Cable and DSL,oh well....he's a man and after all it's HIS money.
And as for him chatting with other women,hey as long as he's just TALKING who cares????
It's MY life and I love him and I know he loves me so why is it that people think they have the right to judge someone they don't even know???????????
I asked a simple question regarding the new I 129 F form that's all.
I don't want nor do I need someone to lecture me !
Thanks to the few that didn't and just gave me advice!

Point well taken. I think everyone here had the best of intentions, but you are right, it is not anyone's place to speculate or quantify your relationship. Best of luck to the both of you!
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-17 03:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescircumstances of meeting

Uh oh, I may have created a monster!

Nah, you just opened the gate...hehehe.

Seriously though, the method by which people are meeting should be scrutinized. Hopefully the legal pressure on the applicants will force more accountability on these Marriage Brokers.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-18 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescircumstances of meeting

I just think this law is complete baloney! Yahoo Personals and also charge money to facilitate contact between 2 people, why are they not required to check people's background? I don't get it! :unsure:

I found this on one of site that I thought is worth sharing...


These days the term "mail order brides" is currently used to label the relationship between a man from a first world country and a woman from the third world country or the countries of the former USSR.

The common misconception is that the women only want a way out of their misery and terrible economic situation. Being incompetent in Filipino, Thailand, Colombian, Mexican and other mail order brides, I can tell you with confidence that this is NOT the case with Russian women seeking husbands abroad.

...this is the part that gets interesting as this website declares the differences...

Russian women have a much better education than the brides from Asia and Latin America. About 90% of the women that apply to our agency have college or university degrees, or are current college or university students. With their fair complexion, their intelligence and their astounding beauty, men have often asked me if our selection is real! Our women appear too beautiful to be seeking husbands on the Internet.

I'll probably catch flak for saying this, but in general, the guy should look at this way - if this woman lived close to you, would she still be interested in you? If you can honestly say 'no' then you're part of this marriage brokerage problem that the government is finally going to crack down on.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-17 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFast Service

Reviewing others time lines and such, the one thing I noticed they do really fast regardless of service center is CASH YOUR CHECK usually around 10 days.

It's been 16 days and nothing for me yet. :( I even dreamt last night of seeing the check cashed with a file number on it. Am I going crazy? :wacko:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-16 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing tomorrow!
Posted Image

YEEEHAAAAAHHH! Congratulations, Lizzy! Have a safe trip!
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-19 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen does the 90 Days Start?

Do not let my profile mislead you. :unsure: The intent is there and we both have the letters of intent. I did not ask her to marry me over the phone, email, chat or by letter as that is so impersonal in my opinion. :huh: She understands the actual act of asking her to marry me has not occurred, but the intent is there. It is just a technical issue really. :unsure:
For the purpose of the application, we have agreed to be married. :dance: I just want to do the traditional thing and ask her in person and get her response in person. We have talked about this at length and both agree. :o
I have not filed the 129 yet, that should be going out next week as I was waiting on the new 129 and a few things from my GF. I am a little old fashioned I guess and will not call her my fiancee until I actually ask her the question and get her answer in person. Just me and the way I am. Payato B)

Ah ok. Someone who has gone through the interview could probably verify this better than I can, but just so it's clear to her during the interview if she is asked the date of the official proposal, you both have a corroberated answer. I'm basing this on some of the testimonies from people here. The interviewer can ask some pointed quiestions like that. :thumbs:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-16 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen does the 90 Days Start?

Ok, I have searched and read all over the Forum and FAQs, so if this question has been askeda lready I do apologize. I understand the 90 days to get married, but it is uncler to me any way, when does the 90 days begin? Does it begin the day of the approval or 90 days after entry into the U.S.?
The reason I ask is my GF is in school and when we get approved, we would like her finish the semester she is in b4 coming to the states. Payato

Congratulations, BTW! We have similar stories and circumstances. I don't mean to worry you but how were you able to get her past the interview without her stating her intent to marry you? (I'm asking this based on your profile comments). If she hasn't had her interview, I would recommend that you both realize that your intentions to marry need to be known by both of you and stated so. Just my two cents. ;)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-16 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGood lord I know I can't be the only one...

I have heard a rumor that California will become the Service center for all K1 visas. That is why Nebraska K1's where transferred there, not because of backlog, and that other types of non-immigrant visas will be moved from California to the other service centers.

Complete heresay and rumors, but it would make sense.

And there might actually be advantages of efficiency through consolidation provided they have the right amount of resources at CSS. I imagine that these regional offices were established before the extensive use the computer and the internet and may no longer be effecient in terms of the entire budgetary costs of the USCIS.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-20 00:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGotta laugh about new processing times

Not that I believe those timelines, but I'll tell you what, if they happen to be true because of them moving petitions to California (mine included) there will be one less USCIS Service Center in the US :lol:

I'll help!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

:whistle: :innocent:

Is this the Laguna Niguel, California PO Box? I live just minutes away in Laguna Beach. I've thought about Googling that address for it's location and checking it out. If I see little trolls entering and leaving the building holding files, I'll let you all know. :lol:

You know... when I sent my petition off I used a UPS store. They asked me if I wanted to send my package to the physical address instead of the P.O. Box. They looked up the address for the NSC and gave it to me.

I guess if you really wanted to, that would be one way to find the address! :thumbs:

Do you still have the physical address handy? If I can get the address I'll drive by the building this weekend. I'll even take digital photos and place them up on the net for everyone to see...hehehe. God, I hope nobody would think I'm plotting something... just another crazy petitioner anxiously waiting through the process...hehehe.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-21 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGotta laugh about new processing times

Not that I believe those timelines, but I'll tell you what, if they happen to be true because of them moving petitions to California (mine included) there will be one less USCIS Service Center in the US :lol:

I'll help!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

:whistle: :innocent:

Is this the Laguna Niguel, California PO Box? I live just minutes away in Laguna Beach. I've thought about Googling that address for it's location and checking it out. If I see little trolls entering and leaving the building holding files, I'll let you all know. :lol:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-21 03:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresno NOA1 yet

Hi everybody,

Our I-129F was mailed last May 15, 2006 to the California Service Center and it is now over a month and we haven't received a Notice of Acceptance yet and the filing fee check was not yet cashed. We are so anxious about the delay and don't know how to go about this :( .


That is a bit odd because I sent mine on May 31, 2006 to the CSC and I got my NOA1 on June 14th. I send it USPS express so I got a receipt that it was received the following day (June 1).
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-24 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI WANT MY NOA1

nothing for me either and the IMBRA law doesn't even apply to me...I thought Vermont was supposed to be the fastest :angry:

I hope this good news will give all of you hope! I just received my NOA1 in the mail!!!! WHOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm so relieved...the date received was June 1, and the notice date shows June 14 - two weeks! So yours should happen soon! I'll be praying for that for all of you! :dance:


Maybe with it being forwarded to the California Service Center, it might add some time. Just hang in there. I'd say give them this week. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :thumbs:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-18 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI WANT MY NOA1

nothing for me either and the IMBRA law doesn't even apply to me...I thought Vermont was supposed to be the fastest :angry:

I hope this good news will give all of you hope! I just received my NOA1 in the mail!!!! WHOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm so relieved...the date received was June 1, and the notice date shows June 14 - two weeks! So yours should happen soon! I'll be praying for that for all of you! :dance:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-17 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI WANT MY NOA1



I'm in the same boat - 17 days now from the CSC. I understand the frustration and anticipation, especially when you see so many timelines where the NOA1 happens within a day or two from the submission! ....sigh.

Hang in there. I imagine the whole IMBRA issue has thrown everything out of whack. Hopefully we'll get our NOA1's before the end of this month. (finger's crossed).
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-17 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOn the NSC to CSC move, emails, transfer notices

To be honest. I would even think that the spelling error on the I-129F. They will do RFE on it or something.

I was thinking the same thing.

A question to any of the VSC petitioners who've received their RFE - was the spelling error also on that form?

Anybody using an attorney - could you ask what happens to a legal document that has a mispelling?
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-22 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease i need some advice im in uk and bf is in usa we want to be together please!!!
Has nobody asked her how old her boyfriend is? Alarms were going off in my head when I read her post. This sounds similar to that story of the 16 year old American girl who tried to fly to see some 20 year old man she met online.

I'll go out on a limb and say if this guy is more than a couple of years older than her, she's making a big mistake.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-27 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust one word:-))


Today I had the Interview and everything went should be here in the mail in about 1-2 weeks.
I am soooo happy and sooo relieved!
:dance: :dancing: :dance: :dancing: :dance: :dancing:
Thanks everyone for the support so far!!!

Congratulations! :goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :goofy:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-27 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?


I just received a reply from the person helping me with this process saying that because my fiancee never adjusted her marital status in the Philippines there is no marriage to consider for divorce/annulment. He recommends the K-1 route because there is no question about previous marriages whereas the K-3 does ask. He is the expert and I trust his advice so it sounds like I have my answer.

Thanks all... Rob

He's the expert, eh?

K1s most certainly ask about previous marriages ! You have to provide divorce decrees for them. Also, some consulates require the previous marriage certificates at the interview.

Maybe the expert needs to do some more reading.

Again, I think I didn't describe it properly. I was told we will have to provide proof of divorce for the K-1 process but to the US, not to the Philippines. This does make sense to me because when I was in Manila with my fiancee we talked to an annulment attorney there. He said in order for her to file for annulment she would first have to adjust her status because she wasn't considered married there until then.

Yes, but that only makes it easier on her end of it. Again going back to your question of whether you should apply for a K-1 - that fact won't change anything for you, the petitioner. It will still show on your end that this woman just recently divorced another U.S. Citizen which may cause a delay or denial of Visa. At least get a second and possibly third legal opinion from an immigration attorney.

What if you just wait a few months after the divorce is final before submitting your I-129F? That could be another alternative.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-29 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?


I just received a reply from the person helping me with this process saying that because my fiancee never adjusted her marital status in the Philippines there is no marriage to consider for divorce/annulment. He recommends the K-1 route because there is no question about previous marriages whereas the K-3 does ask. He is the expert and I trust his advice so it sounds like I have my answer.

Thanks all... Rob

He's the expert, eh?

K1s most certainly ask about previous marriages ! You have to provide divorce decrees for them. Also, some consulates require the previous marriage certificates at the interview.

Maybe the expert needs to do some more reading.

Holy cow, Rob! :blink: Just look at the G-325 biographical form that she has to fill out - it asks the name of her former spouse and the location the divorce took place. If she omits that she married a U.S. citizen and they (USCIS) find out, you'll be waiting much longer than any time you hope to save by going with a K-1. No offense, but you should be more concerned about being approved for her Visa than about the time it takes. Either path is going to take a lot of time and patience - there is no fast and easy way through this.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-29 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?

JG & LL - No, the situation isn't perfect - few LDR's are. And no, my fiancee and I may not have spent a lot of time 'in each others' company' to this point, but like most couples in a LDR, it's hard with work and immigration limits. I see many timelines with couples only being together once or twice. That said, my fiancee and I have already spent a week together, we're planning a week long visit on her ship soon, another month long together here in October, and another week long visit in November in the Philippines. All of that would be pre-marriage. After that I'd guess I've got more more 'in each others' company' time than most K-1/K-3 couples in LDR's.

FWIW, I posted brief summary of what my fiancee and I have talked about together in the time we've communicated. My post contains the issue I'm concerned about in our visa process. I can't put everything our talks contained into a few paragraphs. Maybe I didn't describe our situation the best way but I tried to summarize it so as not to bore people but still seek the best course of action given our issue. I'm sure your response had good intentions but at the same time I think you were way too quick to judge, especially in public.

workin4somethin & AFQuaid - Thank you for the advice. I have done a lot of research on the K-1 and K-3 process and I know the basics on how they differ. I think the K-1 option is best given our situaion, that is why I made my thread here rather than the K-3 forum. My only concern is her previous marriage and divorce causing a problem with the process (some have told me a K-3 would be questioned less).

Practically speaking then, since you are asking about Visa issues, I'd recommend you read up as much as you can. One thing in particular - Affidavit of Support. As I understand it - if you do bring her here to the U.S. with either K-1 or K-3 Visa and then later you two happen to divorce (we've had a few threads lately from that very situation), you will be legally obligated to support her financially after the divorce. Just something that you should be aware of. It would be for a very long time.

Best Wishes!

Edited by StevenJinky, 28 June 2006 - 10:15 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-28 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F New Vesion

I-129F New Vesion Here!!!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I know this probably redundant but I thought why not post the changes on the form: (from .pdf file)

19. Did you meet your fiancé(e) or spouse through the services of an international marriage broker?

If you answered yes, please provide the name of the international marriage broker and where the international marriage broker islocated. (Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary).


2. Have you ever been convicted by a court of law (civil or criminal) or court martialed by a military tribunal for any of thefollowing crimes. This is required even if your records were sealed or otherwise cleared or if anyone, including a judge, lawenforcement officer, or attorney, told you that you no longer have a record. (Check all that apply. Using a separate sheet(s) ofpaper, attach information relating to the conviction(s), such as crime involved, date of conviction and sentence.)

*Domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect, dating violence, elder abuse and stalking.

*Homicide, murder, manslaughter, rape, abusive sexual contact, sexual exploitation, incest, torture, trafficking, peonage,holding hostage, involuntary servitude, slave trade, kidnapping, abduction, unlawful criminal restraint, false imprisonment oran attempt to commit any of these crimes.

*Three or more convictions for crimes relating to a controlled substance or alcohol not arising from a single act.


3. If you have provided information about a conviction for a crime listed above and you were being battered or subjected toextreme cruelty by your spouse, parent, or adult child at the time of your conviction, check all of the following that apply toyou:

*I was acting in self-defense.

*I violated a protection order issued for my own protection.

*I committed, was arrested for, was convicted of, or plead guilty to committing a crime that did not result in serious bodilyinjury, and there was a connection between the crime committed and my having been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-15 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS....
Excellent Advice!

If I can add something. It's really easy to create a 'signature' so that whenever you post, everyone can see perdinant information. You basically add lines of text on your signature as your timeline and as you update the signature, all your posted replies will display the changes! I thought I'd say that because I had to ask somebody here how they were displaying their timelines on their posts. Feel free to text me if you need help! :yes:

Peace, Steven
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-27 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help With Loggin In To USCIS

Nevermind...I'm an idiot. :wacko:

Nahh youre not - i did that when I first tried to log in thats why I know now lol. Thats what this board is for aint it? to help other out from your own experiences lol

Lina (UKC)

It's from the lack of fish oils...burp...hehehe :lol:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-03 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help With Loggin In To USCIS

Remember it is case sensitive:) so if you put capitals in then use capitals lol

Nevermind...I'm an idiot. :wacko:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-03 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help With Loggin In To USCIS
I feel like I'm mentally challenged because I've had to click on "Forgot Password" numerous times. I had the bloody password written down, but after 3 attempts, they locked my account.

So I clicked on it and the site said it sent me a new password via email but when I checked my Yahool mail, nothing. So I repeated the process a second time and then finallly got one email with new password. However, when I tried the password, it didn't work! So now I'm thinking that perhaps the email I finally opened was the FIRST password sent.

Anybody else run into problems with loggin in? (Also noticed it doesn't like Mozilla's Firefox browser)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-03 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU GUYS ARE AMAZING !!!

MGD, the Champagne of Beers!

Was that legal counsel? Because I object. :P

I'd drink a Guinness over an MGD any day...
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-03 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!

I checked the case status one last time last night before bedtime, and to my amazement...approved! My roomates were not amused that I was running thru the house yelling and dancing at 2am, but oh well! Thanks to all for your support during that difficult time. I hope that all who have outstanding petitions will get your good news soon.

Congratulations! I know you were in limbo there for awhile.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-02 05:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmissing documents

damn... i thought i sent all the documents the USCIS was asking for but after reading several posts in here i realized that i made some stupid mistakes.... 1st i made black and white copies of the pictures i sent and 2nd i forget to sent the letter of intent to marry within 90 days :huh:
do i really have to wait until i get a letter from the USCIS asking me for exactly those things or can i just go ahead and send them? anyone knows how much of a delay it will be???

Hi Sabrina,

Check with Gomez - I believe he didn't send in a letter of intent and actually just got his NOA2. Here's the thread.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-04 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouches may be bad


True, but not as sexy. And it sure would cut down on the number of posts asking what a 'touch' is - the word 'update' is more self-explanitory.


Updated sounds more accurate than 'touched'.

And of course what would we do without all those 'touched' threads? Touch ourselves? :no:

Most of us here have no alternative :help: :lol:

I for one am going to need glasses soon. B)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-05 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouches may be bad


True, but not as sexy. And it sure would cut down on the number of posts asking what a 'touch' is - the word 'update' is more self-explanitory.


Updated sounds more accurate than 'touched'.

And of course what would we do without all those 'touched' threads? Touch ourselves? :no:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-05 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouches may be bad

yeah according to their website they say

* Note on "Last Updated" date:
Your case may have a new "Last Updated" date and you may receive an Email Notification of your case being updated, without the status of the case changing. This is due to internal USCIS processing being performed on your Case. This will be reflected in the "Last Updated" date, but may not result in a different status message.

All this is is something is being updated in a database somewhere so whether or not they review it .. receive something new.. anything.. and on most people here I see their dates are very similar .. maybe even running a query to find out who is in a particular state counts too .

Updated sounds more accurate than 'touched'.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-05 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved Today!!!
Congratulations! :star: But my heart sank a little because we both submitted around the same time - with the exception that you're VSC and I'm CSC...sniff. I'll get over it....hehehe

Whoohooo for you though!!! :dance: :thumbs: May I ask what Embassy you will be going through?

Edited by StevenJinky, 03 July 2006 - 03:50 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-03 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved Too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! Spread that good luck to us here in Cali! :yes: :star: :yes: :star: :yes: :star:
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-06 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslet's do a dance cuz....

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On July 5, 2006, an approval notice was
mailed. If 30 days have passed and you have not received this notice,
you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address,
please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business hours.

Finally after 5.5 months we have our noa2! On to the next stage woohoo. Jon is coming to see me Saturday so now we have more reason to celebrate. :luv:

Oh thank gawwwwwwd! Congratulations! I'm sure like everyone else here going through CSC, I was anxiously waiting to see when you'd finally get your NOA2! Things are moving now!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

Edited by StevenJinky, 06 July 2006 - 04:16 PM.

one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-06 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone got RFE from CSC ????

GUYS I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i checked my mail for lunch. had to drive home. and low and behold... it was there!!!! it was mailed out on the 27th so im hoping everyone else gets theirs within the week....

:dance: :dance: :dance:

yeah its an RFE but with all the wait ... i had to rejoice.... on to the next step. keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!!!!!

Would it be a safe to say that this means their up at least Mid March on petitions? (based on when you got you NOA1)
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-06-28 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG !!

Without me even emailing them......I was so excited when I checked the status today and saw that I had a touch, and I did not even send them an email. You guys don't know how long I have been waiting for them to do something, anything.....hopefully this means something, please you guys keep your fingers crossed for me......


Keeping my fingers crossed! :clock: Hope something happens soon!
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-10 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am sad to say....
I'm so sorry Bridgett. If he sent them, I hope there's a tracking number to at least give you some peace of mind. If he didn't send it express, then I have no idea what he was thinking. In any case, you have every reason to be angry. Hope that you two can figure out what is the best course of action now.
one...two...treeMalePhilippines2006-07-11 18:52:00